// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Samuele Zannoli #include "emu.h" #include "video/poly.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "machine/pic8259.h" #include "includes/chihiro.h" // #define LOG_NV2A const char *vertex_program_disassembler::srctypes[] = { "??", "Rn", "Vn", "Cn" }; const char *vertex_program_disassembler::scaops[] = { "NOP", "IMV", "RCP", "RCC", "RSQ", "EXP", "LOG", "LIT", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???" }; const int vertex_program_disassembler::scapar2[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const char *vertex_program_disassembler::vecops[] = { "NOP", "MOV", "MUL", "ADD", "MAD", "DP3", "DPH", "DP4", "DST", "MIN", "MAX", "SLT", "SGE", "ARL", "???", "???", "???" }; const int vertex_program_disassembler::vecpar2[] = { 0, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 0, 0, 0 }; const char *vertex_program_disassembler::vecouts[] = { "oPos", "???", "???", "oD0", "oD1", "oFog", "oPts", "oB0", "oB1", "oT0", "oT1", "oT2", "oT3" }; const char vertex_program_disassembler::compchar[] = { 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w' }; /* Each vertex program instruction is a 128 bit word made of the fields: d f w b i o i e r t l d s d +-+-----+------- |0|31-0 |not used +-+-----+------- | |31-29|not used | +-----+------- | |28-25|scalar operation | +-----+------- | |24-21|vectorial operation | +-----+------- | |20-13|index for source constant C[] | +-----+------- | |12-9 |input vector index | +-----+------- |1| 8 |parameter A:sign | +-----+------- | | 7-6 |parameter A:swizzle x | +-----+------- | | 5-4 |parameter A:swizzle y | +-----+------- | | 3-2 |parameter A:swizzle z | +-----+------- | | 1-0 |parameter A:swizzle w |-+-----+------- | |31-28|parameter A:parameter Rn index | +-----+------- | |27-26|parameter A:input type 1:Rn 2:Vn 3:C[n] | +-----+------- | | 25 |parameter B:sign | +-----+------- | |24-23|parameter B:swizzle x | +-----+------- | |22-21|parameter B:swizzle y | +-----+------- | |20-19|parameter B:swizzle z | +-----+------- |2|18-17|parameter B:swizzle w | +-----+------- | |16-13|parameter B:parameter Rn index | +-----+------- | |12-11|parameter B:input type 1:Rn 2:Vn 3:C[n] | +-----+------- | | 10 |parameter C:sign | +-----+------- | | 9-8 |parameter C:swizzle x | +-----+------- | | 7-6 |parameter C:swizzle y | +-----+------- | | 5-4 |parameter C:swizzle z | +-----+------- | | 3-2 |parameter C:swizzle w | +-----+------- | | 1-0 | |-+ |parameter C:parameter Rn index | |31-30| | +-----+------- | |29-28|parameter C:input type 1:Rn 2:Vn 3:C[n] | +-----+------- | |27-24|output Rn mask from vectorial operation | +-----+------- | |23-20|output Rn index from vectorial operation | +-----+------- | |19-16|output Rn mask from scalar operation | +-----+------- |3|15-12|output vector write mask | +-----+------- | | 11 |1:output is output vector 0:output is constant C[] | +-----+------- | |10-3 |output vector/constant index | +-----+------- | | 2 |0:output Rn from vectorial operation 1:output Rn from scalar operation | +-----+------- | | 1 |1:add a0x to index for source constant C[] | +-----+------- | | 0 |1:end of program +-+-----+------- Each vertex program instruction can generate up to three destination values using up to three source values. The first possible destination is to Rn from a vectorial operation. The second possible destination is to a vertex shader output or C[n] from a vectorial or scalar operation. The third possible destination is to Rn from a scalar operation. */ void vertex_program_disassembler::decodefields(unsigned int *dwords, int offset, fields &decoded) { unsigned int srcbits[3]; int a; srcbits[0] = ((dwords[1 + offset] & 0x1ff) << 6) | (dwords[2 + offset] >> 26); srcbits[1] = (dwords[2 + offset] >> 11) & 0x7fff; srcbits[2] = ((dwords[2 + offset] & 0x7ff) << 4) | (dwords[3 + offset] >> 28); decoded.ScaOperation = (int)(dwords[1 + offset] >> 25) & 0xf; decoded.VecOperation = (int)(dwords[1 + offset] >> 21) & 0xf; decoded.SourceConstantIndex = (int)(dwords[1 + offset] >> 13) & 0xff; decoded.InputIndex = (int)(dwords[1 + offset] >> 9) & 0xf; for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) { decoded.src[a].Sign = (int)(srcbits[a] >> 14) & 1; decoded.src[a].SwizzleX = (int)(srcbits[a] >> 12) & 3; decoded.src[a].SwizzleY = (int)(srcbits[a] >> 10) & 3; decoded.src[a].SwizzleZ = (int)(srcbits[a] >> 8) & 3; decoded.src[a].SwizzleW = (int)(srcbits[a] >> 6) & 3; decoded.src[a].TempIndex = (int)(srcbits[a] >> 2) & 0xf; decoded.src[a].ParameterType = (int)(srcbits[a] >> 0) & 3; } decoded.VecTempWriteMask = (int)(dwords[3 + offset] >> 24) & 0xf; decoded.VecTempIndex = (int)(dwords[3 + offset] >> 20) & 0xf; decoded.ScaTempWriteMask = (int)(dwords[3 + offset] >> 16) & 0xf; decoded.OutputWriteMask = (int)(dwords[3 + offset] >> 12) & 0xf; decoded.OutputSelect = (int)(dwords[3 + offset] >> 11) & 0x1; decoded.OutputIndex = (int)(dwords[3 + offset] >> 3) & 0xff; decoded.MultiplexerControl = (int)(dwords[3 + offset] >> 2) & 0x1; decoded.Usea0x = (int)(dwords[3 + offset] >> 1) & 0x1; decoded.EndOfProgram = (int)(dwords[3 + offset] >> 0) & 0x1; } int vertex_program_disassembler::disassemble_mask(int mask, char *s) { int l; *s = 0; if (mask == 15) return 0; s[0] = '.'; l = 1; if ((mask & 8) != 0) { s[l] = 'x'; l++; } if ((mask & 4) != 0){ s[l] = 'y'; l++; } if ((mask & 2) != 0){ s[l] = 'z'; l++; } if ((mask & 1) != 0){ s[l] = 'w'; l++; } s[l] = 0; return l; } int vertex_program_disassembler::disassemble_swizzle(sourcefields f, char *s) { int t, l; t = 4; if (f.SwizzleW == 3) { t = t - 1; if (f.SwizzleZ == 2) { t = t - 1; if (f.SwizzleY == 1) { t = t - 1; if (f.SwizzleX == 0) { t = t - 1; } } } } *s = 0; if (t == 0) return 0; s[0] = '.'; l = 1; if (t > 0) { s[l] = compchar[f.SwizzleX]; l++; } if (t > 1) { s[l] = compchar[f.SwizzleY]; l++; } if (t > 2) { s[l] = compchar[f.SwizzleZ]; l++; } if (t > 3) { s[l] = compchar[f.SwizzleW]; l++; } s[l] = 0; return l; } int vertex_program_disassembler::disassemble_source(sourcefields f, fields fi, char *s) { int l; if (f.ParameterType == 0) { strcpy(s, ",???"); return 4; } l = 0; if (f.Sign != 0) { s[l] = '-'; l++; } if (f.ParameterType == 1) { s[l] = 'r'; l = l + 1 + sprintf(s + l + 1, "%d", f.TempIndex); } else if (f.ParameterType == 2){ s[l] = 'v'; l = l + 1 + sprintf(s + l + 1, "%d", fi.InputIndex); } else { if (fi.Usea0x != 0) { if (fi.SourceConstantIndex >= 96) { strcpy(s + l, "c["); l = l + 2; l = l + sprintf(s + l, "%d", fi.SourceConstantIndex - 96); strcpy(s + l, "+a0.x]"); l = l + 6; } else { strcpy(s + l, "c[a0.x"); l = l + 6; l = l + sprintf(s + l, "%d", fi.SourceConstantIndex - 96); s[l] = ']'; l++; } } else { strcpy(s + l, "c["); l = l + 2; l = l + sprintf(s + l, "%d", fi.SourceConstantIndex - 96); s[l] = ']'; l++; } } l = l + disassemble_swizzle(f, s + l); s[l] = 0; return l; } int vertex_program_disassembler::disassemble_output(fields f, char *s) { int l; if (f.OutputSelect == 1) { strcpy(s, vecouts[f.OutputIndex]); return strlen(s); } else { strcpy(s, "c["); l = 2; l = l + sprintf(s + l, "%d", f.OutputIndex - 96); s[l] = ']'; l++; } s[l] = 0; return l; } int vertex_program_disassembler::output_types(fields f, int *o) { o[0] = o[1] = o[2] = o[3] = o[4] = o[5] = 0; if ((f.VecOperation > 0) && (f.VecTempWriteMask != 0)) o[0] = 1; if ((f.VecOperation > 0) && (f.OutputWriteMask != 0) && (f.MultiplexerControl == 0)) o[1] = 1; if ((f.ScaOperation > 0) && (f.OutputWriteMask != 0) && (f.MultiplexerControl == 1)) o[2] = 1; if ((f.ScaOperation > 0) && (f.ScaTempWriteMask != 0)) o[3] = 1; if (f.VecOperation == 13) o[4] = 1; if (f.EndOfProgram == 1) o[5] = 1; return o[0] + o[1] + o[2] + o[3] + o[4] + o[5]; } int vertex_program_disassembler::disassemble(unsigned int *instruction, char *line) { int b, p; char *c; if (state == 0) { decodefields(instruction, 0, f); output_types(f, o); state = 1; } if (o[0] != 0) { o[0] = 0; c = line; strcpy(c, vecops[f.VecOperation]); c = c + strlen(c); strcpy(c, " r"); c = c + 2; c = c + sprintf(c, "%d", f.VecTempIndex); c = c + disassemble_mask(f.VecTempWriteMask, c); b = 0; for (p = 4; p != 0; p = p >> 1) { if ((vecpar2[f.VecOperation] & p) != 0) { c[0] = ','; c++; c = c + disassemble_source(f.src[b], f, c); } b++; } *c = 0; return 1; } if (o[1] != 0) { o[1] = 0; c = line; strcpy(c, vecops[f.VecOperation]); c = c + strlen(c); *c = ' '; c++; c = c + disassemble_output(f, c); c = c + disassemble_mask(f.OutputWriteMask, c); b = 0; for (p = 4; p != 0; p = p >> 1) { if ((vecpar2[f.VecOperation] & p) != 0) { *c = ','; c++; c = c + disassemble_source(f.src[b], f, c); } b++; } *c = 0; return 1; } if (o[2] != 0) { o[2] = 0; c = line; strcpy(c, scaops[f.ScaOperation]); c = c + strlen(c); *c = ' '; c++; c = c + disassemble_output(f, c); c = c + disassemble_mask(f.OutputWriteMask, c); b = 0; for (p = 4; p != 0; p = p >> 1) { if ((scapar2[f.ScaOperation] & p) != 0) { *c = ','; c++; c = c + disassemble_source(f.src[b], f, c); } b++; } *c = 0; return 1; } if (o[3] != 0) { if (f.VecOperation > 0) b = 1; else b = f.VecTempIndex; o[3] = 0; c = line; strcpy(c, scaops[f.ScaOperation]); c = c + strlen(c); strcpy(c, " r"); c = c + 2; c = c + sprintf(c, "%d", b); c = c + disassemble_mask(f.ScaTempWriteMask, c); b = 0; for (p = 4; p != 0; p = p >> 1) { if ((scapar2[f.ScaOperation] & p) != 0) { *c = ','; c++; c = c + disassemble_source(f.src[b], f, c); } b++; } *c = 0; return 1; } if (o[4] != 0) { o[4] = 0; c = line; c = c + sprintf(c, "MOV a0.x,"); c = c + disassemble_source(f.src[0], f, c); *c = 0; return 1; } if (o[5] != 0) { o[5] = 0; strcpy(line, "END"); return 1; } state = 0; return 0; } vertex_program_simulator::vertex_program_simulator() { for (auto & elem : op) elem.modified = 0; initialize_constants(); } void vertex_program_simulator::set_data(vertex_nv *in, vertex_nv *out) { input = in; output = out; } void vertex_program_simulator::reset() { ip = 0; a0x = 0; initialize_outputs(); initialize_temps(); } void vertex_program_simulator::decode_instruction(int address) { instruction *i; i = &op[address]; i->d.SignA = i->i[1] & (1 << 8); i->d.ParameterTypeA = (i->i[2] >> 26) & 3; i->d.TempIndexA = (i->i[2] >> 28) & 15; i->d.SwizzleA[0] = (i->i[1] >> 6) & 3; i->d.SwizzleA[1] = (i->i[1] >> 4) & 3; i->d.SwizzleA[2] = (i->i[1] >> 2) & 3; i->d.SwizzleA[3] = (i->i[1] >> 0) & 3; i->d.SignB = i->i[2] & (1 << 25); i->d.ParameterTypeB = (i->i[2] >> 11) & 3; i->d.TempIndexB = (i->i[2] >> 13) & 15; i->d.SwizzleB[0] = (i->i[2] >> 23) & 3; i->d.SwizzleB[1] = (i->i[2] >> 21) & 3; i->d.SwizzleB[2] = (i->i[2] >> 19) & 3; i->d.SwizzleB[3] = (i->i[2] >> 17) & 3; i->d.SignC = i->i[2] & (1 << 10); i->d.ParameterTypeC = (i->i[3] >> 28) & 3; i->d.TempIndexC = ((i->i[2] & 3) << 2) + (i->i[3] >> 30); i->d.SwizzleC[0] = (i->i[2] >> 8) & 3; i->d.SwizzleC[1] = (i->i[2] >> 6) & 3; i->d.SwizzleC[2] = (i->i[2] >> 4) & 3; i->d.SwizzleC[3] = (i->i[2] >> 2) & 3; i->d.VecOperation = (VectorialOperation)((i->i[1] >> 21) & 15); i->d.ScaOperation = (ScalarOperation)((i->i[1] >> 25) & 15); i->d.OutputWriteMask = ((i->i[3] >> 12) & 15); i->d.MultiplexerControl = i->i[3] & 4; // 0 : output Rn from vectorial operation 4 : output Rn from scalar operation i->d.VecTempIndex = (i->i[3] >> 20) & 15; i->d.OutputIndex = (i->i[3] >> 3) & 255; i->d.OutputSelect = i->i[3] & 0x800; i->d.VecTempWriteMask = (i->i[3] >> 24) & 15; i->d.ScaTempWriteMask = (i->i[3] >> 16) & 15; i->d.InputIndex = (i->i[1] >> 9) & 15; i->d.SourceConstantIndex = (i->i[1] >> 13) & 255; i->d.Usea0x = i->i[3] & 2; i->d.EndOfProgram = i->i[3] & 1; } int vertex_program_simulator::step() { int p1, p2; float tmp[3 * 4]; float tmpv[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0}; float tmps[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0}; instruction::decoded *d; #if 0 // useful while debugging to see what instrucion is being executed static int debugvpi = 0; char disbuffer[256]; if (debugvpi) { char *pp; vertex_program_disassembler vdis; pp = disbuffer; while (vdis.disassemble(op[ip].i, pp) != 0) { pp = pp + strlen(pp); *pp = '\n'; pp++; *pp = 0; } } #endif if (op[ip].modified) decode_instruction(ip); d = &(op[ip].d); // prepare inputs // input A generate_input(&tmp[0], d->SignA, d->ParameterTypeA, d->TempIndexA, d->SwizzleA); // input B generate_input(&tmp[4], d->SignB, d->ParameterTypeB, d->TempIndexB, d->SwizzleB); // input C generate_input(&tmp[8], d->SignC, d->ParameterTypeC, d->TempIndexC, d->SwizzleC); // compute 2 instructions // vectorial compute_vectorial_operation(tmpv, d->VecOperation, tmp); // scalar compute_scalar_operation(tmps, d->ScaOperation, tmp); // assign destinations if (d->VecOperation > 0) { if (d->VecOperation == 13) //o[4] = 1; a0x = (int)tmpv[0]; else { if (d->VecTempWriteMask != 0) { // assign to Rn //o[0] = 1; int wm = d->VecTempWriteMask; for (p1 = 0; p1 < 4; p1++) { if (wm & 8) r_temp[d->VecTempIndex].fv[p1] = tmpv[p1]; wm = wm << 1; } } if ((d->OutputWriteMask != 0) && (d->MultiplexerControl == 0)) { //o[1] = 1; if (d->OutputSelect) { // assign to output int wm = d->OutputWriteMask; for (p1 = 0; p1 < 4; p1++) { if (wm & 8) output->attribute[d->OutputIndex].fv[p1] = tmpv[p1]; wm = wm << 1; } // remeber, output position == r12 if (d->OutputIndex == 0) for (p1 = 0; p1 < 4; p1++) { r_temp[12].fv[p1] = output->attribute[d->OutputIndex].fv[p1]; } } else { // assign to constant int wm = d->OutputWriteMask; for (p1 = 0; p1 < 4; p1++) { if (wm & 8) c_constant[d->OutputIndex].fv[p1] = tmpv[p1]; wm = wm << 1; } } } } } if (d->ScaOperation > 0) { if (d->ScaTempWriteMask != 0) { // assign to Rn //o[3] = 1; if (d->VecOperation > 0) p2 = 1; else p2 = d->VecTempIndex; int wm = d->ScaTempWriteMask; for (p1 = 0; p1 < 4; p1++) { if (wm & 8) r_temp[p2].fv[p1] = tmps[p1]; wm = wm << 1; } } if ((d->OutputWriteMask != 0) && (d->MultiplexerControl != 0)) { // assign to output //o[2] = 1; int wm = d->OutputWriteMask; for (p1 = 0; p1 < 4; p1++) { if (wm & 8) output->attribute[d->OutputIndex].fv[p1] = tmps[p1]; wm = wm << 1; } // remeber, output position == r12 if (d->OutputIndex == 0) { for (p1 = 0; p1 < 4; p1++) { r_temp[12].fv[p1] = output->attribute[d->OutputIndex].fv[p1]; } } } } return d->EndOfProgram; } void vertex_program_simulator::execute() { int c; c = 0; do { c = step(); ip++; } while (c == 0); } void vertex_program_simulator::jump(int address) { ip = address; } void vertex_program_simulator::process(int address, vertex_nv *in, vertex_nv *out, int count) { #if 1 // useful while debugging to see what is being executed static int debugvps = 0; if (debugvps) { char *pp; vertex_program_disassembler vdis; char disbuffer[128]; jump(address); debugvps--; for (int t = 0; t < 128; t++) { pp = disbuffer; while (vdis.disassemble(op[ip + t].i, pp) != 0) { pp = pp + strlen(pp); *pp = '\n'; pp++; *pp = 0; } printf("%08X %08X %08X %s", op[ip + t].i[1], op[ip + t].i[2], op[ip + t].i[3], disbuffer); if (op[ip + t].i[3] & 1) break; } } #endif set_data(in, out); while (count > 0) { reset(); jump(address); execute(); input++; output++; count--; } } int vertex_program_simulator::status() { return ip; } void vertex_program_simulator::initialize_outputs() { for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++) { output->attribute[n].fv[0] = output->attribute[n].fv[1] = output->attribute[n].fv[2] = 0; output->attribute[n].fv[3] = 1; } } void vertex_program_simulator::initialize_temps() { for (auto & elem : r_temp) { for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++) elem.fv[m] = 0; } } void vertex_program_simulator::initialize_constants() { for (auto & elem : c_constant) { for (int m = 0; m < 4;m++) elem.fv[m] = 0; } } void vertex_program_simulator::generate_input(float t[4], int sign, int type, int temp, int swizzle[4]) { float sgn = 1; if (sign) sgn = -1; if (type == 1) { t[0] = sgn*r_temp[temp].fv[swizzle[0]]; t[1] = sgn*r_temp[temp].fv[swizzle[1]]; t[2] = sgn*r_temp[temp].fv[swizzle[2]]; t[3] = sgn*r_temp[temp].fv[swizzle[3]]; } else if (type == 2) { int InputIndex = op[ip].d.InputIndex; t[0] = sgn*input->attribute[InputIndex].fv[swizzle[0]]; t[1] = sgn*input->attribute[InputIndex].fv[swizzle[1]]; t[2] = sgn*input->attribute[InputIndex].fv[swizzle[2]]; t[3] = sgn*input->attribute[InputIndex].fv[swizzle[3]]; } else if (type == 3) { int SourceConstantIndex = op[ip].d.SourceConstantIndex; if (op[ip].d.Usea0x) SourceConstantIndex = SourceConstantIndex + a0x; t[0] = sgn*c_constant[SourceConstantIndex].fv[swizzle[0]]; t[1] = sgn*c_constant[SourceConstantIndex].fv[swizzle[1]]; t[2] = sgn*c_constant[SourceConstantIndex].fv[swizzle[2]]; t[3] = sgn*c_constant[SourceConstantIndex].fv[swizzle[3]]; } } void vertex_program_simulator::compute_vectorial_operation(float t_out[4], int instruction, float par_in[3 * 4]) { const int p1_A = 0; const int p2_B = 4; const int p3_C = 8; // t_out <= instruction(par_in) switch (instruction) { case 0: // "NOP" break; case 1: // "MOV" t_out[0] = par_in[p1_A + 0]; t_out[1] = par_in[p1_A + 1]; t_out[2] = par_in[p1_A + 2]; t_out[3] = par_in[p1_A + 3]; break; case 2: // "MUL" t_out[0] = par_in[p1_A + 0] * par_in[p2_B + 0]; t_out[1] = par_in[p1_A + 1] * par_in[p2_B + 1]; t_out[2] = par_in[p1_A + 2] * par_in[p2_B + 2]; t_out[3] = par_in[p1_A + 3] * par_in[p2_B + 3]; break; case 3: // "ADD" t_out[0] = par_in[p1_A + 0] + par_in[p3_C + 0]; t_out[1] = par_in[p1_A + 1] + par_in[p3_C + 1]; t_out[2] = par_in[p1_A + 2] + par_in[p3_C + 2]; t_out[3] = par_in[p1_A + 3] + par_in[p3_C + 3]; break; case 4: // "MAD" t_out[0] = par_in[p1_A + 0] * par_in[p2_B + 0] + par_in[p3_C + 0]; t_out[1] = par_in[p1_A + 1] * par_in[p2_B + 1] + par_in[p3_C + 1]; t_out[2] = par_in[p1_A + 2] * par_in[p2_B + 2] + par_in[p3_C + 2]; t_out[3] = par_in[p1_A + 3] * par_in[p2_B + 3] + par_in[p3_C + 3]; break; case 5: // "DP3" t_out[0] = par_in[p1_A + 0] * par_in[p2_B + 0] + par_in[p1_A + 1] * par_in[p2_B + 1] + par_in[p1_A + 2] * par_in[p2_B + 2]; t_out[1] = t_out[2] = t_out[3] = t_out[0]; break; case 6: // "DPH" t_out[0] = par_in[p1_A + 0] * par_in[p2_B + 0] + par_in[p1_A + 1] * par_in[p2_B + 1] + par_in[p1_A + 2] * par_in[p2_B + 2] + par_in[p2_B + 3]; t_out[1] = t_out[2] = t_out[3] = t_out[0]; break; case 7: // "DP4" t_out[0] = par_in[p1_A + 0] * par_in[p2_B + 0] + par_in[p1_A + 1] * par_in[p2_B + 1] + par_in[p1_A + 2] * par_in[p2_B + 2] + par_in[p1_A + 3] * par_in[p2_B + 3]; t_out[1] = t_out[2] = t_out[3] = t_out[0]; break; case 8: // "DST" t_out[0] = 1.0; t_out[1] = par_in[p1_A + 1] * par_in[p2_B + 1]; t_out[2] = par_in[p1_A + 2]; t_out[3] = par_in[p2_B + 3]; break; case 9: // "MIN" t_out[0] = fmin(par_in[p1_A + 0], par_in[p2_B + 0]); t_out[1] = fmin(par_in[p1_A + 1], par_in[p2_B + 1]); t_out[2] = fmin(par_in[p1_A + 2], par_in[p2_B + 2]); t_out[3] = fmin(par_in[p1_A + 3], par_in[p2_B + 3]); break; case 10: // "MAX" t_out[0] = fmax(par_in[p1_A + 0], par_in[p2_B + 0]); t_out[1] = fmax(par_in[p1_A + 1], par_in[p2_B + 1]); t_out[2] = fmax(par_in[p1_A + 2], par_in[p2_B + 2]); t_out[3] = fmax(par_in[p1_A + 3], par_in[p2_B + 3]); break; case 11: // "SLT" t_out[0] = (par_in[p1_A + 0] < par_in[p2_B + 0]) ? 1.0 : 0; t_out[1] = (par_in[p1_A + 1] < par_in[p2_B + 1]) ? 1.0 : 0; t_out[2] = (par_in[p1_A + 2] < par_in[p2_B + 2]) ? 1.0 : 0; t_out[3] = (par_in[p1_A + 3] < par_in[p2_B + 3]) ? 1.0 : 0; break; case 12: // "SGE" t_out[0] = (par_in[p1_A + 0] >= par_in[p2_B + 0]) ? 1.0 : 0; t_out[1] = (par_in[p1_A + 1] >= par_in[p2_B + 1]) ? 1.0 : 0; t_out[2] = (par_in[p1_A + 2] >= par_in[p2_B + 2]) ? 1.0 : 0; t_out[3] = (par_in[p1_A + 3] >= par_in[p2_B + 3]) ? 1.0 : 0; break; case 13: // "ARL" t_out[0] = par_in[p1_A + 0]; } } void vertex_program_simulator::compute_scalar_operation(float t_out[4], int instruction, float par_in[3 * 4]) { //const int p1_A = 0; //const int p2_B = 4; const int p3_C = 8; union { float f; unsigned int i; } t; int e; // t_out <= instruction(par_in) switch (instruction) { case 0: // "NOP" break; case 1: // "IMV" t_out[0] = par_in[p3_C + 0]; t_out[1] = par_in[p3_C + 1]; t_out[2] = par_in[p3_C + 2]; t_out[3] = par_in[p3_C + 3]; break; case 2: // "RCP" t_out[0] = t_out[1] = t_out[2] = t_out[3] = 1.0f / par_in[p3_C + 0]; break; case 3: // "RCC" t_out[0] = t_out[1] = t_out[2] = t_out[3] = 1.0f / par_in[p3_C + 0]; // ? break; case 4: // "RSQ" /* * NOTE: this was abs which is "int abs(int x)" - and changed to fabsf due to clang 3.6 warning */ t_out[0] = t_out[1] = t_out[2] = t_out[3] = 1.0f / sqrtf(fabsf(par_in[p3_C + 0])); break; case 5: // "EXP" t_out[0] = pow(2, floor(par_in[p3_C + 0])); t_out[1] = par_in[p3_C + 0] - floorf(par_in[p3_C + 0]); t.f = pow(2, par_in[p3_C + 0]); t.i = t.i & 0xffffff00; t_out[2] = t.f; t_out[3] = 1.0; break; case 6: // "LOG" t_out[1] = frexp(par_in[p3_C + 0], &e)*2.0; // frexp gives mantissa as 0.5....1 t_out[0] = e - 1; #ifndef __OS2__ /* * NOTE: this was abs which is "int abs(int x)" - and changed to fabsf due to clang 3.6 warning */ t.f = log2(fabsf(par_in[p3_C + 0])); #else static double log_2 = 0.0; if (log_2 == 0.0) log_2 = log(2); t.f = log(abs(par_in[p3_C + 0])) / log_2; #endif t.i = t.i & 0xffffff00; t_out[2] = t.f; t_out[3] = 1.0; break; case 7: // "LIT" t_out[0] = 1.0; t_out[1] = fmax(0, fmin(par_in[p3_C + 0], 1.0f)); t_out[2] = par_in[p3_C + 0] > 0 ? pow(fmax(par_in[p3_C + 1], 0), par_in[p3_C + 3]) : 0; t_out[3] = 1.0; break; } } /* * Graphics */ UINT32 nv2a_renderer::dilate0(UINT32 value, int bits) // dilate first "bits" bits in "value" { UINT32 x, m1, m2, m3; int a; x = value; for (a = 0; a < bits; a++) { m2 = 1 << (a << 1); m1 = m2 - 1; m3 = (~m1) << 1; x = (x & m1) + (x & m2) + ((x & m3) << 1); } return x; } UINT32 nv2a_renderer::dilate1(UINT32 value, int bits) // dilate first "bits" bits in "value" { UINT32 x, m1, m2, m3; int a; x = value; for (a = 0; a < bits; a++) { m2 = 1 << (a << 1); m1 = m2 - 1; m3 = (~m1) << 1; x = (x & m1) + ((x & m2) << 1) + ((x & m3) << 1); } return x; } void nv2a_renderer::computedilated(void) { int a, b; for (b = 0; b < 16; b++) for (a = 0; a < 2048; a++) { dilated0[b][a] = dilate0(a, b); dilated1[b][a] = dilate1(a, b); } for (b = 0; b < 16; b++) for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) dilatechose[(b << 4) + a] = (a < b ? a : b); } inline UINT8 *nv2a_renderer::direct_access_ptr(offs_t address) { return basemempointer + address; } int nv2a_renderer::geforce_commandkind(UINT32 word) { if ((word & 0x00000003) == 0x00000002) return 7; // call if ((word & 0x00000003) == 0x00000001) return 6; // jump if ((word & 0xE0030003) == 0x40000000) return 5; // non increasing if ((word & 0xE0000003) == 0x20000000) return 4; // old jump if ((word & 0xFFFF0003) == 0x00030000) return 3; // long non icreasing if ((word & 0xFFFFFFFF) == 0x00020000) return 2; // return if ((word & 0xFFFF0003) == 0x00010000) return 1; // sli conditional if ((word & 0xE0030003) == 0x00000000) return 0; // increasing return -1; } UINT32 nv2a_renderer::geforce_object_offset(UINT32 handle) { UINT32 h = ((((handle >> 11) ^ handle) >> 11) ^ handle) & 0x7ff; UINT32 o = (pfifo[0x210 / 4] & 0x1ff) << 8; // 0x1ff is not certain UINT32 e = o + h * 8; // at 0xfd000000+0x00700000 UINT32 w; if (ramin[e / 4] != handle) { // this should never happen for (UINT32 aa = o / 4; aa < (sizeof(ramin) / 4); aa = aa + 2) { if (ramin[aa] == handle) { e = aa * 4; } } } w = ramin[e / 4 + 1]; return (w & 0xffff) * 0x10; // 0xffff is not certain } void nv2a_renderer::geforce_read_dma_object(UINT32 handle, UINT32 &offset, UINT32 &size) { //UINT32 objclass,pt_present,pt_linear,access,target,rorw; UINT32 dma_adjust, dma_frame; UINT32 o = geforce_object_offset(handle); o = o / 4; //objclass=ramin[o] & 0xfff; //pt_present=(ramin[o] >> 12) & 1; //pt_linear=(ramin[o] >> 13) & 1; //access=(ramin[o] >> 14) & 3; //target=(ramin[o] >> 16) & 3; dma_adjust = (ramin[o] >> 20) & 0xfff; size = ramin[o + 1]; //rorw=ramin[o+2] & 1; dma_frame = ramin[o + 2] & 0xfffff000; offset = dma_frame + dma_adjust; } /*void myline(bitmap_rgb32 &bmp,float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2) { int xx1,yy1,xx2,yy2; xx1=x1; xx2=x2; yy1=y1; yy2=y2; if (xx1 == xx2) { if (yy1 > yy2) { int t=yy1; yy1=yy2; yy2=t; } for (int y=yy1;y <= yy2;y++) *((UINT32 *)bmp.raw_pixptr(y,xx1))= -1; } else if (yy1 == yy2) { if (xx1 > xx2) { int t=xx1; xx1=xx2; xx2=t; } for (int x=xx1;x <= xx2;x++) *((UINT32 *)bmp.raw_pixptr(yy1,x))= -1; } }*/ inline UINT32 convert_a4r4g4b4_a8r8g8b8(UINT32 a4r4g4b4) { UINT32 a8r8g8b8; int ca, cr, cg, cb; cb = pal4bit(a4r4g4b4 & 0x000f); cg = pal4bit((a4r4g4b4 & 0x00f0) >> 4); cr = pal4bit((a4r4g4b4 & 0x0f00) >> 8); ca = pal4bit((a4r4g4b4 & 0xf000) >> 12); a8r8g8b8 = (ca << 24) | (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); // color converted to 8 bits per component return a8r8g8b8; } inline UINT32 convert_a1r5g5b5_a8r8g8b8(UINT32 a1r5g5b5) { UINT32 a8r8g8b8; int ca, cr, cg, cb; cb = pal5bit(a1r5g5b5 & 0x001f); cg = pal5bit((a1r5g5b5 & 0x03e0) >> 5); cr = pal5bit((a1r5g5b5 & 0x7c00) >> 10); ca = a1r5g5b5 & 0x8000 ? 0xff : 0; a8r8g8b8 = (ca << 24) | (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); // color converted to 8 bits per component return a8r8g8b8; } inline UINT32 convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(UINT32 r5g6b5) { UINT32 r8g8b8; int cr, cg, cb; cb = pal5bit(r5g6b5 & 0x001f); cg = pal6bit((r5g6b5 & 0x07e0) >> 5); cr = pal5bit((r5g6b5 & 0xf800) >> 11); r8g8b8 = (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); // color converted to 8 bits per component return r8g8b8; } UINT32 nv2a_renderer::texture_get_texel(int number, int x, int y) { UINT32 to, s, c, sa, ca; UINT32 a4r4g4b4, a1r5g5b5, r5g6b5; int bx, by; int color0, color1, color0m2, color1m2, alpha0, alpha1; UINT32 codes; UINT64 alphas; int cr, cg, cb; // force to [0,size-1] x = (unsigned int)x & (texture[number].sizeu - 1); y = (unsigned int)y & (texture[number].sizev - 1); switch (texture[number].format) { case NV2A_TEX_FORMAT::A8R8G8B8: to = dilated0[texture[number].dilate][x] + dilated1[texture[number].dilate][y]; // offset of texel in texture memory return *(((UINT32 *)texture[number].buffer) + to); // get texel color case NV2A_TEX_FORMAT::DXT1: bx = x >> 2; by = y >> 2; x = x & 3; y = y & 3; to = bx + by*(texture[number].sizeu >> 2); color0 = *((UINT16 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 0); color1 = *((UINT16 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 1); codes = *((UINT32 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 1); s = (y << 3) + (x << 1); c = (codes >> s) & 3; c = c + (color0 > color1 ? 0 : 4); color0m2 = color0 << 1; color1m2 = color1 << 1; switch (c) { case 0: return 0xff000000 + convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(color0); case 1: return 0xff000000 + convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(color1); case 2: cb = pal5bit(((color0m2 & 0x003e) + (color1 & 0x001f)) / 3); cg = pal6bit(((color0m2 & 0x0fc0) + (color1 & 0x07e0)) / 3 >> 5); cr = pal5bit(((color0m2 & 0x1f000) + color1) / 3 >> 11); return 0xff000000 | (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); case 3: cb = pal5bit(((color1m2 & 0x003e) + (color0 & 0x001f)) / 3); cg = pal6bit(((color1m2 & 0x0fc0) + (color0 & 0x07e0)) / 3 >> 5); cr = pal5bit(((color1m2 & 0x1f000) + color0) / 3 >> 11); return 0xff000000 | (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); case 4: return 0xff000000 + convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(color0); case 5: return 0xff000000 + convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(color1); case 6: cb = pal5bit(((color0 & 0x001f) + (color1 & 0x001f)) / 2); cg = pal6bit(((color0 & 0x07e0) + (color1 & 0x07e0)) / 2 >> 5); cr = pal5bit(((color0 & 0xf800) + (color1 & 0xf800)) / 2 >> 11); return 0xff000000 | (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); default: return 0xff000000; } case NV2A_TEX_FORMAT::DXT3: bx = x >> 2; by = y >> 2; x = x & 3; y = y & 3; to = (bx + by*(texture[number].sizeu >> 2)) << 1; color0 = *((UINT16 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 4); color1 = *((UINT16 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 5); codes = *((UINT32 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 3); alphas = *(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to); s = (y << 3) + (x << 1); sa = ((y << 2) + x) << 2; c = (codes >> s) & 3; ca = (alphas >> sa) & 15; switch (c) { case 0: return ((ca + (ca << 4)) << 24) + convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(color0); case 1: return ((ca + (ca << 4)) << 24) + convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(color1); case 2: cb = pal5bit((2 * (color0 & 0x001f) + (color1 & 0x001f)) / 3); cg = pal6bit((2 * (color0 & 0x07e0) + (color1 & 0x07e0)) / 3 >> 5); cr = pal5bit((2 * (color0 & 0xf800) + (color1 & 0xf800)) / 3 >> 11); return ((ca + (ca << 4)) << 24) | (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); default: cb = pal5bit(((color0 & 0x001f) + 2 * (color1 & 0x001f)) / 3); cg = pal6bit(((color0 & 0x07e0) + 2 * (color1 & 0x07e0)) / 3 >> 5); cr = pal5bit(((color0 & 0xf800) + 2 * (color1 & 0xf800)) / 3 >> 11); return ((ca + (ca << 4)) << 24) | (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); } case NV2A_TEX_FORMAT::A4R4G4B4: to = dilated0[texture[number].dilate][x] + dilated1[texture[number].dilate][y]; // offset of texel in texture memory a4r4g4b4 = *(((UINT16 *)texture[number].buffer) + to); // get texel color return convert_a4r4g4b4_a8r8g8b8(a4r4g4b4); case NV2A_TEX_FORMAT::A1R5G5B5: to = dilated0[texture[number].dilate][x] + dilated1[texture[number].dilate][y]; // offset of texel in texture memory a1r5g5b5 = *(((UINT16 *)texture[number].buffer) + to); // get texel color return convert_a1r5g5b5_a8r8g8b8(a1r5g5b5); case NV2A_TEX_FORMAT::R5G6B5: to = dilated0[texture[number].dilate][x] + dilated1[texture[number].dilate][y]; // offset of texel in texture memory r5g6b5 = *(((UINT16 *)texture[number].buffer) + to); // get texel color return 0xff000000 + convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(r5g6b5); case NV2A_TEX_FORMAT::R8G8B8_RECT: to = texture[number].rectangle_pitch*y + (x << 2); return *((UINT32 *)(((UINT8 *)texture[number].buffer) + to)); case NV2A_TEX_FORMAT::A8R8G8B8_RECT: to = texture[number].rectangle_pitch*y + (x << 2); return *((UINT32 *)(((UINT8 *)texture[number].buffer) + to)); case NV2A_TEX_FORMAT::DXT5: bx = x >> 2; by = y >> 2; x = x & 3; y = y & 3; to = (bx + by*(texture[number].sizeu >> 2)) << 1; color0 = *((UINT16 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 4); color1 = *((UINT16 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 5); codes = *((UINT32 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 3); alpha0 = *((UINT8 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 0); alpha1 = *((UINT8 *)(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to) + 1); alphas = *(((UINT64 *)texture[number].buffer) + to); s = (y << 3) + (x << 1); sa = ((y << 2) + x) * 3; c = (codes >> s) & 3; ca = (alphas >> sa) & 7; ca = ca + (alpha0 > alpha1 ? 0 : 8); switch (ca) { case 0: ca = alpha0; break; case 1: ca = alpha1; break; case 2: ca = (6 * alpha0 + 1 * alpha1) / 7; break; case 3: ca = (5 * alpha0 + 2 * alpha1) / 7; break; case 4: ca = (4 * alpha0 + 3 * alpha1) / 7; break; case 5: ca = (3 * alpha0 + 4 * alpha1) / 7; break; case 6: ca = (2 * alpha0 + 5 * alpha1) / 7; break; case 7: ca = (1 * alpha0 + 6 * alpha1) / 7; break; case 8: ca = alpha0; break; case 9: ca = alpha1; break; case 10: ca = (4 * alpha0 + 1 * alpha1) / 5; break; case 11: ca = (3 * alpha0 + 2 * alpha1) / 5; break; case 12: ca = (2 * alpha0 + 3 * alpha1) / 5; break; case 13: ca = (1 * alpha0 + 4 * alpha1) / 5; break; case 14: ca = 0; break; case 15: ca = 255; break; } switch (c) { case 0: return (ca << 24) + convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(color0); case 1: return (ca << 24) + convert_r5g6b5_r8g8b8(color1); case 2: cb = pal5bit((2 * (color0 & 0x001f) + (color1 & 0x001f)) / 3); cg = pal6bit((2 * (color0 & 0x07e0) + (color1 & 0x07e0)) / 3 >> 5); cr = pal5bit((2 * (color0 & 0xf800) + (color1 & 0xf800)) / 3 >> 11); return (ca << 24) | (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); default: cb = pal5bit(((color0 & 0x001f) + 2 * (color1 & 0x001f)) / 3); cg = pal6bit(((color0 & 0x07e0) + 2 * (color1 & 0x07e0)) / 3 >> 5); cr = pal5bit(((color0 & 0xf800) + 2 * (color1 & 0xf800)) / 3 >> 11); return (ca << 24) | (cr << 16) | (cg << 8) | (cb); } default: return 0xff00ff00; } } inline UINT8 *nv2a_renderer::read_pixel(int x, int y, INT32 c[4]) { UINT32 offset; UINT32 color; UINT32 *addr; UINT16 *addr16; UINT8 *addr8; if (type_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_TYPE::SWIZZLED) offset = (dilated0[dilate_rendertarget][x] + dilated1[dilate_rendertarget][y]) * bytespixel_rendertarget; else // type_rendertarget == LINEAR offset = pitch_rendertarget * y + x * bytespixel_rendertarget; switch (colorformat_rendertarget) { case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::R5G6B5: addr16 = (UINT16 *)((UINT8 *)rendertarget + offset); color = *addr16; c[3] = 0xff; c[2] = pal5bit((color & 0xf800) >> 11); c[1] = pal6bit((color & 0x07e0) >> 5); c[0] = pal5bit(color & 0x1f); return (UINT8 *)addr16; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_Z8R8G8B8: case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_X8R8G8B8: addr = (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)rendertarget + offset); color = *addr; c[3] = 0xff; c[2] = (color >> 16) & 255; c[1] = (color >> 8) & 255; c[0] = color & 255; return (UINT8 *)addr; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::A8R8G8B8: addr = (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)rendertarget + offset); color = *addr; c[3] = color >> 24; c[2] = (color >> 16) & 255; c[1] = (color >> 8) & 255; c[0] = color & 255; return (UINT8 *)addr; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::B8: addr8 = (UINT8 *)rendertarget + offset; c[0] = *addr8; c[1] = c[2] = 0; c[3] = 0xff; return addr8; default: return nullptr; } return nullptr; } void nv2a_renderer::write_pixel(int x, int y, UINT32 color, UINT32 depth) { UINT8 *addr; UINT32 *daddr32; UINT16 *daddr16; UINT32 deptsten; INT32 c[4], fb[4], s[4], d[4], cc[4]; UINT32 dep, sten, stenc, stenv; bool stencil_passed; bool depth_passed; fb[3] = fb[2] = fb[1] = fb[0] = 0; addr = nullptr; if (color_mask != 0) addr = read_pixel(x, y, fb); if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z24S8) { daddr32 = depthbuffer + (pitch_depthbuffer / 4) * y + x; deptsten = *daddr32; dep = deptsten >> 8; sten = deptsten & 255; daddr16 = nullptr; } else if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z16) { daddr16 = (UINT16 *)depthbuffer + (pitch_depthbuffer / 2) * y + x; deptsten = *daddr16; dep = (deptsten << 8) | 0xff; sten = 0; daddr32 = nullptr; } else { daddr32 = nullptr; daddr16 = nullptr; dep = 0xffffff; sten = 0; } if (depth > 0xffffff) depth = 0xffffff; c[3] = color >> 24; c[2] = (color >> 16) & 255; c[1] = (color >> 8) & 255; c[0] = color & 255; cc[3] = blend_color >> 24; cc[2] = (blend_color >> 16) & 255; cc[1] = (blend_color >> 8) & 255; cc[0] = blend_color & 255; // ownership test and scissor test not done // alpha test if (alpha_test_enabled) { switch (alpha_func) { case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::NEVER: return; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::ALWAYS: default: break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::LESS: if (c[3] >= alpha_reference) return; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::LEQUAL: if (c[3] > alpha_reference) return; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::EQUAL: if (c[3] != alpha_reference) return; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::GEQUAL: if (c[3] < alpha_reference) return; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::GREATER: if (c[3] <= alpha_reference) return; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::NOTEQUAL: if (c[3] == alpha_reference) return; break; } } // stencil test stencil_passed = true; if (stencil_test_enabled) { stenc=stencil_mask & stencil_ref; stenv=stencil_mask & sten; switch (stencil_func) { case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::NEVER: stencil_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::LESS: if (stenc >= stenv) stencil_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::EQUAL: if (stenc != stenv) stencil_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::LEQUAL: if (stenc > stenv) stencil_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::GREATER: if (stenc <= stenv) stencil_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::NOTEQUAL: if (stenc == stenv) stencil_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::GEQUAL: if (stenc < stenv) stencil_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::ALWAYS: default: break; } if (stencil_passed == false) { switch (stencil_op_fail) { case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::ZEROOP: sten = 0; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::INVERTOP: sten = sten ^ 255; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::KEEP: default: break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::REPLACE: sten = stencil_ref; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::INCR: if (sten < 255) sten++; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::DECR: if (sten > 0) sten--; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::INCR_WRAP: if (sten < 255) sten++; else sten = 0; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::DECR_WRAP: if (sten > 0) sten--; else sten = 255; break; } if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z24S8) { deptsten = (dep << 8) | sten; *daddr32 = deptsten; } else if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z16) { deptsten = dep >> 8; *daddr16 = (UINT16)deptsten; } return; } } // depth buffer test depth_passed = true; if (depth_test_enabled) { switch (depth_function) { case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::NEVER: depth_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::LESS: if (depth >= dep) depth_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::EQUAL: if (depth != dep) depth_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::LEQUAL: if (depth > dep) depth_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::GREATER: if (depth <= dep) depth_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::NOTEQUAL: if (depth == dep) depth_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::GEQUAL: if (depth < dep) depth_passed = false; break; case NV2A_COMPARISON_OP::ALWAYS: default: break; } if (depth_passed == false) { switch (stencil_op_zfail) { case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::ZEROOP: sten = 0; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::INVERTOP: sten = sten ^ 255; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::KEEP: default: break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::REPLACE: sten = stencil_ref; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::INCR: if (sten < 255) sten++; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::DECR: if (sten > 0) sten--; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::INCR_WRAP: if (sten < 255) sten++; else sten = 0; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::DECR_WRAP: if (sten > 0) sten--; else sten = 255; break; } if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z24S8) { deptsten = (dep << 8) | sten; *daddr32 = deptsten; } else if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z16) { deptsten = dep >> 8; *daddr16 = (UINT16)deptsten; } return; } switch (stencil_op_zpass) { case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::ZEROOP: sten = 0; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::INVERTOP: sten = sten ^ 255; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::KEEP: default: break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::REPLACE: sten = stencil_ref; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::INCR: if (sten < 255) sten++; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::DECR: if (sten > 0) sten--; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::INCR_WRAP: if (sten < 255) sten++; else sten = 0; break; case NV2A_STENCIL_OP::DECR_WRAP: if (sten > 0) sten--; else sten = 255; break; } } // blending if (blending_enabled) { switch (blend_function_source) { case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ZERO: s[3] = s[2] = s[1] = s[0] = 0; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE: default: s[3] = s[2] = s[1] = s[0] = 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::DST_COLOR: s[3] = fb[3]; s[2] = fb[2]; s[1] = fb[1]; s[0] = fb[0]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: s[3] = fb[3] ^ 255; s[2] = fb[2] ^ 255; s[1] = fb[1] ^ 255; s[0] = fb[0] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::SRC_ALPHA: s[3] = s[2] = s[1] = s[0] = c[3]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: s[3] = s[2] = s[1] = s[0] = c[3] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::DST_ALPHA: s[3] = s[2] = s[1] = s[0] = fb[3]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: s[3] = s[2] = s[1] = s[0] = fb[3] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::CONSTANT_COLOR: s[3] = cc[3]; s[2] = cc[2]; s[1] = cc[1]; s[0] = cc[0]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR: s[3] = cc[3] ^ 255; s[2] = cc[2] ^ 255; s[1] = cc[1] ^ 255; s[0] = cc[0] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::CONSTANT_ALPHA: s[3] = s[2] = s[1] = s[0] = cc[3]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA: s[3] = s[2] = s[1] = s[0] = cc[3] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE: s[3] = 255; if (c[3] < (fb[3] ^ 255)) s[2] = c[3]; else s[2] = fb[3]; s[1] = s[0] = s[2]; break; } switch (blend_function_destination) { case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ZERO: default: d[3] = d[2] = d[1] = d[0] = 0; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE: d[3] = d[2] = d[1] = d[0] = 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::SRC_COLOR: d[3] = c[3]; d[2] = c[2]; d[1] = c[1]; d[0] = c[0]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: d[3] = c[3] ^ 255; d[2] = c[2] ^ 255; d[1] = c[1] ^ 255; d[0] = c[0] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::SRC_ALPHA: d[3] = d[2] = d[1] = d[0] = c[3]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: d[3] = d[2] = d[1] = d[0] = c[3] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::DST_ALPHA: d[3] = d[2] = d[1] = d[0] = fb[3]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: d[3] = d[2] = d[1] = d[0] = fb[3] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::CONSTANT_COLOR: d[3] = cc[3]; d[2] = cc[2]; d[1] = cc[1]; d[0] = cc[0]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR: d[3] = cc[3] ^ 255; d[2] = cc[2] ^ 255; d[1] = cc[1] ^ 255; d[0] = cc[0] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::CONSTANT_ALPHA: d[3] = d[2] = d[1] = d[0] = cc[3]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR::ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA: d[3] = d[2] = d[1] = d[0] = cc[3] ^ 255; break; } switch (blend_equation) { case NV2A_BLEND_EQUATION::FUNC_ADD: c[3] = (c[3] * s[3] + fb[3] * d[3]) / 255; if (c[3] > 255) c[3] = 255; c[2] = (c[2] * s[2] + fb[2] * d[2]) / 255; if (c[2] > 255) c[2] = 255; c[1] = (c[1] * s[1] + fb[1] * d[1]) / 255; if (c[1] > 255) c[1] = 255; c[0] = (c[0] * s[0] + fb[0] * d[0]) / 255; if (c[0] > 255) c[0] = 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_EQUATION::FUNC_SUBTRACT: c[3] = (c[3] * s[3] - fb[3] * d[3]) / 255; if (c[3] < 0) c[3] = 255; c[2] = (c[2] * s[2] - fb[2] * d[2]) / 255; if (c[2] < 0) c[2] = 255; c[1] = (c[1] * s[1] - fb[1] * d[1]) / 255; if (c[1] < 0) c[1] = 255; c[0] = (c[0] * s[0] - fb[0] * d[0]) / 255; if (c[0] < 0) c[0] = 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_EQUATION::FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT: c[3] = (fb[3] * d[3] - c[3] * s[3]) / 255; if (c[3] < 0) c[3] = 255; c[2] = (fb[2] * d[2] - c[2] * s[2]) / 255; if (c[2] < 0) c[2] = 255; c[1] = (fb[1] * d[1] - c[1] * s[1]) / 255; if (c[1] < 0) c[1] = 255; c[0] = (fb[0] * d[0] - c[0] * s[0]) / 255; if (c[0] < 0) c[0] = 255; break; case NV2A_BLEND_EQUATION::MIN: c[3] = s[3]; if (d[3] < c[3]) c[3] = d[3]; c[2] = s[2]; if (d[2] < c[2]) c[2] = d[2]; c[1] = s[1]; if (d[1] < c[1]) c[1] = d[1]; c[0] = s[0]; if (d[0] < c[0]) c[0] = d[0]; break; case NV2A_BLEND_EQUATION::MAX: c[3] = s[3]; if (d[3] > c[3]) c[3] = d[3]; c[2] = s[2]; if (d[2] > c[2]) c[2] = d[2]; c[1] = s[1]; if (d[1] > c[1]) c[1] = d[1]; c[0] = s[0]; if (d[0] > c[0]) c[0] = d[0]; break; } } // dithering not done // logical operation if (logical_operation_enabled) { switch (logical_operation) { case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::CLEAR: c[3] = 0; c[2] = 0; c[1] = 0; c[0] = 0; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::AND: c[3] = c[3] & fb[3]; c[2] = c[2] & fb[2]; c[1] = c[1] & fb[1]; c[0] = c[0] & fb[0]; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::AND_REVERSE: c[3] = c[3] & (fb[3] ^ 255); c[2] = c[2] & (fb[2] ^ 255); c[1] = c[1] & (fb[1] ^ 255); c[0] = c[0] & (fb[0] ^ 255); break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::COPY: default: break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::AND_INVERTED: c[3] = (c[3] ^ 255) & fb[3]; c[2] = (c[2] ^ 255) & fb[2]; c[1] = (c[1] ^ 255) & fb[1]; c[0] = (c[0] ^ 255) & fb[0]; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::NOOP: c[3] = fb[3]; c[2] = fb[2]; c[1] = fb[1]; c[0] = fb[0]; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::XOR: c[3] = c[3] ^ fb[3]; c[2] = c[2] ^ fb[2]; c[1] = c[1] ^ fb[1]; c[0] = c[0] ^ fb[0]; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::OR: c[3] = c[3] | fb[3]; c[2] = c[2] | fb[2]; c[1] = c[1] | fb[1]; c[0] = c[0] | fb[0]; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::NOR: c[3] = (c[3] | fb[3]) ^ 255; c[2] = (c[2] | fb[2]) ^ 255; c[1] = (c[1] | fb[1]) ^ 255; c[0] = (c[0] | fb[0]) ^ 255; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::EQUIV: c[3] = (c[3] ^ fb[3]) ^ 255; c[2] = (c[2] ^ fb[2]) ^ 255; c[1] = (c[1] ^ fb[1]) ^ 255; c[0] = (c[0] ^ fb[0]) ^ 255; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::INVERT: c[3] = fb[3] ^ 255; c[2] = fb[2] ^ 255; c[1] = fb[1] ^ 255; c[0] = fb[0] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::OR_REVERSE: c[3] = c[3] | (fb[3] ^ 255); c[2] = c[2] | (fb[2] ^ 255); c[1] = c[1] | (fb[1] ^ 255); c[0] = c[0] | (fb[0] ^ 255); break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::COPY_INVERTED: c[3] = c[3] ^ 255; c[2] = c[2] ^ 255; c[1] = c[1] ^ 255; c[0] = c[0] ^ 255; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::OR_INVERTED: c[3] = (c[3] ^ 255) | fb[3]; c[2] = (c[2] ^ 255) | fb[2]; c[1] = (c[1] ^ 255) | fb[1]; c[0] = (c[0] ^ 255) | fb[0]; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::NAND: c[3] = (c[3] & fb[3]) ^ 255; c[2] = (c[2] & fb[2]) ^ 255; c[1] = (c[1] & fb[1]) ^ 255; c[0] = (c[0] & fb[0]) ^ 255; break; case NV2A_LOGIC_OP::SET: c[3] = 255; c[2] = 255; c[1] = 255; c[0] = 255; break; } } if (color_mask != 0) { UINT32 ct,ft,w; ct = ((UINT32)c[3] << 24) | ((UINT32)c[2] << 16) | ((UINT32)c[1] << 8) | (UINT32)c[0]; ft = ((UINT32)fb[3] << 24) | ((UINT32)fb[2] << 16) | ((UINT32)fb[1] << 8) | (UINT32)fb[0]; w = (ft & ~color_mask) | (ct & color_mask); switch (colorformat_rendertarget) { case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::R5G6B5: w = ((w >> 8) & 0xf800) + ((w >> 5) & 0x7e0) + ((w >> 3) & 0x1f); *((UINT16 *)addr) = (UINT16)w; break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_Z8R8G8B8: case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_X8R8G8B8: *((UINT32 *)addr) = w; break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::A8R8G8B8: *((UINT32 *)addr) = w; break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::B8: *addr = (UINT8)w; break; default: break; } } if (depth_write_enabled) dep = depth; if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z24S8) { deptsten = (dep << 8) | sten; *daddr32 = deptsten; } else if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z16) { deptsten = dep >> 8; *daddr16 = (UINT16)deptsten; } } void nv2a_renderer::render_color(INT32 scanline, const extent_t &extent, const nvidia_object_data &objectdata, int threadid) { int x; if ((extent.startx < 0) || (extent.stopx > 640)) return; x = extent.stopx - extent.startx - 1; // number of pixels to draw while (x >= 0) { UINT32 a8r8g8b8; UINT32 z; int ca, cr, cg, cb; int xp = extent.startx + x; // x coordinate of current pixel cb = ((extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_B].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_B].dpdx))*255.0f; cg = ((extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_G].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_G].dpdx))*255.0f; cr = ((extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_R].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_R].dpdx))*255.0f; ca = ((extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_A].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_A].dpdx))*255.0f; a8r8g8b8 = (ca << 24) + (cr << 16) + (cg << 8) + cb; // pixel color obtained by interpolating the colors of the vertices z = (extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_Z].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_Z].dpdx); write_pixel(xp, scanline, a8r8g8b8, z); x--; } } void nv2a_renderer::render_texture_simple(INT32 scanline, const extent_t &extent, const nvidia_object_data &objectdata, int threadid) { int x; UINT32 a8r8g8b8; UINT32 z; if (!objectdata.data->texture[0].enabled) { return; } if ((extent.startx < 0) || (extent.stopx > 640)) return; x = extent.stopx - extent.startx - 1; while (x >= 0) { int up, vp; int xp = extent.startx + x; // x coordinate of current pixel up = (extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_U].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_U].dpdx)*(float)(objectdata.data->texture[0].sizeu - 1); // x coordinate of texel in texture vp = (extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_V].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_V].dpdx)*(float)(objectdata.data->texture[0].sizev - 1); // y coordinate of texel in texture a8r8g8b8 = texture_get_texel(0, up, vp); z = (extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_Z].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_Z].dpdx); write_pixel(xp, scanline, a8r8g8b8, z); x--; } } void nv2a_renderer::render_register_combiners(INT32 scanline, const extent_t &extent, const nvidia_object_data &objectdata, int threadid) { int x, xp; int up, vp; int ca, cr, cg, cb; UINT32 color[6]; UINT32 a8r8g8b8; UINT32 z; int n;//,m,i,j,k; color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = color[3] = color[4] = color[5] = 0; if ((extent.startx < 0) || (extent.stopx > 640)) return; std::lock_guard lock(combiner.lock); // needed since multithreading is not supported yet x = extent.stopx - extent.startx - 1; // number of pixels to draw while (x >= 0) { xp = extent.startx + x; // 1: fetch data // 1.1: interpolated color from vertices cb = ((extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_B].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_B].dpdx))*255.0f; cg = ((extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_G].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_G].dpdx))*255.0f; cr = ((extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_R].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_R].dpdx))*255.0f; ca = ((extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_A].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_A].dpdx))*255.0f; color[0] = (ca << 24) + (cr << 16) + (cg << 8) + cb; // pixel color obtained by interpolating the colors of the vertices color[1] = 0; // lighting not yet // 1.2: color for each of the 4 possible textures for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) { if (texture[n].enabled) { up = (extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_U + n * 2].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_U + n * 2].dpdx)*(float)(objectdata.data->texture[n].sizeu - 1); vp = extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_V + n * 2].start*(float)(objectdata.data->texture[n].sizev - 1); color[n + 2] = texture_get_texel(n, up, vp); } } // 2: compute // 2.1: initialize combiner_initialize_registers(color); // 2.2: general cmbiner stages for (n = 0; n < combiner.stages; n++) { // 2.2.1 initialize combiner_initialize_stage(n); // 2.2.2 map inputs combiner_map_input(n); // 2.2.3 compute possible outputs combiner_compute_rgb_outputs(n); combiner_compute_a_outputs(n); // 2.2.4 map outputs to registers combiner_map_output(n); } // 2.3: final cmbiner stage combiner_initialize_final(); combiner_map_final_input(); combiner_final_output(); a8r8g8b8 = combiner_float_argb8(combiner.output); // 3: write pixel z = (extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_Z].start + (float)x*extent.param[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_Z].dpdx); write_pixel(xp, scanline, a8r8g8b8, z); x--; } } #if 0 const char *rc_mapping_str[] = { "UNSIGNED_IDENTITY", "UNSIGNED_INVERT", "EXPAND_NORMAL", "EXPAND_NEGATE", "HALF_BIAS_NORMAL", "HALF_BIAS_NEGATE", "SIGNED_IDENTITY", "SIGNED_NEGATE" }; const char *rc_usage_rgb_str[] = { "RGB", "ALPHA" }; const char *rc_usage_alpha_str[] = { "BLUE", "ALPHA" }; const char *rc_variable_str[] = { "ZERO", "CONSTANT_COLOR0", "CONSTANT_COLOR1", "FOG", "PRIMARY_COLOR", "SECONDARY_COLOR", "???", "???", "TEXTURE0", "TEXTURE1", "TEXTURE2", "TEXTURE3", "SPARE0", "SPARE1", "SPARE0_PLUS_SECONDARY_COLOR", "E_TIMES_F" }; const char *rc_bias_str[] = { "NONE", "BIAS_BY_NEGATIVE_ONE_HALF" }; const char *rc_scale_str[] = { "NONE", "SCALE_BY_TWO", "SCALE_BY_FOUR", "SCALE_BY_ONE_HALF" }; /* Dump the current setup of the register combiners */ void dumpcombiners(UINT32 *m) { int a, b, n, v; n = m[0x1e60 / 4] & 0xf; printf("Combiners active: %d\n\r", n); for (a = 0; a < n; a++) { printf("Combiner %d\n\r", a + 1); printf(" RC_IN_ALPHA %08X\n\r", m[0x0260 / 4 + a]); for (b = 24; b >= 0; b = b - 8) { v = (m[0x0260 / 4 + a] >> b) & 0xf; printf(" %c_INPUT %s\n\r", 'A' + 3 - b / 8, rc_variable_str[v]); v = (m[0x0260 / 4 + a] >> (b + 4)) & 1; printf(" %c_COMPONENT_USAGE %s\n\r", 'A' + 3 - b / 8, rc_usage_alpha_str[v]); v = (m[0x0260 / 4 + a] >> (b + 5)) & 7; printf(" %c_MAPPING %s\n\r", 'A' + 3 - b / 8, rc_mapping_str[v]); } printf(" RC_IN_RGB %08X\n\r", m[0x0ac0 / 4 + a]); for (b = 24; b >= 0; b = b - 8) { v = (m[0x0ac0 / 4 + a] >> b) & 0xf; printf(" %c_INPUT %s\n\r", 'A' + 3 - b / 8, rc_variable_str[v]); v = (m[0x0ac0 / 4 + a] >> (b + 4)) & 1; printf(" %c_COMPONENT_USAGE %s\n\r", 'A' + 3 - b / 8, rc_usage_rgb_str[v]); v = (m[0x0ac0 / 4 + a] >> (b + 5)) & 7; printf(" %c_MAPPING %s\n\r", 'A' + 3 - b / 8, rc_mapping_str[v]); } printf(" RC_OUT_ALPHA %08X\n\r", m[0x0aa0 / 4 + a]); v = m[0x0aa0 / 4 + a] & 0xf; printf(" CD_OUTPUT %s\n\r", rc_variable_str[v]); v = (m[0x0aa0 / 4 + a] >> 4) & 0xf; printf(" AB_OUTPUT %s\n\r", rc_variable_str[v]); v = (m[0x0aa0 / 4 + a] >> 8) & 0xf; printf(" SUM_OUTPUT %s\n\r", rc_variable_str[v]); v = (m[0x0aa0 / 4 + a] >> 12) & 1; printf(" CD_DOT_PRODUCT %d\n\r", v); v = (m[0x0aa0 / 4 + a] >> 13) & 1; printf(" AB_DOT_PRODUCT %d\n\r", v); v = (m[0x0aa0 / 4 + a] >> 14) & 1; printf(" MUX_SUM %d\n\r", v); v = (m[0x0aa0 / 4 + a] >> 15) & 1; printf(" BIAS %s\n\r", rc_bias_str[v]); v = (m[0x0aa0 / 4 + a] >> 16) & 3; printf(" SCALE %s\n\r", rc_scale_str[v]); //v=(m[0x0aa0/4+a] >> 27) & 7; printf(" RC_OUT_RGB %08X\n\r", m[0x1e40 / 4 + a]); v = m[0x1e40 / 4 + a] & 0xf; printf(" CD_OUTPUT %s\n\r", rc_variable_str[v]); v = (m[0x1e40 / 4 + a] >> 4) & 0xf; printf(" AB_OUTPUT %s\n\r", rc_variable_str[v]); v = (m[0x1e40 / 4 + a] >> 8) & 0xf; printf(" SUM_OUTPUT %s\n\r", rc_variable_str[v]); v = (m[0x1e40 / 4 + a] >> 12) & 1; printf(" CD_DOT_PRODUCT %d\n\r", v); v = (m[0x1e40 / 4 + a] >> 13) & 1; printf(" AB_DOT_PRODUCT %d\n\r", v); v = (m[0x1e40 / 4 + a] >> 14) & 1; printf(" MUX_SUM %d\n\r", v); v = (m[0x1e40 / 4 + a] >> 15) & 1; printf(" BIAS %s\n\r", rc_bias_str[v]); v = (m[0x1e40 / 4 + a] >> 16) & 3; printf(" SCALE %s\n\r", rc_scale_str[v]); //v=(m[0x1e40/4+a] >> 27) & 7; printf("\n\r"); } printf("Combiner final %08X %08X\n\r", m[0x0288 / 4], m[0x028c / 4]); for (a = 24; a >= 0; a = a - 8) { n = (m[0x0288 / 4] >> a) & 0xf; printf(" %c_INPUT %s\n\r", 'A' + 3 - a / 8, rc_variable_str[n]); n = (m[0x0288 / 4] >> (a + 4)) & 1; printf(" %c_COMPONENT_USAGE %s\n\r", 'A' + 3 - a / 8, rc_usage_rgb_str[n]); n = (m[0x0288 / 4] >> (a + 5)) & 7; printf(" %c_MAPPING %s\n\r", 'A' + 3 - a / 8, rc_mapping_str[n]); } for (a = 24; a >= 8; a = a - 8) { n = (m[0x028c / 4] >> a) & 0xf; printf(" %c_INPUT %s\n\r", 'E' + 3 - a / 8, rc_variable_str[n]); n = (m[0x028c / 4] >> (a + 4)) & 1; printf(" %c_COMPONENT_USAGE %s\n\r", 'E' + 3 - a / 8, rc_usage_rgb_str[n]); n = (m[0x028c / 4] >> (a + 5)) & 7; printf(" %c_MAPPING %s\n\r", 'E' + 3 - a / 8, rc_mapping_str[n]); } n = (m[0x028c / 4] >> 7) & 1; printf(" color sum clamp: %d\n\r", n); } #endif void nv2a_renderer::read_vertex(address_space & space, offs_t address, vertex_nv &vertex, int attrib) { UINT32 u; int c, d, l; l = vertexbuffer_size[attrib]; switch (vertexbuffer_kind[attrib]) { case NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE::FLOAT: default: vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[0] = 0; vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[1] = 0; vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[2] = 0; vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[3] = 1.0; for (c = d = 0; c < l; c++) { vertex.attribute[attrib].iv[c] = space.read_dword(address + d); d = d + 4; } break; case NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE::UBYTE: u = space.read_dword(address + 0); for (c = l-1; c >= 0; c--) { vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[c] = (u & 0xff) / 255.0; u = u >> 8; } break; case NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE::UBYTE2: u = space.read_dword(address + 0); for (c = 0; c < l; c++) { vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[c] = (u & 0xff) / 255.0; u = u >> 8; } break; case NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE::UNKNOWN_6: // ??? u = space.read_dword(address + 0); vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[0] = (u & 0xff) / 255.0; // b vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[1] = ((u & 0xff00) >> 8) / 255.0; // g vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[2] = ((u & 0xff0000) >> 16) / 255.0; // r vertex.attribute[attrib].fv[3] = ((u & 0xff000000) >> 24) / 255.0; // a break; } } /* Read vertices data from system memory. Method 0x1800 */ int nv2a_renderer::read_vertices_0x1800(address_space & space, vertex_nv *destination, UINT32 address, int limit) { UINT32 data; UINT32 m, i, c; int a, b; #ifdef MAME_DEBUG memset(destination, 0, sizeof(vertex_nv)*limit); #endif c = 0; for (m = 0; m < limit; m++) { if (indexesleft_count == 0) { data = space.read_dword(address); i = indexesleft_first + indexesleft_count; indexesleft[i & 1023] = data & 0xffff; indexesleft[(i + 1) & 1023] = (data >> 16) & 0xffff; indexesleft_count = indexesleft_count + 2; address += 4; c++; } b = enabled_vertex_attributes; for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) { if (b & 1) { read_vertex(space, vertexbuffer_address[a] + indexesleft[indexesleft_first] * vertexbuffer_stride[a], destination[m], a); } b = b >> 1; } indexesleft_first = (indexesleft_first + 1) & 1023; indexesleft_count--; } return (int)c; } /* Read vertices data from system memory. Method 0x1808 */ int nv2a_renderer::read_vertices_0x1808(address_space & space, vertex_nv *destination, UINT32 address, int limit) { UINT32 data; UINT32 m, i, c; int a, b; #ifdef MAME_DEBUG memset(destination, 0, sizeof(vertex_nv)*limit); #endif c = 0; for (m = 0; m < limit; m++) { if (indexesleft_count == 0) { data = space.read_dword(address); i = indexesleft_first + indexesleft_count; indexesleft[i & 1023] = data; indexesleft_count = indexesleft_count + 1; address += 4; c++; } b = enabled_vertex_attributes; for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) { if (b & 1) { read_vertex(space, vertexbuffer_address[a] + indexesleft[indexesleft_first] * vertexbuffer_stride[a], destination[m], a); } b = b >> 1; } indexesleft_first = (indexesleft_first + 1) & 1023; indexesleft_count--; } return (int)c; } /* Read vertices data from system memory. Method 0x1810 */ int nv2a_renderer::read_vertices_0x1810(address_space & space, vertex_nv *destination, int offset, int limit) { UINT32 m; int a, b; #ifdef MAME_DEBUG memset(destination, 0, sizeof(vertex_nv)*limit); #endif for (m = 0; m < limit; m++) { b = enabled_vertex_attributes; for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) { if (b & 1) { read_vertex(space, vertexbuffer_address[a] + (m + offset)*vertexbuffer_stride[a], destination[m], a); } b = b >> 1; } } return m; } /* Read vertices data from system memory. Method 0x1818 */ int nv2a_renderer::read_vertices_0x1818(address_space & space, vertex_nv *destination, UINT32 address, int limit) { UINT32 m, vwords; int a, b; #ifdef MAME_DEBUG memset(destination, 0, sizeof(vertex_nv)*limit); #endif vwords = vertex_attribute_words[15] + vertex_attribute_offset[15]; for (m = 0; m < limit; m++) { b = enabled_vertex_attributes; for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) { if (b & 1) { read_vertex(space, address + vertex_attribute_offset[a] * 4, destination[m], a); } b = b >> 1; } address = address + vwords * 4; } return (int)(m*vwords); } void nv2a_renderer::convert_vertices_poly(vertex_nv *source, vertex_t *destination, int count) { vertex_nv vert[4]; int m, u; float t[4],v[4]; // take each vertex with its attributes and obtain data for drawing // should use either the vertex program or transformation matrices if (vertex_pipeline == 4) { // transformation matrices // it is not implemented, so we pretend its always using screen coordinates for (m = 0; m < count; m++) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { t[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) t[i] += matrix.modelview[i][j] * source[m].attribute[0].fv[j]; }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { v[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) v[i] += matrix.projection[i][j] * t[j]; }; /* for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { v[i] *= matrix.scale[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { v[i] += matrix.translate[i]; } */ destination[m].x = v[0] / v[3]; // source[m].attribute[0].fv[0]; destination[m].y = v[1] / v[3]; // source[m].attribute[0].fv[1]; for (u = (int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_B; u <= (int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_A; u++) // 0=b 1=g 2=r 3=a destination[m].p[u] = source[m].attribute[3].fv[u]; for (u = 0; u < 4; u++) { destination[m].p[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_U + u * 2] = source[m].attribute[9 + u].fv[0]; destination[m].p[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_V + u * 2] = source[m].attribute[9 + u].fv[1]; } destination[m].p[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_Z] = v[2] / v[3]; } } else { // vertex program // run vertex program vertexprogram.exec.process(vertexprogram.start_instruction, source, vert, count); // copy data for poly.c for (m = 0; m < count; m++) { destination[m].x = vert[m].attribute[0].fv[0]; destination[m].y = vert[m].attribute[0].fv[1]; for (u = (int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_B; u <= (int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_COLOR_A; u++) // 0=b 1=g 2=r 3=a destination[m].p[u] = vert[m].attribute[3].fv[u]; for (u = 0; u < 4; u++) { destination[m].p[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_U + u * 2] = vert[m].attribute[9 + u].fv[0]; destination[m].p[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_TEXTURE0_V + u * 2] = vert[m].attribute[9 + u].fv[1]; } destination[m].p[(int)VERTEX_PARAMETER::PARAM_Z] = vert[m].attribute[0].fv[2]; } } } void nv2a_renderer::clear_render_target(int what, UINT32 value) { int m; int xi, yi, xf, yf; int x, y; UINT32 color; UINT8 *addr; UINT32 mask; UINT32 offset; if (what == 0) return; mask = 0; switch (colorformat_rendertarget) { case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::R5G6B5: if (what & 1) mask = 0x1f; if (what & 2) mask = mask | 0x07e0; if (what & 4) mask = mask | 0xf800; break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_Z8R8G8B8: case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_X8R8G8B8: for (x = 3; x >= 0; x--) { if (what & 8) mask = (mask << 8) | 255; what = what << 1; } break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::A8R8G8B8: for (x = 3; x >= 0; x--) { if (what & 8) mask = (mask << 8) | 255; what = what << 1; } break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::B8: if (what & 1) mask = 255; break; default: return; } m = antialias_control; if (antialiasing_rendertarget != 0) m = 2; else m = 1; xi = limits_rendertarget.left(); if (clear_rendertarget.left() > xi) xi = clear_rendertarget.left(); xf = limits_rendertarget.right(); if (clear_rendertarget.right() < xf) xf = clear_rendertarget.right(); yi = limits_rendertarget.top(); if (clear_rendertarget.top() > yi) yi = clear_rendertarget.top(); yf = limits_rendertarget.bottom(); if (clear_rendertarget.bottom() < yf) yf = clear_rendertarget.bottom(); xi = xi*m; yi = yi*m; xf = xf*m; yf = yf*m; for (y = yi; y <= yf; y++) for (x = xi; x <= xf; x++) { if (type_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_TYPE::SWIZZLED) offset = (dilated0[dilate_rendertarget][x] + dilated1[dilate_rendertarget][y]) * bytespixel_rendertarget; else // type_rendertarget == LINEAR offset = pitch_rendertarget * y + x * bytespixel_rendertarget; switch (colorformat_rendertarget) { case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::R5G6B5: addr = (UINT8 *)rendertarget + offset; color = *((UINT16 *)addr); break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_Z8R8G8B8: case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_X8R8G8B8: addr = (UINT8 *)rendertarget + offset; color = *((UINT32 *)addr); break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::A8R8G8B8: addr = (UINT8 *)rendertarget + offset; color = *((UINT32 *)addr); break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::B8: addr = (UINT8 *)rendertarget + offset; color = *addr; break; default: return; } color = (color & ~mask) | (value & mask); switch (colorformat_rendertarget) { case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::R5G6B5: *((UINT16 *)addr) = color; break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_Z8R8G8B8: case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_X8R8G8B8: *((UINT32 *)addr) = color; break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::A8R8G8B8: *((UINT32 *)addr) = color; break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::B8: *addr = color; break; default: return; } } #ifdef LOG_NV2A printf("clearscreen\n\r"); #endif } void nv2a_renderer::clear_depth_buffer(int what, UINT32 value) { int m; if (what == 0) return; m = antialias_control; if (antialiasing_rendertarget != 0) m = 2; else m = 1; if (what == 3) { if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z24S8) { UINT32 *p, *pl; int x, y; pl = (UINT32 *)depthbuffer; for (y = (limits_rendertarget.bottom() + 1) * m; y != 0; y--) { p = pl; for (x = (limits_rendertarget.right() + 1) * m; x != 0; x--) { *p = value; p++; } pl = pl + pitch_rendertarget / 4; } } else if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z16) { UINT16 *p, *pl; int x, y; pl = (UINT16 *)depthbuffer; for (y = (limits_rendertarget.bottom() + 1) * m; y != 0; y--) { p = pl; for (x = (limits_rendertarget.right() + 1) * m; x != 0; x--) { *p = (UINT16)value; p++; } pl = pl + pitch_rendertarget / 2; } } } else { if (depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z24S8) { UINT32 mask; UINT32 *p, *pl; int x, y; if ((what & 0x03) == 2) mask = 0x000000ff; else mask = 0xffffff00; value = value & mask; pl = depthbuffer; for (y = (limits_rendertarget.bottom() + 1) * m; y != 0; y--) { p = pl; for (x = (limits_rendertarget.right() + 1) * m; x != 0; x--) { *p = (*p & ~mask) | value; p++; } pl = pl + pitch_rendertarget / 4; } } else if ((depthformat_rendertarget == NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT::Z16) && (what == 1)) { UINT16 *p, *pl; int x, y; pl = (UINT16 *)depthbuffer; for (y = (limits_rendertarget.bottom() + 1) * m; y != 0; y--) { p = pl; for (x = (limits_rendertarget.right() + 1) * m; x != 0; x--) { *p = (UINT16)value; p++; } pl = pl + pitch_rendertarget / 2; } } } } UINT32 nv2a_renderer::render_triangle_culling(const rectangle &cliprect, render_delegate callback, int paramcount, const vertex_t &_v1, const vertex_t &_v2, const vertex_t &_v3) { float areax2; NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE face = NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::FRONT; if (backface_culling_enabled == false) return render_triangle(cliprect, callback, paramcount, _v1, _v2, _v3); if (backface_culling_culled == NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::FRONT_AND_BACK) return 0; areax2 = _v1.x*(_v2.y - _v3.y) + _v2.x*(_v3.y - _v1.y) + _v3.x*(_v1.y - _v2.y); if (backface_culling_winding == NV2A_GL_FRONT_FACE::CCW) { if (-areax2 <= 0) face = NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::BACK; else face = NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::FRONT; } else { if (areax2 <= 0) face = NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::BACK; else face = NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::FRONT; } if (face == NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::FRONT) if (backface_culling_culled == NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::BACK) return render_triangle(cliprect, callback, paramcount, _v1, _v2, _v3); if (face == NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::BACK) if (backface_culling_culled == NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE::FRONT) return render_triangle(cliprect, callback, paramcount, _v1, _v2, _v3); return 0; } int nv2a_renderer::geforce_exec_method(address_space & space, UINT32 chanel, UINT32 subchannel, UINT32 method, UINT32 address, int &countlen) { UINT32 maddress; UINT32 data; maddress = method * 4; data = space.read_dword(address); channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[method] = data; #ifdef LOG_NV2A printf("A:%08X MTHD:%08X D:%08X\n\r",address,maddress,data); #endif if (maddress == 0x17fc) { #if 0 // useful while debugging to see what coordinates have been used static int debugvc = 0; if (debugvc) if (data == 0) { printf("%d %d\n\r", (int)primitive_type, vertex_first); for (int n = 0; n < vertex_first; n++) printf("%d X:%f Y:%f Z:%f W:%f x:%f y:%f\n\r", n, vertex_software[n].attribute[0].fv[0], vertex_software[n].attribute[0].fv[1], vertex_software[n].attribute[0].fv[2], vertex_software[n].attribute[0].fv[3], vertex_xy[n].x, vertex_xy[n].y); } #endif vertex_count = 0; vertex_first = 0; indexesleft_count = 0; indexesleft_first = 0; primitives_count = 0; primitive_type = (NV2A_BEGIN_END)data; countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1810) { // draw vertices int offset, count; UINT32 n; render_delegate renderspans; offset = data & 0xffffff; count = (data >> 24) & 0xff; if (((channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x1e60 / 4] & 7) > 0) && (combiner.used != 0)) { renderspans = render_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::render_register_combiners), this); } else if (texture[0].enabled) { renderspans = render_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::render_texture_simple), this); } else renderspans = render_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::render_color), this); #ifdef LOG_NV2A printf("vertex %d %d %d\n\r", type, offset, count); #endif if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::QUADS) { for (n = 0; n <= count; n += 4) { read_vertices_0x1810(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, n + offset, 4); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 4); //render_polygon<4>(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy + vertex_first); // 4 rgba, 4 texture units 2 uv render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 1], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 2]); render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 2], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 3]); vertex_first = (vertex_first + 4) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 4; wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::TRIANGLES) { for (n = 0; n <= count; n += 3) { read_vertices_0x1810(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, n + offset, 3); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 3); render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[(vertex_first + 1) & 1023], vertex_xy[(vertex_first + 2) & 1023]); // 4 rgba, 4 texture units 2 uv vertex_first = (vertex_first + 3) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 3; wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::TRIANGLE_FAN) { if (vertex_count == 0) { read_vertices_0x1810(space, vertex_software + 1024, offset, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + 1024, vertex_xy + 1024, 1); read_vertices_0x1810(space, vertex_software, offset + 1, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software, vertex_xy, 1); count = count - 2; offset = offset + 2; vertex_first = 1; vertex_count = 2; } // if software sends the vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // hardware will draw triangles made by (0,1,2) (0,2,3) (0,3,4) (0,4,5) (0,5,6) for (n = 0; n <= count; n++) { read_vertices_0x1810(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, offset + n, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 1); render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[1024], vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 1) & 1023], vertex_xy[vertex_first]); vertex_first = (vertex_first + 1) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 1; wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::TRIANGLE_STRIP) { // if software sends the vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // hardware will draw triangles made by (0,1,2) (1,3,2) (2,3,4) (3,5,4) (4,5,6) if (vertex_count == 0) { read_vertices_0x1810(space, vertex_software, offset, 2); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software, vertex_xy, 2); count = count - 2; offset = offset + 2; vertex_first = 2; vertex_count = 2; } for (n = 0; n <= count; n++) { read_vertices_0x1810(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, offset + n, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 1); if ((vertex_count & 1) == 0) render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 2) & 1023], vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 1) & 1023], vertex_xy[vertex_first]); else render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 2) & 1023], vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 1) & 1023]); vertex_first = (vertex_first + 1) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 1; wait(); } } else { machine().logerror("Unsupported primitive %d for method 0x1810\n", int(primitive_type)); } countlen--; } if ((maddress == 0x1800) || (maddress == 0x1808)) { UINT32 n; render_delegate renderspans; int mult; if (((channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x1e60 / 4] & 7) > 0) && (combiner.used != 0)) { renderspans = render_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::render_register_combiners), this); } else if (texture[0].enabled) { renderspans = render_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::render_texture_simple), this); } else renderspans = render_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::render_color), this); if (maddress == 0x1800) mult = 2; else mult = 1; // vertices are selected from the vertex buffer using an array of indexes // each dword after 1800 contains two 16 bit index values to select the vartices // each dword after 1808 contains a 32 bit index value to select the vartices if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::QUADS) { while (1) { int c; if ((countlen * mult + indexesleft_count) < 4) break; if (mult == 1) c = read_vertices_0x1808(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 4); else c = read_vertices_0x1800(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 4); address = address + c * 4; countlen = countlen - c; convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 4); //render_polygon<4>(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy + vertex_first); // 4 rgba, 4 texture units 2 uv render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 1], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 2]); render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 2], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 3]); vertex_first = (vertex_first + 4) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 4; wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::TRIANGLE_FAN) { int required, c, count; required = 1; if (vertex_count == 0) required = 3; if ((countlen * mult + indexesleft_count) >= required) { if (vertex_count == 0) { if (mult == 1) c = read_vertices_0x1808(space, vertex_software + 1024, address, 1); else c = read_vertices_0x1800(space, vertex_software + 1024, address, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + 1024, vertex_xy + 1024, 1); address = address + c * 4; countlen = countlen - c; if (mult == 1) c = read_vertices_0x1808(space, vertex_software, address, 1); else c = read_vertices_0x1800(space, vertex_software, address, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software, vertex_xy, 1); address = address + c * 4; countlen = countlen - c; vertex_first = 1; vertex_count = 2; } count = countlen * mult + indexesleft_count; // if software sends the vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // hardware will draw triangles made by (0,1,2) (0,2,3) (0,3,4) (0,4,5) (0,5,6) for (n = 1; n <= count; n++) { if (mult == 1) c = read_vertices_0x1808(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 1); else c = read_vertices_0x1800(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 1); address = address + c * 4; countlen = countlen - c; render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[1024], vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 1) & 1023], vertex_xy[vertex_first]); vertex_first = (vertex_first + 1) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 1; wait(); } } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::TRIANGLES) { while (1) { int c; if ((countlen * mult + indexesleft_count) < 3) break; if (mult == 1) c = read_vertices_0x1808(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 3); else c = read_vertices_0x1800(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 3); address = address + c * 4; countlen = countlen - c; convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 3); render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[(vertex_first + 1) & 1023], vertex_xy[(vertex_first + 2) & 1023]); // 4 rgba, 4 texture units 2 uv vertex_first = (vertex_first + 3) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 3; wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::TRIANGLE_STRIP) { int required, c, count; required = 1; if (vertex_count == 0) required = 3; if ((countlen * mult + indexesleft_count) >= required) { // if software sends the vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // hardware will draw triangles made by (0,1,2) (1,3,2) (2,3,4) (3,5,4) (4,5,6) if (vertex_count == 0) { if (mult == 1) c = read_vertices_0x1808(space, vertex_software, address, 2); else c = read_vertices_0x1800(space, vertex_software, address, 2); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software, vertex_xy, 2); address = address + c * 4; countlen = countlen - c; vertex_first = 2; vertex_count = 2; } count = countlen * mult + indexesleft_count; for (n = 0; n < count; n++) { if (mult == 1) c = read_vertices_0x1808(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 1); else c = read_vertices_0x1800(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 1); address = address + c * 4; countlen = countlen - c; convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 1); if ((vertex_count & 1) == 0) render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 2) & 1023], vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 1) & 1023], vertex_xy[vertex_first]); else render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 2) & 1023], vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 1) & 1023]); vertex_first = (vertex_first + 1) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 1; wait(); } } } else { machine().logerror("Unsupported primitive %d for method 0x1800/8\n", int(primitive_type)); countlen = 0; } while (countlen > 0) { data = space.read_dword(address); n = indexesleft_first + indexesleft_count; if (mult == 2) { indexesleft[n & 1023] = data & 0xffff; indexesleft[(n + 1) & 1023] = (data >> 16) & 0xffff; indexesleft_count = indexesleft_count + 2; } else { indexesleft[n & 1023] = data; indexesleft_count = indexesleft_count + 1; } address += 4; countlen--; } wait(); } if (maddress == 0x1818) { int n; render_delegate renderspans; if (((channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x1e60 / 4] & 7) > 0) && (combiner.used != 0)) { renderspans = render_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::render_register_combiners), this); } else if (texture[0].enabled) { renderspans = render_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::render_texture_simple), this); } else renderspans = render_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::render_color), this); // vertices are taken from the next words, not from a vertex buffer // first send primitive type with 17fc // then countlen number of dwords with 1818 // end with 17fc primitive type 0 // at 1760 16 words specify the vertex format:for each possible vertex attribute the number of components (0=not present) and type of each if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::QUADS) { while (countlen > 0) { int c; c = read_vertices_0x1818(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 4); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 4); countlen = countlen - c; if (countlen < 0) { machine().logerror("Method 0x1818 missing %d words to draw a complete primitive\n", -countlen); countlen = 0; break; } address = address + c * 4; //render_polygon<4>(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy); // 4 rgba, 4 texture units 2 uv render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 1], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 2]); render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 2], vertex_xy[vertex_first + 3]); vertex_first = (vertex_first + 4) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 4; wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::QUAD_STRIP) { int c; c = read_vertices_0x1818(space, vertex_software, address, 2); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software, vertex_xy, 2); countlen = countlen - c; if (countlen < 0) { machine().logerror("Method 0x1818 missing %d words to draw a complete primitive\n", -countlen); countlen = 0; return 0; } address = address + c * 4; for (n = 0; countlen > 0; n += 2) { c = read_vertices_0x1818(space, vertex_software + ((n + 2) & 3), address + ((n + 2) & 3), 2); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + ((n + 2) & 3), vertex_xy + ((n + 2) & 3), 2); countlen = countlen - c; if (countlen < 0) { machine().logerror("Method 0x1818 missing %d words to draw a complete primitive\n", -countlen); countlen = 0; return 0; } address = address + c * 4; render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[n & 3], vertex_xy[(n + 1) & 3], vertex_xy[(n + 2) & 3]); render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[(n + 2) & 3], vertex_xy[(n + 1) & 3], vertex_xy[(n + 3) & 3]); wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::TRIANGLE_FAN) { int c; if (vertex_count == 0) { c = read_vertices_0x1818(space, vertex_software + 1024, address, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + 1024, vertex_xy + 1024, 1); countlen = countlen - c; address = address + c * 4; c = read_vertices_0x1818(space, vertex_software, address, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software, vertex_xy, 1); countlen = countlen - c; if (countlen < 0) { machine().logerror("Method 0x1818 missing %d words to draw a complete primitive\n", -countlen); countlen = 0; return 0; } address = address + c * 4; vertex_first = 1; vertex_count = 2; } // if software sends the vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // hardware will draw triangles made by (0,1,2) (0,2,3) (0,3,4) (0,4,5) (0,5,6) while (countlen > 0) { c = read_vertices_0x1818(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 1); countlen = countlen - c; if (countlen < 0) { machine().logerror("Method 0x1818 missing %d words to draw a complete primitive\n", -countlen); countlen = 0; break; } address = address + c * 4; convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 1); render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[1024], vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 1) & 1023], vertex_xy[vertex_first]); vertex_first = (vertex_first + 1) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 1; wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::TRIANGLES) { while (countlen > 0) { int c; c = read_vertices_0x1818(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 3); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 3); countlen = countlen - c; if (countlen < 0) { machine().logerror("Method 0x1818 missing %d words to draw a complete primitive\n", -countlen); countlen = 0; break; } address = address + c * 4; render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[(vertex_first + 1) & 1023], vertex_xy[(vertex_first + 2) & 1023]); // 4 rgba, 4 texture units 2 uv vertex_first = (vertex_first + 3) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 3; wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::TRIANGLE_STRIP) { int c; // if software sends the vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // hardware will draw triangles made by (0,1,2) (1,3,2) (2,3,4) (3,5,4) (4,5,6) if (vertex_count == 0) { c = read_vertices_0x1818(space, vertex_software, address, 2); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software, vertex_xy, 2); countlen = countlen - c; if (countlen < 0) { machine().logerror("Method 0x1818 missing %d words to draw a complete primitive\n", -countlen); countlen = 0; return 0; } address = address + c * 4; vertex_first = 2; vertex_count = 2; } while (countlen > 0) { c = read_vertices_0x1818(space, vertex_software + vertex_first, address, 1); convert_vertices_poly(vertex_software + vertex_first, vertex_xy + vertex_first, 1); countlen = countlen - c; if (countlen < 0) { machine().logerror("Method 0x1818 missing %d words to draw a complete primitive\n", -countlen); countlen = 0; break; } address = address + c * 4; if ((vertex_count & 1) == 0) render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 2) & 1023], vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 1) & 1023], vertex_xy[vertex_first]); else render_triangle_culling(limits_rendertarget, renderspans, 4 + 4 * 2, vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 2) & 1023], vertex_xy[vertex_first], vertex_xy[(vertex_first - 1) & 1023]); vertex_first = (vertex_first + 1) & 1023; vertex_count = vertex_count + 1; wait(); } } else if (primitive_type == NV2A_BEGIN_END::LINE_LOOP) { } else { machine().logerror("Unsupported primitive %d for method 0x1818\n", int(primitive_type)); countlen = 0; } } if ((maddress >= 0x1720) && (maddress < 0x1760)) { int bit = method - 0x1720 / 4; if (data & 0x80000000) vertexbuffer_address[bit] = (data & 0x0fffffff) + dma_offset[1]; else vertexbuffer_address[bit] = (data & 0x0fffffff) + dma_offset[0]; } if ((maddress >= 0x1760) && (maddress < 0x17A0)) { int bit = method - 0x1760 / 4; vertexbuffer_stride[bit] = (data >> 8) & 255; vertexbuffer_kind[bit] = (NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE)(data & 15); vertexbuffer_size[bit] = (data >> 4) & 15; switch (vertexbuffer_kind[bit]) { case NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE::UBYTE2: vertex_attribute_words[bit] = (vertexbuffer_size[bit] * 1) >> 2; break; case NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE::FLOAT: vertex_attribute_words[bit] = (vertexbuffer_size[bit] * 4) >> 2; break; case NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE::UBYTE: vertex_attribute_words[bit] = (vertexbuffer_size[bit] * 1) >> 2; break; case NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE::USHORT: vertex_attribute_words[bit] = (vertexbuffer_size[bit] * 2) >> 2; break; case NV2A_VTXBUF_TYPE::UNKNOWN_6: vertex_attribute_words[bit] = (vertexbuffer_size[bit] * 4) >> 2; break; default: vertex_attribute_words[bit] = 0; } if (vertexbuffer_size[bit] > 0) enabled_vertex_attributes |= (1 << bit); else enabled_vertex_attributes &= ~(1 << bit); for (int n = bit + 1; n < 16; n++) { if ((enabled_vertex_attributes & (1 << (n - 1))) != 0) vertex_attribute_offset[n] = vertex_attribute_offset[n - 1] + vertex_attribute_words[n - 1]; else vertex_attribute_offset[n] = vertex_attribute_offset[n - 1]; } countlen--; } if ((maddress == 0x1d6c) || (maddress == 0x1d70) || (maddress == 0x1a4)) countlen--; if (maddress == 0x0308) { backface_culling_enabled = data != 0 ? true : false; } if (maddress == 0x03a0) { backface_culling_winding = (NV2A_GL_FRONT_FACE)data; } if (maddress == 0x039c) { backface_culling_culled = (NV2A_GL_CULL_FACE)data; } if (maddress == 0x019c) { geforce_read_dma_object(data, dma_offset[0], dma_size[0]); } if (maddress == 0x01a0) { geforce_read_dma_object(data, dma_offset[1], dma_size[1]); } if (maddress == 0x1d70) { // with 1d70 write the value at offest [1d6c] inside dma object [1a4] UINT32 offset, base; UINT32 dmahand, dmaoff, smasiz; offset = channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x1d6c / 4]; dmahand = channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x1a4 / 4]; geforce_read_dma_object(dmahand, dmaoff, smasiz); base = dmaoff; space.write_dword(base + offset, data); countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1d7c) { antialias_control = data; countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1d98) { int x, w; x = data & 0xffff; w = (data >> 16) & 0xffff; clear_rendertarget.setx(x, w); countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1d9c) { int y, h; y = data & 0xffff; h = (data >> 16) & 0xffff; clear_rendertarget.sety(y, h); countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1d94) { // possible buffers: color, depth, stencil // clear framebuffer clear_render_target((data >> 4) & 15, channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x1d90 / 4]); clear_depth_buffer(data & 3, channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x1d8c / 4]); countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x0200) { int x, w; x = data & 0xffff; w = (data >> 16) & 0xffff; limits_rendertarget.setx(x,x+w-1); } if (maddress == 0x0204) { int y, h; y = data & 0xffff; h = (data >> 16) & 0xffff; limits_rendertarget.sety(y,y+h-1); } if (maddress == 0x0208) { log2height_rendertarget = (data >> 24) & 255; log2width_rendertarget = (data >> 16) & 255; antialiasing_rendertarget = (data >> 12) & 15; type_rendertarget = (NV2A_RT_TYPE)((data >> 8) & 15); depthformat_rendertarget = (NV2A_RT_DEPTH_FORMAT)((data >> 4) & 15); colorformat_rendertarget = (NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT)((data >> 0) & 15); switch (colorformat_rendertarget) { case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::R5G6B5: bytespixel_rendertarget = 2; break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_Z8R8G8B8: case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::X8R8G8B8_X8R8G8B8: case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::A8R8G8B8: bytespixel_rendertarget = 4; break; case NV2A_COLOR_FORMAT::B8: bytespixel_rendertarget = 1; break; default: machine().logerror("Unknown render target color format %d\n\r", int(colorformat_rendertarget)); bytespixel_rendertarget = 4; break; } dilate_rendertarget = dilatechose[(log2width_rendertarget << 4) + log2height_rendertarget]; } if (maddress == 0x020c) { pitch_rendertarget=data & 0xffff; pitch_depthbuffer=(data >> 16) & 0xffff; #ifdef LOG_NV2A printf("Pitch color %04X zbuffer %04X\n\r", pitch_rendertarget, pitch_depthbuffer); #endif countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x0100) { countlen--; if (data != 0) { pgraph[0x704 / 4] = 0x100; pgraph[0x708 / 4] = data; pgraph[0x100 / 4] |= 1; pgraph[0x108 / 4] |= 1; if (update_interrupts() == true) interruptdevice->ir3_w(1); // IRQ 3 else interruptdevice->ir3_w(0); // IRQ 3 return 2; } else return 0; } if (maddress == 0x0130) { countlen--; if (waitvblank_used == 1) return 1; // block until next vblank else return 0; } if (maddress == 0x1d8c) { countlen--; // it is used to specify the clear value for the depth buffer (zbuffer) // but also as a parameter for interrupt routines pgraph[0x1a88 / 4] = data; } if (maddress == 0x1d90) { countlen--; // it is used to specify the clear value for the color buffer // but also as a parameter for interrupt routines pgraph[0x186c / 4] = data; } if (maddress == 0x0210) { // framebuffer offset ? rendertarget = (UINT32 *)direct_access_ptr(data); #ifdef LOG_NV2A printf("Render target at %08X\n\r", data); #endif countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x0214) { // zbuffer offset ? depthbuffer = (UINT32 *)direct_access_ptr(data); #ifdef LOG_NV2A printf("Depth buffer at %08X\n\r",data); #endif if ((data == 0) || (data > 0x7ffffffc)) depth_write_enabled = false; else if (channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x035c / 4] != 0) depth_write_enabled = true; else depth_write_enabled = false; countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x0300) { alpha_test_enabled = data != 0; } if (maddress == 0x033c) { alpha_func = (NV2A_COMPARISON_OP)data; } if (maddress == 0x0340) { alpha_reference = data; } if (maddress == 0x0304) { if (logical_operation_enabled) blending_enabled = false; else blending_enabled = data != 0; } if (maddress == 0x030c) { depth_test_enabled = data != 0; } if (maddress == 0x0354) { depth_function = (NV2A_COMPARISON_OP)data; } if (maddress == 0x0358) { //color_mask = data; if (data & 0x000000ff) data |= 0x000000ff; if (data & 0x0000ff00) data |= 0x0000ff00; if (data & 0x00ff0000) data |= 0x00ff0000; if (data & 0xff000000) data |= 0xff000000; color_mask = data; } if (maddress == 0x035c) { UINT32 g = channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x0214 / 4]; depth_write_enabled = data != 0; if ((g == 0) || (g > 0x7ffffffc)) depth_write_enabled = false; } if (maddress == 0x032c) { stencil_test_enabled = data != 0; } if (maddress == 0x0364) { stencil_func = (NV2A_COMPARISON_OP)data; } if (maddress == 0x0368) { if (data > 255) data = 255; stencil_ref = data; } if (maddress == 0x036c) { stencil_mask = data; } if (maddress == 0x0370) { stencil_op_fail = (NV2A_STENCIL_OP)data; } if (maddress == 0x0374) { stencil_op_zfail = (NV2A_STENCIL_OP)data; } if (maddress == 0x0378) { stencil_op_zpass = (NV2A_STENCIL_OP)data; } if (maddress == 0x0344) { blend_function_source = (NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR)data; } if (maddress == 0x0348) { blend_function_destination = (NV2A_BLEND_FACTOR)data; } if (maddress == 0x034c) { blend_color = data; } if (maddress == 0x0350) { blend_equation = (NV2A_BLEND_EQUATION)data; } if (maddress == 0x0d40) { if (data != 0) blending_enabled = false; else blending_enabled = channel[chanel][subchannel].object.method[0x0304 / 4] != 0; logical_operation_enabled = data != 0; } if (maddress == 0x0d44) { logical_operation = (NV2A_LOGIC_OP)data; } // Texture Units if ((maddress >= 0x1b00) && (maddress < 0x1c00)) { int unit;//,off; unit = (maddress >> 6) & 3; //off=maddress & 0xc0; maddress = maddress & ~0xc0; if (maddress == 0x1b00) { UINT32 offset;//,base; //UINT32 dmahand,dmaoff,dmasiz; offset = data; texture[unit].buffer = direct_access_ptr(offset); /*if (dma0 != 0) { dmahand=channel[channel][subchannel].object.method[0x184/4]; geforce_read_dma_object(dmahand,dmaoff,smasiz); } else if (dma1 != 0) { dmahand=channel[channel][subchannel].object.method[0x188/4]; geforce_read_dma_object(dmahand,dmaoff,smasiz); }*/ } if (maddress == 0x1b04) { //int dma0,dma1,cubic,noborder,dims,mipmap; int basesizeu, basesizev, basesizew, format; //dma0=(data >> 0) & 1; //dma1=(data >> 1) & 1; //cubic=(data >> 2) & 1; //noborder=(data >> 3) & 1; //dims=(data >> 4) & 15; //mipmap=(data >> 19) & 1; format = (data >> 8) & 255; basesizeu = (data >> 20) & 15; basesizev = (data >> 24) & 15; basesizew = (data >> 28) & 15; texture[unit].sizeu = 1 << basesizeu; texture[unit].sizev = 1 << basesizev; texture[unit].sizew = 1 << basesizew; texture[unit].dilate = dilatechose[(basesizeu << 4) + basesizev]; texture[unit].format = (NV2A_TEX_FORMAT)format; if (debug_grab_texttype == format) { FILE *f; int written; debug_grab_texttype = -1; f = fopen(debug_grab_textfile, "wb"); if (f) { written = (int)fwrite(texture[unit].buffer, texture[unit].sizeu*texture[unit].sizev * 4, 1, f); fclose(f); machine().logerror("Written %d bytes of texture to specified file\n", written); } else machine().logerror("Unable to save texture to specified file\n"); } } if (maddress == 0x1b0c) { // enable texture int enable; enable = (data >> 30) & 1; texture[unit].enabled = enable; } if (maddress == 0x1b10) { texture[unit].rectangle_pitch = data >> 16; } countlen--; } // modelview matrix if ((maddress >= 0x0480) && (maddress < 0x04c0)) { maddress = (maddress - 0x0480) / 4; *(UINT32 *)(&matrix.modelview[maddress >> 2][maddress & 3]) = data; countlen--; } // inverse modelview matrix if ((maddress >= 0x0580) && (maddress < 0x05c0)) { maddress = (maddress - 0x0580) / 4; *(UINT32 *)(&matrix.modelview_inverse[maddress >> 2][maddress & 3]) = data; countlen--; } // projection matrix if ((maddress >= 0x0680) && (maddress < 0x06c0)) { maddress = (maddress - 0x0680) / 4; *(UINT32 *)(&matrix.projection[maddress >> 2][maddress & 3]) = data; countlen--; } // viewport translate if ((maddress >= 0x0a20) && (maddress < 0x0a30)) { maddress = (maddress - 0x0a20) / 4; *(UINT32 *)(&matrix.translate[maddress]) = data; // set corresponding vertex shader constant too vertexprogram.exec.c_constant[59].iv[maddress] = data; // constant -37 countlen--; } // viewport scale if ((maddress >= 0x0af0) && (maddress < 0x0b00)) { maddress = (maddress - 0x0af0) / 4; *(UINT32 *)(&matrix.scale[maddress]) = data; // set corresponding vertex shader constant too vertexprogram.exec.c_constant[58].iv[maddress] = data; // constant -38 countlen--; } // Vertex program (shader) if (maddress == 0x1e94) { /*if (data == 2) machine().logerror("Enabled vertex program\n"); else if (data == 4) machine().logerror("Enabled fixed function pipeline\n"); else if (data == 6) machine().logerror("Enabled both fixed function pipeline and vertex program ?\n"); else machine().logerror("Unknown value %d to method 0x1e94\n",data);*/ vertex_pipeline = data & 6; countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1e9c) { //machine().logerror("VP_UPLOAD_FROM_ID %d\n",data); vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index = data; vertexprogram.upload_instruction_component = 0; countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1ea0) { //machine().logerror("VP_START_FROM_ID %d\n",data); vertexprogram.instructions = vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index; vertexprogram.start_instruction = data; countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1ea4) { //machine().logerror("VP_UPLOAD_CONST_ID %d\n",data); vertexprogram.upload_parameter_index = data; vertexprogram.upload_parameter_component = 0; countlen--; } if ((maddress >= 0x0b00) && (maddress < 0x0b80)) { //machine().logerror("VP_UPLOAD_INST\n"); if (vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index < 256) { vertexprogram.exec.op[vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index].i[vertexprogram.upload_instruction_component] = data; vertexprogram.exec.op[vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index].modified |= (1 << vertexprogram.upload_instruction_component); } else machine().logerror("Need to increase size of vertexprogram.instruction to %d\n\r", vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index); if (vertexprogram.exec.op[vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index].modified == 15) { vertexprogram.exec.op[vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index].modified = 0; vertexprogram.exec.decode_instruction(vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index); } vertexprogram.upload_instruction_component++; if (vertexprogram.upload_instruction_component >= 4) { vertexprogram.upload_instruction_component = 0; vertexprogram.upload_instruction_index++; } } if ((maddress >= 0x0b80) && (maddress < 0x0c00)) { //machine().logerror("VP_UPLOAD_CONST\n"); if (vertexprogram.upload_parameter_index < 192) { vertexprogram.exec.c_constant[vertexprogram.upload_parameter_index].iv[vertexprogram.upload_parameter_component] = data; } else machine().logerror("Need to increase size of vertexprogram.parameter to %d\n\r", vertexprogram.upload_parameter_index); vertexprogram.upload_parameter_component++; if (vertexprogram.upload_parameter_component >= 4) { vertexprogram.upload_parameter_component = 0; vertexprogram.upload_parameter_index++; } } // Register combiners if (maddress == 0x1e60) { combiner.stages = data & 15; countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x0288) { combiner.final.mapin_rgbD_input = data & 15; combiner.final.mapin_rgbD_component = (data >> 4) & 1; combiner.final.mapin_rgbD_mapping = (data >> 5) & 7; combiner.final.mapin_rgbC_input = (data >> 8) & 15; combiner.final.mapin_rgbC_component = (data >> 12) & 1; combiner.final.mapin_rgbC_mapping = (data >> 13) & 7; combiner.final.mapin_rgbB_input = (data >> 16) & 15; combiner.final.mapin_rgbB_component = (data >> 20) & 1; combiner.final.mapin_rgbB_mapping = (data >> 21) & 7; combiner.final.mapin_rgbA_input = (data >> 24) & 15; combiner.final.mapin_rgbA_component = (data >> 28) & 1; combiner.final.mapin_rgbA_mapping = (data >> 29) & 7; countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x028c) { combiner.final.color_sum_clamp = (data >> 7) & 1; combiner.final.mapin_aG_input = (data >> 8) & 15; combiner.final.mapin_aG_component = (data >> 12) & 1; combiner.final.mapin_aG_mapping = (data >> 13) & 7; combiner.final.mapin_rgbF_input = (data >> 16) & 15; combiner.final.mapin_rgbF_component = (data >> 20) & 1; combiner.final.mapin_rgbF_mapping = (data >> 21) & 7; combiner.final.mapin_rgbE_input = (data >> 24) & 15; combiner.final.mapin_rgbE_component = (data >> 28) & 1; combiner.final.mapin_rgbE_mapping = (data >> 29) & 7; countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1e20) { combiner_argb8_float(data, combiner.final.register_constantcolor0); countlen--; } if (maddress == 0x1e24) { combiner_argb8_float(data, combiner.final.register_constantcolor1); countlen--; } if ((maddress >= 0x0260) && (maddress < 0x0280)) { int n; n = (maddress - 0x0260) >> 2; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aD_input = data & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aD_component = (data >> 4) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aD_mapping = (data >> 5) & 7; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aC_input = (data >> 8) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aC_component = (data >> 12) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aC_mapping = (data >> 13) & 7; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aB_input = (data >> 16) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aB_component = (data >> 20) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aB_mapping = (data >> 21) & 7; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aA_input = (data >> 24) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aA_component = (data >> 28) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapin_aA_mapping = (data >> 29) & 7; countlen--; } if ((maddress >= 0x0ac0) && (maddress < 0x0ae0)) { int n; n = (maddress - 0x0ac0) >> 2; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbD_input = data & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbD_component = (data >> 4) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbD_mapping = (data >> 5) & 7; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbC_input = (data >> 8) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbC_component = (data >> 12) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbC_mapping = (data >> 13) & 7; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbB_input = (data >> 16) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbB_component = (data >> 20) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbB_mapping = (data >> 21) & 7; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbA_input = (data >> 24) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbA_component = (data >> 28) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbA_mapping = (data >> 29) & 7; countlen--; } if ((maddress >= 0x0a60) && (maddress < 0x0a80)) { int n; n = (maddress - 0x0a60) >> 2; combiner_argb8_float(data, combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor0); countlen--; } if ((maddress >= 0x0a80) && (maddress < 0x0aa0)) { int n; n = (maddress - 0x0a80) >> 2; combiner_argb8_float(data, combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor1); countlen--; } if ((maddress >= 0x0aa0) && (maddress < 0x0ac0)) { int n; n = (maddress - 0x0aa0) >> 2; combiner.stage[n].mapout_aCD_output = data & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapout_aAB_output = (data >> 4) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapout_aSUM_output = (data >> 8) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapout_aCD_dotproduct = (data >> 12) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapout_aAB_dotproduct = (data >> 13) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapout_a_muxsum = (data >> 14) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapout_a_bias = (data >> 15) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapout_a_scale = (data >> 16) & 3; //combiner.=(data >> 27) & 7; countlen--; } if ((maddress >= 0x1e40) && (maddress < 0x1e60)) { int n; n = (maddress - 0x1e40) >> 2; combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbCD_output = data & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbAB_output = (data >> 4) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbSUM_output = (data >> 8) & 15; combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbCD_dotproduct = (data >> 12) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbAB_dotproduct = (data >> 13) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgb_muxsum = (data >> 14) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgb_bias = (data >> 15) & 1; combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgb_scale = (data >> 16) & 3; //combiner.=(data >> 27) & 7; countlen--; } return 0; } int nv2a_renderer::toggle_register_combiners_usage() { combiner.used = 1 - combiner.used; return combiner.used; } int nv2a_renderer::toggle_wait_vblank_support() { waitvblank_used = 1 - waitvblank_used; return waitvblank_used; } void nv2a_renderer::debug_grab_texture(int type, const char *filename) { debug_grab_texttype = type; if (debug_grab_textfile == nullptr) debug_grab_textfile = (char *)malloc(128); strncpy(debug_grab_textfile, filename, 127); } void nv2a_renderer::debug_grab_vertex_program_slot(int slot, UINT32 *instruction) { if (slot >= 1024 / 4) return; instruction[0] = vertexprogram.exec.op[slot].i[0]; instruction[1] = vertexprogram.exec.op[slot].i[1]; instruction[2] = vertexprogram.exec.op[slot].i[2]; instruction[3] = vertexprogram.exec.op[slot].i[3]; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_argb8_float(UINT32 color, float reg[4]) { reg[0] = (float)(color & 0xff) / 255.0f; reg[1] = (float)((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f; reg[2] = (float)((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f; reg[3] = (float)((color >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0f; } UINT32 nv2a_renderer::combiner_float_argb8(float reg[4]) { UINT32 r, g, b, a; a = reg[3] * 255.0f; r = reg[2] * 255.0f; g = reg[1] * 255.0f; b = reg[0] * 255.0f; return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } float nv2a_renderer::combiner_map_input_select(int code, int index) { switch (code) { case 0: default: return combiner.register_zero[index]; case 1: return combiner.register_color0[index]; case 2: return combiner.register_color1[index]; case 3: return combiner.register_fogcolor[index]; case 4: return combiner.register_primarycolor[index]; case 5: return combiner.register_secondarycolor[index]; case 8: return combiner.register_texture0color[index]; case 9: return combiner.register_texture1color[index]; case 10: return combiner.register_texture2color[index]; case 11: return combiner.register_texture3color[index]; case 12: return combiner.register_spare0[index]; case 13: return combiner.register_spare1[index]; case 14: return combiner.variable_sumclamp[index]; case 15: return combiner.variable_EF[index]; } // never executed //return 0; } float *nv2a_renderer::combiner_map_input_select3(int code) { switch (code) { case 0: default: return combiner.register_zero; case 1: return combiner.register_color0; case 2: return combiner.register_color1; case 3: return combiner.register_fogcolor; case 4: return combiner.register_primarycolor; case 5: return combiner.register_secondarycolor; case 8: return combiner.register_texture0color; case 9: return combiner.register_texture1color; case 10: return combiner.register_texture2color; case 11: return combiner.register_texture3color; case 12: return combiner.register_spare0; case 13: return combiner.register_spare1; case 14: return combiner.variable_sumclamp; case 15: return combiner.variable_EF; } // never executed //return 0; } float *nv2a_renderer::combiner_map_output_select3(int code) { switch (code) { case 0: return nullptr; case 1: return nullptr; case 2: return nullptr; case 3: return nullptr; case 4: return combiner.register_primarycolor; case 5: return combiner.register_secondarycolor; case 8: return combiner.register_texture0color; case 9: return combiner.register_texture1color; case 10: return combiner.register_texture2color; case 11: return combiner.register_texture3color; case 12: return combiner.register_spare0; case 13: return combiner.register_spare1; case 14: return nullptr; case 15: default: return nullptr; } } float nv2a_renderer::combiner_map_input_function(int code, float value) { float t; switch (code) { case 0: return MAX(0.0f, value); case 1: t = MAX(value, 0.0f); return 1.0f - MIN(t, 1.0f); case 2: return 2.0f * MAX(0.0f, value) - 1.0f; case 3: return -2.0f * MAX(0.0f, value) + 1.0f; case 4: return MAX(0.0f, value) - 0.5f; case 5: return -MAX(0.0f, value) + 0.5f; case 6: return value; case 7: default: return -value; } // never executed //return 0; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_map_input_function3(int code, float *data) { float t; switch (code) { case 0: data[0] = MAX(0.0f, data[0]); data[1] = MAX(0.0f, data[1]); data[2] = MAX(0.0f, data[2]); break; case 1: t = MAX(data[0], 0.0f); data[0] = 1.0f - MIN(t, 1.0f); t = MAX(data[1], 0.0f); data[1] = 1.0f - MIN(t, 1.0f); t = MAX(data[2], 0.0f); data[2] = 1.0f - MIN(t, 1.0f); break; case 2: data[0] = 2.0f * MAX(0.0f, data[0]) - 1.0f; data[1] = 2.0f * MAX(0.0f, data[1]) - 1.0f; data[2] = 2.0f * MAX(0.0f, data[2]) - 1.0f; break; case 3: data[0] = -2.0f * MAX(0.0f, data[0]) + 1.0f; data[1] = -2.0f * MAX(0.0f, data[1]) + 1.0f; data[2] = -2.0f * MAX(0.0f, data[2]) + 1.0f; break; case 4: data[0] = MAX(0.0f, data[0]) - 0.5f; data[1] = MAX(0.0f, data[1]) - 0.5f; data[2] = MAX(0.0f, data[2]) - 0.5f; break; case 5: data[0] = -MAX(0.0f, data[0]) + 0.5f; data[1] = -MAX(0.0f, data[1]) + 0.5f; data[2] = -MAX(0.0f, data[2]) + 0.5f; break; case 6: return; case 7: default: data[0] = -data[0]; data[1] = -data[1]; data[2] = -data[2]; break; } } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_initialize_registers(UINT32 argb8[6]) { combiner_argb8_float(argb8[0], combiner.register_primarycolor); combiner_argb8_float(argb8[1], combiner.register_secondarycolor); combiner_argb8_float(argb8[2], combiner.register_texture0color); combiner_argb8_float(argb8[3], combiner.register_texture1color); combiner_argb8_float(argb8[4], combiner.register_texture2color); combiner_argb8_float(argb8[5], combiner.register_texture3color); combiner.register_spare0[3] = combiner.register_texture0color[3]; combiner.register_zero[0] = combiner.register_zero[1] = combiner.register_zero[2] = combiner.register_zero[3] = 0; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_initialize_stage(int stage_number) { int n = stage_number; // put register_constantcolor0 in register_color0 combiner.register_color0[0] = combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor0[0]; combiner.register_color0[1] = combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor0[1]; combiner.register_color0[2] = combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor0[2]; combiner.register_color0[3] = combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor0[3]; // put register_constantcolor1 in register_color1 combiner.register_color1[0] = combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor1[0]; combiner.register_color1[1] = combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor1[1]; combiner.register_color1[2] = combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor1[2]; combiner.register_color1[3] = combiner.stage[n].register_constantcolor1[3]; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_initialize_final() { // put register_constantcolor0 in register_color0 combiner.register_color0[0] = combiner.final.register_constantcolor0[0]; combiner.register_color0[1] = combiner.final.register_constantcolor0[1]; combiner.register_color0[2] = combiner.final.register_constantcolor0[2]; combiner.register_color0[3] = combiner.final.register_constantcolor0[3]; // put register_constantcolor1 in register_color1 combiner.register_color1[0] = combiner.final.register_constantcolor1[0]; combiner.register_color1[1] = combiner.final.register_constantcolor1[1]; combiner.register_color1[2] = combiner.final.register_constantcolor1[2]; combiner.register_color1[3] = combiner.final.register_constantcolor1[3]; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_map_input(int stage_number) { int n = stage_number; int c, d, i; float v, *pv; // A v = combiner_map_input_select(combiner.stage[n].mapin_aA_input, 2 + combiner.stage[n].mapin_aA_component); combiner.variable_A[3] = combiner_map_input_function(combiner.stage[n].mapin_aA_mapping, v); // B v = combiner_map_input_select(combiner.stage[n].mapin_aB_input, 2 + combiner.stage[n].mapin_aB_component); combiner.variable_B[3] = combiner_map_input_function(combiner.stage[n].mapin_aB_mapping, v); // C v = combiner_map_input_select(combiner.stage[n].mapin_aC_input, 2 + combiner.stage[n].mapin_aC_component); combiner.variable_C[3] = combiner_map_input_function(combiner.stage[n].mapin_aC_mapping, v); // D v = combiner_map_input_select(combiner.stage[n].mapin_aD_input, 2 + combiner.stage[n].mapin_aD_component); combiner.variable_D[3] = combiner_map_input_function(combiner.stage[n].mapin_aD_mapping, v); // A pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbA_input); c = combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbA_component * 3; i = ~combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbA_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_A[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbA_mapping, combiner.variable_A); // B pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbB_input); c = combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbB_component * 3; i = ~combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbB_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_B[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbB_mapping, combiner.variable_B); // C pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbC_input); c = combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbC_component * 3; i = ~combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbC_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_C[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbC_mapping, combiner.variable_C); // D pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbD_input); c = combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbD_component * 3; i = ~combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbD_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_D[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.stage[n].mapin_rgbD_mapping, combiner.variable_D); } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_map_output(int stage_number) { int n = stage_number; float *f; // rgb f = combiner_map_output_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbAB_output); if (f) { f[0] = combiner.function_RGBop1[0]; f[1] = combiner.function_RGBop1[1]; f[2] = combiner.function_RGBop1[2]; } f = combiner_map_output_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbCD_output); if (f) { f[0] = combiner.function_RGBop2[0]; f[1] = combiner.function_RGBop2[1]; f[2] = combiner.function_RGBop2[2]; } if ((combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbAB_dotproduct | combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbCD_dotproduct) == 0) { f = combiner_map_output_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbSUM_output); if (f) { f[0] = combiner.function_RGBop3[0]; f[1] = combiner.function_RGBop3[1]; f[2] = combiner.function_RGBop3[2]; } } // a f = combiner_map_output_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapout_aAB_output); if (f) f[3] = combiner.function_Aop1; f = combiner_map_output_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapout_aCD_output); if (f) f[3] = combiner.function_Aop2; f = combiner_map_output_select3(combiner.stage[n].mapout_aSUM_output); if (f) f[3] = combiner.function_Aop3; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_map_final_input() { int i, c, d; float *pv; // E pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbE_input); c = combiner.final.mapin_rgbE_component * 3; i = ~combiner.final.mapin_rgbE_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_E[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbE_mapping, combiner.variable_E); // F pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbF_input); c = combiner.final.mapin_rgbF_component * 3; i = ~combiner.final.mapin_rgbF_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_F[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbF_mapping, combiner.variable_F); // EF combiner.variable_EF[0] = combiner.variable_E[0] * combiner.variable_F[0]; combiner.variable_EF[1] = combiner.variable_E[1] * combiner.variable_F[1]; combiner.variable_EF[2] = combiner.variable_E[2] * combiner.variable_F[2]; // sumclamp combiner.variable_sumclamp[0] = MAX(0, combiner.register_spare0[0]) + MAX(0, combiner.register_secondarycolor[0]); combiner.variable_sumclamp[1] = MAX(0, combiner.register_spare0[1]) + MAX(0, combiner.register_secondarycolor[1]); combiner.variable_sumclamp[2] = MAX(0, combiner.register_spare0[2]) + MAX(0, combiner.register_secondarycolor[2]); if (combiner.final.color_sum_clamp != 0) { combiner.variable_sumclamp[0] = MIN(combiner.variable_sumclamp[0], 1.0f); combiner.variable_sumclamp[1] = MIN(combiner.variable_sumclamp[1], 1.0f); combiner.variable_sumclamp[2] = MIN(combiner.variable_sumclamp[2], 1.0f); } // A pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbA_input); c = combiner.final.mapin_rgbA_component * 3; i = ~combiner.final.mapin_rgbA_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_A[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbA_mapping, combiner.variable_A); // B pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbB_input); c = combiner.final.mapin_rgbB_component * 3; i = ~combiner.final.mapin_rgbB_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_B[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbB_mapping, combiner.variable_B); // C pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbC_input); c = combiner.final.mapin_rgbC_component * 3; i = ~combiner.final.mapin_rgbC_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_C[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbC_mapping, combiner.variable_C); // D pv = combiner_map_input_select3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbD_input); c = combiner.final.mapin_rgbD_component * 3; i = ~combiner.final.mapin_rgbD_component & 1; for (d = 0; d < 3; d++) { combiner.variable_D[d] = pv[c]; c = c + i; } combiner_map_input_function3(combiner.final.mapin_rgbD_mapping, combiner.variable_D); // G combiner.variable_G = combiner_map_input_select(combiner.final.mapin_aG_input, 2 + combiner.final.mapin_aG_component); } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_final_output() { // rgb combiner.output[0] = combiner.variable_A[0] * combiner.variable_B[0] + (1.0f - combiner.variable_A[0])*combiner.variable_C[0] + combiner.variable_D[0]; combiner.output[1] = combiner.variable_A[1] * combiner.variable_B[1] + (1.0f - combiner.variable_A[1])*combiner.variable_C[1] + combiner.variable_D[1]; combiner.output[2] = combiner.variable_A[2] * combiner.variable_B[2] + (1.0f - combiner.variable_A[2])*combiner.variable_C[2] + combiner.variable_D[2]; combiner.output[0] = MIN(combiner.output[0], 1.0f); combiner.output[1] = MIN(combiner.output[1], 1.0f); combiner.output[2] = MIN(combiner.output[2], 1.0f); // a combiner.output[3] = combiner_map_input_function(combiner.final.mapin_aG_mapping, combiner.variable_G); } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_function_AB(float result[4]) { result[0] = combiner.variable_A[0] * combiner.variable_B[0]; result[1] = combiner.variable_A[1] * combiner.variable_B[1]; result[2] = combiner.variable_A[2] * combiner.variable_B[2]; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_function_AdotB(float result[4]) { result[0] = combiner.variable_A[0] * combiner.variable_B[0] + combiner.variable_A[1] * combiner.variable_B[1] + combiner.variable_A[2] * combiner.variable_B[2]; result[1] = result[0]; result[2] = result[0]; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_function_CD(float result[4]) { result[0] = combiner.variable_C[0] * combiner.variable_D[0]; result[1] = combiner.variable_C[1] * combiner.variable_D[1]; result[2] = combiner.variable_C[2] * combiner.variable_D[2]; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_function_CdotD(float result[4]) { result[0] = combiner.variable_C[0] * combiner.variable_D[0] + combiner.variable_C[1] * combiner.variable_D[1] + combiner.variable_C[2] * combiner.variable_D[2]; result[1] = result[0]; result[2] = result[0]; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_function_ABmuxCD(float result[4]) { if (combiner.register_spare0[3] >= 0.5f) combiner_function_AB(result); else combiner_function_CD(result); } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_function_ABsumCD(float result[4]) { result[0] = combiner.variable_A[0] * combiner.variable_B[0] + combiner.variable_C[0] * combiner.variable_D[0]; result[1] = combiner.variable_A[1] * combiner.variable_B[1] + combiner.variable_C[1] * combiner.variable_D[1]; result[2] = combiner.variable_A[2] * combiner.variable_B[2] + combiner.variable_C[2] * combiner.variable_D[2]; } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_compute_rgb_outputs(int stage_number) { int n = stage_number; int m; float biasrgb, scalergb; if (combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgb_bias) biasrgb = -0.5; else biasrgb = 0; switch (combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgb_scale) { case 0: default: scalergb = 1.0; break; case 1: scalergb = 2.0; break; case 2: scalergb = 4.0; break; case 3: scalergb = 0.5; break; } if (combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbAB_dotproduct) { m = 1; combiner_function_AdotB(combiner.function_RGBop1); } else { m = 0; combiner_function_AB(combiner.function_RGBop1); } combiner.function_RGBop1[0] = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_RGBop1[0] + biasrgb) * scalergb, 1.0f), -1.0f); combiner.function_RGBop1[1] = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_RGBop1[1] + biasrgb) * scalergb, 1.0f), -1.0f); combiner.function_RGBop1[2] = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_RGBop1[2] + biasrgb) * scalergb, 1.0f), -1.0f); if (combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgbCD_dotproduct) { m = m | 1; combiner_function_CdotD(combiner.function_RGBop2); } else combiner_function_CD(combiner.function_RGBop2); combiner.function_RGBop2[0] = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_RGBop2[0] + biasrgb) * scalergb, 1.0f), -1.0f); combiner.function_RGBop2[1] = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_RGBop2[1] + biasrgb) * scalergb, 1.0f), -1.0f); combiner.function_RGBop2[2] = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_RGBop2[2] + biasrgb) * scalergb, 1.0f), -1.0f); if (m == 0) { if (combiner.stage[n].mapout_rgb_muxsum) combiner_function_ABmuxCD(combiner.function_RGBop3); else combiner_function_ABsumCD(combiner.function_RGBop3); combiner.function_RGBop3[0] = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_RGBop3[0] + biasrgb) * scalergb, 1.0f), -1.0f); combiner.function_RGBop3[1] = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_RGBop3[1] + biasrgb) * scalergb, 1.0f), -1.0f); combiner.function_RGBop3[2] = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_RGBop3[2] + biasrgb) * scalergb, 1.0f), -1.0f); } } void nv2a_renderer::combiner_compute_a_outputs(int stage_number) { int n = stage_number; float biasa, scalea; if (combiner.stage[n].mapout_a_bias) biasa = -0.5; else biasa = 0; switch (combiner.stage[n].mapout_a_scale) { case 0: default: scalea = 1.0; break; case 1: scalea = 2.0; break; case 2: scalea = 4.0; break; case 3: scalea = 0.5; break; } combiner.function_Aop1 = combiner.variable_A[3] * combiner.variable_B[3]; combiner.function_Aop1 = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_Aop1 + biasa) * scalea, 1.0f), -1.0f); combiner.function_Aop2 = combiner.variable_C[3] * combiner.variable_D[3]; combiner.function_Aop2 = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_Aop2 + biasa) * scalea, 1.0f), -1.0f); if (combiner.stage[n].mapout_a_muxsum) { if (combiner.register_spare0[3] >= 0.5f) combiner.function_Aop3 = combiner.variable_A[3] * combiner.variable_B[3]; else combiner.function_Aop3 = combiner.variable_C[3] * combiner.variable_D[3]; } else combiner.function_Aop3 = combiner.variable_A[3] * combiner.variable_B[3] + combiner.variable_C[3] * combiner.variable_D[3]; combiner.function_Aop3 = MAX(MIN((combiner.function_Aop3 + biasa) * scalea, 1.0f), -1.0f); } void nv2a_renderer::vblank_callback(screen_device &screen, bool state) { #ifdef LOG_NV2A printf("vblank_callback\n\r"); #endif if ((state == true) && (puller_waiting == 1)) { puller_waiting = 0; puller_timer_work(nullptr, 0); } if (state == true) { pcrtc[0x100 / 4] |= 1; pcrtc[0x808 / 4] |= 0x10000; } else { pcrtc[0x100 / 4] &= ~1; pcrtc[0x808 / 4] &= ~0x10000; } if (update_interrupts() == true) interruptdevice->ir3_w(1); // IRQ 3 else interruptdevice->ir3_w(0); // IRQ 3 } bool nv2a_renderer::update_interrupts() { if (pcrtc[0x100 / 4] & pcrtc[0x140 / 4]) pmc[0x100 / 4] |= 0x1000000; else pmc[0x100 / 4] &= ~0x1000000; if (pgraph[0x100 / 4] & pgraph[0x140 / 4]) pmc[0x100 / 4] |= 0x1000; else pmc[0x100 / 4] &= ~0x1000; if (((pmc[0x100 / 4] & 0x7fffffff) && (pmc[0x140 / 4] & 1)) || ((pmc[0x100 / 4] & 0x80000000) && (pmc[0x140 / 4] & 2))) { // send interrupt return true; } else return false; } UINT32 nv2a_renderer::screen_update_callback(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { if (displayedtarget != nullptr) { bitmap_rgb32 bm(displayedtarget, 640, 480, 640); UINT32 *dst = (UINT32 *)bitmap.raw_pixptr(0, 0); //printf("updatescreen %08X\n\r",pcrtc[0x800/4]); memcpy(dst, displayedtarget, bitmap.rowbytes()*bitmap.height()); } return 0; } void nv2a_renderer::geforce_assign_object(address_space & space, UINT32 chanel, UINT32 subchannel, UINT32 address) { int handle, objclass; handle = space.read_dword(address); handle = geforce_object_offset(handle); #ifdef LOG_NV2A machine().logerror(" assign to subchannel %d object at %d", subch, handle); #endif channel[chanel][subchannel].object.objhandle = handle; handle = ramin[handle / 4]; objclass = handle & 0xff; #ifdef LOG_NV2A machine().logerror(" class %03X\n", objclass); #endif channel[chanel][subchannel].object.objclass = objclass; } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(nv2a_renderer::puller_timer_work) { int chanel; int method, count; UINT32 *dmaput, *dmaget; UINT32 cmd, cmdtype; int countlen; int ret; address_space *space = puller_space; UINT32 subch; chanel = puller_channel; dmaput = &channel[chanel][0].regs[0x40 / 4]; dmaget = &channel[chanel][0].regs[0x44 / 4]; while (*dmaget != *dmaput) { cmd = space->read_dword(*dmaget); *dmaget += 4; cmdtype = geforce_commandkind(cmd); switch (cmdtype) { case 6: // jump #ifdef LOG_NV2A machine().logerror("jump dmaget %08X", *dmaget); #endif *dmaget = cmd & 0xfffffffc; #ifdef LOG_NV2A machine().logerror(" -> %08X\n\r", *dmaget); #endif break; case 0: // increasing method method = (cmd >> 2) & 2047; // method*4 is address // if method >= 0x40 send it to assigned object subch = (cmd >> 13) & 7; count = (cmd >> 18) & 2047; if ((method == 0) && (count == 1)) { geforce_assign_object(*space, chanel, subch, *dmaget); *dmaget += 4; } else { #ifdef LOG_NV2A machine().logerror(" subch. %d method %04x offset %04x count %d\n", subch, method, method * 4, count); #endif ret = 0; while (count > 0) { countlen = 1; ret=geforce_exec_method(*space, chanel, subch, method, *dmaget, countlen); count--; method++; *dmaget += 4; if (ret != 0) break; } if (ret != 0) { puller_timer->enable(false); puller_waiting = ret; return; } } break; case 5: // non-increasing method method = (cmd >> 2) & 2047; subch = (cmd >> 13) & 7; count = (cmd >> 18) & 2047; if ((method == 0) && (count == 1)) { geforce_assign_object(*space, chanel, subch, *dmaget); *dmaget += 4; } else { #ifdef LOG_NV2A machine().logerror(" subch. %d method %04x offset %04x count %d\n", subch, method, method * 4, count); #endif while (count > 0) { countlen = count; ret=geforce_exec_method(*space, chanel, subch, method, *dmaget, countlen); *dmaget += 4 * (count - countlen); count = countlen; } } break; case 3: // long non-increasing method method = (cmd >> 2) & 2047; subch = (cmd >> 13) & 7; count = space->read_dword(*dmaget); *dmaget += 4; if ((method == 0) && (count == 1)) { geforce_assign_object(*space, chanel, subch, *dmaget); *dmaget += 4; } else { #ifdef LOG_NV2A machine().logerror(" subch. %d method %04x offset %04x count %d\n", subch, method, method * 4, count); #endif while (count > 0) { countlen = count; ret=geforce_exec_method(*space, chanel, subch, method, *dmaget, countlen); *dmaget += 4 * (count - countlen); count = countlen; } } break; default: machine().logerror(" unimplemented command %08X\n", cmd); } } } READ32_MEMBER(nv2a_renderer::geforce_r) { static int x, ret; ret = 0; if (offset == 0x1804f6) { x = x ^ 0x08080808; ret = x; } if ((offset >= 0x00100000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00101000 / 4)) { //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read 100000[%06X] mask %08X value %08X\n",offset*4-0x00101000,mem_mask,ret); if (offset == 0x100200 / 4) return 3; } else if ((offset >= 0x00101000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00102000 / 4)) { //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read STRAPS[%06X] mask %08X value %08X\n",offset*4-0x00101000,mem_mask,ret); } else if ((offset >= 0x00002000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00004000 / 4)) { ret = pfifo[offset - 0x00002000 / 4]; // PFIFO.CACHE1.STATUS or PFIFO.RUNOUT_STATUS if ((offset == 0x3214 / 4) || (offset == 0x2400 / 4)) ret = 0x10; //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read PFIFO[%06X] value %08X\n",offset*4-0x00002000,ret); } else if ((offset >= 0x00700000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00800000 / 4)) { ret = ramin[offset - 0x00700000 / 4]; //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read PRAMIN[%06X] value %08X\n",offset*4-0x00700000,ret); } else if ((offset >= 0x00400000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00402000 / 4)) { ret = pgraph[offset - 0x00400000 / 4]; //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read PGRAPH[%06X] value %08X\n",offset*4-0x00400000,ret); } else if ((offset >= 0x00600000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00601000 / 4)) { ret = pcrtc[offset - 0x00600000 / 4]; //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read PCRTC[%06X] value %08X\n",offset*4-0x00600000,ret); } else if ((offset >= 0x00000000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00001000 / 4)) { ret = pmc[offset - 0x00000000 / 4]; //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read PMC[%06X] value %08X\n",offset*4-0x00000000,ret); } else if ((offset >= 0x00800000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00900000 / 4)) { // 32 channels size 0x10000 each, 8 subchannels per channel size 0x2000 each int chanel, subchannel, suboffset; suboffset = offset - 0x00800000 / 4; chanel = (suboffset >> (16 - 2)) & 31; subchannel = (suboffset >> (13 - 2)) & 7; suboffset = suboffset & 0x7ff; if (suboffset < 0x80 / 4) ret = channel[chanel][subchannel].regs[suboffset]; //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read channel[%02X,%d,%04X]=%08X\n",chanel,subchannel,suboffset*4,ret); return ret; } //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read at %08X mask %08X value %08X\n",0xfd000000+offset*4,mem_mask,ret); return ret; } WRITE32_MEMBER(nv2a_renderer::geforce_w) { UINT32 old; bool update_int; update_int = false; if ((offset >= 0x00101000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00102000 / 4)) { //machine().logerror("NV_2A: write STRAPS[%06X] mask %08X value %08X\n",offset*4-0x00101000,mem_mask,data); } else if ((offset >= 0x00002000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00004000 / 4)) { int e = offset - 0x00002000 / 4; if (e >= (sizeof(pfifo) / sizeof(UINT32))) return; COMBINE_DATA(pfifo + e); //machine().logerror("NV_2A: read PFIFO[%06X]=%08X\n",offset*4-0x00002000,data & mem_mask); // 2210 pfifo ramht & 1f0 << 12 } else if ((offset >= 0x00700000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00800000 / 4)) { int e = offset - 0x00700000 / 4; if (e >= (sizeof(ramin) / sizeof(UINT32))) return; COMBINE_DATA(ramin + e); //machine().logerror("NV_2A: write PRAMIN[%06X]=%08X\n",offset*4-0x00700000,data & mem_mask); } else if ((offset >= 0x00400000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00402000 / 4)) { int e = offset - 0x00400000 / 4; if (e >= (sizeof(pgraph) / sizeof(UINT32))) return; old = pgraph[e]; COMBINE_DATA(pgraph + e); if (e == 0x100 / 4) { pgraph[e] = old & ~data; if (data & 1) pgraph[0x108 / 4] = 0; update_int = true; } if (e == 0x140 / 4) update_int = true; if (e == 0x720 / 4) { if ((data & 1) && (puller_waiting == 2)) { puller_waiting = 0; puller_timer->enable(); puller_timer->adjust(attotime::zero); } } if ((e >= 0x900 / 4) && (e < 0xa00 / 4)) pgraph[e] = 0; //machine().logerror("NV_2A: write PGRAPH[%06X]=%08X\n",offset*4-0x00400000,data & mem_mask); } else if ((offset >= 0x00600000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00601000 / 4)) { int e = offset - 0x00600000 / 4; if (e >= (sizeof(pcrtc) / sizeof(UINT32))) return; old = pcrtc[e]; COMBINE_DATA(pcrtc + e); if (e == 0x100 / 4) { pcrtc[e] = old & ~data; update_int = true; } if (e == 0x140 / 4) update_int = true; if (e == 0x800 / 4) { displayedtarget = (UINT32 *)direct_access_ptr(pcrtc[e]); #ifdef LOG_NV2A printf("crtc buffer %08X\n\r", data); #endif } //machine().logerror("NV_2A: write PCRTC[%06X]=%08X\n",offset*4-0x00600000,data & mem_mask); } else if ((offset >= 0x00000000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00001000 / 4)) { int e = offset - 0x00000000 / 4; if (e >= (sizeof(pmc) / sizeof(UINT32))) return; COMBINE_DATA(pmc + e); //machine().logerror("NV_2A: write PMC[%06X]=%08X\n",offset*4-0x00000000,data & mem_mask); } else if ((offset >= 0x00800000 / 4) && (offset < 0x00900000 / 4)) { // 32 channels size 0x10000 each, 8 subchannels per channel size 0x2000 each int chanel, subchannel, suboffset; //int method, count, handle, objclass; suboffset = offset - 0x00800000 / 4; chanel = (suboffset >> (16 - 2)) & 31; subchannel = (suboffset >> (13 - 2)) & 7; suboffset = suboffset & 0x7ff; //machine().logerror("NV_2A: write channel[%02X,%d,%04X]=%08X\n",chanel,subchannel,suboffset*4,data & mem_mask); COMBINE_DATA(&channel[chanel][subchannel].regs[suboffset]); if (suboffset >= 0x80 / 4) return; if ((suboffset == 0x40 / 4) || (suboffset == 0x44 / 4)) { // DMA_PUT or DMA_GET UINT32 *dmaput, *dmaget; dmaput = &channel[chanel][0].regs[0x40 / 4]; dmaget = &channel[chanel][0].regs[0x44 / 4]; //printf("dmaget %08X dmaput %08X\n\r",*dmaget,*dmaput); if ((*dmaput == 0x048cf000) && (*dmaget == 0x07f4d000)) { // only for outr2 *dmaget = *dmaput; puller_waiting = 0; puller_timer->enable(false); return; } if (*dmaget != *dmaput) { if (puller_waiting == 0) { puller_channel = chanel; puller_space = &space; puller_timer->enable(); puller_timer->adjust(attotime::zero); } } } } //else // machine().logerror("NV_2A: write at %08X mask %08X value %08X\n",0xfd000000+offset*4,mem_mask,data); if (update_int == true) { if (update_interrupts() == true) interruptdevice->ir3_w(1); // IRQ 3 else interruptdevice->ir3_w(0); // IRQ 3 } } void nv2a_renderer::savestate_items() { } void nv2a_renderer::start(address_space *cpu_space) { basemempointer = (UINT8 *)cpu_space->get_read_ptr(0); puller_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(nv2a_renderer::puller_timer_work), this), (void *)"NV2A Puller Timer"); puller_timer->enable(false); } void nv2a_renderer::set_interrupt_device(pic8259_device *device) { interruptdevice = device; }