BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
docs_wavwritedocs: fix -wavwrite example typo angelosa13 months
lisaosd/modules/debugger: One more blind attempt at Win32 for the night. [R. Belm... arbee17 months
m57_troangel-blueseairem/m57_v.cpp: swap red PROM palette bit meaning as per #11443 angelosa18 months
mastermspacman: correct return value after bankswitch hap11 min.
qt6_position-fixchore: identifier changed pattern ... angelosa2 weeks
soundNew sound backend support. Olivier Galibert10 months
taitowlf_zoomtaito/taitowlf.cpp: preliminary Zoom hookup angelosa19 months
x86_std-exceptionscpu/i386: saner fatal error handling angelosa10 months
xbox_swlisthash/xbox_hdd.xml: QA and srcclean angelosa6 months
ymfm-sync-20243rdparty/ymfm: sync to angelosa27 hours
mame0273commit e11cae0a15... Vas Crabb4 weeks
mame0272commit 5d8e4cf07e... Vas Crabb8 weeks
mame0271commit 4da96a0c4f... Vas Crabb3 months
mame0270commit ef032a31e5... Vas Crabb4 months
mame0269commit 6d1970f5f1... Vas Crabb5 months
mame0268commit acea8712d6... Vas Crabb6 months
mame0267commit 663abae071... Vas Crabb7 months
mame0266commit cd7817b220... Vas Crabb8 months
mame0265commit f8af5cc2cf... Vas Crabb9 months
mame0264commit 5b670ad51f... Vas Crabb10 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
11 min.mspacman: correct return value after bankswitchHEADmaster hap1-26/+26
113 min.msx_keyboard: remove most PORT_CHAR hex literals, hap5-83/+87
6 hoursoberheim/dmx.cpp: Surfacing mouse-controlled tunning trimmers on the layout. ... m1macrophage2-81/+117
10 hoursadded Power Rangers to the Rescue (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Aug 8 2008 16:46:5... mamehaze2-0/+10
15 hoursns32081: avoid link failure due to inline virtual functions Patrick Mackinlay3-17/+61
16 hoursmachine/mv_sonora.cpp: Support 2, 4, and 16bpp modes. [R. Belmont] arbee4-16/+149
17 hoursdbridgec: correct company string hap2-4/+4
22 hourshash/pc8801_flop.xml: Updated comments for Babylon. (#13262) Marc Roy1-2/+3
22 hourstvgames: Added seventeen tvgames (4 working). (#13241) mamehaze17-46/+406
23 hoursspectrum_cass.xml: Added 34 working items. (#13245) ArcadeShadow1-280/+852
23 hoursdynax/royalmah.cpp: Improved DIP switch labels for Mahjong Diplomat and Mahjo... Vas Crabb1-80/+75
24 hourssinclair/scorpion.cpp: Updated new ProfROM V.4.xx.043.9226su BIOS for ZS-256 ... holub1-3/+5
29 hoursprehisle: re-add 1930 to title anyway hap1-6/+6
41 hoursImprove DL11 emulation (maintenance mode, break rx/tx) and add support for (#... shattered2-39/+255
42 hoursfex68km4: update rom labels hap1-4/+4
45 hoursmcs51: clean up source code spacing hap2-559/+560
45 hoursmisc: remove "all rights reserved" copyright comment, hap40-227/+133
47 hoursui/widgets.cpp: Use a smooter, symmetrical highlight texture (MT09095). Vas Crabb2-4/+4
47 hoursprehisle: remove 1930 from title hap1-10/+12
47 hoursNew working clones hap2-10/+19
47 hoursNew working systems hap6-13/+313
47 hoursmcs51: remove unneeded powerdown check hap1-4/+0
47 hoursamiga/amigaaga.cpp: calculate fmode at copper time, remove dubious XOR calcul... angelosa1-9/+21
48 hoursNew clones marked not working Ivan Vangelista3-39/+154
48 hoursdynax/royalmah.cpp: Identified demo sounds and auto reach DIP switches for Ma... Vas Crabb4-130/+103