// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Olivier Galibert, R. Belmont //============================================================ // // window.cpp - Mac window handling // // Mac OSD by R. Belmont // //============================================================ // standard C headers #include #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif #include #include // MAME headers #include "emu.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "render.h" #include "ui/uimain.h" // OSD headers #include "window.h" #include "osdmac.h" #include "modules/render/drawbgfx.h" #include "modules/render/drawogl.h" #include "modules/monitor/monitor_common.h" //============================================================ // PARAMETERS //============================================================ // these are arbitrary values since AFAIK there's no way to make X/SDL tell you #define WINDOW_DECORATION_WIDTH (8) // should be more than plenty #define WINDOW_DECORATION_HEIGHT (48) // title bar + bottom drag region // minimum window dimension #define MIN_WINDOW_DIM 200 #define WMSZ_TOP (0) #define WMSZ_BOTTOM (1) #define WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT (2) #define WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT (3) #define WMSZ_LEFT (4) #define WMSZ_TOPLEFT (5) #define WMSZ_TOPRIGHT (6) #define WMSZ_RIGHT (7) // debugger //static int in_background; //============================================================ // PROTOTYPES //============================================================ //============================================================ // window_init // (main thread) //============================================================ bool mac_osd_interface::window_init() { osd_printf_verbose("Enter macwindow_init\n"); // initialize the drawers switch (video_config.mode) { case VIDEO_MODE_BGFX: renderer_bgfx::init(machine()); break; case VIDEO_MODE_OPENGL: renderer_ogl::init(machine()); break; } // set up the window list osd_printf_verbose("Leave macwindow_init\n"); return true; } void mac_osd_interface::update_slider_list() { for (auto window : osd_common_t::s_window_list) { // check if any window has dirty sliders if (window->renderer().sliders_dirty()) { build_slider_list(); return; } } } void mac_osd_interface::build_slider_list() { m_sliders.clear(); for (auto window : osd_common_t::s_window_list) { std::vector window_sliders = window->renderer().get_slider_list(); m_sliders.insert(m_sliders.end(), window_sliders.begin(), window_sliders.end()); } } //============================================================ // macwindow_exit // (main thread) //============================================================ void mac_osd_interface::window_exit() { osd_printf_verbose("Enter macwindow_exit\n"); // free all the windows while (!osd_common_t::s_window_list.empty()) { auto window = osd_common_t::s_window_list.front(); // Part of destroy removes the window from the list window->destroy(); } switch(video_config.mode) { case VIDEO_MODE_BGFX: renderer_bgfx::exit(); break; case VIDEO_MODE_OPENGL: renderer_ogl::exit(); break; default: break; } osd_printf_verbose("Leave macwindow_exit\n"); } void mac_window_info::capture_pointer() { if (!m_mouse_captured) { m_mouse_captured = true; } } void mac_window_info::release_pointer() { if (m_mouse_captured) { m_mouse_captured = false; } } void mac_window_info::hide_pointer() { if (!m_mouse_hidden) { m_mouse_hidden = true; } } void mac_window_info::show_pointer() { if (m_mouse_hidden) { m_mouse_hidden = false; } } //============================================================ // macwindow_resize //============================================================ void mac_window_info::resize(int32_t width, int32_t height) { osd_dim cd = get_size(); if (width != cd.width() || height != cd.height()) { // TODO: change window size here renderer().notify_changed(); } } //============================================================ // notify_changed //============================================================ void mac_window_info::notify_changed() { renderer().notify_changed(); } //============================================================ // toggle_full_screen //============================================================ void mac_window_info::toggle_full_screen() { // if we are in debug mode, never go full screen if (machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_OSD_ENABLED) return; // If we are going fullscreen (leaving windowed) remember our windowed size if (!fullscreen()) { m_windowed_dim = get_size(); } // reset UI to main menu machine().ui().menu_reset(); // kill off the drawers renderer_reset(); if (fullscreen() && video_config.switchres) { } //SDL_DestroyWindow(platform_window()); //set_platform_window(nullptr); downcast(machine().osd()).release_keys(); set_renderer(osd_renderer::make_for_type(video_config.mode, shared_from_this())); // toggle the window mode set_fullscreen(!fullscreen()); complete_create(); } void mac_window_info::modify_prescale(int dir) { int new_prescale = prescale(); if (dir > 0 && prescale() < 3) new_prescale = prescale() + 1; if (dir < 0 && prescale() > 1) new_prescale = prescale() - 1; if (new_prescale != prescale()) { if (m_fullscreen && video_config.switchres) { complete_destroy(); m_prescale = new_prescale; complete_create(); } else { notify_changed(); m_prescale = new_prescale; } machine().ui().popup_time(1, "Prescale %d", prescale()); } } //============================================================ // update_cursor_state // (main or window thread) //============================================================ void mac_window_info::update_cursor_state() { // do not do mouse capture if the debugger's enabled to avoid // the possibility of losing control if (!(machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_OSD_ENABLED)) { bool should_hide_mouse = downcast(machine().osd()).should_hide_mouse(); if (!fullscreen() && !should_hide_mouse) { show_pointer(); release_pointer(); } else { hide_pointer(); capture_pointer(); } } } int mac_window_info::xy_to_render_target(int x, int y, int *xt, int *yt) { return renderer().xy_to_render_target(x, y, xt, yt); } //============================================================ // mac_window_info::window_init // (main thread) //============================================================ int mac_window_info::window_init() { int result; // set the initial maximized state // FIXME: Does not belong here mac_options &options = downcast(m_machine.options()); m_startmaximized = options.maximize(); // add us to the list osd_common_t::s_window_list.push_back(std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this())); set_renderer(osd_renderer::make_for_type(video_config.mode, static_cast(this)->shared_from_this())); // load the layout m_target = m_machine.render().target_alloc(); // set the specific view set_starting_view(m_index, options.view(), options.view(m_index)); // make the window title if (video_config.numscreens == 1) sprintf(m_title, "%s: %s [%s]", emulator_info::get_appname(), m_machine.system().type.fullname(), m_machine.system().name); else sprintf(m_title, "%s: %s [%s] - Screen %d", emulator_info::get_appname(), m_machine.system().type.fullname(), m_machine.system().name, m_index); result = complete_create(); // handle error conditions if (result == 1) goto error; return 0; error: destroy(); return 1; } //============================================================ // mac_window_info::complete_destroy //============================================================ void mac_window_info::complete_destroy() { // Release pointer grab and hide if needed show_pointer(); release_pointer(); if (fullscreen() && video_config.switchres) { } //SDL_DestroyWindow(platform_window()); // release all keys ... downcast(machine().osd()).release_keys(); } void mac_window_info::destroy() { // remove us from the list osd_common_t::s_window_list.remove(std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this())); // free the textures etc complete_destroy(); // free the render target, after the textures! machine().render().target_free(m_target); } //============================================================ // pick_best_mode //============================================================ osd_dim mac_window_info::pick_best_mode() { // int minimum_width, minimum_height, target_width, target_height; // int i; // int num; // float size_score, best_score = 0.0f; osd_dim ret(0,0); #if 0 // determine the minimum width/height for the selected target m_target->compute_minimum_size(minimum_width, minimum_height); // use those as the target for now target_width = minimum_width * std::max(1, prescale()); target_height = minimum_height * std::max(1, prescale()); // if we're not stretching, allow some slop on the minimum since we can handle it { minimum_width -= 4; minimum_height -= 4; } // FIXME: this should be provided by monitor ! num = SDL_GetNumDisplayModes(m_monitor->oshandle()); if (num == 0) { osd_printf_error("SDL: No modes available?!\n"); exit(-1); } else { for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL_GetDisplayMode(m_monitor->oshandle(), i, &mode); // compute initial score based on difference between target and current size_score = 1.0f / (1.0f + abs((int32_t)mode.w - target_width) + abs((int32_t)mode.h - target_height)); // if the mode is too small, give a big penalty if (mode.w < minimum_width || mode.h < minimum_height) size_score *= 0.01f; // if mode is smaller than we'd like, it only scores up to 0.1 if (mode.w < target_width || mode.h < target_height) size_score *= 0.1f; // if we're looking for a particular mode, that's a winner if (mode.w == m_win_config.width && mode.h == m_win_config.height) size_score = 2.0f; // refresh adds some points if (m_win_config.refresh) size_score *= 1.0f / (1.0f + abs(m_win_config.refresh - mode.refresh_rate) / 10.0f); osd_printf_verbose("%4dx%4d@%2d -> %f\n", (int)mode.w, (int)mode.h, (int) mode.refresh_rate, (double) size_score); // best so far? if (size_score > best_score) { best_score = size_score; ret = osd_dim(mode.w, mode.h); } } } #endif return ret; } //============================================================ // sdlwindow_video_window_update // (main thread) //============================================================ void mac_window_info::update() { osd_ticks_t event_wait_ticks; // adjust the cursor state //sdlwindow_update_cursor_state(machine, window); update_cursor_state(); // if we're visible and running and not in the middle of a resize, draw if (m_target != nullptr) { int tempwidth, tempheight; // see if the games video mode has changed m_target->compute_minimum_size(tempwidth, tempheight); if (osd_dim(tempwidth, tempheight) != m_minimum_dim) { m_minimum_dim = osd_dim(tempwidth, tempheight); if (!this->m_fullscreen) { //Don't resize window without user interaction; //window_resize(blitwidth, blitheight); } else if (video_config.switchres) { osd_dim tmp = this->pick_best_mode(); resize(tmp.width(), tmp.height()); } } if (video_config.waitvsync && video_config.syncrefresh) event_wait_ticks = osd_ticks_per_second(); // block at most a second else event_wait_ticks = 0; if (m_rendered_event.wait(event_wait_ticks)) { const int update = 1; // ensure the target bounds are up-to-date, and then get the primitives render_primitive_list &primlist = *renderer().get_primitives(); // and redraw now // Check whether window has vector screens { const screen_device *screen = screen_device_iterator(machine().root_device()).byindex(m_index); if ((screen != nullptr) && (screen->screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR)) renderer().set_flags(osd_renderer::FLAG_HAS_VECTOR_SCREEN); else renderer().clear_flags(osd_renderer::FLAG_HAS_VECTOR_SCREEN); } m_primlist = &primlist; // if no bitmap, just fill if (m_primlist == nullptr) { } // otherwise, render with our drawing system else { if( video_config.perftest ) measure_fps(update); else renderer().draw(update); } /* all done, ready for next */ m_rendered_event.set(); } } } //============================================================ // set_starting_view // (main thread) //============================================================ void mac_window_info::set_starting_view(int index, const char *defview, const char *view) { int viewindex; // choose non-auto over auto if (strcmp(view, "auto") == 0 && strcmp(defview, "auto") != 0) view = defview; // query the video system to help us pick a view viewindex = target()->configured_view(view, index, video_config.numscreens); // set the view target()->set_view(viewindex); } //============================================================ // complete_create //============================================================ extern void *CreateMAMEWindow(char *title, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool isFullscreen); extern void *GetOSWindow(void *wincontroller); int mac_window_info::complete_create() { osd_dim temp(0,0); // clear out original mode. Needed on OSX if (fullscreen()) { // default to the current mode exactly temp = monitor()->position_size().dim(); // if we're allowed to switch resolutions, override with something better if (video_config.switchres) temp = pick_best_mode(); } else if (m_windowed_dim.width() > 0) { // if we have a remembered size force the new window size to it temp = m_windowed_dim; } else if (m_startmaximized) temp = get_max_bounds(video_config.keepaspect ); else temp = get_min_bounds(video_config.keepaspect ); // create the window ..... osd_printf_verbose("Enter mac_window_info::complete_create\n"); // get monitor work area for centering osd_rect work = monitor()->usuable_position_size(); auto window = CreateMAMEWindow(m_title, work.left() + (work.width() - temp.width()) / 2, work.top() + (work.height() - temp.height()) / 2, temp.width(), temp.height(), fullscreen()); if (window == nullptr) { osd_printf_error("Window creation failed!\n"); return 1; } set_platform_window(window); // set main window if (m_index > 0) { for (auto w : osd_common_t::s_window_list) { if (w->m_index == 0) { set_main_window(std::dynamic_pointer_cast(w)); break; } } } else { // We must be the main window set_main_window(shared_from_this()); } // update monitor resolution after mode change to ensure proper pixel aspect monitor()->refresh(); if (fullscreen() && video_config.switchres) monitor()->update_resolution(temp.width(), temp.height()); // initialize the drawing backend if (renderer().create()) { osd_printf_verbose("Exiting mac_window_info::complete_create\n"); return 1; } return 0; } //============================================================ // draw_video_contents // (window thread) //============================================================ void mac_window_info::measure_fps(int update) { const unsigned long frames_skip4fps = 100; static int64_t lastTime=0, sumdt=0, startTime=0; static unsigned long frames = 0; int64_t currentTime, t0; double dt; double tps; osd_ticks_t tps_t; tps_t = osd_ticks_per_second(); tps = (double) tps_t; t0 = osd_ticks(); renderer().draw(update); frames++; currentTime = osd_ticks(); if(startTime==0||frames==frames_skip4fps) startTime=currentTime; if( frames>=frames_skip4fps ) sumdt+=currentTime-t0; if( (currentTime-lastTime)>1L*osd_ticks_per_second() && frames>frames_skip4fps ) { dt = (double) (currentTime-startTime) / tps; // in decimale sec. osd_printf_info("%6.2lfs, %4lu F, " "avrg game: %5.2lf FPS %.2lf ms/f, " "avrg video: %5.2lf FPS %.2lf ms/f, " "last video: %5.2lf FPS %.2lf ms/f\n", dt, frames-frames_skip4fps, (double)(frames-frames_skip4fps)/dt, // avrg game fps ( (currentTime-startTime) / ((frames-frames_skip4fps)) ) * 1000.0 / osd_ticks_per_second(), (double)(frames-frames_skip4fps)/((double)(sumdt) / tps), // avrg vid fps ( sumdt / ((frames-frames_skip4fps)) ) * 1000.0 / tps, 1.0/((currentTime-t0) / osd_ticks_per_second()), // this vid fps (currentTime-t0) * 1000.0 / tps ); lastTime = currentTime; } } int mac_window_info::wnd_extra_width() { return m_fullscreen ? 0 : WINDOW_DECORATION_WIDTH; } int mac_window_info::wnd_extra_height() { return m_fullscreen ? 0 : WINDOW_DECORATION_HEIGHT; } //============================================================ // constrain_to_aspect_ratio // (window thread) //============================================================ osd_rect mac_window_info::constrain_to_aspect_ratio(const osd_rect &rect, int adjustment) { int32_t extrawidth = wnd_extra_width(); int32_t extraheight = wnd_extra_height(); int32_t propwidth, propheight; int32_t minwidth, minheight; int32_t maxwidth, maxheight; int32_t viswidth, visheight; int32_t adjwidth, adjheight; float pixel_aspect; std::shared_ptr monitor = m_monitor; // do not constrain aspect ratio for integer scaled views if (m_target->scale_mode() != SCALE_FRACTIONAL) return rect; // get the pixel aspect ratio for the target monitor pixel_aspect = monitor->pixel_aspect(); // determine the proposed width/height propwidth = rect.width() - extrawidth; propheight = rect.height() - extraheight; // based on which edge we are adjusting, take either the width, height, or both as gospel // and scale to fit using that as our parameter switch (adjustment) { case WMSZ_BOTTOM: case WMSZ_TOP: m_target->compute_visible_area(10000, propheight, pixel_aspect, m_target->orientation(), propwidth, propheight); break; case WMSZ_LEFT: case WMSZ_RIGHT: m_target->compute_visible_area(propwidth, 10000, pixel_aspect, m_target->orientation(), propwidth, propheight); break; default: m_target->compute_visible_area(propwidth, propheight, pixel_aspect, m_target->orientation(), propwidth, propheight); break; } // get the minimum width/height for the current layout m_target->compute_minimum_size(minwidth, minheight); // clamp against the absolute minimum propwidth = std::max(propwidth, MIN_WINDOW_DIM); propheight = std::max(propheight, MIN_WINDOW_DIM); // clamp against the minimum width and height propwidth = std::max(propwidth, minwidth); propheight = std::max(propheight, minheight); // clamp against the maximum (fit on one screen for full screen mode) if (m_fullscreen) { maxwidth = monitor->position_size().width() - extrawidth; maxheight = monitor->position_size().height() - extraheight; } else { maxwidth = monitor->usuable_position_size().width() - extrawidth; maxheight = monitor->usuable_position_size().height() - extraheight; // further clamp to the maximum width/height in the window if (m_win_config.width != 0) maxwidth = std::min(maxwidth, m_win_config.width + extrawidth); if (m_win_config.height != 0) maxheight = std::min(maxheight, m_win_config.height + extraheight); } // clamp to the maximum propwidth = std::min(propwidth, maxwidth); propheight = std::min(propheight, maxheight); // compute the visible area based on the proposed rectangle m_target->compute_visible_area(propwidth, propheight, pixel_aspect, m_target->orientation(), viswidth, visheight); // compute the adjustments we need to make adjwidth = (viswidth + extrawidth) - rect.width(); adjheight = (visheight + extraheight) - rect.height(); // based on which corner we're adjusting, constrain in different ways osd_rect ret(rect); switch (adjustment) { case WMSZ_BOTTOM: case WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT: case WMSZ_RIGHT: ret = rect.resize(rect.width() + adjwidth, rect.height() + adjheight); break; case WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT: ret = rect.move_by(-adjwidth, 0).resize(rect.width() + adjwidth, rect.height() + adjheight); break; case WMSZ_LEFT: case WMSZ_TOPLEFT: case WMSZ_TOP: ret = rect.move_by(-adjwidth, -adjheight).resize(rect.width() + adjwidth, rect.height() + adjheight); break; case WMSZ_TOPRIGHT: ret = rect.move_by(0, -adjheight).resize(rect.width() + adjwidth, rect.height() + adjheight); break; } return ret; } //============================================================ // get_min_bounds // (window thread) //============================================================ osd_dim mac_window_info::get_min_bounds(int constrain) { int32_t minwidth, minheight; //assert(GetCurrentThreadId() == window_threadid); // get the minimum target size m_target->compute_minimum_size(minwidth, minheight); // expand to our minimum dimensions if (minwidth < MIN_WINDOW_DIM) minwidth = MIN_WINDOW_DIM; if (minheight < MIN_WINDOW_DIM) minheight = MIN_WINDOW_DIM; // account for extra window stuff minwidth += wnd_extra_width(); minheight += wnd_extra_height(); // if we want it constrained, figure out which one is larger if (constrain && m_target->scale_mode() == SCALE_FRACTIONAL) { // first constrain with no height limit osd_rect test1(0,0,minwidth,10000); test1 = constrain_to_aspect_ratio(test1, WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT); // then constrain with no width limit osd_rect test2(0,0,10000,minheight); test2 = constrain_to_aspect_ratio(test2, WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT); // pick the larger if (test1.width() > test2.width()) { minwidth = test1.width(); minheight = test1.height(); } else { minwidth = test2.width(); minheight = test2.height(); } } // remove extra window stuff minwidth -= wnd_extra_width(); minheight -= wnd_extra_height(); return osd_dim(minwidth, minheight); } //============================================================ // get_size //============================================================ osd_dim mac_window_info::get_size() { int w=0; int h=0; // TODO: get window size from ObjC // SDL_GetWindowSize(platform_window(), &w, &h); return osd_dim(w,h); } //============================================================ // get_max_bounds // (window thread) //============================================================ osd_dim mac_window_info::get_max_bounds(int constrain) { //assert(GetCurrentThreadId() == window_threadid); // compute the maximum client area // m_monitor->refresh(); osd_rect maximum = m_monitor->usuable_position_size(); // clamp to the window's max int tempw = maximum.width(); int temph = maximum.height(); if (m_win_config.width != 0) { int temp = m_win_config.width + wnd_extra_width(); if (temp < maximum.width()) tempw = temp; } if (m_win_config.height != 0) { int temp = m_win_config.height + wnd_extra_height(); if (temp < maximum.height()) temph = temp; } maximum = maximum.resize(tempw, temph); // constrain to fit if (constrain && m_target->scale_mode() == SCALE_FRACTIONAL) maximum = constrain_to_aspect_ratio(maximum, WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT); // remove extra window stuff maximum = maximum.resize(maximum.width() - wnd_extra_width(), maximum.height() - wnd_extra_height()); return maximum.dim(); } //============================================================ // construction and destruction //============================================================ mac_window_info::mac_window_info( running_machine &a_machine, int index, std::shared_ptr a_monitor, const osd_window_config *config) : osd_window_t(*config) , m_next(nullptr) , m_startmaximized(0) // Following three are used by input code to defer resizes , m_minimum_dim(0, 0) , m_windowed_dim(0, 0) , m_rendered_event(0, 1) , m_target(nullptr) , m_machine(a_machine) , m_monitor(a_monitor) , m_fullscreen(0) , m_mouse_captured(false) , m_mouse_hidden(false) { m_index = index; //FIXME: these should be per_window in config-> or even better a bit set m_fullscreen = !video_config.windowed; m_prescale = video_config.prescale; m_windowed_dim = osd_dim(config->width, config->height); } mac_window_info::~mac_window_info() { } //============================================================ // osd_set_aggressive_input_focus //============================================================ void osd_set_aggressive_input_focus(bool aggressive_focus) { // dummy implementation for now }