path: root/plugins
diff options
author cracyc <>2016-07-19 19:53:05 -0500
committer cracyc <>2016-07-19 19:53:05 -0500
commit2af957118ae8fc3f3402a3523f092309f06057c4 (patch)
treedc29781977b51fb50ef3cbd17d0191bde8f44db8 /plugins
parent8d9fb8e4a9d293b3b38b60a8d40e0e74ab73ed06 (diff)
plugins/cheatfind: don't create 100 copies of a large function when we only need one (nw)
--- The stub keeps the current match in scope so it can be passed on if necessary
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/cheatfind/init.lua b/plugins/cheatfind/init.lua
index 5c1b8a58060..59260320eff 100644
--- a/plugins/cheatfind/init.lua
+++ b/plugins/cheatfind/init.lua
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ function cheatfind.startplugin()
local c = { "Default", "Custom" }
local m = { "Cheat Name", c[name], 0 }
menu_lim(name, 1, #c, m)
- f = function(event)
+ local function f(event)
local r
name, r = incdec(event, name, 1, #c)
if (event == "select" or event == "comment") and name == 1 then
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ function cheatfind.startplugin()
menu[#menu + 1] = function()
local m = { "Save", "", 0 }
- local f = function(event)
+ local function f(event)
if event == "select" then
local desc
local written = false
@@ -652,99 +652,99 @@ function cheatfind.startplugin()
bitwidth = " %02x"
+ local function match_exec(match)
+ local dev = devtable[devcur]
+ local cheat = { desc = string.format("Test cheat at addr %08X", match.addr), script = {} }
+ local wid = formtable[width]:sub(2, 2):lower()
+ local widchar
+ local form
+ if wid == "h" then
+ wid = "u16"
+ form = "%08x %04x"
+ widchar = "w"
+ elseif wid == "l" then
+ wid = "u32"
+ form = "%08x %08x"
+ widchart = "d"
+ elseif wid == "j" then
+ wid = "u64"
+ form = "%08x %016x"
+ widchar = "q"
+ else
+ wid = "u8"
+ form = "%08x %02x"
+ widchar = "b"
+ end
+ if then
+ cheat.ram = { ram = dev.tag }
+ = "ram:write(" .. match.addr .. "," .. match.newval .. ")"
+ else
+ = { cpu = { tag = dev.tag, type = "program" } }
+ = "cpu:write_" .. wid .. "(" .. match.addr .. "," .. match.newval .. ", true)"
+ end
+ if match.mode == 1 then
+ if not _G.ce then
+ manager:machine():popmessage("Cheat engine not available")
+ else
+ _G.ce.inject(cheat)
+ end
+ elseif match.mode == 2 then
+ cheat_save = {}
+ menu = 1
+ menu_player = 1
+ menu_type = 1
+ local setname = emu.romname()
+ if emu.softname() ~= "" then
+ for name, image in pairs(manager:machine().images) do
+ if image:exists() and image:software_list_name() ~= "" then
+ setname = image:software_list_name() .. "/" .. emu.softname()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- lfs.env_replace is defined in boot.lua
+ cheat_save.path = lfs.env_replace(manager:machine():options().entries.cheatpath:value()):match("([^;]+)")
+ cheat_save.filename = string.format("%s/%s", cheat_save.path, setname)
+ = cheat.desc
+ local json = require("json")
+ cheat.desc = "%s"
+ cheat_save.json = json.stringify({[1] = cheat}, {indent = true})
+ cheat_save.xml = string.format("<mamecheat version=1>\n<cheat desc=\"%%s\">\n<script state=\"run\">\n<action>%s.pp%s@%X=%X</action>\n</script>\n</cheat>\n</mamecheat>", dev.tag:sub(2), widchar, match.addr, match.newval)
+ cheat_save.simple = string.format("%s,%s,%X,%s,%X,%%s\n", setname, dev.tag, match.addr, widchar, match.newval)
+ manager:machine():popmessage("Default name is " ..
+ return true
+ else
+ local func = "return space:read"
+ local env = { space = devtable[devcur].space }
+ if not then
+ func = func .. "_" .. wid
+ end
+ func = func .. "(" .. match.addr .. ")"
+ watches[#watches + 1] = { addr = match.addr, func = load(func, func, "t", env), format = form }
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+ end
for num2, match in mpairs(matchsel, matches[#matches], matchpg * 100) do
if num2 > 100 then
menu[#menu + 1] = function()
- local m = { string.format("%08x" .. bitwidth .. bitwidth, match.addr, match.oldval,
- match.newval), "", 0 }
if not match.mode then
match.mode = 1
- if match.mode == 1 then
- m[2] = "Test"
- elseif match.mode == 2 then
- m[2] = "Write"
- else
- m[2] = "Watch"
- end
- menu_lim(match.mode, 1, 3, m)
+ local modes = { "Test", "Write", "Watch" }
+ local m = { string.format("%08x" .. bitwidth .. bitwidth, match.addr, match.oldval,
+ match.newval), modes[match.mode], 0 }
+ menu_lim(match.mode, 1, #modes, m)
local function f(event)
local r
match.mode, r = incdec(event, match.mode, 1, 3)
if event == "select" then
- local dev = devtable[devcur]
- local cheat = { desc = string.format("Test cheat at addr %08X", match.addr), script = {} }
- local wid = formtable[width]:sub(2, 2):lower()
- local widchar
- local form
- if wid == "h" then
- wid = "u16"
- form = "%08x %04x"
- widchar = "w"
- elseif wid == "l" then
- wid = "u32"
- form = "%08x %08x"
- widchart = "d"
- elseif wid == "j" then
- wid = "u64"
- form = "%08x %016x"
- widchar = "q"
- else
- wid = "u8"
- form = "%08x %02x"
- widchar = "b"
- end
- if then
- cheat.ram = { ram = dev.tag }
- = "ram:write(" .. match.addr .. "," .. match.newval .. ")"
- else
- = { cpu = { tag = dev.tag, type = "program" } }
- = "cpu:write_" .. wid .. "(" .. match.addr .. "," .. match.newval .. ", true)"
- end
- if match.mode == 1 then
- if not _G.ce then
- manager:machine():popmessage("Cheat engine not available")
- else
- _G.ce.inject(cheat)
- end
- elseif match.mode == 2 then
- cheat_save = {}
- menu = 1
- menu_player = 1
- menu_type = 1
- local setname = emu.romname()
- if emu.softname() ~= "" then
- for name, image in pairs(manager:machine().images) do
- if image:exists() and image:software_list_name() ~= "" then
- setname = image:software_list_name() .. "/" .. emu.softname()
- end
- end
- end
- -- lfs.env_replace is defined in boot.lua
- cheat_save.path = lfs.env_replace(manager:machine():options().entries.cheatpath:value()):match("([^;]+)")
- cheat_save.filename = string.format("%s/%s", cheat_save.path, setname)
- = cheat.desc
- local json = require("json")
- cheat.desc = "%s"
- cheat_save.json = json.stringify({[1] = cheat}, {indent = true})
- cheat_save.xml = string.format("<mamecheat version=1>\n<cheat desc=\"%%s\">\n<script state=\"run\">\n<action>%s.pp%s@%X=%X</action>\n</script>\n</cheat>\n</mamecheat>", dev.tag:sub(2), widchar, match.addr, match.newval)
- cheat_save.simple = string.format("%s,%s,%X,%s,%X,%%s\n", setname, dev.tag, match.addr, widchar, match.newval)
- manager:machine():popmessage("Default name is " ..
- r = true
- else
- local func = "return space:read"
- local env = { space = devtable[devcur].space }
- if not then
- func = func .. "_" .. wid
- end
- func = func .. "(" .. match.addr .. ")"
- watches[#watches + 1] = { addr = match.addr, func = load(func, func, "t", env), format = form }
- r = true
- end
+ r = match_exec(match)
return r