/*************************************************************************** NeXT TODO: - Find out why we get a segfault in the middle of the install - Hook up the mouse (not before the system boots though, see the first problem) - Find why the kernel doesn't manage to change the nvram at boot (readback error) - Hook up the sound output, it seems to be shared with the keyboard port somehow - Implement more of the scc and its dma interactions so that the start up test passes, but not before sound out is done (if the scc test passes all the other test pass up to sound out which infloops) - Really implement the MO, it's only faking it for the startup test right now - Find out why netbsd goes to hell even before loading the kernel Memory map and other bits can be found here: http://fxr.watson.org/fxr/source/arch/next68k/include/cpu.h?v=NETBSD5#L366 ****************************************************************************/ #include "includes/next.h" #include "formats/pc_dsk.h" #include "formats/mfi_dsk.h" #include "machine/nscsi_cd.h" #include "machine/nscsi_hd.h" UINT32 next_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { // We don't handle partial updates, but we don't generate them either :-) if(cliprect.min_x || cliprect.min_y || cliprect.max_x+1 != screen_sx || cliprect.max_y+1 != screen_sy) return 0; // 0,1,2,4=0b000000, 3=2c000000, 5,8,9=0c000000 // 1152x832 (0,1,2,3c,4) // 1120x832 (8) // 832x624 (5c,9c) if(screen_color) { const UINT32 *vr = vram; for(int y=0; y(bitmap.raw_pixptr(y)); for(int x=0; x> (16-(xi*16))) & 0xffff; UINT32 r = (pen & 0xf000) >> 12; UINT32 g = (pen & 0x0f00) >> 8; UINT32 b = (pen & 0x00f0) >> 4; UINT32 col = (r << 20) | (r << 16) | (g << 12) | (g << 8) | (b << 4) | b; *pix++ = col; } } vr += screen_skip; } } else { static UINT32 colors[4] = { 0xffffff, 0xaaaaaa, 0x555555, 0x000000 }; const UINT32 *vr = vram; for(int y=0; y(bitmap.raw_pixptr(y)); for(int x=0; x> (30-(xi*2))) & 0x3]; } vr += screen_skip; } } return 0; } /* Dummy catcher for any unknown r/w */ READ8_MEMBER( next_state::io_r ) { if(!space.debugger_access()) printf("io_r %08x (%08x)\n",offset+0x02000000, space.device().safe_pc()); if(offset == 0xc0) return 0; return 0xff; } WRITE8_MEMBER( next_state::io_w ) { if(!space.debugger_access()) printf("io_w %08x, %02x (%08x)\n",offset+0x02000000,data, space.device().safe_pc()); } /* map ROM at 0x01000000-0x0101ffff? */ READ32_MEMBER( next_state::rom_map_r ) { if(0 && !space.debugger_access()) printf("%08x ROM MAP?\n",space.device().safe_pc()); return 0x01000000; } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::scr2_r ) { if(0 && !space.debugger_access()) printf("%08x\n",space.device().safe_pc()); /* x--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- dsp reset -x-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- dsp block end --x- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- dsp unpacked ---x ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- dsp mode b ---- x--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- dsp mode a ---- -x-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- remote int ---- ---x ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- local int ---- ---- ---x ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- dram 256k ---- ---- ---- ---x ---- ---- ---- ---- dram 1m ---- ---- ---- ---- x--- ---- ---- ---- "timer on ipl7" ---- ---- ---- ---- -xxx ---- ---- ---- rom waitstates ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- x--- ---- ---- ROM 1M ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -x-- ---- ---- MCS1850 rtdata ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --x- ---- ---- MCS1850 rtclk ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---x ---- ---- MCS1850 rtce ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- x--- ---- rom overlay ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -x-- ---- dsp ie ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --x- ---- mem en ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---x led 68040-25, 100ns, 32M: 00000c80 68040-25, 100ns, 20M: 00ff0c80 */ UINT32 data = scr2 & 0xfffffbff; data |= rtc->sdo_r() << 10; return data; } WRITE32_MEMBER( next_state::scr2_w ) { if(0 && !space.debugger_access()) printf("scr2_w %08x (%08x)\n", data, space.device().safe_pc()); COMBINE_DATA(&scr2); rtc->ce_w(BIT(scr2, 8)); rtc->sdi_w(BIT(scr2, 10)); rtc->sck_w(BIT(scr2, 9)); irq_set(0, scr2 & 0x01000000); irq_set(1, scr2 & 0x02000000); } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::scr1_r ) { /* xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- slot ID ---- ---- xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- DMA type ---- ---- ---- ---- xxxx ---- ---- ---- machine type ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- xxxx ---- ---- board revision ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -xx- ---- video mem speed ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---x x--- mem speed ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -xxx cpu speed 16/20/25/33/40/50/66/80 machine types: 0 NeXT_CUBE 1 NeXT_WARP9 2 NeXT_X15 3 NeXT_WARP9C 4 NeXT_Turbo 5 NeXT_TurboC 6 Unknown 7 Unknown 8 NeXT_TurboCube 9 NeXT_TurboCubeC 68040-25: 00011102 68040-25: 00013002 (non-turbo, color) */ return scr1; } // Interrupt subsystem // source bit level // nmi 31 7 * // pfail 30 7 // timer 29 6 * // enetxdma 28 6 * // enetrdma 27 6 * // scsidma 26 6 * // diskdma 25 6 // prndma 24 6 * // sndoutdma 23 6 // sndindma 22 6 // sccdma 21 6 // dspdma 20 6 // m2rdma 19 6 // r2mdma 18 6 // scc 17 5 // remote 16 5 * // bus 15 5 * // dsp4 14 4 // disk 13 3 // scsi 12 3 * // printer 11 3 // enetx 10 3 * // enetr 9 3 // soundovr 8 3 * // phone 7 3 * -- floppy // dsp3 6 3 // video 5 3 // monitor 4 3 // kbdmouse 3 3 * // power 2 3 * // softint1 1 2 * // softint0 0 1 * void next_state::irq_set(int id, bool raise) { UINT32 mask = 1U << id; UINT32 old_status = irq_status; if(raise) irq_status |= mask; else irq_status &= ~mask; if(old_status != irq_status) irq_check(); } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::irq_status_r ) { return irq_status; } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::irq_mask_r ) { return irq_mask; } WRITE32_MEMBER( next_state::irq_mask_w ) { COMBINE_DATA(&irq_mask); irq_check(); } void next_state::irq_check() { UINT32 act = irq_status & (irq_mask | 0x80000000); int bit; for(bit=31; bit >= 0 && !(act & (1U << bit)); bit--); int level; if (bit < 0) level = 0; else if(bit < 1) level = 1; else if(bit < 2) level = 2; else if(bit < 14) level = 3; else if(bit < 15) level = 4; else if(bit < 18) level = 5; else if(bit < 30) level = 6; else level = 7; logerror("IRQ info %08x/%08x - %d\n", irq_status, irq_mask, level); if(level != irq_level) { maincpu->set_input_line(irq_level, CLEAR_LINE); maincpu->set_input_line_and_vector(level, ASSERT_LINE, M68K_INT_ACK_AUTOVECTOR); irq_level = level; } } const char *next_state::dma_targets[0x20] = { 0, "scsi", 0, 0, "soundout", "disk", 0, 0, "soundin", "printer", 0, 0, "scc", "dsp", 0, 0, "s-enetx", "enetx", 0, 0, "s-enetr", "enetr", 0, 0, "video", 0, 0, 0, "r2m", "m2r", 0, 0 }; const int next_state::dma_irqs[0x20] = { -1, 26, -1, -1, 23, 25, -1, -1, 22, 24, -1, -1, 21, 20, -1, -1, -1, 28, -1, -1, -1, 27, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, 18, 19, -1, -1 }; const bool next_state::dma_has_saved[0x20] = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, }; const char *next_state::dma_name(int slot) { static char buf[32]; if(dma_targets[slot]) return dma_targets[slot]; sprintf(buf, "<%02x>", slot); return buf; } void next_state::dma_drq_w(int slot, bool state) { // fprintf(stderr, "DMA drq_w %d, %d\n", slot, state); dma_slot &ds = dma_slots[slot]; ds.drq = state; if(state && (ds.state & DMA_ENABLE)) { address_space &space = maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM); if(ds.state & DMA_READ) { while(ds.drq) { dma_check_update(slot); UINT8 val; bool eof; bool err; dma_read(slot, val, eof, err); if(err) { ds.state = (ds.state & ~DMA_ENABLE) | DMA_BUSEXC; logerror("DMA: bus error on read slot %d\n", slot); return; } space.write_byte(ds.current++, val); dma_check_end(slot, eof); if(!(ds.state & DMA_ENABLE)) return; } } else { while(ds.drq) { dma_check_update(slot); UINT8 val = space.read_byte(ds.current++); bool eof = ds.current == (ds.limit & 0x7fffffff) && (ds.limit & 0x80000000); bool err; dma_write(slot, val, eof, err); if(err) { ds.state = (ds.state & ~DMA_ENABLE) | DMA_BUSEXC; logerror("DMA: bus error on write slot %d\n", slot); return; } dma_check_end(slot, false); if(!(ds.state & DMA_ENABLE)) return; } } } } void next_state::dma_read(int slot, UINT8 &val, bool &eof, bool &err) { err = false; eof = false; switch(slot) { case 1: if(fdc && fdc->get_drq()) { val = fdc->dma_r(); if(eof) { fdc->tc_w(true); fdc->tc_w(false); } } else val = scsi->dma_r(); break; case 5: val = mo->dma_r(); break; case 21: net->rx_dma_r(val, eof); logerror("dma read net %02x %s\n", val, eof ? "eof" : ""); break; default: err = true; val = 0; break; } } void next_state::dma_write(int slot, UINT8 data, bool eof, bool &err) { err = false; switch(slot) { case 1: if(fdc && fdc->get_drq()) { fdc->dma_w(data); if(eof) { fdc->tc_w(true); fdc->tc_w(false); } } else scsi->dma_w(data); break; case 4: break; case 5: mo->dma_w(data); break; case 17: net->tx_dma_w(data, eof); break; default: err = true; break; } } void next_state::dma_check_update(int slot) { dma_slot &ds = dma_slots[slot]; if(ds.restart) { ds.current = ds.start; ds.restart = false; } } void next_state::dma_end(int slot) { dma_slot &ds = dma_slots[slot]; if(dma_has_saved[slot]) { dma_slot &ds1 = dma_slots[(slot-1) & 31]; ds1.current = ds.start; ds1.limit = ds.current; } if(!ds.supdate) ds.state &= ~DMA_ENABLE; else { ds.start = ds.chain_start; ds.limit = ds.chain_limit; ds.restart = true; ds.supdate = false; ds.state &= ~DMA_SUPDATE; } ds.state |= DMA_COMPLETE; logerror("dma end slot %d irq %d\n", slot, dma_irqs[slot]); if(dma_irqs[slot] >= 0) irq_set(dma_irqs[slot], true); } void next_state::dma_check_end(int slot, bool eof) { dma_slot &ds = dma_slots[slot]; if(eof || ds.current == (ds.limit & 0x7fffffff)) dma_end(slot); } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::dma_regs_r) { int slot = offset >> 2; int reg = offset & 3; UINT32 res; switch(reg) { case 0: res = dma_slots[slot].current; break; case 1: res = dma_slots[slot].limit; break; case 2: res = dma_slots[slot].chain_start; break; case 3: default: res = dma_slots[slot].chain_limit; break; } const char *name = dma_name(slot); logerror("dma_regs_r %s:%d %08x (%08x)\n", name, reg, res, space.device().safe_pc()); return res; } WRITE32_MEMBER( next_state::dma_regs_w) { int slot = offset >> 2; int reg = offset & 3; const char *name = dma_name(slot); logerror("dma_regs_w %s:%d %08x (%08x)\n", name, reg, data, space.device().safe_pc()); switch(reg) { case 0: dma_slots[slot].start = data; dma_slots[slot].current = data; break; case 1: dma_slots[slot].limit = data; break; case 2: dma_slots[slot].chain_start = data; break; case 3: dma_slots[slot].chain_limit = data; break; } } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::dma_ctrl_r) { int slot = offset >> 2; int reg = offset & 3; const char *name = dma_name(slot); if(space.device().safe_pc() != 0x409bb4e) logerror("dma_ctrl_r %s:%d %02x (%08x)\n", name, reg, dma_slots[slot].state, space.device().safe_pc()); return reg ? 0 : dma_slots[slot].state << 24; } WRITE32_MEMBER( next_state::dma_ctrl_w) { int slot = offset >> 2; int reg = offset & 3; const char *name = dma_name(slot); logerror("dma_ctrl_w %s:%d %08x @ %08x (%08x)\n", name, reg, data, mem_mask, space.device().safe_pc()); if(!reg) { if(ACCESSING_BITS_16_23) dma_do_ctrl_w(slot, data >> 16); else if(ACCESSING_BITS_24_31) dma_do_ctrl_w(slot, data >> 24); } } void next_state::dma_do_ctrl_w(int slot, UINT8 data) { const char *name = dma_name(slot); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "dma_ctrl_w %s %02x (%08x)\n", name, data, maincpu->safe_pc()); fprintf(stderr, " ->%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", data & DMA_SETENABLE ? " enable" : "", data & DMA_SETSUPDATE ? " supdate" : "", data & DMA_SETREAD ? " read" : "", data & DMA_CLRCOMPLETE ? " complete" : "", data & DMA_RESET ? " reset" : "", data & DMA_INITBUF ? " initbuf" : "", data & DMA_INITBUFTURBO ? " initbufturbo" : ""); #endif if(data & DMA_SETENABLE) logerror("dma enable %s %s %08x (%08x)\n", name, data & DMA_SETREAD ? "read" : "write", (dma_slots[slot].limit-dma_slots[slot].start) & 0x7fffffff, maincpu->pc()); dma_slot &ds = dma_slots[slot]; if(data & (DMA_RESET|DMA_INITBUF|DMA_INITBUFTURBO)) { ds.state = 0; if(dma_irqs[slot] >= 0) irq_set(dma_irqs[slot], false); } if(data & DMA_SETSUPDATE) { ds.state |= DMA_SUPDATE; ds.supdate = true; } if(data & DMA_SETREAD) ds.state |= DMA_READ; if(data & DMA_CLRCOMPLETE) { ds.state &= ~DMA_COMPLETE; if(dma_irqs[slot] >= 0) irq_set(dma_irqs[slot], false); } if(data & DMA_SETENABLE) { ds.state |= DMA_ENABLE; // fprintf(stderr, "dma slot %d drq=%s\n", slot, ds.drq ? "on" : "off"); if(ds.drq) dma_drq_w(slot, ds.drq); } } const int next_state::scsi_clocks[4] = { 10000000, 12000000, 20000000, 16000000 }; READ32_MEMBER( next_state::scsictrl_r ) { UINT32 res = (scsictrl << 24) | (scsistat << 16); logerror("scsictrl_read %08x @ %08x (%08x)\n", res, mem_mask, space.device().safe_pc()); return res; } WRITE32_MEMBER( next_state::scsictrl_w ) { if(ACCESSING_BITS_24_31) { scsictrl = data >> 24; if(scsictrl & 0x02) scsi->reset(); device_t::static_set_clock(*scsi, scsi_clocks[scsictrl >> 6]); logerror("SCSIctrl %dMHz int=%s dma=%s dmadir=%s%s%s dest=%s (%08x)\n", scsi_clocks[scsictrl >> 6]/1000000, scsictrl & 0x20 ? "on" : "off", scsictrl & 0x10 ? "on" : "off", scsictrl & 0x08 ? "read" : "write", scsictrl & 0x04 ? " flush" : "", scsictrl & 0x02 ? " reset" : "", scsictrl & 0x01 ? "wd3392" : "ncr5390", space.device().safe_pc()); } if(ACCESSING_BITS_16_23) { scsistat = data >> 16; logerror("SCSIstat %02x (%08x)\n", data, space.device().safe_pc()); } } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::event_counter_r) { // Event counters, around that time, are usually fixed-frequency counters. // This one being 1MHz seems to make sense // The v74 rom seems pretty convinced that it's 20 bits only. if(ACCESSING_BITS_24_31) eventc_latch = machine().time().as_ticks(1000000) & 0xfffff; return eventc_latch; } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::dsp_r) { return 0x7fffffff; } WRITE32_MEMBER( next_state::fdc_control_w ) { logerror("FDC write %02x (%08x)\n", data >> 24, space.device().safe_pc()); } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::fdc_control_r ) { // Type of floppy present // 0 = no floppy in drive // 1 = ed // 2 = hd // 3 = dd // The rom strangely can't boot on anything else than ED, it has // code for the other densities but forces ED for some mysterious // reason. The kernel otoh behaves as expected. if(fdc) { floppy_image_device *fdev = machine().device(":fdc:0")->get_device(); if(fdev->exists()) { UINT32 variant = fdev->get_variant(); switch(variant) { case floppy_image::SSSD: case floppy_image::SSDD: case floppy_image::DSDD: return 3 << 24; case floppy_image::DSHD: return 2 << 24; case floppy_image::DSED: return 1 << 24; } } } return 0 << 24; } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::phy_r ) { logerror("phy_r %d %08x (%08x)\n", offset, phy[offset], space.device().safe_pc()); return phy[offset] | (0 << 24); } WRITE32_MEMBER( next_state::phy_w ) { COMBINE_DATA(phy+offset); logerror("phy_w %d %08x (%08x)\n", offset, phy[offset], space.device().safe_pc()); } void next_state::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) { irq_set(29, true); timer_data = timer_next_data; if(timer_ctrl & 0x40000000) timer_start(); else timer_ctrl &= 0x7fffffff; } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::timer_data_r ) { if(timer_ctrl & 0x80000000) timer_update(); return timer_data; } WRITE32_MEMBER( next_state::timer_data_w ) { if(timer_ctrl & 0x80000000) { COMBINE_DATA(&timer_next_data); timer_next_data &= 0xffff0000; } else { COMBINE_DATA(&timer_data); timer_data &= 0xffff0000; } } READ32_MEMBER( next_state::timer_ctrl_r ) { irq_set(29, false); return timer_ctrl; } WRITE32_MEMBER( next_state::timer_ctrl_w ) { bool oldact = timer_ctrl & 0x80000000; COMBINE_DATA(&timer_ctrl); bool newact = timer_ctrl & 0x80000000; if(oldact != newact) { if(oldact) { timer_update(); irq_set(29, false); } else { timer_next_data = timer_data; timer_start(); } } } void next_state::timer_update() { int delta = timer_vbase - (machine().time() - timer_tbase).as_ticks(1000000); if(delta < 0) delta = 0; timer_data = delta << 16; } void next_state::timer_start() { timer_tbase = machine().time(); timer_vbase = timer_data >> 16; timer_tm->adjust(attotime::from_usec(timer_vbase)); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::scc_irq) { irq_set(17, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::keyboard_irq) { irq_set(3, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::power_irq) { irq_set(2, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::nmi_irq) { irq_set(31, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::fdc_irq) { irq_set(7, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::fdc_drq) { dma_drq_w(1, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::net_tx_irq) { irq_set(10, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::net_rx_irq) { irq_set(9, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::net_tx_drq) { dma_drq_w(17, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::net_rx_drq) { dma_drq_w(21, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::mo_irq) { irq_set(13, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::mo_drq) { dma_drq_w(5, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::scsi_irq) { irq_set(12, state); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(next_state::scsi_drq) { dma_drq_w(1, state); } void next_state::setup(UINT32 _scr1, int size_x, int size_y, int skip, bool color) { scr1 = _scr1; screen_sx = size_x; screen_sy = size_y; screen_skip = skip; screen_color = color; } void next_state::machine_start() { save_item(NAME(scr2)); save_item(NAME(irq_status)); save_item(NAME(irq_mask)); save_item(NAME(irq_level)); save_item(NAME(phy)); save_item(NAME(scsictrl)); save_item(NAME(timer_tbase)); save_item(NAME(timer_vbase)); save_item(NAME(timer_data)); save_item(NAME(timer_ctrl)); save_item(NAME(eventc_latch)); timer_tm = timer_alloc(0); } void next_state::machine_reset() { scr2 = 0; irq_status = 0; irq_mask = 0; irq_level = 0; esp = 0; scsictrl = 0; phy[0] = phy[1] = 0; eventc_latch = 0; timer_vbase = 0; timer_data = 0; timer_next_data = 0; timer_ctrl = 0; dma_drq_w(4, true); // soundout } static ADDRESS_MAP_START( next_mem, AS_PROGRAM, 32, next_state ) AM_RANGE(0x00000000, 0x0001ffff) AM_ROM AM_REGION("user1", 0) AM_RANGE(0x01000000, 0x0101ffff) AM_ROM AM_REGION("user1", 0) AM_RANGE(0x02000000, 0x020001ff) AM_MIRROR(0x300200) AM_READWRITE(dma_ctrl_r, dma_ctrl_w) AM_RANGE(0x02004000, 0x020041ff) AM_MIRROR(0x300200) AM_READWRITE(dma_regs_r, dma_regs_w) AM_RANGE(0x02006000, 0x0200600f) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_DEVICE8("net", mb8795_device, map, 0xffffffff) // AM_RANGE(0x02006010, 0x02006013) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) memory timing AM_RANGE(0x02007000, 0x02007003) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READ(irq_status_r) AM_RANGE(0x02007800, 0x02007803) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READWRITE(irq_mask_r,irq_mask_w) AM_RANGE(0x02008000, 0x02008003) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READ(dsp_r) AM_RANGE(0x0200c000, 0x0200c003) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READ(scr1_r) AM_RANGE(0x0200c800, 0x0200c803) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READ(rom_map_r) AM_RANGE(0x0200d000, 0x0200d003) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READWRITE(scr2_r,scr2_w) // AM_RANGE(0x0200d800, 0x0200d803) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) RMTINT AM_RANGE(0x0200e000, 0x0200e00b) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_DEVICE("keyboard", nextkbd_device, amap) // AM_RANGE(0x0200f000, 0x0200f003) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) printer // AM_RANGE(0x02010000, 0x02010003) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) brightness AM_RANGE(0x02012000, 0x0201201f) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_DEVICE8("mo", nextmo_device, map, 0xffffffff) AM_RANGE(0x02014000, 0x0201400f) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_DEVICE8("scsibus:7:ncr5390", ncr5390_device, map, 0xffffffff) AM_RANGE(0x02014020, 0x02014023) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READWRITE(scsictrl_r, scsictrl_w) AM_RANGE(0x02016000, 0x02016003) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READWRITE(timer_data_r, timer_data_w) AM_RANGE(0x02016004, 0x02016007) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READWRITE(timer_ctrl_r, timer_ctrl_w) AM_RANGE(0x02018000, 0x02018003) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_DEVREADWRITE8("scc", scc8530_t, reg_r, reg_w, 0xffffffff) // AM_RANGE(0x02018004, 0x02018007) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) SCC CLK // AM_RANGE(0x02018100, 0x02018103) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) Color RAMDAC // AM_RANGE(0x02018104, 0x02018107) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) Color CSR // AM_RANGE(0x02018190, 0x02018197) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) warp 9c DRAM timing // AM_RANGE(0x02018198, 0x0201819f) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) warp 9c VRAM timing AM_RANGE(0x0201a000, 0x0201a003) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READ(event_counter_r) // EVENTC // AM_RANGE(0x020c0000, 0x020c0004) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) BMAP AM_RANGE(0x020c0030, 0x020c0037) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READWRITE(phy_r, phy_w) AM_RANGE(0x04000000, 0x07ffffff) AM_RAM //work ram // AM_RANGE(0x0c000000, 0x0c03ffff) video RAM w A+B-AB function // AM_RANGE(0x0d000000, 0x0d03ffff) video RAM w (1-A)B function // AM_RANGE(0x0e000000, 0x0e03ffff) video RAM w ceil(A+B) function // AM_RANGE(0x0f000000, 0x0f03ffff) video RAM w AB function // AM_RANGE(0x10000000, 0x1003ffff) main RAM w A+B-AB function // AM_RANGE(0x14000000, 0x1403ffff) main RAM w (1-A)B function // AM_RANGE(0x18000000, 0x1803ffff) main RAM w ceil(A+B) function // AM_RANGE(0x1c000000, 0x1c03ffff) main RAM w AB function ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( next_0b_nofdc_mem, AS_PROGRAM, 32, next_state ) AM_RANGE(0x0b000000, 0x0b03ffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("vram") AM_IMPORT_FROM(next_mem) ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( next_fdc_mem, AS_PROGRAM, 32, next_state ) AM_RANGE(0x02014100, 0x02014107) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_DEVICE8("fdc", n82077aa_device, map, 0xffffffff) AM_RANGE(0x02014108, 0x0201410b) AM_MIRROR(0x300000) AM_READWRITE(fdc_control_r, fdc_control_w) AM_IMPORT_FROM(next_mem) ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( next_0b_mem, AS_PROGRAM, 32, next_state ) AM_RANGE(0x0b000000, 0x0b03ffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("vram") AM_IMPORT_FROM(next_fdc_mem) ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( next_0c_mem, AS_PROGRAM, 32, next_state ) AM_RANGE(0x0c000000, 0x0c1fffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("vram") AM_IMPORT_FROM(next_fdc_mem) ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( next_2c_mem, AS_PROGRAM, 32, next_state ) AM_RANGE(0x2c000000, 0x2c1fffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("vram") AM_IMPORT_FROM(next_fdc_mem) ADDRESS_MAP_END /* Input ports */ static INPUT_PORTS_START( next ) INPUT_PORTS_END FLOPPY_FORMATS_MEMBER( next_state::floppy_formats ) FLOPPY_PC_FORMAT FLOPPY_FORMATS_END static SLOT_INTERFACE_START( next_floppies ) SLOT_INTERFACE( "35ed", FLOPPY_35_ED ) SLOT_INTERFACE_END static SLOT_INTERFACE_START( next_scsi_devices ) SLOT_INTERFACE("cdrom", NSCSI_CDROM) SLOT_INTERFACE("harddisk", NSCSI_HARDDISK) SLOT_INTERFACE_INTERNAL("ncr5390", NCR5390) SLOT_INTERFACE_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_FRAGMENT( ncr5390 ) MCFG_DEVICE_CLOCK(10000000) MCFG_NCR5390_IRQ_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE(":", next_state, scsi_irq)) MCFG_NCR5390_DRQ_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE(":", next_state, scsi_drq)) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( next_base, next_state ) /* video hardware */ MCFG_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) MCFG_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(60) MCFG_SCREEN_VBLANK_TIME(ATTOSECONDS_IN_USEC(2500)) /* not accurate */ MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DRIVER(next_state, screen_update) MCFG_SCREEN_SIZE(1120, 900) MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 1120-1, 0, 832-1) // devices MCFG_NSCSI_BUS_ADD("scsibus") MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("rtc", MCCS1850, XTAL_32_768kHz) MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("scc", SCC8530, XTAL_25MHz) MCFG_Z8530_INTRQ_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, scc_irq)) MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("keyboard", NEXTKBD, 0) MCFG_NEXTKBD_INT_CHANGE_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, keyboard_irq)) MCFG_NEXTKBD_INT_POWER_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, power_irq)) MCFG_NEXTKBD_INT_NMI_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, nmi_irq)) MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:0", next_scsi_devices, "cdrom", false) MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:1", next_scsi_devices, "harddisk", false) MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:2", next_scsi_devices, 0, false) MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:3", next_scsi_devices, 0, false) MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:4", next_scsi_devices, 0, false) MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:5", next_scsi_devices, 0, false) MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:6", next_scsi_devices, 0, false) MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:7", next_scsi_devices, "ncr5390", true) MCFG_DEVICE_CARD_MACHINE_CONFIG("ncr5390", ncr5390) MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("net", MB8795, 0) MCFG_MB8795_TX_IRQ_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, net_tx_irq)) MCFG_MB8795_RX_IRQ_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, net_rx_irq)) MCFG_MB8795_TX_DRQ_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, net_tx_drq)) MCFG_MB8795_RX_DRQ_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, net_rx_drq)) MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("mo", NEXTMO, 0) MCFG_NEXTMO_IRQ_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, mo_irq)) MCFG_NEXTMO_DRQ_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, mo_drq)) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( next, next_base ) MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", M68030, XTAL_25MHz) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(next_0b_nofdc_mem) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( next_fdc_base, next_base ) MCFG_N82077AA_ADD("fdc", n82077aa_device::MODE_PS2) MCFG_UPD765_INTRQ_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, fdc_irq)) MCFG_UPD765_DRQ_CALLBACK(WRITELINE(next_state, fdc_drq)) MCFG_FLOPPY_DRIVE_ADD("fdc:0", next_floppies, "35ed", next_state::floppy_formats) // software list MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("flop_list", "next") MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( nexts, next_fdc_base ) MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", M68040, XTAL_25MHz) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(next_0b_mem) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( nexts2, next_fdc_base ) MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", M68040, XTAL_25MHz) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(next_0b_mem) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( nextsc, next_fdc_base ) MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", M68040, XTAL_25MHz) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(next_2c_mem) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( nextst, next_fdc_base ) MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", M68040, XTAL_33MHz) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(next_0b_mem) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( nextstc, next_fdc_base ) MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", M68040, XTAL_33MHz) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(next_0c_mem) MCFG_SCREEN_MODIFY("screen") MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 832-1, 0, 624-1) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( nextct, next_fdc_base ) MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", M68040, XTAL_33MHz) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(next_0c_mem) MACHINE_CONFIG_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( nextctc, next_fdc_base ) MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", M68040, XTAL_33MHz) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(next_0c_mem) MCFG_SCREEN_MODIFY("screen") MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 832-1, 0, 624-1) MACHINE_CONFIG_END /* ROM definition */ #define ROM_NEXT_V1 \ ROM_REGION32_BE( 0x20000, "user1", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "v12", "v1.2" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 005AD0 */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_1.2.bin", 0x0000, 0x10000, CRC(7070bd78) SHA1(e34418423da61545157e36b084e2068ad41c9e24), ROM_BIOS(1)) /* Label: "(C) 1990 NeXT, Inc. // All Rights Reserved. // Release 1.2 // 1142.02", underlabel exists but unknown */ \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "v10", "v1.0 v41" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 003090 */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_1.0_v41.bin", 0x0000, 0x10000, CRC(54df32b9) SHA1(06e3ecf09ab67a571186efd870e6b44028612371), ROM_BIOS(2)) /* Label: "(C) 1989 NeXT, Inc. // All Rights Reserved. // Release 1.0 // 1142.00", underlabel: "MYF // 1.0.41 // 0D5C" */ \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 2, "v10p", "v1.0 v41 alternate" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 0023D9 */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_1.0_proto.bin", 0x0000, 0x10000, CRC(F44974F9) SHA1(09EAF9F5D47E379CFA0E4DC377758A97D2869DDC), ROM_BIOS(3)) /* Label: "(C) 1989 NeXT, Inc. // All Rights Reserved. // Release 1.0 // 1142.00", no underlabel */ #define ROM_NEXT_V2 \ ROM_REGION32_BE( 0x20000, "user1", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "v25", "v2.5 v66" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 00F302 */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_2.5_v66.bin", 0x0000, 0x20000, CRC(f47e0bfe) SHA1(b3534796abae238a0111299fc406a9349f7fee24), ROM_BIOS(1)) \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "v24", "v2.4 v65" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 00A634 */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_2.4_v65.bin", 0x0000, 0x20000, CRC(74e9e541) SHA1(67d195351288e90818336c3a84d55e6a070960d2), ROM_BIOS(2)) \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 2, "v22", "v2.2 v63" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 00894C */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_2.2_v63.bin", 0x0000, 0x20000, CRC(739D7C07) SHA1(48FFE54CF2038782A92A0850337C5C6213C98571), ROM_BIOS(3)) /* Label: "(C) 1990 NeXT Computer, Inc. // All Rights Reserved. // Release 2.1 // 2918.AB" */ \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 3, "v21", "v2.1 v59" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 0072FE */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_2.1_v59.bin", 0x0000, 0x20000, CRC(f20ef956) SHA1(09586c6de1ca73995f8c9b99870ee3cc9990933a), ROM_BIOS(4)) \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 4, "v12", "v1.2 v58" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 006372 */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_1.2_v58.bin", 0x0000, 0x20000, CRC(B815B6A4) SHA1(97D8B09D03616E1487E69D26609487486DB28090), ROM_BIOS(5)) /* Label: "V58 // (C) 1990 NeXT, Inc. // All Rights Reserved // Release 1.2 // 1142.02" */ #define ROM_NEXT_V3 \ ROM_REGION32_BE( 0x20000, "user1", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "v33", "v3.3 v74" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 123456 */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_3.3_v74.bin", 0x0000, 0x20000, CRC(fbc3a2cd) SHA1(a9bef655f26f97562de366e4a33bb462e764c929), ROM_BIOS(1)) \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "v32", "v3.2 v72" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 012f31 */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_3.2_v72.bin", 0x0000, 0x20000, CRC(e750184f) SHA1(ccebf03ed090a79c36f761265ead6cd66fb04329), ROM_BIOS(2)) \ ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 2, "v30", "v3.0 v70" ) /* MAC address/serial number word at 0xC: 0106e8 */ \ ROMX_LOAD( "rev_3.0_v70.bin", 0x0000, 0x20000, CRC(37250453) SHA1(a7e42bd6a25c61903c8ca113d0b9a624325ee6cf), ROM_BIOS(3)) ROM_START(next) ROM_NEXT_V1 ROM_END ROM_START(nexts) ROM_NEXT_V2 ROM_END ROM_START(nexts2) ROM_NEXT_V2 ROM_END ROM_START(nextsc) ROM_NEXT_V2 ROM_END ROM_START(nextst) ROM_NEXT_V3 ROM_END ROM_START(nextstc) ROM_NEXT_V3 ROM_END ROM_START(nextct) ROM_NEXT_V3 ROM_END ROM_START(nextctc) ROM_NEXT_V3 ROM_END DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(next_state,next) { setup(0x00010002, 1120, 832, 2, false); } DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(next_state,nexts) { setup(0x00011002, 1120, 832, 2, false); } DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(next_state,nexts2) { setup(0x00012102, 1120, 832, 2, false); } DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(next_state,nextsc) { setup(0x00013102, 1120, 832, 16, true); } DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(next_state,nextst) { setup(0x00014103, 1120, 832, 2, false); } DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(next_state,nextstc) { setup(0x00015103, 832, 624, 0, true); } DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(next_state,nextct) { setup(0x00018103, 1120, 832, 0, false); } DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(next_state,nextctc) { setup(0x00019103, 832, 624, 0, true); } /* Driver */ /* YEAR NAME PARENT COMPAT MACHINE INPUT INIT COMPANY FULLNAME FLAGS */ COMP( 1987, next, 0, 0, next, next, next_state, next, "Next Software Inc", "NeXT Cube", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_NO_SOUND) COMP( 1990, nexts, 0, 0, nexts, next, next_state, nexts, "Next Software Inc", "NeXTstation", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_NO_SOUND) COMP( 1990, nexts2, nexts, 0, nexts2, next, next_state, nexts2, "Next Software Inc", "NeXTstation (X15 variant)", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_NO_SOUND) COMP( 1990, nextsc, nexts, 0, nextsc, next, next_state, nextsc, "Next Software Inc", "NeXTstation color", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_NO_SOUND) COMP( 1990, nextst, 0, 0, nextst, next, next_state, nextst, "Next Software Inc", "NeXTstation turbo", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_NO_SOUND) COMP( 1990, nextstc, nextst, 0, nextstc, next, next_state, nextstc, "Next Software Inc", "NeXTstation turbo color", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_NO_SOUND) COMP( ????, nextct, nextst, 0, nextct, next, next_state, nextct, "Next Software Inc", "NeXT Cube turbo", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_NO_SOUND) COMP( ????, nextctc, nextst, 0, nextctc, next, next_state, nextctc, "Next Software Inc", "NeXT Cube turbo color", GAME_NOT_WORKING | GAME_NO_SOUND)