//============================================================ // // winmain.c - Win32 main program // //============================================================ // // Copyright Aaron Giles // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or // without modification, are permitted provided that the // following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the // following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the // above copyright notice, this list of conditions and // the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or // other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name 'MAME' nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote // products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AARON GILES ''AS IS'' AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO // EVENT SHALL AARON GILES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, // INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGE (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON // ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN // IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //============================================================ // standard windows headers #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #include // standard C headers #include #include #include #include // MAME headers #include "emu.h" #include "clifront.h" #include "emuopts.h" // MAMEOS headers #include "winmain.h" #include "window.h" #include "video.h" #include "sound.h" #include "input.h" #include "output.h" #include "config.h" #include "osdepend.h" #include "strconv.h" #include "winutf8.h" #include "winutil.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "winfile.h" #ifdef USE_NETWORK #include "netdev.h" #endif #define DEBUG_SLOW_LOCKS 0 //************************************************************************** // MACROS //************************************************************************** #ifdef UNICODE #define UNICODE_POSTFIX "W" #else #define UNICODE_POSTFIX "A" #endif //************************************************************************** // TYPE DEFINITIONS //************************************************************************** template class dynamic_bind { public: // constructor which looks up the function dynamic_bind(const TCHAR *dll, const char *symbol) : m_function(NULL) { HMODULE module = LoadLibrary(dll); if (module != NULL) m_function = reinterpret_cast<_FunctionPtr>(GetProcAddress(module, symbol)); } // bool to test if the function is NULL or not operator bool() const { return (m_function != NULL); } // dereference to get the underlying pointer _FunctionPtr operator *() const { return m_function; } private: _FunctionPtr m_function; }; class stack_walker { public: stack_walker(); FPTR ip() const { return m_stackframe.AddrPC.Offset; } FPTR sp() const { return m_stackframe.AddrStack.Offset; } FPTR frame() const { return m_stackframe.AddrFrame.Offset; } bool reset(); void reset(CONTEXT &context, HANDLE thread); bool unwind(); private: HANDLE m_process; HANDLE m_thread; STACKFRAME64 m_stackframe; CONTEXT m_context; bool m_first; dynamic_bind m_stack_walk_64; dynamic_bind m_sym_initialize; dynamic_bind m_sym_function_table_access_64; dynamic_bind m_sym_get_module_base_64; dynamic_bind m_rtl_capture_context; static bool s_initialized; }; class symbol_manager { public: // construction/destruction symbol_manager(const char *argv0); ~symbol_manager(); // getters FPTR last_base() const { return m_last_base; } // core symbol lookup const char *symbol_for_address(FPTR address); const char *symbol_for_address(PVOID address) { return symbol_for_address(reinterpret_cast(address)); } // force symbols to be cached void cache_symbols() { scan_file_for_address(0, true); } void reset_cache() { m_cache.reset(); } private: // internal helpers bool query_system_for_address(FPTR address); void scan_file_for_address(FPTR address, bool create_cache); bool parse_sym_line(const char *line, FPTR &address, astring &symbol); bool parse_map_line(const char *line, FPTR &address, astring &symbol); void scan_cache_for_address(FPTR address); void format_symbol(const char *name, UINT32 displacement, const char *filename = NULL, int linenumber = 0); static FPTR get_text_section_base(); struct cache_entry { cache_entry(FPTR address, const char *symbol) : m_next(NULL), m_address(address), m_name(symbol) { } cache_entry *next() const { return m_next; } cache_entry * m_next; FPTR m_address; astring m_name; }; simple_list m_cache; astring m_mapfile; astring m_symfile; astring m_buffer; HANDLE m_process; FPTR m_last_base; FPTR m_text_base; dynamic_bind m_sym_from_addr; dynamic_bind m_sym_get_line_from_addr_64; }; class sampling_profiler { public: sampling_profiler(UINT32 max_seconds, UINT8 stack_depth); ~sampling_profiler(); void start(); void stop(); // void reset(); void print_results(symbol_manager &symbols); private: static DWORD WINAPI thread_entry(LPVOID lpParameter); void thread_run(); static int CLIB_DECL compare_address(const void *item1, const void *item2); static int CLIB_DECL compare_frequency(const void *item1, const void *item2); HANDLE m_target_thread; HANDLE m_thread; DWORD m_thread_id; volatile bool m_thread_exit; UINT8 m_stack_depth; UINT8 m_entry_stride; UINT32 m_max_seconds; FPTR * m_buffer; FPTR * m_buffer_ptr; FPTR * m_buffer_end; }; //************************************************************************** // GLOBAL VARIABLES //************************************************************************** // this line prevents globbing on the command line int _CRT_glob = 0; //************************************************************************** // LOCAL VARIABLES //************************************************************************** //static dynamic_bind av_set_mm_thread_characteristics(TEXT("avrt.dll"), "AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics" UNICODE_POSTFIX); //static dynamic_bind av_set_mm_max_thread_characteristics(TEXT("avrt.dll"), "AvSetMmMaxThreadCharacteristics" UNICODE_POSTFIX); //static dynamic_bind av_revert_mm_thread_characteristics(TEXT("avrt.dll"), "AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics"); static LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER pass_thru_filter; static HANDLE watchdog_reset_event; static HANDLE watchdog_exit_event; static HANDLE watchdog_thread; static running_machine *g_current_machine; //static HANDLE mm_task = NULL; //static DWORD task_index = 0; static int timeresult; //static MMRESULT result; static TIMECAPS caps; static sampling_profiler *profiler = NULL; static symbol_manager *symbols = NULL; bool stack_walker::s_initialized = false; //************************************************************************** // FUNCTION PROTOTYPES //************************************************************************** static BOOL WINAPI control_handler(DWORD type); static int is_double_click_start(int argc); static DWORD WINAPI watchdog_thread_entry(LPVOID lpParameter); static LONG WINAPI exception_filter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *info); static void winui_output_error(delegate_late_bind *__dummy, const char *format, va_list argptr); //************************************************************************** // OPTIONS //************************************************************************** // struct definitions const options_entry windows_options::s_option_entries[] = { // debugging options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "WINDOWS DEBUGGING OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_OSLOG, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "output error.log data to the system debugger" }, { WINOPTION_WATCHDOG ";wdog", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "force the program to terminate if no updates within specified number of seconds" }, { WINOPTION_DEBUGGER_FONT ";dfont", "Lucida Console", OPTION_STRING,"specifies the font to use for debugging; defaults to Lucida Console" }, { WINOPTION_DEBUGGER_FONT_SIZE ";dfontsize", "9", OPTION_FLOAT, "specifies the font size to use for debugging; defaults to 9 pt" }, // performance options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "WINDOWS PERFORMANCE OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_PRIORITY "(-15-1)", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "thread priority for the main game thread; range from -15 to 1" }, { WINOPTION_MULTITHREADING ";mt", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable multithreading; this enables rendering and blitting on a separate thread" }, { WINOPTION_NUMPROCESSORS ";np", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "number of processors; this overrides the number the system reports" }, { WINOPTION_PROFILE, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "enable profiling, specifying the stack depth to track" }, { WINOPTION_BENCH, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "benchmark for the given number of emulated seconds; implies -video none -nosound -nothrottle" }, // video options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_VIDEO, "d3d", OPTION_STRING, "video output method: none, gdi, ddraw, or d3d" }, { WINOPTION_NUMSCREENS "(1-4)", "1", OPTION_INTEGER, "number of screens to create; usually, you want just one" }, { WINOPTION_WINDOW ";w", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable window mode; otherwise, full screen mode is assumed" }, { WINOPTION_MAXIMIZE ";max", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "default to maximized windows; otherwise, windows will be minimized" }, { WINOPTION_KEEPASPECT ";ka", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "constrain to the proper aspect ratio" }, { WINOPTION_PRESCALE, "1", OPTION_INTEGER, "scale screen rendering by this amount in software" }, { WINOPTION_WAITVSYNC ";vs", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable waiting for the start of VBLANK before flipping screens; reduces tearing effects" }, { WINOPTION_SYNCREFRESH ";srf", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable using the start of VBLANK for throttling instead of the game time" }, { WINOPTION_MENU, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable menu bar if available by UI implementation" }, // DirectDraw-specific options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "DIRECTDRAW-SPECIFIC OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_HWSTRETCH ";hws", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable hardware stretching" }, // Direct3D-specific options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "DIRECT3D-SPECIFIC OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_D3DVERSION "(8-9)", "9", OPTION_INTEGER, "specify the preferred Direct3D version (8 or 9)" }, { WINOPTION_FILTER ";d3dfilter;flt", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable bilinear filtering on screen output" }, // post-processing options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_ENABLE";hlsl", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable HLSL post-processing (PS3.0 required)" }, { WINOPTION_HLSLPATH, "hlsl", OPTION_STRING, "path to hlsl files" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_INI_READ, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable HLSL INI reading" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_INI_WRITE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable HLSL INI writing" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_INI_NAME, "%g", OPTION_STRING, "HLSL INI file name for this game" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_PRESCALE_X, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "HLSL pre-scale override factor for X (0 for auto)" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_PRESCALE_Y, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "HLSL pre-scale override factor for Y (0 for auto)" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_PRESET";(-1-3)", "-1", OPTION_INTEGER, "HLSL preset to use (0-3)" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_WRITE, NULL, OPTION_STRING, "enable HLSL AVI writing (huge disk bandwidth suggested)" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_SNAP_WIDTH, "2048", OPTION_STRING, "HLSL upscaled-snapshot width" }, { WINOPTION_HLSL_SNAP_HEIGHT, "1536", OPTION_STRING, "HLSL upscaled-snapshot height" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_ALPHA";fs_shadwa(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "shadow mask alpha-blend value (1.0 is fully blended, 0.0 is no mask)" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_TEXTURE";fs_shadwt(0.0-1.0)", "aperture.png", OPTION_STRING, "shadow mask texture name" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_COUNT_X";fs_shadww", "320", OPTION_INTEGER, "shadow mask width, in phosphor dots" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_COUNT_Y";fs_shadwh", "240", OPTION_INTEGER, "shadow mask height, in phosphor dots" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_USIZE";fs_shadwu(0.0-1.0)", "0.09375", OPTION_FLOAT, "shadow mask texture size in U direction" }, { WINOPTION_SHADOW_MASK_VSIZE";fs_shadwv(0.0-1.0)", "0.109375", OPTION_FLOAT, "shadow mask texture size in V direction" }, { WINOPTION_CURVATURE";fs_curv(0.0-4.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "screen curvature amount" }, /* Beam-related values below this line*/ { WINOPTION_PINCUSHION";fs_pin(0.0-4.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "pincushion amount" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_AMOUNT";fs_scanam(0.0-4.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall alpha scaling value for scanlines" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_SCALE";fs_scansc(0.0-4.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall height scaling value for scanlines" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_HEIGHT";fs_scanh(0.0-4.0)", "0.7", OPTION_FLOAT, "individual height scaling value for scanlines" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_SCALE";fs_scanbs(0.0-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall brightness scaling value for scanlines (multiplicative)" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_OFFSET";fs_scanbo(0.0-1.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall brightness offset value for scanlines (additive)" }, { WINOPTION_SCANLINE_OFFSET";fs_scanjt(0.0-4.0)", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "overall interlace jitter scaling value for scanlines" }, { WINOPTION_DEFOCUS";fs_focus", "0.0,0.0", OPTION_STRING, "overall defocus value in screen-relative coords" }, { WINOPTION_CONVERGE_X";fs_convx", "0.0,0.0,0.0",OPTION_STRING, "convergence in screen-relative X direction" }, { WINOPTION_CONVERGE_Y";fs_convy", "0.0,0.0,0.0",OPTION_STRING, "convergence in screen-relative Y direction" }, { WINOPTION_RADIAL_CONVERGE_X";fs_rconvx", "0.0,0.0,0.0",OPTION_STRING, "radial convergence in screen-relative X direction" }, { WINOPTION_RADIAL_CONVERGE_Y";fs_rconvy", "0.0,0.0,0.0",OPTION_STRING, "radial convergence in screen-relative Y direction" }, /* RGB colorspace convolution below this line */ { WINOPTION_RED_RATIO";fs_redratio", "1.0,0.0,0.0",OPTION_STRING, "red output signal generated by input signal" }, { WINOPTION_GRN_RATIO";fs_grnratio", "0.0,1.0,0.0",OPTION_STRING, "green output signal generated by input signal" }, { WINOPTION_BLU_RATIO";fs_bluratio", "0.0,0.0,1.0",OPTION_STRING, "blue output signal generated by input signal" }, { WINOPTION_SATURATION";fs_sat(0.0-4.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "saturation scaling value" }, { WINOPTION_OFFSET";fs_offset", "0.0,0.0,0.0",OPTION_STRING, "signal offset value (additive)" }, { WINOPTION_SCALE";fs_scale", "1.0,1.0,1.0",OPTION_STRING, "signal scaling value (multiplicative)" }, { WINOPTION_POWER";fs_power", "1.0,1.0,1.0",OPTION_STRING, "signal power value (exponential)" }, { WINOPTION_FLOOR";fs_floor", "0.0,0.0,0.0",OPTION_STRING, "signal floor level" }, { WINOPTION_PHOSPHOR";fs_phosphor", "0.0,0.0,0.0",OPTION_STRING, "phosphorescence decay rate (0.0 is instant, 1.0 is forever)" }, /* NTSC simulation below this line */ { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "NTSC POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_ENABLE";yiq", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable YIQ-space HLSL post-processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_CCVALUE";yiqcc", "3.59754545",OPTION_FLOAT, "Color Carrier frequency for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_AVALUE";yiqa", "0.5", OPTION_FLOAT, "A value for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_BVALUE";yiqb", "0.5", OPTION_FLOAT, "B value for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_OVALUE";yiqo", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "Outgoing Color Carrier phase offset for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_PVALUE";yiqp", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "Incoming Pixel Clock scaling value for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_NVALUE";yiqn", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "Y filter notch width for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_YVALUE";yiqy", "6.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "Y filter cutoff frequency for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_IVALUE";yiqi", "1.2", OPTION_FLOAT, "I filter cutoff frequency for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_QVALUE";yiqq", "0.6", OPTION_FLOAT, "Q filter cutoff frequency for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_SCAN_TIME";yiqsc", "52.6", OPTION_FLOAT, "Horizontal scanline duration for NTSC signal processing (in usec)" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_PHASE_COUNT";yiqp", "2", OPTION_INTEGER, "Phase Count value for NTSC signal processing" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_SCAN_TIME";yiqsc", "52.6", OPTION_FLOAT, "Horizontal scanline duration for NTSC signal processing (in usec)" }, { WINOPTION_YIQ_PHASE_COUNT";yiqp", "2", OPTION_INTEGER, "Phase Count value for NTSC signal processing" }, /* Vector simulation below this line */ { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "VECTOR POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_VECTOR_TIME_SCALE";vectime", "0.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "How much the fade rate affects vector fade" }, { WINOPTION_VECTOR_TIME_PERIOD";vecperiod", "0.1", OPTION_FLOAT, "Vector fade rate versus screen refresh rate" }, { WINOPTION_VECTOR_LENGTH_SCALE";veclength", "0.9", OPTION_FLOAT, "How much length affects vector fade" }, { WINOPTION_VECTOR_LENGTH_RATIO";vecsize", "4.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "Vector fade length (4.0 - vectors fade the most at and above 4 pixels, etc.)" }, // per-window options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_SCREEN, "auto", OPTION_STRING, "explicit name of all screens; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_ASPECT ";screen_aspect", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "aspect ratio for all screens; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_RESOLUTION ";r", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred resolution for all screens; format is x[@] or 'auto'" }, { WINOPTION_VIEW, "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred view for all screens" }, { WINOPTION_SCREEN "0", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "explicit name of the first screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_ASPECT "0", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "aspect ratio of the first screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_RESOLUTION "0;r0", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred resolution of the first screen; format is x[@] or 'auto'" }, { WINOPTION_VIEW "0", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred view for the first screen" }, { WINOPTION_SCREEN "1", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "explicit name of the second screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_ASPECT "1", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "aspect ratio of the second screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_RESOLUTION "1;r1", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred resolution of the second screen; format is x[@] or 'auto'" }, { WINOPTION_VIEW "1", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred view for the second screen" }, { WINOPTION_SCREEN "2", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "explicit name of the third screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_ASPECT "2", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "aspect ratio of the third screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_RESOLUTION "2;r2", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred resolution of the third screen; format is x[@] or 'auto'" }, { WINOPTION_VIEW "2", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred view for the third screen" }, { WINOPTION_SCREEN "3", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "explicit name of the fourth screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_ASPECT "3", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "aspect ratio of the fourth screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess" }, { WINOPTION_RESOLUTION "3;r3", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred resolution of the fourth screen; format is x[@] or 'auto'" }, { WINOPTION_VIEW "3", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "preferred view for the fourth screen" }, // full screen options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "FULL SCREEN OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_TRIPLEBUFFER ";tb", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable triple buffering" }, { WINOPTION_SWITCHRES, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable resolution switching" }, { WINOPTION_FULLSCREENBRIGHTNESS ";fsb(0.1-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "brightness value in full screen mode" }, { WINOPTION_FULLSCREENCONTRAST ";fsc(0.1-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "contrast value in full screen mode" }, { WINOPTION_FULLSCREENGAMMA ";fsg(0.1-3.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "gamma value in full screen mode" }, // sound options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "WINDOWS SOUND OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_AUDIO_LATENCY "(1-5)", "2", OPTION_INTEGER, "set audio latency (increase to reduce glitches)" }, // input options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS" }, { WINOPTION_DUAL_LIGHTGUN ";dual", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable dual lightgun input" }, { NULL } }; //************************************************************************** // MAIN ENTRY POINT //************************************************************************** //============================================================ // utf8_main //============================================================ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // initialize common controls InitCommonControls(); // set a handler to catch ctrl-c SetConsoleCtrlHandler(control_handler, TRUE); // allocate symbols symbol_manager local_symbols(argv[0]); symbols = &local_symbols; // set up exception handling pass_thru_filter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(exception_filter); SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX); // enable stack crawls for asserts extern void (*s_debugger_stack_crawler)(); s_debugger_stack_crawler = winmain_dump_stack; // if we're a GUI app, out errors to message boxes if (win_is_gui_application() || is_double_click_start(argc)) { // if we are a GUI app, output errors to message boxes mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, output_delegate(FUNC(winui_output_error), (delegate_late_bind *)0)); // make sure any console window that opened on our behalf is nuked FreeConsole(); } osd_init_midi(); // parse config and cmdline options DWORD result = 0; { windows_options options; windows_osd_interface osd; cli_frontend frontend(options, osd); result = frontend.execute(argc, argv); } osd_shutdown_midi(); // free symbols symbols = NULL; return result; } //============================================================ // windows_options //============================================================ windows_options::windows_options() { add_entries(s_option_entries); } //============================================================ // control_handler //============================================================ static BOOL WINAPI control_handler(DWORD type) { // indicate to the user that we detected something switch (type) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught Ctrl+C"); break; case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught Ctrl+break"); break; case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught console close"); break; case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught logoff"); break; case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: fprintf(stderr, "Caught shutdown"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Caught unexpected console event"); break; } // if we don't have a machine yet, or if we are handling ctrl+c/ctrl+break, // just terminate hard, without throwing or handling any atexit stuff if (g_current_machine == NULL || type == CTRL_C_EVENT || type == CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) { fprintf(stderr, ", exiting\n"); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), MAMERR_FATALERROR); } // all other situations attempt to do a clean exit else { fprintf(stderr, ", exit requested\n"); g_current_machine->schedule_exit(); } // in all cases we handled it return TRUE; } //============================================================ // winui_output_error //============================================================ static void winui_output_error(delegate_late_bind *param, const char *format, va_list argptr) { char buffer[1024]; // if we are in fullscreen mode, go to windowed mode if ((video_config.windowed == 0) && (win_window_list != NULL)) winwindow_toggle_full_screen(); vsnprintf(buffer, ARRAY_LENGTH(buffer), format, argptr); win_message_box_utf8(win_window_list ? win_window_list->hwnd : NULL, buffer, emulator_info::get_appname(), MB_OK); } //============================================================ // output_oslog //============================================================ static void output_oslog(running_machine &machine, const char *buffer) { if (IsDebuggerPresent()) win_output_debug_string_utf8(buffer); } //============================================================ // constructor //============================================================ windows_osd_interface::windows_osd_interface() { } //============================================================ // destructor //============================================================ windows_osd_interface::~windows_osd_interface() { } //============================================================ // init //============================================================ void windows_osd_interface::init(running_machine &machine) { // call our parent osd_interface::init(machine); const char *stemp; windows_options &options = downcast(machine.options()); // determine if we are benchmarking, and adjust options appropriately int bench = options.bench(); astring error_string; if (bench > 0) { options.set_value(OPTION_THROTTLE, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); options.set_value(OPTION_SOUND, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); options.set_value(WINOPTION_VIDEO, "none", OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); options.set_value(OPTION_SECONDS_TO_RUN, bench, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); assert(!error_string); } // determine if we are profiling, and adjust options appropriately int profile = options.profile(); if (profile > 0) { options.set_value(OPTION_THROTTLE, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); options.set_value(WINOPTION_MULTITHREADING, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); options.set_value(WINOPTION_NUMPROCESSORS, 1, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); assert(!error_string); } // thread priority if (!(machine.debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_OSD_ENABLED)) SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), options.priority()); // ensure we get called on the way out machine.add_notifier(MACHINE_NOTIFY_EXIT, machine_notify_delegate(FUNC(osd_exit), &machine)); // get number of processors stemp = options.numprocessors(); osd_num_processors = 0; if (strcmp(stemp, "auto") != 0) { osd_num_processors = atoi(stemp); if (osd_num_processors < 1) { mame_printf_warning("Warning: numprocessors < 1 doesn't make much sense. Assuming auto ...\n"); osd_num_processors = 0; } } // initialize the subsystems winvideo_init(machine); winsound_init(machine); wininput_init(machine); winoutput_init(machine); #ifdef USE_NETWORK winnetdev_init(machine); #endif // notify listeners of screen configuration astring tempstring; for (win_window_info *info = win_window_list; info != NULL; info = info->next) { char *tmp = utf8_from_tstring(info->monitor->info.szDevice); tempstring.printf("Orientation(%s)", tmp); output_set_value(tempstring, info->targetorient); osd_free(tmp); } // hook up the debugger log if (options.oslog()) machine.add_logerror_callback(output_oslog); // crank up the multimedia timer resolution to its max // this gives the system much finer timeslices timeresult = timeGetDevCaps(&caps, sizeof(caps)); if (timeresult == TIMERR_NOERROR) timeBeginPeriod(caps.wPeriodMin); // set our multimedia tasks if we can // if (av_set_mm_thread_characteristics != NULL) // mm_task = (*av_set_mm_thread_characteristics)(TEXT("Playback"), &task_index); // if a watchdog thread is requested, create one int watchdog = options.watchdog(); if (watchdog != 0) { watchdog_reset_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); assert_always(watchdog_reset_event != NULL, "Failed to create watchdog reset event"); watchdog_exit_event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); assert_always(watchdog_exit_event != NULL, "Failed to create watchdog exit event"); watchdog_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, watchdog_thread_entry, (LPVOID)(FPTR)watchdog, 0, NULL); assert_always(watchdog_thread != NULL, "Failed to create watchdog thread"); } // create and start the profiler if (profile > 0) { profiler = global_alloc(sampling_profiler(1000, profile - 1)); profiler->start(); } // initialize sockets win_init_sockets(); // note the existence of a machine g_current_machine = &machine; } //============================================================ // osd_exit //============================================================ void windows_osd_interface::osd_exit(running_machine &machine) { // no longer have a machine g_current_machine = NULL; // cleanup sockets win_cleanup_sockets(); #ifdef USE_NETWORK winnetdev_deinit(machine); #endif // take down the watchdog thread if it exists if (watchdog_thread != NULL) { SetEvent(watchdog_exit_event); WaitForSingleObject(watchdog_thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(watchdog_reset_event); CloseHandle(watchdog_exit_event); CloseHandle(watchdog_thread); watchdog_reset_event = NULL; watchdog_exit_event = NULL; watchdog_thread = NULL; } // stop the profiler if (profiler != NULL) { profiler->stop(); profiler->print_results(*symbols); global_free(profiler); } // turn off our multimedia tasks // if (av_revert_mm_thread_characteristics) // (*av_revert_mm_thread_characteristics)(mm_task); // restore the timer resolution if (timeresult == TIMERR_NOERROR) timeEndPeriod(caps.wPeriodMin); // one last pass at events winwindow_process_events(machine, 0); } //------------------------------------------------- // font_open - attempt to "open" a handle to the // font with the given name //------------------------------------------------- osd_font windows_osd_interface::font_open(const char *_name, int &height) { // accept qualifiers from the name astring name(_name); if (name == "default") name = "Tahoma"; bool bold = (name.replace(0, "[B]", "") + name.replace(0, "[b]", "") > 0); bool italic = (name.replace(0, "[I]", "") + name.replace(0, "[i]", "") > 0); // build a basic LOGFONT description of what we want LOGFONT logfont; logfont.lfHeight = DEFAULT_FONT_HEIGHT; logfont.lfWidth = 0; logfont.lfEscapement = 0; logfont.lfOrientation = 0; logfont.lfWeight = bold ? FW_BOLD : FW_MEDIUM; logfont.lfItalic = italic; logfont.lfUnderline = FALSE; logfont.lfStrikeOut = FALSE; logfont.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET; logfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; logfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; logfont.lfQuality = NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY; logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE; // copy in the face name TCHAR *face = tstring_from_utf8(name); _tcsncpy(logfont.lfFaceName, face, sizeof(logfont.lfFaceName) / sizeof(TCHAR)); logfont.lfFaceName[sizeof(logfont.lfFaceName) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = 0; osd_free(face); // create the font height = logfont.lfHeight; osd_font font = reinterpret_cast(CreateFontIndirect(&logfont)); if (font == NULL) return NULL; // select it into a temp DC and get the real font name HDC dummyDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HGDIOBJ oldfont = SelectObject(dummyDC, reinterpret_cast(font)); TCHAR realname[100]; GetTextFace(dummyDC, ARRAY_LENGTH(realname), realname); SelectObject(dummyDC, oldfont); DeleteDC(dummyDC); // if it doesn't match our request, fail char *utf = utf8_from_tstring(realname); int result = mame_stricmp(utf, name); osd_free(utf); // if we didn't match, nuke our font and fall back if (result != 0) { DeleteObject(reinterpret_cast(font)); font = NULL; } return font; } //------------------------------------------------- // font_close - release resources associated with // a given OSD font //------------------------------------------------- void windows_osd_interface::font_close(osd_font font) { // delete the font ojbect if (font != NULL) DeleteObject(reinterpret_cast(font)); } //------------------------------------------------- // font_get_bitmap - allocate and populate a // BITMAP_FORMAT_ARGB32 bitmap containing the // pixel values MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff) // or MAKE_ARGB(0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff) for each // pixel of a black & white font //------------------------------------------------- bool windows_osd_interface::font_get_bitmap(osd_font font, unicode_char chnum, bitmap_argb32 &bitmap, INT32 &width, INT32 &xoffs, INT32 &yoffs) { // create a dummy DC to work with HDC dummyDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HGDIOBJ oldfont = SelectObject(dummyDC, reinterpret_cast(font)); // get the text metrics TEXTMETRIC metrics = { 0 }; GetTextMetrics(dummyDC, &metrics); // get the width of this character ABC abc; if (!GetCharABCWidths(dummyDC, chnum, chnum, &abc)) { abc.abcA = 0; abc.abcC = 0; GetCharWidth32(dummyDC, chnum, chnum, reinterpret_cast(&abc.abcB)); } width = abc.abcA + abc.abcB + abc.abcC; // determine desired bitmap size int bmwidth = (50 + abc.abcA + abc.abcB + abc.abcC + 50 + 31) & ~31; int bmheight = 50 + metrics.tmHeight + 50; // describe the bitmap we want BYTE bitmapinfodata[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 2 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)] = { 0 }; BITMAPINFO &info = *reinterpret_cast(bitmapinfodata); info.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(info.bmiHeader); info.bmiHeader.biWidth = bmwidth; info.bmiHeader.biHeight = -bmheight; info.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; info.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 1; info.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; info.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = GetDeviceCaps(dummyDC, HORZRES) / GetDeviceCaps(dummyDC, HORZSIZE); info.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = GetDeviceCaps(dummyDC, VERTRES) / GetDeviceCaps(dummyDC, VERTSIZE); info.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; info.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; RGBQUAD col1 = info.bmiColors[0]; RGBQUAD col2 = info.bmiColors[1]; col1.rgbBlue = col1.rgbGreen = col1.rgbRed = 0x00; col2.rgbBlue = col2.rgbGreen = col2.rgbRed = 0xff; // create a DIB to render to BYTE *bits; HBITMAP dib = CreateDIBSection(dummyDC, &info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, reinterpret_cast(&bits), NULL, 0); HGDIOBJ oldbitmap = SelectObject(dummyDC, dib); // clear the bitmap int rowbytes = bmwidth / 8; memset(bits, 0, rowbytes * bmheight); // now draw the character WCHAR tempchar = chnum; SetTextColor(dummyDC, RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff)); SetBkColor(dummyDC, RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00)); ExtTextOutW(dummyDC, 50 + abc.abcA, 50, ETO_OPAQUE, NULL, &tempchar, 1, NULL); // characters are expected to be full-height rectangle actbounds; actbounds.min_y = 50; actbounds.max_y = 50 + metrics.tmHeight - 1; // determine the actual left of the character for (actbounds.min_x = 0; actbounds.min_x < rowbytes; actbounds.min_x++) { BYTE *offs = bits + actbounds.min_x; UINT8 summary = 0; for (int y = 0; y < bmheight; y++) summary |= offs[y * rowbytes]; if (summary != 0) { actbounds.min_x *= 8; if (!(summary & 0x80)) actbounds.min_x++; if (!(summary & 0xc0)) actbounds.min_x++; if (!(summary & 0xe0)) actbounds.min_x++; if (!(summary & 0xf0)) actbounds.min_x++; if (!(summary & 0xf8)) actbounds.min_x++; if (!(summary & 0xfc)) actbounds.min_x++; if (!(summary & 0xfe)) actbounds.min_x++; break; } } // determine the actual right of the character for (actbounds.max_x = rowbytes - 1; actbounds.max_x >= 0; actbounds.max_x--) { BYTE *offs = bits + actbounds.max_x; UINT8 summary = 0; for (int y = 0; y < bmheight; y++) summary |= offs[y * rowbytes]; if (summary != 0) { actbounds.max_x *= 8; if (summary & 0x7f) actbounds.max_x++; if (summary & 0x3f) actbounds.max_x++; if (summary & 0x1f) actbounds.max_x++; if (summary & 0x0f) actbounds.max_x++; if (summary & 0x07) actbounds.max_x++; if (summary & 0x03) actbounds.max_x++; if (summary & 0x01) actbounds.max_x++; break; } } // allocate a new bitmap if (actbounds.max_x >= actbounds.min_x && actbounds.max_y >= actbounds.min_y) { bitmap.allocate(actbounds.max_x + 1 - actbounds.min_x, actbounds.max_y + 1 - actbounds.min_y); // copy the bits into it for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.height(); y++) { UINT32 *dstrow = &bitmap.pix32(y); UINT8 *srcrow = &bits[(y + actbounds.min_y) * rowbytes]; for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.width(); x++) { int effx = x + actbounds.min_x; dstrow[x] = ((srcrow[effx / 8] << (effx % 8)) & 0x80) ? MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff) : MAKE_ARGB(0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff); } } // set the final offset values xoffs = actbounds.min_x - (50 + abc.abcA); yoffs = actbounds.max_y - (50 + metrics.tmAscent); } // de-select the font and release the DC SelectObject(dummyDC, oldbitmap); DeleteObject(dib); SelectObject(dummyDC, oldfont); DeleteDC(dummyDC); return bitmap.valid(); } //============================================================ // winmain_dump_stack //============================================================ void winmain_dump_stack() { // set up the stack walker stack_walker walker; if (!walker.reset()) return; // walk the stack while (walker.unwind()) fprintf(stderr, " %p: %p%s\n", (void *)walker.frame(), (void *)walker.ip(), (symbols == NULL) ? "" : symbols->symbol_for_address(walker.ip())); } //============================================================ // check_for_double_click_start //============================================================ static int is_double_click_start(int argc) { STARTUPINFO startup_info = { sizeof(STARTUPINFO) }; // determine our startup information GetStartupInfo(&startup_info); // try to determine if MAME was simply double-clicked return (argc <= 1 && startup_info.dwFlags && !(startup_info.dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES)); } //============================================================ // watchdog_thread_entry //============================================================ static DWORD WINAPI watchdog_thread_entry(LPVOID lpParameter) { DWORD timeout = (int)(FPTR)lpParameter * 1000; while (TRUE) { HANDLE handle_list[2]; DWORD wait_result; // wait for either a reset or an exit, or a timeout handle_list[0] = watchdog_reset_event; handle_list[1] = watchdog_exit_event; wait_result = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handle_list, FALSE, timeout); // on a reset, just loop around and re-wait if (wait_result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0) continue; // on an exit, break out if (wait_result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) break; // on a timeout, kill the process if (wait_result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { fprintf(stderr, "Terminating due to watchdog timeout\n"); fflush(stderr); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), -1); } } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } //============================================================ // winmain_watchdog_ping //============================================================ void winmain_watchdog_ping(void) { // if we have a watchdog, reset it if (watchdog_reset_event != NULL) SetEvent(watchdog_reset_event); } //============================================================ // exception_filter //============================================================ static LONG WINAPI exception_filter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *info) { static const struct { DWORD code; const char *string; } exception_table[] = { { EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, "ACCESS VIOLATION" }, { EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT, "DATATYPE MISALIGNMENT" }, { EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, "BREAKPOINT" }, { EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, "SINGLE STEP" }, { EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED, "ARRAY BOUNDS EXCEEDED" }, { EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND, "FLOAT DENORMAL OPERAND" }, { EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, "FLOAT DIVIDE BY ZERO" }, { EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT, "FLOAT INEXACT RESULT" }, { EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION, "FLOAT INVALID OPERATION" }, { EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW, "FLOAT OVERFLOW" }, { EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK, "FLOAT STACK CHECK" }, { EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW, "FLOAT UNDERFLOW" }, { EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, "INTEGER DIVIDE BY ZERO" }, { EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW, "INTEGER OVERFLOW" }, { EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION, "PRIVILEGED INSTRUCTION" }, { EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR, "IN PAGE ERROR" }, { EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION, "ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION" }, { EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION,"NONCONTINUABLE EXCEPTION" }, { EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW, "STACK OVERFLOW" }, { EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION, "INVALID DISPOSITION" }, { EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE, "GUARD PAGE VIOLATION" }, { EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE, "INVALID HANDLE" }, { 0, "UNKNOWN EXCEPTION" } }; static int already_hit = 0; int i; // if we're hitting this recursively, just exit if (already_hit) return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; already_hit = 1; // flush any debugging traces that were live debugger_flush_all_traces_on_abnormal_exit(); // find our man for (i = 0; exception_table[i].code != 0; i++) if (info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == exception_table[i].code) break; // print the exception type and address fprintf(stderr, "\n-----------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Exception at EIP=%p%s: %s\n", info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, symbols->symbol_for_address((FPTR)info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress), exception_table[i].string); // for access violations, print more info if (info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) fprintf(stderr, "While attempting to %s memory at %p\n", info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0] ? "write" : "read", (void *)info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1]); // print the state of the CPU fprintf(stderr, "-----------------------------------------------------\n"); #ifdef PTR64 fprintf(stderr, "RAX=%p RBX=%p RCX=%p RDX=%p\n", (void *)info->ContextRecord->Rax, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Rbx, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Rcx, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Rdx); fprintf(stderr, "RSI=%p RDI=%p RBP=%p RSP=%p\n", (void *)info->ContextRecord->Rsi, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Rdi, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Rbp, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Rsp); fprintf(stderr, " R8=%p R9=%p R10=%p R11=%p\n", (void *)info->ContextRecord->R8, (void *)info->ContextRecord->R9, (void *)info->ContextRecord->R10, (void *)info->ContextRecord->R11); fprintf(stderr, "R12=%p R13=%p R14=%p R15=%p\n", (void *)info->ContextRecord->R12, (void *)info->ContextRecord->R13, (void *)info->ContextRecord->R14, (void *)info->ContextRecord->R15); #else fprintf(stderr, "EAX=%p EBX=%p ECX=%p EDX=%p\n", (void *)info->ContextRecord->Eax, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Ebx, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Ecx, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Edx); fprintf(stderr, "ESI=%p EDI=%p EBP=%p ESP=%p\n", (void *)info->ContextRecord->Esi, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Edi, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Ebp, (void *)info->ContextRecord->Esp); #endif stack_walker walker; walker.reset(*info->ContextRecord, GetCurrentThread()); // reprint the actual exception address fprintf(stderr, "-----------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Stack crawl:\n"); // walk the stack while (walker.unwind()) fprintf(stderr, " %p: %p%s\n", (void *)walker.frame(), (void *)walker.ip(), (symbols == NULL) ? "" : symbols->symbol_for_address(walker.ip())); // flush stderr, so the data is actually written when output is being redirected fflush(stderr); // flush stderr, so the data is actually written when output is being redirected fflush(stderr); // exit return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } //************************************************************************** // STACK WALKER //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // stack_walker - constructor //------------------------------------------------- stack_walker::stack_walker() : m_process(GetCurrentProcess()), m_thread(GetCurrentThread()), m_first(true), m_stack_walk_64(TEXT("dbghelp.dll"), "StackWalk64"), m_sym_initialize(TEXT("dbghelp.dll"), "SymInitialize"), m_sym_function_table_access_64(TEXT("dbghelp.dll"), "SymFunctionTableAccess64"), m_sym_get_module_base_64(TEXT("dbghelp.dll"), "SymGetModuleBase64"), m_rtl_capture_context(TEXT("kernel32.dll"), "RtlCaptureContext") { // zap the structs memset(&m_stackframe, 0, sizeof(m_stackframe)); memset(&m_context, 0, sizeof(m_context)); // initialize the symbols if (!s_initialized && m_sym_initialize && m_stack_walk_64 && m_sym_function_table_access_64 && m_sym_get_module_base_64) { (*m_sym_initialize)(m_process, NULL, TRUE); s_initialized = true; } } //------------------------------------------------- // reset - set up a new context //------------------------------------------------- bool stack_walker::reset() { // set up the initial state if (!m_rtl_capture_context) return false; (*m_rtl_capture_context)(&m_context); m_thread = GetCurrentThread(); m_first = true; // initialize the stackframe memset(&m_stackframe, 0, sizeof(m_stackframe)); m_stackframe.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; m_stackframe.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; m_stackframe.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; // pull architecture-specific fields from the context #ifdef PTR64 m_stackframe.AddrPC.Offset = m_context.Rip; m_stackframe.AddrFrame.Offset = m_context.Rsp; m_stackframe.AddrStack.Offset = m_context.Rsp; #else m_stackframe.AddrPC.Offset = m_context.Eip; m_stackframe.AddrFrame.Offset = m_context.Ebp; m_stackframe.AddrStack.Offset = m_context.Esp; #endif return true; } void stack_walker::reset(CONTEXT &initial, HANDLE thread) { // set up the initial state m_context = initial; m_thread = thread; m_first = true; // initialize the stackframe memset(&m_stackframe, 0, sizeof(m_stackframe)); m_stackframe.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; m_stackframe.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; m_stackframe.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; // pull architecture-specific fields from the context #ifdef PTR64 m_stackframe.AddrPC.Offset = m_context.Rip; m_stackframe.AddrFrame.Offset = m_context.Rsp; m_stackframe.AddrStack.Offset = m_context.Rsp; #else m_stackframe.AddrPC.Offset = m_context.Eip; m_stackframe.AddrFrame.Offset = m_context.Ebp; m_stackframe.AddrStack.Offset = m_context.Esp; #endif } //------------------------------------------------- // unwind - unwind a single level //------------------------------------------------- bool stack_walker::unwind() { // if we were able to initialize, then we have everything we need if (s_initialized) { #ifdef PTR64 return (*m_stack_walk_64)(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64, m_process, m_thread, &m_stackframe, &m_context, NULL, *m_sym_function_table_access_64, *m_sym_get_module_base_64, NULL); #else return (*m_stack_walk_64)(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, m_process, m_thread, &m_stackframe, &m_context, NULL, *m_sym_function_table_access_64, *m_sym_get_module_base_64, NULL); #endif } // otherwise, fake the first unwind, which will just return info from the context else { bool result = m_first; m_first = false; return result; } } //************************************************************************** // SYMBOL MANAGER //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // symbol_manager - constructor //------------------------------------------------- symbol_manager::symbol_manager(const char *argv0) : m_mapfile(argv0), m_symfile(argv0), m_process(GetCurrentProcess()), m_last_base(0), m_text_base(0), m_sym_from_addr(TEXT("dbghelp.dll"), "SymFromAddr"), m_sym_get_line_from_addr_64(TEXT("dbghelp.dll"), "SymGetLineFromAddr64") { #ifdef __GNUC__ // compute the name of the mapfile int extoffs = m_mapfile.rchr(0, '.'); if (extoffs != -1) m_mapfile.substr(0, extoffs); m_mapfile.cat(".map"); // and the name of the symfile extoffs = m_symfile.rchr(0, '.'); if (extoffs != -1) m_symfile.substr(0, extoffs); m_symfile.cat(".sym"); // figure out the base of the .text section m_text_base = get_text_section_base(); #endif // expand the buffer to be decently large up front m_buffer.printf("%500s", ""); } //------------------------------------------------- // ~symbol_manager - destructor //------------------------------------------------- symbol_manager::~symbol_manager() { } //------------------------------------------------- // symbol_for_address - return a symbol by looking // it up either in the cache or by scanning the // file //------------------------------------------------- const char *symbol_manager::symbol_for_address(FPTR address) { // default the buffer m_buffer.cpy(" (not found)"); m_last_base = 0; // first try to do it using system APIs if (!query_system_for_address(address)) { // if that fails, scan the cache if we have one if (m_cache.first() != NULL) scan_cache_for_address(address); // or else try to open a sym/map file and find it there else scan_file_for_address(address, false); } return m_buffer; } //------------------------------------------------- // query_system_for_address - ask the system to // look up our address //------------------------------------------------- bool symbol_manager::query_system_for_address(FPTR address) { // need at least the sym_from_addr API if (!m_sym_from_addr) return false; BYTE info_buffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + 256] = { 0 }; SYMBOL_INFO &info = *reinterpret_cast(&info_buffer[0]); DWORD64 displacement; // even through the struct says TCHAR, we actually get back an ANSI string here info.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(info); info.MaxNameLen = sizeof(info_buffer) - sizeof(info); if ((*m_sym_from_addr)(m_process, address, &displacement, &info)) { // try to get source info as well; again we are returned an ANSI string IMAGEHLP_LINE64 lineinfo = { sizeof(lineinfo) }; DWORD linedisp; if (m_sym_get_line_from_addr_64 && (*m_sym_get_line_from_addr_64)(m_process, address, &linedisp, &lineinfo)) format_symbol(info.Name, displacement, lineinfo.FileName, lineinfo.LineNumber); else format_symbol(info.Name, displacement); // set the last base m_last_base = address - displacement; return true; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------- // scan_file_for_address - walk either the map // or symbol files and find the best match for // the given address, optionally creating a cache // along the way //------------------------------------------------- void symbol_manager::scan_file_for_address(FPTR address, bool create_cache) { bool is_symfile = false; FILE *srcfile = NULL; #ifdef __GNUC__ // see if we have a symbol file (gcc only) srcfile = fopen(m_symfile, "r"); is_symfile = (srcfile != NULL); #endif // if not, see if we have a map file if (srcfile == NULL) srcfile = fopen(m_mapfile, "r"); // if not, fail if (srcfile == NULL) return; // reset the best info astring best_symbol; FPTR best_addr = 0; // parse the file, looking for valid entries astring symbol; char line[1024]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, srcfile)) { // parse the line looking for an interesting symbol FPTR addr = 0; bool valid = is_symfile ? parse_sym_line(line, addr, symbol) : parse_map_line(line, addr, symbol); // if we got one, see if this is the best if (valid) { // if this is the best one so far, remember it if (addr <= address && addr > best_addr) { best_addr = addr; best_symbol = symbol; } // also create a cache entry if we can if (create_cache) m_cache.append(*global_alloc(cache_entry(addr, symbol))); } } // close the file fclose(srcfile); // format the symbol and remember the last base format_symbol(best_symbol, address - best_addr); m_last_base = best_addr; } //------------------------------------------------- // scan_cache_for_address - walk the cache to // find the best match for the given address //------------------------------------------------- void symbol_manager::scan_cache_for_address(FPTR address) { // reset the best info astring best_symbol; FPTR best_addr = 0; // walk the cache, looking for valid entries for (cache_entry *entry = m_cache.first(); entry != NULL; entry = entry->next()) // if this is the best one so far, remember it if (entry->m_address <= address && entry->m_address > best_addr) { best_addr = entry->m_address; best_symbol = entry->m_name; } // format the symbol and remember the last base format_symbol(best_symbol, address - best_addr); m_last_base = best_addr; } //------------------------------------------------- // parse_sym_line - parse a line from a sym file // which is just the output of objdump //------------------------------------------------- bool symbol_manager::parse_sym_line(const char *line, FPTR &address, astring &symbol) { #ifdef __GNUC__ /* 32-bit gcc symbol line: [271778](sec 1)(fl 0x00)(ty 20)(scl 3) (nx 0) 0x007df675 line_to_symbol(char const*, unsigned int&, bool) 64-bit gcc symbol line: [271775](sec 1)(fl 0x00)(ty 20)(scl 3) (nx 0) 0x00000000008dd1e9 line_to_symbol(char const*, unsigned long long&, bool) */ // first look for a (ty) entry const char *type = strstr(line, "(ty 20)"); if (type == NULL) return false; // scan forward in the line to find the address bool in_parens = false; for (const char *chptr = type; *chptr != 0; chptr++) { // track open/close parentheses if (*chptr == '(') in_parens = true; else if (*chptr == ')') in_parens = false; // otherwise, look for an 0x address else if (!in_parens && *chptr == '0' && chptr[1] == 'x') { // make sure we can get an address void *temp; if (sscanf(chptr, "0x%p", &temp) != 1) return false; address = m_text_base + reinterpret_cast(temp); // skip forward until we're past the space while (*chptr != 0 && !isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; // extract the symbol name symbol.cpy(chptr).trimspace(); return (symbol.len() > 0); } } #endif return false; } //------------------------------------------------- // parse_map_line - parse a line from a linker- // generated map file //------------------------------------------------- bool symbol_manager::parse_map_line(const char *line, FPTR &address, astring &symbol) { #ifdef __GNUC__ /* 32-bit gcc map line: 0x0089cb00 nbmj9195_palette_r(_address_space const*, unsigned int) 64-bit gcc map line: 0x0000000000961afc nbmj9195_palette_r(_address_space const*, unsigned int) */ // find a matching start if (strncmp(line, " 0x", 18) == 0) { // make sure we can get an address void *temp; if (sscanf(&line[16], "0x%p", &temp) != 1) return false; address = reinterpret_cast(temp); // skip forward until we're past the space const char *chptr = &line[16]; while (*chptr != 0 && !isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; // extract the symbol name symbol.cpy(chptr).trimspace(); return (symbol.len() > 0); } #endif return false; } //------------------------------------------------- // format_symbol - common symbol formatting //------------------------------------------------- void symbol_manager::format_symbol(const char *name, UINT32 displacement, const char *filename, int linenumber) { // start with the address and offset m_buffer.printf(" (%s", name); if (displacement != 0) m_buffer.catprintf("+0x%04x", (UINT32)displacement); // append file/line if present if (filename != NULL) m_buffer.catprintf(", %s:%d", filename, linenumber); // close up the string m_buffer.cat(")"); } //------------------------------------------------- // get_text_section_base - figure out the base // of the .text section //------------------------------------------------- FPTR symbol_manager::get_text_section_base() { dynamic_bind image_rva_to_section(TEXT("dbghelp.dll"), "ImageRvaToSection"); dynamic_bind image_nt_header(TEXT("dbghelp.dll"), "ImageNtHeader"); // start with the image base PVOID base = reinterpret_cast(GetModuleHandle(NULL)); assert(base != NULL); // make sure we have the functions we need if (image_nt_header && image_rva_to_section) { // get the NT header PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS headers = (*image_nt_header)(base); assert(headers != NULL); // look ourself up (assuming we are in the .text section) PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER section = (*image_rva_to_section)(headers, base, reinterpret_cast(get_text_section_base) - reinterpret_cast(base)); if (section != NULL) return reinterpret_cast(base) + section->VirtualAddress; } // fallback to returning the image base (wrong) return reinterpret_cast(base); } //************************************************************************** // SAMPLING PROFILER //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // sampling_profiler - constructor //------------------------------------------------- sampling_profiler::sampling_profiler(UINT32 max_seconds, UINT8 stack_depth = 0) : m_thread(NULL), m_thread_id(0), m_thread_exit(false), m_stack_depth(stack_depth), m_entry_stride(stack_depth + 2), m_max_seconds(max_seconds), m_buffer(global_alloc(FPTR[max_seconds * 1000 * m_entry_stride])), m_buffer_ptr(m_buffer), m_buffer_end(m_buffer + max_seconds * 1000 * m_entry_stride) { } //------------------------------------------------- // sampling_profiler - destructor //------------------------------------------------- sampling_profiler::~sampling_profiler() { global_free(m_buffer); } //------------------------------------------------- // start - begin gathering profiling information //------------------------------------------------- void sampling_profiler::start() { // do the dance to get a handle to ourself BOOL result = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), &m_target_thread, THREAD_GET_CONTEXT | THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME | THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, 0); assert_always(result, "Failed to get thread handle for main thread"); // reset the exit flag m_thread_exit = false; // start the thread m_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_entry, (LPVOID)this, 0, &m_thread_id); assert_always(m_thread != NULL, "Failed to create profiler thread\n"); // max out the priority SetThreadPriority(m_thread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); } //------------------------------------------------- // stop - stop gathering profiling information //------------------------------------------------- void sampling_profiler::stop() { // set the flag and wait a couple of seconds (max) m_thread_exit = true; WaitForSingleObject(m_thread, 2000); // regardless, close the handle CloseHandle(m_thread); } //------------------------------------------------- // compare_address - compare two entries by their // bucket address //------------------------------------------------- int CLIB_DECL sampling_profiler::compare_address(const void *item1, const void *item2) { const FPTR *entry1 = reinterpret_cast(item1); const FPTR *entry2 = reinterpret_cast(item2); int mincount = MIN(entry1[0], entry2[0]); // sort in order of: bucket, caller, caller's caller, etc. for (int index = 1; index <= mincount; index++) if (entry1[index] != entry2[index]) return entry1[index] - entry2[index]; // if we match to the end, sort by the depth of the stack return entry1[0] - entry2[0]; } //------------------------------------------------- // compare_frequency - compare two entries by // their frequency of occurrence //------------------------------------------------- int CLIB_DECL sampling_profiler::compare_frequency(const void *item1, const void *item2) { const FPTR *entry1 = reinterpret_cast(item1); const FPTR *entry2 = reinterpret_cast(item2); // sort by frequency, then by address if (entry1[0] != entry2[0]) return entry2[0] - entry1[0]; return entry1[1] - entry2[1]; } //------------------------------------------------- // print_results - output the results //------------------------------------------------- void sampling_profiler::print_results(symbol_manager &symbols) { // cache the symbols symbols.cache_symbols(); // step 1: find the base of each entry for (FPTR *current = m_buffer; current < m_buffer_ptr; current += m_entry_stride) { assert(current[0] >= 1 && current[0] < m_entry_stride); // convert the sampled PC to its function base as a bucket symbols.symbol_for_address(current[1]); current[1] = symbols.last_base(); } // step 2: sort the results qsort(m_buffer, (m_buffer_ptr - m_buffer) / m_entry_stride, m_entry_stride * sizeof(FPTR), compare_address); // step 3: count and collapse unique entries UINT32 total_count = 0; for (FPTR *current = m_buffer; current < m_buffer_ptr; ) { int count = 1; FPTR *scan; for (scan = current + m_entry_stride; scan < m_buffer_ptr; scan += m_entry_stride) { if (compare_address(current, scan) != 0) break; scan[0] = 0; count++; } current[0] = count; total_count += count; current = scan; } // step 4: sort the results again, this time by frequency qsort(m_buffer, (m_buffer_ptr - m_buffer) / m_entry_stride, m_entry_stride * sizeof(FPTR), compare_frequency); // step 5: print the results UINT32 num_printed = 0; for (FPTR *current = m_buffer; current < m_buffer_ptr && num_printed < 30; current += m_entry_stride) { // once we hit 0 frequency, we're done if (current[0] == 0) break; // output the result printf("%4.1f%% - %6d : %p%s\n", (double)current[0] * 100.0 / (double)total_count, (UINT32)current[0], reinterpret_cast(current[1]), symbols.symbol_for_address(current[1])); for (int index = 2; index < m_entry_stride; index++) { if (current[index] == 0) break; printf(" %p%s\n", reinterpret_cast(current[index]), symbols.symbol_for_address(current[index])); } printf("\n"); num_printed++; } symbols.reset_cache(); } //------------------------------------------------- // thread_entry - thread entry stub //------------------------------------------------- DWORD WINAPI sampling_profiler::thread_entry(LPVOID lpParameter) { reinterpret_cast(lpParameter)->thread_run(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------- // thread_run - sampling thread //------------------------------------------------- void sampling_profiler::thread_run() { CONTEXT context; memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context)); // loop until done stack_walker walker; while (!m_thread_exit && m_buffer_ptr < m_buffer_end) { // pause the main thread and get its context SuspendThread(m_target_thread); context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL; GetThreadContext(m_target_thread, &context); // first entry is a count FPTR *count = m_buffer_ptr++; *count = 0; // iterate over the frames until we run out or hit an error walker.reset(context, m_target_thread); int frame; for (frame = 0; frame <= m_stack_depth && walker.unwind(); frame++) { *m_buffer_ptr++ = walker.ip(); *count += 1; } // fill in any missing parts with NULLs for (; frame <= m_stack_depth; frame++) *m_buffer_ptr++ = 0; // resume the thread ResumeThread(m_target_thread); // sleep for 1ms Sleep(1); } }