@rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem MAME Testing script @rem (Windows only at the moment, sorry!) @rem @rem Initial setup of the script: @rem @rem 1. Create a fresh directory mametest/ @rem 2. Copy this script into it (mametest/runtest.cmd) @rem 3. Copy a mame.ini with your ROM paths into it @rem (mametest/mame.ini) @rem 4. Copy a transparent crosshair cursor into it @rem (mametest/cross.png) @rem @rem How to run a test: @rem @rem 1. Create a new subdirectory mametest/version/ @rem 2. Copy mame.exe into it (mametest/version/mame.exe) @rem 3. Open a command prompt to mametest/version @rem 4. Run "..\runtest" @rem 5. Wait for all the tests to complete @rem (Note one window will be opened for each CPU) @rem @rem How to generate a report: @rem @rem 1. Concatenate the summary files together: @rem copy summary*.log summary-final.log @rem 1. Open a command prompt to mametest. @rem 2. Make sure you have run tests for at least two @rem versions (mametest/ver1 and mametest/ver2) @rem 3. Create an output directory (mametest/report) @rem 4. Run "regrep report ver1\summary-final.log ver2\summary-final.log" @rem 5. Upload the report directory to mamedev.org :) @rem 6. Differing files are printed to stdout; redirect @rem to create a list that can be run again via @rem this script @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @echo off @setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem We require mame.exe to be present @rem ---------------------------------------------------- if not exist mame.exe ( @echo Missing mame.exe! @goto :eof ) @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem By default we generate our own list; however, a list @rem can be specified by an alternate parameter. If a @rem parameter is given, we leave the existing log and @rem snap directories intact; otherwise, we delete them @rem and start fresh. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- set LIST=gamelist.txt set SUMMARY=summary.log if "%1"=="" ( @echo Generating full list mame -ls >%LIST% @echo Deleting old data if exist log rmdir /s/q log if exist snap rmdir /s/q snap if exist %SUMMARY% del %SUMMARY% ) else ( set LIST=%1 @echo Re-testing %1 ) @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem If we have a %2 parameter, then this is a sublaunch @rem and we should go right to the execution. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- if not "%2"=="" ( set SUMMARY=summary%2.log goto :sublaunch ) @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem Always delete all cfg, nvram, and diff files. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- if exist cfg rmdir /s/q cfg if exist nvram rmdir /s/q nvram if exist diff rmdir /s/q diff @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem Make sure we use transparent crosshairs. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- if not exist artwork mkdir artwork copy /y ..\cross.png artwork\cross0.png copy /y ..\cross.png artwork\cross1.png copy /y ..\cross.png artwork\cross2.png copy /y ..\cross.png artwork\cross3.png @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem If we don't yet have a summary.log, create a new one. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- if not exist %SUMMARY% ( mame -help >%SUMMARY% echo @@@@@dir=%CD%>>%SUMMARY% ) @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem Create the log directory and a starting timestamp. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- if not exist log mkdir log echo @@@@@start=%TIME%>>%SUMMARY% @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem Iterate over processors and sublaunch an entry for @rem each one. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- for /l %%c in (1,1,%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%) do ( set /a CPU="%%c - 1" @echo call %0 %LIST% !CPU! start %0 %LIST% !CPU! ) goto :eof @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem Iterate over drivers in the log, extracting the @rem source filename as well, and passing both to runone. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- :sublaunch set CPU=0 for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/ " %%i in (%LIST%) do ( set /a CPU="(!CPU! + 1) %% %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%" if not "!CPU!"=="%2" ( @rem do nothing ) else if not "%%m"=="" ( call :runone %%i %%m ) else if not "%%l"=="" ( call :runone %%i %%l ) else if not "%%k"=="" ( call :runone %%i %%k ) else ( call :runone %%i %%j ) ) @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem Add a final timestamp and we're done. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- echo @@@@@stop=%TIME%>>%SUMMARY% goto :eof @rem ---------------------------------------------------- @rem runone: Execute a single game for 30 seconds and @rem output the results to the summary.log. @rem ---------------------------------------------------- :runone @echo Testing %1 (%2)... echo.>>%SUMMARY% mame %1 -str 30 -watchdog 300 -nodebug -nothrottle -inipath .. -video none -nosound 1>log\%1.txt 2>log\%1.err if %errorlevel% equ 100 ( echo @@@@@driver=%1: Exception>>%SUMMARY% type log\%1.err >>%SUMMARY% ) else if %errorlevel% equ 5 ( @rem Do nothing -- game does not exist in this build ) else if %errorlevel% equ 3 ( echo @@@@@driver=%1: Fatal error>>%SUMMARY% type log\%1.err >>%SUMMARY% ) else if %errorlevel% equ 2 ( echo @@@@@driver=%1: Missing files>>%SUMMARY% type log\%1.err >>%SUMMARY% ) else if %errorlevel% equ 1 ( echo @@@@@driver=%1: Failed validity check>>%SUMMARY% type log\%1.err >>%SUMMARY% ) else if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( echo @@@@@driver=%1: Success>>%SUMMARY% ) else ( echo @@@@@driver=%1: Unknown error %errorlevel%>>%SUMMARY% ) echo @@@@@source=%2>>%SUMMARY% goto :eof