// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:David Haywood /* This is the tilemap chip used by Grand Striker, Tecmo World Cup '94 and V Goal Soccer for the backgrounds the actual line scroll / zoom is not properly understood interestingly the chip seems to require doubled up ROMs (2 copies of each ROM) to draw just the single layer. */ /* Tecmo World Cup '94 "service mode" has an item for testing zooming, this is: 0xffdf12 target zoom code 0xffdf16 current zoom code */ #include "emu.h" #include "mb60553.h" #include "screen.h" DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(MB60553, mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device, "mb60553", "MB60553 Zooming Tilemap") mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : device_t(mconfig, MB60553, tag, owner, clock) , m_tmap(nullptr) , m_vram() , m_regs{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } , m_bank{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, } , m_pal_base(0) , m_lineram() , m_gfx_region(0) , m_gfxdecode(*this, finder_base::DUMMY_TAG) { } void mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::device_start() { if (!m_gfxdecode->started()) throw device_missing_dependencies(); m_lineram = make_unique_clear(0x1000/2); m_vram = make_unique_clear(0x4000/2); save_pointer(NAME(m_lineram), 0x1000/2); save_pointer(NAME(m_vram), 0x4000/2); save_item(NAME(m_pal_base)); save_item(NAME(m_bank)); save_item(NAME(m_regs)); m_tmap = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::get_tile_info),this),tilemap_mapper_delegate(FUNC(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::twc94_scan),this), 16,16,128,64); m_tmap->set_transparent_pen(0); } void mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::device_reset() { } /*** Fujitsu MB60553 (screen tilemap) **********************************************/ /* Fujitsu MB60553 - Tilemap chip ------------------------------ - 1 Plane - Tiles 16x16, 4bpp - Map 64x64 - Scrolling - Indexed banking (8 banks) - Surely another effect like roz/tilezoom, yet to be implemented Videoram format --------------- pppp bbbt tttt tttt t=tile, b=bank, p=palette Registers --------- 0 - Scroll X Fixed point 12.4 (seems wrong) 1 - Scroll Y Fixed point 12.4 (seems wrong) 2 - ???? 3 - ???? 4 - Tilebank #0/#1 ---a aaaa ---b bbbb 5 - Tilebank #2/#3 ---a aaaa ---b bbbb 6 - Tilebank #4/#5 ---a aaaa ---b bbbb 7 - Tilebank #6/#7 ---a aaaa ---b bbbb Indexed tilebank. Each bank is 0x200 tiles wide. Notice that within each register, the bank with the lower index is in the MSB. gstriker uses 5 bits for banking, but the chips could be able to do more. */ TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::get_tile_info) { int data, bankno; int tileno, pal; data = m_vram[tile_index]; tileno = data & 0x1FF; pal = (data >> 12) & 0xF; bankno = (data >> 9) & 0x7; SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(m_gfx_region, tileno + m_bank[bankno] * 0x200, pal + m_pal_base, 0); } void mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::reg_written( int num_reg) { switch (num_reg) { case 0: m_tmap->set_scrollx(0, m_regs[0]>>4); break; case 1: m_tmap->set_scrolly(0, m_regs[1]>>4); break; case 2: osd_printf_debug("reg , reg 2 %04x\n", m_regs[2]); break; case 3: osd_printf_debug("reg , reg 3 %04x\n", m_regs[3]); break; case 4: m_bank[0] = (m_regs[4] >> 8) & 0x1F; m_bank[1] = (m_regs[4] >> 0) & 0x1F; m_tmap->mark_all_dirty(); break; case 5: m_bank[2] = (m_regs[5] >> 8) & 0x1F; m_bank[3] = (m_regs[5] >> 0) & 0x1F; m_tmap->mark_all_dirty(); break; case 6: m_bank[4] = (m_regs[6] >> 8) & 0x1F; m_bank[5] = (m_regs[6] >> 0) & 0x1F; m_tmap->mark_all_dirty(); break; case 7: m_bank[6] = (m_regs[7] >> 8) & 0x1F; m_bank[7] = (m_regs[7] >> 0) & 0x1F; m_tmap->mark_all_dirty(); break; } } /* twc94 has the tilemap made of 2 pages .. it needs this */ TILEMAP_MAPPER_MEMBER(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::twc94_scan) { /* logical (col,row) -> memory offset */ return (row << 6) + (col & 0x003f) + (BIT(col, 6) << 12); } void mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::draw_roz_core(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &destbitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, uint32_t startx, uint32_t starty, int incxx, int incxy, int incyx, int incyy, bool wraparound) { // pre-cache all the inner loop values //const rgb_t *clut = m_palette->palette()->entry_list_adjusted(); const int xmask = m_tmap->pixmap().width() - 1; const int ymask = m_tmap->pixmap().height() - 1; const int widthshifted = m_tmap->pixmap().width() << 16; const int heightshifted = m_tmap->pixmap().height() << 16; uint8_t mask = 0x1f;// blit.mask; uint8_t value = 0x10;// blit.value; bitmap_ind16 &srcbitmap = m_tmap->pixmap(); bitmap_ind8 &flagsbitmap = m_tmap->flagsmap(); // extract start/end points int sy = cliprect.min_y; int ey = cliprect.max_y; // loop over rows while (sy <= ey) { // get dest and priority pointers int sx = cliprect.min_x; int ex = cliprect.max_x; uint16_t *dest = &destbitmap.pix(sy, sx); // loop over columns while (sx <= ex) { int xxx = startx + (sy*incyx) + (sx*incxx); int yyy = starty + (sy*incyy) + (sx*incxy); if (wraparound) { yyy = (yyy >> 16) & ymask; xxx = (xxx >> 16) & xmask; if ((flagsbitmap.pix(yyy, xxx) & mask) == value) { *dest = (srcbitmap.pix(yyy, xxx)); } } else { if (xxx < widthshifted && yyy < heightshifted) { yyy = (yyy >> 16); xxx = (xxx >> 16); if ((flagsbitmap.pix(yyy, xxx) & mask) == value) { *dest = (srcbitmap.pix(yyy, xxx)); } } } // advance in X sx++; dest++; //pri++; } // advance in Y sy++; } } /* THIS IS STILL WRONG! */ void mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::draw( screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16& bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int priority) { int line; rectangle clip; clip.min_x = screen.visible_area().min_x; clip.max_x = screen.visible_area().max_x; for (line = screen.visible_area().min_y; line < screen.visible_area().max_y;line++) { // int scrollx; // int scrolly; uint32_t startx,starty; int32_t incxx,incyy; int32_t incxy,incyx; float xoffset; // confirmed on how ROZ is used incyy = ((int16_t)m_lineram[(line)*8+0])<<4; incxx = ((int16_t)m_lineram[(line)*8+3])<<4; // startx has an offset based off current x zoom value // This is confirmed by Tecmo World Cup '94 startx being 0xff40 (-192) when showing footballer pics on attract mode (incxx is 0x800) // TODO: slightly offset? xoffset = ((float)incyy/(float)0x10000) * 384.0; startx = m_regs[0] + (int32_t)xoffset; starty = m_regs[1]; // TODO: what's this? Used by Grand Striker playfield incyx = ((int16_t)m_lineram[(line)*8+7])<<4; // V Goal Soccer rotation incxy = ((int16_t)m_lineram[(line)*8+4])<<4; clip.min_y = clip.max_y = line; draw_roz_core(screen, bitmap, clip, startx<<12,starty<<12, incxx,incxy,-incyx,incyy, 1 ); } } WRITE16_MEMBER(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::regs_w) { uint16_t oldreg = m_regs[offset]; COMBINE_DATA(&m_regs[offset]); if (m_regs[offset] != oldreg) reg_written(offset); } WRITE16_MEMBER(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::vram_w) { COMBINE_DATA(&m_vram[offset]); m_tmap->mark_tile_dirty(offset); } WRITE16_MEMBER(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::line_w) { COMBINE_DATA(&m_lineram[offset]); } READ16_MEMBER(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::regs_r) { return m_regs[offset]; } READ16_MEMBER(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::vram_r) { return m_vram[offset]; } READ16_MEMBER(mb60553_zooming_tilemap_device::line_r) { return m_lineram[offset]; }