// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Luca Elia, Mirko Buffoni, Takahiro Nogi,Stephane Humbert /*************************************************************************** machine.c Functions to emulate general aspects of the machine (RAM, ROM, interrupts, I/O ports) The I8742 MCU takes care of handling the coin inputs and the tilt switch. To simulate this, we read the status in the interrupt handler for the main CPU and update the counters appropriately. We also must take care of handling the coin/credit settings ourselves. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "cpu/mcs48/mcs48.h" #include "includes/tnzs.h" READ8_MEMBER(tnzs_mcu_state::mcu_r) { uint8_t data = m_mcu->upi41_master_r(space, offset & 1); m_subcpu->yield(); // logerror("%s: read %02x from mcu $c00%01x\n", m_maincpu->pcbase(), data, offset); return data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(tnzs_mcu_state::mcu_w) { // logerror("%s: write %02x to mcu $c00%01x\n", m_maincpu->pcbase(), data, offset); m_mcu->upi41_master_w(space, offset & 1, data); } READ8_MEMBER(tnzs_mcu_state::mcu_port1_r) { int data = 0; switch (m_input_select) { case 0x0a: data = m_in2->read(); break; case 0x0c: data = m_in0->read(); break; case 0x0d: data = m_in1->read(); break; default: data = 0xff; break; } // logerror("%s: Read %02x from port 1\n", m_maincpu->pcbase(), data); return data; } READ8_MEMBER(tnzs_mcu_state::mcu_port2_r) { return m_in2->read(); } WRITE8_MEMBER(tnzs_mcu_state::mcu_port2_w) { machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_w(0, (data & 0x40) != 0 ? m_lockout_level : !m_lockout_level); machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_w(1, (data & 0x80) != 0 ? m_lockout_level : !m_lockout_level); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(0, (~data & 0x10)); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(1, (~data & 0x20)); m_input_select = data & 0xf; } READ8_MEMBER(tnzs_mcu_state::analog_r) { if (m_upd4701.found()) return m_upd4701->read_xy(space, offset); return 0; } void arknoid2_state::mcu_reset() { m_mcu_initializing = 3; m_mcu_coinage_init = 0; m_mcu_coinage[0] = 1; m_mcu_coinage[1] = 1; m_mcu_coinage[2] = 1; m_mcu_coinage[3] = 1; m_mcu_coins_a = 0; m_mcu_coins_b = 0; m_mcu_credits = 0; m_mcu_reportcoin = 0; m_mcu_command = 0; } void arknoid2_state::mcu_handle_coins( int coin ) { /* The coin inputs and coin counters are managed by the i8742 mcu. */ /* Here we simulate it. */ /* Credits are limited to 9, so more coins should be rejected */ /* Coin/Play settings must also be taken into consideration */ if (coin & 0x08) /* tilt */ m_mcu_reportcoin = coin; else if (coin && coin != m_insertcoin) { if (coin & 0x01) /* coin A */ { // logerror("Coin dropped into slot A\n"); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(0,1); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(0,0); /* Count slot A */ m_mcu_coins_a++; if (m_mcu_coins_a >= m_mcu_coinage[0]) { m_mcu_coins_a -= m_mcu_coinage[0]; m_mcu_credits += m_mcu_coinage[1]; if (m_mcu_credits >= 9) { m_mcu_credits = 9; machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_global_w(1); /* Lock all coin slots */ } else { machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_global_w(0); /* Unlock all coin slots */ } } } if (coin & 0x02) /* coin B */ { // logerror("Coin dropped into slot B\n"); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(1,1); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(1,0); /* Count slot B */ m_mcu_coins_b++; if (m_mcu_coins_b >= m_mcu_coinage[2]) { m_mcu_coins_b -= m_mcu_coinage[2]; m_mcu_credits += m_mcu_coinage[3]; if (m_mcu_credits >= 9) { m_mcu_credits = 9; machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_global_w(1); /* Lock all coin slots */ } else { machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_global_w(0); /* Unlock all coin slots */ } } } if (coin & 0x04) /* service */ { // logerror("Coin dropped into service slot C\n"); m_mcu_credits++; } m_mcu_reportcoin = coin; } else { if (m_mcu_credits < 9) machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_global_w(0); /* Unlock all coin slots */ m_mcu_reportcoin = 0; } m_insertcoin = coin; } /********************************* TNZS sync bug kludge In all TNZS versions there is code like this: 0C5E: ld ($EF10),a 0C61: ld a,($EF10) 0C64: inc a 0C65: ret nz 0C66: jr $0C61 which is sometimes executed by the main cpu when it writes to shared RAM a command for the second CPU. The intended purpose of the code is to wait an acknowledge from the sub CPU: the sub CPU writes FF to the same location after reading the command. However the above code is wrong. The "ret nz" instruction means that the loop will be exited only when the contents of $EF10 are *NOT* $FF!! On the real board, this casues little harm: the main CPU will just write the command, read it back and, since it's not $FF, return immediately. There is a chance that the command might go lost, but this will cause no major harm, the worse that can happen is that the background tune will not change. In MAME, however, since CPU interleaving is not perfect, it can happen that the main CPU ends its timeslice after writing to EF10 but before reading it back. In the meantime, the sub CPU will run, read the command and write FF there - therefore causing the main CPU to enter an endless loop. Unlike the usual sync problems in MAME, which can be fixed by increasing the interleave factor, in this case increasing it will actually INCREASE the chance of entering the endless loop - because it will increase the chances of the main CPU ending its timeslice at the wrong moment. So what we do here is catch writes by the main CPU to the RAM location, and process them using a timer, in order to a) force a resync of the two CPUs b) make sure the main CPU will be the first one to run after the location is changed Since the answer from the sub CPU is ignored, we don't even need to boost interleave. *********************************/ /* TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(tnzs_base_state::kludge_callback) { tnzs_sharedram[0x0f10] = param; } WRITE8_MEMBER(tnzs_base_state::tnzs_sync_kludge_w) { machine().scheduler().synchronize(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(tnzs_base_state::kludge_callback),this), data); } */ READ8_MEMBER(arknoid2_state::mcu_r) { static const char mcu_startup[] = "\x55\xaa\x5a"; //logerror("%s: read mcu %04x\n", m_maincpu->pc(), 0xc000 + offset); if (offset == 0) { /* if the mcu has just been reset, return startup code */ if (m_mcu_initializing) { m_mcu_initializing--; return mcu_startup[2 - m_mcu_initializing]; } switch (m_mcu_command) { case 0x41: return m_mcu_credits; case 0xc1: /* Read the credit counter or the inputs */ if (m_mcu_readcredits == 0) { m_mcu_readcredits = 1; if (m_mcu_reportcoin & 0x08) { m_mcu_initializing = 3; return 0xee; /* tilt */ } else return m_mcu_credits; } else return m_in0->read(); /* buttons */ default: logerror("error, unknown mcu command\n"); /* should not happen */ return 0xff; } } else { /* status bits: 0 = mcu is ready to send data (read from c000) 1 = mcu has read data (from c000) 2 = unused 3 = unused 4-7 = coin code 0 = nothing 1,2,3 = coin switch pressed e = tilt */ if (m_mcu_reportcoin & 0x08) return 0xe1; /* tilt */ if (m_mcu_reportcoin & 0x01) return 0x11; /* coin 1 (will trigger "coin inserted" sound) */ if (m_mcu_reportcoin & 0x02) return 0x21; /* coin 2 (will trigger "coin inserted" sound) */ if (m_mcu_reportcoin & 0x04) return 0x31; /* coin 3 (will trigger "coin inserted" sound) */ return 0x01; } } WRITE8_MEMBER(arknoid2_state::mcu_w) { if (offset == 0) { //logerror("%s: write %02x to mcu %04x\n", m_maincpu->pc(), data, 0xc000 + offset); if (m_mcu_command == 0x41) { m_mcu_credits = (m_mcu_credits + data) & 0xff; } } else { /* 0xc1: read number of credits, then buttons 0x54+0x41: add value to number of credits 0x15: sub 1 credit (when "Continue Play" only) 0x84: coin 1 lockout (issued only in test mode) 0x88: coin 2 lockout (issued only in test mode) 0x80: release coin lockout (issued only in test mode) during initialization, a sequence of 4 bytes sets coin/credit settings */ //logerror("%s: write %02x to mcu %04x\n", m_maincpu->pc(), data, 0xc000 + offset); if (m_mcu_initializing) { /* set up coin/credit settings */ m_mcu_coinage[m_mcu_coinage_init++] = data; if (m_mcu_coinage_init == 4) m_mcu_coinage_init = 0; /* must not happen */ } if (data == 0xc1) m_mcu_readcredits = 0; /* reset input port number */ if (data == 0x15) { m_mcu_credits = (m_mcu_credits - 1) & 0xff; if (m_mcu_credits == 0xff) m_mcu_credits = 0; } m_mcu_command = data; } } INTERRUPT_GEN_MEMBER(arknoid2_state::mcu_interrupt) { int coin = ((m_coin1->read() & 1) << 0); coin |= ((m_coin2->read() & 1) << 1); coin |= ((m_in2->read() & 3) << 2); coin ^= 0x0c; mcu_handle_coins(coin); device.execute().set_input_line(0, HOLD_LINE); } void arknoid2_state::machine_reset() { /* initialize the mcu simulation */ mcu_reset(); m_mcu_readcredits = 0; m_insertcoin = 0; } void kageki_state::machine_reset() { tnzs_base_state::machine_reset(); m_csport_sel = 0; } void tnzs_base_state::machine_start() { uint8_t *sub = memregion("sub")->base(); m_bank2 = 0; m_mainbank->set_bank(2); m_subbank->configure_entries(0, 4, &sub[0x08000], 0x2000); m_subbank->set_entry(m_bank2); save_item(NAME(m_bank2)); } void arknoid2_state::machine_start() { tnzs_base_state::machine_start(); save_item(NAME(m_mcu_readcredits)); save_item(NAME(m_insertcoin)); save_item(NAME(m_mcu_initializing)); save_item(NAME(m_mcu_coinage_init)); save_item(NAME(m_mcu_coinage)); save_item(NAME(m_mcu_coins_a)); save_item(NAME(m_mcu_coins_b)); save_item(NAME(m_mcu_credits)); save_item(NAME(m_mcu_reportcoin)); save_item(NAME(m_mcu_command)); // kludge to make device work with active-high coin inputs m_upd4701->left_w(0); m_upd4701->middle_w(0); } void kageki_state::machine_start() { tnzs_base_state::machine_start(); save_item(NAME(m_csport_sel)); } void kabukiz_state::machine_start() { tnzs_base_state::machine_start(); uint8_t *sound = memregion("audiocpu")->base(); m_audiobank->configure_entries(0, 8, &sound[0x00000], 0x4000); } WRITE8_MEMBER(tnzs_base_state::ramrom_bankswitch_w) { // logerror("%s: writing %02x to bankswitch\n", m_maincpu->pc(),data); /* bit 4 resets the second CPU */ if (data & 0x10) m_subcpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_RESET, CLEAR_LINE); else m_subcpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_RESET, ASSERT_LINE); /* bits 0-2 select RAM/ROM bank */ m_mainbank->set_bank(data & 0x07); } WRITE8_MEMBER(arknoid2_state::bankswitch1_w) { tnzs_base_state::bankswitch1_w(space, offset, data, mem_mask); if (data & 0x04) mcu_reset(); // never actually written by arknoid2 (though code exists to do it) m_upd4701->resetx_w(BIT(data, 5)); m_upd4701->resety_w(BIT(data, 5)); } WRITE8_MEMBER(insectx_state::bankswitch1_w) { tnzs_base_state::bankswitch1_w(space, offset, data, mem_mask); machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_w(0, (~data & 0x04)); machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_w(1, (~data & 0x08)); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(0, (data & 0x10)); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(1, (data & 0x20)); } WRITE8_MEMBER(tnzsb_state::bankswitch1_w) // kabukiz_state { tnzs_base_state::bankswitch1_w(space, offset, data, mem_mask); machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_w(0, (~data & 0x10)); machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_w(1, (~data & 0x20)); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(0, (data & 0x04)); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(1, (data & 0x08)); } WRITE8_MEMBER(kageki_state::bankswitch1_w) { tnzs_base_state::bankswitch1_w(space, offset, data, mem_mask); machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_global_w((~data & 0x20)); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(0, (data & 0x04)); machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(1, (data & 0x08)); } WRITE8_MEMBER(tnzs_mcu_state::bankswitch1_w) { tnzs_base_state::bankswitch1_w(space, offset, data, mem_mask); if ((data & 0x04) != 0 && m_mcu != nullptr) m_mcu->pulse_input_line(INPUT_LINE_RESET, attotime::zero); // written only at startup by plumppop? if (m_upd4701.found()) { m_upd4701->resetx_w(BIT(data, 5)); m_upd4701->resety_w(BIT(data, 5)); } } WRITE8_MEMBER(tnzs_base_state::bankswitch1_w) { // logerror("%s: writing %02x to bankswitch 1\n", m_maincpu->pc(),data); /* bits 0-1 select ROM bank */ m_bank2 = data & 0x03; m_subbank->set_entry(m_bank2); } void jpopnics_state::machine_reset() { tnzs_base_state::machine_reset(); } WRITE8_MEMBER(jpopnics_state::subbankswitch_w) { // bits 0-1 select ROM bank m_subbank->set_entry(data & 0x03); // written once at startup m_upd4701->resetx_w(BIT(data, 5)); m_upd4701->resety_w(BIT(data, 5)); } WRITE8_MEMBER(tnzsb_state::sound_command_w) { m_soundlatch->write(data); m_audiocpu->set_input_line_and_vector(0, HOLD_LINE, 0xff); // Z80 } /* handler called by the 2203 emulator when the internal timers cause an IRQ */ WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(tnzsb_state::ym2203_irqhandler) { m_audiocpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_NMI, state ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE); } WRITE8_MEMBER(kabukiz_state::sound_bank_w) { // to avoid the write when the sound chip is initialized if (data != 0xff) m_audiobank->set_entry(data & 0x07); }