// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /* Open questions: - In f1en, the scrolling text in attract mode is very jumpy. Whatever double buffering they are using seems to be out of sync with the sprite rendering. - In radr, NBG1 should be opaque on select screen, and NBG3 should be opaque while driving. How is this controlled? - In radr, they use $1A0 as the X center for zooming; however, this contradicts the theory that bit 9 is a sign bit. For now, the code assumes that the X center has 10 bits of resolution. - In svf (the field) and radr (on the field), they use tilemap-specific flip in conjunction with rowscroll AND rowselect. According to Charles, in this case, the rowselect lookups should be done in reverse order, but this results in an incorrect display. For now, we assume there is a bug in the procedure and implement it so that it looks correct. Information extracted from below, and from Modeler: Tile format: Bits Usage y------- -------- Tile Y flip -x------ -------- Tile X flip --?----- -------- Unknown ---ccccc cccc---- Tile color palette ---nnnnn nnnnnnnn Tile index Text format: Bits Usage ccccccc- -------- Tile color palette -------n nnnnnnnn Tile index Text RAM: Offset Bits Usage $31FF00 : w--- ---- ---- ---- : Screen width (0= 320, 1= 412) ---- f--- ---- ---- : Bitmap format (1= 8bpp, 0= 4bpp) ---- -t-- ---- ---- : Tile banking related ---- --f- ---- ---- : 1= Global X/Y flip? (most games?) ---- ---f ---- ---- : 1= prohbit Y flip? (Air Rescue 2nd screen title, also gets set on one of the intro sequence screens) ---- ---- ---- 4--- : 1= X+Y flip for NBG3 ---- ---- ---- -2-- : 1= X+Y flip for NBG2 ---- ---- ---- --1- : 1= X+Y flip for NBG1 ---- ---- ---- ---0 : 1= X+Y flip for NBG0 $31FF02 : x--- ---- --x- ---- : Bitmap layer enable (?) ---1 ---- ---- ---- : 1= NBG1 page wrapping disable ---- 0--- ---- ---- : 1= NBG0 page wrapping disable ---- ---- --b- ---- : 1= Bitmap layer disable ---- ---- ---t ---- : 1= Text layer disable ---- ---- ---- 3--- : 1= NBG3 layer disable ---- ---- ---- -2-- : 1= NBG2 layer disable ---- ---- ---- --1- : 1= NBG1 layer disable ---- ---- ---- ---0 : 1= NBG0 layer disable F02 cccccccc -------- Per-layer clipping modes (see Modeler) -------- ----d--- Disable tilemap layer 3 -------- -----d-- Disable tilemap layer 2 -------- ------d- Disable tilemap layer 1 -------- -------d Disable tilemap layer 0 F04 tttttttt -------- Rowscroll/select table page number -------- ----s--- Enable rowselect for tilemap layer 3 -------- -----s-- Enable rowselect for tilemap layer 2 -------- ------c- Enable rowscroll for tilemap layer 3 -------- -------c Enable rowscroll for tilemap layer 2 F06 cccc---- -------- Layer 3 clip select ----cccc -------- Layer 2 clip select -------- cccc---- Layer 1 clip select -------- ----cccc Layer 0 clip select F12 ------xx xxxxxxxx Layer 0 X scroll F16 -------y yyyyyyyy Layer 0 Y scroll F1A ------xx xxxxxxxx Layer 1 X scroll F1E -------y yyyyyyyy Layer 1 Y scroll F22 ------xx xxxxxxxx Layer 2 X scroll F26 -------y yyyyyyyy Layer 2 Y scroll F2A ------xx xxxxxxxx Layer 3 X scroll F2E -------y yyyyyyyy Layer 3 Y scroll F30 ------xx xxxxxxxx Layer 0 X offset (Modeler says X center) F32 -------y yyyyyyyy Layer 0 Y offset (Modeler says Y center) F34 ------xx xxxxxxxx Layer 1 X offset F36 -------y yyyyyyyy Layer 1 Y offset F38 ------xx xxxxxxxx Layer 2 X offset F3A -------y yyyyyyyy Layer 2 Y offset F3C ------xx xxxxxxxx Layer 3 X offset F3E -------y yyyyyyyy Layer 3 Y offset F40 -wwwwwww -------- Layer 0 upper-right page select -------- -wwwwwww Layer 0 upper-left page select F42 -wwwwwww -------- Layer 0 lower-right page select -------- -wwwwwww Layer 0 lower-left page select F44 -wwwwwww -------- Layer 1 upper-right page select -------- -wwwwwww Layer 1 upper-left page select F46 -wwwwwww -------- Layer 1 lower-right page select -------- -wwwwwww Layer 2 upper-left page select F48 -wwwwwww -------- Layer 2 upper-right page select -------- -wwwwwww Layer 2 lower-left page select F4A -wwwwwww -------- Layer 2 lower-right page select -------- -wwwwwww Layer 3 upper-left page select -wwwwwww -------- Layer 3 upper-right page select F4E -------- -wwwwwww Layer 3 lower-left page select -wwwwwww -------- Layer 3 lower-right page select F50 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Layer 0 X step increment (0x200 = 1.0) F52 yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Layer 0 Y step increment (0x200 = 1.0) F54 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Layer 1 X step increment (0x200 = 1.0) F56 yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Layer 1 Y step increment (0x200 = 1.0) F58 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Layer 2 X step increment (0x200 = 1.0) F5A yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Layer 2 Y step increment (0x200 = 1.0) F5C -------- tttt---- Text layer page select (page = 64 + t*8) -------- -----bbb Text layer tile bank $31FF5E : e--- ---- ---- ---- : Select backdrop color per 1= line, 0= screen ---x xxxx ---- ---- : Affects color in screen mode ---d dddd dddd dddd : Offset in CRAM for line mode F60 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Clip rect 0, left F62 yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Clip rect 0, top F64 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Clip rect 0, right F66 yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Clip rect 0, bottom F68 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Clip rect 1, left F6A yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Clip rect 1, top F6C xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Clip rect 1, right F6E yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Clip rect 1, bottom F70 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Clip rect 2, left F72 yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Clip rect 2, top F74 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Clip rect 2, right F76 yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Clip rect 2, bottom F78 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Clip rect 3, left F7A yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Clip rect 3, top F7C xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Clip rect 3, right F7E yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy Clip rect 3, bottom $31FF88 : ---- ---x xxxx xxxx : Bitmap X scroll $31FF8A : ---- ---y yyyy yyyy : Bitmap Y scroll (bit 8 ONLY available when format is 4bpp) $31FF8C : ---- ---b bbbb b--- : Bitmap palette base? (bit 3 ONLY available when format is 4bpp) $31FF8E : ---- ---- --b- ---- : 1= Bitmap layer disable ---- ---- ---3 ---- : 1= NBG3 layer disable ---- ---- ---- 2--- : 1= NBG2 layer disable ---- ---- ---- -1-- : 1= NBG1 layer disable ---- ---- ---- --0- : 1= NBG0 layer disable ---- ---- ---- ---t : 1= Text layer disable reference - arabfgt : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98QivDAGz3I - darkedge : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riO1yb95z7s */ #include "emu.h" #include "includes/segas32.h" #include /************************************* * * Debugging * *************************************/ #define SHOW_CLIPS 0 #define QWERTY_LAYER_ENABLE 0 #define PRINTF_MIXER_DATA 0 #define SHOW_ALPHA 0 #define LOG_SPRITES 0 /************************************* * * Constants * *************************************/ #define MIXER_LAYER_TEXT 0 #define MIXER_LAYER_NBG0 1 #define MIXER_LAYER_NBG1 2 #define MIXER_LAYER_NBG2 3 #define MIXER_LAYER_NBG3 4 #define MIXER_LAYER_BITMAP 5 #define MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES 6 #define MIXER_LAYER_BACKGROUND 7 #define MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES_2 8 /* semi-kludge to have a frame buffer for sprite backlayer */ #define MIXER_LAYER_MULTISPR 9 #define MIXER_LAYER_MULTISPR_2 10 #define TILEMAP_CACHE_SIZE 32 /************************************* * * Type definitions * *************************************/ /************************************* * * Video start * *************************************/ void segas32_state::device_start() { if (!m_gfxdecode->started()) throw device_missing_dependencies(); m_vblank_end_int_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(segas32_state::end_of_vblank_int), this)); m_update_sprites_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(segas32_state::update_sprites), this)); /* allocate a copy of spriteram in 32-bit format */ m_spriteram_32bit = std::make_unique(0x20000/4); /* allocate the tilemap cache */ m_cache_head = nullptr; for (int tmap = 0; tmap < TILEMAP_CACHE_SIZE; tmap++) { struct cache_entry *entry = auto_alloc(machine(), struct cache_entry); entry->tmap = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(segas32_state::get_tile_info)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 16,16, 32,16); entry->page = 0xff; entry->bank = 0; entry->next = m_cache_head; entry->tmap->set_user_data(entry); m_cache_head = entry; } /* allocate the bitmaps (a few extra for multi32) */ for (int bmap = 0; bmap < 9 + (m_is_multi32 ? 2 : 0); bmap++) { m_layer_data[bmap].bitmap = auto_alloc(machine(), bitmap_ind16(416, 224)); m_layer_data[bmap].transparent = auto_alloc_array_clear(machine(), uint8_t, 256); } /* allocate pre-rendered solid lines of 0's and ffff's */ m_solid_0000 = make_unique_clear(512); m_solid_ffff = make_unique_clear(512); memset(m_videoram, 0x00, 0x20000); /* initialize videoram */ m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] = 0x8000; memset(m_mixer_control, 0xff, sizeof(m_mixer_control[0][0]) * 0x80 ); /* needs to be initialized to 0xff, otherwise f1en has bad sound (MT04531) */ if (m_soundram) std::fill_n(&m_soundram[0], m_soundram.bytes() / sizeof(m_soundram[0]), 0xff); } /************************************* * * Sprite management * *************************************/ TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(segas32_state::update_sprites) { /* if automatic mode is selected, do it every frame (0) or every other frame (1) */ if (!(m_sprite_control[3] & 2)) { /* if we count down to the start, process the automatic swapping, but only after a short delay */ if (m_sprite_render_count-- == 0) { m_sprite_control[0] = 3; m_sprite_render_count = m_sprite_control[3] & 1; } } /* look for pending commands */ if (m_sprite_control[0] & 2) sprite_erase_buffer(); if (m_sprite_control[0] & 1) { sprite_swap_buffers(); sprite_render_list(); } m_sprite_control[0] = 0; } void segas32_state::system32_set_vblank(int state) { /* at the end of VBLANK is when automatic sprite rendering happens */ if (!state) m_update_sprites_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(50), 1); } /************************************* * * Video RAM access * *************************************/ READ16_MEMBER(segas32_state::videoram_r) { return m_videoram[offset]; } WRITE16_MEMBER(segas32_state::videoram_w) { COMBINE_DATA(&m_videoram[offset]); /* if we are not in the control area, just update any affected tilemaps */ if (offset < 0x1ff00/2) { struct cache_entry *entry; int page = offset >> 9; offset &= 0x1ff; /* scan the cache for a matching pages */ for (entry = m_cache_head; entry != nullptr; entry = entry->next) if (entry->page == page) entry->tmap->mark_tile_dirty(offset); } } /************************************* * * Sprite control registers * *************************************/ READ8_MEMBER(segas32_state::sprite_control_r) { switch (offset) { case 0: /* D1 : Seems to be '1' only during an erase in progress, this occurs very briefly though. D0 : Selected frame buffer (0= A, 1= B) */ return 0xfc | (int)(&m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES].bitmap < &m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES_2].bitmap); case 1: /* D1 : ? D0 : ? Values seem to be: 0 = Unknown (relates to *approaching* out of time condition) 1 = Normal status 2 = Overdraw (rendering time is over but end-of-list command not read yet) 3 = Never occurs Condition 2 can occur during rendering or list processing. */ return 0xfc | 1; case 2: /* D1 : 1= Vertical flip, 0= Normal orientation D0 : 1= Horizontal flip, 0= Normal orientation */ return 0xfc | m_sprite_control_latched[2]; case 3: /* D1 : 1= Manual mode, 0= Automatic mode D0 : 1= 30 Hz update, 0= 60 Hz update (automatic mode only) */ return 0xfc | m_sprite_control_latched[3]; case 4: /* D1 : ? D0 : ? */ return 0xfc | m_sprite_control_latched[4]; case 5: /* D1 : ? D0 : ? */ return 0xfc | m_sprite_control_latched[5]; case 6: /* D0 : 1= 416 pixels 0= 320 pixels */ return 0xfc | (m_sprite_control_latched[6] & 1); case 7: /* D1 : ? D0 : ? */ return 0xfc; } return 0xff; } WRITE8_MEMBER(segas32_state::sprite_control_w) { m_sprite_control[offset & 7] = data; } /************************************* * * Sprite RAM access * *************************************/ READ16_MEMBER(segas32_state::spriteram_r) { return m_spriteram[offset]; } WRITE16_MEMBER(segas32_state::spriteram_w) { COMBINE_DATA(&m_spriteram[offset]); m_spriteram_32bit[offset>>1] = ((m_spriteram[offset | 1] >> 8 ) & 0x000000ff) | ((m_spriteram[offset | 1] << 8 ) & 0x0000ff00) | ((m_spriteram[offset & ~1] << 8 ) & 0x00ff0000) | ((m_spriteram[offset & ~1] << 24) & 0xff000000); } /************************************* * * Tilemap cache * *************************************/ tilemap_t *segas32_state::find_cache_entry(int page, int bank) { struct segas32_state::cache_entry *entry, *prev; /* scan the list for a matching entry */ prev = nullptr; entry = m_cache_head; while (1) { if (entry->page == page && entry->bank == bank) { /* move us to the head before returning */ if (prev) { prev->next = entry->next; entry->next = m_cache_head; m_cache_head = entry; } return entry->tmap; } /* stop on the last entry */ if (entry->next == nullptr) break; prev = entry; entry = entry->next; } /* okay, we didn't find one; take over this last entry */ entry->page = page; entry->bank = bank; entry->tmap->mark_all_dirty(); /* move it to the head */ prev->next = entry->next; entry->next = m_cache_head; m_cache_head = entry; return entry->tmap; } /************************************* * * Tilemap callback * *************************************/ TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(segas32_state::get_tile_info) { struct segas32_state::cache_entry *entry = (struct segas32_state::cache_entry *)tilemap.user_data(); uint16_t data = m_videoram[((entry->page & 0x7f) << 9) | tile_index]; SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(0, (entry->bank << 13) | (data & 0x1fff), (data >> 4) & 0x1ff, (data >> 14) & 3); } /************************************* * * Clipping extents computation * *************************************/ int segas32_state::compute_clipping_extents(screen_device &screen, int enable, int clipout, int clipmask, const rectangle &cliprect, struct extents_list *list) { int flip = (m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] >> 9) & 1; rectangle tempclip; rectangle clips[5]; int sorted[5]; int i, j, y; /* expand our cliprect to exclude the bottom-right */ tempclip = cliprect; tempclip.max_x++; tempclip.max_y++; /* create the 0th entry */ list->extent[0][0] = tempclip.min_x; list->extent[0][1] = tempclip.max_x; /* simple case if not enabled */ if (!enable) { memset(&list->scan_extent[tempclip.min_y], 0, sizeof(list->scan_extent[0]) * (tempclip.max_y - tempclip.min_y)); return 1; } /* extract the from videoram into locals, and apply the cliprect */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!flip) { clips[i].min_x = m_videoram[0x1ff60/2 + i * 4] & 0x1ff; clips[i].min_y = m_videoram[0x1ff62/2 + i * 4] & 0x0ff; clips[i].max_x = (m_videoram[0x1ff64/2 + i * 4] & 0x1ff) + 1; clips[i].max_y = (m_videoram[0x1ff66/2 + i * 4] & 0x0ff) + 1; } else { const rectangle &visarea = screen.visible_area(); clips[i].max_x = (visarea.max_x + 1) - (m_videoram[0x1ff60/2 + i * 4] & 0x1ff); clips[i].max_y = (visarea.max_y + 1) - (m_videoram[0x1ff62/2 + i * 4] & 0x0ff); clips[i].min_x = (visarea.max_x + 1) - ((m_videoram[0x1ff64/2 + i * 4] & 0x1ff) + 1); clips[i].min_y = (visarea.max_y + 1) - ((m_videoram[0x1ff66/2 + i * 4] & 0x0ff) + 1); } clips[i] &= tempclip; sorted[i] = i; } /* bubble sort them by min_x */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < 5; j++) if (clips[sorted[i]].min_x > clips[sorted[j]].min_x) { int temp = sorted[i]; sorted[i] = sorted[j]; sorted[j] = temp; } /* create all valid extent combinations */ for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) if (i & clipmask) { uint16_t *extent = &list->extent[i][0]; /* start off with an entry at tempclip.min_x */ *extent++ = tempclip.min_x; /* loop in sorted order over extents */ for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) if (i & (1 << sorted[j])) { const rectangle &cur = clips[sorted[j]]; /* see if this intersects our last extent */ if (extent != &list->extent[i][1] && cur.min_x <= extent[-1]) { if (cur.max_x > extent[-1]) extent[-1] = cur.max_x; } /* otherwise, just append to the list */ else { *extent++ = cur.min_x; *extent++ = cur.max_x; } } /* append an ending entry */ *extent++ = tempclip.max_x; } /* loop over scanlines and build extents */ for (y = tempclip.min_y; y < tempclip.max_y; y++) { int sect = 0; /* figure out all the clips that intersect this scanline */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) if ((clipmask & (1 << i)) && y >= clips[i].min_y && y < clips[i].max_y) sect |= 1 << i; list->scan_extent[y] = sect; } return clipout; } void segas32_state::compute_tilemap_flips(int bgnum, int &flipx, int &flipy) { /* determine if we're flipped */ int global_flip = (m_videoram[0x1ff00 / 2] >> 9)&1; flipx = global_flip; flipy = global_flip; int layer_flip = (m_videoram[0x1ff00 / 2] >> bgnum) & 1; flipy ^= layer_flip; flipx ^= layer_flip; // this bit is set on Air Rescue (screen 2) title screen, during the Air Rescue introduction demo, and in f1en when you win a single player race // it seems to prohibit (at least) the per-tilemap y flipping (maybe global y can override it) if ((m_videoram[0x1ff00 / 2] >> 8) & 1) flipy = 0; } /************************************* * * Zooming tilemaps (NBG0/1) * *************************************/ inline void segas32_state::get_tilemaps(int bgnum, tilemap_t **tilemaps) { int tilebank, page; /* determine the current tilebank */ if (m_is_multi32) tilebank = (m_system32_tilebank_external >> (2*bgnum)) & 3; else tilebank = ((m_system32_tilebank_external & 1) << 1) | ((m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] & 0x400) >> 10); /* find the cache entries */ page = (m_videoram[0x1ff40/2 + 2 * bgnum + 0] >> 0) & 0x7f; tilemaps[0] = find_cache_entry(page, tilebank); page = (m_videoram[0x1ff40/2 + 2 * bgnum + 0] >> 8) & 0x7f; tilemaps[1] = find_cache_entry(page, tilebank); page = (m_videoram[0x1ff40/2 + 2 * bgnum + 1] >> 0) & 0x7f; tilemaps[2] = find_cache_entry(page, tilebank); page = (m_videoram[0x1ff40/2 + 2 * bgnum + 1] >> 8) & 0x7f; tilemaps[3] = find_cache_entry(page, tilebank); } void segas32_state::update_tilemap_zoom(screen_device &screen, struct segas32_state::layer_info *layer, const rectangle &cliprect, int bgnum) { int clipenable, clipout, clips, clipdraw_start; bitmap_ind16 &bitmap = *layer->bitmap; struct extents_list clip_extents; tilemap_t *tilemaps[4]; uint32_t srcx, srcx_start, srcy; uint32_t srcxstep, srcystep; int dstxstep, dstystep; int opaque; int x, y; /* get the tilemaps */ get_tilemaps(bgnum, tilemaps); /* configure the layer */ opaque = 0; //opaque = (m_videoram[0x1ff8e/2] >> (8 + bgnum)) & 1; //if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_Z) && bgnum == 0) opaque = 1; //if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_X) && bgnum == 1) opaque = 1; int flipx, flipy; // todo determine flipping compute_tilemap_flips(bgnum, flipx, flipy); /* determine the clipping */ clipenable = (m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] >> (11 + bgnum)) & 1; clipout = (m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] >> (6 + bgnum)) & 1; clips = (m_videoram[0x1ff06/2] >> (4 * bgnum)) & 0x0f; clipdraw_start = compute_clipping_extents(screen, clipenable, clipout, clips, cliprect, &clip_extents); /* extract the X/Y step values (these are in destination space!) */ dstxstep = m_videoram[0x1ff50/2 + 2 * bgnum] & 0xfff; if (m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] & 0x4000) dstystep = m_videoram[0x1ff52/2 + 2 * bgnum] & 0xfff; else dstystep = dstxstep; /* clamp the zoom factors */ if (dstxstep < 0x80) dstxstep = 0x80; if (dstystep < 0x80) dstystep = 0x80; /* compute high-precision reciprocals (in 12.20 format) */ srcxstep = (0x200 << 20) / dstxstep; srcystep = (0x200 << 20) / dstystep; /* start with the fractional scroll offsets, in source coordinates */ srcx_start = (m_videoram[0x1ff12/2 + 4 * bgnum] & 0x3ff) << 20; srcx_start += (m_videoram[0x1ff10/2 + 4 * bgnum] & 0xff00) << 4; srcy = (m_videoram[0x1ff16/2 + 4 * bgnum] & 0x1ff) << 20; srcy += (m_videoram[0x1ff14/2 + 4 * bgnum] & 0xfe00) << 4; /* then account for the destination center coordinates */ srcx_start -= ((int16_t)(m_videoram[0x1ff30/2 + 2 * bgnum] << 6) >> 6) * srcxstep; srcy -= ((int16_t)(m_videoram[0x1ff32/2 + 2 * bgnum] << 7) >> 7) * srcystep; /* finally, account for destination top,left coordinates */ srcx_start += cliprect.min_x * srcxstep; srcy += cliprect.min_y * srcystep; /* if we're flipped, simply adjust the start/step parameters */ if (flipy) { const rectangle &visarea = screen.visible_area(); srcy += (visarea.max_y - 2 * cliprect.min_y) * srcystep; srcystep = -srcystep; } if (flipx) { const rectangle &visarea = screen.visible_area(); srcx_start += (visarea.max_x - 2 * cliprect.min_x) * srcxstep; srcxstep = -srcxstep; } /* loop over the target rows */ for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *extents = &clip_extents.extent[clip_extents.scan_extent[y]][0]; uint16_t *dst = &bitmap.pix16(y); int clipdraw = clipdraw_start; /* optimize for the case where we are clipped out */ if (clipdraw || extents[1] <= cliprect.max_x) { int transparent = 0; uint16_t *src[2]; /* look up the pages and get their source pixmaps */ bitmap_ind16 &tm0 = tilemaps[((srcy >> 27) & 2) + 0]->pixmap(); bitmap_ind16 &tm1 = tilemaps[((srcy >> 27) & 2) + 1]->pixmap(); src[0] = &tm0.pix16((srcy >> 20) & 0xff); src[1] = &tm1.pix16((srcy >> 20) & 0xff); /* loop over extents */ srcx = srcx_start; while (1) { /* if we're drawing on this extent, draw it */ if (clipdraw) { for (x = extents[0]; x < extents[1]; x++) { uint16_t pix = src[(srcx >> 29) & 1][(srcx >> 20) & 0x1ff]; srcx += srcxstep; if ((pix & 0x0f) == 0 && !opaque) pix = 0, transparent++; dst[x] = pix; } } /* otherwise, clear to zero */ else { int pixels = extents[1] - extents[0]; memset(&dst[extents[0]], 0, pixels * sizeof(dst[0])); srcx += srcxstep * pixels; transparent += pixels; } /* stop at the end */ if (extents[1] > cliprect.max_x) break; /* swap states and advance to the next extent */ clipdraw = !clipdraw; extents++; } layer->transparent[y] = (transparent == cliprect.max_x - cliprect.min_x + 1); } else layer->transparent[y] = 1; /* advance in Y */ srcy += srcystep; } /* enable this code below to display zoom information */ #if 0 if (dstxstep != 0x200 || dstystep != 0x200) popmessage("Zoom=%03X,%03X Cent=%03X,%03X", dstxstep, dstystep, m_videoram[0x1ff30/2 + 2 * bgnum], m_videoram[0x1ff32/2 + 2 * bgnum]); #endif } /************************************* * * Rowscroll/select tilemaps (NBG2/3) * *************************************/ void segas32_state::update_tilemap_rowscroll(screen_device &screen, struct segas32_state::layer_info *layer, const rectangle &cliprect, int bgnum) { int clipenable, clipout, clips, clipdraw_start; bitmap_ind16 &bitmap = *layer->bitmap; struct extents_list clip_extents; tilemap_t *tilemaps[4]; int rowscroll, rowselect; int xscroll, yscroll; uint16_t *table; int srcx, srcy; int opaque; int x, y; /* get the tilemaps */ get_tilemaps(bgnum, tilemaps); /* configure the layer */ opaque = 0; //opaque = (m_videoram[0x1ff8e/2] >> (8 + bgnum)) & 1; //if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_C) && bgnum == 2) opaque = 1; //if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_V) && bgnum == 3) opaque = 1; int flipx, flipy; // todo determine flipping compute_tilemap_flips(bgnum, flipx, flipy); /* determine the clipping */ clipenable = (m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] >> (11 + bgnum)) & 1; clipout = (m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] >> (6 + bgnum)) & 1; clips = (m_videoram[0x1ff06/2] >> (4 * bgnum)) & 0x0f; clipdraw_start = compute_clipping_extents(screen, clipenable, clipout, clips, cliprect, &clip_extents); /* determine if row scroll and/or row select is enabled */ rowscroll = (m_videoram[0x1ff04/2] >> (bgnum - 2)) & 1; rowselect = (m_videoram[0x1ff04/2] >> bgnum) & 1; if ((m_videoram[0x1ff04/2] >> (bgnum + 2)) & 1) rowscroll = rowselect = 0; /* get a pointer to the table */ table = &m_videoram[(m_videoram[0x1ff04/2] >> 10) * 0x400]; /* start with screen-wide X and Y scrolls */ xscroll = (m_videoram[0x1ff12/2 + 4 * bgnum] & 0x3ff) - (m_videoram[0x1ff30/2 + 2 * bgnum] & 0x1ff); yscroll = (m_videoram[0x1ff16/2 + 4 * bgnum] & 0x1ff); /* render the tilemap into its bitmap */ for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *extents = &clip_extents.extent[clip_extents.scan_extent[y]][0]; uint16_t *dst = &bitmap.pix16(y); int clipdraw = clipdraw_start; /* optimize for the case where we are clipped out */ if (clipdraw || extents[1] <= cliprect.max_x) { int transparent = 0; uint16_t *src[2]; int srcxstep; /* if we're not flipped, things are straightforward */ if (!flipx) { srcx = cliprect.min_x + xscroll; srcxstep = 1; } else { srcx = cliprect.max_x + xscroll; srcxstep = -1; } if (!flipy) { srcy = yscroll + y; } else { const rectangle &visarea = screen.visible_area(); srcy = yscroll + visarea.max_y - y; } /* apply row scroll/select */ if (rowscroll) srcx += table[0x000 + 0x100 * (bgnum - 2) + y] & 0x3ff; if (rowselect) srcy = (yscroll + table[0x200 + 0x100 * (bgnum - 2) + y]) & 0x1ff; /* look up the pages and get their source pixmaps */ bitmap_ind16 &tm0 = tilemaps[((srcy >> 7) & 2) + 0]->pixmap(); bitmap_ind16 &tm1 = tilemaps[((srcy >> 7) & 2) + 1]->pixmap(); src[0] = &tm0.pix16(srcy & 0xff); src[1] = &tm1.pix16(srcy & 0xff); /* loop over extents */ while (1) { /* if we're drawing on this extent, draw it */ if (clipdraw) { for (x = extents[0]; x < extents[1]; x++, srcx += srcxstep) { uint16_t pix = src[(srcx >> 9) & 1][srcx & 0x1ff]; if ((pix & 0x0f) == 0 && !opaque) pix = 0, transparent++; dst[x] = pix; } } /* otherwise, clear to zero */ else { int pixels = extents[1] - extents[0]; memset(&dst[extents[0]], 0, pixels * sizeof(dst[0])); srcx += srcxstep * pixels; transparent += pixels; } /* stop at the end */ if (extents[1] > cliprect.max_x) break; /* swap states and advance to the next extent */ clipdraw = !clipdraw; extents++; } layer->transparent[y] = (transparent == cliprect.max_x - cliprect.min_x + 1); } else layer->transparent[y] = 1; } /* enable this code below to display scroll information */ #if 0 if (rowscroll || rowselect) popmessage("Scroll=%d Select=%d Table@%06X", rowscroll, rowselect, (m_videoram[0x1ff04/2] >> 10) * 0x800); #endif } /************************************* * * Text layer * *************************************/ void segas32_state::update_tilemap_text(screen_device &screen, struct segas32_state::layer_info *layer, const rectangle &cliprect) { bitmap_ind16 &bitmap = *layer->bitmap; uint16_t *tilebase; uint16_t *gfxbase; int startx, starty; int endx, endy; int x, y, iy; int flip; /* determine if we're flipped */ flip = (m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] >> 9) & 1; /* determine the base of the tilemap and graphics data */ tilebase = &m_videoram[((m_videoram[0x1ff5c/2] >> 4) & 0x1f) * 0x800]; gfxbase = &m_videoram[(m_videoram[0x1ff5c/2] & 7) * 0x2000]; /* compute start/end tile numbers */ startx = cliprect.min_x / 8; starty = cliprect.min_y / 8; endx = cliprect.max_x / 8; endy = cliprect.max_y / 8; /* loop over tiles */ for (y = starty; y <= endy; y++) for (x = startx; x <= endx; x++) { int tile = tilebase[y * 64 + x]; uint16_t *src = &gfxbase[(tile & 0x1ff) * 16]; int color = (tile & 0xfe00) >> 5; /* non-flipped case */ if (!flip) { uint16_t *dst = &bitmap.pix16(y * 8, x * 8); /* loop over rows */ for (iy = 0; iy < 8; iy++) { int pixels = *src++; int pix; pix = (pixels >> 4) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[0] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 0) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[1] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 12) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[2] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 8) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[3] = pix; pixels = *src++; pix = (pixels >> 4) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[4] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 0) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[5] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 12) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[6] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 8) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[7] = pix; dst += bitmap.rowpixels(); } } /* flipped case */ else { const rectangle &visarea = screen.visible_area(); int effdstx = visarea.max_x - x * 8; int effdsty = visarea.max_y - y * 8; uint16_t *dst = &bitmap.pix16(effdsty, effdstx); /* loop over rows */ for (iy = 0; iy < 8; iy++) { int pixels = *src++; int pix; pix = (pixels >> 4) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[0] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 0) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[-1] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 12) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[-2] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 8) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[-3] = pix; pix = *src++; pix = (pixels >> 4) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[-4] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 0) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[-5] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 12) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[-6] = pix; pix = (pixels >> 8) & 0x0f; if (pix) pix |= color; dst[-7] = pix; dst -= bitmap.rowpixels(); } } } } /************************************* * * Bitmap layer * *************************************/ void segas32_state::update_bitmap(screen_device &screen, struct segas32_state::layer_info *layer, const rectangle &cliprect) { int clipenable, clipout, clips, clipdraw_start; bitmap_ind16 &bitmap = *layer->bitmap; struct extents_list clip_extents; int xscroll, yscroll; int color; int x, y; int bpp; /* configure the layer */ bpp = (m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] & 0x0800) ? 8 : 4; /* determine the clipping */ clipenable = (m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] >> 15) & 1; clipout = (m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] >> 10) & 1; clips = 0x10; clipdraw_start = compute_clipping_extents(screen, clipenable, clipout, clips, cliprect, &clip_extents); /* determine x/y scroll */ xscroll = m_videoram[0x1ff88/2] & 0x1ff; yscroll = m_videoram[0x1ff8a/2] & 0x1ff; color = (m_videoram[0x1ff8c/2] << 4) & 0x1fff0 & ~((1 << bpp) - 1); /* loop over target rows */ for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *extents = &clip_extents.extent[clip_extents.scan_extent[y]][0]; uint16_t *dst = &bitmap.pix16(y); int clipdraw = clipdraw_start; /* optimize for the case where we are clipped out */ if (clipdraw || extents[1] <= cliprect.max_x) { int transparent = 0; /* loop over extents */ while (1) { /* if we're drawing on this extent, draw it */ if (clipdraw) { /* 8bpp mode case */ if (bpp == 8) { uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)&m_videoram[512/2 * ((y + yscroll) & 0xff)]; for (x = extents[0]; x < extents[1]; x++) { int effx = (x + xscroll) & 0x1ff; int pix = src[BYTE_XOR_LE(effx)] + color; if ((pix & 0xff) == 0) pix = 0, transparent++; dst[x] = pix; } } /* 4bpp mode case */ else { uint16_t *src = &m_videoram[512/4 * ((y + yscroll) & 0x1ff)]; for (x = extents[0]; x < extents[1]; x++) { int effx = (x + xscroll) & 0x1ff; int pix = ((src[effx / 4] >> (4 * (effx & 3))) & 0x0f) + color; if ((pix & 0x0f) == 0) pix = 0, transparent++; dst[x] = pix; } } } /* otherwise, clear to zero */ else { int pixels = extents[1] - extents[0]; memset(&dst[extents[0]], 0, pixels * sizeof(dst[0])); transparent += pixels; } /* stop at the end */ if (extents[1] > cliprect.max_x) break; /* swap states and advance to the next extent */ clipdraw = !clipdraw; extents++; } layer->transparent[y] = (transparent == cliprect.max_x - cliprect.min_x + 1); } else layer->transparent[y] = 1; } } /************************************* * * Master tilemap chip updater * *************************************/ void segas32_state::update_background(struct segas32_state::layer_info *layer, const rectangle &cliprect) { bitmap_ind16 &bitmap = *layer->bitmap; int x, y; for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *dst = &bitmap.pix16(y); int color; /* determine the color */ if (m_videoram[0x1ff5e/2] & 0x8000) color = (m_videoram[0x1ff5e/2] & 0x1fff) + y; else color = m_videoram[0x1ff5e/2] & 0x1e00; /* if the color doesn't match, fill */ if (dst[cliprect.min_x] != color) for (x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++) dst[x] = color; } } uint8_t segas32_state::update_tilemaps(screen_device &screen, const rectangle &cliprect) { int enable0 = !(m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] & 0x0001) && !(m_videoram[0x1ff8e/2] & 0x0002); int enable1 = !(m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] & 0x0002) && !(m_videoram[0x1ff8e/2] & 0x0004); int enable2 = !(m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] & 0x0004) && !(m_videoram[0x1ff8e/2] & 0x0008) && !(m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] & 0x1000); int enable3 = !(m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] & 0x0008) && !(m_videoram[0x1ff8e/2] & 0x0010) && !(m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] & 0x2000); int enablet = !(m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] & 0x0010) && !(m_videoram[0x1ff8e/2] & 0x0001); int enableb = !(m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] & 0x0020) && !(m_videoram[0x1ff8e/2] & 0x0020); /* update any tilemaps */ if (enable0) update_tilemap_zoom(screen, &m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_NBG0], cliprect, 0); if (enable1) update_tilemap_zoom(screen, &m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_NBG1], cliprect, 1); if (enable2) update_tilemap_rowscroll(screen, &m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_NBG2], cliprect, 2); if (enable3) update_tilemap_rowscroll(screen, &m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_NBG3], cliprect, 3); if (enablet) update_tilemap_text(screen, &m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_TEXT], cliprect); if (enableb) update_bitmap(screen, &m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_BITMAP], cliprect); update_background(&m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_BACKGROUND], cliprect); return (enablet << 0) | (enable0 << 1) | (enable1 << 2) | (enable2 << 3) | (enable3 << 4) | (enableb << 5); } /************************************* * * Sprite buffer management * *************************************/ void segas32_state::sprite_erase_buffer() { /* erase the visible sprite buffer and clear the checksums */ m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES].bitmap->fill(0xffff); /* for multi32, erase the other buffer as well */ if (m_is_multi32) m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_MULTISPR].bitmap->fill(0xffff); } void segas32_state::sprite_swap_buffers() { /* swap between the two sprite buffers */ struct segas32_state::layer_info temp; temp = m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES]; m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES] = m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES_2]; m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES_2] = temp; /* for multi32, swap the other buffer as well */ if (m_is_multi32) { temp = m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_MULTISPR]; m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_MULTISPR] = m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_MULTISPR_2]; m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_MULTISPR_2] = temp; } /* latch any pending info */ memcpy(m_sprite_control_latched, m_sprite_control, sizeof(m_sprite_control_latched)); } /************************************* * * Sprite render * *************************************/ /******************************************************************************************* * * System 32-style sprites * * Offs Bits Usage * +0 cc------ -------- Command (00=sprite, 01=clip, 02=jump, 03=end) * +0 --i----- -------- Indirect palette enable * +0 ---l---- -------- Indirect palette is inline in spriteram * +0 ----s--- -------- Shadow sprite * +0 -----r-- -------- Graphics from spriteram * +0 ------8- -------- 8bpp sprite * +0 -------o -------- Opaque (no transparency) * +0 -------- y------- Flip Y * +0 -------- -x------ Flip X * +0 -------- --Y----- Apply Y offset from last jump * +0 -------- ---X---- Apply X offset from last jump * +0 -------- ----aa-- Y alignment (00=center, 10=start, 01=end) * +0 -------- ------AA X alignment (00=center, 10=start, 01=end) * +2 hhhhhhhh -------- Source data height * +2 -------- wwwwwwww Source data width * +4 rrrr---- -------- Low bits of ROM bank * +4 -----hhh hhhhhhhh Onscreen height * +6 -5--4--- -------- Bits 5 + 4 of ROM bank * +6 -----www wwwwwwww Onscreen width * +8 ----yyyy yyyyyyyy Y position * +A ----xxxx xxxxxxxx X position * +C oooooooo oooooooo Offset within selected sprite bank * +E -----ppp pppp---- Palette * +E -------- ----rrrr Priority? * *******************************************************************************************/ #define sprite_draw_pixel_16(trans) \ /* only draw if onscreen, not 0 or 15 */ \ if (x >= clipin.min_x && x <= clipin.max_x && \ (!do_clipout || x < clipout.min_x || x > clipout.max_x) && \ pix != trans) \ { \ if (!indirect) \ { \ if (pix != 0) \ { \ if (!shadow) \ dest[x] = color | pix; \ else \ dest[x] &= 0x7fff; \ } \ } \ else \ { \ int indpix = indtable[pix]; \ if ((indpix & transmask) != transmask) \ { \ if (!shadow) \ dest[x] = indpix; \ else \ dest[x] &= 0x7fff; \ } \ } \ } #define sprite_draw_pixel_256(trans) \ /* only draw if onscreen, not 0 or 15 */ \ if (x >= clipin.min_x && x <= clipin.max_x && \ (!do_clipout || x < clipout.min_x || x > clipout.max_x) && \ pix != trans) \ { \ if (!indirect) \ { \ if (pix != 0) \ { \ if (!shadow) \ dest[x] = color | pix; \ else \ dest[x] &= 0x7fff; \ } \ } \ else \ { \ int indpix = (indtable[pix >> 4]) | (pix & 0x0f); \ if ((indpix & transmask) != transmask) \ { \ if (!shadow) \ dest[x] = indpix; \ else \ dest[x] &= 0x7fff; \ } \ } \ } int segas32_state::draw_one_sprite(uint16_t *data, int xoffs, int yoffs, const rectangle &clipin, const rectangle &clipout) { static const int transparency_masks[4][4] = { { 0x7fff, 0x3fff, 0x1fff, 0x0fff }, { 0x3fff, 0x1fff, 0x0fff, 0x07ff }, { 0x3fff, 0x1fff, 0x0fff, 0x07ff }, { 0x1fff, 0x0fff, 0x07ff, 0x03ff } }; bitmap_ind16 &bitmap = *m_layer_data[(!m_is_multi32 || !(data[3] & 0x0800)) ? MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES_2 : MIXER_LAYER_MULTISPR_2].bitmap; uint8_t numbanks = m_sprite_region.length() >> 20; int indirect = data[0] & 0x2000; int indlocal = data[0] & 0x1000; int shadow = (data[0] & 0x0800) && (m_sprite_control_latched[0x0a/2] & 1); int fromram = data[0] & 0x0400; int bpp8 = data[0] & 0x0200; int transp = (data[0] & 0x0100) ? 0 : (bpp8 ? 0xff : 0x0f); int flipy = data[0] & 0x0080; int flipx = data[0] & 0x0040; int offsety = data[0] & 0x0020; int offsetx = data[0] & 0x0010; int adjusty = (data[0] >> 2) & 3; int adjustx = (data[0] >> 0) & 3; int srch = (data[1] >> 8); int srcw = bpp8 ? (data[1] & 0x3f) : ((data[1] >> 1) & 0x3f); int bank = m_is_multi32 ? ((data[3] & 0x2000) >> 13) | ((data[3] & 0x8000) >> 14) : ((data[3] & 0x0800) >> 11) | ((data[3] & 0x4000) >> 13); int dsth = data[2] & 0x3ff; int dstw = data[3] & 0x3ff; int ypos = (int16_t)(data[4] << 4) >> 4; int xpos = (int16_t)(data[5] << 4) >> 4; uint32_t addr = data[6] | ((data[2] & 0xf000) << 4); int color = 0x8000 | (data[7] & (bpp8 ? 0x7f00 : 0x7ff0)); int hzoom, vzoom; int xdelta = 1, ydelta = 1; int x, y, xtarget, ytarget, yacc = 0, pix, transmask; const uint32_t *spritedata; uint32_t addrmask, curaddr; uint16_t indtable[16]; /* if hidden, or top greater than/equal to bottom, or invalid bank, punt */ if (srcw == 0 || srch == 0 || dstw == 0 || dsth == 0) goto bail; /* determine the transparency mask for pixels */ transmask = transparency_masks[m_sprite_control_latched[0x08/2] & 3][m_sprite_control_latched[0x0a/2] & 3]; if (bpp8) transmask &= 0xfff0; /* create the local palette for the indirect case */ if (indirect) { uint16_t *src = indlocal ? &data[8] : &m_spriteram[8 * (data[7] & 0x1fff)]; for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) indtable[x] = (src[x] & (bpp8 ? 0xfff0 : 0xffff)) | ((m_sprite_control_latched[0x0a/2] & 1) ? 0x8000 : 0x0000); } /* clamp to within the memory region size */ if (fromram) { spritedata = m_spriteram_32bit.get(); addrmask = (0x20000 / 4) - 1; } else { if (numbanks) bank %= numbanks; spritedata = &m_sprite_region[bank << 20]; addrmask = 0xfffff; } /* compute X/Y deltas */ hzoom = (((bpp8 ? 4 : 8) * srcw) << 16) / dstw; vzoom = (srch << 16) / dsth; /* adjust the starting X position */ if (offsetx) xpos += xoffs; switch (adjustx) { case 0: case 3: xpos -= (dstw - 1) / 2; break; case 1: xpos -= dstw - 1; break; case 2: break; } /* adjust the starting Y position */ if (offsety) ypos += yoffs; switch (adjusty) { case 0: case 3: ypos -= (dsth - 1) / 2; break; case 1: ypos -= dsth - 1; break; case 2: break; } /* adjust for flipping */ if (flipx) { xpos += dstw - 1; xdelta = -1; } if (flipy) { ypos += dsth - 1; ydelta = -1; } /* compute target X,Y positions for loops */ xtarget = xpos + xdelta * dstw; ytarget = ypos + ydelta * dsth; /* adjust target x for clipping */ if (xdelta > 0 && xtarget > clipin.max_x) { xtarget = clipin.max_x + 1; if (xpos >= xtarget) goto bail; } if (xdelta < 0 && xtarget < clipin.min_x) { xtarget = clipin.min_x - 1; if (xpos <= xtarget) goto bail; } /* loop from top to bottom */ for (y = ypos; y != ytarget; y += ydelta) { /* skip drawing if not within the inclusive cliprect */ if (y >= clipin.min_y && y <= clipin.max_y) { int do_clipout = (y >= clipout.min_y && y <= clipout.max_y); uint16_t *dest = &bitmap.pix16(y); int xacc = 0; /* 4bpp case */ if (!bpp8) { /* start at the word before because we preincrement below */ curaddr = addr - 1; for (x = xpos; x != xtarget; ) { uint32_t pixels = spritedata[++curaddr & addrmask]; /* draw four pixels */ pix = (pixels >> 28) & 0xf; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_16(transp) x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 24) & 0xf; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_16(0); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 20) & 0xf; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_16(0); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 16) & 0xf; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_16(0); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 12) & 0xf; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_16(0); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 8) & 0xf; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_16(0); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 4) & 0xf; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_16(0); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 0) & 0xf; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_16(transp); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; /* check for end code */ if (transp != 0 && pix == 0x0f) break; } } /* 8bpp case */ else { /* start at the word before because we preincrement below */ curaddr = addr - 1; for (x = xpos; x != xtarget; ) { uint32_t pixels = spritedata[++curaddr & addrmask]; /* draw four pixels */ pix = (pixels >> 24) & 0xff; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_256(transp); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 16) & 0xff; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_256(0); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 8) & 0xff; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_256(0); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; pix = (pixels >> 0) & 0xff; while (xacc < 0x10000 && x != xtarget) { sprite_draw_pixel_256(transp); x += xdelta; xacc += hzoom; } xacc -= 0x10000; /* check for end code */ if (transp != 0 && pix == 0xff) break; } } } /* accumulate zoom factors; if we carry into the high bit, skip an extra row */ yacc += vzoom; addr += srcw * (yacc >> 16); yacc &= 0xffff; } /* if we had an enabled inline indirect palette, we skip two entries */ bail: return (indirect && indlocal) ? 2 : 0; } void segas32_state::sprite_render_list() { rectangle outerclip, clipin, clipout; int xoffs = 0, yoffs = 0; int numentries = 0; int spritenum = 0; uint16_t *sprite; g_profiler.start(PROFILER_USER2); // logerror("----\n"); /* compute the outer clip */ outerclip.min_x = outerclip.min_y = 0; outerclip.max_x = (m_sprite_control_latched[0x0c/2] & 1) ? 415 : 319; outerclip.max_y = 223; /* initialize the cliprects */ clipin = outerclip; clipout.min_x = clipout.min_y = 0; clipout.max_x = clipout.max_y = -1; /* now draw */ while (numentries++ < 0x20000/16) { /* top two bits are a command */ sprite = &m_spriteram[8 * (spritenum & 0x1fff)]; switch (sprite[0] >> 14) { /* command 0 = draw sprite */ case 0: spritenum += 1 + draw_one_sprite(sprite, xoffs, yoffs, clipin, clipout); break; /* command 1 = set clipping */ case 1: /* set the inclusive cliprect */ if (sprite[0] & 0x1000) { clipin.min_y = (int16_t)(sprite[0] << 4) >> 4; clipin.max_y = (int16_t)(sprite[1] << 4) >> 4; clipin.min_x = (int16_t)(sprite[2] << 4) >> 4; clipin.max_x = (int16_t)(sprite[3] << 4) >> 4; clipin &= outerclip; } /* set the exclusive cliprect */ if (sprite[0] & 0x2000) { clipout.min_y = (int16_t)(sprite[4] << 4) >> 4; clipout.max_y = (int16_t)(sprite[5] << 4) >> 4; clipout.min_x = (int16_t)(sprite[6] << 4) >> 4; clipout.max_x = (int16_t)(sprite[7] << 4) >> 4; } /* advance to the next entry */ spritenum++; break; /* command 2 = jump to position, and set X offset */ case 2: /* set the global offset */ if (sprite[0] & 0x2000) { yoffs = (int16_t)(sprite[1] << 4) >> 4; xoffs = (int16_t)(sprite[2] << 4) >> 4; } spritenum = sprite[0] & 0x1fff; break; /* command 3 = done */ case 3: numentries = 0x20000/16; break; } } g_profiler.stop(); } /************************************* * * Mixer layer render * *************************************/ inline uint8_t segas32_state::compute_color_offsets(int which, int layerbit, int layerflag) { int mode = ((m_mixer_control[which][0x3e/2] & 0x8000) >> 14) | (layerbit & 1); switch (mode) { case 0: case 3: default: return !layerflag; case 1: /* fix me -- these are grayscale modes */ return 2; case 2: return (!layerflag) ? 2 : 0; } } inline uint16_t segas32_state::compute_sprite_blend(uint8_t encoding) { int value = encoding & 0xf; switch ((encoding >> 4) & 3) { /* blend if priority == value */ case 0: return 1 << value; /* blend if priority <= value */ case 1: return (1 << value) | ((1 << value) - 1); /* blend if priority >= value */ case 2: return ~((1 << value) - 1) & 0xffff; /* blend always */ default: case 3: return 0xffff; } } inline uint16_t *segas32_state::get_layer_scanline(int layer, int scanline) { if (m_layer_data[layer].transparent[scanline]) return (layer == MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES) ? m_solid_ffff.get() : m_solid_0000.get(); return &m_layer_data[layer].bitmap->pix16(scanline); } void segas32_state::mix_all_layers(int which, int xoffs, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, uint8_t enablemask) { int blendenable = m_mixer_control[which][0x4e/2] & 0x0800; int blendfactor = (m_mixer_control[which][0x4e/2] >> 8) & 7; struct mixer_layer_info { uint16_t palbase; /* palette base from control reg */ uint16_t sprblendmask; /* mask of sprite priorities this layer blends with */ uint8_t blendmask; /* mask of layers this layer blends with */ uint8_t index; /* index of this layer (MIXER_LAYER_XXX) */ uint8_t effpri; /* effective priority = (priority << 3) | layer_priority */ uint8_t mixshift; /* shift from control reg */ uint8_t coloroffs; /* color offset index */ } layerorder[16][8], layersort[8]; struct layer_info temp_sprite_save = { nullptr }; uint8_t sprgroup_shift, sprgroup_mask, sprgroup_or; int numlayers, laynum, groupnum; int rgboffs[3][3]; int sprpixmask, sprshadowmask; int sprx, spry, sprx_start; int sprdx, sprdy; int sprshadow; int x, y, i; /* if we are the second monitor on multi32, swap in the proper sprite bank */ if (which == 1) { temp_sprite_save = m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES]; m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES] = m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_MULTISPR]; } /* extract the RGB offsets */ rgboffs[0][0] = (int8_t)(m_mixer_control[which][0x40/2] << 2) >> 2; rgboffs[0][1] = (int8_t)(m_mixer_control[which][0x42/2] << 2) >> 2; rgboffs[0][2] = (int8_t)(m_mixer_control[which][0x44/2] << 2) >> 2; rgboffs[1][0] = (int8_t)(m_mixer_control[which][0x46/2] << 2) >> 2; rgboffs[1][1] = (int8_t)(m_mixer_control[which][0x48/2] << 2) >> 2; rgboffs[1][2] = (int8_t)(m_mixer_control[which][0x4a/2] << 2) >> 2; rgboffs[2][0] = 0; rgboffs[2][1] = 0; rgboffs[2][2] = 0; /* determine the sprite grouping parameters first */ switch (m_mixer_control[which][0x4c/2] & 0x0f) { default: case 0x0: sprgroup_shift = 14; sprgroup_mask = 0x00; sprgroup_or = 0x01; break; case 0x1: sprgroup_shift = 14; sprgroup_mask = 0x01; sprgroup_or = 0x02; break; case 0x2: sprgroup_shift = 13; sprgroup_mask = 0x03; sprgroup_or = 0x04; break; case 0x3: sprgroup_shift = 12; sprgroup_mask = 0x07; sprgroup_or = 0x08; break; case 0x4: sprgroup_shift = 14; sprgroup_mask = 0x01; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0x5: sprgroup_shift = 13; sprgroup_mask = 0x03; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0x6: sprgroup_shift = 12; sprgroup_mask = 0x07; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0x7: sprgroup_shift = 11; sprgroup_mask = 0x0f; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0x8: sprgroup_shift = 14; sprgroup_mask = 0x01; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0x9: sprgroup_shift = 13; sprgroup_mask = 0x03; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0xa: sprgroup_shift = 12; sprgroup_mask = 0x07; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0xb: sprgroup_shift = 11; sprgroup_mask = 0x0f; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0xc: sprgroup_shift = 13; sprgroup_mask = 0x01; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0xd: sprgroup_shift = 12; sprgroup_mask = 0x03; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0xe: sprgroup_shift = 11; sprgroup_mask = 0x07; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; case 0xf: sprgroup_shift = 10; sprgroup_mask = 0x0f; sprgroup_or = 0x00; break; } sprshadowmask = (m_mixer_control[which][0x4c/2] & 0x04) ? 0x8000 : 0x0000; sprpixmask = ((1 << sprgroup_shift) - 1) & 0x3fff; sprshadow = 0x7ffe & sprpixmask; /* extract info about TEXT, NBG0-3, and BITMAP layers, which all follow the same pattern */ numlayers = 0; for (laynum = MIXER_LAYER_TEXT; laynum <= MIXER_LAYER_BITMAP; laynum++) { int priority = m_mixer_control[which][0x20/2 + laynum] & 0x0f; if ((enablemask & (1 << laynum)) && priority != 0) { layersort[numlayers].index = laynum; layersort[numlayers].effpri = (priority << 3) | (6 - laynum); layersort[numlayers].palbase = (m_mixer_control[which][0x20/2 + laynum] & 0x00f0) << 6; layersort[numlayers].mixshift = (m_mixer_control[which][0x20/2 + laynum] >> 8) & 3; layersort[numlayers].blendmask = blendenable ? ((m_mixer_control[which][0x30/2 + laynum] >> 6) & 0xff) : 0; layersort[numlayers].sprblendmask = compute_sprite_blend(m_mixer_control[which][0x30/2 + laynum] & 0x3f); layersort[numlayers].coloroffs = compute_color_offsets(which, (m_mixer_control[which][0x3e/2] >> laynum) & 1, (m_mixer_control[which][0x30/2 + laynum] >> 14) & 1); numlayers++; } } /* extract info about the BACKGROUND layer */ layersort[numlayers].index = MIXER_LAYER_BACKGROUND; layersort[numlayers].effpri = (1 << 3) | 0; layersort[numlayers].palbase = (m_mixer_control[which][0x2c/2] & 0x00f0) << 6; layersort[numlayers].mixshift = (m_mixer_control[which][0x2c/2] >> 8) & 3; layersort[numlayers].blendmask = 0; layersort[numlayers].sprblendmask = 0; layersort[numlayers].coloroffs = compute_color_offsets(which, (m_mixer_control[which][0x3e/2] >> 8) & 1, (m_mixer_control[which][0x3e/2] >> 14) & 1); numlayers++; /* now bubble sort the list by effective priority */ for (laynum = 0; laynum < numlayers; laynum++) for (i = laynum + 1; i < numlayers; i++) if (layersort[i].effpri > layersort[laynum].effpri) { struct mixer_layer_info temp = layersort[i]; layersort[i] = layersort[laynum]; layersort[laynum] = temp; } /* for each possible sprite group, insert the sprites into the list at the appropriate point */ for (groupnum = 0; groupnum <= sprgroup_mask; groupnum++) { int effgroup = sprgroup_or | groupnum; int priority = m_mixer_control[which][0x00/2 + effgroup] & 0x0f; int effpri = (priority << 3) | 7; int sprindex = numlayers; int dstnum = 0; /* make a copy of the sorted list, finding a location for the sprite entry */ for (laynum = 0; laynum < numlayers; laynum++) { if (effpri > layersort[laynum].effpri && sprindex == numlayers) sprindex = dstnum++; layerorder[groupnum][dstnum++] = layersort[laynum]; } /* build the sprite entry */ layerorder[groupnum][sprindex].index = MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES; layerorder[groupnum][sprindex].effpri = effpri; if ((m_mixer_control[which][0x4c/2] & 3) != 3) layerorder[groupnum][sprindex].palbase = (m_mixer_control[which][0x00/2 + effgroup] & 0x00f0) << 6; else layerorder[groupnum][sprindex].palbase = (m_mixer_control[which][0x4c/2] & 0x00f0) << 6; layerorder[groupnum][sprindex].mixshift = (m_mixer_control[which][0x00/2 + effgroup] >> 8) & 3; layerorder[groupnum][sprindex].blendmask = 0; layerorder[groupnum][sprindex].sprblendmask = 0; layerorder[groupnum][sprindex].coloroffs = compute_color_offsets(which, (m_mixer_control[which][0x3e/2] >> 6) & 1, (m_mixer_control[which][0x4c/2] >> 15) & 1); } /* { static const char *const layname[] = { "TEXT", "NBG0", "NBG1", "NBG2", "NBG3", "BITM", "SPRI", "LINE" }; for (groupnum = 0; groupnum <= sprgroup_mask; groupnum++) { osd_printf_debug("%X: ", groupnum); for (i = 0; i <= numlayers; i++) osd_printf_debug("%s(%02X) ", layname[layerorder[groupnum][i].index], layerorder[groupnum][i].effpri); osd_printf_debug("\n"); } }*/ /* based on the sprite controller flip bits, the data is scanned to us in different */ /* directions; account for this */ if (m_sprite_control_latched[0x04/2] & 1) { sprx_start = cliprect.max_x; sprdx = -1; } else { sprx_start = cliprect.min_x; sprdx = 1; } if (m_sprite_control_latched[0x04/2] & 2) { spry = cliprect.max_y; sprdy = -1; } else { spry = cliprect.min_y; sprdy = 1; } /* loop over rows */ for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++, spry += sprdy) { uint32_t *dest = &bitmap.pix32(y, xoffs); uint16_t *layerbase[8]; /* get the starting address for each layer */ layerbase[MIXER_LAYER_TEXT] = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_TEXT, y); layerbase[MIXER_LAYER_NBG0] = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_NBG0, y); layerbase[MIXER_LAYER_NBG1] = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_NBG1, y); layerbase[MIXER_LAYER_NBG2] = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_NBG2, y); layerbase[MIXER_LAYER_NBG3] = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_NBG3, y); layerbase[MIXER_LAYER_BITMAP] = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_BITMAP, y); layerbase[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES] = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES, spry); layerbase[MIXER_LAYER_BACKGROUND] = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_BACKGROUND, y); /* loop over columns */ for (x = cliprect.min_x, sprx = sprx_start; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++, sprx += sprdx) { struct mixer_layer_info *first; int *rgbdelta; int firstpix; int sprpix, sprgroup; int r, g, b; int shadow = 0; /* first grab the current sprite pixel and determine the group */ sprpix = layerbase[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES][sprx]; sprgroup = (sprpix >> sprgroup_shift) & sprgroup_mask; /* now scan the layers to find the topmost non-transparent pixel */ for (first = &layerorder[sprgroup][0]; ; first++) { laynum = first->index; /* non-sprite layers are treated similarly */ if (laynum != MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES) { firstpix = layerbase[laynum][x] & 0x1fff; if (firstpix != 0 || laynum == MIXER_LAYER_BACKGROUND) break; } /* sprite layers are special */ else { firstpix = sprpix; shadow = ~firstpix & sprshadowmask; if ((firstpix & 0x7fff) != 0x7fff) { firstpix &= sprpixmask; if ((firstpix & 0x7ffe) != sprshadow) break; shadow = 1; } } } /* adjust the first pixel */ firstpix = m_paletteram[which][(first->palbase + ((firstpix >> first->mixshift) & 0xfff0) + (firstpix & 0x0f)) & 0x3fff]; /* compute R, G, B */ rgbdelta = &rgboffs[first->coloroffs][0]; r = ((firstpix >> 0) & 0x1f) + rgbdelta[0]; g = ((firstpix >> 5) & 0x1f) + rgbdelta[1]; b = ((firstpix >> 10) & 0x1f) + rgbdelta[2]; /* if there are potential blends, keep looking */ if (first->blendmask != 0) { struct mixer_layer_info *second; int secondpix; /* now scan the layers to find the topmost non-transparent pixel */ for (second = first + 1; ; second++) { laynum = second->index; /* non-sprite layers are treated similarly */ if (laynum != MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES) { secondpix = layerbase[laynum][x] & 0x1fff; if (secondpix != 0 || laynum == MIXER_LAYER_BACKGROUND) break; } /* sprite layers are special */ else { secondpix = sprpix; shadow = ~secondpix & sprshadowmask; if ((secondpix & 0x7fff) != 0x7fff) { secondpix &= sprpixmask; if ((secondpix & 0x7ffe) != sprshadow) break; shadow = 1; } } } /* are we blending with that layer? */ if ((first->blendmask & (1 << laynum)) && (laynum != MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES || (first->sprblendmask & (1 << sprgroup)))) { /* adjust the second pixel */ secondpix = m_paletteram[which][(second->palbase + ((secondpix >> second->mixshift) & 0xfff0) + (secondpix & 0x0f)) & 0x3fff]; /* compute first RGB */ r *= 7 - blendfactor; g *= 7 - blendfactor; b *= 7 - blendfactor; /* add in second RGB */ rgbdelta = &rgboffs[second->coloroffs][0]; r += (((secondpix >> 0) & 0x1f) + rgbdelta[0]) * (blendfactor + 1); g += (((secondpix >> 5) & 0x1f) + rgbdelta[1]) * (blendfactor + 1); b += (((secondpix >> 10) & 0x1f) + rgbdelta[2]) * (blendfactor + 1); /* shift off the extra bits */ r >>= 3; g >>= 3; b >>= 3; } } /* apply shadow/hilight */ if (shadow) { r >>= 1; g >>= 1; b >>= 1; } /* clamp and combine */ if (r > 31) firstpix = 31 << (16+3); else if (r > 0) firstpix = r << (16+3); else firstpix = 0; if (g > 31) firstpix |= 31 << (8+3); else if (g > 0) firstpix |= g << (8+3); if (b > 31) firstpix |= 31 << (0+3); else if (b > 0) firstpix |= b << (0+3); dest[x] = firstpix; } } /* if we are the second monitor on multi32, swap back the sprite layer */ if (which == 1) m_layer_data[MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES] = temp_sprite_save; } /************************************* * * Master update routine * *************************************/ void segas32_state::print_mixer_data(int which) { if (++m_print_count > 60 * 5) { osd_printf_debug("\n"); osd_printf_debug("OP: %04X\n", m_videoram[0x1ff8e/2]); osd_printf_debug("SC: %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X\n", m_sprite_control_latched[0x00], m_sprite_control_latched[0x01], m_sprite_control_latched[0x02], m_sprite_control_latched[0x03], m_sprite_control_latched[0x04], m_sprite_control_latched[0x05], m_sprite_control_latched[0x06], m_sprite_control_latched[0x07]); osd_printf_debug("00: %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X\n", m_mixer_control[which][0x00], m_mixer_control[which][0x01], m_mixer_control[which][0x02], m_mixer_control[which][0x03], m_mixer_control[which][0x04], m_mixer_control[which][0x05], m_mixer_control[which][0x06], m_mixer_control[which][0x07], m_mixer_control[which][0x08], m_mixer_control[which][0x09], m_mixer_control[which][0x0a], m_mixer_control[which][0x0b], m_mixer_control[which][0x0c], m_mixer_control[which][0x0d], m_mixer_control[which][0x0e], m_mixer_control[which][0x0f]); osd_printf_debug("20: %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X\n", m_mixer_control[which][0x10], m_mixer_control[which][0x11], m_mixer_control[which][0x12], m_mixer_control[which][0x13], m_mixer_control[which][0x14], m_mixer_control[which][0x15], m_mixer_control[which][0x16], m_mixer_control[which][0x17], m_mixer_control[which][0x18], m_mixer_control[which][0x19], m_mixer_control[which][0x1a], m_mixer_control[which][0x1b], m_mixer_control[which][0x1c], m_mixer_control[which][0x1d], m_mixer_control[which][0x1e], m_mixer_control[which][0x1f]); osd_printf_debug("40: %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X - %04X %04X %04X %04X\n", m_mixer_control[which][0x20], m_mixer_control[which][0x21], m_mixer_control[which][0x22], m_mixer_control[which][0x23], m_mixer_control[which][0x24], m_mixer_control[which][0x25], m_mixer_control[which][0x26], m_mixer_control[which][0x27], m_mixer_control[which][0x28], m_mixer_control[which][0x29], m_mixer_control[which][0x2a], m_mixer_control[which][0x2b], m_mixer_control[which][0x2c], m_mixer_control[which][0x2d], m_mixer_control[which][0x2e], m_mixer_control[which][0x2f]); m_print_count = 0; } } uint32_t segas32_state::screen_update_system32(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { uint8_t enablemask; /* update the visible area */ if (m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] & 0x8000) screen.set_visible_area(0, 52*8-1, 0, 28*8-1); else screen.set_visible_area(0, 40*8-1, 0, 28*8-1); /* if the display is off, punt */ if (!m_system32_displayenable[0]) { bitmap.fill(m_palette->black_pen(), cliprect); return 0; } /* update the tilemaps */ g_profiler.start(PROFILER_USER1); enablemask = update_tilemaps(screen, cliprect); g_profiler.stop(); /* debugging */ #if QWERTY_LAYER_ENABLE if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_Q)) enablemask = 0x01; if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_W)) enablemask = 0x02; if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_E)) enablemask = 0x04; if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_R)) enablemask = 0x08; if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_T)) enablemask = 0x10; if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_Y)) enablemask = 0x20; #endif /* do the mixing */ g_profiler.start(PROFILER_USER3); mix_all_layers(0, 0, bitmap, cliprect, enablemask); g_profiler.stop(); if (LOG_SPRITES && machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_L)) { const rectangle &visarea = screen.visible_area(); FILE *f = fopen("sprite.txt", "w"); int x, y; for (y = visarea.min_y; y <= visarea.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *src = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES, y); for (x = visarea.min_x; x <= visarea.max_x; x++) fprintf(f, "%04X ", *src++); fprintf(f, "\n"); } fclose(f); f = fopen("nbg0.txt", "w"); for (y = visarea.min_y; y <= visarea.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *src = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_NBG0, y); for (x = visarea.min_x; x <= visarea.max_x; x++) fprintf(f, "%04X ", *src++); fprintf(f, "\n"); } fclose(f); f = fopen("nbg1.txt", "w"); for (y = visarea.min_y; y <= visarea.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *src = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_NBG1, y); for (x = visarea.min_x; x <= visarea.max_x; x++) fprintf(f, "%04X ", *src++); fprintf(f, "\n"); } fclose(f); f = fopen("nbg2.txt", "w"); for (y = visarea.min_y; y <= visarea.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *src = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_NBG2, y); for (x = visarea.min_x; x <= visarea.max_x; x++) fprintf(f, "%04X ", *src++); fprintf(f, "\n"); } fclose(f); f = fopen("nbg3.txt", "w"); for (y = visarea.min_y; y <= visarea.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *src = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_NBG3, y); for (x = visarea.min_x; x <= visarea.max_x; x++) fprintf(f, "%04X ", *src++); fprintf(f, "\n"); } fclose(f); } #if SHOW_ALPHA { static const char *const layername[] = { "TEXT ", "NBG0 ", "NBG1 ", "NBG2 ", "NBG3 ", "BITMAP " }; char temp[100]; int count = 0, i; sprintf(temp, "ALPHA(%d):", (m_mixer_control[which][0x4e/2] >> 8) & 7); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (enablemask & (1 << i)) if ((m_mixer_control[which][0x30/2 + i] & 0x1010) == 0x1010) { count++; strcat(temp, layername[i]); } if (count) popmessage("%s", temp); } #endif #if SHOW_CLIPS { int showclip = -1; // if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_V)) // showclip = 0; // if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_B)) // showclip = 1; // if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_N)) // showclip = 2; // if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_M)) // showclip = 3; // if (showclip != -1) for (showclip = 0; showclip < 4; showclip++) { int flip = (m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] >> 9) & 1; int clips = (m_videoram[0x1ff06/2] >> (4 * showclip)) & 0x0f; if (((m_videoram[0x1ff02/2] >> (11 + showclip)) & 1) && clips) { int i, x, y; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (clips & (1 << i)) { const rectangle &visarea = screen.visible_area(); rectangle rect; pen_t white = get_white_pen(screen.machine()); if (!flip) { rect.min_x = m_videoram[0x1ff60/2 + i * 4] & 0x1ff; rect.min_y = m_videoram[0x1ff62/2 + i * 4] & 0x0ff; rect.max_x = (m_videoram[0x1ff64/2 + i * 4] & 0x1ff) + 1; rect.max_y = (m_videoram[0x1ff66/2 + i * 4] & 0x0ff) + 1; } else { rect.max_x = (visarea.max_x + 1) - (m_videoram[0x1ff60/2 + i * 4] & 0x1ff); rect.max_y = (visarea.max_y + 1) - (m_videoram[0x1ff62/2 + i * 4] & 0x0ff); rect.min_x = (visarea.max_x + 1) - ((m_videoram[0x1ff64/2 + i * 4] & 0x1ff) + 1); rect.min_y = (visarea.max_y + 1) - ((m_videoram[0x1ff66/2 + i * 4] & 0x0ff) + 1); } sect_rect(&rect, &screen.visible_area()); if (rect.min_y <= rect.max_y && rect.min_x <= rect.max_x) { for (y = rect.min_y; y <= rect.max_y; y++) { bitmap.plot(bitmap, rect.min_x, y, white); bitmap.plot(bitmap, rect.max_x, y, white); } for (x = rect.min_x; x <= rect.max_x; x++) { bitmap.plot(bitmap, x, rect.min_y, white); bitmap.plot(bitmap, x, rect.max_y, white); } } } } } } #endif if (PRINTF_MIXER_DATA) print_mixer_data(0); return 0; } uint32_t segas32_state::multi32_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int index) { uint8_t enablemask; /* update the visible area */ if (m_videoram[0x1ff00/2] & 0x8000) screen.set_visible_area(0, 52*8-1, 0, 28*8-1); else screen.set_visible_area(0, 40*8-1, 0, 28*8-1); /* if the display is off, punt */ if (!m_system32_displayenable[index]) { bitmap.fill(m_palette->black_pen(), cliprect); return 0; } /* update the tilemaps */ g_profiler.start(PROFILER_USER1); enablemask = update_tilemaps(screen, cliprect); g_profiler.stop(); /* debugging */ #if QWERTY_LAYER_ENABLE if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_Q)) enablemask = 0x01; if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_W)) enablemask = 0x02; if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_E)) enablemask = 0x04; if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_R)) enablemask = 0x08; if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_T)) enablemask = 0x10; if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_Y)) enablemask = 0x20; #endif /* do the mixing */ g_profiler.start(PROFILER_USER3); mix_all_layers(index, 0, bitmap, cliprect, enablemask); g_profiler.stop(); if (PRINTF_MIXER_DATA) { if (!screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_M)) print_mixer_data(0); else print_mixer_data(1); } if (LOG_SPRITES && screen.machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_L)) { const rectangle &visarea = screen.visible_area(); FILE *f = fopen("sprite.txt", "w"); int x, y; for (y = visarea.min_y; y <= visarea.max_y; y++) { uint16_t *src = get_layer_scanline(MIXER_LAYER_SPRITES, y); for (x = visarea.min_x; x <= visarea.max_x; x++) fprintf(f, "%04X ", *src++); fprintf(f, "\n"); } fclose(f); } return 0; } uint32_t segas32_state::screen_update_multi32_left(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect){ return multi32_update(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0); } uint32_t segas32_state::screen_update_multi32_right(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect){ return multi32_update(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 1); } /* Blending registers: ?--- ---- ---- ---- Unknown -c-- ---- ---- ---- Color selection --l- ---- ---- ---- 1= blend with line color ---s ---- ---- ---- 1= blend with sprites, under certain conditions ---- b--- ---- ---- 1= blend with bitmap ---- -3-- ---- ---- 1= blend with NBG3 ---- --2- ---- ---- 1= blend with NBG2 ---- ---1 ---- ---- 1= blend with NBG1 ---- ---- 0--- ---- 1= blend with NBG0 ---- ---- -t-- ---- 1= blend with text ---- ---- --mm ---- sprite priority comparison (see below) ---- ---- ---- vvvv sprite priority comparison value If sprite blending is enabled, blending is only performed if the underlying sprite pixel's group priority matches certain criteria. These criteria are specified in the low 6 bits of the register. If SPGP refers to the sprite pixel group prioity, then: if (mm == 00) blending is performed only if (vvvv == SPGP) if (mm == 01) blending is performed only if (vvvv >= SPGP) if (mm == 10) blending is performed only if (vvvv <= SPGP) if (mm == 11) blending is performed regardless of SPGP equal priority order = sprite text nbg0 nbg1 nbg2 nbg3 bitmap line arescue: SC: 0003 0000 0000 0002 - 0002 0003 0000 0000 00: 0011 0014 0018 001F - 0014 0015 0016 0017 - 0018 0019 001A 001B - 001C 001D 001E 001F 20: 000E 0141 0142 014E - 0146 000F 0000 0000 - 4000 4000 5008 5008 - 4000 4000 4000 4000 40: 0040 0040 0040 0000 - 0000 0000 BE4D 0C00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 alien3: SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0001 0003 0000 0000 00: 0011 0017 001B 001F - 0014 0015 0016 0017 - 0018 0019 001A 001B - 001C 001D 001E 001F 20: 000E 014C 014A 0147 - 0144 000B 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 1008 103C - 0000 4000 0000 0000 40: FFEB FFEB FFEB 0000 - 0000 0000 BE4D 0C00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 arabfgt: SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 00: 000E 000A 0008 0006 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007F 036D 036F 0366 - 0367 004F 0051 0050 - 0000 4000 57B0 4000 - 4000 0000 0000 4000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 8049 0F00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 brival: SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0001 0000 00: 000E 000A 0008 0006 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007F 036D 036F 036C - 0367 004F 0051 0050 - 0000 4000 7FF0 4000 - 4000 0000 0000 4000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 8049 0B00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 darkedge: SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0001 0003 0000 0000 00: 000E 000C 0008 000E - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007F 025D 025B 0259 - 0257 007E 0071 0070 - 4000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 40: 0020 0020 0020 0020 - 0020 0020 3E4D 0C00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 dbzvrvs: SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0001 0000 0000 0000 00: 000D 000B 0009 000F - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007E 036C 036C 036A - 036A 007C 0073 0072 - 4000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 3E01 0300 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 f1en: SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 00: 000E 000A 0008 0006 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007F 0361 0361 0361 - 036F 0041 0051 0050 - 4000 4000 4300 571B - 5216 0000 0000 0000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 3E49 0021 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 ga2j: - 8 priorities + shadow SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0002 0003 0000 0000 00: 000F 000D 000B 0009 - 0007 0007 0005 0003 - 000F 000D 000B 0009 - 0007 0007 0005 0003 20: 003E 014E 0142 014C - 0148 003E 0030 0030 - 4000 5119 4099 4000 - 4000 4000 4000 C000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 924E 0B00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 harddunk: SC: 0003 0000 0000 0000 - 0001 0001 0000 0000 00: 000A 0006 000E 000A - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007F 036D 0000 036C - 0000 0074 0072 0070 - 0000 4000 4000 4000 - 4000 0000 0000 4000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 9E05 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 holo: SC: 0003 0000 0000 0000 - 0002 0003 0000 0000 00: 0011 0014 0018 001F - 0014 0015 0016 0017 - 0018 0019 001A 001B - 001C 001D 001E 001F 20: 000F 0146 0143 014E - 014E 000E 0000 0000 - 4000 4000 5008 5008 - 4000 4000 4000 C000 40: FF00 FF00 FF00 0000 - 0000 0000 BE4D 0C00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 jpark: SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0003 0000 0000 00: 000A 000D 0007 0006 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007F 0368 036B 036E - 0369 007F 0077 0076 - 0000 4100 4200 15B0 - 0100 0000 0000 8010 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 9E4C 0B00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 orunners: SC: 0003 0000 0000 0000 - 0001 0003 0000 0000 00: 000E 000A 0006 0002 - 000E 000A 0006 0002 - 000E 000A 0006 0002 - 000E 000A 0006 0002 20: 003C 0141 0000 0142 - 0000 0038 0030 0030 - 5030 4000 4000 4000 - 4000 4000 4000 C000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 BE4D 0A00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 radm: - 8 priorities + shadow SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0001 0002 0000 0000 00: 000E 000E 000A 0008 - 0006 0004 0002 0000 - 000E 000C 000A 0008 - 0006 0004 0002 0000 20: 007F 0367 0369 036B - 036D 0071 0071 0070 - 4000 100E 100E 100E - 100E 0000 0000 0000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 3E49 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 radr: - 4 priorities SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0001 0002 0000 0000 00: 000E 000A 0008 0006 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007F 036E 036C 036D - 0367 0078 0071 0070 - 4000 4000 4300 571B - 5216 0000 0000 0000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 3E49 0B00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 scross: SC: 0003 0000 0000 0002 - 0001 0001 0000 0000 00: 001B 0017 001D 001F - 0010 0010 0010 0010 - 0010 0010 0010 0010 - 0010 0010 0010 0010 20: 000E 015A 0000 0156 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 4000 4000 4000 4000 - 4000 4000 4000 C000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 BE1D 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 slipstrm: SC: 0003 0000 00FC 0002 - 0001 0003 0001 0000 00: 004D 004D 004D 004A - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007F 0108 010E 010B - 0109 0000 0000 0000 - 4030 4030 4030 7C90 - 4030 4000 0000 C040 40: 0000 0000 0000 001F - 001F 001F 7F0D 0C00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 sonic: - 4 priorities SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0001 0002 0000 0000 00: 003E 003B 003C 0036 - 0030 0030 0030 0030 - 0030 0030 0030 0030 - 0030 0030 0030 0030 20: 002F 020E 020B 0208 - 0207 0021 0021 0020 - 0000 400B 4300 471B - 4216 0000 0000 0000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 3E49 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 spidman: - 8 priorities + shadow SC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0002 0003 0000 0000 00: 000E 000C 000A 0008 - 0006 0004 0002 0000 - 000E 000C 000A 0008 - 0006 0004 0002 0000 20: 003F 0149 0149 014C - 0140 003E 0030 0030 - 4000 4000 4000 4000 - 4000 4000 4000 C000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 BE4E 0F00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 svf: - 4 priorities SC: 0003 0000 0000 0002 - 0002 0003 0000 0000 00: 0014 0012 0018 001E - 0014 0015 0016 0017 - 0018 0019 001A 001B - 001C 001D 001E 001E 20: 000F 0143 0141 0142 - 0142 000E 0000 0000 - 4000 4000 5008 5008 - 5008 4000 4000 C001 40: 00FF 00FF 00FF 0000 - 0000 0000 BE4D 0900 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 titlef: SC: 0003 0000 0000 0000 - 0001 0001 0000 0000 00: 000E 0002 0005 000F - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 007F 0366 0000 0364 - 0000 0070 0071 0070 - 0000 4000 4000 4000 - 4000 0000 0000 4000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 9E05 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 */