/*************************************************************************** Sony Playstaion =============== Preliminary driver by smf Additional development by pSXAuthor and R. Belmont ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "cpu/psx/psx.h" #include "cpu/m6805/m6805.h" #include "video/psx.h" #include "imagedev/snapquik.h" #include "imagedev/chd_cd.h" #include "sound/spu.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "zlib.h" #include "machine/psxcd.h" #include "machine/psxcport.h" #define PSXCD_TAG "psxcd" class psx1_state : public driver_device { public: psx1_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag) : driver_device(mconfig, type, tag) , m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"), m_ram(*this, "maincpu:ram") { } UINT8 *m_exe_buffer; int m_exe_size; int m_cd_param_p; int m_cd_result_p; int m_cd_result_c; int m_cd_result_ready; int m_cd_reset; UINT8 m_cd_stat; UINT8 m_cd_io_status; UINT8 m_cd_param[8]; UINT8 m_cd_result[8]; DECLARE_DIRECT_UPDATE_MEMBER(psx_default); DECLARE_DIRECT_UPDATE_MEMBER(psx_setopbase); DECLARE_MACHINE_RESET(psx); inline void ATTR_PRINTF(3,4) verboselog( int n_level, const char *s_fmt, ... ); void psxexe_conv32( UINT32 *p_uint32 ); int load_psxexe( cpu_device *cpu, unsigned char *p_n_file, int n_len ); void cpe_set_register( cpu_device *cpu, int n_reg, int n_value ); int load_cpe( cpu_device *cpu, unsigned char *p_n_file, int n_len ); int load_psf( cpu_device *cpu, unsigned char *p_n_file, int n_len ); void cd_dma_read( UINT32 *p_n_psxram, UINT32 n_address, INT32 n_size ); void cd_dma_write( UINT32 *p_n_psxram, UINT32 n_address, INT32 n_size ); DECLARE_QUICKLOAD_LOAD_MEMBER( psx_exe_load ); required_device m_maincpu; required_device m_ram; }; #define VERBOSE_LEVEL ( 0 ) inline void ATTR_PRINTF(3,4) psx1_state::verboselog( int n_level, const char *s_fmt, ... ) { if( VERBOSE_LEVEL >= n_level ) { va_list v; char buf[ 32768 ]; va_start( v, s_fmt ); vsprintf( buf, s_fmt, v ); va_end( v ); logerror( "%s: %s", machine().describe_context(), buf ); } } void psx1_state::psxexe_conv32( UINT32 *p_uint32 ) { UINT8 *p_uint8; p_uint8 = (UINT8 *)p_uint32; *( p_uint32 ) = p_uint8[ 0 ] | ( p_uint8[ 1 ] << 8 ) | ( p_uint8[ 2 ] << 16 ) | ( p_uint8[ 3 ] << 24 ); } int psx1_state::load_psxexe( cpu_device *cpu, unsigned char *p_n_file, int n_len ) { struct PSXEXE_HEADER { UINT8 id[ 8 ]; UINT32 text; /* SCE only */ UINT32 data; /* SCE only */ UINT32 pc0; UINT32 gp0; /* SCE only */ UINT32 t_addr; UINT32 t_size; UINT32 d_addr; /* SCE only */ UINT32 d_size; /* SCE only */ UINT32 b_addr; /* SCE only */ UINT32 b_size; /* SCE only */ UINT32 s_addr; UINT32 s_size; UINT32 SavedSP; UINT32 SavedFP; UINT32 SavedGP; UINT32 SavedRA; UINT32 SavedS0; UINT8 dummy[ 0x800 - 76 ]; }; struct PSXEXE_HEADER *psxexe_header = (struct PSXEXE_HEADER *)p_n_file; if( n_len >= sizeof( struct PSXEXE_HEADER ) && memcmp( psxexe_header->id, "PS-X EXE", 8 ) == 0 ) { psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->text ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->data ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->pc0 ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->gp0 ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->t_addr ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->t_size ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->d_addr ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->d_size ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->b_addr ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->b_size ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->s_addr ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->s_size ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedSP ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedFP ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedGP ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedRA ); psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedS0 ); /* todo: check size.. */ logerror( "psx_exe_load: pc %08x\n", psxexe_header->pc0 ); logerror( "psx_exe_load: org %08x\n", psxexe_header->t_addr ); logerror( "psx_exe_load: len %08x\n", psxexe_header->t_size ); logerror( "psx_exe_load: sp %08x\n", psxexe_header->s_addr ); logerror( "psx_exe_load: len %08x\n", psxexe_header->s_size ); UINT8 *p_ram = m_ram->pointer(); UINT32 n_ram = m_ram->size(); UINT8 *p_psxexe = p_n_file + sizeof( struct PSXEXE_HEADER ); UINT32 n_address = psxexe_header->t_addr; UINT32 n_size = psxexe_header->t_size; while( n_size != 0 ) { p_ram[ BYTE4_XOR_LE( n_address ) % n_ram ] = *( p_psxexe ); n_address++; p_psxexe++; n_size--; } cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_PC, psxexe_header->pc0 ); cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_R28, psxexe_header->gp0 ); UINT32 n_stack = psxexe_header->s_addr + psxexe_header->s_size; if( n_stack != 0 ) { cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_R29, n_stack ); cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_R30, n_stack ); } return 1; } return 0; } void psx1_state::cpe_set_register( cpu_device *cpu, int n_reg, int n_value ) { if( n_reg < 0x80 && ( n_reg % 4 ) == 0 ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: r%-2d %08x\n", n_reg / 4, n_value ); cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_R0 + ( n_reg / 4 ), n_value ); } else if( n_reg == 0x80 ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: lo %08x\n", n_value ); cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_LO, n_value ); } else if( n_reg == 0x84 ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: hi %08x\n", n_value ); cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_HI, n_value ); } else if( n_reg == 0x88 ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: sr %08x\n", n_value ); cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_CP0R12, n_value ); } else if( n_reg == 0x8c ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: cause %08x\n", n_value ); cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_CP0R13, n_value ); } else if( n_reg == 0x90 ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: pc %08x\n", n_value ); cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_PC, n_value ); } else if( n_reg == 0x94 ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: prid %08x\n", n_value ); cpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_CP0R15, n_value ); } else { logerror( "psx_exe_load: invalid register %04x/%08x\n", n_reg, n_value ); } } int psx1_state::load_cpe( cpu_device *cpu, unsigned char *p_n_file, int n_len ) { if( n_len >= 4 && memcmp( p_n_file, "CPE\001", 4 ) == 0 ) { int n_offset = 4; for( ;; ) { if( n_offset >= n_len || p_n_file[ n_offset ] > 8 ) { break; } switch( p_n_file[ n_offset++ ] ) { case 0: /* end of file */ return 1; case 1: /* read bytes */ { int n_address = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 16 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 24 ); int n_size = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 4 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 5 ] << 8 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 6 ] << 16 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 7 ] << 24 ); UINT8 *p_ram = m_ram->pointer(); UINT32 n_ram = m_ram->size(); n_offset += 8; logerror( "psx_exe_load: org %08x\n", n_address ); logerror( "psx_exe_load: len %08x\n", n_size ); while( n_size > 0 ) { p_ram[ BYTE4_XOR_LE( n_address ) % n_ram ] = p_n_file[ n_offset++ ]; n_address++; n_size--; } break; } case 2: /* run address: not tested */ { int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 8 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 4 ] << 16 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 5 ] << 24 ); n_offset += 4; cpe_set_register( cpu, 0x90, n_value ); break; } case 3: /* set reg to longword */ { int n_reg = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 ); int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 8 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 4 ] << 16 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 5 ] << 24 ); n_offset += 6; cpe_set_register( cpu, n_reg, n_value ); break; } case 4: /* set reg to word: not tested */ { int n_reg = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 ); int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 8 ); n_offset += 4; cpe_set_register( cpu, n_reg, n_value ); break; } case 5: /* set reg to byte: not tested */ { int n_reg = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 ); int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 ); n_offset += 3; cpe_set_register( cpu, n_reg, n_value ); break; } case 6: /* set reg to 3-byte: not tested */ { int n_reg = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 ); int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 8 ) | ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 4 ] << 16 ); n_offset += 5; cpe_set_register( cpu, n_reg, n_value ); break; } case 7: /* workspace: not tested */ n_offset += 4; break; case 8: /* unit */ { int n_unit = p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ]; n_offset++; logerror( "psx_exe_load: unit %08x\n", n_unit ); } break; } } } return 0; } int psx1_state::load_psf( cpu_device *cpu, unsigned char *p_n_file, int n_len ) { int n_return; unsigned long n_crc; unsigned long n_compressed; unsigned char *p_n_compressed; unsigned long n_uncompressed; dynamic_buffer p_n_uncompressed; struct PSF_HEADER { unsigned char id[ 4 ]; UINT32 reserved_size; UINT32 exe_size; UINT32 exe_crc; }; struct PSF_HEADER *psf_header = (struct PSF_HEADER *)p_n_file; n_return = 0; if( n_len >= sizeof( struct PSF_HEADER ) && memcmp( p_n_file, "PSF", 3 ) == 0 ) { psxexe_conv32( &psf_header->reserved_size ); psxexe_conv32( &psf_header->exe_size ); psxexe_conv32( &psf_header->exe_crc ); logerror( "psx_exe_load: reserved_size %08x\n", psf_header->reserved_size ); logerror( "psx_exe_load: exe_size %08x\n", psf_header->exe_size ); logerror( "psx_exe_load: exe_crc %08x\n", psf_header->exe_crc ); n_compressed = psf_header->exe_size; p_n_compressed = p_n_file + sizeof( struct PSF_HEADER ) + psf_header->reserved_size; n_crc = crc32( crc32( 0L, Z_NULL, 0 ), p_n_compressed, n_compressed ); if( n_crc != psf_header->exe_crc ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: psf invalid crc\n" ); return 0; } n_uncompressed = 0x200000; p_n_uncompressed.resize( n_uncompressed ); if( uncompress( p_n_uncompressed, &n_uncompressed, p_n_compressed, n_compressed ) != Z_OK ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: psf uncompress failed\n" ); } else if( !load_psxexe( cpu, p_n_uncompressed, n_uncompressed ) ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: psf load failed\n" ); } else { n_return = 1; } } return n_return; } DIRECT_UPDATE_MEMBER(psx1_state::psx_default) { return address; } DIRECT_UPDATE_MEMBER(psx1_state::psx_setopbase) { if( address == 0x80030000 ) { m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM).set_direct_update_handler(direct_update_delegate(FUNC(psx1_state::psx_default), this)); if( load_psxexe( m_maincpu, m_exe_buffer, m_exe_size ) || load_cpe( m_maincpu, m_exe_buffer, m_exe_size ) || load_psf( m_maincpu, m_exe_buffer, m_exe_size ) ) { /* DEBUGGER_BREAK; */ address = m_maincpu->state_int( PSXCPU_PC ); m_maincpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_DELAYR, PSXCPU_DELAYR_PC ); m_maincpu->set_state_int( PSXCPU_DELAYV, address ); } else { logerror( "psx_exe_load: invalid exe\n" ); } m_exe_size = 0; global_free_array( m_exe_buffer ); } return address; } QUICKLOAD_LOAD_MEMBER( psx1_state, psx_exe_load ) { address_space &space = m_maincpu->space( AS_PROGRAM ); m_exe_size = 0; m_exe_buffer = global_alloc_array( UINT8, quickload_size ); if( m_exe_buffer == NULL ) { logerror( "psx_exe_load: out of memory\n" ); return IMAGE_INIT_FAIL; } if( image.fread( m_exe_buffer, quickload_size ) != quickload_size ) { global_free_array( m_exe_buffer ); return IMAGE_INIT_FAIL; } m_exe_size = quickload_size; space.set_direct_update_handler(direct_update_delegate(FUNC(psx1_state::psx_setopbase), this)); return IMAGE_INIT_PASS; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void psx1_state::cd_dma_read( UINT32 *p_n_psxram, UINT32 n_address, INT32 n_size ) { UINT8 *psxram = (UINT8 *) p_n_psxram; psxcd_device *psxcd = machine().device(PSXCD_TAG); psxcd->start_dma(psxram + n_address, n_size*4); } void psx1_state::cd_dma_write( UINT32 *p_n_psxram, UINT32 n_address, INT32 n_size ) { printf("cd_dma_write?!: addr %x, size %x\n", n_address, n_size); } static ADDRESS_MAP_START( psx_map, AS_PROGRAM, 32, psx1_state ) ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( subcpu_map, AS_PROGRAM, 8, psx1_state ) AM_RANGE(0x0000, 0xffff) AM_ROM ADDRESS_MAP_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( psj, psx1_state ) /* basic machine hardware */ MCFG_CPU_ADD( "maincpu", CXD8530CQ, XTAL_67_7376MHz ) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP( psx_map ) MCFG_RAM_MODIFY("maincpu:ram") MCFG_RAM_DEFAULT_SIZE("2M") MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("maincpu:sio0:controllers", PSXCONTROLLERPORTS, 0) MCFG_PSX_CTRL_PORT_ADD("port1", psx_controllers, "digital_pad") MCFG_PSX_CTRL_PORT_ADD("port2", psx_controllers, "digital_pad") /* video hardware */ MCFG_PSXGPU_ADD( "maincpu", "gpu", CXD8561Q, 0x100000, XTAL_53_693175MHz ) /* sound hardware */ MCFG_SPEAKER_STANDARD_STEREO("lspeaker", "rspeaker") MCFG_SPU_ADD( "spu", XTAL_67_7376MHz/2 ) MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE( 0, "lspeaker", 1.00 ) MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE( 1, "rspeaker", 1.00 ) /* quickload */ MCFG_QUICKLOAD_ADD("quickload", psx1_state, psx_exe_load, "cpe,exe,psf,psx", 0) MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("cd_list","psx") MCFG_DEVICE_MODIFY( "maincpu" ) MCFG_PSX_CD_READ_HANDLER( DEVREAD8( PSXCD_TAG, psxcd_device, read ) ) MCFG_PSX_CD_WRITE_HANDLER( DEVWRITE8( PSXCD_TAG, psxcd_device, write ) ) MCFG_PSXCD_ADD(PSXCD_TAG, "cdrom") MCFG_PSXCD_IRQ_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("maincpu:irq", psxirq_device, intin2)) MCFG_PSX_DMA_CHANNEL_READ( "maincpu", 3, psx_dma_read_delegate( FUNC( psx1_state::cd_dma_read ), (psx1_state *) owner ) ) MCFG_PSX_DMA_CHANNEL_WRITE( "maincpu", 3, psx_dma_write_delegate( FUNC( psx1_state::cd_dma_write ), (psx1_state *) owner ) ) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( psu, psj ) MCFG_CPU_ADD( "subcpu", HD63705, 4166667 ) // MC68HC05G6 MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP( subcpu_map ) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( pse, psx1_state ) /* basic machine hardware */ MCFG_CPU_ADD( "maincpu", CXD8530AQ, XTAL_67_7376MHz ) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP( psx_map) MCFG_RAM_MODIFY("maincpu:ram") MCFG_RAM_DEFAULT_SIZE("2M") MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("maincpu:sio0:controllers", PSXCONTROLLERPORTS, 0) MCFG_PSX_CTRL_PORT_ADD("port1", psx_controllers, "digital_pad") MCFG_PSX_CTRL_PORT_ADD("port2", psx_controllers, "digital_pad") /* video hardware */ /* TODO: visible area and refresh rate */ MCFG_PSXGPU_ADD( "maincpu", "gpu", CXD8561Q, 0x100000, XTAL_53_693175MHz ) /* sound hardware */ MCFG_SPEAKER_STANDARD_STEREO("lspeaker", "rspeaker") MCFG_SPU_ADD( "spu", XTAL_67_7376MHz/2 ) MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE( 0, "lspeaker", 1.00 ) MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE( 1, "rspeaker", 1.00 ) /* quickload */ MCFG_QUICKLOAD_ADD("quickload", psx1_state, psx_exe_load, "cpe,exe,psf,psx", 0) MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("cd_list","psx") MCFG_DEVICE_MODIFY( "maincpu" ) MCFG_PSX_CD_READ_HANDLER( DEVREAD8( PSXCD_TAG, psxcd_device, read ) ) MCFG_PSX_CD_WRITE_HANDLER( DEVWRITE8( PSXCD_TAG, psxcd_device, write ) ) MCFG_PSXCD_ADD(PSXCD_TAG, "cdrom") MCFG_PSXCD_IRQ_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("maincpu:irq", psxirq_device, intin2)) MCFG_PSX_DMA_CHANNEL_READ( "maincpu", 3, psx_dma_read_delegate( FUNC( psx1_state::cd_dma_read ), (psx1_state *) owner ) ) MCFG_PSX_DMA_CHANNEL_WRITE( "maincpu", 3, psx_dma_write_delegate( FUNC( psx1_state::cd_dma_write ), (psx1_state *) owner ) ) MACHINE_CONFIG_END ROM_START( psj ) ROM_REGION32_LE( 0x080000, "maincpu:rom", 0 ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "1.0j", "SCPH-1000/DTL-H1000" ) // 22091994 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-10j.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(3b601fc8) SHA1(343883a7b555646da8cee54aadd2795b6e7dd070), ROM_BIOS(1) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "1.1j", "SCPH-3000/DTL-H1000H (Version 1.1 01/22/95)" ) // 22091994 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-11j.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(3539def6) SHA1(b06f4a861f74270be819aa2a07db8d0563a7cc4e), ROM_BIOS(2) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 2, "2.1j", "SCPH-3500 (Version 2.1 07/17/95 J)" ) // 22091994 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-21j.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(bc190209) SHA1(e38466a4ba8005fba7e9e3c7b9efeba7205bee3f), ROM_BIOS(3) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 3, "2.2j", "SCPH-5000/DTL-H1200/DTL-H3000 (Version 2.2 12/04/95 J)" ) // 04121995 /* ROMX_LOAD( "ps-22j.bad", 0x000000, 0x080000, BAD_DUMP CRC(8c93a399) SHA1(e340db2696274dda5fdc25e434a914db71e8b02b), ROM_BIOS(4) ) */ ROMX_LOAD( "ps-22j.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(24fc7e17) SHA1(ffa7f9a7fb19d773a0c3985a541c8e5623d2c30d), ROM_BIOS(4) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 4, "2.2d", "DTL-H1100 (Version 2.2 03/06/96 D)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-22d.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(decb22f5) SHA1(73107d468fc7cb1d2c5b18b269715dd889ecef06), ROM_BIOS(5) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 5, "3.0j", "SCPH-5500 (Version 3.0 09/09/96 J)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-30j.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(ff3eeb8c) SHA1(b05def971d8ec59f346f2d9ac21fb742e3eb6917), ROM_BIOS(6) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 6, "4.0j", "SCPH-7000/SCPH-7500/SCPH-9000 (Version 4.0 08/18/97 J)" ) // 29051997 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-40j.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(ec541cd0) SHA1(77b10118d21ac7ffa9b35f9c4fd814da240eb3e9), ROM_BIOS(7) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 7, "4.1a", "SCPH-7000W (Version 4.1 11/14/97 A)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-41a(w).bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(b7c43dad) SHA1(1b0dbdb23da9dc0776aac58d0755dc80fea20975), ROM_BIOS(8) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 8, "4.3j", "SCPH-100 (Version 4.3 03/11/00 J)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "psone-43j.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(f2af798b) SHA1(339a48f4fcf63e10b5b867b8c93cfd40945faf6c), ROM_BIOS(9) ) ROM_END ROM_START( psu ) ROM_REGION32_LE( 0x080000, "maincpu:rom", 0 ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "2.0a", "DTL-H1001 (Version 2.0 05/07/95 A)" ) // 22091994 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-20a.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(55847d8c) SHA1(649895efd79d14790eabb362e94eb0622093dfb9), ROM_BIOS(1) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "2.1a", "DTL-H1101 (Version 2.1 07/17/95 A)" ) // 22091994 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-21a.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(aff00f2f) SHA1(ca7af30b50d9756cbd764640126c454cff658479), ROM_BIOS(2) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 2, "2.2a", "SCPH-1001/DTL-H1201/DTL-H3001 (Version 2.2 12/04/95 A)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-22a.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(37157331) SHA1(10155d8d6e6e832d6ea66db9bc098321fb5e8ebf), ROM_BIOS(3) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 3, "3.0a", "SCPH-5501/SCPH-5503/SCPH-7003 (Version 3.0 11/18/96 A)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-30a.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(8d8cb7e4) SHA1(0555c6fae8906f3f09baf5988f00e55f88e9f30b), ROM_BIOS(4) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 4, "4.1a", "SCPH-7001/SCPH-7501/SCPH-7503/SCPH-9001/SCPH-9003/SCPH-9903 (Version 4.1 12/16/97 A)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-41a.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(502224b6) SHA1(14df4f6c1e367ce097c11deae21566b4fe5647a9), ROM_BIOS(5) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 5, "4.5a", "SCPH-101 (Version 4.5 05/25/00 A)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "psone-45a.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(171bdcec) SHA1(dcffe16bd90a723499ad46c641424981338d8378), ROM_BIOS(6) ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "subcpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "ram.ic304", 0x000000, 0x000400, CRC(e9fefc8b) SHA1(7ab4a498216fb9a3fca9daf6ad21b4553126e74f) ) ROM_FILL( 0x0400, 0x0c00, 0xff ) ROM_LOAD( "scea.ic304", 0x001000, 0x004000, CRC(82729934) SHA1(7d5f52eb9df1243dcdab32cb763a9eb6a22706d7) ) ROM_FILL( 0x5000, 0xae00, 0xff ) ROM_LOAD( "test.ic304", 0x00fe00, 0x000200, CRC(3b2f8041) SHA1(d7127cb4a9b5efe9deffab3b72ab4451cb30675b) ) ROM_END ROM_START( pse ) ROM_REGION32_LE( 0x080000, "maincpu:rom", 0 ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "2.0e", "DTL-H1002/SCPH-1002 (Version 2.0 05/10/95 E)" ) // 22091994 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-20e.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(9bb87c4b) SHA1(20b98f3d80f11cbf5a7bfd0779b0e63760ecc62c), ROM_BIOS(1) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "2.1e", "SCPH-1002/DTL-H1102 (Version 2.1 07/17/95 E)" ) // 22091994 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-21e.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(86c30531) SHA1(76cf6b1b2a7c571a6ad07f2bac0db6cd8f71e2cc), ROM_BIOS(2) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 2, "2.2e", "SCPH-1002/DTL-H1202/DTL-H3002 (Version 2.2 12/04/95 E)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-22e.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(1e26792f) SHA1(b6a11579caef3875504fcf3831b8e3922746df2c), ROM_BIOS(3) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 3, "3.0e", "SCPH-5502/SCPH-5552 (Version 3.0 01/06/97 E)" ) // 04121995 /* ROMX_LOAD( "ps-30e.bad", 0x000000, 0x080000, BAD_DUMP CRC(4d9e7c86) SHA1(f8de9325fc36fcfa4b29124d291c9251094f2e54), ROM_BIOS(4) ) */ ROMX_LOAD( "ps-30e.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(d786f0b9) SHA1(f6bc2d1f5eb6593de7d089c425ac681d6fffd3f0), ROM_BIOS(4) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 4, "4.1e", "SCPH-7002/SCPH-7502/SCPH-9002 (Version 4.1 12/16/97 E)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-41e.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(318178bf) SHA1(8d5de56a79954f29e9006929ba3fed9b6a418c1d), ROM_BIOS(5) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 5, "4.4e", "SCPH-102 (Version 4.4 03/24/00 E)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "psone-44e.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(0bad7ea9) SHA1(beb0ac693c0dc26daf5665b3314db81480fa5c7c), ROM_BIOS(6) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 6, "4.5e", "SCPH-102 (Version 4.5 05/25/00 E)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "psone-45e.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(76b880e5) SHA1(dbc7339e5d85827c095764fc077b41f78fd2ecae), ROM_BIOS(7) ) ROM_END ROM_START( psa ) ROM_REGION32_LE( 0x080000, "maincpu:rom", 0 ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "3.0a", "SCPH-5501/SCPH-5503/SCPH-7003 (Version 3.0 11/18/96 A)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-30a.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(8d8cb7e4) SHA1(0555c6fae8906f3f09baf5988f00e55f88e9f30b), ROM_BIOS(1) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "4.1a", "SCPH-7001/SCPH-7501/SCPH-7503/SCPH-9001/SCPH-9003/SCPH-9903 (Version 4.1 12/16/97 A)" ) // 04121995 ROMX_LOAD( "ps-41a.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(502224b6) SHA1(14df4f6c1e367ce097c11deae21566b4fe5647a9), ROM_BIOS(2) ) ROM_END /* The version number & release date is stored in ascii text at the end of every bios, except for scph1000. There is also a BCD encoded date at offset 0x100, but this is set to 22091994 for versions prior to 2.2 and 04121995 for all versions from 2.2 ( except Version 4.0J which is 29051997 ). Consoles not dumped: DTL-H1001H SCPH-5001 SCPH-5002 (this is not mentioned in SCPH-102B.pdf so it's likely it doesn't exist) SCPH-5003 SCPH-103 Holes in version numbers: Version 2.0 J Version 4.1 J (SCPH7000W uses 4.1 A) Version 4.2 J Version 4.4 J Version 4.5 J Version 4.0 A Version 4.2 A Version 4.3 A Version 4.4 A Version 4.0 E Version 4.2 E Version 4.3 E */ /* YEAR NAME PARENT COMPAT MACHINE INPUT INIT COMPANY FULLNAME FLAGS */ CONS( 1994, psj, 0, 0, psj, 0, driver_device, 0, "Sony Computer Entertainment Inc", "Sony PlayStation (Japan)", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_IMPERFECT_SOUND | GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) CONS( 1995, pse, psj, 0, pse, 0, driver_device, 0, "Sony Computer Entertainment Inc", "Sony PlayStation (Europe)", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_IMPERFECT_SOUND | GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) CONS( 1995, psu, psj, 0, psu, 0, driver_device, 0, "Sony Computer Entertainment Inc", "Sony PlayStation (USA)", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_IMPERFECT_SOUND | GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) CONS( 1995, psa, psj, 0, psj, 0, driver_device, 0, "Sony Computer Entertainment Inc", "Sony PlayStation (Asia-Pacific)", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_IMPERFECT_SOUND | GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS )