#include "driver.h" static tilemap *shadfrce_fgtilemap, *shadfrce_bg0tilemap, *shadfrce_bg1tilemap; extern UINT16 *shadfrce_fgvideoram, *shadfrce_bg0videoram, *shadfrce_bg1videoram, *shadfrce_spvideoram; /* extern UINT16 *shadfrce_videoregs; */ static UINT16 *shadfrce_spvideoram_old; /* I *think* the sprites need to be delayed anyway */ static TILE_GET_INFO( get_shadfrce_fgtile_info ) { /* ---- ---- tttt tttt ---- ---- pppp TTTT */ int tileno, colour; tileno = (shadfrce_fgvideoram[tile_index *2] & 0x00ff) | ((shadfrce_fgvideoram[tile_index *2+1] & 0x000f) << 8); colour = (shadfrce_fgvideoram[tile_index *2+1] & 0x00f0) >>4; SET_TILE_INFO(0,tileno,colour*4,0); } WRITE16_HANDLER( shadfrce_fgvideoram_w ) { shadfrce_fgvideoram[offset] = data; tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(shadfrce_fgtilemap,offset/2); } static TILE_GET_INFO( get_shadfrce_bg0tile_info ) { /* ---- ---- ---- cccc --TT TTTT TTTT TTTT */ int tileno, colour,fyx; tileno = (shadfrce_bg0videoram[tile_index *2+1] & 0x3fff); colour = shadfrce_bg0videoram[tile_index *2] & 0x001f; if (colour & 0x10) colour ^= 0x30; /* skip hole */ fyx = (shadfrce_bg0videoram[tile_index *2] & 0x00c0) >>6; SET_TILE_INFO(2,tileno,colour,TILE_FLIPYX(fyx)); } WRITE16_HANDLER( shadfrce_bg0videoram_w ) { shadfrce_bg0videoram[offset] = data; tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(shadfrce_bg0tilemap,offset/2); } static TILE_GET_INFO( get_shadfrce_bg1tile_info ) { int tileno, colour; tileno = (shadfrce_bg1videoram[tile_index] & 0x0fff); colour = (shadfrce_bg1videoram[tile_index] & 0xf000) >> 12; SET_TILE_INFO(2,tileno,colour+64,0); } WRITE16_HANDLER( shadfrce_bg1videoram_w ) { shadfrce_bg1videoram[offset] = data; tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(shadfrce_bg1tilemap,offset); } VIDEO_START( shadfrce ) { shadfrce_fgtilemap = tilemap_create(get_shadfrce_fgtile_info,tilemap_scan_rows,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN, 8, 8,64,32); tilemap_set_transparent_pen(shadfrce_fgtilemap,0); shadfrce_bg0tilemap = tilemap_create(get_shadfrce_bg0tile_info,tilemap_scan_rows,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN, 16, 16,32,32); tilemap_set_transparent_pen(shadfrce_bg0tilemap,0); shadfrce_bg1tilemap = tilemap_create(get_shadfrce_bg1tile_info,tilemap_scan_rows,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN, 16, 16,32,32); shadfrce_spvideoram_old = auto_malloc(spriteram_size); } WRITE16_HANDLER ( shadfrce_bg0scrollx_w ) { tilemap_set_scrollx( shadfrce_bg0tilemap, 0, data & 0x1ff ); } WRITE16_HANDLER ( shadfrce_bg0scrolly_w ) { tilemap_set_scrolly( shadfrce_bg0tilemap, 0, data & 0x1ff ); } WRITE16_HANDLER ( shadfrce_bg1scrollx_w ) { tilemap_set_scrollx( shadfrce_bg1tilemap, 0, data & 0x1ff ); } WRITE16_HANDLER ( shadfrce_bg1scrolly_w ) { tilemap_set_scrolly( shadfrce_bg1tilemap, 0, data & 0x1ff ); } static void draw_sprites(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect ) { /* | ---- ---- hhhf Fe-Y | ---- ---- yyyy yyyy | ---- ---- TTTT TTTT | ---- ---- tttt tttt | | ---- ---- -pCc cccX | ---- ---- xxxx xxxx | ---- ---- ---- ---- | ---- ---- ---- ---- | */ /* h = height f = flipx F = flipy e = enable Yy = Y Position Tt = Tile No. Xx = X Position Cc = color P = priority */ const gfx_element *gfx = machine->gfx[1]; UINT16 *finish = shadfrce_spvideoram_old; UINT16 *source = finish + 0x2000/2 - 8; int hcount; while( source>=finish ) { int ypos = 0x100 - (((source[0] & 0x0003) << 8) | (source[1] & 0x00ff)); int xpos = (((source[4] & 0x0001) << 8) | (source[5] & 0x00ff)) + 1; int tile = ((source[2] & 0x00ff) << 8) | (source[3] & 0x00ff); int height = (source[0] & 0x00e0) >> 5; int enable = ((source[0] & 0x0004)); int flipx = ((source[0] & 0x0010) >> 4); int flipy = ((source[0] & 0x0008) >> 3); int pal = ((source[4] & 0x003e)); int pri_mask = (source[4] & 0x0040) ? 0x02 : 0x00; if (pal & 0x20) pal ^= 0x60; /* skip hole */ height++; if (enable) { for (hcount=0;hcount