// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Bryan McPhail, Angelo Salese #include "emu.h" #include "includes/tatsumi.h" #include "screen.h" /********************************** * * Common routines * *********************************/ // TODO: move into device WRITE8_MEMBER(tatsumi_state::hd6445_crt_w) { if (offset==0) m_hd6445_address = data & 0x3f; if (offset==1) { m_hd6445_reg[m_hd6445_address] = data; static char const *const regnames[40] = { "Horizontal Total Characters", "Horizontal Displayed Characters", "Horizontal Sync Position", "Sync Width", "Vertical Total Rows", "Vertical Total Adjust", "Vertical Displayed Rows", "Vertical Sync Position", "Interlace Mode and Skew", "Max Raster Address", "Cursor 1 Start", "Cursor 1 End", "Screen 1 Start Address (H)", "Screen 1 Start Address (L)", "Cursor 1 Address (H)", "Cursor 1 Address (L)", "Light Pen (H) (RO)", "Light Pen (L) (RO)", "Screen 2 Start Position", "Screen 2 Start Address (H)", "Screen 2 Start Address (L)", "Screen 3 Start Position", "Screen 3 Start Address (H)", "Screen 3 Start Address (L)", "Screen 4 Start Position", "Screen 4 Start Address (H)", "Screen 4 Start Address (L)", "Vertical Sync Position Adjust", "Light Pen Raster (RO)", "Smooth Scrolling", "Control 1", "Control 2", "Control 3", "Memory Width Offset", "Cursor 2 Start", "Cursor 2 End", "Cursor 2 Address (H)", "Cursor 2 Address (L)", "Cursor 1 Width", "Cursor 2 Width" }; if(m_hd6445_address < 40) logerror("HD6445: register %s [%02x R%d] set %02x\n",regnames[m_hd6445_address],m_hd6445_address,m_hd6445_address,data); else logerror("HD6445: illegal register access [%02x R%d] set %02x\n",m_hd6445_address,m_hd6445_address,data); } } READ16_MEMBER(tatsumi_state::tatsumi_sprite_control_r) { return m_sprite_control_ram[offset]; } WRITE16_MEMBER(tatsumi_state::tatsumi_sprite_control_w) { COMBINE_DATA(&m_sprite_control_ram[offset]); /* 0xe0 is bank switch, others unknown */ // if ((offset==0xe0 && data&0xefff) || offset!=0xe0) // logerror("%s: Tatsumi TZB215 sprite control %04x %08x\n", m_maincpu->pc(), offset, data); } // apply shadowing to underlying layers // TODO: it might mix up with the lower palette bank instead (color bank 0x1400?) void tatsumi_state::apply_shadow_bitmap(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, bitmap_ind8 &shadow_bitmap, uint8_t xor_output) { for(int y=cliprect.min_y;y> 1,shadow_pen.g() >> 1, shadow_pen.b() >> 1); } } } } WRITE16_MEMBER(tatsumi_state::text_w) { uint16_t *videoram = m_videoram; COMBINE_DATA(&videoram[offset]); m_tx_layer->mark_tile_dirty(offset); } TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(tatsumi_state::get_text_tile_info) { int tile = m_videoram[tile_index]; SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(1, tile & 0xfff, tile >> 12, 0); } template inline void tatsumi_state::roundupt_drawgfxzoomrotate( _BitmapClass &dest_bmp, const rectangle &clip, gfx_element *gfx, uint32_t code,uint32_t color,int flipx,int flipy,uint32_t ssx,uint32_t ssy, int scalex, int scaley, int rotate, int write_priority_only ) { rectangle myclip; if (!scalex || !scaley) return; /* scalex and scaley are 16.16 fixed point numbers 1<<15 : shrink to 50% 1<<16 : uniform scale 1<<17 : double to 200% */ /* KW 991012 -- Added code to force clip to bitmap boundary */ myclip = clip; myclip &= dest_bmp.cliprect(); { if( gfx ) { const pen_t *pal = &m_palette->pen(gfx->colorbase() + gfx->granularity() * (color % gfx->colors())); const uint8_t *shadow_pens = m_shadow_pen_array.get() + (gfx->granularity() * (color % gfx->colors())); const uint8_t *code_base = gfx->get_data(code % gfx->elements()); int block_size = 8 * scalex; int sprite_screen_height = ((ssy&0xffff)+block_size)>>16; int sprite_screen_width = ((ssx&0xffff)+block_size)>>16; if (sprite_screen_width && sprite_screen_height) { /* compute sprite increment per screen pixel */ int dx = (gfx->width()<<16)/sprite_screen_width; int dy = (gfx->height()<<16)/sprite_screen_height; int sx;//=ssx>>16; int sy;//=ssy>>16; // int ex = sx+sprite_screen_width; // int ey = sy+sprite_screen_height; int x_index_base; int y_index; int ex,ey; int incxx=0x10000;//(int)((float)dx * cos(theta)); // int incxy=0x0;//(int)((float)dy * -sin(theta)); int incyx=0x0;//(int)((float)dx * sin(theta)); // int incyy=0x10000;//(int)((float)dy * cos(theta)); if (flipx) { } if (ssx&0x80000000) sx=0-(0x10000 - (ssx>>16)); else sx=ssx>>16; if (ssy&0x80000000) sy=0-(0x10000 - (ssy>>16)); else sy=ssy>>16; ex = sx+sprite_screen_width; ey = sy+sprite_screen_height; if( flipx ) { x_index_base = (sprite_screen_width-1)*dx; dx = -dx; incxx=-incxx; incyx=-incyx; } else { x_index_base = 0; } if( flipy ) { y_index = (sprite_screen_height-1)*dy; dy = -dy; } else { y_index = 0; } if( sx < myclip.min_x) { /* clip left */ int pixels = myclip.min_x-sx; sx += pixels; x_index_base += pixels*dx; } if( sy < myclip.min_y ) { /* clip top */ int pixels = myclip.min_y-sy; sy += pixels; y_index += pixels*dy; } /* NS 980211 - fixed incorrect clipping */ if( ex > myclip.max_x+1 ) { /* clip right */ int pixels = ex-myclip.max_x-1; ex -= pixels; } if( ey > myclip.max_y+1 ) { /* clip bottom */ int pixels = ey-myclip.max_y-1; ey -= pixels; } if( ex>sx ) { /* skip if inner loop doesn't draw anything */ int y; #if 0 { { int startx=0; int starty=0; // int incxx=0x10000; // int incxy=0; // int incyx=0; // int incyy=0x10000; double theta=rotate * ((2.0 * M_PI)/512.0); double c=cos(theta); double s=sin(theta); // if (ey-sy > 0) // dy=dy / (ey-sy); { float angleAsRadians=(float)rotate * (7.28f / 512.0f); //float ccx = cosf(angleAsRadians); //float ccy = sinf(angleAsRadians); float a=0; } for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->rowbytes(); int c = source[(cx >> 16)]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (write_priority_only) dest[x]=shadow_pens[c]; else dest[x]=pal[c]; } cx += incxx; cy += incxy; } startx += incyx; starty += incyy; } } } #endif #if 1 // old { { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->rowbytes(); typename _BitmapClass::pixel_t *dest = &dest_bmp.pix(y); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c ) { // Only draw shadow pens if writing priority buffer if (write_priority_only) dest[x]=shadow_pens[c]; else if (!shadow_pens[c]) dest[x]=pal[c]; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } #endif } } } } } static void mycopyrozbitmap_core(bitmap_ind8 &bitmap,bitmap_rgb32 &srcbitmap, int dstx, int dsty, int srcwidth, int srcheight, int incxx, int incxy, int incyx, int incyy, const rectangle &clip, int transparent_color) { } static void mycopyrozbitmap_core(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap,bitmap_rgb32 &srcbitmap, int dstx, int dsty, int srcwidth, int srcheight, int incxx, int incxy, int incyx, int incyy, const rectangle &clip, int transparent_color) { uint32_t cx; uint32_t cy; int x; int sx; int sy; int ex; int ey; // const int xmask = srcbitmap.width()-1; // const int ymask = srcbitmap.height()-1; const int widthshifted = srcwidth << 16; const int heightshifted = srcheight << 16; uint32_t *dest; uint32_t startx=0; uint32_t starty=0; sx = dstx; sy = dsty; ex = dstx + srcwidth; ey = dsty + srcheight; if (sxclip.max_x) ex=clip.max_x; if (syclip.max_y) ey=clip.max_y; if (sx <= ex) { while (sy <= ey) { x = sx; cx = startx; cy = starty; dest = &bitmap.pix32(sy, sx); while (x <= ex) { if (cx < widthshifted && cy < heightshifted) { int c = srcbitmap.pix32(cy >> 16, cx >> 16); if (c != transparent_color) *dest = c; } cx += incxx; cy += incxy; x++; dest++; } startx += incyx; starty += incyy; sy++; } } } template void tatsumi_state::draw_sprites(_BitmapClass &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int write_priority_only, int rambank) { int offs, flip_x, flip_y, x, y, color; int w, h, index, lines, scale, rotate; uint8_t *src1, *src2; int y_offset; int render_x, render_y; int extent_x, extent_y; // Sprite data is double buffered for (offs = rambank;offs < rambank + 0x800;offs += 6) { /* Sprite RAM itself uses an index into two ROM tables to actually draw the object. Sprite RAM format: Word 0: 0xf000 - ? 0x0fff - Index into ROM sprite table Word 1: 0x8000 - X Flip 0x4000 - Y Flip 0x3000 - ? 0x0ff8 - Color 0x0007 - ? Word 2: 0xffff - X position Word 3: 0xffff - Y position Word 4: 0x01ff - Scale Word 5: 0x01ff - Rotation Sprite ROM table format, alternate lines come from each bank, with the very first line indicating control information: First bank: Byte 0: Y destination offset (in scanlines, unaffected by scale). Byte 1: Always 0? Byte 2: Number of source scanlines to render from (so unaffected by destination scale). Byte 3: Usually 0, sometimes 0x80?? Other banks: Byte 0: Width of line in tiles (-1) Byte 1: X offset to start drawing line at (multipled by scale * 8) Bytes 2/3: Tile index to start fetching tiles from (increments per tile). */ y = m_spriteram[offs+3]; x = m_spriteram[offs+2]; scale = m_spriteram[offs+4] & 0x1ff; color = m_spriteram[offs+1] >> 3 & 0x1ff; flip_x = m_spriteram[offs+1] & 0x8000; flip_y = m_spriteram[offs+1] & 0x4000; rotate = 0;//m_spriteram[offs+5]&0x1ff; // Todo: Turned off for now index = m_spriteram[offs]; // if (m_spriteram[offs+1]&0x7) // color=machine().rand()%0xff; /* End of sprite list marker */ if (index == 0xffff || m_spriteram[offs + 4] == 0xffff) // todo return; if (index >= 0x4000) continue; src1 = m_rom_sprite_lookup[0] + (index * 4); src2 = m_rom_sprite_lookup[1] + (index * 4); lines = src1[2]; y_offset = src1[0]&0xf8; lines -= y_offset; render_x = x << 16; render_y = y << 16; scale = scale << 9; /* 0x80 becomes 0x10000 */ if (flip_y) render_y -= y_offset * scale; else render_y += y_offset * scale; if (rotate) { render_y = 0; m_temp_bitmap.fill(0); } extent_x = extent_y = 0; src1 += 4; h = 0; while (lines > 0) { int base, x_offs, x_width, x_pos, draw_this_line = 1; int this_extent = 0; /* Odd and even lines come from different banks */ if (h & 1) { x_width = src1[0] + 1; x_offs = src1[1] * scale * 8; base = src1[2] | (src1[3] << 8); } else { x_width = src2[0] + 1; x_offs = src2[1] * scale * 8; base = src2[2] | (src2[3] << 8); } if (draw_this_line) { base *= 2; if (!rotate) { if (flip_x) x_pos = render_x - x_offs - scale * 8; else x_pos = render_x + x_offs; } else x_pos = x_offs; for (w = 0; w < x_width; w++) { if (rotate) roundupt_drawgfxzoomrotate( m_temp_bitmap,cliprect,m_gfxdecode->gfx(0), base, color,flip_x,flip_y,x_pos,render_y, scale,scale,0,write_priority_only); else roundupt_drawgfxzoomrotate( bitmap,cliprect,m_gfxdecode->gfx(0), base, color,flip_x,flip_y,x_pos,render_y, scale,scale,0,write_priority_only); base++; if (flip_x) x_pos -= scale * 8; else x_pos += scale * 8; this_extent += scale * 8; } if (h & 1) src1 += 4; else src2 += 4; if (this_extent > extent_x) extent_x = this_extent; this_extent = 0; if (flip_y) render_y -= 8 * scale; else render_y += 8 * scale; extent_y += 8 * scale; h++; lines -= 8; } else { h = 32; // hack } } if (rotate) { double theta = rotate * ((2.0 * M_PI) / 512.0); int incxx = (int)(65536.0 * cos(theta)); int incxy = (int)(65536.0 * -sin(theta)); int incyx = (int)(65536.0 * sin(theta)); int incyy = (int)(65536.0 * cos(theta)); extent_x = extent_x >> 16; extent_y = extent_y >> 16; if (extent_x > 2 && extent_y > 2) mycopyrozbitmap_core(bitmap, m_temp_bitmap, x/* + (extent_x/2)*/, y /*+ (extent_y/2)*/, extent_x, extent_y, incxx, incxy, incyx, incyy, cliprect, 0); } } } /* * Object palettes are build from a series of cluts stored in the object roms. * * We update 'Mame palettes' from the clut here in order to simplify the * draw routines. We also note down any uses of the 'shadow' pen (index 255). */ void tatsumi_state::update_cluts(int fake_palette_offset, int object_base, int length) { int i; const uint8_t* bank1 = m_rom_clut[0]; const uint8_t* bank2 = m_rom_clut[1]; for (i=0; iset_pen_color(fake_palette_offset+i+0,m_palette->pen_color(bank1[1]+object_base)); m_shadow_pen_array[i+0]=(bank1[1]==255); m_palette->set_pen_color(fake_palette_offset+i+1,m_palette->pen_color(bank1[0]+object_base)); m_shadow_pen_array[i+1]=(bank1[0]==255); m_palette->set_pen_color(fake_palette_offset+i+2,m_palette->pen_color(bank1[3]+object_base)); m_shadow_pen_array[i+2]=(bank1[3]==255); m_palette->set_pen_color(fake_palette_offset+i+3,m_palette->pen_color(bank1[2]+object_base)); m_shadow_pen_array[i+3]=(bank1[2]==255); m_palette->set_pen_color(fake_palette_offset+i+4,m_palette->pen_color(bank2[1]+object_base)); m_shadow_pen_array[i+4]=(bank2[1]==255); m_palette->set_pen_color(fake_palette_offset+i+5,m_palette->pen_color(bank2[0]+object_base)); m_shadow_pen_array[i+5]=(bank2[0]==255); m_palette->set_pen_color(fake_palette_offset+i+6,m_palette->pen_color(bank2[3]+object_base)); m_shadow_pen_array[i+6]=(bank2[3]==255); m_palette->set_pen_color(fake_palette_offset+i+7,m_palette->pen_color(bank2[2]+object_base)); m_shadow_pen_array[i+7]=(bank2[2]==255); bank1+=4; bank2+=4; } } /********************************** * * Apache 3 * *********************************/ WRITE16_MEMBER(apache3_state::apache3_road_z_w) { m_apache3_road_z = data & 0xff; } WRITE8_MEMBER(apache3_state::apache3_road_x_w) { // Note: Double buffered. Yes, this is correct :) m_apache3_road_x_ram[data] = offset; } void apache3_state::draw_sky(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect, int palette_base, int start_offset) { // all todo int x,y; if (start_offset&0x8000) start_offset=-(0x10000 - start_offset); start_offset=-start_offset; start_offset-=48; for (y=0; y<256; y++) { for (x=0; x<320; x++) { int col=palette_base + y + start_offset; if (colpalette_base+127) col=palette_base+127; bitmap.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(col); } } } /* Draw the sky and ground, applying rotation (eventually). Experimental! */ void apache3_state::draw_ground(bitmap_rgb32 &dst, const rectangle &cliprect) { if (0) { int x, y; uint16_t gva = 0x180; // TODO uint8_t sky_val = m_apache3_rotate_ctrl[1] & 0xff; for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; ++y) { uint16_t rgdb = 0;//m_apache3_road_x_ram[gva & 0xff]; uint16_t gha = 0xf60; // test int ln = (((m_apache3_prom[gva & 0x7f] & 0x7f) + (m_apache3_road_z & 0x7f)) >> 5) & 3; if (gva & 0x100) { /* Sky */ for (x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; ++x) { dst.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(0x100 + (sky_val & 0x7f)); /* Update horizontal counter? */ gha = (gha + 1) & 0xfff; } } else { /* Ground */ for (x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; ++x) { uint8_t colour; uint16_t hval; uint8_t pixels; int pix_sel; hval = (rgdb + gha) & 0xfff; // Not quite if (hval & 0x800) hval ^= 0x1ff; // TEST //else //hval = hval; pixels = m_apache3_g_ram[(((gva & 0xff) << 7) | ((hval >> 2) & 0x7f))]; pix_sel = hval & 3; colour = (pixels >> (pix_sel << 1)) & 3; colour = (BIT(hval, 11) << 4) | (colour << 2) | ln; /* Draw the pixel */ dst.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(0x200 + colour); /* Update horizontal counter */ gha = (gha + 1) & 0xfff; } } /* Update sky counter */ sky_val++; gva = (gva + 1) & 0x1ff; } } } VIDEO_START_MEMBER(apache3_state,apache3) { m_tx_layer = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(tatsumi_state::get_text_tile_info)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 64,64); m_shadow_pen_array = make_unique_clear(8192); m_temp_bitmap.allocate(512, 512); m_apache3_road_x_ram = std::make_unique(512); m_tx_layer->set_transparent_pen(0); } uint32_t apache3_state::screen_update_apache3(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { update_cluts(1024, 0, 2048+2048); m_tx_layer->set_scrollx(0,24); bitmap.fill(m_palette->pen(0), cliprect); screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect); draw_sprites(screen.priority(),cliprect,1,(m_sprite_control_ram[0xe0]&0x1000) ? 0x1000 : 0); // Alpha pass only draw_sky(bitmap, cliprect, 256, m_apache3_rotate_ctrl[1]); apply_shadow_bitmap(bitmap,cliprect,screen.priority(), 0); // draw_ground(bitmap, cliprect); draw_sprites(bitmap,cliprect,0, (m_sprite_control_ram[0x20]&0x1000) ? 0x1000 : 0); m_tx_layer->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0,0); return 0; } /********************************** * * Round Up 5 * *********************************/ READ8_MEMBER(roundup5_state::gfxdata_r) { if((m_control_word & 0x200) == 0x200) { offset += (m_control_word & 0x6000) << 2; return m_bg_gfxram[offset]; } offset+=((m_control_word&0x0c00)>>10) * 0x8000; return m_tx_gfxram[offset]; } WRITE8_MEMBER(roundup5_state::gfxdata_w) { if((m_control_word & 0x200) == 0x200) { offset += (m_control_word & 0x6000) << 2; m_bg_gfxram[offset] = data; return; } offset+=((m_control_word&0x0c00)>>10) * 0x8000; if (offset>=0x18000 && data) logerror("effective write to vram %06x %02x (control %04x)\n",offset,data,m_control_word); m_tx_gfxram[offset] = data; offset=offset%0x8000; m_gfxdecode->gfx(1)->mark_dirty(offset/8); } VIDEO_START_MEMBER(roundup5_state,roundup5) { m_tx_layer = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(tatsumi_state::get_text_tile_info)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 128,64); m_shadow_pen_array = make_unique_clear(8192); m_tx_gfxram = std::make_unique(0x20000); m_bg_gfxram = std::make_unique(0x20000); m_tx_layer->set_transparent_pen(0); m_gfxdecode->gfx(1)->set_source(m_tx_gfxram.get()); save_pointer(NAME(m_tx_gfxram), 0x20000); save_pointer(NAME(m_bg_gfxram), 0x20000); } void roundup5_state::draw_road(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { /* 0xf980 0x0008 0x8c80 0x4a00 - road right to below, width unknown (32 pixels guess) 0xfa80 0x0008 0x8c80 0x4a00 - road right to below, width unknown (32 pixels guess) 0xfb80 0x0008 0x8c80 0x4a00 - road in middle of screen, width unknown (32 pixels guess) 0xfc80 0x0008 0x8c80 0x4a00 - road width above to left, same width as above (ie, xpos - 32) 0xfd80 0x0008 0x8c80 0x4a00 - road width above to left, same width as above (ie, xpos - 32) 0xfe80 0x0008 0x8c80 0x4a00 - road width above to left, same width as above (ie, xpos - 32) 0xff80 0x0008 0x8c80 0x4a00 - road width above to left, same width as above (ie, xpos - 32) 0x0001 - road half/width above to left, (ie, xpos - 16) 0x0081 - road width to left as usual (xpos-16 from above, or 32 from above2) 0xfb0b 0x210b 0x8cf5 0x0dea - blue & left & right, with blue|----|----|----|----|blue in this mode changing columns 2 & 3 have no apparent effect 0xfb0b 0x7b09 0x8cf5 0x0dea - as above, but scaled up - perhaps 18 pixels shifted (twice that overall size) 0xfb0b 0x6c07 0x8cf5 0x0dea - as above, but scaled up - perhaps 40 pixels shifted from above 0xfb0b 0xaa06 0x8cf5 0x0dea - as above, but scaled up - perhaps 16 pixels shifted from above 0xfb0b 0xb005 0x8cf5 0x0dea - as above, but scaled up - perhaps 38 pixels shifted from above b21 diff is 1a6 97b 20f 76c c2 6aa fa 5b0 0x0000 0x0008 0xxxxx 0xxxx - line starting at 0 for 128 pixels - 1 to 1 with road pixel data 0xff00 0x0008 0xxxxx 0xxxx - line starting at 32 for 128 pixels - 1 to 1 with road pixel data 0xfe00 0x0008 0xxxxx 0xxxx - line starting at 64 for 128 pixels - 1 to 1 with road pixel data at standard zoom (0x800) shift of 0x100 moves 32 pixels so shift of 8 is assumed to move 1 pixel at double zoom (0x1000) assume shift of 0x100 only moves 16 pixels so 0x100 * 0x400 => 0x40 0x100 * step 0x800 = must come out at 0x20 0x100 * step 0x1000 = must come out at 0x10 0x100 * step 0x2000 = 0x5 pos is 11.5 fixed point -0x580 = middle -0x180 -0x080 0 0x80 */ int y,x; int visible_line=0; const uint16_t *data = m_road_ctrl_ram; // Road layer enable (?) if ((m_vregs[0x1]&0x1)==0) return; // Road data bank select (double buffered) if (m_road_vregs[0]&0x10) data+=0x400; // Apply clipping: global screen + local road y offsets y = 256 - ((m_vregs[0xa/2] >> 8) + m_road_yclip[0]); data+=y*4; visible_line=0; for (/*y=0*/; y>8)&0xf; int step=((data[1]&0xff)<<8)|((data[1]&0xff00)>>8); int samplePos=0; const uint16_t* linedata=m_road_pixel_ram;// + (0x100 * pal); int startPos=0, endPos=0; int palette_byte;//=m_road_color_ram[visible_line/8]; /* Each road line consists of up to two sets of 128 pixel data that can be positioned on the x-axis and stretched/compressed on the x-axis. Any screen pixels to the left of the first set are drawn with pen 0 of the road pixel data. Any screen pixels to the right of the second set line are drawn with pen 127 of the road pixel data. The road control data is laid out as follows (4 words per screen line, with 2 banks): Word 0: Line shift for 1st set - 13.3 signed fixed point value. Word 1: Line scale - 5.11 fixed point value. So 0x800 is 1:1, 0x400 is 1:2, etc Word 2: Line shift for 2nd set - 13.3 signed fixed point value. Word 3: ? The scale is shared between both pixel sets. The 2nd set is only used when the road forks into two between stages. The 2nd line shift is an offset from the last pixel of the 1st set. The 2nd line shift uses a different palette bank. 2nd road uses upper palette - confirmed by water stage. offset is from last pixel of first road segment? //last pixel of first road is really colour from 2nd road line? */ palette_byte=m_road_color_ram[visible_line/8]; pal = 4 + ((palette_byte>>(visible_line%8))&1); visible_line++; if (shift&0x8000) shift=-(0x10000 - shift); shift=-shift; if (step) startPos=((shift<<8) + 0x80 )/ step; /* Fill in left of road segment */ for (x=0; (x < startPos) && (x < cliprect.max_x+1); x++) { int col = linedata[0]&0xf; bitmap.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(256 + pal*16 + col); } /* If startpos is negative, clip it and adjust the sampling position accordingly */ if (startPos<0) { samplePos=step*(0-startPos); startPos=0; } else { samplePos=0; } /* Fill in main part of road, then right-hand side edge */ for (x=startPos; x < (cliprect.max_x + 1) && ((samplePos>>11)<0x80); x++) { // look up colour int col = linedata[(samplePos>>11)&0x7f]&0xf; /* Clamp if we have reached the end of the pixel data */ //if ((samplePos>>11) > 0x7f) // col=linedata[0x7f]&0xf; bitmap.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(256 + pal*16 + col); samplePos+=step; } /* Now work out how many pixels until start of 2nd segment */ startPos=x; if (shift2&0x8000) shift2=-(0x10000 - shift2); shift2=-shift2; if (step) endPos=((shift2<<8) + 0x80) / step; else endPos=0; endPos-=128; endPos=startPos+endPos; /* Fill pixels */ for (x=startPos; x < (cliprect.max_x+1) && (x < endPos); x++) { int col = linedata[0x80]&0xf; /* Clamp if we have reached the end of the pixel data */ //if ((samplePos>>11) > 0x7f) // col=linedata[0x7f]&0xf; bitmap.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(256 + pal*16 + col + 32); } if (endPos<0) { // end of left intersection (taking right turn) samplePos=step*(0-startPos); } else if (endPos>11)&0x7f) + 0x200]&0xf; /* Clamp if we have reached the end of the pixel data */ if ((samplePos>>11) > 0x7f) col=linedata[0x7f + 0x200]&0xf; bitmap.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(256 + pal*16 + col + 32); samplePos+=step; } data+=4; } } // background layer landscape for Round Up 5 // two bitmap layers, back layer is 512 x 128, the other one is 512 x 64 // it's safe to assume that three monitor version will have a different arrangement here ... void roundup5_state::draw_landscape(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, uint8_t type) { // TODO: guess, assume back layer having less scroll increment than front for parallax scrolling. // also notice that m_vregs[8/2] >> 8 is identical to [0x0c/2], always? uint16_t x_base = type ? m_bg_scrollx[0] : m_vregs[0xc/2]; // TODO: maybe [0xa/2] applies here as well? uint16_t y_base = m_bg_scrolly[0] & 0x1ff; uint16_t y_scroll = 0x180 - y_base; uint32_t base_offset; uint16_t color_base = type ? 0x100 : 0x110; int ysize = type ? 64 : 128; base_offset = 0x10000 + type * 0x8000; if(type) y_scroll += 64; //popmessage("%04x %04x %04x",m_vregs[8/2],m_vregs[0xc/2],m_bg_scrollx[0]); for(int y = 0; y < ysize; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < 512; x++) { int res_x = (x_base + x) & 0x1ff; uint32_t color = m_bg_gfxram[(res_x >> 1)+y*256+base_offset]; if(res_x & 1) color >>= 4; color &= 0xf; if(cliprect.contains(x, y+y_scroll) && color) bitmap.pix32(y+y_scroll, x) = m_palette->pen(color+color_base); } } } uint32_t roundup5_state::screen_update_roundup5(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { int tx_start_addr; tx_start_addr = (m_hd6445_reg[0xc] << 8) | (m_hd6445_reg[0xd]); tx_start_addr &= 0x3fff; update_cluts(1024, 512, 4096); m_tx_layer->set_scrollx(0,24); m_tx_layer->set_scrolly(0,(tx_start_addr >> 4) | m_hd6445_reg[0x1d]); bitmap.fill(m_palette->pen(384), cliprect); // todo screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect); draw_sprites(screen.priority(),cliprect,1,(m_sprite_control_ram[0xe0]&0x1000) ? 0x1000 : 0); // Alpha pass only draw_landscape(bitmap,cliprect,0); draw_landscape(bitmap,cliprect,1); draw_road(bitmap,cliprect); apply_shadow_bitmap(bitmap,cliprect,screen.priority(), 0); if(m_control_word & 0x80) // enabled on map screen after a play { m_tx_layer->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0,0); draw_sprites(bitmap,cliprect,0,(m_sprite_control_ram[0xe0]&0x1000) ? 0x1000 : 0); // Full pass } else { draw_sprites(bitmap,cliprect,0,(m_sprite_control_ram[0xe0]&0x1000) ? 0x1000 : 0); // Full pass m_tx_layer->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0,0); } return 0; } /********************************** * * Cycle Warriors / Big Fight * *********************************/ /* * these video registers never changes * * Big Fight * 72f2 5af2 3af2 22fa * * Cycle Warriors * 5673 92c2 3673 267b * * Following is complete guesswork (since nothing changes it's very hard to pinpoint what these bits do :/) * Layer order is 3-1-2-0 ? * x--- -x-- ---- ---- one of these might be enable page select * ---- ---- x--- ---- tilemap size * ---x ---- ---- x--- one these might be color bank * */ WRITE16_MEMBER(cyclwarr_state::video_config_w) { COMBINE_DATA(&m_video_config[offset]); } // mixing control (seems to be available only for Big Fight and Cycle Warriors) // --x- ---- enabled in Big Fight, disabled in Cycle Warriors (unknown purpose) // ---- -x-- enable shadow mixing // ---- ---x if 1 invert shadows, i.e. shadows are drawn with original pen while non shadows are halved (Chen stage in Big Fight) WRITE16_MEMBER(cyclwarr_state::mixing_control_w) { COMBINE_DATA(&m_mixing_control); } template TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_bigfight) { int tile = m_cyclwarr_videoram[Bank >> 1][tile_index&0x7fff]; int bank = (m_bigfight_a40000[0] >> (((tile&0xc00)>>10)*4))&0xf; uint16_t tileno = (tile&0x3ff)|(bank<<10); // color is bits 12-13 uint8_t color = (tile >> 12) & 0x3; // all layers but 0 wants this palette bank (fade in/out effects) // a similar result is obtainable with priority bit, but then it's wrong for // Big Fight CRT test (dark red background) and character name bio in attract mode (reference shows it doesn't fade in like rest of text) // TODO: likely an HW config sets this up if(Bank != 0) color |= 4; // bit 14: ignore transparency on this tile int opaque = ((tile >> 14) & 1) == 1; SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(1, tileno, color, opaque ? TILE_FORCE_LAYER0 : 0); // bit 15: tile appears in front of sprites tileinfo.category = (tile >> 15) & 1; tileinfo.mask_data = &m_mask[tileno<<3]; } // same as above but additionally apply per-scanline color banking // TODO: split for simplicity, need to merge with above template TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_cyclwarr_road) { int tile = m_cyclwarr_videoram[Bank >> 1][tile_index&0x7fff]; int bank = (m_bigfight_a40000[0] >> (((tile&0xc00)>>10)*4))&0xf; uint16_t tileno = (tile&0x3ff)|(bank<<10); uint8_t color = (tile >> 12) & 0x3; // if(Bank != 0) color |= 4; int opaque = ((tile >> 14) & 1) == 1; SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(1, tileno, color | m_road_color_bank, opaque ? TILE_FORCE_LAYER0 : 0); tileinfo.category = (tile >> 15) & 1; tileinfo.mask_data = &m_mask[((tile&0x3ff)|(bank<<10))<<3]; } void cyclwarr_state::tile_expand() { /* Each tile (0x4000 of them) has a lookup table in ROM to build an individual 3-bit palette from sets of 8 bit palettes! */ gfx_element *gx0 = m_gfxdecode->gfx(1); m_mask.resize(gx0->elements() << 3,0); uint8_t *srcdata, *dest; // allocate memory for the assembled data srcdata = auto_alloc_array(machine(), uint8_t, gx0->elements() * gx0->width() * gx0->height()); // loop over elements dest = srcdata; for (int c = 0; c < gx0->elements(); c++) { const uint8_t *c0base = gx0->get_data(c); // loop over height for (int y = 0; y < gx0->height(); y++) { const uint8_t *c0 = c0base; for (int x = 0; x < gx0->width(); x++) { uint8_t pix = (*c0++ & 7); uint8_t respix = m_cyclwarr_tileclut[(c << 3)|pix]; *dest++ = respix; // Transparent pixels are set by both the tile pixel data==0 AND colour palette & 7 == 0 m_mask[(c << 3) | (y & 7)] |= ((pix&0x7)!=0 || ((pix&0x7)==0 && (respix&0x7)!=0)) ? (0x80 >> (x & 7)) : 0; } c0base += gx0->rowbytes(); } } gx0->set_raw_layout(srcdata, gx0->width(), gx0->height(), gx0->elements(), 8 * gx0->width(), 8 * gx0->width() * gx0->height()); gx0->set_granularity(256); } VIDEO_START_MEMBER(cyclwarr_state,cyclwarr) { tile_expand(); m_layer[0] = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_bigfight<0>)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 64,512); m_layer[1] = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_cyclwarr_road<1>)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 128,256); m_layer[2] = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_bigfight<2>)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 64,512); m_layer[3] = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_bigfight<3>)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 64,512); m_shadow_pen_array = make_unique_clear(8192); // set up scroll bases // TODO: more HW configs m_layer[3]->set_scrolldx(-8,-8); m_layer_page_size[3] = 0x200; m_layer[2]->set_scrolldx(-8,-8); m_layer_page_size[2] = 0x200; m_layer[1]->set_scrolldx(-8,-8); m_layer_page_size[1] = 0x200; m_layer[0]->set_scrolldx(-0x10,-0x10); m_layer_page_size[0] = 0x100; m_layer1_can_be_road = true; } VIDEO_START_MEMBER(cyclwarr_state,bigfight) { tile_expand(); m_layer[0] = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_bigfight<0>)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 128,256); m_layer[1] = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_bigfight<1>)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 128,256); m_layer[2] = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_bigfight<2>)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 128,256); m_layer[3] = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(cyclwarr_state::get_tile_info_bigfight<3>)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 128,256); m_shadow_pen_array = make_unique_clear(8192); // set up scroll bases // TODO: more HW configs m_layer[3]->set_scrolldx(-8,-8); m_layer[2]->set_scrolldx(-8,-8); m_layer[1]->set_scrolldx(-8,-8); m_layer[0]->set_scrolldx(-0x10,-0x10); for(int i=0;i<4;i++) m_layer_page_size[i] = 0x200; m_layer1_can_be_road = false; } void cyclwarr_state::draw_bg(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, tilemap_t *src, const uint16_t* scrollx, const uint16_t* scrolly, const uint16_t layer_page_size, bool is_road, int hi_priority) { rectangle clip; clip.min_x = cliprect.min_x; clip.max_x = cliprect.max_x; // TODO: both always enabled when this occurs bool rowscroll_enable = (scrollx[0] & 0x1000) == 0; bool colscroll_enable = (scrollx[0] & 0x2000) == 0; // this controls wraparound (tilemap can't go above a threshold) // TODO: Actually scrolly registers 0xf0 to 0xff are used (can split the tilemap furthermore?) uint16_t page_select = scrolly[0xff]; for (int y=cliprect.min_y; y<=cliprect.max_y; y++) { clip.min_y = clip.max_y = y; int y_base = rowscroll_enable ? y : 0; int x_base = colscroll_enable ? y : 0; int src_y = (scrolly[y_base] & 0x7ff); int src_x = (scrollx[x_base] & 0x7ff); // apparently if this is on disables wraparound target int page_disable = scrolly[y_base] & 0x800; int cur_page = src_y + y; // special handling for cycle warriors road: it reads in scrolly table bits 15-13 an // additional tile color bank and per scanline. if(is_road == true) { if(scrolly[y_base] & 0x8000) { m_road_color_bank = (scrolly[y_base] >> 13) & 3; // road mode disables page wraparound page_disable = 1; } else m_road_color_bank = 0; if(m_road_color_bank != m_prev_road_bank) { m_prev_road_bank = m_road_color_bank; src->mark_all_dirty(); } } // apply wraparound, if enabled tilemaps can't go above a certain threshold // cfr. Cycle Warriors scrolling text (ranking, ending), backgrounds when uphill, // Big Fight vertical scrolling in the morning Funnel stage (not the one chosen at start), // also Big Fight text garbage in the stage after Mevella joins you (forgot the name) if((cur_page - page_select) >= layer_page_size && page_disable == 0) src_y -= layer_page_size; src->set_scrollx(0,src_x); src->set_scrolly(0,src_y); src->draw(screen, bitmap, clip, TILEMAP_DRAW_CATEGORY(hi_priority), 0); } } void cyclwarr_state::draw_bg_layers(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int hi_priority) { draw_bg(screen, bitmap, cliprect, m_layer[3], &m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x000], &m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x100], m_layer_page_size[3], false, hi_priority); draw_bg(screen, bitmap, cliprect, m_layer[2], &m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x200], &m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x300], m_layer_page_size[2],false, hi_priority); draw_bg(screen, bitmap, cliprect, m_layer[1], &m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x000], &m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x100], m_layer_page_size[1],m_layer1_can_be_road, hi_priority); draw_bg(screen, bitmap, cliprect, m_layer[0], &m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x200], &m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x300], m_layer_page_size[0], false, hi_priority); } uint32_t cyclwarr_state::screen_update_cyclwarr(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { m_bigfight_bank=m_bigfight_a40000[0]; if (m_bigfight_bank!=m_bigfight_last_bank) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_layer[i]->mark_all_dirty(); } m_bigfight_last_bank=m_bigfight_bank; } update_cluts(8192, 4096, 8192); bitmap.fill(m_palette->pen(0), cliprect); #ifdef UNUSED_FUNCTION popmessage("%04x %04x (%04x)|%04x %04x (%04x)|%04x %04x (%04x)|%04x %04x (%04x)" ,m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x000],m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x100],m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x1ff] ,m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x200],m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x300],m_cyclwarr_videoram[1][0x3ff] ,m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x000],m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x100],m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x1ff] ,m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x200],m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x300],m_cyclwarr_videoram[0][0x3ff]); #endif // popmessage("%04x %04x %04x %04x",m_video_config[0],m_video_config[1],m_video_config[2],m_video_config[3]); screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect); draw_sprites(screen.priority(),cliprect,1,(m_sprite_control_ram[0xe0]&0x1000) ? 0x1000 : 0); // Alpha pass only draw_bg_layers(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0); apply_shadow_bitmap(bitmap,cliprect,screen.priority(), m_mixing_control & 1); draw_sprites(bitmap,cliprect,0,(m_sprite_control_ram[0xe0]&0x1000) ? 0x1000 : 0); draw_bg_layers(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 1); return 0; }