// license:GPL-2.0+ // copyright-holders:Kevin Thacker,Sandro Ronco /********************************************************************* kc_keyb.c KC85_2/3/4/5 Keyboard emulation ********************************************************************** E-mail from Torsten Paul about the keyboard: Torsten.Paul@gmx.de "> I hope that you will be able to help me so I can add keyboard > emulation to it. > Oh yes the keyboard caused me a lot of trouble too. I still don't understand it completely. A first dirty but working keyboard support is quite easy because of the good and modular system rom. Most programs use the supplied routines to read keyboard input so patching the right memory address with the keycode that is originally supplied by the interrupt routines for keyboard input will work. So if you first want to have a simple start to get other things to work you can try this. * write keycode (ascii) to address IX+0dh (0x1fd) * set bit 0 at address IX+08h (0x1f8) - simply writing 01h worked for me but some other bits are used too this bit is reset if the key is read by the system > From the schematics I see that the keyboard is linked to the CTC and PIO, > but I don't understand it fully. > Please can you tell me more about how the keyboard is scanned? > The full emulation is quite tricky and I still have some programs that behave odd. (A good hint for a correct keyboard emulation is Digger ;-). Ok, now the technical things: The keyboard of the KC is driven by a remote control circuit that is originally designed for infrared remote control. This one was named U807 and I learned there should be a similar chip called SAB 3021 available but I never found the specs on the web. The SAB 3021 was produced by Valvo which doesn't exist anymore (bought by Phillips if I remember correctly). If you have more luck finding the specs I'm still interested. There also was a complementary chip for the receiving side but that was not used in the KC unfortunately. They choosed to measure the pulses sent by the U807 via PIO and CTC. Anyway here is what I know about the protocol: The U807 sends impulses with equal length. The information is given by the time between two impulses. Short time means bit is 1 long time mean bit is 0. The impulses are modulated by a 62.5 kHz Signal but that's not interesting for the emulator. The timing comes from a base clock of 4 MHz that is divided multiple times: 4 MHz / 64 - 62.5 kHz -> used for filtered amplification 62.5 kHz / 64 - 976 Hz -> 1.024 ms 976 / 7 - 140 Hz -> 7.2 ms 976 / 5 - 195 Hz -> 5.1 ms short - 5.12 ms - 1 bit long - 7.168 ms - 0 bit +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | +--+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+ +--.... | | |---0---| |--1--| ^ | Startbit = shift key The keyboard can have 64 keys with an additional key that is used by the KC as shift key. This additional key is directly connected to the chip and changes the startbit. All other keys are arranged in a matrix. The chip sends full words of 7 bits (including the startbit) at least twice for each keypress with a spacing of 14 * 1.024 ms. If the key is still pressed the double word is repeated after 19 * 1.024 ms. The impulses trigger the pio interrupt line for channel B that triggers the time measurement by the CTC channel 3." ********************************************************************** The CTC timer 3 count is initialised at 0x08f and counts down. The pulses are connected into PIO /BSTB and generate a interrupt on a positive edge. A pulse will not get through if BRDY from PIO is not true! Then the interrupt occurs, the CTC count is read. The time between pulses is therefore measured by the CTC. The time is checked and depending on the value the KC detects a 1 or 0 bit sent from the keyboard. Summary From code below: 0x065<=count<0x078 -> 0 bit "short pulse" 0x042<=count<0x065 -> 1 bit "long pulse" count<0x014 -> ignore count>=0x078 -> ignore 0x014<=count<0x042 -> signal end of code "very long pulse" codes are sent bit 0, bit 1, bit 2...bit 7. bit 0 is the state of the shift key. Torsten's e-mail indicates "short pulse" for 1 bit, and "long pulse" for 0 bit, but I found this to be incorrect. However, the timings are correct. Keyboard reading procedure extracted from KC85/4 system rom: 0345 f5 push af 0346 db8f in a,(#8f) ; get CTC timer 3 count 0348 f5 push af 0349 3ea7 ld a,#a7 ; channel 3, enable int, select counter mode, control word ; write, software reset, time constant follows 034b d38f out (#8f),a 034d 3e8f ld a,#8f ; time constant 034f d38f out (#8f),a 0351 f1 pop af 0352 fb ei 0353 b7 or a ; count is over 0354 284d jr z,#03a3 ; ;; check count is in range 0356 fe14 cp #14 0358 3849 jr c,#03a3 ; 035a fe78 cp #78 035c 3045 jr nc,#03a3 ; ;; at this point, time must be between #14 and #77 to be valid ;; if >=#65, then carry=0, and a 0 bit has been detected 035e fe65 cp #65 0360 303d jr nc,#039f ; (61) ;; if <#65, then a 1 bit has been detected. carry is set with the addition below. ;; a carry will be generated if the count is >#42 ;; therefore for a 1 bit to be generated, then #42<=time<#65 ;; must be true. 0362 c6be add a,#be 0364 3839 jr c,#039f ; (57) ;; this code appears to take the transmitted scan-code ;; and converts it into a useable code by the os??? 0366 e5 push hl 0367 d5 push de ;; convert hardware scan-code into os code 0368 dd7e0c ld a,(ix+#0c) 036b 1f rra 036c ee01 xor #01 036e dd6e0e ld l,(ix+#0e) 0371 dd660f ld h,(ix+#0f) 0374 1600 ld d,#00 0376 5f ld e,a 0377 19 add hl,de 0378 7e ld a,(hl) 0379 d1 pop de 037a e1 pop hl ;; shift lock pressed? 037b ddcb087e bit 7,(ix+#08) 037f 200a jr nz,#038b ;; no. ;; alpha char? 0381 fe40 cp #40 0383 3806 jr c,#038b 0385 fe80 cp #80 0387 3002 jr nc,#038b ;; yes, it is a alpha char ;; force to lower case 0389 ee20 xor #20 038b ddbe0d cp (ix+#0d) ;; same as stored? 038e 201d jr nz,#03ad ;; yes - must be held for a certain time before it can repeat? 0390 f5 push af 0391 3ae0b7 ld a,(#b7e0) 0394 ddbe0a cp (ix+#0a) 0397 3811 jr c,#03aa 0399 f1 pop af 039a dd340a inc (ix+#0a) ;; incremenent repeat count? 039d 1804 jr #03a3 ;; update scan-code received so far 039f ddcb0c1e rr (ix+#0c) ; shift in 0 or 1 bit depending on what has been selected 03a3 db89 in a,(#89) ; used to clear brdy 03a5 d389 out (#89),a 03a7 f1 pop af 03a8 ed4d reti 03aa f1 pop af 03ab 1808 jr #03b5 ;; clear count 03ad dd360a00 ld (ix+#0a),#00 ;; shift lock? 03b1 fe16 cp #16 03b3 2809 jr z,#03be ;; store char 03b5 dd770d ld (ix+#0d),a 03b8 ddcb08c6 set 0,(ix+#08) 03bc 18e5 jr #03a3 ;; toggle shift lock on/off 03be dd7e08 ld a,(ix+#08) 03c1 ee80 xor #80 03c3 dd7708 ld (ix+#08),a ;; shift/lock was last key pressed 03c6 3e16 ld a,#16 03c8 18eb jr #03b5 03ca b7 or a 03cb ddcb0846 bit 0,(ix+#08) 03cf c8 ret z 03d0 dd7e0d ld a,(ix+#0d) 03d3 37 scf 03d4 c9 ret 03d5 cdcae3 call #e3ca 03d8 d0 ret nc 03d9 ddcb0886 res 0,(ix+#08) 03dd c9 ret 03de cdcae3 call #e3ca 03e1 d0 ret nc 03e2 fe03 cp #03 03e4 37 scf 03e5 c8 ret z 03e6 a7 and a 03e7 c9 ret Keyboard reading procedure extracted from KC85/3 rom: 019a f5 push af 019b db8f in a,(#8f) 019d f5 push af 019e 3ea7 ld a,#a7 01a0 d38f out (#8f),a 01a2 3e8f ld a,#8f 01a4 d38f out (#8f),a 01a6 f1 pop af 01a7 ddcb085e bit 3,(ix+#08) 01ab ddcb089e res 3,(ix+#08) 01af 2055 jr nz,#0206 ; (85) 01b1 fe65 cp #65 01b3 3054 jr nc,#0209 ;; count>=#65 = 0 bit ;; #44<=count<#65 = 1 bit ;; count<#44 = end of code 01b5 fe44 cp #44 01b7 3053 jr nc,#020c 01b9 e5 push hl 01ba d5 push de 01bb ddcb0c3e srl (ix+#0c) 01bf dd7e08 ld a,(ix+#08) 01c2 e680 and #80 01c4 07 rlca 01c5 ddae0c xor (ix+#0c) 01c8 2600 ld h,#00 01ca dd5e0e ld e,(ix+#0e) 01cd dd560f ld d,(ix+#0f) 01d0 6f ld l,a 01d1 19 add hl,de 01d2 7e ld a,(hl) 01d3 d1 pop de 01d4 e1 pop hl 01d5 ddbe0d cp (ix+#0d) 01d8 2811 jr z,#01eb ; (17) 01da dd770d ld (ix+#0d),a 01dd ddcb08a6 res 4,(ix+#08) 01e1 ddcb08c6 set 0,(ix+#08) 01e5 dd360a00 ld (ix+#0a),#00 01e9 181b jr #0206 ; (27) 01eb dd340a inc (ix+#0a) 01ee ddcb0866 bit 4,(ix+#08) 01f2 200c jr nz,#0200 ; (12) 01f4 ddcb0a66 bit 4,(ix+#0a) 01f8 280c jr z,#0206 ; (12) 01fa ddcb08e6 set 4,(ix+#08) 01fe 18e1 jr #01e1 ; (-31) 0200 ddcb0a4e bit 1,(ix+#0a) 0204 20db jr nz,#01e1 ; (-37) 0206 f1 pop af 0207 ed4d reti 0209 b7 or a 020a 1801 jr #020d ; (1) 020c 37 scf 020d ddcb0c1e rr (ix+#0c) 0211 18f3 jr #0206 ; (-13) *********************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "kc_keyb.h" #define VERBOSE 0 #include "logmacro.h" //************************************************************************** // GLOBAL VARIABLES //************************************************************************** DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(KC_KEYBOARD, kc_keyboard_device, "kc_keyboard", "KC Keyboard") //************************************************************************** // Input Ports //************************************************************************** // this is a fake keyboard layout. The keys are converted into codes // which are transmitted by the keyboard to the base-unit. key code can // be calculated as (line*8)+bit_index static INPUT_PORTS_START( kc_keyboard ) // start of keyboard scan-codes // codes 0-7 PORT_START("KEY0") PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_W) PORT_CHAR('W') PORT_CHAR('w') PORT_BIT(0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_A) PORT_CHAR('A') PORT_CHAR('a') PORT_BIT(0x04, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_2) PORT_CHAR('2') PORT_CHAR('"') PORT_BIT(0x08, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_LEFT) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(LEFT)) PORT_BIT(0x10, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_HOME) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(HOME)) PORT_BIT(0x20, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_EQUALS) PORT_CHAR('-') PORT_CHAR('=') PORT_BIT(0x40, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F2) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(F2)) PORT_BIT(0x80, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_Y) PORT_CHAR('Y') PORT_CHAR('y') // codes 8-15 PORT_START("KEY1") PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_E) PORT_CHAR('E') PORT_CHAR('e') PORT_BIT(0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_S) PORT_CHAR('S') PORT_CHAR('s') PORT_BIT(0x04, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_3) PORT_CHAR('3') PORT_CHAR('#') PORT_BIT(0x08, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_OPENBRACE) PORT_CHAR('^') PORT_CHAR(0x00AC) PORT_BIT(0x10, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_NAME("Clr") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_BACKSPACE) PORT_CHAR(8) PORT_BIT(0x20, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_MINUS) PORT_CHAR(':') PORT_CHAR('*') PORT_BIT(0x40, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F3) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(F3)) PORT_BIT(0x80, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_X) PORT_CHAR('X') PORT_CHAR('x') // codes 16-23 PORT_START("KEY2") PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_T) PORT_CHAR('T') PORT_CHAR('t') PORT_BIT(0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F) PORT_CHAR('F') PORT_CHAR('f') PORT_BIT(0x04, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_5) PORT_CHAR('5') PORT_CHAR('%') PORT_BIT(0x08, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_P) PORT_CHAR('P') PORT_CHAR('p') PORT_BIT(0x10, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_NAME("Del") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_DEL) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(DEL)) PORT_BIT(0x20, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_0) PORT_CHAR('0') PORT_CHAR('@') PORT_BIT(0x40, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F5) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(F5)) PORT_BIT(0x80, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_V) PORT_CHAR('V') PORT_CHAR('v') // codes 24-31 PORT_START("KEY3") PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_U) PORT_CHAR('U') PORT_CHAR('u') PORT_BIT(0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_H) PORT_CHAR('H') PORT_CHAR('h') PORT_BIT(0x04, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_7) PORT_CHAR('7') PORT_CHAR('\'') PORT_BIT(0x08, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_O) PORT_CHAR('O') PORT_CHAR('o') PORT_BIT(0x10, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_NAME("Ins") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_INSERT) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(INSERT)) PORT_BIT(0x20, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_9) PORT_CHAR('9') PORT_CHAR(')') PORT_BIT(0x40, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_NAME("Brk") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_ESC) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(ESC)) PORT_BIT(0x80, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_N) PORT_CHAR('N') PORT_CHAR('n') // codes 32-39 PORT_START("KEY4") PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_I) PORT_CHAR('I') PORT_CHAR('i') PORT_BIT(0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_J) PORT_CHAR('J') PORT_CHAR('j') PORT_BIT(0x04, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_8) PORT_CHAR('8') PORT_CHAR('(') PORT_BIT(0x08, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_SPACE) PORT_CHAR(' ') PORT_BIT(0x10, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_K) PORT_CHAR('K') PORT_CHAR('k') PORT_BIT(0x20, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_COMMA) PORT_CHAR(',') PORT_CHAR('<') PORT_BIT(0x40, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_NAME("Stop") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_END) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(PAUSE)) PORT_BIT(0x80, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_M) PORT_CHAR('M') PORT_CHAR('m') // codes 40-47 PORT_START("KEY5") PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_Z) PORT_CHAR('Z') PORT_CHAR('z') PORT_BIT(0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_G) PORT_CHAR('G') PORT_CHAR('g') PORT_BIT(0x04, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_6) PORT_CHAR('6') PORT_CHAR('&') PORT_BIT(0x08, 0x00, IPT_UNUSED) PORT_BIT(0x10, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_L) PORT_CHAR('L') PORT_CHAR('l') PORT_BIT(0x20, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_STOP) PORT_CHAR('.') PORT_CHAR('>') PORT_BIT(0x40, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F6) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(F6)) PORT_BIT(0x80, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_B) PORT_CHAR('B') PORT_CHAR('b') // codes 48-56 PORT_START("KEY6") PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_R) PORT_CHAR('R') PORT_CHAR('r') PORT_BIT(0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_D) PORT_CHAR('D') PORT_CHAR('d') PORT_BIT(0x04, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_4) PORT_CHAR('4') PORT_CHAR('$') PORT_BIT(0x08, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_QUOTE) PORT_CHAR('-') PORT_CHAR('|') PORT_BIT(0x10, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_COLON) PORT_CHAR('+') PORT_CHAR(';') PORT_BIT(0x20, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_SLASH) PORT_CHAR('/') PORT_CHAR('?') PORT_BIT(0x40, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F4) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(F4)) PORT_BIT(0x80, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_C) PORT_CHAR('C') PORT_CHAR('c') // codes 56-63 PORT_START("KEY7") PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_Q) PORT_CHAR('Q') PORT_CHAR('q') PORT_BIT(0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_NAME("Shift Lock") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_CAPSLOCK) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(CAPSLOCK)) PORT_BIT(0x04, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_1) PORT_CHAR('1') PORT_CHAR('!') PORT_BIT(0x08, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_DOWN) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(DOWN)) PORT_BIT(0x10, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_UP) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(UP)) PORT_BIT(0x20, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_RIGHT) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(RIGHT)) PORT_BIT(0x40, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F1) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_MAMEKEY(F1)) PORT_BIT(0x80, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_ENTER) PORT_CHAR(13) // end of keyboard scan-codes PORT_START("SHIFT") // has a single shift key. Mapped here to left and right shift. // shift is connected to the MOC pin of the U807 PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_KEYBOARD) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_LSHIFT) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_RSHIFT) PORT_CHAR(UCHAR_SHIFT_1) INPUT_PORTS_END //************************************************************************** // LIVE DEVICE //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // kc_keyboard_device - constructor //------------------------------------------------- kc_keyboard_device::kc_keyboard_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : device_t(mconfig, KC_KEYBOARD, tag, owner, clock), m_write_out(*this) { } //------------------------------------------------- // kc_keyboard_device - destructor //------------------------------------------------- kc_keyboard_device::~kc_keyboard_device() { } //------------------------------------------------- // device_start - device-specific startup //------------------------------------------------- void kc_keyboard_device::device_start() { // resolve callbacks m_write_out.resolve_safe(); m_timer_transmit_pulse = timer_alloc(TIMER_TRANSMIT_PULSE); m_timer_transmit_pulse->adjust(attotime::from_usec(1024), 0, attotime::from_usec(1024)); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_reset - device-specific reset //------------------------------------------------- void kc_keyboard_device::device_reset() { // set initial state m_write_out(CLEAR_LINE); m_transmit_buffer.pulse_sent = 0; m_transmit_buffer.pulse_count = 0; memset(&m_transmit_buffer, 0, sizeof(m_transmit_buffer)); } //------------------------------------------------- // input_ports - device-specific input ports //------------------------------------------------- ioport_constructor kc_keyboard_device::device_input_ports() const { return INPUT_PORTS_NAME( kc_keyboard ); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_timer - handler timer events //------------------------------------------------- void kc_keyboard_device::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) { switch(id) { case TIMER_TRANSMIT_PULSE: if (m_transmit_buffer.pulse_sent < m_transmit_buffer.pulse_count) { // byte containing pulse state int pulse_byte_count = m_transmit_buffer.pulse_sent>>3; // bit within byte containing pulse state int pulse_bit_count = 7 - (m_transmit_buffer.pulse_sent & 0x07); // get current pulse state int pulse_state = (m_transmit_buffer.data[pulse_byte_count]>>pulse_bit_count) & 0x01; LOG("KC keyboard sending pulse: %02x\n", pulse_state); // send pulse m_write_out(pulse_state ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE); // update counts m_transmit_buffer.pulse_sent++; } else { // if there is nothing to send, rescan the keyboard static const char *const keynames[] = { "KEY0", "KEY1", "KEY2", "KEY3", "KEY4", "KEY5", "KEY6", "KEY7" }; m_transmit_buffer.pulse_sent = 0; m_transmit_buffer.pulse_count = 0; // scan all lines (excluding shift) for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { uint8_t keyboard_line_data = ioport(keynames[i])->read(); // scan through each bit for (int b=0; b<8; b++) { // is pressed? if ((keyboard_line_data & (1<>3; int pulse_bit_count = 7-(m_transmit_buffer.pulse_count & 0x07); if (pulse_state) m_transmit_buffer.data[pulse_byte_count] |= (1< end of time for bit add_pulse_to_transmit_buffer(1); } //------------------------------------------------- // begin pulse transmit //------------------------------------------------- void kc_keyboard_device::transmit_scancode(uint8_t scan_code) { // initial pulse -> start of code add_pulse_to_transmit_buffer(1); // state of shift key add_bit((ioport("SHIFT")->read() & 0x01)^0x01); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { // each bit in turn add_bit(scan_code & (1<