//============================================================ // // winmain.h - Win32 main program and core headers // //============================================================ // // Copyright Aaron Giles // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or // without modification, are permitted provided that the // following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the // following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the // above copyright notice, this list of conditions and // the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or // other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name 'MAME' nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote // products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AARON GILES ''AS IS'' AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO // EVENT SHALL AARON GILES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, // INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGE (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON // ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN // IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //============================================================ #include "clifront.h" #include "osdepend.h" //============================================================ // CONSTANTS //============================================================ // debugging options #define WINOPTION_OSLOG "oslog" #define WINOPTION_WATCHDOG "watchdog" #define WINOPTION_DEBUGGER_FONT "debugger_font" #define WINOPTION_DEBUGGER_FONT_SIZE "debugger_font_size" // performance options #define WINOPTION_PRIORITY "priority" #define WINOPTION_MULTITHREADING "multithreading" #define WINOPTION_NUMPROCESSORS "numprocessors" #define WINOPTION_PROFILE "profile" #define WINOPTION_BENCH "bench" // video options #define WINOPTION_VIDEO "video" #define WINOPTION_NUMSCREENS "numscreens" #define WINOPTION_WINDOW "window" #define WINOPTION_MAXIMIZE "maximize" #define WINOPTION_KEEPASPECT "keepaspect" #define WINOPTION_PRESCALE "prescale" #define WINOPTION_WAITVSYNC "waitvsync" #define WINOPTION_SYNCREFRESH "syncrefresh" #define WINOPTION_MENU "menu" // DirectDraw-specific options #define WINOPTION_HWSTRETCH "hwstretch" // Direct3D-specific options #define WINOPTION_D3DVERSION "d3dversion" #define WINOPTION_FILTER "filter" // core post-processing options #define WINOPTION_HLSL_ENABLE "hlsl_enable" #define WINOPTION_HLSLPATH "hlslpath" #define WINOPTION_HLSL_INI_NAME "hlslini" #define WINOPTION_HLSL_INI_WRITE "hlsl_ini_write" #define WINOPTION_HLSL_INI_READ "hlsl_ini_read" #define WINOPTION_HLSL_PRESCALE_X "hlsl_prescale_x" #define WINOPTION_HLSL_PRESCALE_Y "hlsl_prescale_y" #define WINOPTION_HLSL_PRESET "hlsl_preset" #define WINOPTION_HLSL_WRITE "hlsl_write" #define WINOPTION_HLSL_SNAP_WIDTH "hlsl_snap_width" #define WINOPTION_HLSL_SNAP_HEIGHT "hlsl_snap_height" #define WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_ALPHA "shadow_mask_alpha" #define WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_TEXTURE "shadow_mask_texture" #define WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_COUNT_X "shadow_mask_x_count" #define WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_COUNT_Y "shadow_mask_y_count" #define WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_USIZE "shadow_mask_usize" #define WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_VSIZE "shadow_mask_vsize" #define WINOPTION_PINCUSHION "pincushion" #define WINOPTION_CURVATURE "curvature" #define WINOPTION_SCANLINE_AMOUNT "scanline_alpha" #define WINOPTION_SCANLINE_SCALE "scanline_size" #define WINOPTION_SCANLINE_HEIGHT "scanline_height" #define WINOPTION_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_SCALE "scanline_bright_scale" #define WINOPTION_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_OFFSET "scanline_bright_offset" #define WINOPTION_SCANLINE_OFFSET "scanline_jitter" #define WINOPTION_DEFOCUS "defocus" #define WINOPTION_CONVERGE_X "converge_x" #define WINOPTION_CONVERGE_Y "converge_y" #define WINOPTION_RADIAL_CONVERGE_X "radial_converge_x" #define WINOPTION_RADIAL_CONVERGE_Y "radial_converge_y" #define WINOPTION_RED_RATIO "red_ratio" #define WINOPTION_GRN_RATIO "grn_ratio" #define WINOPTION_BLU_RATIO "blu_ratio" #define WINOPTION_OFFSET "offset" #define WINOPTION_SCALE "scale" #define WINOPTION_POWER "power" #define WINOPTION_FLOOR "floor" #define WINOPTION_PHOSPHOR "phosphor_life" #define WINOPTION_SATURATION "saturation" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_ENABLE "yiq_enable" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_CCVALUE "yiq_cc" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_AVALUE "yiq_a" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_BVALUE "yiq_b" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_OVALUE "yiq_o" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_PVALUE "yiq_p" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_NVALUE "yiq_n" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_YVALUE "yiq_y" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_IVALUE "yiq_i" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_QVALUE "yiq_q" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_SCAN_TIME "yiq_scan_time" #define WINOPTION_YIQ_PHASE_COUNT "yiq_phase_count" #define WINOPTION_VECTOR_TIME_SCALE "vector_time_scale" #define WINOPTION_VECTOR_TIME_PERIOD "vector_time_period" #define WINOPTION_VECTOR_LENGTH_SCALE "vector_length_scale" #define WINOPTION_VECTOR_LENGTH_RATIO "vector_length_ratio" // per-window options #define WINOPTION_SCREEN "screen" #define WINOPTION_ASPECT "aspect" #define WINOPTION_RESOLUTION "resolution" #define WINOPTION_VIEW "view" // full screen options #define WINOPTION_TRIPLEBUFFER "triplebuffer" #define WINOPTION_SWITCHRES "switchres" #define WINOPTION_FULLSCREENBRIGHTNESS "full_screen_brightness" #define WINOPTION_FULLSCREENCONTRAST "full_screen_contrast" #define WINOPTION_FULLSCREENGAMMA "full_screen_gamma" // sound options #define WINOPTION_AUDIO_LATENCY "audio_latency" // input options #define WINOPTION_DUAL_LIGHTGUN "dual_lightgun" //============================================================ // TYPE DEFINITIONS //============================================================ class windows_options : public cli_options { public: // construction/destruction windows_options(); // debugging options bool oslog() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_OSLOG); } int watchdog() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_WATCHDOG); } const char *debugger_font() const { return value(WINOPTION_DEBUGGER_FONT); } float debugger_font_size() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_DEBUGGER_FONT_SIZE); } // performance options int priority() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_PRIORITY); } bool multithreading() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_MULTITHREADING); } const char *numprocessors() const { return value(WINOPTION_NUMPROCESSORS); } int profile() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_PROFILE); } int bench() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_BENCH); } // video options const char *video() const { return value(WINOPTION_VIDEO); } int numscreens() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_NUMSCREENS); } bool window() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_WINDOW); } bool maximize() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_MAXIMIZE); } bool keep_aspect() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_KEEPASPECT); } int prescale() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_PRESCALE); } bool wait_vsync() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_WAITVSYNC); } bool sync_refresh() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_SYNCREFRESH); } bool menu() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_MENU); } // DirectDraw-specific options bool hwstretch() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_HWSTRETCH); } // Direct3D-specific options int d3d_version() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_D3DVERSION); } bool filter() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_FILTER); } // core post-processing options const char *screen_post_fx_dir() const { return value(WINOPTION_HLSLPATH); } const char *hlsl_ini_name() const { return value(WINOPTION_HLSL_INI_NAME); } bool d3d_hlsl_enable() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_HLSL_ENABLE); } bool hlsl_write_ini() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_HLSL_INI_WRITE); } bool hlsl_read_ini() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_HLSL_INI_READ); } const char *d3d_hlsl_write() const { return value(WINOPTION_HLSL_WRITE); } int d3d_hlsl_prescale_x() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_HLSL_PRESCALE_X); } int d3d_hlsl_prescale_y() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_HLSL_PRESCALE_Y); } int d3d_hlsl_preset() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_HLSL_PRESET); } int d3d_snap_width() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_HLSL_SNAP_WIDTH); } int d3d_snap_height() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_HLSL_SNAP_HEIGHT); } float screen_shadow_mask_alpha() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_ALPHA); } const char *screen_shadow_mask_texture() const { return value(WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_TEXTURE); } int screen_shadow_mask_count_x() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_COUNT_X); } int screen_shadow_mask_count_y() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_COUNT_Y); } float screen_shadow_mask_u_size() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_USIZE); } float screen_shadow_mask_v_size() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_VSIZE); } float screen_scanline_amount() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SCANLINE_AMOUNT); } float screen_scanline_scale() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SCANLINE_SCALE); } float screen_scanline_height() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SCANLINE_HEIGHT); } float screen_scanline_bright_scale() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_SCALE); } float screen_scanline_bright_offset() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_OFFSET); } float screen_scanline_offset() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SCANLINE_OFFSET); } float screen_pincushion() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_PINCUSHION); } float screen_curvature() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_CURVATURE); } const char *screen_defocus() const { return value(WINOPTION_DEFOCUS); } const char *screen_converge_x() const { return value(WINOPTION_CONVERGE_X); } const char *screen_converge_y() const { return value(WINOPTION_CONVERGE_Y); } const char *screen_radial_converge_x() const { return value(WINOPTION_RADIAL_CONVERGE_X); } const char *screen_radial_converge_y() const { return value(WINOPTION_RADIAL_CONVERGE_Y); } const char *screen_red_ratio() const { return value(WINOPTION_RED_RATIO); } const char *screen_grn_ratio() const { return value(WINOPTION_GRN_RATIO); } const char *screen_blu_ratio() const { return value(WINOPTION_BLU_RATIO); } bool screen_yiq_enable() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_ENABLE); } float screen_yiq_cc() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_CCVALUE); } float screen_yiq_a() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_AVALUE); } float screen_yiq_b() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_BVALUE); } float screen_yiq_o() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_OVALUE); } float screen_yiq_p() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_PVALUE); } float screen_yiq_n() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_NVALUE); } float screen_yiq_y() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_YVALUE); } float screen_yiq_i() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_IVALUE); } float screen_yiq_q() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_QVALUE); } float screen_yiq_scan_time() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_SCAN_TIME); } int screen_yiq_phase_count() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_YIQ_PHASE_COUNT); } float screen_vector_time_scale() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_VECTOR_TIME_SCALE); } float screen_vector_time_period() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_VECTOR_TIME_PERIOD); } float screen_vector_length_scale() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_VECTOR_LENGTH_SCALE); } float screen_vector_length_ratio() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_VECTOR_LENGTH_RATIO); } const char *screen_offset() const { return value(WINOPTION_OFFSET); } const char *screen_scale() const { return value(WINOPTION_SCALE); } const char *screen_power() const { return value(WINOPTION_POWER); } const char *screen_floor() const { return value(WINOPTION_FLOOR); } const char *screen_phosphor() const { return value(WINOPTION_PHOSPHOR); } float screen_saturation() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_SATURATION); } // per-window options const char *screen() const { return value(WINOPTION_SCREEN); } const char *aspect() const { return value(WINOPTION_ASPECT); } const char *resolution() const { return value(WINOPTION_RESOLUTION); } const char *view() const { return value(WINOPTION_VIEW); } const char *screen(int index) const { astring temp; return value(temp.format("%s%d", WINOPTION_SCREEN, index)); } const char *aspect(int index) const { astring temp; return value(temp.format("%s%d", WINOPTION_ASPECT, index)); } const char *resolution(int index) const { astring temp; return value(temp.format("%s%d", WINOPTION_RESOLUTION, index)); } const char *view(int index) const { astring temp; return value(temp.format("%s%d", WINOPTION_VIEW, index)); } // full screen options bool triple_buffer() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_TRIPLEBUFFER); } bool switch_res() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_SWITCHRES); } float full_screen_brightness() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_FULLSCREENBRIGHTNESS); } float full_screen_contrast() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_FULLSCREENCONTRAST); } float full_screen_gamma() const { return float_value(WINOPTION_FULLSCREENGAMMA); } // sound options int audio_latency() const { return int_value(WINOPTION_AUDIO_LATENCY); } // input options bool dual_lightgun() const { return bool_value(WINOPTION_DUAL_LIGHTGUN); } private: static const options_entry s_option_entries[]; }; //============================================================ // MACROS //============================================================ #ifdef __cplusplus #define WRAP_REFIID(x) x #else #define WRAP_REFIID(x) &x #endif //============================================================ // TYPE DEFINITIONS //============================================================ class windows_osd_interface : public osd_interface { public: // construction/destruction windows_osd_interface(); virtual ~windows_osd_interface(); // general overridables virtual void init(running_machine &machine); virtual void update(bool skip_redraw); // debugger overridables // virtual void init_debugger(); virtual void wait_for_debugger(device_t &device, bool firststop); // audio overridables virtual void update_audio_stream(const INT16 *buffer, int samples_this_frame); virtual void set_mastervolume(int attenuation); // video overridables virtual void *get_slider_list(); // input overridables virtual void customize_input_type_list(simple_list &typelist); // font overridables virtual osd_font font_open(const char *name, int &height); virtual void font_close(osd_font font); virtual bool font_get_bitmap(osd_font font, unicode_char chnum, bitmap_argb32 &bitmap, INT32 &width, INT32 &xoffs, INT32 &yoffs); private: static void osd_exit(running_machine &machine); static const int DEFAULT_FONT_HEIGHT = 200; }; //============================================================ // GLOBAL VARIABLES //============================================================ extern const options_entry mame_win_options[]; // defined in winwork.c extern int osd_num_processors; //============================================================ // FUNCTION PROTOTYPES //============================================================ // use if you want to print something with the verbose flag void CLIB_DECL mame_printf_verbose(const char *text, ...) ATTR_PRINTF(1,2); // use this to ping the watchdog void winmain_watchdog_ping(void); void winmain_dump_stack();