// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles //============================================================ // // winmain.cpp - Win32 main program // //============================================================ // MAME headers #include "emu.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "strconv.h" // MAMEOS headers #include "winmain.h" #include "window.h" #include "winutf8.h" #include "winutil.h" #include "winfile.h" #include "modules/diagnostics/diagnostics_module.h" #include "modules/monitor/monitor_common.h" // standard C headers #include #include #include // standard windows headers #include #include #include #include #include #if !WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) #include using namespace Windows::Storage; using namespace Platform; using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel; using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Core; using namespace Windows::UI::Popups; #endif #define DEBUG_SLOW_LOCKS 0 //************************************************************************** // MACROS //************************************************************************** #ifdef UNICODE #define UNICODE_POSTFIX "W" #else #define UNICODE_POSTFIX "A" #endif //************************************************************************** // TYPE DEFINITIONS //************************************************************************** #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) //============================================================ // winui_output_error //============================================================ class winui_output_error : public osd_output { public: virtual void output_callback(osd_output_channel channel, const util::format_argument_pack &args) override { if (channel == OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR) { // if we are in fullscreen mode, go to windowed mode if ((video_config.windowed == 0) && !osd_common_t::s_window_list.empty()) winwindow_toggle_full_screen(); std::ostringstream buffer; util::stream_format(buffer, args); win_message_box_utf8(!osd_common_t::s_window_list.empty() ? std::static_pointer_cast(osd_common_t::s_window_list.front())->platform_window() : nullptr, buffer.str().c_str(), emulator_info::get_appname(), MB_OK); } else chain_output(channel, args); } }; #else //============================================================ // winuniversal_output_error //============================================================ class winuniversal_output_error : public osd_output { public: virtual void output_callback(osd_output_channel channel, const char *msg, va_list args) override { char buffer[2048]; if (channel == OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR) { vsnprintf(buffer, ARRAY_LENGTH(buffer), msg, args); std::wstring wcbuffer(osd::text::to_wstring(buffer)); std::wstring wcappname(osd::text::to_wstring(emulator_info::get_appname())); auto dlg = ref new MessageDialog(ref new Platform::String(wcbuffer.data()), ref new Platform::String(wcbuffer.data())); dlg->ShowAsync(); } else if (channel == OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_VERBOSE) { vsnprintf(buffer, ARRAY_LENGTH(buffer), msg, args); std::wstring wcbuffer = osd::text::to_wstring(buffer); OutputDebugString(wcbuffer.c_str()); // Chain to next anyway chain_output(channel, msg, args); } else chain_output(channel, msg, args); } }; #endif //************************************************************************** // GLOBAL VARIABLES //************************************************************************** // this line prevents globbing on the command line int _CRT_glob = 0; //************************************************************************** // LOCAL VARIABLES //************************************************************************** #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) static int timeresult = !TIMERR_NOERROR; static TIMECAPS timecaps; #endif static running_machine *g_current_machine; //************************************************************************** // FUNCTION PROTOTYPES //************************************************************************** static BOOL WINAPI control_handler(DWORD type); static int is_double_click_start(int argc); //************************************************************************** // OPTIONS //************************************************************************** // struct definitions const options_entry windows_options::s_option_entries[] = { // performance options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "WINDOWS PERFORMANCE OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_PRIORITY "(-15-1)", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "thread priority for the main game thread; range from -15 to 1" }, { WINOPTION_PROFILE, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "enables profiling, specifying the stack depth to track" }, // video options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_MENU, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enables menu bar if available by UI implementation" }, { WINOPTION_ATTACH_WINDOW, "", OPTION_STRING, "attach to arbitrary window" }, // post-processing options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_HLSLPATH, "hlsl", OPTION_STRING, "path to HLSL support files" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_ENABLE";hlsl", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable HLSL post-processing (PS3.0 required)" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_OVERSAMPLING, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable HLSL oversampling" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_WRITE, OSDOPTVAL_AUTO, OPTION_STRING, "enable HLSL AVI writing (huge disk bandwidth suggested)" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_SNAP_WIDTH, "2048", OPTION_STRING, "HLSL upscaled-snapshot width" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_SNAP_HEIGHT, "1536", OPTION_STRING, "HLSL upscaled-snapshot height" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_TILE_MODE, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "shadow mask tile mode (0 for screen based, 1 for source based)" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_ALPHA";fs_shadwa(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "shadow mask alpha-blend value (1.0 is fully blended, 0.0 is no mask)" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_TEXTURE";fs_shadwt(0.0-1.0)", "shadow-mask.png", OPTION_STRING, "shadow mask texture name" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_COUNT_X";fs_shadww", "6", OPTION_INTEGER, "shadow mask tile width, in screen dimensions" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_COUNT_Y";fs_shadwh", "4", OPTION_INTEGER, "shadow mask tile height, in screen dimensions" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_USIZE";fs_shadwu(0.0-1.0)", "0.1875", OPTION_FLOAT, "shadow mask texture width, in U/V dimensions" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_VSIZE";fs_shadwv(0.0-1.0)", "0.25", OPTION_FLOAT, "shadow mask texture height, in U/V dimensions" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_UOFFSET";fs_shadwou(-1.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "shadow mask texture offset, in U direction" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_VOFFSET";fs_shadwov(-1.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "shadow mask texture offset, in V direction" }, { WINOPTION_DISTORTION";fs_dist(-1.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "screen distortion amount" }, { WINOPTION_CUBIC_DISTORTION";fs_cubedist(-1.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "screen cubic distortion amount" }, { WINOPTION_DISTORT_CORNER";fs_distc(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "screen distort corner amount" }, { WINOPTION_ROUND_CORNER";fs_rndc(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "screen round corner amount" }, { WINOPTION_SMOOTH_BORDER";fs_smob(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "screen smooth border amount" }, { WINOPTION_REFLECTION";fs_ref(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "screen reflection amount" }, { WINOPTION_VIGNETTING";fs_vig(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "image vignetting amount" }, /* Beam-related values below this line*/ { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_AMOUNT";fs_scanam(0.0-4.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall alpha scaling value for scanlines" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_SCALE";fs_scansc(0.0-4.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall height scaling value for scanlines" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_HEIGHT";fs_scanh(0.0-4.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "individual height scaling value for scanlines" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_VARIATION";fs_scanv(0.0-4.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "individual height varying value for scanlines" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_SCALE";fs_scanbs(0.0-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall brightness scaling value for scanlines (multiplicative)" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_OFFSET";fs_scanbo(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall brightness offset value for scanlines (additive)" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_JITTER";fs_scanjt(0.0-4.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall interlace jitter scaling value for scanlines" }, { WINOPTION_HUM_BAR_ALPHA";fs_humba(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall alpha scaling value for hum bar" }, { WINOPTION_DEFOCUS";fs_focus", "0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "overall defocus value in screen-relative coords" }, { WINOPTION_CONVERGE_X";fs_convx", "0.0,0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "convergence in screen-relative X direction" }, { WINOPTION_CONVERGE_Y";fs_convy", "0.0,0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "convergence in screen-relative Y direction" }, { WINOPTION_RADIAL_CONVERGE_X";fs_rconvx", "0.0,0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "radial convergence in screen-relative X direction" }, { WINOPTION_RADIAL_CONVERGE_Y";fs_rconvy", "0.0,0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "radial convergence in screen-relative Y direction" }, /* RGB colorspace convolution below this line */ { WINOPTION_RED_RATIO";fs_redratio", "1.0,0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "red output signal generated by input signal" }, { WINOPTION_GRN_RATIO";fs_grnratio", "0.0,1.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "green output signal generated by input signal" }, { WINOPTION_BLU_RATIO";fs_bluratio", "0.0,0.0,1.0", OPTION_STRING, "blue output signal generated by input signal" }, { WINOPTION_SATURATION";fs_sat(0.0-4.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "saturation scaling value" }, { WINOPTION_OFFSET";fs_offset", "0.0,0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "signal offset value (additive)" }, { WINOPTION_SCALE";fs_scale", "1.0,1.0,1.0", OPTION_STRING, "signal scaling value (multiplicative)" }, { WINOPTION_POWER";fs_power", "1.0,1.0,1.0", OPTION_STRING, "signal power value (exponential)" }, { WINOPTION_FLOOR";fs_floor", "0.0,0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "signal floor level" }, { WINOPTION_PHOSPHOR";fs_phosphor", "0.0,0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "phosphorescence decay rate (0.0 is instant, 1.0 is forever)" }, { WINOPTION_CHROMA_MODE, "3", OPTION_INTEGER, "number of phosphors to use: 1 - monochrome, 2 - dichrome, 3 - trichrome (color)" }, { WINOPTION_CHROMA_CONVERSION_GAIN, "0.299,0.587,0.114", OPTION_STRING, "gain to be applied when summing RGB signal for monochrome and dichrome modes" }, { WINOPTION_CHROMA_A, "0.64,0.33", OPTION_STRING, "chromaticity coordinate for first phosphor" }, { WINOPTION_CHROMA_B, "0.30,0.60", OPTION_STRING, "chromaticity coordinate for second phosphor" }, { WINOPTION_CHROMA_C, "0.15,0.06", OPTION_STRING, "chromaticity coordinate for third phosphor" }, { WINOPTION_CHROMA_Y_GAIN, "0.2126,0.7152,0.0722", OPTION_STRING, "gain to be applied for each phosphor" }, /* NTSC simulation below this line */ { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "NTSC POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_ENABLE";yiq", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable YIQ-space HLSL post-processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_JITTER";yiqj", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "jitter for the NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_CCVALUE";yiqcc", "3.57954545", OPTION_FLOAT, "color carrier frequency for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_AVALUE";yiqa", "0.5", OPTION_FLOAT, "A value for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_BVALUE";yiqb", "0.5", OPTION_FLOAT, "B value for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_OVALUE";yiqo", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "outgoing Color Carrier phase offset for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_PVALUE";yiqp", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "incoming Pixel Clock scaling value for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_NVALUE";yiqn", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "Y filter notch width for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_YVALUE";yiqy", "6.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "Y filter cutoff frequency for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_IVALUE";yiqi", "1.2", OPTION_FLOAT, "I filter cutoff frequency for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_QVALUE";yiqq", "0.6", OPTION_FLOAT, "Q filter cutoff frequency for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_SCAN_TIME";yiqsc", "52.6", OPTION_FLOAT, "horizontal scanline duration for NTSC signal processing (microseconds)" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_PHASE_COUNT";yiqpc", "2", OPTION_INTEGER, "phase count value for NTSC signal processing" }, /* Vector simulation below this line */ { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "VECTOR POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_VECTOR_BEAM_SMOOTH";vecsmooth", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "vector beam smoothness" }, { WINOPTION_VECTOR_LENGTH_SCALE";vecscale", "0.5", OPTION_FLOAT, "maximum vector attenuation" }, { WINOPTION_VECTOR_LENGTH_RATIO";vecratio", "0.5", OPTION_FLOAT, "minimum vector length affected by attenuation (vector length to screen size ratio)" }, /* Bloom below this line */ { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "BLOOM POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_BLEND_MODE, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "bloom blend mode (0 for brighten, 1 for darken)" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_SCALE, "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "intensity factor for bloom" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_OVERDRIVE, "1.0,1.0,1.0", OPTION_STRING, "overdrive factor for bloom" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_LEVEL0_WEIGHT, "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "bloom level 0 weight (full-size target)" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_LEVEL1_WEIGHT, "0.64", OPTION_FLOAT, "bloom level 1 weight (1/4 smaller that level 0 target)" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_LEVEL2_WEIGHT, "0.32", OPTION_FLOAT, "bloom level 2 weight (1/4 smaller that level 1 target)" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_LEVEL3_WEIGHT, "0.16", OPTION_FLOAT, "bloom level 3 weight (1/4 smaller that level 2 target)" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_LEVEL4_WEIGHT, "0.08", OPTION_FLOAT, "bloom level 4 weight (1/4 smaller that level 3 target)" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_LEVEL5_WEIGHT, "0.06", OPTION_FLOAT, "bloom level 5 weight (1/4 smaller that level 4 target)" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_LEVEL6_WEIGHT, "0.04", OPTION_FLOAT, "bloom level 6 weight (1/4 smaller that level 5 target)" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_LEVEL7_WEIGHT, "0.02", OPTION_FLOAT, "bloom level 7 weight (1/4 smaller that level 6 target)" }, { WINOPTION_BLOOM_LEVEL8_WEIGHT, "0.01", OPTION_FLOAT, "bloom level 8 weight (1/4 smaller that level 7 target)" }, { WINOPTION_LUT_TEXTURE, "", OPTION_STRING, "3D LUT texture filename for screen, PNG format" }, { WINOPTION_LUT_ENABLE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "Enables 3D LUT to be applied to screen after post-processing" }, { WINOPTION_UI_LUT_TEXTURE, "", OPTION_STRING, "3D LUT texture filename of UI, PNG format" }, { WINOPTION_UI_LUT_ENABLE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable 3D LUT to be applied to UI and artwork after post-processing" }, // full screen options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "FULL SCREEN OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_TRIPLEBUFFER ";tb", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable triple buffering" }, { WINOPTION_FULLSCREENBRIGHTNESS ";fsb(0.1-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "brightness value in full screen mode" }, { WINOPTION_FULLSCREENCONTRAST ";fsc(0.1-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "contrast value in full screen mode" }, { WINOPTION_FULLSCREENGAMMA ";fsg(0.1-3.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "gamma value in full screen mode" }, // input options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_GLOBAL_INPUTS, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable global inputs" }, { WINOPTION_DUAL_LIGHTGUN ";dual", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable dual lightgun input" }, { nullptr } }; //************************************************************************** // MAIN ENTRY POINT //************************************************************************** #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) //============================================================ // main //============================================================ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::vector args = osd_get_command_line(argc, argv); // use small output buffers on non-TTYs (i.e. pipes) if (!isatty(fileno(stdout))) setvbuf(stdout, (char *) nullptr, _IOFBF, 64); if (!isatty(fileno(stderr))) setvbuf(stderr, (char *) nullptr, _IOFBF, 64); // initialize common controls InitCommonControls(); // set a handler to catch ctrl-c SetConsoleCtrlHandler(control_handler, TRUE); // Initialize crash diagnostics diagnostics_module::get_instance()->init_crash_diagnostics(); // parse config and cmdline options DWORD result; { windows_options options; windows_osd_interface osd(options); // if we're a GUI app, out errors to message boxes // Initialize this after the osd interface so that we are first in the // output order winui_output_error winerror; if (win_is_gui_application() || is_double_click_start(args.size())) { // if we are a GUI app, output errors to message boxes osd_output::push(&winerror); // make sure any console window that opened on our behalf is nuked FreeConsole(); } osd.register_options(); result = emulator_info::start_frontend(options, osd, args); osd_output::pop(&winerror); } return result; } //============================================================ // control_handler //============================================================ static BOOL WINAPI control_handler(DWORD type) { // indicate to the user that we detected something switch (type) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught Ctrl+C"); break; case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught Ctrl+break"); break; case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught console close"); break; case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught logoff"); break; case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught shutdown"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Caught unexpected console event"); break; } // if we don't have a machine yet, or if we are handling ctrl+c/ctrl+break, // just terminate hard, without throwing or handling any atexit stuff if (g_current_machine == nullptr || type == CTRL_C_EVENT || type == CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) { fprintf(stderr, ", exiting\n"); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), EMU_ERR_FATALERROR); } // all other situations attempt to do a clean exit else { fprintf(stderr, ", exit requested\n"); g_current_machine->schedule_exit(); } // in all cases we handled it return TRUE; } #else // The main function is only used to initialize our IFrameworkView class. [Platform::MTAThread] int main(Platform::Array^ args) { auto direct3DApplicationSource = ref new MameViewSource(); CoreApplication::Run(direct3DApplicationSource); return 0; } MameMainApp::MameMainApp() { // Turn off application view scaling so XBOX gets full screen Windows::UI::ViewManagement::ApplicationViewScaling::TrySetDisableLayoutScaling(true); } void MameMainApp::Initialize(Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView^ applicationView) { // Register event handlers for app lifecycle. } // Called when the CoreWindow object is created (or re-created). void MameMainApp::SetWindow(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ window) { // Attach event handlers on the window for input, etc. } // Initializes scene resources, or loads a previously saved app state. void MameMainApp::Load(Platform::String^ entryPoint) { } void MameMainApp::Run() { // use small output buffers on non-TTYs (i.e. pipes) if (!isatty(fileno(stdout))) setvbuf(stdout, (char *) nullptr, _IOFBF, 64); if (!isatty(fileno(stderr))) setvbuf(stderr, (char *) nullptr, _IOFBF, 64); // parse config and cmdline options m_options = std::make_unique(); m_osd = std::make_unique(*m_options.get()); // Since we're a GUI app, out errors to message boxes // Initialize this after the osd interface so that we are first in the // output order winuniversal_output_error winerror; osd_output::push(&winerror); m_osd->register_options(); // To satisfy the latter things, pass in the module path name char exe_path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameA(nullptr, exe_path, MAX_PATH); char* args[3] = { exe_path, (char*)"-verbose", (char*)"-mouse" }; DWORD result = emulator_info::start_frontend(*m_options.get(), *m_osd.get(), ARRAY_LENGTH(args), args); osd_output::pop(&winerror); } // Required for IFrameworkView. void MameMainApp::Uninitialize() { // Terminate events do not cause Uninitialize to be called. It will be called if your IFrameworkView // class is torn down while the app is in the foreground. } IFrameworkView^ MameViewSource::CreateView() { return ref new MameMainApp(); } #endif //============================================================ // windows_options //============================================================ windows_options::windows_options() : osd_options() { add_entries(s_option_entries); #if !WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) String^ path = ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder->Path + L"\\"; set_default_value(OPTION_INIPATH, (osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()) + ";" + ini_path()).c_str()); set_default_value(OPTION_CFG_DIRECTORY, (osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()) + cfg_directory()).c_str()); set_default_value(OPTION_NVRAM_DIRECTORY, (osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()) + nvram_directory()).c_str()); set_default_value(OPTION_INPUT_DIRECTORY, (osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()) + input_directory()).c_str()); set_default_value(OPTION_STATE_DIRECTORY, (osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()) + state_directory()).c_str()); set_default_value(OPTION_SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY, (osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()) + snapshot_directory()).c_str()); set_default_value(OPTION_DIFF_DIRECTORY, (osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()) + diff_directory()).c_str()); set_default_value(OPTION_COMMENT_DIRECTORY, (osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()) + comment_directory()).c_str()); set_default_value(OPTION_HOMEPATH, osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()).c_str()); set_default_value(OPTION_MEDIAPATH, (osd::text::from_wstring((LPCWSTR)path->Data()) + media_path()).c_str()); #endif } //============================================================ // output_oslog //============================================================ void windows_osd_interface::output_oslog(const char *buffer) { if (IsDebuggerPresent()) win_output_debug_string_utf8(buffer); else fputs(buffer, stderr); } //============================================================ // constructor //============================================================ windows_osd_interface::windows_osd_interface(windows_options &options) : osd_common_t(options) , m_options(options) { } //============================================================ // destructor //============================================================ windows_osd_interface::~windows_osd_interface() { } //============================================================ // video_register //============================================================ void windows_osd_interface::video_register() { video_options_add("gdi", nullptr); video_options_add("d3d", nullptr); #if USE_OPENGL video_options_add("opengl", nullptr); #endif video_options_add("bgfx", nullptr); //video_options_add("auto", nullptr); // making d3d video default one } //============================================================ // init //============================================================ void windows_osd_interface::init(running_machine &machine) { // call our parent osd_common_t::init(machine); const char *stemp; windows_options &options = downcast(machine.options()); // determine if we are benchmarking, and adjust options appropriately int bench = options.bench(); if (bench > 0) { options.set_value(OPTION_THROTTLE, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM); options.set_value(OSDOPTION_SOUND, "none", OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM); options.set_value(OSDOPTION_VIDEO, "none", OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM); options.set_value(OPTION_SECONDS_TO_RUN, bench, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM); } // determine if we are profiling, and adjust options appropriately int profile = options.profile(); if (profile > 0) { options.set_value(OPTION_THROTTLE, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM); options.set_value(OSDOPTION_NUMPROCESSORS, 1, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM); } // thread priority if (!(machine.debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_OSD_ENABLED)) SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), options.priority()); // get number of processors stemp = options.numprocessors(); osd_num_processors = 0; if (strcmp(stemp, "auto") != 0) { osd_num_processors = atoi(stemp); if (osd_num_processors < 1) { osd_printf_warning("Warning: numprocessors < 1 doesn't make much sense. Assuming auto ...\n"); osd_num_processors = 0; } } // initialize the subsystems osd_common_t::init_subsystems(); // notify listeners of screen configuration for (auto info : osd_common_t::s_window_list) { machine.output().set_value(string_format("Orientation(%s)", info->monitor()->devicename()).c_str(), std::static_pointer_cast(info)->m_targetorient); } // hook up the debugger log if (options.oslog()) machine.add_logerror_callback(&windows_osd_interface::output_oslog); #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) // crank up the multimedia timer resolution to its max // this gives the system much finer timeslices timeresult = timeGetDevCaps(&timecaps, sizeof(timecaps)); if (timeresult == TIMERR_NOERROR) timeBeginPeriod(timecaps.wPeriodMin); #endif // create and start the profiler if (profile > 0) { diagnostics_module::get_instance()->start_profiler(1000, profile - 1); } // initialize sockets win_init_sockets(); // note the existence of a machine g_current_machine = &machine; } //============================================================ // osd_exit //============================================================ void windows_osd_interface::osd_exit() { // no longer have a machine g_current_machine = nullptr; // cleanup sockets win_cleanup_sockets(); osd_common_t::osd_exit(); // stop the profiler diagnostics_module::get_instance()->stop_profiler(); diagnostics_module::get_instance()->print_profiler_results(); #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) // restore the timer resolution if (timeresult == TIMERR_NOERROR) timeEndPeriod(timecaps.wPeriodMin); #endif // one last pass at events winwindow_process_events(machine(), false, false); } //============================================================ // osd_setup_osd_specific_emu_options //============================================================ void osd_setup_osd_specific_emu_options(emu_options &opts) { opts.add_entries(osd_options::s_option_entries); opts.add_entries(windows_options::s_option_entries); } #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) //============================================================ // check_for_double_click_start //============================================================ static int is_double_click_start(int argc) { STARTUPINFO startup_info = { sizeof(STARTUPINFO) }; // determine our startup information GetStartupInfo(&startup_info); // try to determine if MAME was simply double-clicked return (argc <= 1 && startup_info.dwFlags && !(startup_info.dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES)); } #endif // WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP)