// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Tomasz Slanina, David Haywood /* ST0016 - CPU (z80) + Sound + Video */ #include "emu.h" #include "st0016.h" #include "emupal.h" #include "speaker.h" #include DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(ST0016_CPU, st0016_cpu_device, "st0016_cpu", "ST0016") void st0016_cpu_device::st0016_cpu_internal_map(address_map &map) { map(0xc000, 0xcfff).r(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite_ram_r)).w(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite_ram_w)); map(0xd000, 0xdfff).r(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite2_ram_r)).w(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite2_ram_w)); map(0xea00, 0xebff).r(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_palette_ram_r)).w(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_palette_ram_w)); map(0xec00, 0xec1f).r(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_character_ram_r)).w(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_character_ram_w)); map(0xe900, 0xe9ff).rw("stsnd", FUNC(st0016_device::st0016_snd_r), FUNC(st0016_device::st0016_snd_w)); /* sound regs 8 x $20 bytes, see notes */ } void st0016_cpu_device::st0016_cpu_internal_io_map(address_map &map) { map.global_mask(0xff); map(0x00, 0xbf).r(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_vregs_r)).w(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_vregs_w)); /* video/crt regs ? */ map(0xe2, 0xe2).w(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite_bank_w)); map(0xe3, 0xe4).w(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_character_bank_w)); map(0xe5, 0xe5).w(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_palette_bank_w)); map(0xf0, 0xf0).r(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_dma_r)); } // note: a lot of bits are left uninitialized by the games, the default values are uncertain st0016_cpu_device::st0016_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : z80_device(mconfig, ST0016_CPU, tag, owner, clock) , device_gfx_interface(mconfig, *this, nullptr, "palette") , st0016_spr_bank(0) , st0016_spr2_bank(0) , st0016_pal_bank(0) , st0016_char_bank(0) , spr_dx(0) , spr_dy(0) , st0016_ramgfx(0) , m_io_space_config("io", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0, address_map_constructor(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_cpu_internal_io_map), this)) , m_space_config("regs", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0, address_map_constructor(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_cpu_internal_map), this)) , m_screen(*this, ":screen") , m_rom(*this, DEVICE_SELF) , m_dma_offs_cb(*this) , m_game_flag(-1) { std::fill(std::begin(st0016_vregs), std::end(st0016_vregs), 0); } device_memory_interface::space_config_vector st0016_cpu_device::memory_space_config() const { return space_config_vector { std::make_pair(AS_PROGRAM, &m_space_config), std::make_pair(AS_IO, &m_io_space_config) }; } //------------------------------------------------- // device_start - device-specific startup //------------------------------------------------- void st0016_cpu_device::device_start() { z80_device::device_start(); startup(); m_dma_offs_cb.resolve(); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_reset - device-specific reset //------------------------------------------------- void st0016_cpu_device::device_reset() { z80_device::device_reset(); switch (m_game_flag & 0x3f) { case 0: //renju kizoku m_screen->set_visible_area(0, 40*8-1, 0, 30*8-1); spr_dx=0; spr_dy=0; break; case 1: //neratte chu! m_screen->set_visible_area(8,41*8-1,0,30*8-1); spr_dx=0; spr_dy=8; break; case 4: //mayjinsen 1&2 m_screen->set_visible_area(0,32*8-1,0,28*8-1); break; case 10: m_screen->set_visible_area(0,383,0,255); break; case 11: m_screen->set_visible_area(0,383,0,383); break; } } READ8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::soundram_read) { return m_charram[offset]; } /* CPU interface */ void st0016_cpu_device::device_add_mconfig(machine_config &config) { SPEAKER(config, "lspeaker").front_left(); SPEAKER(config, "rspeaker").front_right(); PALETTE(config, "palette").set_entries(16*16*4+1); st0016_device &stsnd(ST0016(config, "stsnd", 0)); stsnd.ram_read().set(FUNC(st0016_cpu_device::soundram_read)); stsnd.add_route(0, "lspeaker", 1.0); stsnd.add_route(1, "rspeaker", 1.0); } static const gfx_layout charlayout = { 8,8, 0x10000, 4, { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, { 1*4, 0*4, 3*4, 2*4, 5*4, 4*4, 7*4, 6*4 }, { 0*32, 1*32, 2*32, 3*32, 4*32, 5*32, 6*32, 7*32 }, 8*8*4 }; WRITE8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite_bank_w) { /* 76543210 xxxx - spriteram bank1 xxxx - spriteram bank2 */ st0016_spr_bank=data&SPR_BANK_MASK; st0016_spr2_bank=(data>>4)&SPR_BANK_MASK; } WRITE8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_palette_bank_w) { /* 76543210 xx - palram bank xxxxxx - unknown/unused */ st0016_pal_bank=data&PAL_BANK_MASK; } WRITE8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_character_bank_w) { /* fedcba9876543210 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - character (bank ) */ if(offset&1) st0016_char_bank=(st0016_char_bank&0xff)|(data<<8); else st0016_char_bank=(st0016_char_bank&0xff00)|data; st0016_char_bank&=CHAR_BANK_MASK; } READ8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite_ram_r) { return st0016_spriteram[SPR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_spr_bank+offset]; } WRITE8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite_ram_w) { st0016_spriteram[SPR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_spr_bank+offset]=data; } READ8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite2_ram_r) { return st0016_spriteram[SPR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_spr2_bank+offset]; } WRITE8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_sprite2_ram_w) { st0016_spriteram[SPR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_spr2_bank+offset]=data; } READ8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_palette_ram_r) { return st0016_paletteram[PAL_BANK_SIZE*st0016_pal_bank+offset]; } WRITE8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_palette_ram_w) { int color=(PAL_BANK_SIZE*st0016_pal_bank+offset)/2; int val; st0016_paletteram[PAL_BANK_SIZE*st0016_pal_bank+offset]=data; val=st0016_paletteram[color*2]+(st0016_paletteram[color*2+1]<<8); if(!color) palette().set_pen_color(UNUSED_PEN,pal5bit(val >> 0),pal5bit(val >> 5),pal5bit(val >> 10)); /* same as color 0 - bg ? */ palette().set_pen_color(color,pal5bit(val >> 0),pal5bit(val >> 5),pal5bit(val >> 10)); } READ8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_character_ram_r) { return m_charram[CHAR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_char_bank+offset]; } WRITE8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_character_ram_w) { m_charram[CHAR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_char_bank+offset]=data; gfx(st0016_ramgfx)->mark_dirty(st0016_char_bank); } READ8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_vregs_r) { /* $0, $1 = max scanline(including vblank)/timer? ($3e7) $8-$40 = bg tilemaps (8 bytes each) : 0 - ? = usually 0/20/ba* 1 - 0 = disabled , !zero = address of tilemap in spriteram /$1000 (for example: 3 -> tilemap at $3000 ) 2 - ? = usually ff/1f/af* 3 - priority ? = 0 - under sprites , $ff - over sprites \ 4 - ? = $7f/$ff 5 - ? = $29/$20 (29 when tilemap must be drawn over sprites . maybe this is real priority ?) 6 - ? = 0 7 - ? =$20/$10/$12* $40-$60 = scroll registers , X.w, Y.w */ switch (offset) { case 0: case 1: return machine().rand(); } return st0016_vregs[offset]; } READ8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_dma_r) { /* bits 0 and 1 = 0 -> DMA transfer complete */ if(ismacs()) return 0; else return 0; } WRITE8_MEMBER(st0016_cpu_device::st0016_vregs_w) { /* I/O ports: $74 x--- ---- global flip screen -xx- ---- individual flip screen x/y i.e. Mayjinsen sets 0x80, other ST0016 games 0x60. TODO: Might also be paired with $70 & $75 (setted up by Mayjinsen). $a0 \ $a1 - source address >> 1 $a2 / $a3 \ $a4 - destination address >> 1 (inside character ram) $a5 / $a6 \ &a7 - (length inbytes - 1 ) >> 1 $a8 - 76543210 ??faaaaa a - most sign. bits of length f - DMA start latch */ st0016_vregs[offset]=data; if(offset==0xa8 && (data&0x20)) { uint32_t srcadr=(st0016_vregs[0xa0]|(st0016_vregs[0xa1]<<8)|(st0016_vregs[0xa2]<<16))<<1; uint32_t dstadr=(st0016_vregs[0xa3]|(st0016_vregs[0xa4]<<8)|(st0016_vregs[0xa5]<<16))<<1; uint32_t length=((st0016_vregs[0xa6]|(st0016_vregs[0xa7]<<8)|((st0016_vregs[0xa8]&0x1f)<<16))+1)<<1; uint32_t srclen = (m_rom->bytes()); uint8_t *mem = m_rom->base(); int xfer_offs = m_dma_offset; if (!m_dma_offs_cb.isnull()) xfer_offs = m_dma_offs_cb() * 0x400000; srcadr += xfer_offs; while(length>0) { if( srcadr < srclen && (dstadr < MAX_CHAR_BANK*CHAR_BANK_SIZE)) { st0016_char_bank=dstadr>>5; st0016_character_ram_w(space,dstadr&0x1f,mem[srcadr]); srcadr++; dstadr++; length--; } else { /* samples ? sound dma ? */ // speaglsht: unknown DMA copy : src - 2B6740, dst - 4400, len - 1E400 logerror("%s unknown DMA copy : src - %X, dst - %X, len - %X\n", machine().describe_context(), srcadr, dstadr, length); break; } } } } void st0016_cpu_device::draw_sprites(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { /* object ram : each entry is 8 bytes: 76543210 (bit) 0 llllllll 1 ---gSSSl 2 oooooooo 3 fooooooo 4 xxxxxxxx 5 ----XXxx 6 yyyyyyyy 7 ----XYyy 1 - always(?) set S - scroll index ? (ports $40-$60, X(word),Y(word) ) l - sublist length (8 byte entries -1) o - sublist offset (*8 to get real offset) f - end of list flag x,y - sprite coords (complete guess) g - use tile sizes specified in list (global / fixed ones if not set?) (gostop) X = global X size? Y = global Y size? sublist format (8 bytes/entry): 76543210 0 cccccccc 1 cccccccc 2 --kkkkkk 3 QW------ 4 xxxxxxxx 5 -B--XX-x 6 yyyyyyyy 7 ----YY-y c - character code k - palette QW - flips x,y - coords XX,YY - size (1<gfx(st0016_ramgfx); int i, j, lx, ly, x, y, code, offset, length, sx, sy, color, flipx, flipy, scrollx, scrolly/*,plx,ply*/; for (i = 0; i < SPR_BANK_SIZE*MAX_SPR_BANK; i += 8) { x = st0016_spriteram[i + 4] + ((st0016_spriteram[i + 5] & 3) << 8); y = st0016_spriteram[i + 6] + ((st0016_spriteram[i + 7] & 3) << 8); int use_sizes = (st0016_spriteram[i + 1] & 0x10); int globalx = (st0016_spriteram[i + 5] & 0x0c)>>2; int globaly = (st0016_spriteram[i + 7] & 0x0c)>>2; scrollx = (st0016_vregs[(((st0016_spriteram[i + 1] & 0x0f) >> 1) << 2) + 0x40] + 256 * st0016_vregs[(((st0016_spriteram[i + 1] & 0x0f) >> 1) << 2) + 1 + 0x40]) & 0x3ff; scrolly = (st0016_vregs[(((st0016_spriteram[i + 1] & 0x0f) >> 1) << 2) + 2 + 0x40] + 256 * st0016_vregs[(((st0016_spriteram[i + 1] & 0x0f) >> 1) << 2) + 3 + 0x40]) & 0x3ff; if (!ismacs()) { if (x & 0x200) x -= 0x400; //sign if (y & 0x200) y -= 0x400; if (scrollx & 0x200) scrollx -= 0x400; //sign if (scrolly & 0x200) scrolly -= 0x400; } if (ismacs1()) { if (x & 0x200) x -= 0x400; //sign if (y & 0x200) y -= 0x2b0;//0x400; if (scrollx & 0x200) scrollx -= 0x400; //sign if (scrolly & 0x200) scrolly -= 0x400; } x += scrollx; y += scrolly; if (ismacs()) { y += 0x20; } if (st0016_spriteram[i + 3] & 0x80) /* end of list */ break; offset = st0016_spriteram[i + 2] + 256 * (st0016_spriteram[i + 3]); offset <<= 3; length = st0016_spriteram[i + 0] + 1 + 256 * (st0016_spriteram[i + 1] & 1); //plx=(st0016_spriteram[i+5]>>2)&0x3; //ply=(st0016_spriteram[i+7]>>2)&0x3; if (offset < SPR_BANK_SIZE*MAX_SPR_BANK) { for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { code = st0016_spriteram[offset] + 256 * st0016_spriteram[offset + 1]; sx = st0016_spriteram[offset + 4] + ((st0016_spriteram[offset + 5] & 1) << 8); sy = st0016_spriteram[offset + 6] + ((st0016_spriteram[offset + 7] & 1) << 8); if (ismacs() && !ismacs1()) { if (sy & 0x100) sy -= 0x200; //yuka & yujan } if (ismacs()) { sy = 0xe0 - sy; } sx += x; sy += y; color = st0016_spriteram[offset + 2] & 0x3f; if (use_sizes) { lx = (st0016_spriteram[offset + 5] >> 2) & 3; ly = (st0016_spriteram[offset + 7] >> 2) & 3; } else { lx = globalx; ly = globaly; } /* if(plx |ply) //parent { lx=plx; ly=ply; } */ flipx = st0016_spriteram[offset + 3] & 0x80; flipy = st0016_spriteram[offset + 3] & 0x40; if (ismacs()) sy -= (1 << ly) * 8; { int x0, y0, i0 = 0; for (x0 = (flipx ? ((1 << lx) - 1) : 0); x0 != (flipx ? -1 : (1 << lx)); x0 += (flipx ? -1 : 1)) for (y0 = (flipy ? ((1 << ly) - 1) : 0); y0 != (flipy ? -1 : (1 << ly)); y0 += (flipy ? -1 : 1)) { /* custom draw */ uint16_t *destline; int yloop, xloop; int ypos, xpos; int tileno; const uint8_t *srcgfx; int gfxoffs; ypos = sy + y0 * 8 + spr_dy; xpos = sx + x0 * 8 + spr_dx; tileno = (code + i0++)&CHAR_BANK_MASK; gfxoffs = 0; srcgfx = gfx->get_data(tileno); for (yloop = 0; yloop < 8; yloop++) { uint16_t drawypos; if (!flipy) { drawypos = ypos + yloop; } else { drawypos = (ypos + 8 - 1) - yloop; } destline = &bitmap.pix16(drawypos); for (xloop = 0; xloop<8; xloop++) { uint16_t drawxpos; int pixdata; pixdata = srcgfx[gfxoffs]; if (!flipx) { drawxpos = xpos + xloop; } else { drawxpos = (xpos + 8 - 1) - xloop; } if (drawxpos > cliprect.max_x) drawxpos -= 512; // wrap around if (cliprect.contains(drawxpos, drawypos)) { if (st0016_spriteram[offset + 5] & 0x40) { destline[drawxpos] = (destline[drawxpos] | pixdata << 4) & 0x3ff; } else { if (ismacs2()) { if (pixdata)//|| destline[drawxpos]==UNUSED_PEN) { destline[drawxpos] = pixdata + (color * 16); } } else { if (pixdata || destline[drawxpos] == UNUSED_PEN) { destline[drawxpos] = pixdata + (color * 16); } } } } gfxoffs++; } } } } offset += 8; if (offset >= SPR_BANK_SIZE*MAX_SPR_BANK) break; } } } } void st0016_cpu_device::st0016_save_init() { save_item(NAME(st0016_spr_bank)); save_item(NAME(st0016_spr2_bank)); save_item(NAME(st0016_pal_bank)); save_item(NAME(st0016_char_bank)); save_item(NAME(m_dma_offset)); //save_item(NAME(st0016_rom_bank)); save_item(NAME(st0016_vregs)); save_pointer(NAME(m_charram), MAX_CHAR_BANK*CHAR_BANK_SIZE); save_pointer(NAME(st0016_paletteram), MAX_PAL_BANK*PAL_BANK_SIZE); save_pointer(NAME(st0016_spriteram), MAX_SPR_BANK*SPR_BANK_SIZE); } void st0016_cpu_device::startup() { int gfx_index=0; m_dma_offset = 0; m_charram=make_unique_clear(MAX_CHAR_BANK*CHAR_BANK_SIZE); st0016_spriteram=make_unique_clear(MAX_SPR_BANK*SPR_BANK_SIZE); st0016_paletteram=make_unique_clear(MAX_PAL_BANK*PAL_BANK_SIZE); /* find first empty slot to decode gfx */ for (gfx_index = 0; gfx_index < MAX_GFX_ELEMENTS; gfx_index++) if (gfx(gfx_index) == nullptr) break; assert(gfx_index != MAX_GFX_ELEMENTS); /* create the char set (gfx will then be updated dynamically from RAM) */ set_gfx(gfx_index, std::make_unique(&palette(), charlayout, m_charram.get(), 0, 0x40, 0)); st0016_ramgfx = gfx_index; spr_dx=0; spr_dy=0; st0016_save_init(); } void st0016_cpu_device::draw_bgmap(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int priority) { gfx_element *gfx = this->gfx(st0016_ramgfx); int j; //for(j=0x40-8;j>=0;j-=8) for (j = 0; j < 0x40; j += 8) { if (st0016_vregs[j + 1] && ((priority && (st0016_vregs[j + 3] == 0xff)) || ((!priority) && (st0016_vregs[j + 3] != 0xff)))) { int x, y, code, color, flipx, flipy; int i = st0016_vregs[j + 1] * 0x1000; for (x = 0; x < 32 * 2; x++) { for (y = 0; y < 8 * 4; y++) { code = st0016_spriteram[i] + 256 * st0016_spriteram[i + 1]; color = st0016_spriteram[i + 2] & 0x3f; flipx = st0016_spriteram[i + 3] & 0x80; flipy = st0016_spriteram[i + 3] & 0x40; if (priority) { gfx->transpen(bitmap, cliprect, code, color, flipx, flipy, x * 8 + spr_dx, y * 8 + spr_dy, 0); } else { uint16_t *destline; int yloop, xloop; int ypos, xpos; const uint8_t *srcgfx; int gfxoffs; ypos = y * 8 + spr_dy;//+((st0016_vregs[j+2]==0xaf)?0x50:0);//hack for mayjinsen title screen xpos = x * 8 + spr_dx; gfxoffs = 0; srcgfx = gfx->get_data(code); for (yloop = 0; yloop < 8; yloop++) { uint16_t drawypos; if (!flipy) { drawypos = ypos + yloop; } else { drawypos = (ypos + 8 - 1) - yloop; } destline = &bitmap.pix16(drawypos); for (xloop = 0; xloop<8; xloop++) { uint16_t drawxpos; int pixdata; pixdata = srcgfx[gfxoffs]; if (!flipx) { drawxpos = xpos + xloop; } else { drawxpos = (xpos + 8 - 1) - xloop; } if (drawxpos > cliprect.max_x) drawxpos -= 512; // wrap around if (cliprect.contains(drawxpos, drawypos)) { if (st0016_vregs[j + 7] == 0x12) destline[drawxpos] = (destline[drawxpos] | (pixdata << 4)) & 0x3ff; else { if (ismacs2()) { if (pixdata)// || destline[drawxpos]==UNUSED_PEN) { destline[drawxpos] = pixdata + (color * 16); } } else { if (pixdata || destline[drawxpos] == UNUSED_PEN) { destline[drawxpos] = pixdata + (color * 16); } } } } gfxoffs++; } } } i += 4; } } } } } void st0016_cpu_device::st0016_draw_screen(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { draw_bgmap(bitmap,cliprect,0); draw_sprites(bitmap,cliprect); draw_bgmap(bitmap,cliprect,1); } uint32_t st0016_cpu_device::update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { #ifdef MAME_DEBUG if(machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_Z)) { int h,j; FILE *p=fopen("vram.bin","wb"); fwrite(st0016_spriteram.get(),1,0x1000*MAX_SPR_BANK,p); fclose(p); p=fopen("vram.txt","wt"); for(h=0;h<0xc0;h++) fprintf(p,"VREG %.4x - %.4x\n",h,st0016_vregs[h]); for(h=0;h<0x1000*MAX_SPR_BANK;h+=8) { fprintf(p,"%.4x - %.4x - ",h,h>>3); for(j=0;j<8;j++) fprintf(p,"%.2x ",st0016_spriteram[h+j]); fprintf(p,"\n"); } fclose(p); } #endif bitmap.fill(UNUSED_PEN, cliprect); st0016_draw_screen(screen, bitmap, cliprect); return 0; }