/*************************************************************************** MAME source code to HTML converter Copyright Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team. Visit http://mamedev.org for licensing and usage restrictions. **************************************************************************** Template file format: = insert path = insert content ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "osdcore.h" #include "astring.h" #include "corefile.h" /*************************************************************************** CONSTANTS & DEFINES ***************************************************************************/ #define PREPROC_CLASS "preproc" #define KEYWORD_CLASS "keyword" #define CUSTOM_CLASS "custom" /*************************************************************************** TYPE DEFINITIONS ***************************************************************************/ enum _file_type { FILE_TYPE_INVALID, FILE_TYPE_C, FILE_TYPE_MAKE, FILE_TYPE_XML, FILE_TYPE_TEXT }; typedef enum _file_type file_type; typedef struct _ext_to_type ext_to_type; struct _ext_to_type { const char * extension; file_type type; }; typedef struct _token_entry token_entry; struct _token_entry { const char * token; const char * color; }; typedef struct _include_path include_path; struct _include_path { include_path * next; const astring * path; }; typedef struct _list_entry list_entry; struct _list_entry { list_entry * next; const astring * name; }; /*************************************************************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES ***************************************************************************/ static include_path *incpaths; static include_path **incpathhead = &incpaths; static const ext_to_type extension_lookup[] = { { ".c", FILE_TYPE_C }, { ".h", FILE_TYPE_C }, { ".mak", FILE_TYPE_MAKE }, { "makefile", FILE_TYPE_MAKE }, { ".lay", FILE_TYPE_XML }, { ".txt", FILE_TYPE_TEXT }, }; static const token_entry dummy_token_table[] = { { NULL, KEYWORD_CLASS } }; static const token_entry c_token_table[] = { { "#define", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#elif", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#else", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#endif", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#error", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#if", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#ifdef", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#ifndef", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#include", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#line", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#pragma", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "#undef", PREPROC_CLASS }, { "auto", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "break", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "case", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "char", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "const", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "continue", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "default", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "do", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "double", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "else", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "enum", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "extern", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "float", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "for", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "goto", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "if", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "int", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "long", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "register", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "return", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "short", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "signed", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "sizeof", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "static", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "struct", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "switch", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "typedef", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "union", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "unsigned", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "void", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "volatile", KEYWORD_CLASS }, { "while", KEYWORD_CLASS }, /* { "INLINE", CUSTOM_CLASS }, { "INT8", CUSTOM_CLASS }, { "UINT8", CUSTOM_CLASS }, { "INT16", CUSTOM_CLASS }, { "UINT16", CUSTOM_CLASS }, { "INT32", CUSTOM_CLASS }, { "UINT32", CUSTOM_CLASS }, { "INT64", CUSTOM_CLASS }, { "UINT64", CUSTOM_CLASS }, { "ARRAY_LENGTH", CUSTOM_CLASS }, */ { NULL, KEYWORD_CLASS } }; /*************************************************************************** PROTOTYPES ***************************************************************************/ /* core output functions */ static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, const astring *srcdir, const astring *dstdir, const astring *tempheader, const astring *tempfooter); static int output_file(file_type type, int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, const astring *srcfile, const astring *dstfile, int link_to_file, const astring *tempheader, const astring *tempfooter); /* HTML helpers */ static core_file *create_file_and_output_header(const astring *filename, const astring *templatefile, const astring *path); static void output_footer_and_close_file(core_file *file, const astring *templatefile, const astring *path); /* path helpers */ static const astring *normalized_subpath(const astring *path, int start); static void output_path_as_links(core_file *file, const astring *path, int end_is_directory, int link_to_file); static astring *find_include_file(int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, const astring *srcfile, const astring *dstfile, const astring *filename); /*************************************************************************** MAIN ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- main - main entry point -------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { astring *srcdir = NULL, *dstdir = NULL, *tempfilename = NULL, *tempheader = NULL, *tempfooter = NULL; int unadorned = 0; UINT32 bufsize; void *buffer; int result; int argnum; /* loop over arguments */ for (argnum = 1; argnum < argc; argnum++) { char *arg = argv[argnum]; /* include path? */ if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == 'I') { *incpathhead = (include_path *)malloc(sizeof(**incpathhead)); if (*incpathhead != NULL) { (*incpathhead)->next = NULL; (*incpathhead)->path = astring_replacechr(astring_dupc(&arg[2]), '/', PATH_SEPARATOR[0]); incpathhead = &(*incpathhead)->next; } } /* other parameter */ else if (arg[0] != '-' && unadorned == 0) { srcdir = astring_dupc(arg); unadorned++; } else if (arg[0] != '-' && unadorned == 1) { dstdir = astring_dupc(arg); unadorned++; } else if (arg[0] != '-' && unadorned == 2) { tempfilename = astring_dupc(arg); unadorned++; } else goto usage; } /* make sure we got 3 parameters */ if (srcdir == NULL || dstdir == NULL || tempfilename == NULL) goto usage; /* read the template file into an astring */ if (core_fload(astring_c(tempfilename), &buffer, &bufsize) == FILERR_NONE) { tempheader = astring_dupch((const char *)buffer, bufsize); free(buffer); } /* verify the template */ if (tempheader == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read template file\n"); return 1; } result = astring_findc(tempheader, 0, ""); if (result == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Template is missing a marker\n"); return 1; } tempfooter = astring_substr(astring_dup(tempheader), result + 14, -1); tempheader = astring_substr(tempheader, 0, result); /* recurse over subdirectories */ result = recurse_dir(astring_len(srcdir), astring_len(dstdir), srcdir, dstdir, tempheader, tempfooter); /* free source and destination directories */ astring_free(srcdir); astring_free(dstdir); astring_free(tempfilename); astring_free(tempheader); astring_free(tempfooter); return result; usage: fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n%s [-Iincpath [-Iincpath [...]]]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /*************************************************************************** CORE OUTPUT FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************/ static int compare_list_entries(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const list_entry *entry1 = *(const list_entry **)p1; const list_entry *entry2 = *(const list_entry **)p2; return strcmp(astring_c(entry1->name), astring_c(entry2->name)); } /*------------------------------------------------- recurse_dir - recurse through a directory -------------------------------------------------*/ static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, const astring *srcdir, const astring *dstdir, const astring *tempheader, const astring *tempfooter) { static const osd_dir_entry_type typelist[] = { ENTTYPE_DIR, ENTTYPE_FILE }; const astring *srcdir_subpath; core_file *indexfile = NULL; astring *indexname; int result = 0; int entindex; /* extract a normalized subpath */ srcdir_subpath = normalized_subpath(srcdir, srcrootlen + 1); if (srcdir_subpath == NULL) return 1; /* create an index file */ indexname = astring_alloc(); astring_printf(indexname, "%s%c%s", astring_c(dstdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], "index.html"); indexfile = create_file_and_output_header(indexname, tempheader, srcdir_subpath); astring_free(indexname); /* output the directory navigation */ core_fprintf(indexfile, "

Viewing Directory: "); output_path_as_links(indexfile, srcdir_subpath, TRUE, FALSE); core_fprintf(indexfile, "

"); /* iterate first over directories, then over files */ for (entindex = 0; entindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(typelist) && result == 0; entindex++) { osd_dir_entry_type entry_type = typelist[entindex]; const osd_directory_entry *entry; list_entry **listarray = NULL; list_entry *list = NULL; list_entry *curlist; osd_directory *dir; int found = 0; /* open the directory and iterate through it */ dir = osd_opendir(astring_c(srcdir)); if (dir == NULL) { result = 1; goto error; } /* build up the list of files */ while ((entry = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL) if (entry->type == entry_type && entry->name[0] != '.') { list_entry *lentry = (list_entry *)malloc(sizeof(*lentry)); lentry->name = astring_dupc(entry->name); lentry->next = list; list = lentry; found++; } /* close the directory */ osd_closedir(dir); /* skip if nothing found */ if (found == 0) continue; /* allocate memory for sorting */ listarray = (list_entry **)malloc(sizeof(list_entry *) * found); found = 0; for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL; curlist = curlist->next) listarray[found++] = curlist; /* sort the list */ qsort(listarray, found, sizeof(listarray[0]), compare_list_entries); /* rebuild the list */ list = NULL; while (--found >= 0) { listarray[found]->next = list; list = listarray[found]; } free(listarray); /* iterate through each file */ for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL && result == 0; curlist = curlist->next) { astring *srcfile, *dstfile; /* add a header */ if (curlist == list) core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t


    \n", (entry_type == ENTTYPE_DIR) ? "Directories" : "Files"); /* build the source filename */ srcfile = astring_alloc(); astring_printf(srcfile, "%s%c%s", astring_c(srcdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name)); /* if we have a file, output it */ dstfile = astring_alloc(); if (entry_type == ENTTYPE_FILE) { file_type type = FILE_TYPE_INVALID; int extnum; /* make sure we care, first */ for (extnum = 0; extnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(extension_lookup); extnum++) if (core_filename_ends_with(astring_c(curlist->name), extension_lookup[extnum].extension)) { type = extension_lookup[extnum].type; break; } /* if we got a valid file, process it */ if (type != FILE_TYPE_INVALID) { astring_printf(dstfile, "%s%c%s.html", astring_c(dstdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name)); if (indexfile != NULL) core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t
  • %s
  • \n", astring_c(curlist->name), astring_c(curlist->name)); result = output_file(type, srcrootlen, dstrootlen, srcfile, dstfile, astring_cmp(srcdir, dstdir) == 0, tempheader, tempfooter); } } /* if we have a directory, recurse */ else { astring_printf(dstfile, "%s%c%s", astring_c(dstdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name)); if (indexfile != NULL) core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t
  • %s/
  • \n", astring_c(curlist->name), astring_c(curlist->name)); result = recurse_dir(srcrootlen, dstrootlen, srcfile, dstfile, tempheader, tempfooter); } /* free memory for the names */ astring_free(srcfile); astring_free(dstfile); } /* close the list if we found some stuff */ if (list != NULL) core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t
\n"); /* free all the allocated entries */ while (list != NULL) { list_entry *next = list->next; astring_free((astring *)list->name); free(list); list = next; } } error: if (indexfile != NULL) output_footer_and_close_file(indexfile, tempfooter, srcdir_subpath); astring_free((astring *)srcdir_subpath); return result; } /*------------------------------------------------- output_file - output a file, converting to HTML -------------------------------------------------*/ static int output_file(file_type type, int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, const astring *srcfile, const astring *dstfile, int link_to_file, const astring *tempheader, const astring *tempfooter) { const char *comment_start, *comment_end, *comment_inline, *token_chars; const char *comment_start_esc, *comment_end_esc, *comment_inline_esc; const token_entry *token_table; const astring *srcfile_subpath; char srcline[4096], *srcptr; int in_comment = FALSE; UINT8 is_token[256]; int color_quotes; core_file *src; core_file *dst; int toknum; int linenum = 1; /* extract a normalized subpath */ srcfile_subpath = normalized_subpath(srcfile, srcrootlen + 1); if (srcfile_subpath == NULL) return 1; fprintf(stderr, "Processing %s\n", astring_c(srcfile_subpath)); /* set some defaults */ color_quotes = FALSE; comment_start = comment_start_esc = ""; comment_end = comment_end_esc = ""; comment_inline = comment_inline_esc = ""; token_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_#"; token_table = dummy_token_table; /* based on the file type, set the comment info */ switch (type) { case FILE_TYPE_C: color_quotes = TRUE; comment_start = comment_start_esc = "/*"; comment_end = comment_end_esc = "*/"; comment_inline = comment_inline_esc = "//"; token_table = c_token_table; break; case FILE_TYPE_MAKE: color_quotes = TRUE; comment_inline = comment_inline_esc = "#"; break; case FILE_TYPE_XML: color_quotes = TRUE; comment_start = ""; comment_end_esc = "-->"; break; default: case FILE_TYPE_TEXT: break; } /* make the token lookup table */ memset(is_token, 0, sizeof(is_token)); for (toknum = 0; token_chars[toknum] != 0; toknum++) is_token[(UINT8)token_chars[toknum]] = TRUE; /* open the source file */ if (core_fopen(astring_c(srcfile), OPEN_FLAG_READ, &src) != FILERR_NONE) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read file '%s'\n", astring_c(srcfile)); return 1; } /* open the output file */ dst = create_file_and_output_header(dstfile, tempheader, srcfile_subpath); if (dst == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write file '%s'\n", astring_c(dstfile)); core_fclose(src); return 1; } /* output the directory navigation */ core_fprintf(dst, "

Viewing File: "); output_path_as_links(dst, srcfile_subpath, FALSE, link_to_file); core_fprintf(dst, "

"); /* start with some tags */ core_fprintf(dst, "\t

	/* iterate over lines in the source file */
	while (core_fgets(srcline, ARRAY_LENGTH(srcline), src) != NULL)
		char dstline[4096], *dstptr = dstline;
		int in_inline_comment = FALSE;
		int last_token_was_include = FALSE;
		int last_was_token = FALSE;
		int quotes_are_linked = FALSE;
		char in_quotes = 0;
		int curcol = 0;

		/* start with the line number */
		dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "%5d  ", linenum++);

		/* iterate over characters in the source line */
		for (srcptr = srcline; *srcptr != 0; )
			UINT8 ch = *srcptr++;

			/* track whether or not we are within an extended (C-style) comment */
			if (!in_quotes && !in_inline_comment)
				if (!in_comment && ch == comment_start[0] && strncmp(srcptr - 1, comment_start, strlen(comment_start)) == 0)
					dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "%s", comment_start_esc);
					curcol += strlen(comment_start);
					srcptr += strlen(comment_start) - 1;
					ch = 0;
					in_comment = TRUE;
				else if (in_comment && ch == comment_end[0] && strncmp(srcptr - 1, comment_end, strlen(comment_end)) == 0)
					dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "%s", comment_end_esc);
					curcol += strlen(comment_end);
					srcptr += strlen(comment_end) - 1;
					ch = 0;
					in_comment = FALSE;

			/* track whether or not we are within an inline (C++-style) comment */
			if (!in_quotes && !in_comment && !in_inline_comment && ch == comment_inline[0] && strncmp(srcptr - 1, comment_inline, strlen(comment_inline)) == 0)
				dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "%s", comment_inline_esc);
				curcol += strlen(comment_inline);
				srcptr += strlen(comment_inline) - 1;
				ch = 0;
				in_inline_comment = TRUE;

			/* if this is the start of a new token, see if we want to color it */
			if (!in_quotes && !in_comment && !in_inline_comment && !last_was_token && is_token[ch])
				const token_entry *curtoken;
				char *temp = srcptr;
				int toklength;

				/* find the end of the token */
				while (*temp != 0 && is_token[(UINT8)*temp])
				toklength = temp - (srcptr - 1);

				/* scan the token table */
				last_token_was_include = FALSE;
				for (curtoken = token_table; curtoken->token != NULL; curtoken++)
					if (strncmp(srcptr - 1, curtoken->token, toklength) == 0 && strlen(curtoken->token) == toklength)
						dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "%s", curtoken->color, curtoken->token);
						curcol += strlen(curtoken->token);
						srcptr += strlen(curtoken->token) - 1;
						ch = 0;

						/* look for include tokens specially */
						if (type == FILE_TYPE_C && strcmp(curtoken->token, "#include") == 0)
							last_token_was_include = TRUE;
			last_was_token = is_token[ch];

			/* if we hit a tab, expand it */
			if (ch == 0x09)
				/* compute how many spaces */
				int spaces = 4 - curcol % 4;
				while (spaces--)
					*dstptr++ = ' ';

			/* otherwise, copy the source character */
			else if (ch != 0x0a && ch != 0x0d && ch != 0)
				/* track opening quotes */
				if (!in_comment && !in_inline_comment && !in_quotes && (ch == '"' || ch == '\''))
					if (color_quotes)
						dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "%c", ch);
						*dstptr++ = ch;
					in_quotes = ch;

					/* handle includes */
					if (last_token_was_include)
						char *endquote = strchr(srcptr, ch);
						if (endquote != NULL)
							astring *filename = astring_dupch(srcptr, endquote - srcptr);
							astring *target = find_include_file(srcrootlen, dstrootlen, srcfile, dstfile, filename);
							if (target != NULL)
								dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "", astring_c(target));
								quotes_are_linked = TRUE;

				/* track closing quotes */
				else if (!in_comment && !in_inline_comment && in_quotes && ch == in_quotes && (type != FILE_TYPE_C || srcptr[-2] != '\\' || srcptr[-3] == '\\'))
					if (quotes_are_linked)
						dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "");
					if (color_quotes)
						dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "%c", ch);
						*dstptr++ = ch;
					in_quotes = 0;
					quotes_are_linked = FALSE;

				/* else just output the current character */
				else if (ch == '&')
					dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "&");
				else if (ch == '<')
					dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "<");
				else if (ch == '>')
					dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, ">");
					*dstptr++ = ch;

		/* finish inline comments */
		if (in_inline_comment)
			dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "");
			in_inline_comment = FALSE;

		/* append a break and move on */
		dstptr += sprintf(dstptr, "\n");
		core_fputs(dst, dstline);

	/* close tags */
	core_fprintf(dst, "\t
\n"); /* close the file */ output_footer_and_close_file(dst, tempfooter, srcfile_subpath); astring_free((astring *)srcfile_subpath); core_fclose(src); return 0; } /*************************************************************************** HTML OUTPUT HELPERS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- create_file_and_output_header - create a new HTML file with a standard header -------------------------------------------------*/ static core_file *create_file_and_output_header(const astring *filename, const astring *templatefile, const astring *path) { astring *modified; core_file *file; /* create the indexfile */ if (core_fopen(astring_c(filename), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS | OPEN_FLAG_NO_BOM, &file) != FILERR_NONE) return NULL; /* print a header */ modified = astring_dup(templatefile); astring_replacec(modified, 0, "", astring_c(path)); core_fwrite(file, astring_c(modified), astring_len(modified)); /* return the file */ astring_free(modified); return file; } /*------------------------------------------------- output_footer_and_close_file - write a standard footer to an HTML file and close it -------------------------------------------------*/ static void output_footer_and_close_file(core_file *file, const astring *templatefile, const astring *path) { astring *modified; modified = astring_dup(templatefile); astring_replacec(modified, 0, "", astring_c(path)); core_fwrite(file, astring_c(modified), astring_len(modified)); astring_free(modified); core_fclose(file); } /*************************************************************************** HTML OUTPUT HELPERS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- normalized_subpath - normalize a path to forward slashes and extract a subpath -------------------------------------------------*/ static const astring *normalized_subpath(const astring *path, int start) { astring *result = astring_dupsubstr(path, start, -1); if (result != NULL) astring_replacechr(result, PATH_SEPARATOR[0], '/'); return result; } /*------------------------------------------------- output_path_as_links - output a path as a series of links -------------------------------------------------*/ static void output_path_as_links(core_file *file, const astring *path, int end_is_directory, int link_to_file) { astring *substr = astring_alloc(); int srcdepth, curdepth, depth; int slashindex, lastslash; /* first count how deep we are */ srcdepth = 0; for (slashindex = astring_chr(path, 0, '/'); slashindex != -1; slashindex = astring_chr(path, slashindex + 1, '/')) srcdepth++; if (end_is_directory) srcdepth++; /* output a link to the root */ core_fprintf(file, "<root>/"); /* now output links to each path up the chain */ curdepth = 0; lastslash = 0; for (slashindex = astring_chr(path, lastslash, '/'); slashindex != -1; slashindex = astring_chr(path, lastslash, '/')) { astring_cpysubstr(substr, path, lastslash, slashindex - lastslash); curdepth++; core_fprintf(file, "%s/", astring_c(substr)); lastslash = slashindex + 1; } /* and a final link to the current directory */ astring_cpysubstr(substr, path, lastslash, -1); if (end_is_directory) core_fprintf(file, "%s", astring_c(substr)); else if (link_to_file) core_fprintf(file, "%s", astring_c(substr), astring_c(substr)); else core_fprintf(file, "%s", astring_c(substr), astring_c(substr)); astring_free(substr); } /*------------------------------------------------- find_include_file - find an include file -------------------------------------------------*/ static astring *find_include_file(int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, const astring *srcfile, const astring *dstfile, const astring *filename) { include_path *curpath; /* iterate over include paths and find the file */ for (curpath = incpaths; curpath != NULL; curpath = curpath->next) { astring *srcincpath = astring_cat(astring_dupsubstr(srcfile, 0, srcrootlen + 1), curpath->path); core_file *testfile; int lastsepindex = 0; int sepindex; /* a '.' include path is specially treated */ if (astring_cmpc(curpath->path, ".") == 0) astring_cpysubstr(srcincpath, srcfile, 0, astring_rchr(srcfile, 0, PATH_SEPARATOR[0])); /* append the filename piecemeal to account for directories */ while ((sepindex = astring_chr(filename, lastsepindex, '/')) != -1) { astring *pathpart = astring_dupsubstr(filename, lastsepindex, sepindex - lastsepindex); /* handle .. by removing a chunk from the incpath */ if (astring_cmpc(pathpart, "..") == 0) { sepindex = astring_rchr(srcincpath, 0, PATH_SEPARATOR[0]); if (sepindex != -1) astring_substr(srcincpath, 0, sepindex); } /* otherwise, append a path separator and the pathpart */ else astring_cat(astring_catc(srcincpath, PATH_SEPARATOR), pathpart); /* advance past the previous index */ lastsepindex = sepindex + 1; /* free the path part we extracted */ astring_free(pathpart); } /* now append the filename */ astring_catsubstr(astring_catc(srcincpath, PATH_SEPARATOR), filename, lastsepindex, -1); /* see if we can open it */ if (core_fopen(astring_c(srcincpath), OPEN_FLAG_READ, &testfile) == FILERR_NONE) { astring *tempfile = astring_alloc(); astring *tempinc = astring_alloc(); /* close the file */ core_fclose(testfile); /* find the longest matching directory substring between the include and source file */ lastsepindex = 0; while ((sepindex = astring_chr(srcincpath, lastsepindex, PATH_SEPARATOR[0])) != -1) { /* get substrings up to the current directory */ astring_cpysubstr(tempfile, srcfile, 0, sepindex); astring_cpysubstr(tempinc, srcincpath, 0, sepindex); /* if we don't match, stop */ if (astring_cmp(tempfile, tempinc) != 0) break; lastsepindex = sepindex + 1; } /* chop off the common parts of the paths */ astring_cpysubstr(tempfile, srcfile, lastsepindex, -1); astring_replacechr(astring_substr(srcincpath, lastsepindex, -1), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], '/'); /* for each directory left in the filename, we need to prepend a "../" */ while ((sepindex = astring_chr(tempfile, 0, PATH_SEPARATOR[0])) != -1) { astring_substr(tempfile, sepindex + 1, -1); astring_insc(srcincpath, 0, "../"); } astring_catc(srcincpath, ".html"); /* free the strings and return the include path */ astring_free(tempfile); astring_free(tempinc); return srcincpath; } /* free our include path */ astring_free(srcincpath); } return NULL; }