path: root/src/devices/cpu/sh4/sh4.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/sh4/sh4.h')
1 files changed, 803 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/sh4/sh4.h b/src/devices/cpu/sh4/sh4.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2078d1e6435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/sh4/sh4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:R. Belmont
+ *
+ * sh4->h
+ * Portable Hitachi SH-4 (SH7750 family) emulator interface
+ *
+ * By R. Belmont, based on sh2.c by Juergen Buchmueller, Mariusz Wojcieszek,
+ * Olivier Galibert, Sylvain Glaize, and James Forshaw.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __SH4_H__
+#define __SH4_H__
+// doesn't actually seem to improve performance at all
+#define SH4_MAX_FASTRAM 3
+#define SH4_INT_NONE -1
+ SH4_IRL0=0, SH4_IRL1, SH4_IRL2, SH4_IRL3, SH4_IRLn
+ SH4_R0, SH4_R1, SH4_R2, SH4_R3, SH4_R4, SH4_R5, SH4_R6, SH4_R7,
+ SH4_R8, SH4_R9, SH4_R10, SH4_R11, SH4_R12, SH4_R13, SH4_R14, SH4_R15, SH4_EA,
+ SH4_R0_BK0, SH4_R1_BK0, SH4_R2_BK0, SH4_R3_BK0, SH4_R4_BK0, SH4_R5_BK0, SH4_R6_BK0, SH4_R7_BK0,
+ SH4_R0_BK1, SH4_R1_BK1, SH4_R2_BK1, SH4_R3_BK1, SH4_R4_BK1, SH4_R5_BK1, SH4_R6_BK1, SH4_R7_BK1,
+ SH4_FR6, SH4_FR7, SH4_FR8, SH4_FR9, SH4_FR10, SH4_FR11, SH4_FR12, SH4_FR13, SH4_FR14, SH4_FR15,
+ SH4_XF0, SH4_XF1, SH4_XF2, SH4_XF3, SH4_XF4, SH4_XF5, SH4_XF6, SH4_XF7,
+ SH4_XF8, SH4_XF9, SH4_XF10, SH4_XF11, SH4_XF12, SH4_XF13, SH4_XF14, SH4_XF15
+ SH4_INTC_NMI=23,
+#define SH4_FPU_PZERO 0
+#define SH4_FPU_NZERO 1
+#define SH4_FPU_DENORM 2
+#define SH4_FPU_NORM 3
+#define SH4_FPU_PINF 4
+#define SH4_FPU_NINF 5
+#define SH4_FPU_qNaN 6
+#define SH4_FPU_sNaN 7
+ SH4_IOPORT_16=8*0,
+ SH4_IOPORT_4=8*1,
+ // future use
+struct sh4_device_dma
+ UINT32 length;
+ UINT32 size;
+ void *buffer;
+ int channel;
+struct sh4_ddt_dma
+ UINT32 source;
+ UINT32 length;
+ UINT32 size;
+ UINT32 destination;
+ void *buffer;
+ int direction;
+ int channel;
+ int mode;
+typedef void (*sh4_ftcsr_callback)(UINT32);
+#define MCFG_SH4_MD0(_md0) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_md0(*device, _md0);
+#define MCFG_SH4_MD1(_md1) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_md1(*device, _md1);
+#define MCFG_SH4_MD2(_md2) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_md2(*device, _md2);
+#define MCFG_SH4_MD3(_md3) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_md3(*device, _md3);
+#define MCFG_SH4_MD4(_md4) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_md4(*device, _md4);
+#define MCFG_SH4_MD5(_md5) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_md5(*device, _md5);
+#define MCFG_SH4_MD6(_md6) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_md6(*device, _md6);
+#define MCFG_SH4_MD7(_md7) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_md7(*device, _md7);
+#define MCFG_SH4_MD8(_md8) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_md8(*device, _md8);
+#define MCFG_SH4_CLOCK(_clock) \
+ sh34_base_device::set_sh4_clock(*device, _clock);
+class sh34_base_device : public cpu_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ sh34_base_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, endianness_t endianness, address_map_constructor internal);
+ void add_fastram(offs_t start, offs_t end, UINT8 readonly, void *base);
+ static void set_md0(device_t &device, int md0) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_md0 = md0; }
+ static void set_md1(device_t &device, int md0) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_md1 = md0; }
+ static void set_md2(device_t &device, int md0) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_md2 = md0; }
+ static void set_md3(device_t &device, int md0) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_md3 = md0; }
+ static void set_md4(device_t &device, int md0) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_md4 = md0; }
+ static void set_md5(device_t &device, int md0) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_md5 = md0; }
+ static void set_md6(device_t &device, int md0) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_md6 = md0; }
+ static void set_md7(device_t &device, int md0) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_md7 = md0; }
+ static void set_md8(device_t &device, int md0) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_md8 = md0; }
+ static void set_sh4_clock(device_t &device, int clock) { downcast<sh34_base_device &>(device).c_clock = clock; }
+ TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER( sh4_refresh_timer_callback );
+ TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER( sh4_rtc_timer_callback );
+ TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER( sh4_timer_callback );
+ TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER( sh4_dmac_callback );
+ void sh4_set_frt_input(int state);
+ void sh4_set_irln_input(int value);
+ void sh4_set_ftcsr_callback(sh4_ftcsr_callback callback);
+ int sh4_dma_data(struct sh4_device_dma *s);
+ void sh4_dma_ddt(struct sh4_ddt_dma *s);
+ // device-level overrides
+ virtual void device_start();
+ virtual void device_reset();
+ // device_execute_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 execute_min_cycles() const { return 1; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_max_cycles() const { return 4; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_input_lines() const { return 5; }
+ virtual void execute_run();
+ virtual void execute_set_input(int inputnum, int state);
+ // device_memory_interface overrides
+ virtual const address_space_config *memory_space_config(address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0) const { return (spacenum == AS_PROGRAM) ? &m_program_config : ((spacenum == AS_IO) ? &m_io_config : NULL); }
+ // device_state_interface overrides
+ virtual void state_import(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ virtual void state_export(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ virtual void state_string_export(const device_state_entry &entry, std::string &str);
+ // device_disasm_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_min_opcode_bytes() const { return 2; }
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_max_opcode_bytes() const { return 2; }
+ virtual offs_t disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options);
+ address_space_config m_program_config;
+ address_space_config m_io_config;
+ int c_md2;
+ int c_md1;
+ int c_md0;
+ int c_md6;
+ int c_md4;
+ int c_md3;
+ int c_md5;
+ int c_md7;
+ int c_md8;
+ int c_clock;
+ UINT32 m_ppc;
+ UINT32 m_pc;
+ UINT32 m_spc;
+ UINT32 m_pr;
+ UINT32 m_sr;
+ UINT32 m_ssr;
+ UINT32 m_gbr;
+ UINT32 m_vbr;
+ UINT32 m_mach;
+ UINT32 m_macl;
+ UINT32 m_r[16];
+ UINT32 m_rbnk[2][8];
+ UINT32 m_sgr;
+ UINT32 m_fr[16];
+ UINT32 m_xf[16];
+ UINT32 m_ea;
+ UINT32 m_delay;
+ UINT32 m_cpu_off;
+ UINT32 m_pending_irq;
+ UINT32 m_test_irq;
+ UINT32 m_fpscr;
+ UINT32 m_fpul;
+ UINT32 m_dbr;
+ UINT32 m_exception_priority[128];
+ int m_exception_requesting[128];
+ INT8 m_irq_line_state[17];
+ address_space *m_internal;
+ address_space *m_program;
+ direct_read_data *m_direct;
+ address_space *m_io;
+ // sh4 internal
+ UINT32 m_m[16384];
+ // timer regs handled manually for reuse
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TSTR;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCNT0;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCNT1;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCNT2;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCR0;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCR1;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCR2;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCOR0;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCOR1;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCOR2;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TOCR;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_TCPR2;
+ // INTC regs
+ UINT32 m_SH4_IPRA;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_IPRC;
+ // DMAC regs
+ UINT32 m_SH4_SAR0;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_SAR1;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_SAR2;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_SAR3;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_DAR0;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_DAR1;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_DAR2;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_DAR3;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_CHCR0;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_CHCR1;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_CHCR2;
+ UINT32 m_SH4_CHCR3;
+ INT8 m_nmi_line_state;
+ UINT8 m_sleep_mode;
+ int m_frt_input;
+ int m_irln;
+ int m_internal_irq_level;
+ int m_internal_irq_vector;
+ emu_timer *m_dma_timer[4];
+ emu_timer *m_refresh_timer;
+ emu_timer *m_rtc_timer;
+ emu_timer *m_timer[3];
+ UINT32 m_refresh_timer_base;
+ int m_dma_timer_active[4];
+ UINT32 m_dma_source[4];
+ UINT32 m_dma_destination[4];
+ UINT32 m_dma_count[4];
+ int m_dma_wordsize[4];
+ int m_dma_source_increment[4];
+ int m_dma_destination_increment[4];
+ int m_dma_mode[4];
+ int m_sh4_icount;
+ int m_is_slave;
+ int m_cpu_clock;
+ int m_bus_clock;
+ int m_pm_clock;
+ int m_fpu_sz;
+ int m_fpu_pr;
+ int m_ioport16_pullup;
+ int m_ioport16_direction;
+ int m_ioport4_pullup;
+ int m_ioport4_direction;
+ void (*m_ftcsr_read_callback)(UINT32 data);
+ /* This MMU simulation is good for the simple remap used on Naomi GD-ROM SQ access *ONLY* */
+ UINT32 m_sh4_tlb_address[64];
+ UINT32 m_sh4_tlb_data[64];
+ UINT8 m_sh4_mmu_enabled;
+ int m_cpu_type;
+ // sh3 internal
+ UINT32 m_sh3internal_upper[0x3000/4];
+ UINT32 m_sh3internal_lower[0x1000];
+ UINT64 m_debugger_temp;
+ void execute_one_0000(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void execute_one_4000(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void execute_one(const UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void sh4_check_pending_irq(const char *message) // look for highest priority active exception and handle it
+ {
+ int a,irq,z;
+ irq = 0;
+ z = -1;
+ for (a=0;a <= SH4_INTC_ROVI;a++)
+ {
+ if (m_exception_requesting[a])
+ {
+ if ((int)m_exception_priority[a] > z)
+ {
+ z = m_exception_priority[a];
+ irq = a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (z >= 0)
+ {
+ sh4_exception(message, irq);
+ }
+ }
+ void TODO(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void WB(offs_t A, UINT8 V);
+ void WW(offs_t A, UINT16 V);
+ void WL(offs_t A, UINT32 V);
+ void ADD(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ADDI(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ADDC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ADDV(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void AND(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ANDI(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ANDM(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void BF(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void BFS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void BRA(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void BRAF(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void BSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void BSRF(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void BT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void BTS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CLRMAC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CLRT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CMPEQ(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CMPGE(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CMPGT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CMPHI(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CMPHS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CMPPL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CMPPZ(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CMPSTR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CMPIM(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void DIV0S(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void DIV0U(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void DIV1(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void DMULS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void DMULU(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void DT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void EXTSB(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void EXTSW(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void EXTUB(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void EXTUW(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void JMP(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void JSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCGBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCVBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCMSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCMGBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCMVBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSMACH(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSMACL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSPR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSMMACH(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSMMACL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSMPR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MAC_L(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MAC_W(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOV(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBM(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWM(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLM(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBP(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWP(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLP(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBS0(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWS0(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLS0(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBL0(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWL0(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLL0(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVI(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWI(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLI(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBLG(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWLG(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLLG(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBSG(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWSG(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLSG(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBS4(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWS4(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLS4(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVBL4(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVWL4(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVLL4(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVA(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MULL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MULS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MULU(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void NEG(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void NEGC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void NOP(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void NOT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void OR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ORI(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ORM(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ROTCL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ROTCR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ROTL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void ROTR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void RTE(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void RTS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SETT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHAL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHAR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHLL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHLL2(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHLL8(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHLL16(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHLR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHLR2(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHLR8(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHLR16(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SLEEP(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCGBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCVBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCMSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCMGBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCMVBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSMACH(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSMACL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSPR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSMMACH(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSMMACL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSMPR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SUB(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SUBC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SUBV(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SWAPB(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SWAPW(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void TAS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void TRAPA(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void TST(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void TSTI(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void TSTM(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void XOR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void XORI(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void XORM(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void XTRCT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCSSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCSPC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCSGR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSFPUL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSFPSCR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCDBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCRBANK(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCMRBANK(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void MOVCAL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void CLRS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SETS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCMSGR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSMFPUL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STSMFPSCR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCMDBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCMSSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void STCMSPC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSMFPUL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSMFPSCR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCMDBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCMRBANK(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCMSSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCMSPC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSFPUL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDSFPSCR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCDBR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHAD(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void SHLD(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCRBANK(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCSSR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void LDCSPC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void PREFM(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FMOVMRIFR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FMOVFRMR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FMOVFRMDR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FMOVFRS0(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FMOVS0FR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FMOVMRFR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FMOVFR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FLDI1(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FLDI0(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FLDS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FSTS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FRCHG();
+ void FSCHG();
+ void FTRC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FLOAT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FNEG(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FABS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FCMP_EQ(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FCMP_GT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FCNVDS(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FCNVSD(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FADD(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FSUB(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FMUL(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FDIV(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FMAC(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FSQRT(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FSRRA(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FSSCA(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FIPR(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void FTRV(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void op1111_0xf13(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void dbreak(const UINT16 opcode);
+ void op1111_0x13(UINT16 opcode);
+ UINT8 RB(offs_t A);
+ UINT16 RW(offs_t A);
+ UINT32 RL(offs_t A);
+ void sh4_change_register_bank(int to);
+ void sh4_swap_fp_registers();
+ void sh4_swap_fp_couples();
+ void sh4_syncronize_register_bank(int to);
+ void sh4_default_exception_priorities();
+ void sh4_exception_recompute();
+ void sh4_exception_request(int exception);
+ void sh4_exception_unrequest(int exception);
+ void sh4_exception_checkunrequest(int exception);
+ void sh4_exception(const char *message, int exception);
+ UINT32 compute_ticks_refresh_timer(emu_timer *timer, int hertz, int base, int divisor);
+ void sh4_refresh_timer_recompute();
+ void increment_rtc_time(int mode);
+ void sh4_dmac_nmi();
+ void sh4_handler_ipra_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_getsqremap(UINT32 address);
+ void sh4_parse_configuration();
+ void sh4_timer_recompute(int which);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcnt0_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcnt1_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcnt2_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcor0_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcor1_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcor2_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcr0_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcr1_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcr2_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tstr_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tocr_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_tcpr2_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tstr_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcr0_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcr1_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcr2_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcor0_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcor1_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcor2_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcnt0_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcnt1_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcnt2_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tocr_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_tcpr2_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ int sh4_dma_transfer(int channel, int timermode, UINT32 chcr, UINT32 *sar, UINT32 *dar, UINT32 *dmatcr);
+ int sh4_dma_transfer_device(int channel, UINT32 chcr, UINT32 *sar, UINT32 *dar, UINT32 *dmatcr);
+ void sh4_dmac_check(int channel);
+ void sh4_handle_sar0_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_sar1_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_sar2_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_sar3_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_dar0_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_dar1_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_dar2_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_dar3_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_dmatcr0_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_dmatcr1_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_dmatcr2_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_dmatcr3_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_chcr0_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_chcr1_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_chcr2_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_chcr3_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ void sh4_handle_dmaor_addr_w(UINT32 data, UINT32 mem_mask);
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_sar0_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_SAR0; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_sar1_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_SAR1; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_sar2_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_SAR2; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_sar3_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_SAR3; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_dar0_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_DAR0; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_dar1_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_DAR1; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_dar2_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_DAR2; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_dar3_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_DAR3; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_dmatcr0_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_DMATCR0; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_dmatcr1_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_DMATCR1; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_dmatcr2_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_DMATCR2; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_dmatcr3_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_DMATCR3; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_chcr0_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_CHCR0; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_chcr1_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_CHCR1; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_chcr2_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_CHCR2; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_chcr3_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_CHCR3; }
+ UINT32 sh4_handle_dmaor_addr_r(UINT32 mem_mask) { return m_SH4_DMAOR; }
+ /* fast RAM */
+ bool m_bigendian;
+ UINT32 m_byte_xor;
+ UINT32 m_word_xor;
+ UINT32 m_dword_xor;
+ UINT32 m_fastram_select;
+ struct
+ {
+ offs_t start; /* start of the RAM block */
+ offs_t end; /* end of the RAM block */
+ UINT8 readonly; /* TRUE if read-only */
+ void * base; /* base in memory where the RAM lives */
+ } m_fastram[SH4_MAX_FASTRAM];
+class sh3_base_device : public sh34_base_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ sh3_base_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, endianness_t endianness);
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER( sh3_internal_w );
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER( sh3_internal_r );
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER( sh3_internal_high_w );
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER( sh3_internal_high_r );
+ virtual void device_reset();
+class sh4_base_device : public sh34_base_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ sh4_base_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, endianness_t endianness);
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER( sh4_internal_w );
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER( sh4_internal_r );
+ DECLARE_READ64_MEMBER( sh4_tlb_r );
+ DECLARE_WRITE64_MEMBER( sh4_tlb_w );
+ virtual void device_reset();
+class sh3_device : public sh3_base_device
+ sh3_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+class sh3be_device : public sh3_base_device
+ sh3be_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+ virtual void execute_run();
+ virtual offs_t disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options);
+class sh4_device : public sh4_base_device
+ sh4_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+class sh4be_device : public sh4_base_device
+ sh4be_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+ virtual void execute_run();
+ virtual offs_t disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options);
+extern const device_type SH3LE;
+extern const device_type SH3BE;
+extern const device_type SH4LE;
+extern const device_type SH4BE;
+#define SH4DRC_STRICT_VERIFY 0x0001 /* verify all instructions */
+#define SH4DRC_FLUSH_PC 0x0002 /* flush the PC value before each memory access */
+#define SH4DRC_STRICT_PCREL 0x0004 /* do actual loads on MOVLI/MOVWI instead of collapsing to immediates */
+void sh4drc_set_options(device_t *device, UINT32 options);
+void sh4drc_add_pcflush(device_t *device, offs_t address);
+#endif /* __SH4_H__ */