// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Bryan McPhail, David Haywood #include "emu.h" #include "includes/boogwing.h" void boogwing_state::video_start() { m_priority = 0; m_sprgen[0]->alloc_sprite_bitmap(); m_sprgen[1]->alloc_sprite_bitmap(); m_screen->register_screen_bitmap(m_alpha_tmap_bitmap); save_item(NAME(m_priority)); } /* Mix the 2 sprite planes with the already rendered tilemaps.. note, if we implement tilemap blending etc. too we'll probably have to mix those in here as well.. this is just a reimplementation of the old priority system used before conversion but to work with the bitmaps. It could probably be simplified / improved greatly, along with the long-standing bugs fixed, with manual mixing you have full control. apparently priority is based on a PROM, that should be used if possible. Reference video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRdIlP_erBM (Live stream) */ void boogwing_state::mix_boogwing(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { int y, x; const pen_t *paldata = &m_deco_ace->pen(0); bitmap_ind16 *sprite_bitmap1, *sprite_bitmap2, *alpha_tmap_bitmap; bitmap_ind8* priority_bitmap; uint16_t priority = m_priority; sprite_bitmap1 = &m_sprgen[0]->get_sprite_temp_bitmap(); sprite_bitmap2 = &m_sprgen[1]->get_sprite_temp_bitmap(); alpha_tmap_bitmap = &m_alpha_tmap_bitmap; priority_bitmap = &screen.priority(); uint32_t* dstline; uint16_t *srcline1, *srcline2, *srcline3; uint8_t *srcpriline; for (y=cliprect.top();y<=cliprect.bottom();y++) { srcline1=&sprite_bitmap1->pix16(y,0); srcline2=&sprite_bitmap2->pix16(y,0); srcline3=&alpha_tmap_bitmap->pix16(y,0); srcpriline=&priority_bitmap->pix8(y,0); dstline=&bitmap.pix32(y,0); for (x=cliprect.left();x<=cliprect.right();x++) { uint16_t pix1 = srcline1[x]; uint16_t pix2 = srcline2[x]; uint16_t pix3 = srcline3[x]; /* Here we have pix1 - raw pixel / colour / priority data from first 1st chip pix2 - raw pixel / colour / priority data from first 2nd chip pix3 - raw pixel data from alpha blended tilemap */ int pri1, pri2, pri3 = 0; int spri1, spri2, alpha2, alpha3; alpha2 = m_deco_ace->get_alpha((pix2 >> 4) & 0xf); alpha3 = m_deco_ace->get_alpha(0x1f); // pix1 sprite vs pix2 sprite if (pix1 & 0x400) // TODO - check only in pri mode 2?? spri1 = 8; else spri1 = 32; // pix1 sprite vs playfield switch (priority) { case 0x01: { if ((pix1 & 0x600)) pri1 = 16; else pri1 = 64; } break; default: { if ((pix1 & 0x600) == 0x600) pri1 = 4; else if ((pix1 & 0x600) == 0x400) pri1 = 16; else pri1 = 64; } break; } // pix2 sprite vs pix1 sprite if ((pix2 & 0x600) == 0x600) spri2 = 4; else if ((pix2 & 0x600)) spri2 = 16; else spri2 = 64; // Transparency if (pix2 & 0x100) { if (pix2 & 0x800) // Use LUT, ex : Explosions alpha2 = (pix2 & 8) ? 0xff : m_deco_ace->get_alpha(0x14 + (pix2 & 0x7)); // TODO : -1? else alpha2 = m_deco_ace->get_alpha(0x10 + ((pix2 & 0x80) >> 7)); } else if (pix2 & 0x800) alpha2 = m_deco_ace->get_alpha(0x12 + ((pix2 & 0x80) >> 7)); // pix2 sprite vs playfield switch (priority) { case 0x02: { // Additional sprite alpha in this mode if (pix2 & 0x400) alpha2 = 0x80; // TODO // Sprite vs playfield if ((pix2 & 0x600) == 0x600) pri2 = 4; else if ((pix2 & 0x600) == 0x400) pri2 = 16; else pri2 = 64; } break; case 0x03: pri3 = 32; default: { if ((pix2 & 0x400) == 0x400) pri2 = 16; else pri2 = 64; } break; } uint8_t bgpri = srcpriline[x]; /* once we get here we have pri1 - 4/16/64 (sprite chip 1 pixel priority relative to bg) pri2 - 4/16/64 (sprite chip 2 pixel priority relative to bg) spri1 - 8/32 (priority of sprite chip 1 relative to other sprite chip) spri2 - 4/16/64 (priority of sprite chip 2 relative to other sprite chip) alpha2 - 0x80/0xff alpha level of sprite chip 2 pixels (0x80 if enabled, 0xff if not) alpha3 - alpha level of alpha-blended playfield pixels bgpri - 0 / 8 / 32 (from drawing tilemaps earlier, to compare above pri1/pri2 priorities against) pix1 - same as before (ready to extract just colour data from) pix2 - same as before ^^ */ int drawnpixe1 = 0; if (pix1 & 0xf) { if (pri1 > bgpri) { dstline[x] = paldata[(pix1&0x1ff)+0x500]; drawnpixe1 |= 1; } } if (pix2 & 0xf) { if (pri2 > bgpri) { if ((!drawnpixe1) || (spri2 > spri1)) { if (alpha2>=0xff) { dstline[x] = paldata[(pix2&0xff)+0x700]; } else { uint32_t base = dstline[x]; dstline[x] = alpha_blend_r32(base, paldata[(pix2&0xff)+0x700], alpha2); } drawnpixe1 |= 2; } } } // alpha blended tilemap handling if (pix3 & 0xf) { // TODO : sprite vs playfield priority, actual behavior of shadowing if ((m_priority & 0x7) == 0x3) { bool bg2_drawed = (bgpri == 8) && (!drawnpixe1); bool sprite1_drawed = (drawnpixe1 & 1) && (pri1 <= pri3); bool sprite2_drawed = (drawnpixe1 & 2) && (pri2 <= pri3); if ((bg2_drawed) || ((sprite1_drawed && (~drawnpixe1 & 2)) || (sprite2_drawed && (~drawnpixe1 & 1)) || (sprite1_drawed && sprite2_drawed))) { if (((pix2 & 0x900) != 0x900) || ((spri2 <= spri1) && sprite1_drawed)) dstline[x] = alpha_blend_r32(dstline[x], paldata[pix3], alpha3); } } } } } } uint32_t boogwing_state::screen_update_boogwing(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { uint16_t flip = m_deco_tilegen[0]->pf_control_r(0); uint16_t priority = m_priority; // sprites are flipped relative to tilemaps flip_screen_set(BIT(flip, 7)); m_sprgen[0]->set_flip_screen(!BIT(flip, 7)); m_sprgen[1]->set_flip_screen(!BIT(flip, 7)); /* Draw sprite planes to bitmaps for later mixing */ m_sprgen[1]->draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, m_spriteram[1]->buffer(), 0x400); m_sprgen[0]->draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, m_spriteram[0]->buffer(), 0x400); m_deco_tilegen[0]->pf_update(m_pf_rowscroll[0], m_pf_rowscroll[1]); m_deco_tilegen[1]->pf_update(m_pf_rowscroll[2], m_pf_rowscroll[3]); /* Draw playfields */ bitmap.fill(m_deco_ace->pen(0x400), cliprect); /* pen not confirmed */ screen.priority().fill(0); // bit&0x8 is definitely some kind of palette effect // bit&0x4 combines playfields if ((priority & 0x7) == 0x5) { m_deco_tilegen[0]->tilemap_2_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, TILEMAP_DRAW_OPAQUE, 0); m_deco_tilegen[1]->tilemap_12_combine_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 32); } else if ((priority & 0x7) == 0x1 || (priority & 0x7) == 0x2) { m_deco_tilegen[1]->tilemap_2_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, TILEMAP_DRAW_OPAQUE, 0); m_deco_tilegen[0]->tilemap_2_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 8); m_deco_tilegen[1]->tilemap_1_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 32); } else if ((priority & 0x7) == 0x3) { m_deco_tilegen[1]->tilemap_2_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, TILEMAP_DRAW_OPAQUE, 0); m_deco_tilegen[0]->tilemap_2_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 8); // This mode uses playfield 3 to shadow sprites & playfield 2 (instead of // regular alpha-blending, the destination is inverted). Not yet implemented. m_alpha_tmap_bitmap.fill(0, cliprect); m_deco_tilegen[1]->tilemap_1_draw(screen, m_alpha_tmap_bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0); // 32 } else { m_deco_tilegen[1]->tilemap_2_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, TILEMAP_DRAW_OPAQUE, 0); m_deco_tilegen[1]->tilemap_1_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 8); m_deco_tilegen[0]->tilemap_2_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 32); } mix_boogwing(screen,bitmap,cliprect); m_deco_tilegen[0]->tilemap_1_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0); return 0; }