// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Olivier Galibert, R. Belmont, Brad Hughes //============================================================ // // input_common.h - Common code for all MAME input modules // // SDLMAME by Olivier Galibert and R. Belmont // //============================================================ #ifndef INPUT_COMMON_H_ #define INPUT_COMMON_H_ #include "input_module.h" #include "inputdev.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include //============================================================ // PARAMETERS //============================================================ enum { POVDIR_LEFT = 0, POVDIR_RIGHT, POVDIR_UP, POVDIR_DOWN }; #define MAX_KEYS 256 #define MAX_AXES 32 #define MAX_BUTTONS 32 #define MAX_HATS 8 #define MAX_POV 4 /**************************************************************************** * DirectInput compatible keyboard scan codes ****************************************************************************/ #define KEY_UNKNOWN 0x00 #define KEY_ESCAPE 0x01 #define KEY_1 0x02 #define KEY_2 0x03 #define KEY_3 0x04 #define KEY_4 0x05 #define KEY_5 0x06 #define KEY_6 0x07 #define KEY_7 0x08 #define KEY_8 0x09 #define KEY_9 0x0A #define KEY_0 0x0B #define KEY_MINUS 0x0C /* - on main keyboard */ #define KEY_EQUALS 0x0D #define KEY_BACK 0x0E /* backspace */ #define KEY_TAB 0x0F #define KEY_Q 0x10 #define KEY_W 0x11 #define KEY_E 0x12 #define KEY_R 0x13 #define KEY_T 0x14 #define KEY_Y 0x15 #define KEY_U 0x16 #define KEY_I 0x17 #define KEY_O 0x18 #define KEY_P 0x19 #define KEY_LBRACKET 0x1A #define KEY_RBRACKET 0x1B #define KEY_RETURN 0x1C /* Enter on main keyboard */ #define KEY_LCONTROL 0x1D #define KEY_A 0x1E #define KEY_S 0x1F #define KEY_D 0x20 #define KEY_F 0x21 #define KEY_G 0x22 #define KEY_H 0x23 #define KEY_J 0x24 #define KEY_K 0x25 #define KEY_L 0x26 #define KEY_SEMICOLON 0x27 #define KEY_APOSTROPHE 0x28 #define KEY_GRAVE 0x29 /* accent grave */ #define KEY_LSHIFT 0x2A #define KEY_BACKSLASH 0x2B #define KEY_Z 0x2C #define KEY_X 0x2D #define KEY_C 0x2E #define KEY_V 0x2F #define KEY_B 0x30 #define KEY_N 0x31 #define KEY_M 0x32 #define KEY_COMMA 0x33 #define KEY_PERIOD 0x34 /* . on main keyboard */ #define KEY_SLASH 0x35 /* / on main keyboard */ #define KEY_RSHIFT 0x36 #define KEY_MULTIPLY 0x37 /* * on numeric keypad */ #define KEY_LMENU 0x38 /* left Alt */ #define KEY_SPACE 0x39 #define KEY_CAPITAL 0x3A #define KEY_F1 0x3B #define KEY_F2 0x3C #define KEY_F3 0x3D #define KEY_F4 0x3E #define KEY_F5 0x3F #define KEY_F6 0x40 #define KEY_F7 0x41 #define KEY_F8 0x42 #define KEY_F9 0x43 #define KEY_F10 0x44 #define KEY_NUMLOCK 0x45 #define KEY_SCROLL 0x46 /* Scroll Lock */ #define KEY_NUMPAD7 0x47 #define KEY_NUMPAD8 0x48 #define KEY_NUMPAD9 0x49 #define KEY_SUBTRACT 0x4A /* - on numeric keypad */ #define KEY_NUMPAD4 0x4B #define KEY_NUMPAD5 0x4C #define KEY_NUMPAD6 0x4D #define KEY_ADD 0x4E /* + on numeric keypad */ #define KEY_NUMPAD1 0x4F #define KEY_NUMPAD2 0x50 #define KEY_NUMPAD3 0x51 #define KEY_NUMPAD0 0x52 #define KEY_DECIMAL 0x53 /* . on numeric keypad */ #define KEY_OEM_102 0x56 /* <> or \| on RT 102-key keyboard (Non-U.S.) */ #define KEY_F11 0x57 #define KEY_F12 0x58 #define KEY_F13 0x64 /* (NEC PC98) */ #define KEY_F14 0x65 /* (NEC PC98) */ #define KEY_F15 0x66 /* (NEC PC98) */ #define KEY_KANA 0x70 /* (Japanese keyboard) */ #define KEY_ABNT_C1 0x73 /* /? on Brazilian keyboard */ #define KEY_CONVERT 0x79 /* (Japanese keyboard) */ #define KEY_NOCONVERT 0x7B /* (Japanese keyboard) */ #define KEY_YEN 0x7D /* (Japanese keyboard) */ #define KEY_ABNT_C2 0x7E /* Numpad . on Brazilian keyboard */ #define KEY_NUMPADEQUALS 0x8D /* = on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) */ #define KEY_PREVTRACK 0x90 /* Previous Track (DIK_CIRCUMFLEX on Japanese keyboard) */ #define KEY_AT 0x91 /* (NEC PC98) */ #define KEY_COLON 0x92 /* (NEC PC98) */ #define KEY_UNDERLINE 0x93 /* (NEC PC98) */ #define KEY_KANJI 0x94 /* (Japanese keyboard) */ #define KEY_STOP 0x95 /* (NEC PC98) */ #define KEY_AX 0x96 /* (Japan AX) */ #define KEY_UNLABELED 0x97 /* (J3100) */ #define KEY_NEXTTRACK 0x99 /* Next Track */ #define KEY_NUMPADENTER 0x9C /* Enter on numeric keypad */ #define KEY_RCONTROL 0x9D #define KEY_MUTE 0xA0 /* Mute */ #define KEY_CALCULATOR 0xA1 /* Calculator */ #define KEY_PLAYPAUSE 0xA2 /* Play / Pause */ #define KEY_MEDIASTOP 0xA4 /* Media Stop */ #define KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0xAE /* Volume - */ #define KEY_VOLUMEUP 0xB0 /* Volume + */ #define KEY_WEBHOME 0xB2 /* Web home */ #define KEY_NUMPADCOMMA 0xB3 /* , on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) */ #define KEY_DIVIDE 0xB5 /* / on numeric keypad */ #define KEY_SYSRQ 0xB7 #define KEY_RMENU 0xB8 /* right Alt */ #define KEY_PAUSE 0xC5 /* Pause */ #define KEY_HOME 0xC7 /* Home on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_UP 0xC8 /* UpArrow on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_PRIOR 0xC9 /* PgUp on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_LEFT 0xCB /* LeftArrow on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_RIGHT 0xCD /* RightArrow on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_END 0xCF /* End on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_DOWN 0xD0 /* DownArrow on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_NEXT 0xD1 /* PgDn on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_INSERT 0xD2 /* Insert on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_DELETE 0xD3 /* Delete on arrow keypad */ #define KEY_LWIN 0xDB /* Left Windows key */ #define KEY_RWIN 0xDC /* Right Windows key */ #define KEY_APPS 0xDD /* AppMenu key */ #define KEY_POWER 0xDE /* System Power */ #define KEY_SLEEP 0xDF /* System Sleep */ #define KEY_WAKE 0xE3 /* System Wake */ #define KEY_WEBSEARCH 0xE5 /* Web Search */ #define KEY_WEBFAVORITES 0xE6 /* Web Favorites */ #define KEY_WEBREFRESH 0xE7 /* Web Refresh */ #define KEY_WEBSTOP 0xE8 /* Web Stop */ #define KEY_WEBFORWARD 0xE9 /* Web Forward */ #define KEY_WEBBACK 0xEA /* Web Back */ #define KEY_MYCOMPUTER 0xEB /* My Computer */ #define KEY_MAIL 0xEC /* Mail */ #define KEY_MEDIASELECT 0xED /* Media Select */ //============================================================ // device_info //============================================================ class input_device_list; class device_info { friend input_device_list; private: std::string m_name; std::string m_id; input_device * m_device; running_machine & m_machine; input_module & m_module; input_device_class m_deviceclass; public: // Constructor device_info(running_machine &machine, const char *name, const char *id, input_device_class deviceclass, input_module &module) : m_name(name), m_id(id), m_device(nullptr), m_machine(machine), m_module(module), m_deviceclass(deviceclass) { } // Destructor virtual ~device_info() {} // Getters running_machine & machine() const { return m_machine; } const char * name() const { return m_name.c_str(); } const char * id() const { return m_id.c_str(); } input_device * device() const { return m_device; } input_module & module() const { return m_module; } input_device_class deviceclass() const { return m_deviceclass; } // Poll and reset methods virtual void poll() {}; virtual void reset() = 0; }; //============================================================ // event_based_device //============================================================ #define DEFAULT_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE 20 template class event_based_device : public device_info { private: std::queue m_event_queue; protected: std::mutex m_device_lock; virtual void process_event(TEvent &ev) = 0; public: event_based_device(running_machine &machine, const char *name, const char *id, input_device_class deviceclass, input_module &module) : device_info(machine, name, id, deviceclass, module) { } void queue_events(const TEvent *events, int count) { std::lock_guard scope_lock(m_device_lock); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) m_event_queue.push(events[i]); // If we've gone over the size, remove old events from the queue while (m_event_queue.size() > DEFAULT_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE) m_event_queue.pop(); } void virtual poll() override { std::lock_guard scope_lock(m_device_lock); // Process each event until the queue is empty while (!m_event_queue.empty()) { TEvent &next_event = m_event_queue.front(); process_event(next_event); m_event_queue.pop(); } } }; //============================================================ // input_device_list class //============================================================ class input_device_list { private: std::vector> m_list; public: size_t size() const { return m_list.size(); } auto begin() { return m_list.begin(); } auto end() { return m_list.end(); } void poll_devices() { for (auto &device: m_list) device->poll(); } void reset_devices() { for (auto &device: m_list) device->reset(); } void free_device(device_info* devinfo) { // find the device to remove auto device_matches = [devinfo](std::unique_ptr &device) { return devinfo == device.get(); }; m_list.erase(std::remove_if(std::begin(m_list), std::end(m_list), device_matches), m_list.end()); } void for_each_device(std::function action) { for (auto &device: m_list) action(device.get()); } void free_all_devices() { while (!m_list.empty()) m_list.pop_back(); } template TActual* create_device(running_machine &machine, const char *name, const char *id, input_module &module, TArgs&&... args) { // allocate the device object auto devinfo = std::make_unique(machine, name, id, module, std::forward(args)...); return add_device(machine, std::move(devinfo)); } template TActual* add_device(running_machine &machine, std::unique_ptr devinfo) { // Add the device to the machine devinfo->m_device = machine.input().device_class(devinfo->deviceclass()).add_device(devinfo->name(), devinfo->id(), devinfo.get()); // append us to the list m_list.push_back(std::move(devinfo)); return static_cast(m_list.back().get()); } }; // keyboard translation table struct key_trans_entry { input_item_id mame_key; #if defined(OSD_SDL) int sdl_scancode; #elif defined(OSD_WINDOWS) int scan_code; unsigned char virtual_key; #elif defined(OSD_UWP) int scan_code; Windows::System::VirtualKey virtual_key; #endif char ascii_key; char const * mame_key_name; char * ui_name; }; class keyboard_trans_table { private: // default constructor is private keyboard_trans_table(); static key_trans_entry s_default_table[]; std::unique_ptr m_custom_table; key_trans_entry * m_table; uint32_t m_table_size; public: // constructor keyboard_trans_table(std::unique_ptr table, unsigned int size); // getters/setters uint32_t size() const { return m_table_size; } // public methods input_item_id lookup_mame_code(const char * scode) const; int lookup_mame_index(const char * scode) const; #if defined(OSD_WINDOWS) input_item_id map_di_scancode_to_itemid(int di_scancode) const; int vkey_for_mame_code(input_code code) const; #elif defined(OSD_UWP) input_item_id map_di_scancode_to_itemid(int di_scancode) const; const char* ui_label_for_mame_key(input_item_id code) const; #endif static keyboard_trans_table& instance() { static keyboard_trans_table s_instance; return s_instance; } key_trans_entry & operator [](int i) const { return m_table[i]; } }; //============================================================ // input_module_base - base class for input modules //============================================================ class osd_options; typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock clock_type; typedef std::chrono::time_point timepoint_type; // 10 milliseconds polling interval #define MIN_POLLING_INTERVAL 10 class input_module_base : public input_module { public: input_module_base(const char *type, const char* name) : input_module(type, name), m_input_enabled(false), m_mouse_enabled(false), m_lightgun_enabled(false), m_input_paused(false), m_options(nullptr) { } private: bool m_input_enabled; bool m_mouse_enabled; bool m_lightgun_enabled; bool m_input_paused; const osd_options * m_options; input_device_list m_devicelist; clock_type m_clock; timepoint_type m_last_poll; protected: void set_mouse_enabled(bool value) { m_mouse_enabled = value; } public: const osd_options * options() const { return m_options; } input_device_list * devicelist() { return &m_devicelist; } bool input_enabled() const { return m_input_enabled; } bool input_paused() const { return m_input_paused; } bool mouse_enabled() const { return m_mouse_enabled; } bool lightgun_enabled() const { return m_lightgun_enabled; } int init(const osd_options &options) override; void poll_if_necessary(running_machine &machine) override { auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast(m_clock.now() - m_last_poll); if (elapsed.count() >= MIN_POLLING_INTERVAL) { poll(machine); } } virtual void poll(running_machine &machine) { // ignore if not enabled if (m_input_enabled) { // grab the current time m_last_poll = m_clock.now(); before_poll(machine); // track if mouse/lightgun is enabled, for mouse hiding purposes m_mouse_enabled = machine.input().device_class(DEVICE_CLASS_MOUSE).enabled(); m_lightgun_enabled = machine.input().device_class(DEVICE_CLASS_LIGHTGUN).enabled(); } // poll all of the devices if (should_poll_devices(machine)) { m_devicelist.poll_devices(); } else { m_devicelist.reset_devices(); } } virtual void pause() override { // keep track of the paused state m_input_paused = true; } virtual void resume() override { // keep track of the paused state m_input_paused = false; } virtual void exit() override { devicelist()->free_all_devices(); } protected: virtual int init_internal() { return 0; } virtual bool should_poll_devices(running_machine &machine) = 0; virtual void before_poll(running_machine &machine) {} }; template int generic_button_get_state(void *device_internal, void *item_internal) { device_info *devinfo = static_cast(device_internal); TItem *itemdata = static_cast(item_internal); // return the current state devinfo->module().poll_if_necessary(devinfo->machine()); return *itemdata >> 7; } template int generic_axis_get_state(void *device_internal, void *item_internal) { device_info *devinfo = static_cast(device_internal); TItem *axisdata = static_cast(item_internal); // return the current state devinfo->module().poll_if_necessary(devinfo->machine()); return *axisdata; } //============================================================ // default_button_name //============================================================ inline static const char *default_button_name(int which) { static char buffer[20]; snprintf(buffer, std::size(buffer), "B%d", which); return buffer; } //============================================================ // default_pov_name //============================================================ inline static const char *default_pov_name(int which) { static char buffer[20]; snprintf(buffer, std::size(buffer), "POV%d", which); return buffer; } // default axis names const char *const default_axis_name[] = { "X", "Y", "Z", "RX", "RY", "RZ", "SL1", "SL2" }; inline static int32_t normalize_absolute_axis(double raw, double rawmin, double rawmax) { double center = (rawmax + rawmin) / 2.0; // make sure we have valid data if (rawmin >= rawmax) return int32_t(raw); // above center if (raw >= center) { double result = (raw - center) * INPUT_ABSOLUTE_MAX / (rawmax - center); return std::min(result, (double)INPUT_ABSOLUTE_MAX); } // below center else { double result = -((center - raw) * (double)-INPUT_ABSOLUTE_MIN / (center - rawmin)); return std::max(result, (double)INPUT_ABSOLUTE_MIN); } } #endif // INPUT_COMMON_H_