// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Vas Crabb /*************************************************************************** srcclean.cpp Basic source code cleanear. ****************************************************************************/ /* Known general limitations: * Always uses filename.orig as backup location, and attempts to overwrite if it exists (doesn't try to generate unique name) * Assumes any input is UTF-8 * No way to override hard-coded internal extension to syntax mapping * All Unicode characters are treated as occupying a single column (doesn't account for combining, non-spacing, fullwidth, etc.) Known C++ limitations: * No filtering of control characters * Will not produce expected output for a string continuation within a preprocessor macro, e.g this: #define MY_MACRO \ "string that \ continues" * Will not produce expected output for a string continuation that breaks an escape sequence, e.g. this: "bad\\ tbehaviour" Known Lua limitations: * Whitespace normalisation is applied inside long string literals which can cause changes in behaviour * Disabled code inside long comments gets no special treatment and may have spacing adjusted in a way that affects behaviour when uncommented Known XML limitations: * No special handling for CDATA * No special handling for processing instructions * Doesn't do any kind of validation of structure * Doesn't do anything special for illegal -- in comment Features not carried over from previous version: * Stripping empty continuation lines * Stripping empty lines following open brace */ #include "corefile.h" #include "corestr.h" #include "osdcore.h" #include "strformat.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { /*************************************************************************** SOURCE CLEANER BASE CLASS ***************************************************************************/ class cleaner_base { public: enum class newline { DOS, UNIX, MACINTOSH, VMS }; template void process(InputIt begin, InputIt end); void finalise(); virtual bool affected() const; virtual void summarise(std::ostream &os) const; protected: static constexpr char32_t HORIZONTAL_TAB = 0x0000'0009U; static constexpr char32_t LINE_FEED = 0x0000'000aU; static constexpr char32_t VERTICAL_TAB = 0x0000'000bU; static constexpr char32_t SPACE = 0x0000'0020U; static constexpr char32_t DOUBLE_QUOTE = 0x0000'0022U; static constexpr char32_t SINGLE_QUOTE = 0x0000'0027U; static constexpr char32_t HYPHEN_MINUS = 0x0000'002dU; static constexpr char32_t QUESTION_MARK = 0x0000'003fU; static constexpr char32_t BACKSLASH = 0x0000'005cU; static constexpr char32_t BASIC_LATIN_LAST = 0x0000'007fU; static constexpr char32_t CYRILLIC_SUPPLEMENT_LAST = 0x0000'052fU; template cleaner_base(OutputIt &&output, newline newline_mode, unsigned tab_width); void output_character(char32_t ch); void set_tab_limit(); void reset_tab_limit(); private: static constexpr char32_t CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x0000'000dU; static constexpr char32_t HIGH_SURROGATE_FIRST = 0x0000'd800U; static constexpr char32_t HIGH_SURROGATE_LAST = 0x0000'dbffU; static constexpr char32_t LOW_SURROGATE_FIRST = 0x0000'dc00U; static constexpr char32_t LOW_SURROGATE_LAST = 0x0000'dfffU; static constexpr char32_t NONCHARACTER_FIRST = 0x0000'fdd0U; static constexpr char32_t NONCHARACTER_LAST = 0x0000'fdefU; static constexpr char32_t ZERO_WIDTH_NB_SPACE = 0x0000'feffU; static constexpr char32_t REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = 0x0000'fffdU; static constexpr char32_t SUPPLEMENTARY_FIRST = 0x0001'0000U; static constexpr char32_t SUPPLEMENTARY_LAST = 0x0010'ffffU; static constexpr char32_t CODE_LENGTH_THRESHOLDS[6]{ 0x0000'0000U, 0x0000'0080U, 0x0000'0800U, 0x0001'0000U, 0x0020'0000U, 0x0400'0000 }; typedef std::function output_function; virtual void process_characters(char32_t const *begin, char32_t const *end) = 0; virtual void input_complete() = 0; void flush_whitespace(); void output_utf8(char32_t ch); void commit_character(char32_t ch); void process_if_full(); void handle_lead_byte(std::uint8_t ch); void handle_codepoint(char32_t cp); static constexpr bool is_character(char32_t ch) { return (ch <= SUPPLEMENTARY_LAST) && ((ch < NONCHARACTER_FIRST) || (ch > NONCHARACTER_LAST)) && ((ch & 0x0000'fffeU) != 0x0000'fffeU); } static constexpr bool is_high_surrogate(char32_t ch) { return (ch >= HIGH_SURROGATE_FIRST) && (ch <= HIGH_SURROGATE_LAST); } static constexpr bool is_low_surrogate(char32_t ch) { return (ch >= LOW_SURROGATE_FIRST) && (ch <= LOW_SURROGATE_LAST); } static constexpr char32_t combine_surrogates(char32_t high, char32_t low) { return SUPPLEMENTARY_FIRST + (((high & 0x0000'03ffU) << 10U) | (low & 0x0000'03ffU)); } // configuration newline m_newline_mode; unsigned m_tab_width; output_function m_output; // output state management unsigned m_output_column = 0U; unsigned m_indent; unsigned m_tab_limit = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::vector m_whitespace; // input state management char32_t m_buffer[1024]; bool m_stream_start = true; std::size_t m_position = 0U; char32_t m_surrogate = 0U; unsigned m_code_length = 0U; unsigned m_required_bytes = 0U; char32_t m_newline_lead = 0U; // statistics std::uint64_t m_overlong = 0U; std::uint64_t m_incomplete = 0U; std::uint64_t m_continuations = 0U; std::uint64_t m_invalid_bytes = 0U; std::uint64_t m_noncharacters = 0U; std::uint64_t m_surrogate_pairs = 0U; std::uint64_t m_lone_high_surrogates = 0U; std::uint64_t m_lone_low_surrogates = 0U; std::uint64_t m_leading_zw_nb_sp = 0U; std::uint64_t m_dos_newlines = 0U; std::uint64_t m_unix_newlines = 0U; std::uint64_t m_macintosh_newlines = 0U; std::uint64_t m_vms_newlines = 0U; std::uint64_t m_trailing_whitespace = 0U; std::uint64_t m_tabs_expanded = 0U; std::uint64_t m_tabs_created = 0U; std::uint64_t m_spaces_combined = 0U; bool m_final_newline = false; }; constexpr char32_t cleaner_base::CODE_LENGTH_THRESHOLDS[6]; /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::process process a block of input bytes --------------------------------------------------*/ template void cleaner_base::process(InputIt begin, InputIt end) { while (begin != end) { std::uint8_t const byte(*begin++); if (m_required_bytes) { if ((byte & 0xc0U) == 0x80U) { m_buffer[m_position] <<= 6U; m_buffer[m_position] |= char32_t(byte & 0x3fU); --m_required_bytes; } else { m_required_bytes = 0U; ++m_incomplete; commit_character(REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); handle_lead_byte(byte); } } else { handle_lead_byte(byte); } if (!m_required_bytes) handle_codepoint(m_buffer[m_position]); } } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::finalise perform final processing on reaching end of input --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::finalise() { if (m_surrogate) { ++m_lone_high_surrogates; commit_character(REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); m_surrogate = 0U; } if (m_required_bytes) { ++m_incomplete; commit_character(REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); } switch (m_newline_lead) { case LINE_FEED: ++m_unix_newlines; m_newline_lead = 0U; m_buffer[m_position++] = LINE_FEED; break; case CARRIAGE_RETURN: ++m_macintosh_newlines; m_newline_lead = 0U; m_buffer[m_position++] = LINE_FEED; break; default: assert(!m_newline_lead); } if (m_position) { process_characters(m_buffer, m_buffer + m_position); m_position = 0U; } input_complete(); if (m_output_column || !m_whitespace.empty()) { m_final_newline = true; output_character(LINE_FEED); } } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::affected returns whether any cleanups have been applied --------------------------------------------------*/ bool cleaner_base::affected() const { return m_overlong || m_incomplete || m_continuations || m_invalid_bytes || m_noncharacters || m_surrogate_pairs || m_lone_high_surrogates || m_lone_low_surrogates || m_leading_zw_nb_sp || (m_dos_newlines && (newline::DOS != m_newline_mode)) || (m_unix_newlines && (newline::UNIX != m_newline_mode)) || (m_macintosh_newlines && (newline::MACINTOSH != m_newline_mode)) || (m_vms_newlines && (newline::VMS != m_newline_mode)) || m_trailing_whitespace || m_tabs_expanded || m_tabs_created || m_final_newline; } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::summarise print summary of changes applied --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::summarise(std::ostream &os) const { if (m_overlong) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u overlong UTF-8 sequence(s) corrected\n", m_overlong); if (m_incomplete) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u incomplete UTF-8 sequence(s) replaced\n", m_incomplete); if (m_continuations) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u UTF-8 continuation(s) replaced\n", m_continuations); if (m_invalid_bytes) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u invalid UTF-8 byte(s) replaced\n", m_invalid_bytes); if (m_noncharacters) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u noncharacter(s) replaced\n", m_noncharacters); if (m_surrogate_pairs) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u surrogate pair(s) combined\n", m_surrogate_pairs); if (m_lone_high_surrogates) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u lone high surrogate(s) replaced\n", m_lone_high_surrogates); if (m_lone_low_surrogates) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u lone low surrogate(s) replaced\n", m_lone_low_surrogates); if (m_leading_zw_nb_sp) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u leading zero-width no-break space(s) removed\n", m_leading_zw_nb_sp); if (m_dos_newlines && (newline::DOS != m_newline_mode)) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u DOS line ending(s) normalised\n", m_dos_newlines); if (m_unix_newlines && (newline::UNIX != m_newline_mode)) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u UNIX line ending(s) normalised\n", m_unix_newlines); if (m_macintosh_newlines && (newline::MACINTOSH != m_newline_mode)) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u Macintosh line ending(s) normalised\n", m_macintosh_newlines); if (m_vms_newlines && (newline::VMS != m_newline_mode)) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u VMS line ending(s) normalised\n", m_vms_newlines); if (m_trailing_whitespace) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u line(s) with trailing whitespace trimmed\n", m_trailing_whitespace); if (m_tabs_expanded) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u tab(s) expanded to spaces\n", m_tabs_expanded); if (m_tabs_created) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u tab(s) created from spaces\n", m_tabs_created); if (m_spaces_combined) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u space(s) combined into tabs\n", m_spaces_combined); if (m_final_newline) util::stream_format(os, "line ending added at end of file\n"); } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::cleaner_base base constructor --------------------------------------------------*/ template cleaner_base::cleaner_base( OutputIt &&output, newline newline_mode, unsigned tab_width) : m_newline_mode(newline_mode) , m_tab_width(tab_width) , m_output([it = std::forward(output)] (char ch) mutable { *it++ = ch; }) , m_whitespace() { m_whitespace.reserve(128U); } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::output_character output character applying whitespace normalisation and line ending translation --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::output_character(char32_t ch) { switch (ch) { case HORIZONTAL_TAB: case SPACE: m_whitespace.emplace_back(ch); break; case LINE_FEED: m_output_column = 0U; if (!m_whitespace.empty()) { ++m_trailing_whitespace; m_whitespace.clear(); } switch (m_newline_mode) { case newline::DOS: output_utf8(CARRIAGE_RETURN); output_utf8(LINE_FEED); break; case newline::UNIX: output_utf8(LINE_FEED); break; case newline::MACINTOSH: output_utf8(CARRIAGE_RETURN); break; case newline::VMS: output_utf8(LINE_FEED); output_utf8(CARRIAGE_RETURN); break; } break; default: flush_whitespace(); ++m_output_column; output_utf8(ch); } } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::set_tab_limit limit leading tabs to number used to indent current line --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::set_tab_limit() { if (!m_output_column) { unsigned limit(0U); for (char32_t ch : m_whitespace) limit += (HORIZONTAL_TAB == ch) ? (m_tab_width - (limit % m_tab_width)) : 1U; m_tab_limit = limit; } else { m_tab_limit = m_indent; } } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::reset_tab_limit revert to default handling of leading tabs --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::reset_tab_limit() { m_tab_limit = std::numeric_limits::max(); } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::flush_whitespace send whitespace to output normalising spaces and tabs in initial indent --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::flush_whitespace() { bool const set_indent(!m_output_column); bool expand(m_output_column); unsigned space_count(0U); for (char32_t space : m_whitespace) { assert(!expand || !space_count); assert(space_count < m_tab_width); if (HORIZONTAL_TAB == space) { unsigned width(m_tab_width - (m_output_column % m_tab_width)); expand = expand || ((width + m_output_column) > m_tab_limit); if (expand) { ++m_tabs_expanded; while (width--) { ++m_output_column; output_utf8(SPACE); } } else { assert(!(m_output_column % m_tab_width)); m_spaces_combined += space_count; m_output_column += width; output_utf8(space); } space_count = 0U; } else { assert(SPACE == space); ++space_count; expand = expand || ((space_count + m_output_column) > m_tab_limit); if (expand) { while (space_count) { space_count--; ++m_output_column; output_utf8(SPACE); } } else { assert(!(m_output_column % m_tab_width)); if (space_count == m_tab_width) { ++m_tabs_created; m_spaces_combined += space_count; space_count = 0U; m_output_column += m_tab_width; output_utf8(HORIZONTAL_TAB); } } } } while (space_count--) { ++m_output_column; output_utf8(SPACE); } m_whitespace.clear(); if (set_indent) m_indent = m_output_column; } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::output_utf8 convert codepoint to UFF-8 and send to output --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::output_utf8(char32_t ch) { if (0x0000'0080U > ch) { m_output(char(std::uint8_t(ch >> 0U))); } else { unsigned required = (0x0000'0800U > ch) ? 1U : (0x0001'0000U > ch) ? 2U : (0x0020'0000U > ch) ? 3U : (0x0400'0000U > ch) ? 4U : 5U; m_output(char(std::uint8_t(((ch >> (6U * required)) & (0x3fU >> required)) | ((0xfcU << (5U - required)) & 0xfcU)))); while (required--) m_output(char(std::uint8_t(((ch >> (6U * required)) & 0x3fU) | 0x80U))); } } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::commit_character store decoded input character in buffer applying line ending normalisation and replacing noncharacters --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::commit_character(char32_t ch) { assert(ARRAY_LENGTH(m_buffer) > m_position); assert(1U <= m_code_length); assert(6U >= m_code_length); if (CODE_LENGTH_THRESHOLDS[m_code_length - 1] > ch) ++m_overlong; if (m_stream_start) { assert(!m_position); assert(!m_newline_lead); if (ZERO_WIDTH_NB_SPACE == ch) { ++m_leading_zw_nb_sp; return; } else { m_stream_start = false; } } if (!is_character(ch)) { ch = REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; ++m_noncharacters; } switch (ch) { case LINE_FEED: switch (m_newline_lead) { case LINE_FEED: ++m_unix_newlines; m_buffer[m_position++] = LINE_FEED; break; case CARRIAGE_RETURN: ++m_dos_newlines; m_newline_lead = 0U; m_buffer[m_position++] = LINE_FEED; break; default: assert(!m_newline_lead); m_newline_lead = ch; } break; case CARRIAGE_RETURN: switch (m_newline_lead) { case LINE_FEED: ++m_vms_newlines; m_newline_lead = 0U; m_buffer[m_position++] = LINE_FEED; break; case CARRIAGE_RETURN: ++m_macintosh_newlines; m_buffer[m_position++] = LINE_FEED; break; default: assert(!m_newline_lead); m_newline_lead = ch; } break; default: switch (m_newline_lead) { case LINE_FEED: ++m_unix_newlines; m_newline_lead = 0U; m_buffer[m_position++] = LINE_FEED; process_if_full(); break; case CARRIAGE_RETURN: ++m_macintosh_newlines; m_newline_lead = 0U; m_buffer[m_position++] = LINE_FEED; process_if_full(); break; default: assert(!m_newline_lead); }; m_buffer[m_position++] = ch; } process_if_full(); } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::process_if_full perform processing on decoded characters if buffer is full --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::process_if_full() { if (ARRAY_LENGTH(m_buffer) == m_position) { process_characters(m_buffer, m_buffer + m_position); m_position = 0U; } } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::handle_lead_byte handle an input byte that isn't a valid UTF-8 continuation --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::handle_lead_byte(std::uint8_t byte) { m_required_bytes = ((byte & 0xfeU) == 0xfcU) ? 5U : ((byte & 0xfcU) == 0xf8U) ? 4U : ((byte & 0xf8U) == 0xf0U) ? 3U : ((byte & 0xf0U) == 0xe0U) ? 2U : ((byte & 0xe0U) == 0xc0U) ? 1U : 0U; m_code_length = m_required_bytes + 1U; if (m_required_bytes) { m_buffer[m_position] = ((char32_t(1U) << (6U - m_required_bytes)) - 1) & char32_t(byte); } else if ((byte & 0xc0U) == 0x80U) { m_buffer[m_position] = REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; ++m_continuations; } else if ((byte & 0xfeU) == 0xfeU) { m_buffer[m_position] = REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; ++m_invalid_bytes; } else { m_buffer[m_position] = byte; } } /*-------------------------------------------------- cleaner_base::handle_codepoint handle a decoded UTF-8 unit dealing with surrogates --------------------------------------------------*/ void cleaner_base::handle_codepoint(char32_t cp) { if (m_surrogate) { if (is_low_surrogate(cp)) { ++m_surrogate_pairs; commit_character(combine_surrogates(m_surrogate, cp)); m_surrogate = 0U; } else { ++m_lone_high_surrogates; commit_character(REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); m_surrogate = 0U; handle_codepoint(cp); } } else if (is_high_surrogate(cp)) { m_surrogate = cp; } else if (is_low_surrogate(cp)) { ++m_lone_low_surrogates; commit_character(REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); } else { commit_character(cp); } } /*************************************************************************** PLAIN TEXT CLEANER CLASS ***************************************************************************/ class text_cleaner : public cleaner_base { public: template text_cleaner(OutputIt &&output, newline newline_mode, unsigned tab_width) : cleaner_base(std::forward(output), newline_mode, tab_width) { } private: virtual void process_characters(char32_t const *begin, char32_t const *end) override { while (begin != end) output_character(*begin++); } virtual void input_complete() override { } }; /*************************************************************************** C++ SOURCE CLEANER CLASS ***************************************************************************/ class cpp_cleaner : public cleaner_base { public: template cpp_cleaner(OutputIt &&output, newline newline_mode, unsigned tab_width); virtual bool affected() const override; virtual void summarise(std::ostream &os) const override; protected: void output_character(char32_t ch); private: static constexpr char32_t ASTERISK = 0x0000'002aU; static constexpr char32_t SLASH = 0x0000'002fU; static constexpr char32_t UPPERCASE_FIRST = 0x0000'0041U; static constexpr char32_t UPPERCASE_B = 0x0000'0042U; static constexpr char32_t UPPERCASE_X = 0x0000'0058U; static constexpr char32_t UPPERCASE_LAST = 0x0000'005aU; static constexpr char32_t UNDERSCORE = 0x0000'005fU; static constexpr char32_t LOWERCASE_FIRST = 0x0000'0061U; static constexpr char32_t LOWERCASE_B = 0x0000'0062U; static constexpr char32_t LOWERCASE_X = 0x0000'0078U; static constexpr char32_t LOWERCASE_LAST = 0x0000'007aU; static constexpr char32_t DIGIT_FIRST = 0x0000'0030U; static constexpr char32_t DIGIT_BINARY_LAST = 0x0000'0031U; static constexpr char32_t DIGIT_OCTAL_LAST = 0x0000'0037U; static constexpr char32_t DIGIT_DECIMAL_LAST = 0x0000'0039U; static constexpr char32_t DIGIT_HEX_UPPER_FIRST = 0x0000'0041U; static constexpr char32_t DIGIT_HEX_UPPER_LAST = 0x0000'0046U; static constexpr char32_t DIGIT_HEX_LOWER_FIRST = 0x0000'0061U; static constexpr char32_t DIGIT_HEX_LOWER_LAST = 0x0000'0066U; enum class parse_state { DEFAULT, COMMENT, LINE_COMMENT, TOKEN, STRING_CONSTANT, CHARACTER_CONSTANT, NUMERIC_CONSTANT }; virtual void process_characters(char32_t const *begin, char32_t const *end) override; virtual void input_complete() override; void process_default(char32_t ch); void process_comment(char32_t ch); void process_line_comment(char32_t ch); void process_token(char32_t ch); void process_text(char32_t ch); void process_numeric(char32_t ch); bool tail_is(char32_t ch) const { return !m_tail.empty() && (m_tail.front() == ch); } void pop_tail() { if (!m_tail.empty()) m_tail.pop_front(); } void replace_tail(char32_t ch) { assert(!m_tail.empty()); *m_tail.begin() = ch; } void flush_tail() { for (char32_t tail : m_tail) cleaner_base::output_character(tail); m_tail.clear(); } static constexpr bool is_token_lead(char32_t ch) { return ((UPPERCASE_FIRST <= ch) && (UPPERCASE_LAST >= ch)) || ((LOWERCASE_FIRST <= ch) && (LOWERCASE_LAST >= ch)) || (UNDERSCORE == ch); } static constexpr bool is_token_continuation(char32_t ch) { return is_token_lead(ch) || ((DIGIT_FIRST <= ch) && (DIGIT_DECIMAL_LAST >= ch)); } static constexpr bool is_numeric_lead(char32_t ch) { return (DIGIT_FIRST <= ch) && (DIGIT_DECIMAL_LAST >= ch); } static constexpr bool is_binary_digit(char32_t ch) { return (DIGIT_FIRST <= ch) && (DIGIT_BINARY_LAST >= ch); } static constexpr bool is_octal_digit(char32_t ch) { return (DIGIT_FIRST <= ch) && (DIGIT_OCTAL_LAST >= ch); } static constexpr bool is_decimal_digit(char32_t ch) { return (DIGIT_FIRST <= ch) && (DIGIT_DECIMAL_LAST >= ch); } static constexpr bool is_hexadecimal_digit(char32_t ch) { return ((DIGIT_FIRST <= ch) && (DIGIT_DECIMAL_LAST >= ch)) || ((DIGIT_HEX_UPPER_FIRST <= ch) && (DIGIT_HEX_UPPER_LAST >= ch)) || ((DIGIT_HEX_LOWER_FIRST <= ch) && (DIGIT_HEX_LOWER_LAST >= ch)); } parse_state m_parse_state; std::uint64_t m_input_line; bool m_escape; std::deque m_tail; std::uint64_t m_comment_line; char32_t m_lead_digit; unsigned m_radix; std::uint64_t m_tabs_escaped = 0U; std::uint64_t m_line_comment_continuations = 0U; std::uint64_t m_string_continuations = 0U; std::uint64_t m_uppercase_radix = 0U; std::uint64_t m_non_ascii = 0U; }; template cpp_cleaner::cpp_cleaner( OutputIt &&output, newline newline_mode, unsigned tab_width) : cleaner_base(std::forward(output), newline_mode, tab_width) , m_parse_state(parse_state::DEFAULT) , m_input_line(1U) , m_escape(false) , m_tail() , m_comment_line(0U) , m_lead_digit(0U) , m_radix(0U) { } bool cpp_cleaner::affected() const { return cleaner_base::affected() || m_tabs_escaped || m_line_comment_continuations || m_string_continuations || m_uppercase_radix || m_non_ascii; } void cpp_cleaner::summarise(std::ostream &os) const { cleaner_base::summarise(os); if (m_tabs_escaped) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u tab(s) escaped\n", m_tabs_escaped); if (m_line_comment_continuations) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u line comment continuation(s) replaced\n", m_line_comment_continuations); if (m_string_continuations) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u string literal continuation(s) replaced\n", m_string_continuations); if (m_uppercase_radix) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u uppercase radix character(s) normalised\n", m_uppercase_radix); if (m_non_ascii) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u non-ASCII character(s) replaced\n", m_non_ascii); } void cpp_cleaner::output_character(char32_t ch) { switch (m_parse_state) { case parse_state::DEFAULT: case parse_state::TOKEN: case parse_state::CHARACTER_CONSTANT: case parse_state::NUMERIC_CONSTANT: if (BASIC_LATIN_LAST < ch) { ++m_non_ascii; ch = QUESTION_MARK; } break; case parse_state::COMMENT: case parse_state::LINE_COMMENT: break; case parse_state::STRING_CONSTANT: if (CYRILLIC_SUPPLEMENT_LAST < ch) { ++m_non_ascii; ch = QUESTION_MARK; } break; } switch (ch) { default: flush_tail(); if (LINE_FEED == ch) { cleaner_base::output_character(ch); break; } case HORIZONTAL_TAB: case SPACE: m_tail.emplace_back(ch); } } void cpp_cleaner::process_characters(char32_t const *begin, char32_t const *end) { while (begin != end) { char32_t const ch(*begin++); switch (m_parse_state) { case parse_state::DEFAULT: process_default(ch); break; case parse_state::COMMENT: process_comment(ch); break; case parse_state::LINE_COMMENT: process_line_comment(ch); break; case parse_state::TOKEN: process_token(ch); break; case parse_state::CHARACTER_CONSTANT: case parse_state::STRING_CONSTANT: process_text(ch); break; case parse_state::NUMERIC_CONSTANT: process_numeric(ch); break; } if (LINE_FEED == ch) ++m_input_line; } } void cpp_cleaner::input_complete() { flush_tail(); switch (m_parse_state) { case parse_state::COMMENT: throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated multi-line comment beginning on line %1$u", m_comment_line)); case parse_state::CHARACTER_CONSTANT: throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated character literal on line %1$u", m_input_line)); case parse_state::STRING_CONSTANT: throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated string literal on line %1$u", m_input_line)); default: break; } } void cpp_cleaner::process_default(char32_t ch) { switch (ch) { case DOUBLE_QUOTE: m_parse_state = parse_state::STRING_CONSTANT; break; case SINGLE_QUOTE: m_parse_state = parse_state::CHARACTER_CONSTANT; break; case ASTERISK: if (m_escape) { m_parse_state = parse_state::COMMENT; m_comment_line = m_input_line; set_tab_limit(); } break; case SLASH: if (m_escape) m_parse_state = parse_state::LINE_COMMENT; break; default: if (is_token_lead(ch)) { m_parse_state = parse_state::TOKEN; } else if (is_numeric_lead(ch)) { m_parse_state = parse_state::NUMERIC_CONSTANT; m_escape = false; process_numeric(ch); return; } } m_escape = (SLASH == ch) ? !m_escape : false; output_character(ch); } void cpp_cleaner::process_comment(char32_t ch) { switch (ch) { case SLASH: if (m_escape) { m_escape = false; m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; m_comment_line = 0U; output_character(ch); reset_tab_limit(); break; } default: m_escape = ASTERISK == ch; output_character(ch); } } void cpp_cleaner::process_line_comment(char32_t ch) { switch (ch) { case LINE_FEED: if (tail_is(BACKSLASH)) { ++m_line_comment_continuations; pop_tail(); output_character(ch); output_character(SLASH); output_character(SLASH); break; } m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; default: output_character(ch); } } void cpp_cleaner::process_token(char32_t ch) { if (is_token_continuation(ch)) { output_character(ch); } else { m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; process_default(ch); } } void cpp_cleaner::process_text(char32_t ch) { switch (ch) { case HORIZONTAL_TAB: ++m_tabs_escaped; if (!m_escape) output_character(BACKSLASH); output_character(char32_t(std::uint8_t('t'))); break; case LINE_FEED: if (parse_state::CHARACTER_CONSTANT == m_parse_state) { throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated character literal on line %1$u", m_input_line)); } else if (tail_is(BACKSLASH)) { ++m_string_continuations; replace_tail(DOUBLE_QUOTE); output_character(ch); output_character(DOUBLE_QUOTE); } else { throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated string literal on line %1$u", m_input_line)); } break; case VERTICAL_TAB: ++m_tabs_escaped; if (!m_escape) output_character(BACKSLASH); output_character(char32_t(std::uint8_t('v'))); break; default: output_character(ch); if (!m_escape && (((parse_state::STRING_CONSTANT == m_parse_state) ? DOUBLE_QUOTE : SINGLE_QUOTE) == ch)) m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; } m_escape = (BACKSLASH == ch) && !m_escape; } void cpp_cleaner::process_numeric(char32_t ch) { if (!m_lead_digit) { assert(is_numeric_lead(ch)); assert(!m_radix); m_lead_digit = ch; if (DIGIT_FIRST != ch) m_radix = 10U; } else if (!m_radix) { assert(DIGIT_FIRST == m_lead_digit); switch (ch) { case SINGLE_QUOTE: if (m_escape) throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("adjacent digit separators on line %1$u", m_input_line)); else m_escape = true; break; case UPPERCASE_B: ++m_uppercase_radix; ch = LOWERCASE_B; case LOWERCASE_B: m_radix = 2U; break; case UPPERCASE_X: ++m_uppercase_radix; ch = LOWERCASE_X; case LOWERCASE_X: m_radix = 16U; break; default: if (is_octal_digit(ch)) m_radix = 8U; else if (is_decimal_digit(ch)) m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; // this should be an invalid octal literal, but it's probably just an argument to the SHA1 macro else m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; } } else { if (SINGLE_QUOTE == ch) { if (m_escape) throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("adjacent digit separators on line %1$u", m_input_line)); else m_escape = true; } else { m_escape = false; switch (m_radix) { case 2U: if (!is_decimal_digit(ch)) m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; else if (!is_binary_digit(ch)) m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; // this should be an invalid binary literal, but it's probably just an argument to the SHA1 macro break; case 8U: if (!is_decimal_digit(ch)) m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; else if (!is_octal_digit(ch)) m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; // this should be an invalid octal literal, but it's probably just an argument to the SHA1 macro break; case 10U: if (!is_decimal_digit(ch)) m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; break; case 16U: if (!is_hexadecimal_digit(ch)) m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; break; default: assert(false); m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; } } } if (parse_state::DEFAULT == m_parse_state) { m_escape = false; m_lead_digit = 0U; m_radix = 0U; process_default(ch); } else { assert(parse_state::NUMERIC_CONSTANT == m_parse_state); output_character(ch); } } /*************************************************************************** LUA SOURCE CLEANER CLASS ***************************************************************************/ class lua_cleaner : public cleaner_base { public: template lua_cleaner(OutputIt &&output, newline newline_mode, unsigned tab_width); virtual bool affected() const override; virtual void summarise(std::ostream &os) const override; protected: void output_character(char32_t ch); private: static constexpr char32_t EQUALS = 0x0000'003dU; static constexpr char32_t LEFT_BRACKET = 0x0000'005bU; static constexpr char32_t RIGHT_BRACKET = 0x0000'005dU; enum class parse_state { DEFAULT, SHORT_COMMENT, LONG_COMMENT, STRING_CONSTANT, LONG_STRING_CONSTANT }; virtual void process_characters(char32_t const *begin, char32_t const *end) override; virtual void input_complete() override; void process_default(char32_t ch); void process_short_comment(char32_t ch); void process_long_comment(char32_t ch); void process_string_constant(char32_t ch); void process_long_string_constant(char32_t ch); parse_state m_parse_state; std::uint64_t m_input_line; int m_long_bracket_level; bool m_escape; std::uint32_t m_block_line; int m_block_level; bool m_comment_start; char32_t m_string_quote; std::uint64_t m_tabs_escaped = 0U; std::uint64_t m_newlines_escaped = 0U; std::uint64_t m_non_ascii = 0U; }; template lua_cleaner::lua_cleaner( OutputIt &&output, newline newline_mode, unsigned tab_width) : cleaner_base(std::forward(output), newline_mode, tab_width) , m_parse_state(parse_state::DEFAULT) , m_input_line(1U) , m_long_bracket_level(-1) , m_escape(false) , m_block_line(0U) , m_block_level(0) , m_comment_start(false) , m_string_quote(0U) { } bool lua_cleaner::affected() const { return cleaner_base::affected() || m_tabs_escaped || m_newlines_escaped || m_non_ascii; } void lua_cleaner::summarise(std::ostream &os) const { cleaner_base::summarise(os); if (m_tabs_escaped) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u tab(s) escaped\n", m_tabs_escaped); if (m_newlines_escaped) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u escaped line ending(s) converted\n", m_newlines_escaped); if (m_non_ascii) util::stream_format(os, "%1$u non-ASCII character(s) replaced\n", m_non_ascii); } void lua_cleaner::output_character(char32_t ch) { switch (m_parse_state) { case parse_state::DEFAULT: if (BASIC_LATIN_LAST < ch) { ++m_non_ascii; ch = QUESTION_MARK; } break; case parse_state::SHORT_COMMENT: case parse_state::LONG_COMMENT: break; case parse_state::STRING_CONSTANT: case parse_state::LONG_STRING_CONSTANT: if (CYRILLIC_SUPPLEMENT_LAST < ch) { ++m_non_ascii; ch = QUESTION_MARK; } break; } cleaner_base::output_character(ch); } void lua_cleaner::process_characters(char32_t const *begin, char32_t const *end) { while (begin != end) { char32_t const ch(*begin++); switch (m_parse_state) { case parse_state::DEFAULT: process_default(ch); break; case parse_state::SHORT_COMMENT: process_short_comment(ch); break; case parse_state::LONG_COMMENT: process_long_comment(ch); break; case parse_state::STRING_CONSTANT: process_string_constant(ch); break; case parse_state::LONG_STRING_CONSTANT: process_long_string_constant(ch); break; } if (LINE_FEED == ch) ++m_input_line; } } void lua_cleaner::input_complete() { switch (m_parse_state) { case parse_state::LONG_COMMENT: throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated long comment beginning on line %1$u", m_block_line)); case parse_state::STRING_CONSTANT: throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated string literal on line %1$u", m_input_line)); case parse_state::LONG_STRING_CONSTANT: throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated long string literal beginning on line %1$u", m_block_line)); default: break; } } void lua_cleaner::process_default(char32_t ch) { switch (ch) { case DOUBLE_QUOTE: case SINGLE_QUOTE: m_string_quote = ch; m_parse_state = parse_state::STRING_CONSTANT; break; case HYPHEN_MINUS: if (m_escape) { m_comment_start = true; m_parse_state = parse_state::SHORT_COMMENT; } break; default: break; } if (0 <= m_long_bracket_level) { switch (ch) { case EQUALS: ++m_long_bracket_level; break; case LEFT_BRACKET: m_block_line = m_input_line; m_block_level = m_long_bracket_level; m_parse_state = parse_state::LONG_STRING_CONSTANT; default: m_long_bracket_level = -1; } } else if (LEFT_BRACKET == ch) { m_long_bracket_level = 0; } m_escape = (HYPHEN_MINUS == ch) && !m_escape; output_character(ch); } void lua_cleaner::process_short_comment(char32_t ch) { if (0 <= m_long_bracket_level) { switch (ch) { case EQUALS: ++m_long_bracket_level; break; case LEFT_BRACKET: m_block_line = m_input_line; m_block_level = m_long_bracket_level; m_parse_state = parse_state::LONG_COMMENT; set_tab_limit(); default: m_long_bracket_level = -1; } } else if (m_comment_start && (LEFT_BRACKET == ch)) { m_long_bracket_level = 0; } else if (LINE_FEED == ch) { m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; } m_comment_start = false; output_character(ch); } void lua_cleaner::process_long_comment(char32_t ch) { if (0 <= m_long_bracket_level) { switch (ch) { case EQUALS: ++m_long_bracket_level; break; case RIGHT_BRACKET: if (m_long_bracket_level == m_block_level) { m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; reset_tab_limit(); } else { m_long_bracket_level = 0; } break; default: m_long_bracket_level = -1; } } else if (RIGHT_BRACKET == ch) { m_long_bracket_level = 0; } output_character(ch); } void lua_cleaner::process_string_constant(char32_t ch) { switch (ch) { case HORIZONTAL_TAB: ++m_tabs_escaped; if (!m_escape) output_character(BACKSLASH); output_character(char32_t(std::uint8_t('t'))); break; case LINE_FEED: if (m_escape) { ++m_newlines_escaped; output_character(char32_t(std::uint8_t('n'))); } else { throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated string literal on line %1$u", m_input_line)); } break; case VERTICAL_TAB: ++m_tabs_escaped; if (!m_escape) output_character(BACKSLASH); output_character(char32_t(std::uint8_t('v'))); break; default: output_character(ch); if (!m_escape && (m_string_quote == ch)) m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; } m_escape = (BACKSLASH == ch) && !m_escape; } void lua_cleaner::process_long_string_constant(char32_t ch) { // this works because they're both closed by a matching long bracket process_long_comment(ch); } /*************************************************************************** XML DATA CLEANER CLASS ***************************************************************************/ class xml_cleaner : public cleaner_base { public: template xml_cleaner(OutputIt &&output, newline newline_mode, unsigned tab_width); private: static constexpr char32_t EXCLAMATION = 0x0000'0021U; static constexpr char32_t LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET = 0x0000'003cU; static constexpr char32_t RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET = 0x0000'003eU; enum class parse_state { DEFAULT, COMMENT }; virtual void process_characters(char32_t const *begin, char32_t const *end) override; virtual void input_complete() override; void process_default(char32_t ch); void process_comment(char32_t ch); parse_state m_parse_state; std::uint64_t m_input_line; unsigned m_escape; std::uint64_t m_comment_line; }; template xml_cleaner::xml_cleaner( OutputIt &&output, newline newline_mode, unsigned tab_width) : cleaner_base(std::forward(output), newline_mode, tab_width) , m_parse_state(parse_state::DEFAULT) , m_input_line(1U) , m_escape(0U) , m_comment_line(0U) { } void xml_cleaner::process_characters(char32_t const *begin, char32_t const *end) { while (begin != end) { char32_t const ch(*begin++); switch (m_parse_state) { case parse_state::DEFAULT: process_default(ch); break; case parse_state::COMMENT: process_comment(ch); break; } if (LINE_FEED == ch) ++m_input_line; } } void xml_cleaner::input_complete() { if (parse_state::COMMENT == m_parse_state) throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("unterminated comment beginning on line %1$u", m_comment_line)); } void xml_cleaner::process_default(char32_t ch) { assert(4U > m_escape); switch (m_escape) { case 0U: m_escape = (LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET == ch) ? (m_escape + 1U) : 0U; break; case 1U: m_escape = (EXCLAMATION == ch) ? (m_escape + 1U) : 0U; break; case 2U: case 3U: m_escape = (HYPHEN_MINUS == ch) ? (m_escape + 1U) : 0U; break; } output_character(ch); if (4U == m_escape) { m_parse_state = parse_state::COMMENT; m_escape = 0U; m_comment_line = m_input_line; set_tab_limit(); } } void xml_cleaner::process_comment(char32_t ch) { assert(3U > m_escape); switch (m_escape) { case 0U: case 1U: m_escape = (HYPHEN_MINUS == ch) ? (m_escape + 1U) : 0U; break; case 2U: m_escape = (RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET == ch) ? (m_escape + 1U) : (HYPHEN_MINUS == ch) ? m_escape : 0U; break; } output_character(ch); if (3U == m_escape) { m_parse_state = parse_state::DEFAULT; m_escape = 0U; m_comment_line = 0U; reset_tab_limit(); } } /*************************************************************************** UTILITY FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************/ bool is_c_source_extension(char const *ext) { return !core_stricmp(ext, ".c") || !core_stricmp(ext, ".h") || !core_stricmp(ext, ".cpp") || !core_stricmp(ext, ".hpp") || !core_stricmp(ext, ".ipp") || !core_stricmp(ext, ".cxx") || !core_stricmp(ext, ".hxx") || !core_stricmp(ext, ".ixx") || !core_stricmp(ext, ".lst"); } bool is_lua_source_extension(char const *ext) { return !core_stricmp(ext, ".lua"); } bool is_xml_extension(char const *ext) { return !core_stricmp(ext, ".lay") || !core_stricmp(ext, ".xml"); } } // anonymous namespace /*************************************************************************** MAIN ***************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool keep_backup(false); bool dry_run(false); #if defined(WIN32) cleaner_base::newline newline_mode(cleaner_base::newline::DOS); #else cleaner_base::newline newline_mode(cleaner_base::newline::UNIX); #endif for (bool arg_found = true; arg_found && (argc > 1); ) { if (!std::strcmp(argv[1], "-b")) keep_backup = true; else if (!std::strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) dry_run = true; else if (!std::strcmp(argv[1], "-m")) newline_mode = cleaner_base::newline::MACINTOSH; else if (!std::strcmp(argv[1], "-u")) newline_mode = cleaner_base::newline::UNIX; else if (!std::strcmp(argv[1], "-w")) newline_mode = cleaner_base::newline::DOS; else arg_found = false; if (arg_found) { argc--; argv++; } } if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: srcclean [-b] [-d] [-m] [-u] [-w] ...\n"); return 0; } bool affected(false); unsigned failures(0U); char original[1024]; std::vector output; output.reserve(32 * 1024 * 1024); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { // open the file util::core_file::ptr infile; osd_file::error const err(util::core_file::open(argv[i], OPEN_FLAG_READ, infile)); if (osd_file::error::NONE != err) { if (affected) std::cerr << std::endl; affected = true; util::stream_format(std::cerr, "Can't open %1$s\n", argv[i]); ++failures; continue; } try { // instantiate appropriate cleaner implementation char const *const ext(std::strrchr(argv[i], '.')); bool const is_c_file(ext && is_c_source_extension(ext)); bool const is_lua_file(ext && is_lua_source_extension(ext)); bool const is_xml_file(ext && is_xml_extension(ext)); std::unique_ptr cleaner; if (is_c_file) cleaner = std::make_unique(std::back_inserter(output), newline_mode, 4U); else if (is_lua_file) cleaner = std::make_unique(std::back_inserter(output), newline_mode, 4U); else if (is_xml_file) cleaner = std::make_unique(std::back_inserter(output), newline_mode, 4U); else cleaner = std::make_unique(std::back_inserter(output), newline_mode, 4U); // read/process in chunks output.clear(); std::uint64_t remaining(infile->size()); std::uint32_t block; while (remaining && (0U != (block = infile->read(original, (std::min)(std::uint64_t(sizeof(original)), remaining))))) { remaining -= block; cleaner->process(original, original + block); } if (remaining) { if (affected) std::cerr << std::endl; affected = true; util::stream_format(std::cerr, "Can't read %1$s\n", argv[i]); ++failures; continue; } cleaner->finalise(); infile.reset(); if (cleaner->affected()) { // print report if (affected) std::cerr << std::endl; affected = true; util::stream_format(std::cerr, "Cleaned up %1$s:\n", argv[i]); cleaner->summarise(std::cerr); cleaner.reset(); // replace the file if it isn't a dry run if (!dry_run) { using namespace std::string_literals; std::string const backup(argv[i] + ".orig"s); std::remove(backup.c_str()); if (std::rename(argv[i], backup.c_str())) { util::stream_format(std::cerr, "Error moving %1$s to backup location\n", argv[i]); ++failures; } else { std::ofstream outfile(argv[i], std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc); outfile.write(&output[0], output.size()); outfile.flush(); if (!outfile) { util::stream_format(std::cerr, "Error writing output to %1$s\n", argv[i]); ++failures; outfile.close(); if (std::rename(backup.c_str(), argv[i])) util::stream_format(std::cerr, "Error restoring backup of %1$s\n", argv[i]); } else if (!keep_backup) { if (std::remove(backup.c_str())) { util::stream_format(std::cerr, "Error removing backup of %1$s\n", argv[i]); ++failures; } } } } } } catch (std::runtime_error const &ex) { // print error message and try the next file if (affected) std::cerr << std::endl; affected = true; util::stream_format(std::cerr, "Error cleaning %1$s: %2$s\n", argv[i], ex.what()); ++failures; continue; } } return failures ? 1 : 0; }