/*************************************************************************** 15IE-00-013 Terminal A serial (RS232 or current loop) green-screen terminal, mostly VT52 compatible (no Hold Screen mode and no graphics character set). Alternate character set (selected by SO/SI chars) is Cyrillic. ****************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "bus/rs232/rs232.h" #include "cpu/ie15/ie15.h" #include "machine/ie15_kbd.h" #include "sound/beep.h" #include "ie15.lh" #define SCREEN_PAGE (80*48) #define IE_TRUE 0x80 #define IE_FALSE 0 #define IE15_TOTAL_HORZ 1000 #define IE15_DISP_HORZ 800 #define IE15_HORZ_START 200 #define IE15_TOTAL_VERT 28*11 #define IE15_DISP_VERT 25*11 #define IE15_VERT_START 2*11 #define IE15_STATUSLINE 11 #define VERBOSE_DBG 1 /* general debug messages */ #define DBG_LOG(N,M,A) \ do { \ if(VERBOSE_DBG>=N) \ { \ if( M ) \ logerror("%11.6f at %s: %-24s",machine().time().as_double(),machine().describe_context(),(char*)M ); \ logerror A; \ } \ } while (0) class ie15_state : public driver_device, public device_serial_interface { public: ie15_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag) : driver_device(mconfig, type, tag), device_serial_interface(mconfig, *this), m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"), m_beeper(*this, "beeper"), m_rs232(*this, "rs232"), m_screen(*this, "screen"), m_io_keyboard(*this, "keyboard") { } virtual void machine_reset(); virtual void video_start(); UINT32 screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); UINT32 screen_update_hle(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); TIMER_DEVICE_CALLBACK_MEMBER( scanline_callback ); DECLARE_WRITE16_MEMBER( kbd_put ); DECLARE_WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( serial_rx_callback ); virtual void rcv_complete(); virtual void tra_callback(); virtual void tra_complete(); virtual void device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( mem_w ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( mem_r ); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( mem_addr_lo_w ); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( mem_addr_hi_w ); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( mem_addr_inc_w ); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( mem_addr_dec_w ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( flag_r ); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( flag_w ); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( beep_w ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( kb_r ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( kb_ready_r ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( kb_s_red_r ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( kb_s_sdv_r ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( kb_s_dk_r ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( kb_s_dupl_r ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( kb_s_lin_r ); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( kb_ready_w ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( serial_tx_ready_r ); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( serial_w ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( serial_rx_ready_r ); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( serial_r ); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( serial_speed_w ); private: TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(ie15_beepoff); void update_leds(); UINT32 draw_scanline(UINT16 *p, UINT16 offset, UINT8 scanline); rectangle m_tmpclip; bitmap_ind16 m_tmpbmp; bitmap_ind16 m_offbmp; const UINT8 *m_p_chargen; UINT8 *m_p_videoram; UINT8 m_long_beep; UINT8 m_kb_control; UINT8 m_kb_data; UINT8 m_kb_flag0; UINT8 m_kb_flag; UINT8 m_kb_ruslat; UINT8 m_latch; struct { UINT8 cursor; UINT8 enable; UINT8 line25; UINT32 ptr1; UINT32 ptr2; } m_video; UINT8 m_serial_rx_ready; UINT8 m_serial_tx_ready; protected: required_device m_maincpu; required_device m_beeper; required_device m_rs232; required_device m_screen; required_ioport m_io_keyboard; }; READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::mem_r ) { UINT8 ret; ret = m_p_videoram[m_video.ptr1]; if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0 && m_video.ptr1 >= SCREEN_PAGE) { DBG_LOG(2,"memory",("R @ %03x == %02x\n", m_video.ptr1, ret)); } m_video.ptr1++; m_video.ptr1 &= 0xfff; m_latch = 0; return ret; } WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::mem_w ) { if ((m_latch ^= 1) == 0) { if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0 && m_video.ptr1 >= SCREEN_PAGE) { DBG_LOG(2,"memory",("W @ %03x <- %02x\n", m_video.ptr1, data)); } m_p_videoram[m_video.ptr1++] = data; m_video.ptr1 &= 0xfff; } } WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::mem_addr_inc_w ) { if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0) { DBG_LOG(2,"memory",("++ %03x\n", m_video.ptr1)); } m_video.ptr1++; m_video.ptr1 &= 0xfff; if (m_video.enable) m_video.ptr2 = m_video.ptr1; } WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::mem_addr_dec_w ) { if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0) { DBG_LOG(2,"memory",("-- %03x\n", m_video.ptr1)); } m_video.ptr1--; m_video.ptr1 &= 0xfff; if (m_video.enable) m_video.ptr2 = m_video.ptr1; } WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::mem_addr_lo_w ) { UINT16 tmp = m_video.ptr1; tmp &= 0xff0; tmp |= ((data >> 4) & 0xf); if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0) { DBG_LOG(2,"memory",("lo %03x <- %02x = %03x\n", m_video.ptr1, data, tmp)); } m_video.ptr1 = tmp; if (m_video.enable) m_video.ptr2 = tmp; } WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::mem_addr_hi_w ) { UINT16 tmp = m_video.ptr1; tmp &= 0xf; tmp |= (data << 4); if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0) { DBG_LOG(2,"memory",("hi %03x <- %02x = %03x\n", m_video.ptr1, data, tmp)); } m_video.ptr1 = tmp; if (m_video.enable) m_video.ptr2 = tmp; } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(ie15_state::ie15_beepoff) { machine().device("beeper")->set_state(0); } WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::beep_w ) { UINT16 length = (m_long_beep & IE_TRUE) ? 150 : 400; if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0) { DBG_LOG(1,"beep",("(%s)\n", m_long_beep ? "short" : "long")); } machine().scheduler().timer_set(attotime::from_msec(length), timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(ie15_state::ie15_beepoff),this)); machine().device("beeper")->set_state(1); } /* keyboard */ // active high READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::kb_r ) { DBG_LOG(2,"keyboard",("R %02X '%c'\n", m_kb_data, m_kb_data < 0x20 ? ' ' : m_kb_data)); return m_kb_data; } // active low READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::kb_ready_r ) { m_kb_flag &= IE_TRUE; if (m_kb_flag != m_kb_flag0) { DBG_LOG(2,"keyboard",("? %c\n", m_kb_flag ? 'n' : 'y')); m_kb_flag0 = m_kb_flag; } return m_kb_flag; } // active low WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::kb_ready_w ) { DBG_LOG(2,"keyboard",("clear ready\n")); m_kb_flag = IE_TRUE | IE_KB_ACK; } // active high; active = interpret controls, inactive = display controls READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::kb_s_red_r ) { return m_io_keyboard->read() & IE_KB_RED ? IE_TRUE : 0; } // active high; active = setup mode READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::kb_s_sdv_r ) { return m_kb_control & IE_KB_SDV ? IE_TRUE : 0; } // active high; active = keypress detected on aux keypad READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::kb_s_dk_r ) { return m_kb_control & IE_KB_DK ? IE_TRUE : 0; } // active low; active = full duplex, inactive = half duplex READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::kb_s_dupl_r ) { return m_io_keyboard->read() & IE_KB_DUP ? IE_TRUE : 0; } // active high; active = on-line, inactive = local editing READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::kb_s_lin_r ) { return m_io_keyboard->read() & IE_KB_LIN ? IE_TRUE : 0; } /* serial port */ void ie15_state::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) { device_serial_interface::device_timer(timer, id, param, ptr); } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( ie15_state::serial_rx_callback ) { device_serial_interface::rx_w(state); } void ie15_state::rcv_complete() { receive_register_extract(); m_serial_rx_ready = IE_FALSE; } void ie15_state::tra_callback() { UINT8 bit = transmit_register_get_data_bit(); m_rs232->write_txd(bit); } void ie15_state::tra_complete() { m_serial_tx_ready = IE_TRUE; } // active low READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::serial_rx_ready_r ) { return m_serial_rx_ready; } // active high READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::serial_tx_ready_r ) { return m_serial_tx_ready; } // not called unless data are ready READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::serial_r ) { UINT8 data; data = get_received_char(); m_serial_rx_ready = IE_TRUE; DBG_LOG(1,"serial",("R %02X '%c'\n", data, data < 0x20?' ':data)); return data; } WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::serial_w ) { DBG_LOG(1,"serial",("W %02X '%c'\n", data, data < 0x20?' ':data)); m_serial_tx_ready = IE_FALSE; transmit_register_setup(data); } WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::serial_speed_w ) { return; } READ8_MEMBER( ie15_state::flag_r ) { UINT8 ret = 0; switch (offset) { case 0: // hsync pulse (not hblank) ret = m_screen->hpos() < IE15_HORZ_START; break; case 1: // marker scanline ret = (m_screen->vpos() % 11) > 7; break; case 2: // vblank ret = !m_screen->vblank(); break; case 4: ret = m_kb_ruslat; break; default: break; } if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0 && ret) { DBG_LOG(2,"flag",("read %d: %d\n", offset, ret)); } return ret; } WRITE8_MEMBER( ie15_state::flag_w ) { switch (offset) { case 0: m_video.enable = data; break; case 1: m_video.cursor = data; break; case 2: m_long_beep = data; break; case 3: m_video.line25 = data; break; case 4: m_kb_ruslat = data; break; default: break; } if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0 && !offset) { DBG_LOG(2,"flag",("%sset %d\n", data?"":"re", offset)); } } static ADDRESS_MAP_START(ie15_mem, AS_PROGRAM, 8, ie15_state) ADDRESS_MAP_UNMAP_HIGH AM_RANGE( 0x0000, 0x0fff ) AM_ROM ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START(ie15_io, AS_IO, 8, ie15_state) ADDRESS_MAP_UNMAP_HIGH AM_RANGE(000, 000) AM_READ(mem_r) AM_WRITE(mem_w) // 00h W: memory request, R: memory data [] AM_RANGE(001, 001) AM_READ(serial_rx_ready_r) AM_WRITENOP // 01h W: memory latch [] AM_RANGE(002, 002) AM_WRITE(mem_addr_hi_w) // 02h W: memory address high [] AM_RANGE(003, 003) AM_WRITE(mem_addr_lo_w) // 03h W: memory address low [] AM_RANGE(004, 004) AM_WRITE(mem_addr_inc_w) // 04h W: memory address counter + [] AM_RANGE(005, 005) AM_WRITE(mem_addr_dec_w) // 05h W: memory address counter - [] AM_RANGE(006, 006) AM_READ(serial_r) AM_WRITE(serial_w) // 06h W: serial port data [] // port 7 is handled in cpu core AM_RANGE(010, 010) AM_READ(serial_tx_ready_r) AM_WRITE(beep_w) // 08h W: speaker control [] AM_RANGE(011, 011) AM_READ(kb_r) // 09h R: keyboard data [] AM_RANGE(012, 012) AM_READ(kb_s_red_r) // 0Ah I: keyboard mode "RED" [] AM_RANGE(013, 013) AM_READ(kb_ready_r) // 0Bh R: keyboard data ready [] AM_RANGE(014, 014) AM_READ(kb_s_sdv_r) AM_WRITE(serial_speed_w) // 0Ch W: serial port speed [], R: keyboard mode "SDV" [] AM_RANGE(015, 015) AM_READ(kb_s_dk_r) AM_WRITE(kb_ready_w) // 0Dh I: keyboard mode "DK" [] AM_RANGE(016, 016) AM_READ(kb_s_dupl_r) // 0Eh I: keyboard mode "DUPL" [] AM_RANGE(017, 017) AM_READ(kb_s_lin_r) // 0Fh I: keyboard mode "LIN" [] // simulation of flag registers AM_RANGE(020, 027) AM_READ(flag_r) AM_WRITE(flag_w) ADDRESS_MAP_END /* Input ports */ static INPUT_PORTS_START( ie15 ) PORT_START("keyboard") PORT_DIPNAME(IE_KB_RED, IE_KB_RED, "RED (Interpret controls)") PORT_DIPSETTING(0x00, "Off") PORT_DIPSETTING(IE_KB_RED, "On") PORT_DIPNAME(IE_KB_DUP, IE_KB_DUP, "DUP (Full duplex)") PORT_DIPSETTING(0x00, "Off") PORT_DIPSETTING(IE_KB_DUP, "On") PORT_DIPNAME(IE_KB_LIN, IE_KB_LIN, "LIN (Online)") PORT_DIPSETTING(0x00, "Off") PORT_DIPSETTING(IE_KB_LIN, "On") INPUT_PORTS_END WRITE16_MEMBER( ie15_state::kbd_put ) { DBG_LOG(2,"keyboard",("W %02X<-%02X '%c' %02X (%c)\n", m_kb_data, data, 'x' /* data < 0x20 ? ' ' : (data & 255) */, m_kb_flag, m_kb_flag ? 'n' : 'y')); m_kb_control = (data >> 8) & 255; // send new key only when firmware has processed previous one if (m_kb_flag == IE_TRUE) { m_kb_data = data & 255; m_kb_flag = 0; } } void ie15_state::machine_reset() { memset(&m_video, 0, sizeof(m_video)); m_kb_ruslat = m_long_beep = m_kb_control = m_kb_data = m_kb_flag0 = 0; m_kb_flag = IE_TRUE; machine().device("beeper")->set_frequency(2400); machine().device("beeper")->set_state(0); m_serial_tx_ready = m_serial_rx_ready = IE_TRUE; set_data_frame(1 /* start bits */, 8 /* data bits */, PARITY_NONE, STOP_BITS_1); // device supports rates from 150 to 9600 baud but null_modem has hardcoded 9600 set_tra_rate(9600); set_rcv_rate(9600); } void ie15_state::video_start() { m_p_chargen = memregion("chargen")->base(); m_p_videoram = memregion("video")->base(); m_video.ptr1 = m_video.ptr2 = m_latch = 0; m_tmpclip = rectangle(0, IE15_DISP_HORZ-1, 0, IE15_DISP_VERT-1); m_tmpbmp.allocate(IE15_DISP_HORZ, IE15_DISP_VERT); m_offbmp.allocate(IE15_DISP_HORZ, 1); if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0) { m_offbmp.fill(0); } } /* Usable raster is 800 x 275 pixels (80 x 25 characters). 24 lines are available to the user and 25th (topmost) line is the status line. Status line, if enabled, displays current serial port speed, 16 setup bits, and clock. There is no NVRAM, so setup bits are always 0 after reset and clock starts counting at 0 XXX. No character attributes are available, but in 'display controls' mode control characters stored in memory are shown as blinking chars. Character cell is 10 x 11; character generator provides 7 x 8 of that. 3 extra horizontal pixels are always blank. Blinking cursor may be displayed on 3 extra scan lines. On each scan line, video board draws 80 characters from any location in video memory; this is used by firmware to provide instant scroll and cursor, which is a character with code 0x7F stored in XXX. Video board output is controlled by - control flag 0 "disable video": 0 == disable - control flag 1 "cursor": 0 == if this scan line is one of extra 3, enable video every 5 frames. - control flag 3 "status line": 0 == current scan line is part of status line - keyboard mode 'RED' ('display controls'): if character code is less than 0x20 and RED is set, enable video every 5 frames; if RED is unset, disable video. XXX 'dotted look' is caused by strobe at 2x pixel clock -- use HLSL for this. */ UINT32 ie15_state::draw_scanline(UINT16 *p, UINT16 offset, UINT8 scanline) { UINT8 gfx, fg, bg, ra, blink, red; UINT16 x, chr; bg = 0; fg = 1; ra = scanline % 8; blink = (m_screen->frame_number() % 10) > 4; red = m_io_keyboard->read() & IE_KB_RED; for (x = offset; x < offset + 80; x++) { chr = m_p_videoram[x] << 3; gfx = m_p_chargen[chr | ra]; if (scanline > 7 && (!m_video.cursor || blink)) gfx = 0; else if (chr < (0x20<<3)) { if (red && blink && m_video.line25) gfx = m_p_chargen[chr | 0x200 | ra]; else gfx = 0; } *p++ = BIT(gfx, 7) ? fg : bg; *p++ = BIT(gfx, 6) ? fg : bg; *p++ = BIT(gfx, 5) ? fg : bg; *p++ = BIT(gfx, 4) ? fg : bg; *p++ = BIT(gfx, 3) ? fg : bg; *p++ = BIT(gfx, 2) ? fg : bg; *p++ = BIT(gfx, 1) ? fg : bg; *p++ = bg; *p++ = bg; *p++ = bg; } return 0; } void ie15_state::update_leds() { UINT8 data = m_io_keyboard->read(); output_set_value("lat_led", m_kb_ruslat ^ 1); output_set_value("nr_led", BIT(m_kb_control, IE_KB_NR_BIT) ^ 1); output_set_value("pch_led", BIT(data, IE_KB_PCH_BIT) ^ 1); output_set_value("dup_led", BIT(data, IE_KB_DUP_BIT) ^ 1); output_set_value("lin_led", BIT(data, IE_KB_LIN_BIT) ^ 1); output_set_value("red_led", BIT(data, IE_KB_RED_BIT) ^ 1); output_set_value("sdv_led", BIT(m_kb_control, IE_KB_SDV_BIT) ^ 1); output_set_value("prd_led", 1); // XXX } /* VBlank is active for 3 topmost on-screen rows and 1 at the bottom; however, control flag 3 overrides VBlank, allowing status line to be switched on and off. */ TIMER_DEVICE_CALLBACK_MEMBER(ie15_state::scanline_callback) { UINT16 y = m_screen->vpos(); DBG_LOG(3,"scanline_cb", ("addr %03x frame %" I64FMT "d x %.4d y %.3d row %.2d e:c:s %d:%d:%d\n", m_video.ptr2, m_screen->frame_number(), m_screen->hpos(), y, y%11, m_video.enable, m_video.cursor, m_video.line25)); if (y < IE15_VERT_START) return; y -= IE15_VERT_START; if (y >= IE15_DISP_VERT) return; if (!m_video.enable || (y < IE15_STATUSLINE && m_video.line25)) { copybitmap( m_tmpbmp, m_offbmp, 0, 0, 0, y, m_tmpclip ); } else { draw_scanline( &m_tmpbmp.pix16(y), m_video.ptr2, y%11 ); } } UINT32 ie15_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { update_leds(); copybitmap(bitmap, m_tmpbmp, 0, 0, IE15_HORZ_START, IE15_VERT_START, cliprect); return 0; } /* F4 Character Displayer */ static const gfx_layout ie15_charlayout = { 7, 8, /* 7x8 pixels in 10x11 cell */ 256, /* 256 characters */ 1, /* 1 bits per pixel */ { 0 }, /* no bitplanes */ /* x offsets */ { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, /* y offsets */ { 0*8, 1*8, 2*8, 3*8, 4*8, 5*8, 6*8, 7*8 }, 8*8 /* every char takes 8 bytes */ }; static GFXDECODE_START( ie15 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY("chargen", 0x0000, ie15_charlayout, 0, 1) GFXDECODE_END static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( ie15, ie15_state ) /* Basic machine hardware */ MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", IE15, XTAL_30_8MHz / 10) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(ie15_mem) MCFG_CPU_IO_MAP(ie15_io) MCFG_TIMER_DRIVER_ADD_PERIODIC("scantimer", ie15_state, scanline_callback, attotime::from_hz(50*28*11)) MCFG_TIMER_START_DELAY(attotime::from_hz(XTAL_30_8MHz/(2*IE15_HORZ_START))) /* Video hardware */ MCFG_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DRIVER(ie15_state, screen_update) MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS(XTAL_30_8MHz/2,IE15_TOTAL_HORZ,IE15_HORZ_START, IE15_HORZ_START+IE15_DISP_HORZ,IE15_TOTAL_VERT,IE15_VERT_START, IE15_VERT_START+IE15_DISP_VERT); MCFG_SCREEN_PALETTE("palette") MCFG_GFXDECODE_ADD("gfxdecode", "palette", ie15) MCFG_PALETTE_ADD_MONOCHROME_GREEN("palette") MCFG_DEFAULT_LAYOUT( layout_ie15 ) /* Devices */ MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("keyboard", IE15_KEYBOARD, 0) MCFG_IE15_KEYBOARD_CB(WRITE16(ie15_state, kbd_put)) MCFG_RS232_PORT_ADD("rs232", default_rs232_devices, NULL) MCFG_RS232_RXD_HANDLER(WRITELINE(ie15_state, serial_rx_callback)) MCFG_DEVICE_MODIFY("rs232") MCFG_SLOT_DEFAULT_OPTION("null_modem") MCFG_SPEAKER_STANDARD_MONO("mono") MCFG_SOUND_ADD("beeper", BEEP, 0) MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS,"mono",0.15) MACHINE_CONFIG_END /* ROM definition */ ROM_START( ie15 ) ROM_REGION( 0x1000, "maincpu", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) ROM_DEFAULT_BIOS("5chip") ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS(0, "5chip", "5-chip firmware (newer)") ROMX_LOAD( "dump1.bin", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(14b82284) SHA1(5ac4159fbb1c3b81445605e26cd97a713ae12b5f),ROM_BIOS(1) ) ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS(1, "6chip", "6-chip firmware (older)") ROMX_LOAD( "dump5.bin", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(01f2e065) SHA1(2b72dc0594e38a528400cd25aed0c47e0c432895),ROM_BIOS(2) ) ROM_REGION( 0x1000, "video", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) ROM_REGION( 0x0800, "chargen", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) ROM_LOAD( "chargen-15ie.bin", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(ed16bf6b) SHA1(6af9fb75f5375943d5c0ce9ed408e0fb4621b17e) ) ROM_END /* Driver */ /* YEAR NAME PARENT COMPAT MACHINE INPUT INIT COMPANY FULLNAME FLAGS */ COMP( 1980, ie15, 0, 0, ie15, ie15, driver_device, 0, "USSR", "15IE-00-013", 0)