// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Wilbert Pol, Angelo Salese /************************************************************ PC Engine CD HW notes: TODO: - Dragon Ball Z: ADPCM dies after the first upload; - Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes: black screen; (actually timing/raster irq) - Mirai Shonen Conan: dies at new game selection; (actually timing/raster irq) - Snatcher: black screen after Konami logo, tries set up CD-DA while transferring data? (fixed) - Steam Heart's: needs transfer ready irq to get past the gameplay hang, don't know exactly when it should fire - Steam Heart's: bad ADPCM irq, dialogue is cutted due of it; - Unsafe on debugger access; ============================================================= CD Interface Register 0x00 - CDC status x--- ---- busy signal -x-- ---- request signal ---x ---- cd signal ---- x--- i/o signal CD Interface Register 0x03 - BRAM lock / CD status -x-- ---- acknowledge signal --x- ---- done signal ---x ---- bram signal ---- x--- ADPCM 2 ---- -x-- ADPCM 1 ---- --x- CDDA left/right speaker select CD Interface Register 0x05 - CD-DA Volume low 8-bit port CD Interface Register 0x06 - CD-DA Volume high 8-bit port CD Interface Register 0x07 - BRAM unlock / CD status x--- ---- Enables BRAM CD Interface Register 0x0c - ADPCM status x--- ---- ADPCM is reading data ---- x--- ADPCM playback (0) stopped (1) currently playing ---- -x-- pending ADPCM data write ---- ---x ADPCM playback (1) stopped (0) currently playing CD Interface Register 0x0d - ADPCM address control x--- ---- ADPCM reset -x-- ---- ADPCM play --x- ---- ADPCM repeat ---x ---- ADPCM set length ---- x--- ADPCM set read address ---- --xx ADPCM set write address (note: some games reads bit 5 and wants it to be low otherwise they hangs, surely NOT an ADPCM repeat flag read because it doesn't make sense) CD Interface Register 0x0e - ADPCM playback rate CD Interface Register 0x0f - ADPCM fade in/out register ---- xxxx command setting: 0x00 ADPCM/CD-DA Fade-in 0x01 CD-DA fade-in 0x08 CD-DA fade-out (short) ADPCM fade-in 0x09 CD-DA fade-out (long) 0x0a ADPCM fade-out (long) 0x0c CD-DA fade-out (short) ADPCM fade-in 0x0d CD-DA fade-out (short) 0x0e ADPCM fade-out (short) *************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "coreutil.h" #include "machine/pce_cd.h" #define PCE_CD_CLOCK 9216000 // TODO: it's actually a common interface with PC-8801, find actual number part DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(PCE_CD, pce_cd_device, "pcecd", "PCE CD Add-on") // registers 9, e and f are known to be write only void pce_cd_device::regs_map(address_map &map) { map(0x00, 0x00).rw(FUNC(pce_cd_device::cdc_status_r), FUNC(pce_cd_device::cdc_status_w)); map(0x01, 0x01).rw(FUNC(pce_cd_device::cdc_data_r), FUNC(pce_cd_device::cdc_data_w)); map(0x02, 0x02).rw(FUNC(pce_cd_device::irq_mask_r), FUNC(pce_cd_device::irq_mask_w)); map(0x03, 0x03).r(FUNC(pce_cd_device::irq_status_r)); map(0x04, 0x04).rw(FUNC(pce_cd_device::cdc_reset_r), FUNC(pce_cd_device::cdc_reset_w)); map(0x05, 0x06).r(FUNC(pce_cd_device::cdda_data_r)); map(0x07, 0x07).rw(FUNC(pce_cd_device::bram_status_r), FUNC(pce_cd_device::bram_unlock_w)); map(0x08, 0x08).rw(FUNC(pce_cd_device::cd_data_r), FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_address_lo_w)); map(0x09, 0x09).w(FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_address_hi_w)); map(0x0a, 0x0a).rw(FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_data_r), FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_data_w)); map(0x0b, 0x0b).rw(FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_dma_control_r), FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_dma_control_w)); map(0x0c, 0x0c).r(FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_status_r)); map(0x0d, 0x0d).rw(FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_address_control_r), FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_address_control_w)); map(0x0e, 0x0e).w(FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_playback_rate_w)); map(0x0f, 0x0f).w(FUNC(pce_cd_device::fade_register_w)); } pce_cd_device::pce_cd_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : device_t(mconfig, PCE_CD, tag, owner, clock) , device_memory_interface(mconfig, *this) , m_space_config("io", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 4, 0, address_map_constructor(FUNC(pce_cd_device::regs_map), this)) , m_maincpu(*this, ":maincpu") , m_msm(*this, "msm5205") , m_cdda(*this, "cdda") , m_nvram(*this, "bram") , m_cdrom(*this, "cdrom") { } device_memory_interface::space_config_vector pce_cd_device::memory_space_config() const { return space_config_vector { std::make_pair(AS_IO, &m_space_config) }; } void pce_cd_device::device_start() { /* Initialize BRAM */ m_bram = std::make_unique(PCE_BRAM_SIZE * 2); memset(m_bram.get(), 0, PCE_BRAM_SIZE); memset(m_bram.get() + PCE_BRAM_SIZE, 0xff, PCE_BRAM_SIZE); m_bram_locked = 1; m_nvram->set_base(m_bram.get(), PCE_BRAM_SIZE); /* set up adpcm related things */ m_adpcm_ram = make_unique_clear(PCE_ADPCM_RAM_SIZE); m_adpcm_clock_divider = 1; /* Set up cd command buffer */ m_command_buffer = make_unique_clear(PCE_CD_COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE); m_command_buffer_index = 0; /* Set up Arcade Card RAM buffer */ m_acard_ram = make_unique_clear(PCE_ACARD_RAM_SIZE); m_data_buffer = make_unique_clear(8192); m_data_buffer_size = 0; m_data_buffer_index = 0; m_subcode_buffer = std::make_unique(96); m_data_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(pce_cd_device::data_timer_callback),this)); m_data_timer->adjust(attotime::never); m_adpcm_dma_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_dma_timer_callback),this)); m_adpcm_dma_timer->adjust(attotime::never); m_cdda_fadeout_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(pce_cd_device::cdda_fadeout_callback),this)); m_cdda_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::never); m_cdda_fadein_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(pce_cd_device::cdda_fadein_callback),this)); m_cdda_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); m_adpcm_fadeout_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_fadeout_callback),this)); m_adpcm_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::never); m_adpcm_fadein_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(pce_cd_device::adpcm_fadein_callback),this)); m_adpcm_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); // m_cd_file pointer is setup at a later stage because it is still empty when this function is called // TODO: add proper restore for the cd data... save_pointer(NAME(m_bram), PCE_BRAM_SIZE * 2); save_pointer(NAME(m_adpcm_ram), PCE_ADPCM_RAM_SIZE); save_item(NAME(m_bram_locked)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_read_ptr)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_read_buf)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_write_ptr)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_write_buf)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_length)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_clock_divider)); save_item(NAME(m_msm_start_addr)); save_item(NAME(m_msm_end_addr)); save_item(NAME(m_msm_half_addr)); save_item(NAME(m_msm_nibble)); save_item(NAME(m_msm_idle)); save_item(NAME(m_msm_repeat)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_BSY)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_SEL)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_CD)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_IO)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_MSG)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_REQ)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_ACK)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_ATN)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_RST)); save_item(NAME(m_scsi_last_RST)); save_item(NAME(m_cd_motor_on)); save_item(NAME(m_selected)); save_pointer(NAME(m_command_buffer), PCE_CD_COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE); save_item(NAME(m_command_buffer_index)); save_item(NAME(m_status_sent)); save_item(NAME(m_message_after_status)); save_item(NAME(m_message_sent)); save_pointer(NAME(m_data_buffer), 8192); save_item(NAME(m_data_buffer_size)); save_item(NAME(m_data_buffer_index)); save_item(NAME(m_data_transferred)); save_pointer(NAME(m_acard_ram), PCE_ACARD_RAM_SIZE); save_item(NAME(m_acard_latch)); save_item(NAME(m_acard_ctrl)); save_item(NAME(m_acard_base_addr)); save_item(NAME(m_acard_addr_offset)); save_item(NAME(m_acard_addr_inc)); save_item(NAME(m_acard_shift)); save_item(NAME(m_acard_shift_reg)); save_item(NAME(m_current_frame)); save_item(NAME(m_end_frame)); save_item(NAME(m_last_frame)); save_item(NAME(m_cdda_status)); save_item(NAME(m_cdda_play_mode)); save_pointer(NAME(m_subcode_buffer), 96); save_item(NAME(m_end_mark)); save_item(NAME(m_cdda_volume)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_volume)); // internal regs save_item(NAME(m_reset_reg)); save_item(NAME(m_irq_mask)); save_item(NAME(m_irq_status)); save_item(NAME(m_cdc_status)); save_item(NAME(m_cdc_data)); save_item(NAME(m_bram_status)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_status)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_latch_address)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_control)); save_item(NAME(m_fade_reg)); save_item(NAME(m_adpcm_dma_reg)); } void pce_cd_device::device_reset() { m_adpcm_read_buf = 0; m_adpcm_write_buf = 0; // TODO: add CD-DA stop command here //m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_OFF; //m_cdda->stop_audio(); m_adpcm_status |= PCE_CD_ADPCM_STOP_FLAG; m_adpcm_status &= ~PCE_CD_ADPCM_PLAY_FLAG; //m_irq_status = (m_irq_status & ~0x0c) | (PCE_CD_SAMPLE_STOP_PLAY); m_msm_idle = 1; m_scsi_RST = 0; m_scsi_last_RST = 0; m_scsi_SEL = 0; m_scsi_BSY = 0; m_selected = 0; m_scsi_ATN = 0; m_end_mark = 0; } void pce_cd_device::late_setup() { // at device start, the cdrom is not 'ready' yet, so we postpone this part of the initialization at machine_start in the driver m_cd_file = m_cdrom->get_cdrom_file(); if (m_cd_file) { m_toc = cdrom_get_toc(m_cd_file); m_cdda->set_cdrom(m_cd_file); m_last_frame = cdrom_get_track_start(m_cd_file, cdrom_get_last_track(m_cd_file) - 1); m_last_frame += m_toc->tracks[cdrom_get_last_track(m_cd_file) - 1].frames; m_end_frame = m_last_frame; } // MSM5205 might be initialized after PCE CD as well... m_msm->set_unscaled_clock((PCE_CD_CLOCK / 6) / m_adpcm_clock_divider); } void pce_cd_device::nvram_init(nvram_device &nvram, void *data, size_t size) { static const uint8_t init[8] = { 0x48, 0x55, 0x42, 0x4d, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x10, 0x80 }; memset(data, 0x00, size); memcpy(data, init, sizeof(init)); } // TODO: left and right speaker tags should be passed from the parent config, instead of using the hard-coded ones below!?! void pce_cd_device::device_add_mconfig(machine_config &config) { NVRAM(config, m_nvram).set_custom_handler(FUNC(pce_cd_device::nvram_init)); CDROM(config, m_cdrom).set_interface("pce_cdrom"); MSM5205(config, m_msm, PCE_CD_CLOCK / 6); m_msm->vck_legacy_callback().set(FUNC(pce_cd_device::msm5205_int)); /* interrupt function */ m_msm->set_prescaler_selector(msm5205_device::S48_4B); /* 1/48 prescaler, 4bit data */ m_msm->add_route(ALL_OUTPUTS, "^lspeaker", 0.50); m_msm->add_route(ALL_OUTPUTS, "^rspeaker", 0.50); CDDA(config, m_cdda); m_cdda->add_route(0, "^lspeaker", 1.00); m_cdda->add_route(1, "^rspeaker", 1.00); } void pce_cd_device::adpcm_stop(uint8_t irq_flag) { m_adpcm_status |= PCE_CD_ADPCM_STOP_FLAG; m_adpcm_status &= ~PCE_CD_ADPCM_PLAY_FLAG; //m_irq_status = (m_irq_status & ~0x0c) | (PCE_CD_SAMPLE_STOP_PLAY); if (irq_flag) set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_SAMPLE_FULL_PLAY, ASSERT_LINE); m_adpcm_control &= ~0x60; m_msm_idle = 1; } void pce_cd_device::adpcm_play() { m_adpcm_status &= ~PCE_CD_ADPCM_STOP_FLAG; m_adpcm_status |= PCE_CD_ADPCM_PLAY_FLAG; set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_SAMPLE_FULL_PLAY, CLEAR_LINE); m_irq_status = (m_irq_status & ~0x0c); m_msm_idle = 0; } /* Callback for new data from the MSM5205. The PCE cd unit actually divides the clock signal supplied to the MSM5205. Currently we can only use static clocks for the MSM5205. */ WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( pce_cd_device::msm5205_int ) { uint8_t msm_data; // popmessage("%08x %08x %08x %02x %02x",m_msm_start_addr,m_msm_end_addr,m_msm_half_addr,m_adpcm_status,m_adpcm_control); if (m_msm_idle) return; /* Supply new ADPCM data */ msm_data = (m_msm_nibble) ? (m_adpcm_ram[m_msm_start_addr] & 0x0f) : ((m_adpcm_ram[m_msm_start_addr] & 0xf0) >> 4); m_msm->data_w(msm_data); m_msm_nibble ^= 1; if (m_msm_nibble == 0) { m_msm_start_addr++; if (m_msm_start_addr == m_msm_half_addr) { //set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_SAMPLE_FULL_PLAY, CLEAR_LINE); //set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_SAMPLE_HALF_PLAY, ASSERT_LINE); } if (m_msm_start_addr > m_msm_end_addr) { //set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_SAMPLE_HALF_PLAY, CLEAR_LINE); //set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_SAMPLE_FULL_PLAY, CLEAR_LINE); adpcm_stop(1); m_msm->reset_w(1); } } } #define SCSI_STATUS_OK 0x00 #define SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION 0x02 void pce_cd_device::reply_status_byte(uint8_t status) { logerror("Setting CD in reply_status_byte\n"); m_scsi_CD = m_scsi_IO = m_scsi_REQ = 1; m_scsi_MSG = 0; m_message_after_status = 1; m_status_sent = m_message_sent = 0; if (status == SCSI_STATUS_OK) { m_cdc_data = 0x00; } else { m_cdc_data = 0x01; } } /* 0x00 - TEST UNIT READY */ void pce_cd_device::test_unit_ready() { logerror("test unit ready\n"); if (m_cd_file) { logerror("Sending STATUS_OK status\n"); reply_status_byte(SCSI_STATUS_OK); } else { logerror("Sending CHECK_CONDITION status\n"); reply_status_byte(SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION); } } /* 0x08 - READ (6) */ void pce_cd_device::read_6() { uint32_t frame = ((m_command_buffer[1] & 0x1f) << 16) | (m_command_buffer[2] << 8) | m_command_buffer[3]; uint32_t frame_count = m_command_buffer[4]; printf("%08x %08x\n",frame,frame_count); /* Check for presence of a CD */ if (!m_cd_file) { reply_status_byte(SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION); return; } if (m_cdda_status != PCE_CD_CDDA_OFF) { m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_OFF; m_cdda->stop_audio(); m_end_mark = 0; } m_current_frame = frame; m_end_frame = frame + frame_count; if (frame_count == 0) { /* Star Breaker uses this */ popmessage("Read Sector frame count == 0, contact MESSdev"); reply_status_byte(SCSI_STATUS_OK); } else { m_data_timer->adjust(attotime::from_hz(PCE_CD_DATA_FRAMES_PER_SECOND), 0, attotime::from_hz(PCE_CD_DATA_FRAMES_PER_SECOND)); } /* TODO: correct place? */ set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_TRANSFER_READY, ASSERT_LINE); } /* 0xD8 - SET AUDIO PLAYBACK START POSITION (NEC) */ void pce_cd_device::nec_set_audio_start_position() { uint32_t frame = 0; if (!m_cd_file) { /* Throw some error here */ reply_status_byte(SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION); return; } switch (m_command_buffer[9] & 0xC0) { case 0x00: popmessage("CD-DA set start mode 0x00, contact MESSdev"); frame = (m_command_buffer[3] << 16) | (m_command_buffer[4] << 8) | m_command_buffer[5]; break; case 0x40: { uint8_t m,s,f; m = bcd_2_dec(m_command_buffer[2]); s = bcd_2_dec(m_command_buffer[3]); f = bcd_2_dec(m_command_buffer[4]); frame = f + 75 * (s + m * 60); // PCE tries to be clever here and set (start of track + track pregap size) to skip the pregap // (I guess it wants the TOC to have the real start sector for data tracks and the start of the pregap for audio?) frame -= m_toc->tracks[cdrom_get_track(m_cd_file, frame)].pregap; break; } case 0x80: frame = m_toc->tracks[ bcd_2_dec(m_command_buffer[2]) - 1 ].logframeofs; break; default: popmessage("CD-DA set start mode 0xc0, contact MESSdev"); //assert(nullptr == nec_set_audio_start_position); break; } m_current_frame = frame; m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_PAUSED; // old code for reference, seems unlikely that this puts status in standby (and breaks Snatcher at the title screen) // if (m_cdda_status == PCE_CD_CDDA_PAUSED) // { // m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_OFF; // m_cdda->stop_audio(); // m_end_frame = m_last_frame; // m_end_mark = 0; // } // else { if (m_command_buffer[1] & 0x03) { //m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_PLAYING; m_end_frame = m_last_frame; //get the end of the CD m_cdda->start_audio(m_current_frame, m_end_frame - m_current_frame); m_cdda_play_mode = (m_command_buffer[1] & 0x02) ? 2 : 3; // mode 2 sets IRQ at end m_end_mark = (m_command_buffer[1] & 0x02) ? 1 : 0; } else { //m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_PLAYING; m_end_frame = m_toc->tracks[ cdrom_get_track(m_cd_file, m_current_frame) + 1 ].logframeofs; //get the end of THIS track m_cdda->start_audio(m_current_frame, m_end_frame - m_current_frame); m_end_mark = 0; m_cdda_play_mode = 3; } } reply_status_byte(SCSI_STATUS_OK); set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_TRANSFER_DONE, ASSERT_LINE); } /* 0xD9 - SET AUDIO PLAYBACK END POSITION (NEC) */ void pce_cd_device::nec_set_audio_stop_position() { uint32_t frame = 0; if (!m_cd_file) { /* Throw some error here */ reply_status_byte(SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION); return; } switch (m_command_buffer[9] & 0xC0) { case 0x00: popmessage("CD-DA set end mode 0x00, contact MESSdev"); frame = (m_command_buffer[3] << 16) | (m_command_buffer[4] << 8) | m_command_buffer[5]; break; case 0x40: { uint8_t m,s,f; m = bcd_2_dec(m_command_buffer[2]); s = bcd_2_dec(m_command_buffer[3]); f = bcd_2_dec(m_command_buffer[4]); frame = f + 75 * (s + m * 60); // if (frame >= 525) // TODO: seven seconds gap? O_o // frame -= 525; break; } case 0x80: frame = m_toc->tracks[ bcd_2_dec(m_command_buffer[2]) - 1 ].logframeofs; break; default: popmessage("CD-DA set end mode 0xc0, contact MESSdev"); //assert(nullptr == nec_set_audio_start_position); break; } m_end_frame = frame; m_cdda_play_mode = m_command_buffer[1] & 0x03; if (m_cdda_play_mode) { if (m_cdda_status == PCE_CD_CDDA_PAUSED) { m_cdda->pause_audio(0); } else { //printf("%08x %08x\n",m_current_frame,m_end_frame - m_current_frame); m_cdda->start_audio(m_current_frame, m_end_frame - m_current_frame); m_end_mark = 1; } m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_PLAYING; } else { m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_OFF; m_cdda->stop_audio(); m_end_frame = m_last_frame; m_end_mark = 0; // assert(nullptr == nec_set_audio_stop_position); } reply_status_byte(SCSI_STATUS_OK); set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_TRANSFER_DONE, ASSERT_LINE); } /* 0xDA - PAUSE (NEC) */ void pce_cd_device::nec_pause() { /* If no cd mounted throw an error */ if (!m_cd_file) { reply_status_byte(SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION); return; } /* If there was no cdda playing, throw an error */ if (m_cdda_status == PCE_CD_CDDA_OFF) { reply_status_byte(SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION); return; } m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_PAUSED; m_current_frame = m_cdda->get_audio_lba(); m_cdda->pause_audio(1); reply_status_byte(SCSI_STATUS_OK); } /* 0xDD - READ SUBCHANNEL Q (NEC) */ void pce_cd_device::nec_get_subq() { /* WP - I do not have access to chds with subchannel information yet, so I'm faking something here */ uint32_t msf_abs, msf_rel, track, frame; if (!m_cd_file) { /* Throw some error here */ reply_status_byte(SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION); return; } frame = m_current_frame; switch (m_cdda_status) { case PCE_CD_CDDA_PAUSED: m_data_buffer[0] = 2; frame = m_cdda->get_audio_lba(); break; case PCE_CD_CDDA_PLAYING: m_data_buffer[0] = 0; frame = m_cdda->get_audio_lba(); break; default: m_data_buffer[0] = 3; break; } msf_abs = lba_to_msf_alt(frame); track = cdrom_get_track(m_cd_file, frame); msf_rel = lba_to_msf_alt(frame - cdrom_get_track_start(m_cd_file, track)); m_data_buffer[1] = 0x01 | ((cdrom_get_track_type(m_cd_file, cdrom_get_track(m_cd_file, track+1)) == CD_TRACK_AUDIO) ? 0x00 : 0x40); m_data_buffer[2] = dec_2_bcd(track+1); /* track */ m_data_buffer[3] = 1; /* index */ m_data_buffer[4] = dec_2_bcd((msf_rel >> 16) & 0xFF);/* M (relative) */ m_data_buffer[5] = dec_2_bcd((msf_rel >> 8) & 0xFF); /* S (relative) */ m_data_buffer[6] = dec_2_bcd(msf_rel & 0xFF); /* F (relative) */ m_data_buffer[7] = dec_2_bcd((msf_abs >> 16) & 0xFF);/* M (absolute) */ m_data_buffer[8] = dec_2_bcd((msf_abs >> 8) & 0xFF); /* S (absolute) */ m_data_buffer[9] = dec_2_bcd(msf_abs & 0xFF); /* F (absolute) */ m_data_buffer_size = 10; m_data_buffer_index = 0; m_data_transferred = 1; m_scsi_IO = 1; m_scsi_CD = 0; } /* 0xDE - GET DIR INFO (NEC) */ void pce_cd_device::nec_get_dir_info() { uint32_t frame, msf, track = 0; const cdrom_toc *toc; logerror("nec get dir info\n"); if (!m_cd_file) { /* Throw some error here */ reply_status_byte(SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION); } toc = cdrom_get_toc(m_cd_file); switch (m_command_buffer[1]) { case 0x00: /* Get first and last track numbers */ m_data_buffer[0] = dec_2_bcd(1); m_data_buffer[1] = dec_2_bcd(toc->numtrks); m_data_buffer_size = 2; break; case 0x01: /* Get total disk size in MSF format */ frame = toc->tracks[toc->numtrks-1].logframeofs; frame += toc->tracks[toc->numtrks-1].frames; msf = lba_to_msf(frame + 150); m_data_buffer[0] = (msf >> 16) & 0xFF; /* M */ m_data_buffer[1] = (msf >> 8) & 0xFF; /* S */ m_data_buffer[2] = msf & 0xFF; /* F */ m_data_buffer_size = 3; break; case 0x02: /* Get track information */ if (m_command_buffer[2] == 0xAA) { frame = toc->tracks[toc->numtrks-1].logframeofs; frame += toc->tracks[toc->numtrks-1].frames; m_data_buffer[3] = 0x04; /* correct? */ } else { track = std::max(bcd_2_dec(m_command_buffer[2]), 1U); frame = toc->tracks[track-1].logframeofs; // PCE wants the start sector for data tracks to *not* include the pregap if (toc->tracks[track-1].trktype != CD_TRACK_AUDIO) { frame += toc->tracks[track-1].pregap; } m_data_buffer[3] = (toc->tracks[track-1].trktype == CD_TRACK_AUDIO) ? 0x00 : 0x04; } logerror("track = %d, frame = %d\n", track, frame); msf = lba_to_msf(frame + 150); m_data_buffer[0] = (msf >> 16) & 0xFF; /* M */ m_data_buffer[1] = (msf >> 8) & 0xFF; /* S */ m_data_buffer[2] = msf & 0xFF; /* F */ m_data_buffer_size = 4; break; default: // assert(pce_cd_nec_get_dir_info == nullptr); // Not implemented yet break; } m_data_buffer_index = 0; m_data_transferred = 1; m_scsi_IO = 1; m_scsi_CD = 0; } void pce_cd_device::end_of_list() { reply_status_byte(SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION); } typedef void (pce_cd_device::*command_handler_func)(); void pce_cd_device::handle_data_output() { static const struct { uint8_t command_byte; uint8_t command_size; command_handler_func command_handler; } pce_cd_commands[] = { { 0x00, 6, &pce_cd_device::test_unit_ready }, /* TEST UNIT READY */ { 0x08, 6, &pce_cd_device::read_6 }, /* READ (6) */ { 0xD8,10, &pce_cd_device::nec_set_audio_start_position }, /* NEC SET AUDIO PLAYBACK START POSITION */ { 0xD9,10, &pce_cd_device::nec_set_audio_stop_position }, /* NEC SET AUDIO PLAYBACK END POSITION */ { 0xDA,10, &pce_cd_device::nec_pause }, /* NEC PAUSE */ { 0xDD,10, &pce_cd_device::nec_get_subq }, /* NEC GET SUBCHANNEL Q */ { 0xDE,10, &pce_cd_device::nec_get_dir_info }, /* NEC GET DIR INFO */ { 0xFF, 1, &pce_cd_device::end_of_list } /* end of list marker */ }; if (m_scsi_REQ && m_scsi_ACK) { /* Command byte received */ logerror("Command byte $%02X received\n", m_cdc_data); /* Check for buffer overflow */ assert(m_command_buffer_index < PCE_CD_COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE); m_command_buffer[m_command_buffer_index] = m_cdc_data; m_command_buffer_index++; m_scsi_REQ = 0; } if (! m_scsi_REQ && ! m_scsi_ACK && m_command_buffer_index) { int i = 0; logerror("Check if command done\n"); for(i = 0; m_command_buffer[0] > pce_cd_commands[i].command_byte; i++); /* Check for unknown commands */ if (m_command_buffer[0] != pce_cd_commands[i].command_byte) { logerror("Unrecognized command: %02X\n", m_command_buffer[0]); if (m_command_buffer[0] == 0x03) popmessage("CD command 0x03 issued (Request Sense), contact MESSdev"); } assert(m_command_buffer[0] == pce_cd_commands[i].command_byte); if (m_command_buffer_index == pce_cd_commands[i].command_size) { //printf("%02x command issued\n",m_command_buffer[0]); (this->*pce_cd_commands[i].command_handler)(); m_command_buffer_index = 0; } else { m_scsi_REQ = 1; } } } void pce_cd_device::handle_data_input() { if (m_scsi_CD) { /* Command / Status byte */ if (m_scsi_REQ && m_scsi_ACK) { logerror("status sent\n"); m_scsi_REQ = 0; m_status_sent = 1; } if (! m_scsi_REQ && ! m_scsi_ACK && m_status_sent) { m_status_sent = 0; if (m_message_after_status) { logerror("message after status\n"); m_message_after_status = 0; m_scsi_MSG = m_scsi_REQ = 1; m_cdc_data = 0; } } } else { /* Data */ if (m_scsi_REQ && m_scsi_ACK) { m_scsi_REQ = 0; } if (! m_scsi_REQ && ! m_scsi_ACK) { if (m_data_buffer_index == m_data_buffer_size) { set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_TRANSFER_READY, CLEAR_LINE); if (m_data_transferred) { m_data_transferred = 0; reply_status_byte(SCSI_STATUS_OK); set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_TRANSFER_DONE, ASSERT_LINE); } } else { logerror("Transfer byte %02x from offset %d %d\n",m_data_buffer[m_data_buffer_index] , m_data_buffer_index, m_current_frame); m_cdc_data = m_data_buffer[m_data_buffer_index]; m_data_buffer_index++; m_scsi_REQ = 1; } } } } void pce_cd_device::handle_message_output() { if (m_scsi_REQ && m_scsi_ACK) m_scsi_REQ = 0; } void pce_cd_device::handle_message_input() { if (m_scsi_REQ && m_scsi_ACK) { m_scsi_REQ = 0; m_message_sent = 1; } if (! m_scsi_REQ && ! m_scsi_ACK && m_message_sent) { m_message_sent = 0; m_scsi_BSY = 0; } } /* Update internal CD statuses */ void pce_cd_device::update() { /* Check for reset of CD unit */ if (m_scsi_RST != m_scsi_last_RST) { if (m_scsi_RST) { logerror("Performing CD reset\n"); /* Reset internal data */ m_scsi_BSY = m_scsi_SEL = m_scsi_CD = m_scsi_IO = 0; m_scsi_MSG = m_scsi_REQ = m_scsi_ATN = 0; m_cd_motor_on = 0; m_selected = 0; m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_OFF; m_cdda->stop_audio(); m_adpcm_dma_timer->adjust(attotime::never); // stop ADPCM DMA here } m_scsi_last_RST = m_scsi_RST; } /* Check if bus can be freed */ if (! m_scsi_SEL && ! m_scsi_BSY && m_selected) { logerror("freeing bus\n"); m_selected = 0; m_scsi_CD = m_scsi_MSG = m_scsi_IO = m_scsi_REQ = 0; set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_TRANSFER_DONE, CLEAR_LINE); } /* Select the CD device */ if (m_scsi_SEL) { if (! m_selected) { m_selected = 1; logerror("Setting CD in device selection\n"); m_scsi_BSY = m_scsi_REQ = m_scsi_CD = 1; m_scsi_MSG = m_scsi_IO = 0; } } if (m_scsi_ATN) { } else { /* Check for data and message phases */ if (m_scsi_BSY) { if (m_scsi_MSG) { /* message phase */ if (m_scsi_IO) { handle_message_input(); } else { handle_message_output(); } } else { /* data phase */ if (m_scsi_IO) { /* Reading data from target */ handle_data_input(); } else { /* Sending data to target */ handle_data_output(); } } } } /* FIXME: presumably CD-DA needs an irq interface for this */ if (m_cdda->audio_ended() && m_end_mark == 1) { switch (m_cdda_play_mode & 3) { case 1: m_cdda->start_audio(m_current_frame, m_end_frame - m_current_frame); m_end_mark = 1; break; //play with repeat case 2: set_irq_line(PCE_CD_IRQ_TRANSFER_DONE, ASSERT_LINE); m_end_mark = 0; break; //irq when finished case 3: m_end_mark = 0; break; //play without repeat } } } void pce_cd_device::set_irq_line(int num, int state) { if (state == ASSERT_LINE) m_irq_status |= num; else m_irq_status &= ~num; if (m_irq_mask & m_irq_status & 0x7c) { //printf("IRQ PEND = %02x MASK = %02x IRQ ENABLE %02X\n",m_irq_mask & m_irq_status & 0x7c,m_irq_mask & 0x7c,m_irq_status & 0x7c); m_maincpu->set_input_line(1, ASSERT_LINE); } else { m_maincpu->set_input_line(1, CLEAR_LINE); } } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(pce_cd_device::data_timer_callback) { if (m_data_buffer_index == m_data_buffer_size) { /* Read next data sector */ logerror("read sector %d\n", m_current_frame); if (! cdrom_read_data(m_cd_file, m_current_frame, m_data_buffer.get(), CD_TRACK_MODE1)) { logerror("Mode1 CD read failed for frame #%d\n", m_current_frame); } else { logerror("Successfully read mode1 frame #%d\n", m_current_frame); } m_data_buffer_index = 0; m_data_buffer_size = 2048; m_current_frame++; m_scsi_IO = 1; m_scsi_CD = 0; if (m_current_frame == m_end_frame) { /* We are done, disable the timer */ logerror("Last frame read from CD\n"); m_data_transferred = 1; // data transfer is done, issue a pause m_cdda_status = PCE_CD_CDDA_PAUSED; m_data_timer->adjust(attotime::never); } else { m_data_transferred = 0; } } } void pce_cd_device::bram_w(offs_t offset, uint8_t data) { if (!m_bram_locked) { m_bram[offset & (PCE_BRAM_SIZE - 1)] = data; } } uint8_t pce_cd_device::bram_r(offs_t offset) { return m_bram[(offset & (PCE_BRAM_SIZE - 1)) + m_bram_locked * PCE_BRAM_SIZE]; } void pce_cd_device::set_adpcm_ram_byte(uint8_t val) { if (m_adpcm_write_buf > 0) { m_adpcm_write_buf--; } else { m_adpcm_ram[m_adpcm_write_ptr] = val; m_adpcm_write_ptr = ((m_adpcm_write_ptr + 1) & 0xffff); //TODO: length + 1 } } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(pce_cd_device::cdda_fadeout_callback) { m_cdda_volume -= 0.1; if (m_cdda_volume <= 0) { m_cdda_volume = 0.0; m_cdda_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::never); } else { m_cdda_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(param), param); } m_cdda->set_output_gain(ALL_OUTPUTS, m_cdda_volume / 100.0); } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(pce_cd_device::cdda_fadein_callback) { m_cdda_volume += 0.1; if (m_cdda_volume >= 100.0) { m_cdda_volume = 100.0; m_cdda_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); } else { m_cdda_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(param), param); } m_cdda->set_output_gain(ALL_OUTPUTS, m_cdda_volume / 100.0); } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(pce_cd_device::adpcm_fadeout_callback) { m_adpcm_volume -= 0.1; if (m_adpcm_volume <= 0) { m_adpcm_volume = 0.0; m_adpcm_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::never); } else { m_adpcm_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(param), param); } m_msm->set_output_gain(ALL_OUTPUTS, m_adpcm_volume / 100.0); } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(pce_cd_device::adpcm_fadein_callback) { m_adpcm_volume += 0.1; if (m_adpcm_volume >= 100.0) { m_adpcm_volume = 100.0; m_adpcm_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); } else { m_adpcm_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(param), param); } m_msm->set_output_gain(ALL_OUTPUTS, m_adpcm_volume / 100.0); } /* * * Register section * */ // CD Interface Register 0x00 - CDC status // x--- ---- busy signal // -x-- ---- request signal // ---x ---- cd signal // ---- x--- i/o signal uint8_t pce_cd_device::cdc_status_r() { uint8_t res = (m_cdc_status & 7); res |= m_scsi_BSY ? 0x80 : 0; res |= m_scsi_REQ ? 0x40 : 0; res |= m_scsi_MSG ? 0x20 : 0; res |= m_scsi_CD ? 0x10 : 0; res |= m_scsi_IO ? 0x08 : 0; return res; } void pce_cd_device::cdc_status_w(uint8_t data) { /* select device (which bits??) */ m_scsi_SEL = 1; update(); m_scsi_SEL = 0; m_adpcm_dma_timer->adjust(attotime::never); // stop ADPCM DMA here /* any write here clears CD transfer irqs */ set_irq_line(0x70, CLEAR_LINE); m_cdc_status = data; } // CD Interface Register 0x01 - CDC command / status / data uint8_t pce_cd_device::cdc_data_r() { return m_cdc_data; } void pce_cd_device::cdc_data_w(uint8_t data) { m_cdc_data = data; } // CD Interface Register 0x02 - IRQ Mask and CD control // x--- ---- to SCSI ACK // -x-- ---- transfer ready irq // --x- ---- transfer done irq // ---x ---- BRAM irq? // ---- x--- ADPCM FULL irq // ---- -x-- ADPCM HALF irq uint8_t pce_cd_device::irq_mask_r() { return m_irq_mask; } void pce_cd_device::irq_mask_w(uint8_t data) { m_scsi_ACK = data & 0x80; m_irq_mask = data; set_irq_line(0, 0); } // CD Interface Register 0x03 - BRAM lock / CD status (read only) // -x-- ---- acknowledge signal // --x- ---- done signal // ---x ---- bram signal // ---- x--- ADPCM 2 // ---- -x-- ADPCM 1 // ---- --x- CDDA left/right speaker select uint8_t pce_cd_device::irq_status_r() { uint8_t res = m_irq_status & 0x6e; // a read here locks the BRAM m_bram_locked = 1; res |= (m_cd_motor_on ? 0x10 : 0); // TODO: gross hack, needs actual behaviour of CDDA data select m_irq_status ^= 0x02; return res; } // CD Interface Register 0x04 - CD reset // ---- --x- to SCSI RST uint8_t pce_cd_device::cdc_reset_r() { return m_reset_reg; } void pce_cd_device::cdc_reset_w(uint8_t data) { m_scsi_RST = data & 0x02; m_reset_reg = data; } // CD Interface Register 0x05 - CD-DA Volume low 8-bit port // CD Interface Register 0x06 - CD-DA Volume high 8-bit port // TODO: port 5 also converts? uint8_t pce_cd_device::cdda_data_r(offs_t offset) { uint8_t port_shift = offset ? 0 : 8; return ((m_cdda->get_channel_volume(m_irq_status & 2) ? 0 : 1) >> port_shift) & 0xff; } // CD Interface Register 0x07 - BRAM unlock / CD status // x--- ---- Enables BRAM uint8_t pce_cd_device::bram_status_r() { uint8_t res = (m_bram_locked ? (m_bram_status & 0x7f) : (m_bram_status | 0x80)); return res; } void pce_cd_device::bram_unlock_w(uint8_t data) { if (data & 0x80) m_bram_locked = 0; m_bram_status = data; } // CD Interface Register 0x08 - CD data (R) / ADPCM address low (W) uint8_t pce_cd_device::cd_data_r() { return get_cd_data_byte(); } void pce_cd_device::adpcm_address_lo_w(uint8_t data) { m_adpcm_latch_address = (data & 0xff) | (m_adpcm_latch_address & 0xff00); } // CD Interface Register 0x09 - ADPCM address high (W) void pce_cd_device::adpcm_address_hi_w(uint8_t data) { m_adpcm_latch_address = (data << 8) | (m_adpcm_latch_address & 0xff); } // CD interface Register 0x0a - ADPCM RAM data port uint8_t pce_cd_device::adpcm_data_r() { return get_adpcm_ram_byte(); } void pce_cd_device::adpcm_data_w(uint8_t data) { set_adpcm_ram_byte(data); } // CD interface Register 0x0b - ADPCM DMA control uint8_t pce_cd_device::adpcm_dma_control_r() { return m_adpcm_dma_reg; } void pce_cd_device::adpcm_dma_control_w(uint8_t data) { if (data & 3) { m_adpcm_dma_timer->adjust(attotime::from_hz(PCE_CD_DATA_FRAMES_PER_SECOND * 2048), 0, attotime::from_hz(PCE_CD_DATA_FRAMES_PER_SECOND * 2048)); m_adpcm_status |= 4; } m_adpcm_dma_reg = data; } // CD Interface Register 0x0c - ADPCM status // x--- ---- ADPCM is reading data // ---- x--- ADPCM playback (0) stopped (1) currently playing // ---- -x-- pending ADPCM data write // ---- ---x ADPCM playback (1) stopped (0) currently playing uint8_t pce_cd_device::adpcm_status_r() { return m_adpcm_status; } // CD Interface Register 0x0d - ADPCM address control // x--- ---- ADPCM reset // -x-- ---- ADPCM play // --x- ---- ADPCM repeat // ---x ---- ADPCM set length // ---- x--- ADPCM set read address // ---- --xx ADPCM set write address // TODO: some games read bit 5 and want it to be low otherwise they hang, // how that can cope with "repeat"? uint8_t pce_cd_device::adpcm_address_control_r() { return m_adpcm_control; } void pce_cd_device::adpcm_address_control_w(uint8_t data) { if ((m_adpcm_control & 0x80) && !(data & 0x80)) // ADPCM reset { /* Reset ADPCM hardware */ m_adpcm_read_ptr = 0; m_adpcm_write_ptr = 0; m_msm_start_addr = 0; m_msm_end_addr = 0; m_msm_half_addr = 0; m_msm_nibble = 0; adpcm_stop(0); m_msm->reset_w(1); } if ((data & 0x40) && ((m_adpcm_control & 0x40) == 0)) // ADPCM play { m_msm_start_addr = (m_adpcm_read_ptr); m_msm_end_addr = (m_adpcm_read_ptr + m_adpcm_length) & 0xffff; m_msm_half_addr = (m_adpcm_read_ptr + (m_adpcm_length / 2)) & 0xffff; m_msm_nibble = 0; adpcm_play(); m_msm->reset_w(0); //popmessage("%08x %08x",m_adpcm_read_ptr,m_adpcm_length); } else if ((data & 0x40) == 0) { /* used by Buster Bros to cancel an in-flight sample */ adpcm_stop(0); m_msm->reset_w(1); } m_msm_repeat = BIT(data, 5); if (data & 0x10) //ADPCM set length { m_adpcm_length = m_adpcm_latch_address; } if (data & 0x08) //ADPCM set read address { m_adpcm_read_ptr = m_adpcm_latch_address; m_adpcm_read_buf = 2; } if ((data & 0x02) == 0x02) //ADPCM set write address { m_adpcm_write_ptr = m_adpcm_latch_address; m_adpcm_write_buf = data & 1; } m_adpcm_control = data; } // CD Interface Register 0x0e - ADPCM playback rate void pce_cd_device::adpcm_playback_rate_w(uint8_t data) { m_adpcm_clock_divider = 0x10 - (data & 0x0f); m_msm->set_unscaled_clock((PCE_CD_CLOCK / 6) / m_adpcm_clock_divider); } // CD Interface Register 0x0f - ADPCM fade in/out register // ---- xxxx command setting: // 0x00 ADPCM/CD-DA Fade-in // 0x01 CD-DA fade-in // 0x08 CD-DA fade-out (short) ADPCM fade-in // 0x09 CD-DA fade-out (long) // 0x0a ADPCM fade-out (long) // 0x0c CD-DA fade-out (short) ADPCM fade-in // 0x0d CD-DA fade-out (short) // 0x0e ADPCM fade-out (short) void pce_cd_device::fade_register_w(uint8_t data) { // TODO: timers needs HW tests if (m_fade_reg != data) { switch (data & 0xf) { case 0x00: //CD-DA / ADPCM enable (100 msecs) m_cdda_volume = 0.0; m_cdda_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(100), 100); m_adpcm_volume = 0.0; m_adpcm_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(100), 100); m_cdda_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::never); m_adpcm_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::never); break; case 0x01: //CD-DA enable (100 msecs) m_cdda_volume = 0.0; m_cdda_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(100), 100); m_cdda_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::never); break; case 0x08: //CD-DA short (1500 msecs) fade out / ADPCM enable m_cdda_volume = 100.0; m_cdda_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(1500), 1500); m_adpcm_volume = 0.0; m_adpcm_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(100), 100); m_cdda_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); m_adpcm_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::never); break; case 0x09: //CD-DA long (5000 msecs) fade out m_cdda_volume = 100.0; m_cdda_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(5000), 5000); m_cdda_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); break; case 0x0a: //ADPCM long (5000 msecs) fade out m_adpcm_volume = 100.0; m_adpcm_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(5000), 5000); m_adpcm_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); break; case 0x0c: //CD-DA short (1500 msecs) fade out / ADPCM enable m_cdda_volume = 100.0; m_cdda_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(1500), 1500); m_adpcm_volume = 0.0; m_adpcm_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(100), 100); m_cdda_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); m_adpcm_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::never); break; case 0x0d: //CD-DA short (1500 msecs) fade out m_cdda_volume = 100.0; m_cdda_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(1500), 1500); m_cdda_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); break; case 0x0e: //ADPCM short (1500 msecs) fade out m_adpcm_volume = 100.0; m_adpcm_fadeout_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(1500), 1500); m_adpcm_fadein_timer->adjust(attotime::never); break; default: popmessage("CD-DA / ADPCM Fade effect mode %02x, contact MESSdev",data & 0x0f); break; } } m_fade_reg = data; } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(pce_cd_device::clear_ack) { update(); m_scsi_ACK = 0; update(); if (m_scsi_CD) { m_adpcm_dma_reg &= 0xFC; } } uint8_t pce_cd_device::get_cd_data_byte() { uint8_t data = m_cdc_data; if (m_scsi_REQ && !m_scsi_ACK && !m_scsi_CD) { if (m_scsi_IO) { m_scsi_ACK = 1; machine().scheduler().timer_set(m_maincpu->cycles_to_attotime(15), timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(pce_cd_device::clear_ack),this)); } } return data; } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(pce_cd_device::adpcm_dma_timer_callback) { if (m_scsi_REQ && !m_scsi_ACK && !m_scsi_CD && m_scsi_IO) { m_adpcm_ram[m_adpcm_write_ptr] = get_cd_data_byte(); m_adpcm_write_ptr = (m_adpcm_write_ptr + 1) & 0xFFFF; m_adpcm_status &= ~4; } } uint8_t pce_cd_device::get_adpcm_ram_byte() { if (m_adpcm_read_buf > 0) { m_adpcm_read_buf--; return 0; } else { uint8_t res; res = m_adpcm_ram[m_adpcm_read_ptr]; m_adpcm_read_ptr = ((m_adpcm_read_ptr + 1) & 0xffff); return res; } } /* * * I/O accessors * */ // TODO: more stuff actually belongs to the whole CD interface, // cfr. pce_cd_intf_r/w in drivers/pce.cpp uint8_t pce_cd_device::intf_r(offs_t offset) { //logerror("%s: read from CD interface offset %02X\n", machine().describe_context(), offset ); address_space &io_space = this->space(AS_IO); return io_space.read_byte(offset & 0xf); } void pce_cd_device::intf_w(offs_t offset, uint8_t data) { //logerror("%s write to CD interface offset %02X, data %02X\n", machine().describe_context(), offset, data); address_space &io_space = this->space(AS_IO); io_space.write_byte(offset & 0xf, data); } /* PC Engine Arcade Card emulation */ uint8_t pce_cd_device::acard_r(offs_t offset) { uint8_t r_num; if ((offset & 0x2e0) == 0x2e0) { switch (offset & 0x2ef) { case 0x2e0: return (m_acard_shift >> 0) & 0xff; case 0x2e1: return (m_acard_shift >> 8) & 0xff; case 0x2e2: return (m_acard_shift >> 16) & 0xff; case 0x2e3: return (m_acard_shift >> 24) & 0xff; case 0x2e4: return (m_acard_shift_reg); case 0x2e5: return m_acard_latch; case 0x2ee: return 0x10; case 0x2ef: return 0x51; } return 0; } r_num = (offset & 0x30) >> 4; switch (offset & 0x0f) { case 0x00: case 0x01: { uint8_t res; if (m_acard_ctrl[r_num] & 2) res = m_acard_ram[(m_acard_base_addr[r_num] + m_acard_addr_offset[r_num]) & 0x1fffff]; else res = m_acard_ram[m_acard_base_addr[r_num] & 0x1fffff]; if (m_acard_ctrl[r_num] & 0x1) { if (m_acard_ctrl[r_num] & 0x10) { m_acard_base_addr[r_num] += m_acard_addr_inc[r_num]; m_acard_base_addr[r_num] &= 0xffffff; } else { m_acard_addr_offset[r_num] += m_acard_addr_inc[r_num]; } } return res; } case 0x02: return (m_acard_base_addr[r_num] >> 0) & 0xff; case 0x03: return (m_acard_base_addr[r_num] >> 8) & 0xff; case 0x04: return (m_acard_base_addr[r_num] >> 16) & 0xff; case 0x05: return (m_acard_addr_offset[r_num] >> 0) & 0xff; case 0x06: return (m_acard_addr_offset[r_num] >> 8) & 0xff; case 0x07: return (m_acard_addr_inc[r_num] >> 0) & 0xff; case 0x08: return (m_acard_addr_inc[r_num] >> 8) & 0xff; case 0x09: return m_acard_ctrl[r_num]; default: return 0; } } void pce_cd_device::acard_w(offs_t offset, uint8_t data) { uint8_t w_num; if ((offset & 0x2e0) == 0x2e0) { switch (offset & 0x0f) { case 0: m_acard_shift = (data & 0xff) | (m_acard_shift & 0xffffff00); break; case 1: m_acard_shift = (data << 8) | (m_acard_shift & 0xffff00ff); break; case 2: m_acard_shift = (data << 16) | (m_acard_shift & 0xff00ffff); break; case 3: m_acard_shift = (data << 24) | (m_acard_shift & 0x00ffffff); break; case 4: { m_acard_shift_reg = data & 0x0f; if (m_acard_shift_reg != 0) { m_acard_shift = (m_acard_shift_reg < 8) ? (m_acard_shift << m_acard_shift_reg) : (m_acard_shift >> (16 - m_acard_shift_reg)); } } break; case 5: m_acard_latch = data; break; } } else { w_num = (offset & 0x30) >> 4; switch (offset & 0x0f) { case 0x00: case 0x01: if (m_acard_ctrl[w_num] & 2) m_acard_ram[(m_acard_base_addr[w_num] + m_acard_addr_offset[w_num]) & 0x1fffff] = data; else m_acard_ram[m_acard_base_addr[w_num] & 0x1FFFFF] = data; if (m_acard_ctrl[w_num] & 0x1) { if (m_acard_ctrl[w_num] & 0x10) { m_acard_base_addr[w_num] += m_acard_addr_inc[w_num]; m_acard_base_addr[w_num] &= 0xffffff; } else { m_acard_addr_offset[w_num] += m_acard_addr_inc[w_num]; } } break; case 0x02: m_acard_base_addr[w_num] = (data & 0xff) | (m_acard_base_addr[w_num] & 0xffff00); break; case 0x03: m_acard_base_addr[w_num] = (data << 8) | (m_acard_base_addr[w_num] & 0xff00ff); break; case 0x04: m_acard_base_addr[w_num] = (data << 16) | (m_acard_base_addr[w_num] & 0x00ffff); break; case 0x05: m_acard_addr_offset[w_num] = (data & 0xff) | (m_acard_addr_offset[w_num] & 0xff00); break; case 0x06: m_acard_addr_offset[w_num] = (data << 8) | (m_acard_addr_offset[w_num] & 0x00ff); if ((m_acard_ctrl[w_num] & 0x60) == 0x40) { m_acard_base_addr[w_num] += m_acard_addr_offset[w_num] + ((m_acard_ctrl[w_num] & 0x08) ? 0xff0000 : 0); m_acard_base_addr[w_num] &= 0xffffff; } break; case 0x07: m_acard_addr_inc[w_num] = (data & 0xff) | (m_acard_addr_inc[w_num] & 0xff00); break; case 0x08: m_acard_addr_inc[w_num] = (data << 8) | (m_acard_addr_inc[w_num] & 0x00ff); break; case 0x09: m_acard_ctrl[w_num] = data & 0x7f; break; case 0x0a: if ((m_acard_ctrl[w_num] & 0x60) == 0x60) { m_acard_base_addr[w_num] += m_acard_addr_offset[w_num]; m_acard_base_addr[w_num] &= 0xffffff; } break; } } }