// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles //============================================================ // // d3dhlsl.c - Win32 Direct3D HLSL implementation // //============================================================ // Useful info: // Windows XP/2003 shipped with DirectX 8.1 // Windows 2000 shipped with DirectX 7a // Windows 98SE shipped with DirectX 6.1a // Windows 98 shipped with DirectX 5 // Windows NT shipped with DirectX 3.0a // Windows 95 shipped with DirectX 2 // MAME headers #include "emu.h" #include "render.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "rendutil.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "aviio.h" #include "png.h" #include "screen.h" // MAMEOS headers #include "winmain.h" #include "window.h" #include "modules/render/drawd3d.h" #include "d3dcomm.h" #include "strconv.h" #include "d3dhlsl.h" //============================================================ // GLOBALS //============================================================ static slider_state *g_slider_list; static file_error open_next(renderer_d3d9 *d3d, emu_file &file, const char *templ, const char *extension, int idx); //============================================================ // PROTOTYPES //============================================================ static void get_vector(const char *data, int count, float *out, bool report_error); //============================================================ // TYPE DEFINITIONS //============================================================ typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *direct3dx9_loadeffect_ptr)(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, const D3DXMACRO *pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXEFFECTPOOL pPool, LPD3DXEFFECT *ppEffect, LPD3DXBUFFER *ppCompilationErrors); static direct3dx9_loadeffect_ptr g_load_effect = nullptr; //============================================================ // shader manager constructor //============================================================ shaders::shaders() : d3dintf(nullptr), machine(nullptr), d3d(nullptr), num_screens(0), curr_screen(0), curr_frame(0), vecbuf_type(), vecbuf_index(0), vecbuf_count(0), avi_output_file(nullptr), avi_frame(0), avi_copy_surface(nullptr), avi_copy_texture(nullptr), avi_final_target(nullptr), avi_final_texture(nullptr), black_surface(nullptr), black_texture(nullptr), render_snap(false), snap_rendered(false), snap_copy_target(nullptr), snap_copy_texture(nullptr), snap_target(nullptr), snap_texture(nullptr), snap_width(0), snap_height(0), lines_pending(false), backbuffer(nullptr), curr_effect(nullptr), default_effect(nullptr), prescale_effect(nullptr), post_effect(nullptr), distortion_effect(nullptr), focus_effect(nullptr), phosphor_effect(nullptr), deconverge_effect(nullptr), color_effect(nullptr), ntsc_effect(nullptr), bloom_effect(nullptr), downsample_effect(nullptr), vector_effect(nullptr), fsfx_vertices(nullptr), curr_texture(nullptr), curr_render_target(nullptr), curr_poly(nullptr) { master_enable = false; vector_enable = true; shadow_texture = nullptr; options = nullptr; paused = true; lastidx = -1; targethead = nullptr; cachehead = nullptr; initialized = false; } //============================================================ // shaders destructor //============================================================ shaders::~shaders() { for (slider* slider : sliders) { delete slider; } cache_target *currcache = cachehead; while(cachehead != nullptr) { cachehead = currcache->next; global_free(currcache); currcache = cachehead; } d3d_render_target *currtarget = targethead; while(targethead != nullptr) { targethead = currtarget->next; global_free(currtarget); currtarget = targethead; } } //============================================================ // shaders::window_save //============================================================ void shaders::window_save() { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), snap_width, snap_height, 1, D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &snap_copy_texture); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Unable to init system-memory target for HLSL snapshot (%08x), bailing\n", (UINT32)result); return; } (*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(snap_copy_texture, 0, &snap_copy_target); result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), snap_width, snap_height, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &snap_texture); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Unable to init video-memory target for HLSL snapshot (%08x), bailing\n", (UINT32)result); return; } (*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(snap_texture, 0, &snap_target); render_snap = true; snap_rendered = false; } //============================================================ // shaders::window_record //============================================================ void shaders::window_record() { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } windows_options &options = downcast(machine->options()); const char *filename = options.d3d_hlsl_write(); if (avi_output_file != nullptr) { end_avi_recording(); } else if (filename[0] != 0) { begin_avi_recording(filename); } } //============================================================ // shaders::avi_update_snap //============================================================ void shaders::avi_update_snap(surface *surface) { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } D3DLOCKED_RECT rect; // if we don't have a bitmap, or if it's not the right size, allocate a new one if (!avi_snap.valid() || (int)snap_width != avi_snap.width() || (int)snap_height != avi_snap.height()) { avi_snap.allocate((int)snap_width, (int)snap_height); } // copy the texture HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.get_render_target_data)(d3d->get_device(), surface, avi_copy_surface); if (result != D3D_OK) { return; } // lock the texture result = (*d3dintf->surface.lock_rect)(avi_copy_surface, &rect, nullptr, D3DLOCK_DISCARD); if (result != D3D_OK) { return; } // loop over Y for (int srcy = 0; srcy < (int)snap_height; srcy++) { DWORD *src = (DWORD *)((BYTE *)rect.pBits + srcy * rect.Pitch); UINT32 *dst = &avi_snap.pix32(srcy); for (int x = 0; x < snap_width; x++) { *dst++ = *src++; } } // unlock result = (*d3dintf->surface.unlock_rect)(avi_copy_surface); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during texture unlock_rect call\n", (int)result); } } //============================================================ // hlsl_render_snapshot //============================================================ void shaders::render_snapshot(surface *surface) { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } D3DLOCKED_RECT rect; render_snap = false; // if we don't have a bitmap, or if it's not the right size, allocate a new one if (!avi_snap.valid() || snap_width != (avi_snap.width() / 2) || snap_height != (avi_snap.height() / 2)) { avi_snap.allocate(snap_width / 2, snap_height / 2); } // copy the texture HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.get_render_target_data)(d3d->get_device(), surface, snap_copy_target); if (result != D3D_OK) { return; } // lock the texture result = (*d3dintf->surface.lock_rect)(snap_copy_target, &rect, nullptr, D3DLOCK_DISCARD); if (result != D3D_OK) { return; } for (int cy = 0; cy < 2; cy++) { for (int cx = 0; cx < 2; cx++) { // loop over Y for (int srcy = 0; srcy < snap_height / 2; srcy++) { int toty = (srcy + cy * (snap_height / 2)); int totx = cx * (snap_width / 2); DWORD *src = (DWORD *)((BYTE *)rect.pBits + toty * rect.Pitch + totx * 4); UINT32 *dst = &avi_snap.pix32(srcy); for (int x = 0; x < snap_width / 2; x++) { *dst++ = *src++; } } int idx = cy * 2 + cx; emu_file file(machine->options().snapshot_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS); file_error filerr = open_next(d3d, file, nullptr, "png", idx); if (filerr != FILERR_NONE) { return; } // add two text entries describing the image std::string text1 = std::string(emulator_info::get_appname()).append(" ").append(build_version); std::string text2 = std::string(machine->system().manufacturer).append(" ").append(machine->system().description); png_info pnginfo = { 0 }; png_add_text(&pnginfo, "Software", text1.c_str()); png_add_text(&pnginfo, "System", text2.c_str()); // now do the actual work png_error error = png_write_bitmap(file, &pnginfo, avi_snap, 1 << 24, nullptr); if (error != PNGERR_NONE) { osd_printf_error("Error generating PNG for HLSL snapshot: png_error = %d\n", error); } // free any data allocated png_free(&pnginfo); } } // unlock result = (*d3dintf->surface.unlock_rect)(snap_copy_target); if (result != D3D_OK) osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during texture unlock_rect call\n", (int)result); if (snap_texture != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->texture.release)(snap_texture); snap_texture = nullptr; } if (snap_target != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->surface.release)(snap_target); snap_target = nullptr; } if (snap_copy_texture != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->texture.release)(snap_copy_texture); snap_copy_texture = nullptr; } if (snap_copy_target != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->surface.release)(snap_copy_target); snap_copy_target = nullptr; } } //============================================================ // shaders::record_texture //============================================================ void shaders::record_texture() { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } surface *surface = avi_final_target; // ignore if nothing to do if (avi_output_file == nullptr || surface == nullptr) { return; } // get the current time attotime curtime = machine->time(); avi_update_snap(surface); // loop until we hit the right time while (avi_next_frame_time <= curtime) { // handle an AVI recording // write the next frame avi_error avierr = avi_append_video_frame(avi_output_file, avi_snap); if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE) { end_avi_recording(); return; } // advance time avi_next_frame_time += avi_frame_period; avi_frame++; } } //============================================================ // shaders::end_hlsl_avi_recording //============================================================ void shaders::end_avi_recording() { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } if (avi_output_file != nullptr) { avi_close(avi_output_file); } avi_output_file = nullptr; avi_frame = 0; } //============================================================ // shaders::toggle //============================================================ void shaders::toggle() { if (master_enable) { if (initialized) { // free shader resources before renderer resources delete_resources(false); } master_enable = !master_enable; // free shader resources and re-create d3d->device_delete_resources(); d3d->device_create_resources(); } else { master_enable = !master_enable; // free shader resources and re-create d3d->device_delete_resources(); d3d->device_create_resources(); if (!initialized) { // re-create shader resources after renderer resources bool failed = create_resources(false); if (failed) { master_enable = false; } } } } //============================================================ // shaders::begin_avi_recording //============================================================ void shaders::begin_avi_recording(const char *name) { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } // stop any existing recording end_avi_recording(); // reset the state avi_frame = 0; avi_next_frame_time = machine->time(); // build up information about this new movie avi_movie_info info; info.video_format = 0; info.video_timescale = 1000 * ((machine->first_screen() != nullptr) ? ATTOSECONDS_TO_HZ(machine->first_screen()->frame_period().m_attoseconds) : screen_device::DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE); info.video_sampletime = 1000; info.video_numsamples = 0; info.video_width = snap_width; info.video_height = snap_height; info.video_depth = 24; info.audio_format = 0; info.audio_timescale = machine->sample_rate(); info.audio_sampletime = 1; info.audio_numsamples = 0; info.audio_channels = 2; info.audio_samplebits = 16; info.audio_samplerate = machine->sample_rate(); // create a new temporary movie file file_error filerr; std::string fullpath; { emu_file tempfile(machine->options().snapshot_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS); if (name != nullptr) { filerr = tempfile.open(name); } else { filerr = open_next(d3d, tempfile, nullptr, "avi", 0); } // compute the frame time { avi_frame_period = attotime::from_seconds(1000) / info.video_timescale; } // if we succeeded, make a copy of the name and create the real file over top if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { fullpath = tempfile.fullpath(); } } if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { // create the file and free the string avi_error avierr = avi_create(fullpath.c_str(), &info, &avi_output_file); if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE) { osd_printf_error("Error creating AVI: %s\n", avi_error_string(avierr)); } } } //============================================================ // remove_cache_target - remove an active cache target when // refcount hits zero //============================================================ void shaders::remove_cache_target(cache_target *cache) { if (cache != nullptr) { if (cache == cachehead) { cachehead = cachehead->next; } if (cache->prev != nullptr) { cache->prev->next = cache->next; } if (cache->next != nullptr) { cache->next->prev = cache->prev; } global_free(cache); } } //============================================================ // remove_render_target - remove an active target //============================================================ void shaders::remove_render_target(texture_info *texture) { remove_render_target(find_render_target(texture)); } void shaders::remove_render_target(int source_width, int source_height, UINT32 screen_index, UINT32 page_index) { d3d_render_target *target = find_render_target(source_width, source_height, screen_index, page_index); if (target != nullptr) { remove_render_target(target); } } void shaders::remove_render_target(d3d_render_target *rt) { if (rt != nullptr) { if (rt == targethead) { targethead = targethead->next; } if (rt->prev != nullptr) { rt->prev->next = rt->next; } if (rt->next != nullptr) { rt->next->prev = rt->prev; } cache_target *cache = find_cache_target(rt->screen_index, rt->width, rt->height); if (cache != nullptr) { remove_cache_target(cache); } int screen_index = rt->screen_index; int other_page = 1 - rt->page_index; int width = rt->width; int height = rt->height; global_free(rt); // Remove other double-buffered page (if it exists) remove_render_target(width, height, screen_index, other_page); } } //============================================================ // shaders::set_texture //============================================================ void shaders::set_texture(texture_info *texture) { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } if (texture != nullptr) { paused = texture->paused(); texture->advance_frame(); } // set initial texture to use texture_info *default_texture = d3d->get_default_texture(); default_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", (texture == nullptr) ? default_texture->get_finaltex() : texture->get_finaltex()); if (options->yiq_enable) { ntsc_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", (texture == nullptr) ? default_texture->get_finaltex() : texture->get_finaltex()); } else { color_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", (texture == nullptr) ? default_texture->get_finaltex() : texture->get_finaltex()); } } //============================================================ // shaders::init //============================================================ void shaders::init(d3d_base *d3dintf, running_machine *machine, renderer_d3d9 *renderer) { if (!d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } g_load_effect = (direct3dx9_loadeffect_ptr)GetProcAddress(d3dintf->libhandle, "D3DXCreateEffectFromFileW"); if (g_load_effect == nullptr) { printf("Direct3D: Unable to find D3DXCreateEffectFromFileW\n"); d3dintf->post_fx_available = false; return; } this->d3dintf = d3dintf; this->machine = machine; this->d3d = renderer; this->options = renderer->get_shaders_options(); // check if no driver loaded (not all settings might be loaded yet) if (&machine->system() == &GAME_NAME(___empty)) { options->params_init = false; last_options.params_init = false; return; } enumerate_screens(); windows_options &winoptions = downcast(machine->options()); master_enable = winoptions.d3d_hlsl_enable(); snap_width = winoptions.d3d_snap_width(); snap_height = winoptions.d3d_snap_height(); if (last_options.params_init) { options = &last_options; } if (!options->params_init) { strncpy(options->shadow_mask_texture, winoptions.screen_shadow_mask_texture(), sizeof(options->shadow_mask_texture)); options->shadow_mask_tile_mode = winoptions.screen_shadow_mask_tile_mode(); options->shadow_mask_alpha = winoptions.screen_shadow_mask_alpha(); options->shadow_mask_count_x = winoptions.screen_shadow_mask_count_x(); options->shadow_mask_count_y = winoptions.screen_shadow_mask_count_y(); options->shadow_mask_u_size = winoptions.screen_shadow_mask_u_size(); options->shadow_mask_v_size = winoptions.screen_shadow_mask_v_size(); options->shadow_mask_u_offset = winoptions.screen_shadow_mask_u_offset(); options->shadow_mask_v_offset = winoptions.screen_shadow_mask_v_offset(); options->curvature = winoptions.screen_curvature(); options->round_corner = winoptions.screen_round_corner(); options->smooth_border = winoptions.screen_smooth_border(); options->reflection = winoptions.screen_reflection(); options->vignetting = winoptions.screen_vignetting(); options->scanline_alpha = winoptions.screen_scanline_amount(); options->scanline_scale = winoptions.screen_scanline_scale(); options->scanline_height = winoptions.screen_scanline_height(); options->scanline_bright_scale = winoptions.screen_scanline_bright_scale(); options->scanline_bright_offset = winoptions.screen_scanline_bright_offset(); options->scanline_jitter = winoptions.screen_scanline_jitter(); options->hum_bar_alpha = winoptions.screen_hum_bar_alpha(); get_vector(winoptions.screen_defocus(), 2, options->defocus, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_converge_x(), 3, options->converge_x, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_converge_y(), 3, options->converge_y, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_radial_converge_x(), 3, options->radial_converge_x, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_radial_converge_y(), 3, options->radial_converge_y, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_red_ratio(), 3, options->red_ratio, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_grn_ratio(), 3, options->grn_ratio, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_blu_ratio(), 3, options->blu_ratio, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_offset(), 3, options->offset, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_scale(), 3, options->scale, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_power(), 3, options->power, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_floor(), 3, options->floor, TRUE); get_vector(winoptions.screen_phosphor(), 3, options->phosphor, TRUE); options->saturation = winoptions.screen_saturation(); options->yiq_enable = winoptions.screen_yiq_enable(); options->yiq_jitter = winoptions.screen_yiq_jitter(); options->yiq_cc = winoptions.screen_yiq_cc(); options->yiq_a = winoptions.screen_yiq_a(); options->yiq_b = winoptions.screen_yiq_b(); options->yiq_o = winoptions.screen_yiq_o(); options->yiq_p = winoptions.screen_yiq_p(); options->yiq_n = winoptions.screen_yiq_n(); options->yiq_y = winoptions.screen_yiq_y(); options->yiq_i = winoptions.screen_yiq_i(); options->yiq_q = winoptions.screen_yiq_q(); options->yiq_scan_time = winoptions.screen_yiq_scan_time(); options->yiq_phase_count = winoptions.screen_yiq_phase_count(); options->vector_length_scale = winoptions.screen_vector_length_scale(); options->vector_length_ratio = winoptions.screen_vector_length_ratio(); options->bloom_blend_mode = winoptions.screen_bloom_blend_mode(); options->bloom_scale = winoptions.screen_bloom_scale(); get_vector(winoptions.screen_bloom_overdrive(), 3, options->bloom_overdrive, TRUE); options->bloom_level0_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl0_weight(); options->bloom_level1_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl1_weight(); options->bloom_level2_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl2_weight(); options->bloom_level3_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl3_weight(); options->bloom_level4_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl4_weight(); options->bloom_level5_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl5_weight(); options->bloom_level6_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl6_weight(); options->bloom_level7_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl7_weight(); options->bloom_level8_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl8_weight(); options->bloom_level9_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl9_weight(); options->bloom_level10_weight = winoptions.screen_bloom_lvl10_weight(); options->params_init = true; } options->params_dirty = true; } //============================================================ // shaders::init_fsfx_quad //============================================================ void shaders::init_fsfx_quad(void *vertbuf) { // Called at the start of each frame by the D3D code in order to reserve two triangles // that are guaranteed to be at a fixed position so as to simply use D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2 // instead of having to do bookkeeping about a specific screen quad if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } // get a pointer to the vertex buffer fsfx_vertices = (vertex *)vertbuf; if (fsfx_vertices == nullptr) { return; } // fill in the vertexes clockwise fsfx_vertices[0].x = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[0].y = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[1].x = d3d->get_width(); fsfx_vertices[1].y = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[2].x = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[2].y = d3d->get_height(); fsfx_vertices[3].x = d3d->get_width(); fsfx_vertices[3].y = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[4].x = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[4].y = d3d->get_height(); fsfx_vertices[5].x = d3d->get_width(); fsfx_vertices[5].y = d3d->get_height(); fsfx_vertices[0].u0 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[0].v0 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[1].u0 = 1.0f; fsfx_vertices[1].v0 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[2].u0 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[2].v0 = 1.0f; fsfx_vertices[3].u0 = 1.0f; fsfx_vertices[3].v0 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[4].u0 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[4].v0 = 1.0f; fsfx_vertices[5].u0 = 1.0f; fsfx_vertices[5].v0 = 1.0f; fsfx_vertices[0].u1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[0].v1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[1].u1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[1].v1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[2].u1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[2].v1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[3].u1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[3].v1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[4].u1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[4].v1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[5].u1 = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[5].v1 = 0.0f; // set the color, Z parameters to standard values for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { fsfx_vertices[i].z = 0.0f; fsfx_vertices[i].rhw = 1.0f; fsfx_vertices[i].color = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 255, 255, 255); } } //============================================================ // shaders::create_resources //============================================================ int shaders::create_resources(bool reset) { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return 0; } if (last_options.params_init) { options = &last_options; } HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.get_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, &backbuffer); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device get_render_target call\n", (int)result); } result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), 4, 4, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &black_texture); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Unable to init video-memory target for black texture (%08x)\n", (UINT32)result); return 1; } (*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(black_texture, 0, &black_surface); result = (*d3dintf->device.set_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, black_surface); if (result != D3D_OK) osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device set_render_target call\n", (int)result); result = (*d3dintf->device.clear)(d3d->get_device(), 0, nullptr, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,0), 0, 0); if (result != D3D_OK) osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device clear call\n", (int)result); result = (*d3dintf->device.set_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, backbuffer); if (result != D3D_OK) osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device set_render_target call\n", (int)result); result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), (int)snap_width, (int)snap_height, 1, D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &avi_copy_texture); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Unable to init system-memory target for HLSL AVI dumping (%08x)\n", (UINT32)result); return 1; } (*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(avi_copy_texture, 0, &avi_copy_surface); result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), (int)snap_width, (int)snap_height, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &avi_final_texture); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Unable to init video-memory target for HLSL AVI dumping (%08x)\n", (UINT32)result); return 1; } (*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(avi_final_texture, 0, &avi_final_target); emu_file file(machine->options().art_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ); render_load_png(shadow_bitmap, file, nullptr, options->shadow_mask_texture); // experimental: if we have a shadow bitmap, create a texture for it if (shadow_bitmap.valid()) { render_texinfo texture; // fake in the basic data so it looks like it came from render.c texture.base = shadow_bitmap.raw_pixptr(0); texture.rowpixels = shadow_bitmap.rowpixels(); texture.width = shadow_bitmap.width(); texture.height = shadow_bitmap.height(); texture.palette = nullptr; texture.seqid = 0; // now create it (no prescale, but wrap) shadow_texture = new texture_info(d3d->get_texture_manager(), &texture, 1, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA) | PRIMFLAG_TEXFORMAT(TEXFORMAT_ARGB32) | PRIMFLAG_TEXWRAP_MASK); } const char *fx_dir = downcast(machine->options()).screen_post_fx_dir(); default_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "primary.fx", fx_dir); post_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "post.fx", fx_dir); distortion_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "distortion.fx", fx_dir); prescale_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "prescale.fx", fx_dir); phosphor_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "phosphor.fx", fx_dir); focus_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "focus.fx", fx_dir); deconverge_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "deconverge.fx", fx_dir); color_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "color.fx", fx_dir); ntsc_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "ntsc.fx", fx_dir); bloom_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "bloom.fx", fx_dir); downsample_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "downsample.fx", fx_dir); vector_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "vector.fx", fx_dir); if (!default_effect->is_valid() || !post_effect->is_valid() || !distortion_effect->is_valid() || !prescale_effect->is_valid() || !phosphor_effect->is_valid() || !focus_effect->is_valid() || !deconverge_effect->is_valid() || !color_effect->is_valid() || !ntsc_effect->is_valid() || !bloom_effect->is_valid() || !downsample_effect->is_valid() || !vector_effect->is_valid()) { return 1; } effect *effects[13] = { default_effect, post_effect, distortion_effect, prescale_effect, phosphor_effect, focus_effect, deconverge_effect, color_effect, ntsc_effect, color_effect, bloom_effect, downsample_effect, vector_effect }; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { effects[i]->add_uniform("SourceDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SOURCE_DIMS); effects[i]->add_uniform("SourceRect", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SOURCE_RECT); effects[i]->add_uniform("TargetDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_TARGET_DIMS); effects[i]->add_uniform("ScreenDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SCREEN_DIMS); effects[i]->add_uniform("QuadDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_QUAD_DIMS); effects[i]->add_uniform("SwapXY", uniform::UT_BOOL, uniform::CU_SWAP_XY); effects[i]->add_uniform("VectorScreen", uniform::UT_BOOL, uniform::CU_VECTOR_SCREEN); } ntsc_effect->add_uniform("CCValue", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_CCFREQ); ntsc_effect->add_uniform("AValue", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_A); ntsc_effect->add_uniform("BValue", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_B); ntsc_effect->add_uniform("OValue", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_O); ntsc_effect->add_uniform("PValue", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_P); ntsc_effect->add_uniform("NotchHalfWidth", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_NOTCH); ntsc_effect->add_uniform("YFreqResponse", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_YFREQ); ntsc_effect->add_uniform("IFreqResponse", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_IFREQ); ntsc_effect->add_uniform("QFreqResponse", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_QFREQ); ntsc_effect->add_uniform("ScanTime", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_NTSC_HTIME); color_effect->add_uniform("RedRatios", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_COLOR_RED_RATIOS); color_effect->add_uniform("GrnRatios", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_COLOR_GRN_RATIOS); color_effect->add_uniform("BluRatios", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_COLOR_BLU_RATIOS); color_effect->add_uniform("Offset", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_COLOR_OFFSET); color_effect->add_uniform("Scale", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_COLOR_SCALE); color_effect->add_uniform("Saturation", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_COLOR_SATURATION); deconverge_effect->add_uniform("ConvergeX", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_CONVERGE_LINEAR_X); deconverge_effect->add_uniform("ConvergeY", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_CONVERGE_LINEAR_Y); deconverge_effect->add_uniform("RadialConvergeX", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_CONVERGE_RADIAL_X); deconverge_effect->add_uniform("RadialConvergeY", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_CONVERGE_RADIAL_Y); focus_effect->add_uniform("Defocus", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_FOCUS_SIZE); phosphor_effect->add_uniform("Phosphor", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_PHOSPHOR_LIFE); post_effect->add_uniform("ShadowAlpha", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_SHADOW_ALPHA); post_effect->add_uniform("ShadowCount", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_POST_SHADOW_COUNT); post_effect->add_uniform("ShadowUV", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_POST_SHADOW_UV); post_effect->add_uniform("ShadowUVOffset", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_POST_SHADOW_UV_OFFSET); post_effect->add_uniform("ShadowDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_POST_SHADOW_DIMS); post_effect->add_uniform("ScanlineAlpha", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_SCANLINE_ALPHA); post_effect->add_uniform("ScanlineScale", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_SCANLINE_SCALE); post_effect->add_uniform("ScanlineHeight", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_SCANLINE_HEIGHT); post_effect->add_uniform("ScanlineBrightScale", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_SCALE); post_effect->add_uniform("ScanlineBrightOffset", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_OFFSET); post_effect->add_uniform("Power", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_POST_POWER); post_effect->add_uniform("Floor", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_POST_FLOOR); post_effect->add_uniform("RotationType", uniform::UT_INT, uniform::CU_ROTATION_TYPE); distortion_effect->add_uniform("VignettingAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_VIGNETTING); distortion_effect->add_uniform("CurvatureAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_CURVATURE); distortion_effect->add_uniform("RoundCornerAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_ROUND_CORNER); distortion_effect->add_uniform("SmoothBorderAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_SMOOTH_BORDER); distortion_effect->add_uniform("ReflectionAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_REFLECTION); distortion_effect->add_uniform("RotationType", uniform::UT_INT, uniform::CU_ROTATION_TYPE); initialized = true; init_slider_list(); return 0; } //============================================================ // shaders::begin_draw //============================================================ void shaders::begin_draw() { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } curr_effect = default_effect; default_effect->set_technique("ScreenTechnique"); post_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); distortion_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); prescale_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); phosphor_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); focus_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); deconverge_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); color_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); ntsc_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); color_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); bloom_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); downsample_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); vector_effect->set_technique("DefaultTechnique"); HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.get_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, &backbuffer); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device get_render_target call\n", (int)result); } } //============================================================ // shaders::begin_frame //============================================================ void shaders::begin_frame() { record_texture(); } //============================================================ // shaders::blit //============================================================ void shaders::blit( surface *dst, bool clear_dst, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE prim_type, UINT32 prim_index, UINT32 prim_count) { HRESULT result; if (dst != nullptr) { result = (*d3dintf->device.set_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, dst); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device set_render_target call\n", (int)result); } if (clear_dst) { result = (*d3dintf->device.clear)(d3d->get_device(), 0, nullptr, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(1,0,0,0), 0, 0); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device clear call\n", (int)result); } } } UINT num_passes = 0; curr_effect->begin(&num_passes, 0); for (UINT pass = 0; pass < num_passes; pass++) { curr_effect->begin_pass(pass); // add the primitives result = (*d3dintf->device.draw_primitive)(d3d->get_device(), prim_type, prim_index, prim_count); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device draw_primitive call\n", (int)result); } curr_effect->end_pass(); } curr_effect->end(); } //============================================================ // shaders::end_frame //============================================================ void shaders::end_frame() { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } if (render_snap && snap_rendered) { render_snapshot(snap_target); } if (!lines_pending) { return; } lines_pending = false; } //============================================================ // shaders::init_effect_info //============================================================ void shaders::init_effect_info(poly_info *poly) { // nothing to do } //============================================================ // shaders::find_render_target //============================================================ d3d_render_target* shaders::find_render_target(texture_info *texture) { UINT32 screen_index_data = (UINT32)texture->get_texinfo().osddata; UINT32 screen_index = screen_index_data >> 1; UINT32 page_index = screen_index_data & 1; d3d_render_target *curr = targethead; while (curr != nullptr && ( curr->screen_index != screen_index || curr->page_index != page_index || curr->width != texture->get_width() || curr->height != texture->get_height())) { curr = curr->next; } return curr; } //============================================================ // shaders::find_render_target //============================================================ d3d_render_target* shaders::find_render_target(int source_width, int source_height, UINT32 screen_index, UINT32 page_index) { d3d_render_target *curr = targethead; while (curr != nullptr && ( curr->width != source_width || curr->height != source_height || curr->screen_index != screen_index || curr->page_index != page_index)) { curr = curr->next; } return curr; } //============================================================ // shaders::find_cache_target //============================================================ cache_target* shaders::find_cache_target(UINT32 screen_index, int width, int height) { cache_target *curr = cachehead; while (curr != nullptr && ( curr->screen_index != screen_index || curr->width != width || curr->height != height)) { curr = curr->next; } return curr; } int shaders::ntsc_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; if (!options->yiq_enable) { return next_index; } float signal_offset = curr_texture->get_cur_frame() == 0 ? 0.0f : options->yiq_jitter; // initial "Diffuse" texture is set in shaders::set_texture() curr_effect = ntsc_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_float("SignalOffset", signal_offset); next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(rt->source_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); color_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->source_texture[next_index]); return next_index; } rgb_t shaders::apply_color_convolution(rgb_t color) { // this function uses the same algorithm as the color convolution shader pass float r = static_cast(color.r()) / 255.0f; float g = static_cast(color.g()) / 255.0f; float b = static_cast(color.b()) / 255.0f; float *rRatio = options->red_ratio; float *gRatio = options->grn_ratio; float *bRatio = options->blu_ratio; float *offset = options->offset; float *scale = options->scale; float saturation = options->saturation; // RGB Tint & Shift float rShifted = r * rRatio[0] + g * rRatio[1] + b * rRatio[2]; float gShifted = r * gRatio[0] + g * gRatio[1] + b * gRatio[2]; float bShifted = r * bRatio[0] + g * bRatio[1] + b * bRatio[2]; // RGB Scale & Offset r = rShifted * scale[0] + offset[0]; g = gShifted * scale[1] + offset[1]; b = bShifted * scale[2] + offset[2]; // Saturation float grayscale[3] = { 0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f }; float luma = r * grayscale[0] + g * grayscale[1] + b * grayscale[2]; float chroma[3] = { r - luma, g - luma, b - luma }; r = chroma[0] * saturation + luma; g = chroma[1] * saturation + luma; b = chroma[2] * saturation + luma; return rgb_t( MAX(0, MIN(255, static_cast(r * 255.0f))), MAX(0, MIN(255, static_cast(g * 255.0f))), MAX(0, MIN(255, static_cast(b * 255.0f)))); } int shaders::color_convolution_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; curr_effect = color_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); // initial "Diffuse" texture is set in shaders::set_texture() or the result of shaders::ntsc_pass() next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(rt->source_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); return next_index; } int shaders::prescale_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; curr_effect = prescale_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->source_texture[next_index]); next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(rt->target_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); return next_index; } int shaders::deconverge_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; // skip deconverge if no influencing settings if (options->converge_x[0] == 0.0f && options->converge_x[1] == 0.0f && options->converge_x[2] == 0.0f && options->converge_y[0] == 0.0f && options->converge_y[1] == 0.0f && options->converge_y[2] == 0.0f && options->radial_converge_x[0] == 0.0f && options->radial_converge_x[1] == 0.0f && options->radial_converge_x[2] == 0.0f && options->radial_converge_y[0] == 0.0f && options->radial_converge_y[1] == 0.0f && options->radial_converge_y[2] == 0.0f) { return next_index; } curr_effect = deconverge_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->target_texture[next_index]); next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(rt->target_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); return next_index; } int shaders::defocus_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; // skip defocus if no influencing settings if (options->defocus[0] == 0.0f && options->defocus[1] == 0.0f) { return next_index; } curr_effect = focus_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->target_texture[next_index]); next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(rt->target_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); return next_index; } int shaders::phosphor_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, cache_target *ct, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; // skip phosphor if no influencing settings if (options->phosphor[0] == 0.0f && options->phosphor[1] == 0.0f && options->phosphor[2] == 0.0f) { return next_index; } curr_effect = phosphor_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->target_texture[next_index]); curr_effect->set_texture("LastPass", ct->last_texture); curr_effect->set_bool("Passthrough", false); next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(rt->target_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); // Pass along our phosphor'd screen curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->target_texture[next_index]); curr_effect->set_texture("LastPass", rt->target_texture[next_index]); curr_effect->set_bool("Passthrough", true); // Avoid changing targets due to page flipping blit(ct->last_target, true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); return next_index; } int shaders::post_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum, bool prepare_bloom) { int next_index = source_index; screen_device_iterator screen_iterator(machine->root_device()); screen_device *screen = screen_iterator.first(); for (int i = 0; i < curr_screen; i++) { screen = screen_iterator.next(); } render_container &screen_container = screen->container(); float xscale = screen_container.xscale(); float yscale = screen_container.yscale(); float xoffset = -screen_container.xoffset(); float yoffset = -screen_container.yoffset(); float screen_scale[2] = { xscale, yscale }; float screen_offset[2] = { xoffset, yoffset }; rgb_t back_color_rgb = !machine->first_screen()->has_palette() ? rgb_t(0, 0, 0) : machine->first_screen()->palette().palette()->entry_color(0); back_color_rgb = apply_color_convolution(back_color_rgb); float back_color[3] = { static_cast(back_color_rgb.r()) / 255.0f, static_cast(back_color_rgb.g()) / 255.0f, static_cast(back_color_rgb.b()) / 255.0f }; curr_effect = post_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_texture("ShadowTexture", shadow_texture == nullptr ? nullptr : shadow_texture->get_finaltex()); curr_effect->set_int("ShadowTileMode", options->shadow_mask_tile_mode); curr_effect->set_texture("DiffuseTexture", rt->target_texture[next_index]); curr_effect->set_vector("BackColor", 3, back_color); curr_effect->set_vector("ScreenScale", 2, screen_scale); curr_effect->set_vector("ScreenOffset", 2, screen_offset); curr_effect->set_float("ScanlineOffset", curr_texture->get_cur_frame() == 0 ? 0.0f : options->scanline_jitter); curr_effect->set_float("TimeMilliseconds", (float)machine->time().as_double() * 1000.0f); curr_effect->set_float("HumBarAlpha", options->hum_bar_alpha); curr_effect->set_bool("PrepareBloom", prepare_bloom); next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(prepare_bloom ? rt->source_surface[next_index] : rt->target_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); return next_index; } int shaders::downsample_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; // skip downsample if no influencing settings if (options->bloom_scale == 0.0f) { return next_index; } curr_effect = downsample_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); for (int bloom_index = 0; bloom_index < rt->bloom_count; bloom_index++) { curr_effect->set_vector("TargetDims", 2, rt->bloom_dims[bloom_index]); curr_effect->set_int("BloomLevel", bloom_index + 1); curr_effect->set_texture("DiffuseTexture", bloom_index == 0 ? rt->source_texture[next_index] : rt->bloom_texture[bloom_index - 1]); blit(rt->bloom_surface[bloom_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); } return next_index; } int shaders::bloom_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; // skip bloom if no influencing settings if (options->bloom_scale == 0.0f) { return next_index; } float weight12[2] = { options->bloom_level1_weight, options->bloom_level2_weight }; float weight34[2] = { options->bloom_level3_weight, options->bloom_level4_weight }; float weight56[2] = { options->bloom_level5_weight, options->bloom_level6_weight, }; float weight78[2] = { options->bloom_level7_weight, options->bloom_level8_weight }; float weight9A[2] = { options->bloom_level9_weight, options->bloom_level10_weight }; curr_effect = bloom_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_float ("Level0Weight", options->bloom_level0_weight); curr_effect->set_vector("Level12Weight", 2, weight12); curr_effect->set_vector("Level34Weight", 2, weight34); curr_effect->set_vector("Level56Weight", 2, weight56); curr_effect->set_vector("Level78Weight", 2, weight78); curr_effect->set_vector("Level9AWeight", 2, weight9A); curr_effect->set_vector("Level0Size", 2, rt->bloom_dims[0]); curr_effect->set_vector("Level12Size", 4, rt->bloom_dims[1]); curr_effect->set_vector("Level34Size", 4, rt->bloom_dims[3]); curr_effect->set_vector("Level56Size", 4, rt->bloom_dims[5]); curr_effect->set_vector("Level78Size", 4, rt->bloom_dims[7]); curr_effect->set_vector("Level9ASize", 4, rt->bloom_dims[9]); curr_effect->set_int("BloomBlendMode", options->bloom_blend_mode); curr_effect->set_float("BloomScale", options->bloom_scale); curr_effect->set_vector("BloomOverdrive", 3, options->bloom_overdrive); curr_effect->set_texture("DiffuseA", rt->target_texture[next_index]); char name[9] = "Diffuse*"; for (int index = 1; index < rt->bloom_count; index++) { name[7] = 'A' + index; curr_effect->set_texture(name, rt->bloom_texture[index - 1]); } for (int index = rt->bloom_count; index < 11; index++) { name[7] = 'A' + index; curr_effect->set_texture(name, black_texture); } next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(rt->target_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); return next_index; } int shaders::distortion_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; // skip distortion if no influencing settings if (options->reflection == 0 && options->vignetting == 0 && options->curvature == 0 && options->round_corner == 0 && options->smooth_border == 0) { return next_index; } curr_effect = distortion_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_texture("DiffuseTexture", rt->target_texture[next_index]); next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(rt->target_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); return next_index; } int shaders::vector_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; float time_params[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; float length_params[3] = { poly->get_line_length(), options->vector_length_scale, options->vector_length_ratio }; curr_effect = vector_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_vector("TimeParams", 2, time_params); curr_effect->set_vector("LengthParams", 3, length_params); blit(rt->target_surface[next_index], true, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count()); return next_index; } int shaders::vector_buffer_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; curr_effect = default_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_technique("VectorBufferTechnique"); curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->target_texture[next_index]); next_index = rt->next_index(next_index); blit(rt->target_surface[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2); return next_index; } int shaders::screen_pass(d3d_render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { int next_index = source_index; curr_effect = default_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_technique("ScreenTechnique"); curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->target_texture[next_index]); // we do not clear the backbuffe here because multiple screens might be rendered into blit(backbuffer, false, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count()); if (avi_output_file != nullptr) { blit(avi_final_target, false, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count()); } if (render_snap) { blit(snap_target, false, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count()); snap_rendered = true; } return next_index; } void shaders::ui_pass(poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { curr_effect = default_effect; curr_effect->update_uniforms(); curr_effect->set_technique("UiTechnique"); blit(nullptr, false, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count()); } //============================================================ // shaders::render_quad //============================================================ void shaders::render_quad(poly_info *poly, int vertnum) { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } curr_texture = poly->get_texture(); curr_poly = poly; if (PRIMFLAG_GET_SCREENTEX(d3d->get_last_texture_flags()) && curr_texture != nullptr) { curr_screen = curr_screen < num_screens ? curr_screen : 0; curr_render_target = find_render_target(curr_texture); d3d_render_target *rt = curr_render_target; if (rt == nullptr) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: No raster render target\n"); return; } cache_target *ct = find_cache_target(rt->screen_index, curr_texture->get_width(), curr_texture->get_height()); int next_index = 0; next_index = ntsc_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); next_index = color_convolution_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); next_index = prescale_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); next_index = deconverge_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); next_index = defocus_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); // 1st pass next_index = defocus_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); // 2nd pass next_index = phosphor_pass(rt, ct, next_index, poly, vertnum); // create bloom textures int phosphor_index = next_index; next_index = post_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum, true); next_index = downsample_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); // apply bloom textures next_index = phosphor_index; next_index = post_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum, false); next_index = bloom_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); next_index = distortion_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); // render on screen d3d->set_wrap(D3DTADDRESS_MIRROR); next_index = screen_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); d3d->set_wrap(PRIMFLAG_GET_TEXWRAP(curr_texture->get_flags()) ? D3DTADDRESS_WRAP : D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP); curr_texture->increment_frame_count(); curr_texture->mask_frame_count(options->yiq_phase_count); curr_screen++; } else if (PRIMFLAG_GET_VECTOR(poly->get_flags()) && vector_enable) { lines_pending = true; curr_render_target = find_render_target(d3d->get_width(), d3d->get_height(), 0, 0); d3d_render_target *rt = curr_render_target; if (rt == nullptr) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: No vector render target\n"); return; } int next_index = 0; next_index = vector_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.set_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, backbuffer); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device set_render_target call\n", (int)result); } } else if (PRIMFLAG_GET_VECTORBUF(poly->get_flags()) && vector_enable) { curr_screen = curr_screen < num_screens ? curr_screen : 0; curr_render_target = find_render_target(d3d->get_width(), d3d->get_height(), 0, 0); d3d_render_target *rt = curr_render_target; if (rt == nullptr) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: No vector buffer render target\n"); return; } cache_target *ct = find_cache_target(rt->screen_index, rt->width, rt->height); int next_index = 0; next_index = vector_buffer_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); next_index = deconverge_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); next_index = defocus_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); // 1st pass next_index = defocus_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); // 2nd pass next_index = phosphor_pass(rt, ct, next_index, poly, vertnum); // create bloom textures int phosphor_index = next_index; next_index = post_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum, true); next_index = downsample_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); // apply bloom textures next_index = phosphor_index; next_index = post_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum, false); next_index = bloom_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); next_index = distortion_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); // render on screen d3d->set_wrap(D3DTADDRESS_MIRROR); next_index = screen_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum); d3d->set_wrap(PRIMFLAG_GET_TEXWRAP(curr_texture->get_flags()) ? D3DTADDRESS_WRAP : D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP); HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.set_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, backbuffer); if (result != D3D_OK) { osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device set_render_target call\n", (int)result); } lines_pending = false; curr_screen++; } else { ui_pass(poly, vertnum); } options->params_dirty = false; curr_render_target = nullptr; curr_texture = nullptr; curr_poly = nullptr; } //============================================================ // shaders::end_draw //============================================================ void shaders::end_draw() { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } (*d3dintf->surface.release)(backbuffer); } //============================================================ // shaders::add_cache_target - register a cache target //============================================================ bool shaders::add_cache_target(renderer_d3d9* d3d, texture_info* texture, int source_width, int source_height, int target_width, int target_height, int screen_index) { cache_target* target = (cache_target*)global_alloc_clear(); if (!target->init(d3d, d3dintf, source_width, source_height, target_width, target_height)) { global_free(target); return false; } target->next = cachehead; target->prev = nullptr; target->screen_index = screen_index; if (cachehead != nullptr) { cachehead->prev = target; } cachehead = target; return true; } //============================================================ // shaders::get_texture_target(render_primitive::prim, texture_info::texture) //============================================================ d3d_render_target* shaders::get_texture_target(render_primitive *prim, texture_info *texture) { if (!vector_enable) { return nullptr; } bool swap_xy = d3d->swap_xy(); int target_width = swap_xy ? static_cast(prim->get_quad_height() + 0.5f) : static_cast(prim->get_quad_width() + 0.5f); int target_height = swap_xy ? static_cast(prim->get_quad_width() + 0.5f) : static_cast(prim->get_quad_height() + 0.5f); // find render target and check if the size of the target quad has changed d3d_render_target *target = find_render_target(texture); if (target != nullptr && target->target_width == target_width && target->target_height == target_height) { return target; } osd_printf_verbose("get_texture_target() - invalid size\n"); return nullptr; } d3d_render_target* shaders::get_vector_target(render_primitive *prim) { if (!vector_enable) { return nullptr; } int target_width = static_cast(prim->get_quad_width() + 0.5f); int target_height = static_cast(prim->get_quad_height() + 0.5f); // find render target and check of the size of the target quad has changed d3d_render_target *target = find_render_target(d3d->get_width(), d3d->get_height(), 0, 0); if (target != nullptr && target->target_width == target_width && target->target_height == target_height) { return target; } osd_printf_verbose("get_vector_target() - invalid size\n"); return nullptr; } void shaders::create_vector_target(render_primitive *prim) { int target_width = static_cast(prim->get_quad_width() + 0.5f); int target_height = static_cast(prim->get_quad_height() + 0.5f); osd_printf_verbose("create_vector_target() - %f, %f; %d, %d\n", prim->get_quad_width(), prim->get_quad_height(), (int)(prim->get_quad_width() + 0.5f), (int)(prim->get_quad_height() + 0.5f)); if (!add_render_target(d3d, nullptr, d3d->get_width(), d3d->get_height(), target_width, target_height)) { vector_enable = false; } } //============================================================ // shaders::add_render_target - register a render target //============================================================ bool shaders::add_render_target(renderer_d3d9* d3d, texture_info* texture, int source_width, int source_height, int target_width, int target_height) { UINT32 screen_index = 0; UINT32 page_index = 0; if (texture != nullptr) { d3d_render_target *existing_target = find_render_target(texture); if (existing_target != nullptr) { remove_render_target(existing_target); } UINT32 screen_index_data = (UINT32)texture->get_texinfo().osddata; screen_index = screen_index_data >> 1; page_index = screen_index_data & 1; } else { d3d_render_target *existing_target = find_render_target(source_width, source_height, 0, 0); if (existing_target != nullptr) { remove_render_target(existing_target); } } d3d_render_target* target = (d3d_render_target*)global_alloc_clear(); if (!target->init(d3d, d3dintf, source_width, source_height, target_width, target_height)) { global_free(target); return false; } target->screen_index = screen_index; target->page_index = page_index; HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.set_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, target->target_surface[0]); if (result != D3D_OK) osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device set_render_target call\n", (int)result); result = (*d3dintf->device.clear)(d3d->get_device(), 0, nullptr, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,0), 0, 0); if (result != D3D_OK) osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device clear call\n", (int)result); result = (*d3dintf->device.set_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, backbuffer); if (result != D3D_OK) osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device set_render_target call\n", (int)result); cache_target* cache = find_cache_target(target->screen_index, source_width, source_height); if (cache == nullptr) { if (!add_cache_target(d3d, texture, source_width, source_height, target_width, target_height, target->screen_index)) { global_free(target); return false; } } target->next = targethead; target->prev = nullptr; if (targethead != nullptr) { targethead->prev = target; } targethead = target; return true; } //============================================================ // shaders::enumerate_screens //============================================================ void shaders::enumerate_screens() { screen_device_iterator iter(machine->root_device()); num_screens = iter.count(); } //============================================================ // shaders::register_texture(texture::info) //============================================================ bool shaders::register_texture(render_primitive *prim, texture_info *texture) { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return false; } bool swap_xy = d3d->swap_xy(); int target_width = swap_xy ? static_cast(prim->get_quad_height() + 0.5f) : static_cast(prim->get_quad_width() + 0.5f); int target_height = swap_xy ? static_cast(prim->get_quad_width() + 0.5f) : static_cast(prim->get_quad_height() + 0.5f); osd_printf_verbose("register_texture() - %f, %f; %d, %d\n", prim->get_quad_width(), prim->get_quad_height(), (int)(prim->get_quad_width() + 0.5f), (int)(prim->get_quad_height() + 0.5f)); if (!add_render_target(d3d, texture, texture->get_width(), texture->get_height(), target_width, target_height)) { return false; } return true; } //============================================================ // shaders::delete_resources //============================================================ void shaders::delete_resources(bool reset) { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { return; } if (options != nullptr) { last_options = *options; options = nullptr; } initialized = false; cache_target *currcache = cachehead; while(cachehead != nullptr) { cachehead = currcache->next; global_free(currcache); currcache = cachehead; } d3d_render_target *currtarget = targethead; while(targethead != nullptr) { targethead = currtarget->next; global_free(currtarget); currtarget = targethead; } if (downsample_effect != nullptr) { delete downsample_effect; downsample_effect = nullptr; } if (bloom_effect != nullptr) { delete bloom_effect; bloom_effect = nullptr; } if (vector_effect != nullptr) { delete vector_effect; vector_effect = nullptr; } if (default_effect != nullptr) { delete default_effect; default_effect = nullptr; } if (post_effect != nullptr) { delete post_effect; post_effect = nullptr; } if (distortion_effect != nullptr) { delete distortion_effect; distortion_effect = nullptr; } if (prescale_effect != nullptr) { delete prescale_effect; prescale_effect = nullptr; } if (phosphor_effect != nullptr) { delete phosphor_effect; phosphor_effect = nullptr; } if (focus_effect != nullptr) { delete focus_effect; focus_effect = nullptr; } if (deconverge_effect != nullptr) { delete deconverge_effect; deconverge_effect = nullptr; } if (color_effect != nullptr) { delete color_effect; color_effect = nullptr; } if (ntsc_effect != nullptr) { delete ntsc_effect; ntsc_effect = nullptr; } if (backbuffer != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->surface.release)(backbuffer); backbuffer = nullptr; } if (black_surface != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->surface.release)(black_surface); black_surface = nullptr; } if (black_texture != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->texture.release)(black_texture); black_texture = nullptr; } if (avi_copy_texture != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->texture.release)(avi_copy_texture); avi_copy_texture = nullptr; } if (avi_copy_surface != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->surface.release)(avi_copy_surface); avi_copy_surface = nullptr; } if (avi_final_texture != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->texture.release)(avi_final_texture); avi_final_texture = nullptr; } if (avi_final_target != nullptr) { (*d3dintf->surface.release)(avi_final_target); avi_final_target = nullptr; } shadow_bitmap.reset(); g_slider_list = nullptr; } //============================================================ // get_vector //============================================================ static void get_vector(const char *data, int count, float *out, bool report_error) { if (count > 3 && sscanf(data, "%f,%f,%f,%f", &out[0], &out[1], &out[2], &out[3]) < 4 && report_error) { osd_printf_error("Illegal quad vector value = %s\n", data); } else if (count > 2 && sscanf(data, "%f,%f,%f", &out[0], &out[1], &out[2]) < 3 && report_error) { osd_printf_error("Illegal triple vector value = %s\n", data); } else if (count > 1 && sscanf(data, "%f,%f", &out[0], &out[1]) < 2 && report_error) { osd_printf_error("Illegal double vector value = %s\n", data); } else if (count > 0 && sscanf(data, "%f", &out[0]) < 1 && report_error) { osd_printf_error("Illegal single vector value = %s\n", data); } } //============================================================ // slider_alloc - allocate a new slider entry // currently duplicated from ui.c, this could // be done in a more ideal way. //============================================================ static slider_state *slider_alloc(running_machine &machine, int id, const char *title, INT32 minval, INT32 defval, INT32 maxval, INT32 incval, slider_update update, void *arg) { int size = sizeof(slider_state) + strlen(title); slider_state *state = (slider_state *)auto_alloc_array_clear(machine, UINT8, size); state->minval = minval; state->defval = defval; state->maxval = maxval; state->incval = incval; state->update = update; state->arg = arg; state->hidden = false; state->id = id; strcpy(state->description, title); return state; } //============================================================ // assorted global slider accessors //============================================================ enum slider_type { SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_INT_ENUM, SLIDER_INT, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_VEC2 }; INT32 slider::update(std::string *str, INT32 newval) { switch (m_desc->slider_type) { case SLIDER_INT_ENUM: { INT32 *val_ptr = reinterpret_cast(m_value); *m_dirty = true; if (newval != SLIDER_NOCHANGE) { *val_ptr = newval; } if (str != nullptr) { *str = string_format(m_desc->format, m_desc->strings[*val_ptr]); } return *val_ptr; } case SLIDER_INT: { int *val_ptr = reinterpret_cast(m_value); *m_dirty = true; if (newval != SLIDER_NOCHANGE) { *val_ptr = newval; } if (str != nullptr) { *str = string_format(m_desc->format, *val_ptr); } return *val_ptr; } default: { float *val_ptr = reinterpret_cast(m_value); *m_dirty = true; if (newval != SLIDER_NOCHANGE) { *val_ptr = (float)newval * m_desc->scale; } if (str != nullptr) { *str = string_format(m_desc->format, *val_ptr); } return (INT32)floor(*val_ptr / m_desc->scale + 0.5f); } } return 0; } static INT32 slider_update_trampoline(running_machine &machine, void *arg, std::string *str, INT32 newval) { if (arg != nullptr) { return reinterpret_cast(arg)->update(str, newval); } return 0; } hlsl_options shaders::last_options = { false }; enum slider_option { SLIDER_VECTOR_ATTENUATION = 0, SLIDER_VECTOR_LENGTH_MAX, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_TILE_MODE, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_ALPHA, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_X_COUNT, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_Y_COUNT, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_U_SIZE, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_V_SIZE, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_U_OFFSET, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_V_OFFSET, SLIDER_CURVATURE, SLIDER_ROUND_CORNER, SLIDER_SMOOTH_BORDER, SLIDER_REFLECTION, SLIDER_VIGNETTING, SLIDER_SCANLINE_ALPHA, SLIDER_SCANLINE_SCALE, SLIDER_SCANLINE_HEIGHT, SLIDER_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_SCALE, SLIDER_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_OFFSET, SLIDER_SCANLINE_JITTER, SLIDER_HUM_BAR_ALPHA, SLIDER_DEFOCUS, SLIDER_CONVERGE_X, SLIDER_CONVERGE_Y, SLIDER_RADIAL_CONVERGE_X, SLIDER_RADIAL_CONVERGE_Y, SLIDER_RED_RATIO, SLIDER_GREEN_RATIO, SLIDER_BLUE_RATIO, SLIDER_SATURATION, SLIDER_OFFSET, SLIDER_SCALE, SLIDER_POWER, SLIDER_FLOOR, SLIDER_PHOSPHOR, SLIDER_BLOOM_BLEND_MODE, SLIDER_BLOOM_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_OVERDRIVE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL0_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL1_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL2_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL3_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL4_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL5_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL6_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL7_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL8_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL9_SCALE, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL10_SCALE, SLIDER_NTSC_ENABLE, SLIDER_NTSC_JITTER, SLIDER_NTSC_A_VALUE, SLIDER_NTSC_B_VALUE, SLIDER_NTSC_P_VALUE, SLIDER_NTSC_O_VALUE, SLIDER_NTSC_CC_VALUE, SLIDER_NTSC_N_VALUE, SLIDER_NTSC_Y_VALUE, SLIDER_NTSC_I_VALUE, SLIDER_NTSC_Q_VALUE, SLIDER_NTSC_SCAN_TIME }; enum slider_screen_type { SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_NONE = 0, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER = 1, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR = 2, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD = 4, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER = SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER | SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY = SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER | SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR | SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD }; slider_desc shaders::s_sliders[] = { { "Vector Length Attenuation", 0, 50, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR, SLIDER_VECTOR_ATTENUATION, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Vector Attenuation Length Limit", 1, 500, 1000, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR, SLIDER_VECTOR_LENGTH_MAX, 1.0f, "%4f", {} }, { "Shadow Mask Tile Mode", 0, 0, 1, 1, SLIDER_INT_ENUM, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_TILE_MODE, 0, "%s", { "Screen", "Source" } }, { "Shadow Mask Darkness", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_ALPHA, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Shadow Mask X Count", 1, 1, 1024, 1, SLIDER_INT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_X_COUNT, 0, "%d", {} }, { "Shadow Mask Y Count", 1, 1, 1024, 1, SLIDER_INT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_Y_COUNT, 0, "%d", {} }, { "Shadow Mask Pixel Count X", 1, 1, 64, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_U_SIZE, 0.03125f, "%2.5f", {} }, { "Shadow Mask Pixel Count Y", 1, 1, 64, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_V_SIZE, 0.03125f, "%2.5f", {} }, { "Shadow Mask Offset X", -100, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_U_OFFSET, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Shadow Mask Offset Y", -100, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_V_OFFSET, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Screen Curvature", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_CURVATURE, 0.01f, "%2.2f", {} }, { "Screen Round Corner", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_ROUND_CORNER, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Screen Smooth Border", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SMOOTH_BORDER, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Screen Reflection", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_REFLECTION, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Image Vignetting", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_VIGNETTING, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Scanline Darkness", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_SCANLINE_ALPHA, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Scanline Screen Scale", 0, 100, 400, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_SCANLINE_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Scanline Height", 0, 100, 400, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_SCANLINE_HEIGHT, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Scanline Brightness", 0, 100, 200, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Scanline Brightness Overdrive", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_OFFSET, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Scanline Jitter", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_SCANLINE_JITTER, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Hum Bar Darkness", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_HUM_BAR_ALPHA, 0.01f, "%2.2f", {} }, { "Defocus", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_VEC2, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_DEFOCUS, 0.1f, "%2.1f", {} }, { "Position Offset X,", -100, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_CONVERGE_X, 0.1f, "%3.1f", {} }, { "Position Offset Y,", -100, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_CONVERGE_Y, 0.1f, "%3.1f", {} }, { "Convergence X,", -100, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_RADIAL_CONVERGE_X, 0.1f, "%3.1f", {} }, { "Convergence Y,", -100, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_RADIAL_CONVERGE_Y, 0.1f, "%3.1f", {} }, { "Red Input Percent in", -400, 0, 400, 5, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_RED_RATIO, 0.005f, "%2.3f", {} }, { "Green Input Percent in", -400, 0, 400, 5, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_GREEN_RATIO, 0.005f, "%2.3f", {} }, { "Blue Input Percent in", -400, 0, 400, 5, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLUE_RATIO, 0.005f, "%2.3f", {} }, { "Saturation", 0, 100, 400, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SATURATION, 0.1f, "%2.2f", {} }, { "DC Offset,", -100, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_OFFSET, 0.01f, "%2.2f", {} }, { "Scale,", -200, 100, 200, 1, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_SCALE, 0.01f, "%2.2f", {} }, { "Gamma,", -80, 0, 80, 1, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_POWER, 0.1f, "%2.2f", {} }, { "Floor,", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_FLOOR, 0.01f, "%2.2f", {} }, { "Phosphor Life,", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_PHOSPHOR, 0.01f, "%2.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Blend Mode", 0, 0, 1, 1, SLIDER_INT_ENUM, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_BLEND_MODE, 0, "%s", { "Brighten", "Darken" } }, { "Bloom Scale", 0, 0, 2000, 5, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_SCALE, 0.001f, "%1.3f", {} }, { "Bloom Overdrive,", 0, 0, 2000, 5, SLIDER_COLOR, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_OVERDRIVE, 0.001f, "%1.3f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 0 Scale", 0, 100, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL0_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 1 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL1_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 2 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL2_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 3 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL3_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 4 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL4_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 5 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL5_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 6 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL6_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 7 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL7_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 8 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL8_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 9 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL9_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Bloom Level 10 Scale", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_ANY, SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL10_SCALE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "NTSC processing", 0, 0, 1, 1, SLIDER_INT_ENUM, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_ENABLE, 0, "%s", { "Off", "On" } }, { "Signal Jitter", 0, 0, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_JITTER, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "A Value", -100, 50, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_A_VALUE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "B Value", -100, 50, 100, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_B_VALUE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Incoming Pixel Clock Scaling", -300, 100, 300, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_P_VALUE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Outgoing Color Carrier Phase", -300, 0, 300, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_O_VALUE, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { "Color Carrier Frequency", 0, 35795, 60000, 5, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_CC_VALUE, 0.001f, "%1.4f", {} }, { "Y Notch", 0, 100, 600, 5, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_N_VALUE, 0.01f, "%1.4f", {} }, { "Y Frequency", 0, 600, 600, 5, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_Y_VALUE, 0.01f, "%1.4f", {} }, { "I Frequency", 0, 120, 600, 5, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_I_VALUE, 0.01f, "%1.4f", {} }, { "Q Frequency", 0, 60, 600, 5, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_Q_VALUE, 0.01f, "%1.4f", {} }, { "Scanline Duration", 0, 5260, 10000, 1, SLIDER_FLOAT, SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD_OR_RASTER, SLIDER_NTSC_SCAN_TIME, 0.01f, "%1.2f", {} }, { nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, nullptr, {} } }; //============================================================ // init_slider_list //============================================================ void *shaders::get_slider_option(int id, int index) { switch (id) { case SLIDER_VECTOR_ATTENUATION: return &(options->vector_length_scale); case SLIDER_VECTOR_LENGTH_MAX: return &(options->vector_length_ratio); case SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_TILE_MODE: return &(options->shadow_mask_tile_mode); case SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_ALPHA: return &(options->shadow_mask_alpha); case SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_X_COUNT: return &(options->shadow_mask_count_x); case SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_Y_COUNT: return &(options->shadow_mask_count_y); case SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_U_SIZE: return &(options->shadow_mask_u_size); case SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_V_SIZE: return &(options->shadow_mask_v_size); case SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_U_OFFSET: return &(options->shadow_mask_u_offset); case SLIDER_SHADOW_MASK_V_OFFSET: return &(options->shadow_mask_v_offset); case SLIDER_CURVATURE: return &(options->curvature); case SLIDER_ROUND_CORNER: return &(options->round_corner); case SLIDER_SMOOTH_BORDER: return &(options->smooth_border); case SLIDER_REFLECTION: return &(options->reflection); case SLIDER_VIGNETTING: return &(options->vignetting); case SLIDER_SCANLINE_ALPHA: return &(options->scanline_alpha); case SLIDER_SCANLINE_SCALE: return &(options->scanline_scale); case SLIDER_SCANLINE_HEIGHT: return &(options->scanline_height); case SLIDER_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_SCALE: return &(options->scanline_bright_scale); case SLIDER_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_OFFSET: return &(options->scanline_bright_offset); case SLIDER_SCANLINE_JITTER: return &(options->scanline_jitter); case SLIDER_HUM_BAR_ALPHA: return &(options->hum_bar_alpha); case SLIDER_DEFOCUS: return &(options->defocus[index]); case SLIDER_CONVERGE_X: return &(options->converge_x[index]); case SLIDER_CONVERGE_Y: return &(options->converge_y[index]); case SLIDER_RADIAL_CONVERGE_X: return &(options->radial_converge_x[index]); case SLIDER_RADIAL_CONVERGE_Y: return &(options->radial_converge_y[index]); case SLIDER_RED_RATIO: return &(options->red_ratio[index]); case SLIDER_GREEN_RATIO: return &(options->grn_ratio[index]); case SLIDER_BLUE_RATIO: return &(options->blu_ratio[index]); case SLIDER_SATURATION: return &(options->saturation); case SLIDER_OFFSET: return &(options->offset[index]); case SLIDER_SCALE: return &(options->scale[index]); case SLIDER_POWER: return &(options->power[index]); case SLIDER_FLOOR: return &(options->floor[index]); case SLIDER_PHOSPHOR: return &(options->phosphor[index]); case SLIDER_BLOOM_BLEND_MODE: return &(options->bloom_blend_mode); case SLIDER_BLOOM_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_scale); case SLIDER_BLOOM_OVERDRIVE: return &(options->bloom_overdrive[index]); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL0_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level0_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL1_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level1_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL2_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level2_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL3_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level3_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL4_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level4_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL5_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level5_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL6_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level6_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL7_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level7_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL8_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level8_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL9_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level9_weight); case SLIDER_BLOOM_LVL10_SCALE: return &(options->bloom_level10_weight); case SLIDER_NTSC_ENABLE: return &(options->yiq_enable); case SLIDER_NTSC_JITTER: return &(options->yiq_jitter); case SLIDER_NTSC_A_VALUE: return &(options->yiq_a); case SLIDER_NTSC_B_VALUE: return &(options->yiq_b); case SLIDER_NTSC_P_VALUE: return &(options->yiq_p); case SLIDER_NTSC_O_VALUE: return &(options->yiq_o); case SLIDER_NTSC_CC_VALUE: return &(options->yiq_cc); case SLIDER_NTSC_N_VALUE: return &(options->yiq_n); case SLIDER_NTSC_Y_VALUE: return &(options->yiq_y); case SLIDER_NTSC_I_VALUE: return &(options->yiq_i); case SLIDER_NTSC_Q_VALUE: return &(options->yiq_q); case SLIDER_NTSC_SCAN_TIME: return &(options->yiq_scan_time); } return nullptr; } void shaders::init_slider_list() { if (!master_enable || !d3dintf->post_fx_available) { g_slider_list = nullptr; } slider_state *listhead = nullptr; slider_state **tailptr = &listhead; for (int i = 0; s_sliders[i].name != nullptr; i++) { slider_desc *desc = &s_sliders[i]; int screen_type = machine->first_screen()->screen_type(); if ((screen_type == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR && (desc->screen_type & SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR) == SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR) || (screen_type == SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER && (desc->screen_type & SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER) == SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER) || (screen_type == SCREEN_TYPE_LCD && (desc->screen_type & SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD) == SLIDER_SCREEN_TYPE_LCD)) { int count; switch (desc->slider_type) { case SLIDER_VEC2: count = 2; break; case SLIDER_COLOR: count = 3; break; default: count = 1; break; } for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { slider* slider_arg = new slider(desc, get_slider_option(desc->id, j), &options->params_dirty); sliders.push_back(slider_arg); std::string name = desc->name; switch (desc->slider_type) { case SLIDER_VEC2: { std::string names[2] = { " X", " Y" }; name = name + names[j]; break; } case SLIDER_COLOR: { std::string names[3] = { " Red", " Green", " Blue" }; name = name + names[j]; break; } default: break; } *tailptr = slider_alloc(*machine, desc->id, name.c_str(), desc->minval, desc->defval, desc->maxval, desc->step, slider_update_trampoline, slider_arg); tailptr = &(*tailptr)->next; } } } g_slider_list = listhead; } //============================================================ // uniform functions //============================================================ uniform::uniform(effect *shader, const char *name, uniform_type type, int id) { m_shader = shader; m_type = type; m_next = nullptr; m_handle = m_shader->get_parameter(nullptr, name); m_ival = 0; m_bval = false; memset(m_vec, 0, sizeof(float) * 4); m_mval = nullptr; m_texture = nullptr; m_id = id; switch (type) { case UT_BOOL: case UT_INT: case UT_FLOAT: case UT_MATRIX: case UT_SAMPLER: m_count = 1; break; case UT_VEC2: m_count = 2; break; case UT_VEC3: m_count = 3; break; case UT_VEC4: m_count = 4; break; default: m_count = 1; break; } } void uniform::set_next(uniform *next) { m_next = next; } void uniform::update() { if (m_id >= CU_COUNT) { return; } shaders *shadersys = m_shader->m_shaders; hlsl_options *options = shadersys->options; renderer_d3d9 *d3d = shadersys->d3d; switch (m_id) { case CU_SCREEN_DIMS: { vec2f screendims = d3d->get_dims(); m_shader->set_vector("ScreenDims", 2, &screendims.c.x); break; } case CU_SOURCE_DIMS: { if (shadersys->curr_texture != nullptr) { vec2f sourcedims = shadersys->curr_texture->get_rawdims(); m_shader->set_vector("SourceDims", 2, &sourcedims.c.x); } else { vec2f sourcedims = d3d->get_dims(); m_shader->set_vector("SourceDims", 2, &sourcedims.c.x); } break; } case CU_SOURCE_RECT: { if (shadersys->curr_texture != nullptr) { vec2f delta = shadersys->curr_texture->get_uvstop() - shadersys->curr_texture->get_uvstart(); m_shader->set_vector("SourceRect", 2, &delta.c.x); } else { float delta[2] = { 1.0f, 1.0f }; m_shader->set_vector("SourceRect", 2, delta); } break; } case CU_TARGET_DIMS: { if (shadersys->curr_render_target != nullptr) { float targetdims[2] = { static_cast(shadersys->curr_render_target->target_width), static_cast(shadersys->curr_render_target->target_height) }; m_shader->set_vector("TargetDims", 2, targetdims); } break; } case CU_QUAD_DIMS: { if (shadersys->curr_poly != nullptr) { float quaddims[2] = { // round static_cast(static_cast(shadersys->curr_poly->get_prim_width() + 0.5f)), static_cast(static_cast(shadersys->curr_poly->get_prim_height() + 0.5f)) }; m_shader->set_vector("QuadDims", 2, quaddims); } break; } case CU_SWAP_XY: { m_shader->set_bool("SwapXY", d3d->swap_xy()); break; } case CU_ORIENTATION_SWAP: { bool orientation_swap_xy = (d3d->window().machine().system().flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) == ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY; m_shader->set_bool("OrientationSwapXY", orientation_swap_xy); break; } case CU_ROTATION_SWAP: { bool rotation_swap_xy = (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT90) == ROT90 || (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT270) == ROT270; m_shader->set_bool("RotationSwapXY", rotation_swap_xy); break; } case CU_ROTATION_TYPE: { int rotation_type = (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT90) == ROT90 ? 1 : (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT180) == ROT180 ? 2 : (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT270) == ROT270 ? 3 : 0; m_shader->set_int("RotationType", rotation_type); break; } case CU_VECTOR_SCREEN: { bool vector_screen = d3d->window().machine().first_screen()->screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR; m_shader->set_bool("VectorScreen", vector_screen); break; } case CU_NTSC_CCFREQ: m_shader->set_float("CCValue", options->yiq_cc); break; case CU_NTSC_A: m_shader->set_float("AValue", options->yiq_a); break; case CU_NTSC_B: m_shader->set_float("BValue", options->yiq_b); break; case CU_NTSC_O: m_shader->set_float("OValue", options->yiq_o); break; case CU_NTSC_P: m_shader->set_float("PValue", options->yiq_p); break; case CU_NTSC_NOTCH: m_shader->set_float("NotchHalfWidth", options->yiq_n); break; case CU_NTSC_YFREQ: m_shader->set_float("YFreqResponse", options->yiq_y); break; case CU_NTSC_IFREQ: m_shader->set_float("IFreqResponse", options->yiq_i); break; case CU_NTSC_QFREQ: m_shader->set_float("QFreqResponse", options->yiq_q); break; case CU_NTSC_HTIME: m_shader->set_float("ScanTime", options->yiq_scan_time); break; case CU_NTSC_ENABLE: m_shader->set_float("YIQEnable", options->yiq_enable ? 1.0f : 0.0f); break; case CU_COLOR_RED_RATIOS: m_shader->set_vector("RedRatios", 3, options->red_ratio); break; case CU_COLOR_GRN_RATIOS: m_shader->set_vector("GrnRatios", 3, options->grn_ratio); break; case CU_COLOR_BLU_RATIOS: m_shader->set_vector("BluRatios", 3, options->blu_ratio); break; case CU_COLOR_OFFSET: m_shader->set_vector("Offset", 3, options->offset); break; case CU_COLOR_SCALE: m_shader->set_vector("Scale", 3, options->scale); break; case CU_COLOR_SATURATION: m_shader->set_float("Saturation", options->saturation); break; case CU_CONVERGE_LINEAR_X: m_shader->set_vector("ConvergeX", 3, options->converge_x); break; case CU_CONVERGE_LINEAR_Y: m_shader->set_vector("ConvergeY", 3, options->converge_y); break; case CU_CONVERGE_RADIAL_X: m_shader->set_vector("RadialConvergeX", 3, options->radial_converge_x); break; case CU_CONVERGE_RADIAL_Y: m_shader->set_vector("RadialConvergeY", 3, options->radial_converge_y); break; case CU_FOCUS_SIZE: m_shader->set_vector("Defocus", 2, &options->defocus[0]); break; case CU_PHOSPHOR_LIFE: m_shader->set_vector("Phosphor", 3, options->phosphor); break; case CU_POST_REFLECTION: m_shader->set_float("ReflectionAmount", options->reflection); break; case CU_POST_VIGNETTING: m_shader->set_float("VignettingAmount", options->vignetting); break; case CU_POST_CURVATURE: m_shader->set_float("CurvatureAmount", options->curvature); break; case CU_POST_ROUND_CORNER: m_shader->set_float("RoundCornerAmount", options->round_corner); break; case CU_POST_SMOOTH_BORDER: m_shader->set_float("SmoothBorderAmount", options->smooth_border); break; case CU_POST_SHADOW_ALPHA: m_shader->set_float("ShadowAlpha", shadersys->shadow_texture == nullptr ? 0.0f : options->shadow_mask_alpha); break; case CU_POST_SHADOW_COUNT: { float shadowcount[2] = { static_cast(options->shadow_mask_count_x), static_cast(options->shadow_mask_count_y) }; m_shader->set_vector("ShadowCount", 2, shadowcount); break; } case CU_POST_SHADOW_UV: { float shadowuv[2] = { options->shadow_mask_u_size, options->shadow_mask_v_size }; m_shader->set_vector("ShadowUV", 2, shadowuv); break; } case CU_POST_SHADOW_UV_OFFSET: { float shadowuv[2] = { options->shadow_mask_u_offset, options->shadow_mask_v_offset }; m_shader->set_vector("ShadowUVOffset", 2, shadowuv); break; } case CU_POST_SHADOW_DIMS: { vec2f shadow_dims; if (shadersys->shadow_texture) { shadow_dims = shadersys->shadow_texture->get_rawdims(); } else { shadow_dims.c.x = 1.0f; shadow_dims.c.y = 1.0f; } m_shader->set_vector("ShadowDims", 2, &shadow_dims.c.x); break; } case CU_POST_SCANLINE_ALPHA: m_shader->set_float("ScanlineAlpha", options->scanline_alpha); break; case CU_POST_SCANLINE_SCALE: m_shader->set_float("ScanlineScale", options->scanline_scale); break; case CU_POST_SCANLINE_HEIGHT: m_shader->set_float("ScanlineHeight", options->scanline_height); break; case CU_POST_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_SCALE: m_shader->set_float("ScanlineBrightScale", options->scanline_bright_scale); break; case CU_POST_SCANLINE_BRIGHT_OFFSET: m_shader->set_float("ScanlineBrightOffset", options->scanline_bright_offset); break; case CU_POST_POWER: m_shader->set_vector("Power", 3, options->power); break; case CU_POST_FLOOR: m_shader->set_vector("Floor", 3, options->floor); break; } } void uniform::set(float x, float y, float z, float w) { m_vec[0] = x; m_vec[1] = y; m_vec[2] = z; m_vec[3] = w; } void uniform::set(float x, float y, float z) { m_vec[0] = x; m_vec[1] = y; m_vec[2] = z; } void uniform::set(float x, float y) { m_vec[0] = x; m_vec[1] = y; } void uniform::set(float x) { m_vec[0] = x; } void uniform::set(int x) { m_ival = x; } void uniform::set(bool x) { m_bval = x; } void uniform::set(matrix *mat) { m_mval = mat; } void uniform::set(texture *tex) { m_texture = tex; } void uniform::upload() { switch (m_type) { case UT_BOOL: m_shader->set_bool(m_handle, m_bval); break; case UT_INT: m_shader->set_int(m_handle, m_ival); break; case UT_FLOAT: m_shader->set_float(m_handle, m_vec[0]); break; case UT_VEC2: case UT_VEC3: case UT_VEC4: m_shader->set_vector(m_handle, m_count, m_vec); break; case UT_MATRIX: m_shader->set_matrix(m_handle, m_mval); break; case UT_SAMPLER: m_shader->set_texture(m_handle, m_texture); break; } } //============================================================ // effect functions //============================================================ effect::effect(shaders *shadersys, device *dev, const char *name, const char *path) { IDirect3DDevice9 *device = (IDirect3DDevice9 *)dev; LPD3DXBUFFER buffer_errors = nullptr; m_shaders = shadersys; m_uniform_head = nullptr; m_uniform_tail = nullptr; m_effect = nullptr; m_valid = false; char name_cstr[1024]; sprintf(name_cstr, "%s\\%s", path, name); TCHAR *effect_name = tstring_from_utf8(name_cstr); HRESULT hr = (*g_load_effect)(device, effect_name, nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, &m_effect, &buffer_errors); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (buffer_errors != nullptr) { LPVOID compile_errors = buffer_errors->GetBufferPointer(); printf("Unable to compile shader: %s\n", (const char*)compile_errors); fflush(stdout); } else { printf("Shader %s is missing, corrupt or cannot be compiled.\n", (const char*)name); fflush(stdout); } } else { m_valid = true; } osd_free(effect_name); } effect::~effect() { m_effect->Release(); m_effect = nullptr; uniform *curr = m_uniform_head; while (curr != nullptr) { uniform *next = curr->get_next(); delete curr; curr = next; } m_uniform_head = nullptr; m_uniform_tail = nullptr; } void effect::add_uniform(const char *name, uniform::uniform_type type, int id) { uniform *newuniform = new uniform(this, name, type, id); if (newuniform == nullptr) { return; } if (m_uniform_head == nullptr) { m_uniform_head = newuniform; } if (m_uniform_tail != nullptr) { m_uniform_tail->set_next(newuniform); } m_uniform_tail = newuniform; } void effect::update_uniforms() { uniform *curr = m_uniform_head; while(curr != nullptr) { curr->update(); curr = curr->get_next(); } } void effect::begin(UINT *passes, DWORD flags) { m_effect->Begin(passes, flags); } void effect::end() { m_effect->End(); } void effect::begin_pass(UINT pass) { m_effect->BeginPass(pass); } void effect::end_pass() { m_effect->EndPass(); } void effect::set_technique(const char *name) { m_effect->SetTechnique(name); } void effect::set_vector(D3DXHANDLE param, int count, float *vector) { static D3DXVECTOR4 out_vector; if (count > 0) { out_vector.x = vector[0]; } if (count > 1) { out_vector.y = vector[1]; } if (count > 2) { out_vector.z = vector[2]; } if (count > 3) { out_vector.w = vector[3]; } m_effect->SetVector(param, &out_vector); } void effect::set_float(D3DXHANDLE param, float value) { m_effect->SetFloat(param, value); } void effect::set_int(D3DXHANDLE param, int value) { m_effect->SetInt(param, value); } void effect::set_bool(D3DXHANDLE param, bool value) { m_effect->SetBool(param, value); } void effect::set_matrix(D3DXHANDLE param, matrix *matrix) { m_effect->SetMatrix(param, (D3DXMATRIX*)matrix); } void effect::set_texture(D3DXHANDLE param, texture *tex) { m_effect->SetTexture(param, (IDirect3DTexture9*)tex); } D3DXHANDLE effect::get_parameter(D3DXHANDLE param, const char *name) { return m_effect->GetParameterByName(param, name); } ULONG effect::release() { return m_effect->Release(); } //============================================================ // get_slider_list //============================================================ slider_state *renderer_d3d9::get_slider_list() { return g_slider_list; } // NOTE: The function below is taken directly from src/emu/video.c and should likely be moved into a global helper function. //------------------------------------------------- // open_next - open the next non-existing file of // type filetype according to our numbering // scheme //------------------------------------------------- static file_error open_next(renderer_d3d9 *d3d, emu_file &file, const char *templ, const char *extension, int idx) { UINT32 origflags = file.openflags(); // handle defaults const char *snapname = templ ? templ : d3d->window().machine().options().snap_name(); if (snapname == nullptr || snapname[0] == 0) { snapname = "%g/%i"; } std::string snapstr(snapname); // strip any extension in the provided name int index = snapstr.find_last_of('.'); if (index != -1) { snapstr.substr(0, index); } // handle %d in the template (for image devices) std::string snapdev("%d_"); int pos = snapstr.find(snapdev,0); if (pos != -1) { // if more %d are found, revert to default and ignore them all if (snapstr.find(snapdev, pos + 3) != -1) { snapstr.assign("%g/%i"); } // else if there is a single %d, try to create the correct snapname else { int name_found = 0; // find length of the device name int end1 = snapstr.find("/", pos + 3); int end2 = snapstr.find("%", pos + 3); int end; if ((end1 != -1) && (end2 != -1)) { end = MIN(end1, end2); } else if (end1 != -1) { end = end1; } else if (end2 != -1) { end = end2; } else { end = snapstr.length(); } if (end - pos < 3) { fatalerror("Something very wrong is going on!!!\n"); } // copy the device name to a string std::string snapdevname; snapdevname.assign(snapstr.substr(pos + 3, end - pos - 3)); // verify that there is such a device for this system image_interface_iterator iter(d3d->window().machine().root_device()); for (device_image_interface *image = iter.first(); image != nullptr; iter.next()) { // get the device name std::string tempdevname(image->brief_instance_name()); if (snapdevname.compare(tempdevname) == 0) { // verify that such a device has an image mounted if (image->basename() != nullptr) { std::string filename(image->basename()); // strip extension filename.substr(0, filename.find_last_of('.')); // setup snapname and remove the %d_ strreplace(snapstr, snapdevname.c_str(), filename.c_str()); snapstr.erase(pos, 3); name_found = 1; } } } // or fallback to default if (name_found == 0) { snapstr.assign("%g/%i"); } } } // add our own index // add our own extension snapstr.append(".").append(extension); // substitute path and gamename up front strreplace(snapstr, "/", PATH_SEPARATOR); strreplace(snapstr, "%g", d3d->window().machine().basename()); // determine if the template has an index; if not, we always use the same name std::string fname; if (snapstr.find("%i") == -1) { fname.assign(snapstr); } // otherwise, we scan for the next available filename else { // try until we succeed file.set_openflags(OPEN_FLAG_READ); for (int seq = 0; ; seq++) { // build up the filename strreplace(fname.assign(snapstr), "%i", string_format("%04d_%d", seq, idx).c_str()); // try to open the file; stop when we fail file_error filerr = file.open(fname.c_str()); if (filerr != FILERR_NONE) { break; } } } // create the final file file.set_openflags(origflags); return file.open(fname.c_str()); }