path: root/src/devices/cpu/sh2/sh2.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/sh2/sh2.h')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/sh2/sh2.h b/src/devices/cpu/sh2/sh2.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9724c1f51b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/sh2/sh2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Juergen Buchmueller
+ *
+ * sh2.h
+ * Portable Hitachi SH-2 (SH7600 family) emulator interface
+ *
+ * This work is based on <> C/C++ implementation of
+ * the SH-2 CPU core and was heavily changed to the MAME CPU requirements.
+ * Thanks also go to Chuck Mason <> and Olivier Galibert
+ * <> for letting me peek into their SEMU code :-)
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#ifndef __SH2_H__
+#define __SH2_H__
+#include "cpu/drcfe.h"
+#include "cpu/drcuml.h"
+#define SH2_INT_NONE -1
+#define SH2_INT_VBLIN 0
+#define SH2_INT_VBLOUT 1
+#define SH2_INT_HBLIN 2
+#define SH2_INT_TIMER0 3
+#define SH2_INT_TIMER1 4
+#define SH2_INT_DSP 5
+#define SH2_INT_SOUND 6
+#define SH2_INT_SMPC 7
+#define SH2_INT_PAD 8
+#define SH2_INT_DMA2 9
+#define SH2_INT_DMA1 10
+#define SH2_INT_DMA0 11
+#define SH2_INT_DMAILL 12
+#define SH2_INT_SPRITE 13
+#define SH2_INT_14 14
+#define SH2_INT_15 15
+#define SH2_INT_ABUS 16
+ SH2_R0, SH2_R1, SH2_R2, SH2_R3, SH2_R4, SH2_R5, SH2_R6, SH2_R7,
+ SH2_R8, SH2_R9, SH2_R10, SH2_R11, SH2_R12, SH2_R13, SH2_R14, SH2_R15, SH2_EA
+typedef device_delegate<int (UINT32 src, UINT32 dst, UINT32 data, int size)> sh2_dma_kludge_delegate;
+#define SH2_DMA_KLUDGE_CB(name) int name(UINT32 src, UINT32 dst, UINT32 data, int size)
+typedef device_delegate<int (UINT32 src, UINT32 dst, UINT32 data, int size)> sh2_dma_fifo_data_available_delegate;
+#define SH2_DMA_FIFO_DATA_AVAILABLE_CB(name) int name(UINT32 src, UINT32 dst, UINT32 data, int size)
+typedef device_delegate<void (UINT32 data)> sh2_ftcsr_read_delegate;
+#define SH2_FTCSR_READ_CB(name) void name(UINT32 data)
+#define MCFG_SH2_IS_SLAVE(_slave) \
+ sh2_device::set_is_slave(*device, _slave);
+#define MCFG_SH2_DMA_KLUDGE_CB(_class, _method) \
+ sh2_device::set_dma_kludge_callback(*device, sh2_dma_kludge_delegate(&_class::_method, #_class "::" #_method, downcast<_class *>(owner)));
+#define MCFG_SH2_FIFO_DATA_AVAIL_CB(_class, _method) \
+ sh2_device::set_dma_fifo_data_available_callback(*device, sh2_dma_fifo_data_available_delegate(&_class::_method, #_class "::" #_method, downcast<_class *>(owner)));
+#define MCFG_SH2_FTCSR_READ_CB(_class, _method) \
+ sh2_device::set_ftcsr_read_callback(*device, sh2_ftcsr_read_delegate(&_class::_method, #_class "::" #_method, downcast<_class *>(owner)));
+#define SH2DRC_STRICT_VERIFY 0x0001 /* verify all instructions */
+#define SH2DRC_FLUSH_PC 0x0002 /* flush the PC value before each memory access */
+#define SH2DRC_STRICT_PCREL 0x0004 /* do actual loads on MOVLI/MOVWI instead of collapsing to immediates */
+#define SH2_MAX_FASTRAM 4
+class sh2_frontend;
+class sh2_device : public cpu_device
+ friend class sh2_frontend;
+ // construction/destruction
+ sh2_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *_tag, device_t *_owner, UINT32 _clock);
+ sh2_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source, int cpu_type,address_map_constructor internal_map, int addrlines);
+ static void set_is_slave(device_t &device, int slave) { downcast<sh2_device &>(device).m_is_slave = slave; }
+ static void set_dma_kludge_callback(device_t &device, sh2_dma_kludge_delegate callback) { downcast<sh2_device &>(device).m_dma_kludge_cb = callback; }
+ static void set_dma_fifo_data_available_callback(device_t &device, sh2_dma_fifo_data_available_delegate callback) { downcast<sh2_device &>(device).m_dma_fifo_data_available_cb = callback; }
+ static void set_ftcsr_read_callback(device_t &device, sh2_ftcsr_read_delegate callback) { downcast<sh2_device &>(device).m_ftcsr_read_cb = callback; }
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER( sh7604_w );
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER( sh7604_r );
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(sh2_internal_a5);
+ void sh2_set_frt_input(int state);
+ void sh2drc_set_options(UINT32 options);
+ void sh2drc_add_pcflush(offs_t address);
+ void sh2drc_add_fastram(offs_t start, offs_t end, UINT8 readonly, void *base);
+ void sh2_notify_dma_data_available();
+ // device-level overrides
+ virtual void device_start();
+ virtual void device_reset();
+ virtual void device_stop();
+ // device_execute_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 execute_min_cycles() const { return 1; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_max_cycles() const { return 4; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_input_lines() const { return 16; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_default_irq_vector() const { return 0; }
+ virtual void execute_run();
+ virtual void execute_set_input(int inputnum, int state);
+ // device_memory_interface overrides
+ virtual const address_space_config *memory_space_config(address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0) const;
+ // device_state_interface overrides
+ virtual void state_import(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ virtual void state_export(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ void state_string_export(const device_state_entry &entry, std::string &str);
+ // device_disasm_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_min_opcode_bytes() const { return 2; }
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_max_opcode_bytes() const { return 2; }
+ virtual offs_t disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options);
+ address_space *m_program, *m_decrypted_program;
+ address_space_config m_program_config, m_decrypted_program_config;
+ // Data that needs to be stored close to the generated DRC code
+ struct internal_sh2_state
+ {
+ UINT32 ppc;
+ UINT32 pc;
+ UINT32 pr;
+ UINT32 sr;
+ UINT32 gbr;
+ UINT32 vbr;
+ UINT32 mach;
+ UINT32 macl;
+ UINT32 r[16];
+ UINT32 ea;
+ UINT32 pending_irq;
+ UINT32 pending_nmi;
+ INT32 irqline;
+ UINT32 evec; // exception vector for DRC
+ UINT32 irqsr; // IRQ-time old SR for DRC
+ UINT32 target; // target for jmp/jsr/etc so the delay slot can't kill it
+ int internal_irq_level;
+ int icount;
+ UINT8 sleep_mode;
+ UINT32 arg0; /* print_debug argument 1 */
+ };
+ UINT32 m_delay;
+ UINT32 m_cpu_off;
+ UINT32 m_dvsr, m_dvdnth, m_dvdntl, m_dvcr;
+ UINT32 m_test_irq;
+ struct
+ {
+ int irq_vector;
+ int irq_priority;
+ } m_irq_queue[16];
+ bool m_isdrc;
+ int m_pcfsel; // last pcflush entry set
+ int m_maxpcfsel; // highest valid pcflush entry
+ UINT32 m_pcflushes[16]; // pcflush entries
+ INT8 m_irq_line_state[17];
+ direct_read_data *m_direct;
+ address_space *m_internal;
+ UINT32 m_m[0x200/4];
+ INT8 m_nmi_line_state;
+ UINT16 m_frc;
+ UINT16 m_ocra, m_ocrb, m_icr;
+ UINT64 m_frc_base;
+ int m_frt_input;
+ int m_internal_irq_vector;
+ emu_timer *m_timer;
+ emu_timer *m_dma_current_active_timer[2];
+ int m_dma_timer_active[2];
+ UINT8 m_dma_irq[2];
+ int m_active_dma_incs[2];
+ int m_active_dma_incd[2];
+ int m_active_dma_size[2];
+ int m_active_dma_steal[2];
+ UINT32 m_active_dma_src[2];
+ UINT32 m_active_dma_dst[2];
+ UINT32 m_active_dma_count[2];
+ UINT16 m_wtcnt;
+ UINT8 m_wtcsr;
+ int m_is_slave, m_cpu_type;
+ sh2_dma_kludge_delegate m_dma_kludge_cb;
+ sh2_dma_fifo_data_available_delegate m_dma_fifo_data_available_cb;
+ sh2_ftcsr_read_delegate m_ftcsr_read_cb;
+ drc_cache m_cache; /* pointer to the DRC code cache */
+ drcuml_state * m_drcuml; /* DRC UML generator state */
+ sh2_frontend * m_drcfe; /* pointer to the DRC front-end state */
+ UINT32 m_drcoptions; /* configurable DRC options */
+ internal_sh2_state *m_sh2_state;
+ /* internal stuff */
+ UINT8 m_cache_dirty; /* true if we need to flush the cache */
+ /* parameters for subroutines */
+ UINT64 m_numcycles; /* return value from gettotalcycles */
+ UINT32 m_arg1; /* print_debug argument 2 */
+ UINT32 m_irq; /* irq we're taking */
+ /* register mappings */
+ uml::parameter m_regmap[16]; /* parameter to register mappings for all 16 integer registers */
+ uml::code_handle * m_entry; /* entry point */
+ uml::code_handle * m_read8; /* read byte */
+ uml::code_handle * m_write8; /* write byte */
+ uml::code_handle * m_read16; /* read half */
+ uml::code_handle * m_write16; /* write half */
+ uml::code_handle * m_read32; /* read word */
+ uml::code_handle * m_write32; /* write word */
+ uml::code_handle * m_interrupt; /* interrupt */
+ uml::code_handle * m_nocode; /* nocode */
+ uml::code_handle * m_out_of_cycles; /* out of cycles exception handler */
+ /* fast RAM */
+ UINT32 m_fastram_select;
+ struct
+ {
+ offs_t start; /* start of the RAM block */
+ offs_t end; /* end of the RAM block */
+ UINT8 readonly; /* TRUE if read-only */
+ void * base; /* base in memory where the RAM lives */
+ } m_fastram[SH2_MAX_FASTRAM];
+ UINT32 m_debugger_temp;
+ inline UINT8 RB(offs_t A);
+ inline UINT16 RW(offs_t A);
+ inline UINT32 RL(offs_t A);
+ inline void WB(offs_t A, UINT8 V);
+ inline void WW(offs_t A, UINT16 V);
+ inline void WL(offs_t A, UINT32 V);
+ inline void ADD(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void ADDI(UINT32 i, UINT32 n);
+ inline void ADDC(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void ADDV(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void AND(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void ANDI(UINT32 i);
+ inline void ANDM(UINT32 i);
+ inline void BF(UINT32 d);
+ inline void BFS(UINT32 d);
+ inline void BRA(UINT32 d);
+ inline void BRAF(UINT32 m);
+ inline void BSR(UINT32 d);
+ inline void BSRF(UINT32 m);
+ inline void BT(UINT32 d);
+ inline void BTS(UINT32 d);
+ inline void CLRMAC();
+ inline void CLRT();
+ inline void CMPEQ(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void CMPGE(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void CMPGT(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void CMPHI(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void CMPHS(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void CMPPL(UINT32 n);
+ inline void CMPPZ(UINT32 n);
+ inline void CMPSTR(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void CMPIM(UINT32 i);
+ inline void DIV0S(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void DIV0U();
+ inline void DIV1(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void DMULS(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void DMULU(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void DT(UINT32 n);
+ inline void EXTSB(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void EXTSW(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void EXTUB(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void EXTUW(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void ILLEGAL();
+ inline void JMP(UINT32 m);
+ inline void JSR(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDCSR(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDCGBR(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDCVBR(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDCMSR(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDCMGBR(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDCMVBR(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDSMACH(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDSMACL(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDSPR(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDSMMACH(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDSMMACL(UINT32 m);
+ inline void LDSMPR(UINT32 m);
+ inline void MAC_L(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MAC_W(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOV(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVBS(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVWS(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVLS(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVBL(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVWL(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVLL(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVBM(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVWM(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVLM(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVBP(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVWP(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVLP(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVBS0(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVWS0(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVLS0(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVBL0(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVWL0(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVLL0(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVI(UINT32 i, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVWI(UINT32 d, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVLI(UINT32 d, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVBLG(UINT32 d);
+ inline void MOVWLG(UINT32 d);
+ inline void MOVLLG(UINT32 d);
+ inline void MOVBSG(UINT32 d);
+ inline void MOVWSG(UINT32 d);
+ inline void MOVLSG(UINT32 d);
+ inline void MOVBS4(UINT32 d, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVWS4(UINT32 d, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVLS4(UINT32 m, UINT32 d, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVBL4(UINT32 m, UINT32 d);
+ inline void MOVWL4(UINT32 m, UINT32 d);
+ inline void MOVLL4(UINT32 m, UINT32 d, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MOVA(UINT32 d);
+ inline void MOVT(UINT32 n);
+ inline void MULL(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MULS(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void MULU(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void NEG(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void NEGC(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void NOP(void);
+ inline void NOT(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void OR(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void ORI(UINT32 i);
+ inline void ORM(UINT32 i);
+ inline void ROTCL(UINT32 n);
+ inline void ROTCR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void ROTL(UINT32 n);
+ inline void ROTR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void RTE();
+ inline void RTS();
+ inline void SETT();
+ inline void SHAL(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SHAR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SHLL(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SHLL2(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SHLL8(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SHLL16(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SHLR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SHLR2(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SHLR8(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SHLR16(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SLEEP();
+ inline void STCSR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STCGBR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STCVBR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STCMSR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STCMGBR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STCMVBR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STSMACH(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STSMACL(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STSPR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STSMMACH(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STSMMACL(UINT32 n);
+ inline void STSMPR(UINT32 n);
+ inline void SUB(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void SUBC(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void SUBV(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void SWAPB(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void SWAPW(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void TAS(UINT32 n);
+ inline void TRAPA(UINT32 i);
+ inline void TST(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void TSTI(UINT32 i);
+ inline void TSTM(UINT32 i);
+ inline void XOR(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void XORI(UINT32 i);
+ inline void XORM(UINT32 i);
+ inline void XTRCT(UINT32 m, UINT32 n);
+ inline void op0000(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op0001(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op0010(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op0011(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op0100(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op0101(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op0110(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op0111(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op1000(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op1001(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op1010(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op1011(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op1100(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op1101(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op1110(UINT16 opcode);
+ inline void op1111(UINT16 opcode);
+ TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER( sh2_timer_callback );
+ TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER( sh2_dma_current_active_callback );
+ void sh2_timer_resync();
+ void sh2_timer_activate();
+ void sh2_do_dma(int dma);
+ void sh2_exception(const char *message, int irqline);
+ void sh2_dmac_check(int dma);
+ void sh2_recalc_irq();
+ /* internal compiler state */
+ struct compiler_state
+ {
+ UINT32 cycles; /* accumulated cycles */
+ UINT8 checkints; /* need to check interrupts before next instruction */
+ uml::code_label labelnum; /* index for local labels */
+ };
+ inline UINT32 epc(const opcode_desc *desc);
+ inline void alloc_handle(drcuml_state *drcuml, uml::code_handle **handleptr, const char *name);
+ inline void load_fast_iregs(drcuml_block *block);
+ inline void save_fast_iregs(drcuml_block *block);
+ void code_flush_cache();
+ void execute_run_drc();
+ void code_compile_block(UINT8 mode, offs_t pc);
+ void static_generate_entry_point();
+ void static_generate_nocode_handler();
+ void static_generate_out_of_cycles();
+ void static_generate_memory_accessor(int size, int iswrite, const char *name, uml::code_handle **handleptr);
+ const char *log_desc_flags_to_string(UINT32 flags);
+ void log_register_list(drcuml_state *drcuml, const char *string, const UINT32 *reglist, const UINT32 *regnostarlist);
+ void log_opcode_desc(drcuml_state *drcuml, const opcode_desc *desclist, int indent);
+ void log_add_disasm_comment(drcuml_block *block, UINT32 pc, UINT32 op);
+ void generate_update_cycles(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, uml::parameter param, int allow_exception);
+ void generate_checksum_block(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *seqhead, const opcode_desc *seqlast);
+ void generate_sequence_instruction(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ void generate_delay_slot(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ int generate_opcode(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ int generate_group_0(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT16 opcode, int in_delay_slot, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ int generate_group_2(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT16 opcode, int in_delay_slot, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ int generate_group_3(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT16 opcode, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ int generate_group_4(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT16 opcode, int in_delay_slot, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ int generate_group_6(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT16 opcode, int in_delay_slot, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ int generate_group_8(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT16 opcode, int in_delay_slot, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ int generate_group_12(drcuml_block *block, compiler_state *compiler, const opcode_desc *desc, UINT16 opcode, int in_delay_slot, UINT32 ovrpc);
+ void func_printf_probe();
+ void func_unimplemented();
+ void func_fastirq();
+ void func_MAC_W();
+ void func_MAC_L();
+ void func_DIV1();
+ void func_ADDV();
+ void func_SUBV();
+class sh2a_device : public sh2_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ sh2a_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *_tag, device_t *_owner, UINT32 _clock);
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(dma_sar0_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER(dma_sar0_w);
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(dma_dar0_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER(dma_dar0_w);
+ DECLARE_READ16_MEMBER(dma_tcr0_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE16_MEMBER(dma_tcr0_w);
+ DECLARE_READ16_MEMBER(dma_chcr0_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE16_MEMBER(dma_chcr0_w);
+ DECLARE_READ16_MEMBER(sh7021_r);
+ void sh7032_dma_exec(int ch);
+ UINT16 m_sh7021_regs[0x200];
+ struct
+ {
+ UINT32 sar; /**< Source Address Register */
+ UINT32 dar; /**< Destination Address Register */
+ UINT16 tcr; /**< Transfer Count Register */
+ UINT16 chcr; /**< Channel Control Register */
+ } m_dma[4];
+ UINT16 m_dmaor; /**< DMA Operation Register (status flags) */
+class sh1_device : public sh2_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ sh1_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *_tag, device_t *_owner, UINT32 _clock);
+ DECLARE_READ16_MEMBER(sh7032_r);
+ UINT16 m_sh7032_regs[0x200];
+class sh2_frontend : public drc_frontend
+ sh2_frontend(sh2_device *device, UINT32 window_start, UINT32 window_end, UINT32 max_sequence);
+ virtual bool describe(opcode_desc &desc, const opcode_desc *prev);
+ bool describe_group_0(opcode_desc &desc, const opcode_desc *prev, UINT16 opcode);
+ bool describe_group_2(opcode_desc &desc, const opcode_desc *prev, UINT16 opcode);
+ bool describe_group_3(opcode_desc &desc, const opcode_desc *prev, UINT16 opcode);
+ bool describe_group_4(opcode_desc &desc, const opcode_desc *prev, UINT16 opcode);
+ bool describe_group_6(opcode_desc &desc, const opcode_desc *prev, UINT16 opcode);
+ bool describe_group_8(opcode_desc &desc, const opcode_desc *prev, UINT16 opcode);
+ bool describe_group_12(opcode_desc &desc, const opcode_desc *prev, UINT16 opcode);
+ sh2_device *m_sh2;
+extern const device_type SH1;
+extern const device_type SH2;
+extern const device_type SH2A;
+#endif /* __SH2_H__ */