/*************************************************************************** Video Hardware for some Technos games: Double Dragon, Double Dragon bootleg, Double Dragon II and China Gate Two Tile layers. Background layer is 512x512 , tiles are 16x16 Top layer is 256x256 , tiles are 8x8 Sprites are 16x16, 16x32, 32x16, or 32x32 (attribute bits set dimension) BG Tile Layout 0 1 ---- -xxx xxxx xxxx = Tile number --xx x--- ---- ---- = Color -x-- ---- ---- ---- = X Flip x--- ---- ---- ---- = Y Flip Top Tile layout. 0 1 ---- xxxx xxxx xxxx = Tile number xxxx ---- ---- ---- = Color (China Gate) xxx- ---- ---- ---- = Color (Double Dragon) Sprite layout. 0 1 2 3 4 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- xxxx xxxx xxxx ---- ---- = Sprite number ---- ---- ---- ---- -xxx ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- = Color xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- = Y position ---- ---- ---- ---x ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- = Y MSb position ??? ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- xxxx xxxx = X position ---- ---- ---- --x- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- = X MSb position ??? ---- ---- ---- -x-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- = Y Flip ---- ---- ---- x--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- = X Flip ---- ---- --xx ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- = Sprite Dimension ---- ---- x--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- = Visible ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "includes/ddragon.h" /*************************************************************************** Callbacks for the TileMap code ***************************************************************************/ static TILEMAP_MAPPER( background_scan ) { /* logical (col,row) -> memory offset */ return (col & 0x0f) + ((row & 0x0f) << 4) + ((col & 0x10) << 4) + ((row & 0x10) << 5); } static TILE_GET_INFO( get_bg_tile_info ) { ddragon_state *state = machine.driver_data(); UINT8 attr = state->m_bgvideoram[2 * tile_index]; SET_TILE_INFO( 2, state->m_bgvideoram[2 * tile_index+1] + ((attr & 0x07) << 8), (attr >> 3) & 0x07, TILE_FLIPYX((attr & 0xc0) >> 6)); } static TILE_GET_INFO( get_fg_tile_info ) { ddragon_state *state = machine.driver_data(); UINT8 attr = state->m_fgvideoram[2 * tile_index]; SET_TILE_INFO( 0, state->m_fgvideoram[2 * tile_index + 1] + ((attr & 0x07) << 8), attr >> 5, 0); } static TILE_GET_INFO( get_fg_16color_tile_info ) { ddragon_state *state = machine.driver_data(); UINT8 attr = state->m_fgvideoram[2 * tile_index]; SET_TILE_INFO( 0, state->m_fgvideoram[2 * tile_index+1] + ((attr & 0x0f) << 8), attr >> 4, 0); } /*************************************************************************** Start the video hardware emulation. ***************************************************************************/ VIDEO_START( ddragon ) { ddragon_state *state = machine.driver_data(); state->m_bg_tilemap = tilemap_create(machine, get_bg_tile_info, background_scan, 16, 16, 32, 32); state->m_fg_tilemap = tilemap_create(machine, get_fg_tile_info, tilemap_scan_rows, 8, 8, 32, 32); tilemap_set_transparent_pen(state->m_fg_tilemap, 0); tilemap_set_scrolldx(state->m_fg_tilemap, 0, 384 - 256); tilemap_set_scrolldx(state->m_bg_tilemap, 0, 384 - 256); tilemap_set_scrolldy(state->m_fg_tilemap, -8, -8); tilemap_set_scrolldy(state->m_bg_tilemap, -8, -8); } VIDEO_START( chinagat ) { ddragon_state *state = machine.driver_data(); state->m_bg_tilemap = tilemap_create(machine, get_bg_tile_info,background_scan, 16, 16, 32, 32); state->m_fg_tilemap = tilemap_create(machine, get_fg_16color_tile_info,tilemap_scan_rows, 8, 8, 32, 32); tilemap_set_transparent_pen(state->m_fg_tilemap, 0); tilemap_set_scrolldy(state->m_fg_tilemap, -8, -8); tilemap_set_scrolldy(state->m_bg_tilemap, -8, -8); } /*************************************************************************** Memory handlers ***************************************************************************/ WRITE8_HANDLER( ddragon_bgvideoram_w ) { ddragon_state *state = space->machine().driver_data(); state->m_bgvideoram[offset] = data; tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(state->m_bg_tilemap, offset / 2); } WRITE8_HANDLER( ddragon_fgvideoram_w ) { ddragon_state *state = space->machine().driver_data(); state->m_fgvideoram[offset] = data; tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(state->m_fg_tilemap, offset / 2); } /*************************************************************************** Display refresh ***************************************************************************/ #define DRAW_SPRITE( order, sx, sy ) drawgfx_transpen( bitmap, \ cliprect,gfx, \ (which + order),color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,0); static void draw_sprites( running_machine& machine, bitmap_t *bitmap,const rectangle *cliprect ) { ddragon_state *state = machine.driver_data(); const gfx_element *gfx = machine.gfx[1]; UINT8 *src; int i; if (state->m_technos_video_hw == 1) /* China Gate Sprite RAM */ src = (UINT8 *) (state->m_spriteram); else src = (UINT8 *) (&(state->m_spriteram[0x800])); for (i = 0; i < (64 * 5); i += 5) { int attr = src[i + 1]; if (attr & 0x80) /* visible */ { int sx = 240 - src[i + 4] + ((attr & 2) << 7); int sy = 232 - src[i + 0] + ((attr & 1) << 8); int size = (attr & 0x30) >> 4; int flipx = (attr & 8); int flipy = (attr & 4); int dx = -16,dy = -16; int which; int color; if (state->m_technos_video_hw == 2) /* Double Dragon 2 */ { color = (src[i + 2] >> 5); which = src[i + 3] + ((src[i + 2] & 0x1f) << 8); } else { if (state->m_technos_video_hw == 1) /* China Gate */ { if ((sx < -7) && (sx > -16)) sx += 256; /* fix sprite clip */ if ((sy < -7) && (sy > -16)) sy += 256; /* fix sprite clip */ } color = (src[i + 2] >> 4) & 0x07; which = src[i + 3] + ((src[i + 2] & 0x0f) << 8); } if (flip_screen_get(machine)) { sx = 240 - sx; sy = 256 - sy; flipx = !flipx; flipy = !flipy; dx = -dx; dy = -dy; } which &= ~size; switch (size) { case 0: /* normal */ DRAW_SPRITE(0, sx, sy); break; case 1: /* double y */ DRAW_SPRITE(0, sx, sy + dy); DRAW_SPRITE(1, sx, sy); break; case 2: /* double x */ DRAW_SPRITE(0, sx + dx, sy); DRAW_SPRITE(2, sx, sy); break; case 3: DRAW_SPRITE(0, sx + dx, sy + dy); DRAW_SPRITE(1, sx + dx, sy); DRAW_SPRITE(2, sx, sy + dy); DRAW_SPRITE(3, sx, sy); break; } } } } #undef DRAW_SPRITE SCREEN_UPDATE( ddragon ) { ddragon_state *state = screen->machine().driver_data(); int scrollx = (state->m_scrollx_hi << 8) | *state->m_scrollx_lo; int scrolly = (state->m_scrolly_hi << 8) | *state->m_scrolly_lo; tilemap_set_scrollx(state->m_bg_tilemap, 0, scrollx); tilemap_set_scrolly(state->m_bg_tilemap, 0, scrolly); tilemap_draw(bitmap,cliprect, state->m_bg_tilemap,0,0); draw_sprites(screen->machine(), bitmap, cliprect); tilemap_draw(bitmap, cliprect, state->m_fg_tilemap, 0, 0); return 0; }