// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Ernesto Corvi, Nicola Salmoria #include "emu.h" #include "includes/buggychl.h" PALETTE_INIT_MEMBER(buggychl_state, buggychl) { /* arbitrary blue shading for the sky, estimation */ for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) palette.set_pen_color(i + 128, rgb_t(0, 240-i, 255)); } void buggychl_state::video_start() { m_screen->register_screen_bitmap(m_tmp_bitmap1); m_screen->register_screen_bitmap(m_tmp_bitmap2); save_item(NAME(m_tmp_bitmap1)); save_item(NAME(m_tmp_bitmap2)); m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->set_source(m_charram); } WRITE8_MEMBER(buggychl_state::buggychl_chargen_w) { if (m_charram[offset] != data) { m_charram[offset] = data; m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->mark_dirty((offset / 8) & 0xff); } } WRITE8_MEMBER(buggychl_state::buggychl_sprite_lookup_bank_w) { m_sl_bank = (data & 0x10) << 8; } WRITE8_MEMBER(buggychl_state::buggychl_sprite_lookup_w) { m_sprite_lookup[offset + m_sl_bank] = data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(buggychl_state::buggychl_ctrl_w) { /* bit7 = lamp bit6 = lockout bit4 = OJMODE bit3 = SKY OFF bit2 = /SN3OFF bit1 = HINV bit0 = VINV */ flip_screen_y_set(data & 0x01); flip_screen_x_set(data & 0x02); m_bg_clip_on = data & 0x04; m_sky_on = data & 0x08; m_sprite_color_base = (data & 0x10) ? 1 * 16 : 3 * 16; machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_global_w((~data & 0x40) >> 6); m_led[0] = BIT(~data, 7); } WRITE8_MEMBER(buggychl_state::buggychl_bg_scrollx_w) { m_bg_scrollx = -(data - 0x12); } void buggychl_state::draw_sky( bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect ) { for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++) bitmap.pix16(y, x) = 128 + x / 2; } void buggychl_state::draw_bg( bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect ) { int offs; int scroll[256]; /* prevent wraparound */ rectangle clip = cliprect; // enable clipping if on (title screen disable this to cover all of the area) if(m_bg_clip_on) { if (flip_screen_x()) clip.min_x += 8*8; else clip.max_x -= 8*8; } for (offs = 0; offs < 0x400; offs++) { int code = m_videoram[0x400 + offs]; int sx = offs % 32; int sy = offs / 32; if (flip_screen_x()) sx = 31 - sx; if (flip_screen_y()) sy = 31 - sy; m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->opaque(m_tmp_bitmap1,m_tmp_bitmap1.cliprect(), code, 2, flip_screen_x(),flip_screen_y(), 8*sx,8*sy); } /* first copy to a temp bitmap doing column scroll */ for (offs = 0; offs < 256; offs++) scroll[offs] = -m_scrollv[offs / 8]; copyscrollbitmap(m_tmp_bitmap2, m_tmp_bitmap1, 1, &m_bg_scrollx, 256, scroll, m_tmp_bitmap2.cliprect()); /* then copy to the screen doing row scroll */ for (offs = 0; offs < 256; offs++) scroll[offs] = -m_scrollh[offs]; copyscrollbitmap_trans(bitmap, m_tmp_bitmap2, 256, scroll, 0, nullptr, clip, 32); } void buggychl_state::draw_fg( bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect ) { int offs; for (offs = 0; offs < 0x400; offs++) { int sx = offs % 32; int sy = offs / 32; int flipx = flip_screen_x(); int flipy = flip_screen_y(); int code = m_videoram[offs]; if (flipx) sx = 31 - sx; if (flipy) sy = 31 - sy; m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->transpen(bitmap,cliprect, code, 0, flipx,flipy, 8*sx,8*sy, 0); } } void buggychl_state::draw_sprites( bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect ) { int offs; const uint8_t *gfx; g_profiler.start(PROFILER_USER1); gfx = memregion("gfx2")->base(); for (offs = 0; offs < m_spriteram.bytes(); offs += 4) { int sx, sy, flipy, zoom, ch, x, px, y; const uint8_t *lookup; const uint8_t *zoomx_rom, *zoomy_rom; sx = m_spriteram[offs + 3] - ((m_spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x80) << 1); sy = 256 - 64 - m_spriteram[offs] + ((m_spriteram[offs + 1] & 0x80) << 1); flipy = m_spriteram[offs + 1] & 0x40; zoom = m_spriteram[offs + 1] & 0x3f; zoomy_rom = gfx + (zoom << 6); zoomx_rom = gfx + 0x2000 + (zoom << 3); lookup = m_sprite_lookup + ((m_spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x7f) << 6); for (y = 0; y < 64; y++) { int dy = flip_screen_y() ? (255 - sy - y) : (sy + y); if ((dy & ~0xff) == 0) { int charline, base_pos; charline = zoomy_rom[y] & 0x07; base_pos = zoomy_rom[y] & 0x38; if (flipy) base_pos ^= 0x38; px = 0; for (ch = 0; ch < 4; ch++) { int pos, code, realflipy; const uint8_t *pendata; pos = base_pos + 2 * ch; code = 8 * (lookup[pos] | ((lookup[pos + 1] & 0x07) << 8)); realflipy = (lookup[pos + 1] & 0x80) ? !flipy : flipy; code += (realflipy ? (charline ^ 7) : charline); pendata = m_gfxdecode->gfx(1)->get_data(code); for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) { int col = pendata[x]; if (col) { int dx = flip_screen_x() ? (255 - sx - px) : (sx + px); if ((dx & ~0xff) == 0) bitmap.pix16(dy, dx) = m_sprite_color_base + col; } /* the following line is almost certainly wrong */ if (zoomx_rom[7 - (2 * ch + x / 8)] & (1 << (x & 7))) px++; } } } } } g_profiler.stop(); } uint32_t buggychl_state::screen_update_buggychl(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { if (m_sky_on) draw_sky(bitmap, cliprect); else bitmap.fill(0x20, cliprect); // stage 3 disables sky, wants background pen to be blue draw_bg(bitmap, cliprect); draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect); draw_fg(bitmap, cliprect); return 0; }