// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /************************************* * * Implementation of ASIC65 * *************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "asic65.h" #define LOG_ASIC 0 #define PARAM_WRITE 0 #define COMMAND_WRITE 1 #define DATA_READ 2 #define OP_UNKNOWN 0 #define OP_REFLECT 1 #define OP_CHECKSUM 2 #define OP_VERSION 3 #define OP_RAMTEST 4 #define OP_RESET 5 #define OP_SIN 6 #define OP_COS 7 #define OP_ATAN 8 #define OP_TMATRIXMULT 9 #define OP_MATRIXMULT 10 #define OP_TRANSFORM 11 #define OP_YORIGIN 12 #define OP_INITBANKS 13 #define OP_SETBANK 14 #define OP_VERIFYBANK 15 #define MAX_COMMANDS 0x2b static const UINT8 command_map[3][MAX_COMMANDS] = { { /* standard version */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_REFLECT, OP_CHECKSUM, OP_VERSION, /* 00-03 */ OP_RAMTEST, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_RESET, /* 04-07 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 08-0b */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_TMATRIXMULT, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 0c-0f */ OP_MATRIXMULT, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 10-13 */ OP_SIN, OP_COS, OP_YORIGIN, OP_TRANSFORM, /* 14-17 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 18-1b */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 1c-1f */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 20-23 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 24-27 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN /* 28-2a */ }, { /* Steel Talons version */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_REFLECT, OP_CHECKSUM, OP_VERSION, /* 00-03 */ OP_RAMTEST, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_RESET, /* 04-07 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 08-0b */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 0c-0f */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 10-13 */ OP_TMATRIXMULT, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_MATRIXMULT, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 14-17 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 18-1b */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_SIN, OP_COS, /* 1c-1f */ OP_ATAN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 20-23 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 24-27 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN /* 28-2a */ }, { /* Guardians version */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_REFLECT, OP_CHECKSUM, OP_VERSION, /* 00-03 */ OP_RAMTEST, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_RESET, /* 04-07 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 08-0b */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_INITBANKS, OP_SETBANK, /* 0c-0f */ OP_VERIFYBANK, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 10-13 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 14-17 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 18-1b */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 1c-1f */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 20-23 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, /* 24-27 */ OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN, OP_UNKNOWN /* 28-2a */ } }; const device_type ASIC65 = &device_creator; asic65_device::asic65_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : device_t(mconfig, ASIC65, "Atari ASIC65", tag, owner, clock, "asic65", __FILE__), m_asic65_type(0), m_command(0), m_yorigin(0x1800), m_param_index(0), m_result_index(0), m_reset_state(0), m_last_bank(0), m_ourcpu(*this, "asic65cpu"), m_tfull(0), m_68full(0), m_cmd(0), m_xflg(0), m_68data(0), m_tdata(0), m_log(nullptr) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { m_param[i] = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------- // device_config_complete - perform any // operations now that the configuration is // complete //------------------------------------------------- void asic65_device::device_config_complete() { } //------------------------------------------------- // device_start - device-specific startup //------------------------------------------------- void asic65_device::device_start() { save_item(NAME(m_asic65_type)); save_item(NAME(m_command)); save_item(NAME(m_yorigin)); save_item(NAME(m_param_index)); save_item(NAME(m_result_index)); save_item(NAME(m_reset_state)); save_item(NAME(m_last_bank)); save_item(NAME(m_tfull)); save_item(NAME(m_68full)); save_item(NAME(m_cmd)); save_item(NAME(m_xflg)); save_item(NAME(m_68data)); save_item(NAME(m_tdata)); save_item(NAME(m_param)); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_reset - device-specific startup //------------------------------------------------- void asic65_device::device_reset() { } void asic65_device::reset_line(int state) { address_space &space = subdevice("^maincpu")->memory().space(AS_PROGRAM); /* rom-based means reset and clear states */ if (m_asic65_type == ASIC65_ROMBASED) m_ourcpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_RESET, state ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE); /* otherwise, do it manually */ else { m_ourcpu->suspend(SUSPEND_REASON_DISABLE, 1); /* if reset is being signalled, clear everything */ if (state && !m_reset_state) m_command = -1; /* if reset is going high, latch the command */ else if (!state && m_reset_state) { if (m_command != -1) data_w(space, 1, m_command, 0xffff); } /* update the state */ m_reset_state = state; } } /************************************* * * Handle writes to the chip * *************************************/ void asic65_device::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) { switch (id) { case TIMER_M68K_ASIC65_DEFERRED_W: m_tfull = 1; m_cmd = param >> 16; m_tdata = param; if (m_asic65_type == ASIC65_ROMBASED) m_ourcpu->set_input_line(0, ASSERT_LINE); break; default: assert_always(FALSE, "Unknown id in asic65_device::device_timer"); } } WRITE16_MEMBER( asic65_device::data_w ) { /* logging */ if (LOG_ASIC && !m_log) m_log = fopen("m_log", "w"); /* rom-based use a deferred write mechanism */ if (m_asic65_type == ASIC65_ROMBASED) { synchronize(TIMER_M68K_ASIC65_DEFERRED_W, data | (offset << 16)); machine().scheduler().boost_interleave(attotime::zero, attotime::from_usec(20)); return; } /* parameters go to offset 0 */ if (!(offset & 1)) { if (m_log) fprintf(m_log, " W=%04X", data); /* add to the parameter list, but don't overflow */ m_param[m_param_index++] = data; if (m_param_index >= 32) m_param_index = 32; } /* commands go to offset 2 */ else { int command = (data < MAX_COMMANDS) ? command_map[m_asic65_type][data] : OP_UNKNOWN; if (m_log) fprintf(m_log, "\n(%06X)%c%04X:", safe_pcbase(), (command == OP_UNKNOWN) ? '*' : ' ', data); /* set the command number and reset the parameter/result indices */ m_command = data; m_result_index = m_param_index = 0; } } READ16_MEMBER( asic65_device::read ) { INT64 element, result64 = 0; UINT16 result = 0; /* rom-based just returns latched data */ if (m_asic65_type == ASIC65_ROMBASED) { m_68full = 0; machine().scheduler().boost_interleave(attotime::zero, attotime::from_usec(5)); return m_68data; } int command = (m_command < MAX_COMMANDS) ? command_map[m_asic65_type][m_command] : OP_UNKNOWN; /* update results */ switch (command) { case OP_UNKNOWN: /* return bogus data */ popmessage("ASIC65: Unknown cmd %02X", m_command); break; case OP_REFLECT: /* reflect data */ if (m_param_index >= 1) result = m_param[--m_param_index]; break; case OP_CHECKSUM: /* compute checksum (should be XX27) */ result = 0x0027; break; case OP_VERSION: /* get version (returns 1.3) */ result = 0x0013; break; case OP_RAMTEST: /* internal RAM test (result should be 0) */ result = 0; break; case OP_RESET: /* reset */ m_result_index = m_param_index = 0; break; case OP_SIN: /* sin */ if (m_param_index >= 1) result = (int)(16384. * sin(M_PI * (double)(INT16)m_param[0] / 32768.)); break; case OP_COS: /* cos */ if (m_param_index >= 1) result = (int)(16384. * cos(M_PI * (double)(INT16)m_param[0] / 32768.)); break; case OP_ATAN: /* vector angle */ if (m_param_index >= 4) { INT32 xint = (INT32)((m_param[0] << 16) | m_param[1]); INT32 yint = (INT32)((m_param[2] << 16) | m_param[3]); double a = atan2((double)yint, (double)xint); result = (INT16)(a * 32768. / M_PI); } break; case OP_TMATRIXMULT: /* matrix multiply by transpose */ /* if this is wrong, the labels on the car selection screen */ /* in Race Drivin' will be off */ if (m_param_index >= 9+6) { INT32 v0 = (INT32)((m_param[9] << 16) | m_param[10]); INT32 v1 = (INT32)((m_param[11] << 16) | m_param[12]); INT32 v2 = (INT32)((m_param[13] << 16) | m_param[14]); /* 2 results per element */ switch (m_result_index / 2) { case 0: result64 = (INT64)v0 * (INT16)m_param[0] + (INT64)v1 * (INT16)m_param[3] + (INT64)v2 * (INT16)m_param[6]; break; case 1: result64 = (INT64)v0 * (INT16)m_param[1] + (INT64)v1 * (INT16)m_param[4] + (INT64)v2 * (INT16)m_param[7]; break; case 2: result64 = (INT64)v0 * (INT16)m_param[2] + (INT64)v1 * (INT16)m_param[5] + (INT64)v2 * (INT16)m_param[8]; break; } /* remove lower 14 bits and pass back either upper or lower words */ result64 >>= 14; result = (m_result_index & 1) ? (result64 & 0xffff) : ((result64 >> 16) & 0xffff); m_result_index++; } break; case OP_MATRIXMULT: /* matrix multiply???? */ if (m_param_index >= 9+6) { INT32 v0 = (INT32)((m_param[9] << 16) | m_param[10]); INT32 v1 = (INT32)((m_param[11] << 16) | m_param[12]); INT32 v2 = (INT32)((m_param[13] << 16) | m_param[14]); /* 2 results per element */ switch (m_result_index / 2) { case 0: result64 = (INT64)v0 * (INT16)m_param[0] + (INT64)v1 * (INT16)m_param[1] + (INT64)v2 * (INT16)m_param[2]; break; case 1: result64 = (INT64)v0 * (INT16)m_param[3] + (INT64)v1 * (INT16)m_param[4] + (INT64)v2 * (INT16)m_param[5]; break; case 2: result64 = (INT64)v0 * (INT16)m_param[6] + (INT64)v1 * (INT16)m_param[7] + (INT64)v2 * (INT16)m_param[8]; break; } /* remove lower 14 bits and pass back either upper or lower words */ result64 >>= 14; result = (m_result_index & 1) ? (result64 & 0xffff) : ((result64 >> 16) & 0xffff); m_result_index++; } break; case OP_YORIGIN: if (m_param_index >= 1) m_yorigin = m_param[m_param_index - 1]; break; case OP_TRANSFORM: /* 3d transform */ if (m_param_index >= 2) { /* param 0 == 1/z */ /* param 1 == height */ /* param 2 == X */ /* param 3 == Y */ /* return 0 == scale factor for 1/z */ /* return 1 == transformed X */ /* return 2 == transformed Y, taking height into account */ element = (INT16)m_param[0]; if (m_param_index == 2) { result64 = (element * (INT16)m_param[1]) >> 8; result64 -= 1; if (result64 > 0x3fff) result64 = 0; } else if (m_param_index == 3) { result64 = (element * (INT16)m_param[2]) >> 15; result64 += 0xa8; } else if (m_param_index == 4) { result64 = (INT16)((element * (INT16)m_param[3]) >> 10); result64 = (INT16)m_yorigin - result64 - (result64 << 1); } result = result64 & 0xffff; } break; case OP_INITBANKS: /* initialize banking */ m_last_bank = 0; break; case OP_SETBANK: /* set a bank */ { static const UINT8 banklist[] = { 1,4,0,4,4,3,4,2, 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 3,3,4,4,1,1,0,0, 4,4,4,4,2,2,4,4, 4,4 }; static const UINT16 bankaddr[][8] = { { 0x77c0,0x77ce,0x77c2,0x77cc,0x77c4,0x77ca,0x77c6,0x77c8 }, { 0x77d0,0x77de,0x77d2,0x77dc,0x77d4,0x77da,0x77d6,0x77d8 }, { 0x77e0,0x77ee,0x77e2,0x77ec,0x77e4,0x77ea,0x77e6,0x77e8 }, { 0x77f0,0x77fe,0x77f2,0x77fc,0x77f4,0x77fa,0x77f6,0x77f8 }, { 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 }, }; if (m_param_index >= 1) { if (m_param_index < sizeof(banklist) && banklist[m_param[0]] < 4) m_last_bank = banklist[m_param[0]]; result = bankaddr[m_last_bank][(m_result_index < 8) ? m_result_index : 7]; m_result_index++; } break; } case OP_VERIFYBANK: /* verify a bank */ { static const UINT16 bankverify[] = { 0x0eb2,0x1000,0x171b,0x3d28 }; result = bankverify[m_last_bank]; break; } } if (LOG_ASIC && !m_log) m_log = fopen("m_log", "w"); if (m_log) fprintf(m_log, " (R=%04X)", result); return result; } READ16_MEMBER( asic65_device::io_r ) { if (m_asic65_type == ASIC65_ROMBASED) { /* bit 15 = TFULL */ /* bit 14 = 68FULL */ /* bit 13 = XFLG */ /* bit 12 = controlled by jumper */ machine().scheduler().boost_interleave(attotime::zero, attotime::from_usec(5)); return (m_tfull << 15) | (m_68full << 14) | (m_xflg << 13) | 0x0000; } else { /* indicate that we always are ready to accept data and always ready to send */ return 0x4000; } } /************************************* * * Read/write handlers for TMS32015 * *************************************/ WRITE16_MEMBER( asic65_device::m68k_w ) { m_68full = 1; m_68data = data; } READ16_MEMBER( asic65_device::m68k_r ) { m_tfull = 0; if (m_asic65_type == ASIC65_ROMBASED) m_ourcpu->set_input_line(0, CLEAR_LINE); return m_tdata; } WRITE16_MEMBER( asic65_device::stat_w ) { m_xflg = data & 1; } READ16_MEMBER( asic65_device::stat_r ) { /* bit 15 = 68FULL */ /* bit 14 = TFULL */ /* bit 13 = CMD */ /* bit 12 = controlled by jumper (0 = test?) */ return (m_68full << 15) | (m_tfull << 14) | (m_cmd << 13) | 0x1000; } READ16_MEMBER( asic65_device::get_bio ) { if (!m_tfull) space.device().execute().spin_until_interrupt(); return m_tfull ? CLEAR_LINE : ASSERT_LINE; } /************************************* * * Address maps for TMS32015 * *************************************/ static ADDRESS_MAP_START( asic65_program_map, AS_PROGRAM, 16, asic65_device ) ADDRESS_MAP_UNMAP_HIGH AM_RANGE(0x000, 0xfff) AM_ROM ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( asic65_io_map, AS_IO, 16, asic65_device ) AM_RANGE(0, 0) AM_MIRROR(6) AM_READWRITE(m68k_r, m68k_w) AM_RANGE(1, 1) AM_MIRROR(6) AM_READWRITE(stat_r, stat_w) AM_RANGE(TMS32010_BIO, TMS32010_BIO) AM_READ(get_bio) ADDRESS_MAP_END /************************************* * * Machine driver for ROM-based * *************************************/ MACHINE_CONFIG_FRAGMENT( asic65 ) /* ASIC65 */ MCFG_CPU_ADD("asic65cpu", TMS32010, 20000000) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(asic65_program_map) MCFG_CPU_IO_MAP(asic65_io_map) MACHINE_CONFIG_END //------------------------------------------------- // machine_config_additions - device-specific // machine configurations //------------------------------------------------- machine_config_constructor asic65_device::device_mconfig_additions() const { return MACHINE_CONFIG_NAME( asic65 ); } /*********************************************************************** Information about various versions: Notation: C = command write W = write R = read 7 = wait for bit 7 6 = wait for bit 6 Guardians of the Hood: Version = 0040 Checksum = ???? Command $08: C7 Command $09: C7W6R Command $0a: C7 Command $0b: C7W7W7W7W7WW7W7W7W Command $0c: C7W7W7W7W7W7W Command $0d: C7W7W Command $0e: C7W7W7W7W7WW7W7W7WWWWWWW6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $0f: C7W7W7W7W7W7W6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $10: C7W7W7W7W7WW7W7W7WWWWWWW6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $11: C7W7W7W7W7W7W6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $12: C7W7W7W7W7WW7W7W7W6R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $13: C7W7W7W7W7WW7W7W7W Command $14: C7W6R Command $15: C7W6R Command $16: C7W6R6R Command $17: C7W Command $18: C76R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $19: C7 Command $1a: C76R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $1b: C7 Command $1c: C76R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $1d: C7 Command $1e: C76R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $1f: C7 Command $20: C76R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $21: C7 Command $22: C76R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R6R Command $23: C7 Command $24: C7 Command $0e: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $0f: C7W6RRRRRRRR Command $16: C7W Command $17: C7W7W7W7W6R6R6R Road Riot 4WD: Version = ???? Checksum = ???? Command $08: C7 Command $09: C7W6R Command $0a: C7 Command $0b: C7W7WWWWWWWW Command $0c: C7W7WWWWW Command $0d: C7W7W Command $0e: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $0f: C7W7WWWWW6RRRRRR Command $10: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $11: C7W7WWWWW6RRRRRR Command $12: C7W7WWWWWWWW6RRRRRRRRR Command $13: C7W7WWWWWWWW Command $14: C7W6R Command $15: C7W6R Command $16: C7W6RR Command $17: C7W Command $18: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $19: C7 Command $1a: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1b: C7 Command $1c: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1d: C7 Command $1e: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1f: C7 Command $20: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $21: C7 Command $22: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $23: C7 Command $24: C7 Command $16: C7W Command $17: C7W7WWW6RRR Command $17: C7WRWRWR Race Drivin': Version = ???? Checksum = ???? Command $08: C7 Command $09: C7W6R Command $0a: C7 Command $0b: C7W7WWWWWWWW Command $0c: C7W7WWWWW Command $0d: C7W7W Command $0e: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $0f: C7W7WWWWW6RRRRRR Command $10: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $11: C7W7WWWWW6RRRRRR Command $12: C7W7WWWWWWWW6RRRRRRRRR Command $13: C7W7WWWWWWWW Command $14: C7W6R Command $15: C7W6R Command $16: C7W6RR Command $17: C7W Command $18: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $19: C7 Command $1a: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1b: C7 Command $1c: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1d: C7 Command $1e: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1f: C7 Command $20: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $21: C7 Command $22: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $23: C7 Command $24: C7 Command $0e: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $14: C7W6R Command $15: C7W6R Steel Talons: Version = ???? Checksum = ???? Command $08: C7 Command $09: C7W6R Command $0a: C7 Command $0b: C7W7WWWWWWWW Command $0c: C7W7WWWWW Command $0d: C7W7W Command $14: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $15: C7W7WWWWW6RRRRRR Command $16: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $17: C7W7WWWWW6RRRRRR Command $12: C7W7WWWWWWWW6RRRRRRRRR Command $13: C7W7WWWWWWWW Command $1e: C7W6R Command $1f: C7W6R Command $16: C7W6RR Command $17: C7W Command $20: C7W7WWW6R Command $18: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $19: C7 Command $1a: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1b: C7 Command $1c: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1d: C7 Command $1e: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1f: C7 Command $20: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $21: C7 Command $22: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $23: C7 Command $24: C7 Hard Drivin's Airborne: Version = ???? Checksum = ???? Command $0e: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $14: C7W6R Command $08: C7 Command $09: C7W6R Command $0a: C7 Command $0b: C7W7WWWWWWWW Command $0c: C7W7WWWWW Command $0d: C7W7W Command $0e: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $0f: C7W7WWWWW6RRRRRR Command $10: C7W7WWWWWWWWWWWWWW6RRRRRR Command $11: C7W7WWWWW6RRRRRR Command $12: C7W7WWWWWWWW6RRRRRRRRR Command $13: C7W7WWWWWWWW Command $14: C7W6R Command $15: C7W6R Command $16: C7W6RR Command $17: C7W Command $18: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $19: C7 Command $1a: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1b: C7 Command $1c: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1d: C7 Command $1e: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $1f: C7 Command $20: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $21: C7 Command $22: C76RRRRRRRRR Command $23: C7 Command $24: C7 Command $26: C7W Command $27: C7W7WWWWW Command $28: C7 Command $2a: C76RRRRRRRRR ***********************************************************************/