// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Stefan Jokisch /*************************************************************************** video/liberatr.c Functions to emulate the video hardware of the machine. Liberator's screen is 256 pixels by 256 pixels. The round planet in the middle of the screen is 128 pixels tall by 96 equivalent (192 at double pixel rate). The emulator needs to account for the aspect ratio of 4/3 from the arcade video system in order to make the planet appear round. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "includes/liberatr.h" #define NUM_PENS (0x18) WRITE8_MEMBER( liberatr_state::bitmap_xy_w ) { m_videoram[(*m_ycoord << 8) | *m_xcoord] = data & 0xe0; } READ8_MEMBER( liberatr_state::bitmap_xy_r ) { return m_videoram[(*m_ycoord << 8) | *m_xcoord]; } WRITE8_MEMBER( liberatr_state::bitmap_w ) { uint8_t x, y; m_bitmapram[offset] = data; x = (offset & 0x3f) << 2; y = offset >> 6; data = data & 0xe0; m_videoram[(y << 8) | x | 0] = data; m_videoram[(y << 8) | x | 1] = data; m_videoram[(y << 8) | x | 2] = data; m_videoram[(y << 8) | x | 3] = data; } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(liberatr_state::planet_select_w) { m_planet_select = state; } /******************************************************************************************** liberatr_init_planet() The data for the planet is stored in ROM using a run-length type of encoding. This function does the conversion to the above structures and then a smaller structure which is quicker to use in real time. Its a multi-step process, reflecting the history of the code. Not quite as efficient as it might be, but this is not realtime stuff, so who cares... ********************************************************************************************/ void liberatr_state::init_planet(planet &liberatr_planet, uint8_t *planet_rom) { uint16_t longitude; const uint8_t *latitude_scale = memregion("user1")->base(); const uint8_t *longitude_scale = memregion("user2")->base(); /* for each starting longitude */ for (longitude = 0; longitude < 0x100; longitude++) { uint8_t i, latitude, start_segment, segment_count; uint8_t *buffer; planet_frame frame; planet_frame_line *line = nullptr; uint16_t total_segment_count = 0; /* for each latitude */ for (latitude = 0; latitude < 0x80; latitude++) { uint8_t segment, longitude_scale_factor, latitude_scale_factor, color, x=0; uint8_t x_array[32], color_array[32], visible_array[32]; /* point to the structure which will hold the data for this line */ line = &frame.lines[latitude]; latitude_scale_factor = latitude_scale[latitude]; /* for this latitude, load the 32 segments into the arrays */ for (segment = 0; segment < 0x20; segment++) { uint16_t length, planet_data, address; /* read the planet picture ROM and get the latitude and longitude scaled from the scaling PROMS */ address = (latitude << 5) + segment; planet_data = (planet_rom[address] << 8) | planet_rom[address + 0x1000]; color = (planet_data >> 8) & 0x0f; length = ((planet_data << 1) & 0x1fe) + ((planet_data >> 15) & 0x01); /* scale the longitude limit (adding the starting longitude) */ address = longitude + ( length >> 1 ) + ( length & 1 ); /* shift with rounding */ visible_array[segment] = (( address & 0x100 ) ? 1 : 0); if (address & 0x80) { longitude_scale_factor = 0xff; } else { address = ((address & 0x7f) << 1) + (((length & 1) || visible_array[segment]) ? 0 : 1); longitude_scale_factor = longitude_scale[address]; } x_array[segment] = (((uint16_t)latitude_scale_factor * (uint16_t)longitude_scale_factor) + 0x80) >> 8; /* round it */ color_array[segment] = color; } /* determine which segment is the western horizon and leave 'segment' indexing it. */ for (segment = 0; segment < 0x1f; segment++) /* if not found, 'segment' = 0x1f */ if (visible_array[segment]) break; /* transfer from the temporary arrays to the structure */ line->max_x = (latitude_scale_factor * 0xc0) >> 8; if (line->max_x & 1) line->max_x += 1; /* make it even */ /* as part of the quest to reduce memory usage (and to a lesser degree execution time), stitch together segments that have the same color */ segment_count = 0; i = 0; start_segment = segment; do { color = color_array[segment]; while (color == color_array[segment]) { x = x_array[segment]; segment = (segment+1) & 0x1f; if (segment == start_segment) break; } line->color_array[i] = color; line->x_array[i] = (x > line->max_x) ? line->max_x : x; i++; segment_count++; } while ((i < 32) && (x <= line->max_x)); total_segment_count += segment_count; line->segment_count = segment_count; } /* now that the all the lines have been processed, and we know how many segments it will take to store the description, allocate the space for it and copy the data to it. */ buffer = auto_alloc_array(machine(), uint8_t, 2*(128 + total_segment_count)); liberatr_planet.frames[longitude] = buffer; for (latitude = 0; latitude < 0x80; latitude++) { uint8_t last_x; line = &frame.lines[latitude]; segment_count = line->segment_count; *buffer++ = segment_count; last_x = 0; /* calculate the bitmap's x coordinate for the western horizon center of bitmap - (the number of planet pixels) / 4 */ *buffer++ = (m_screen->width() / 2) - ((line->max_x + 2) / 4); for (i = 0; i < segment_count; i++) { uint8_t current_x = (line->x_array[i] + 1) / 2; *buffer++ = line->color_array[i]; *buffer++ = current_x - last_x; last_x = current_x; } } } } /*************************************************************************** Start the video hardware emulation. ***************************************************************************/ void liberatr_state::video_start() { // for each planet in the planet ROMs init_planet(m_planets[0], &memregion("gfx1")->base()[0x2000]); init_planet(m_planets[1], &memregion("gfx1")->base()[0x0000]); save_item(NAME(m_planet_select)); } void liberatr_state::get_pens(pen_t *pens) { offs_t i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_PENS; i++) { uint8_t r,g,b; /* handle the hardware flip of the bit order from 765 to 576 that hardware does between vram and color ram */ static const offs_t penmap[] = { 0x0f, 0x0e, 0x0d, 0x0c, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x09, 0x08, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10, 0x12, 0x14, 0x16, 0x11, 0x13, 0x15, 0x17 }; uint8_t data = m_colorram[i]; /* scale it from 0x00-0xff */ r = ((~data >> 3) & 0x07) * 0x24 + 3; if (r == 3) r = 0; g = ((~data >> 0) & 0x07) * 0x24 + 3; if (g == 3) g = 0; b = ((~data >> 5) & 0x06) * 0x24 + 3; if (b == 3) b = 0; pens[penmap[i]] = rgb_t(r, g, b); } } void liberatr_state::draw_planet(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, pen_t *pens) { uint8_t latitude; uint8_t *buffer = m_planets[m_planet_select].frames[*m_planet_frame]; /* for each latitude */ for (latitude = 0; latitude < 0x80; latitude++) { uint8_t segment; /* grab the color value for the base (if any) at this latitude */ uint8_t base_color = m_base_ram[latitude >> 3] ^ 0x0f; uint8_t segment_count = *buffer++; uint8_t x = *buffer++; uint8_t y = 64 + latitude; /* run through the segments, drawing its color until its x_array value comes up. */ for (segment = 0; segment < segment_count; segment++) { uint8_t i; uint8_t color = *buffer++; uint8_t segment_length = *buffer++; if ((color & 0x0c) == 0x0c) color = base_color; for (i = 0; i < segment_length; i++, x++) bitmap.pix32(y, x) = pens[color]; } } } void liberatr_state::draw_bitmap(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, pen_t *pens) { offs_t offs; for (offs = 0; offs < 0x10000; offs++) { uint8_t data = m_videoram[offs]; uint8_t y = offs >> 8; uint8_t x = offs & 0xff; if (data) bitmap.pix32(y, x) = pens[(data >> 5) | 0x10]; } } uint32_t liberatr_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { pen_t pens[NUM_PENS]; get_pens(pens); bitmap.fill(rgb_t::black(), cliprect); draw_planet(bitmap, pens); draw_bitmap(bitmap, pens); return 0; }