// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:David Haywood, R.Belmont /* Radica Games 6502 based 'TV Game' hardware These use a 6502 derived CPU under a glob The CPU die is marked 'ELAN EU3A05' There is a second glob surrounded by TSOP48 pads this contains the ROM Space Invaders uses a 3rd glob marked AMIC (C) (M) 1998-1 AM3122A this is presumably for the bitmap layer on Qix -- Known games on this hardware Tetris Space Invaders Possible other games on this hardawre ConnecTV Football (aka ConnecTV International Football) - Soccer game, not the same as Play TV Football, or Play TV Soccer (it has the same XTAL etc. as this driver at least) --- The XaviX ones seem to have a XaviX logo on the external packaging while the ones for this driver don't seem to have any specific marking. Notes: To access internal test on Tetris hold P1 Down + P1 Anticlockwise (Button 2) on boot There appears to be a similar mode for Invaders but I don't know if it's accessible RAM 0xa0 and 0xa1 contain the ACD0 and AD1 values and player 2 controls if between certain values? probably read via serial?? Custom Interrupt purposes TETRIS ffb0 nothing of note? ffb4 stuff with 500e, 500c and 500d ffb8 stuff with 50a4 / 50a5 / 50a6 and memory address e2 ffbc stuff with 50a4 / 50a5 / 50a6 and memory address e2 (similar to above, different bits) ffc0 - doesn't exist ffc4 - doesn't exist ffc8 - doesn't exist ffd0 - doesn't exist ffd4 main irq? ffd8 jumps straight to an rti ffdc accesses 501d / 501b SPACE INVADERS ffb0 rti ffb4 rti ffb8 rti ffbc decreases 301 bit 02 stuff wit 50a5 ffc0 decreases 302 stuff with 50a5 bit 04 ffc4 decreases 303 stuff with 50a5 bit 08 ffc8 decreases 304 stuff with 50a5 bit 10 ffcc uses 307 stuff with 50a5 bit 20 ffd0 dead loop ffd4 main interrupt ffd8 dead loop ffdc dead loop ffe0 dead loop ffe4 rti ffe8 dead loop ffec dead loop Flaws (NOT emulation bugs, happen on hardware): -- In QIX the sprites lag behind the line drawing, so you see the line infront of your player until you stop moving In Space Invaders the UFO can sometimes glitch for a frame when appearing, and wraps around at the edges (even if the hardware supports having higher priority tiles to prevent this, as used by Lunar Rescue, it isn't used here) Colony 7 has a typo in the instructions The fake 'colour band' effect does not apply to the thruster (and several other elements) in Lunar Rescue Enemies in Phoenix are rendered above the score panel The 200pt right facing bird on the Phoenix score table is corrupt Uncertain (to check) Space Invaders seems to be using a darker than expected palette, there are lighter colours in the palette but they don't seem to be used. It's difficult to judge from hardware videos, although it definitely isn't as white as the menu, so this might also be a non-bug. */ #include "emu.h" #include "cpu/m6502/m6502.h" //#include "cpu/m6502/m65c02.h" #include "emupal.h" #include "screen.h" #include "speaker.h" #include "machine/bankdev.h" #include "audio/rad_eu3a05.h" #include "machine/rad_eu3a05gpio.h" class radica_eu3a05_state : public driver_device { public: radica_eu3a05_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag) : driver_device(mconfig, type, tag), m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"), m_ram(*this, "ram"), m_vram(*this, "vram"), m_spriteram(*this, "spriteram"), m_palram(*this, "palram"), m_pixram(*this, "pixram"), m_bank(*this, "bank"), m_gfxdecode(*this, "gfxdecode"), m_palette(*this, "palette") { } void radicasi(machine_config &config); private: // screen updates uint32_t screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); // system DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_5003_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_pal_ntsc_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_rombank_lo_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_rombank_lo_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_rombank_hi_w); // DMA DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasrc_lo_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasrc_md_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasrc_hi_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasrc_lo_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasrc_md_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasrc_hi_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmadst_lo_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmadst_hi_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmadst_lo_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmadst_hi_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasize_lo_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasize_hi_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasize_lo_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmasize_hi_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmatrg_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_dmatrg_w); // VIDEO // tile bases DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_tile_gfxbase_lo_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_tile_gfxbase_hi_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_tile_gfxbase_lo_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_tile_gfxbase_hi_r); // sprite tile bases DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_lo_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_hi_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_lo_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_hi_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_vidctrl_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_sprite_bg_scroll_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_sprite_bg_scroll_w); // more sound regs? DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_50a9_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(radicasi_50a9_w); INTERRUPT_GEN_MEMBER(interrupt); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_nmi_vector_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(radicasi_irq_vector_r); // for callback DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(read_full_space); void radicasi_bank_map(address_map &map); void radicasi_map(address_map &map); // driver_device overrides virtual void machine_start() override; virtual void machine_reset() override; virtual void video_start() override; required_device m_maincpu; required_shared_ptr m_ram; required_shared_ptr m_vram; required_shared_ptr m_spriteram; required_shared_ptr m_palram; required_shared_ptr m_pixram; required_device m_bank; required_device m_gfxdecode; required_device m_palette; uint8_t m_rombank_hi; uint8_t m_rombank_lo; uint8_t m_vidctrl; uint8_t m_50a9_data; uint8_t m_dmasrc_lo_data; uint8_t m_dmasrc_md_data; uint8_t m_dmasrc_hi_data; uint8_t m_dmadst_lo_data; uint8_t m_dmadst_hi_data; uint8_t m_dmasize_lo_data; uint8_t m_dmasize_hi_data; uint8_t m_tile_gfxbase_lo_data; uint8_t m_tile_gfxbase_hi_data; uint8_t m_sprite_gfxbase_lo_data; uint8_t m_sprite_gfxbase_hi_data; uint8_t m_bg_scroll[2]; int m_custom_irq; int m_custom_nmi; uint16_t m_custom_irq_vector; uint16_t m_custom_nmi_vector; bool get_tile_data(int base, int drawpri, int& tile, int &attr, int &unk2); void draw_tilemaps(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int drawpri); void draw_sprites(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); }; void radica_eu3a05_state::video_start() { } /* (m_tile_gfxbase_lo_data | (m_tile_gfxbase_hi_data << 8)) * 0x100 gives you the actual rom address, everything references the 3MByte - 4MByte region, like the banking so the system can probably have up to a 4MByte rom, all games we have so far just use the upper 1MByte of that space (Tetris seems to rely on mirroring? as it sets all addresses up for the lower 1MB instead) */ void radica_eu3a05_state::draw_sprites(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { address_space& fullbankspace = m_bank->space(AS_PROGRAM); /* Sprites AA yy xx cc XX YY aa bb yy = y position xx = x position XX = texture x start YY = texture y start aa = same as unk2 on tiles bb = sometimes set in invaders cc = same as attr on tiles (colour / priority?) AA = attributes e--- fFsS e = enable S = SizeX s = SizeY F = FlipX f = FlipY (assumed, not seen) */ for (int i = 0; i < 512; i += 8) { uint8_t x = m_spriteram[i + 2]; uint8_t y = m_spriteram[i + 1]; /* Space Invaders draws the player base with this specific y value before the start of each life and expects it to NOT wrap around. There are no high priority tiles or anything else to hide and it doesn't appear on real hardware. it's possible sprites don't wrap around at all (but then you couldn't have smooth entry at the top of the screen - there are no extra y co-ordinate bits. However there would have been easier ways to hide this tho as there are a bunch of unseen lines at the bottom of the screen anyway! needs further investigation. */ if (y==255) continue; uint8_t tex_x = m_spriteram[i + 4]; uint8_t tex_y = m_spriteram[i + 5]; uint8_t flags = m_spriteram[i + 0]; uint8_t attr = m_spriteram[i + 3]; uint8_t unk2 = m_spriteram[i + 6]; //int priority = attr & 0x0f; int colour = attr & 0xf0; // ? game select has this set to 0xff, but clearly doesn't want the palette to change! // while in Space Invaders this has to be palette for the UFO to be red. if (colour & 0x80) colour = 0; int transpen = 0; /* HACK - how is this calculated phoenix and the game select need it like this it isn't a simple case of unk2 being transpen either because Qix has some elements set to 0x07 where the transpen needs to be 0x00 and Space Invaders has it set to 0x04 it could be a global register rather than something in the spritelist? */ if ((attr == 0xff) && (unk2 == 0xff)) transpen = 0xff; if (!(flags & 0x80)) continue; int sizex = 8; int sizey = 8; if (flags & 0x01) { sizex = 16; } if (flags & 0x02) { sizey = 16; } int base = (m_sprite_gfxbase_lo_data | (m_sprite_gfxbase_hi_data << 8)) * 0x100; for (int yy = 0; yy < sizey; yy++) { uint16_t* row; if (flags & 0x08) // guess flipy { row = &bitmap.pix16((y + (sizey - 1 - yy)) & 0xff); } else { row = &bitmap.pix16((y + yy) & 0xff); } for (int xx = 0; xx < sizex; xx++) { int realaddr = base + ((tex_x + xx) & 0xff); realaddr += ((tex_y + yy) & 0xff) * 256; uint8_t pix = fullbankspace.read_byte(realaddr); if (pix != transpen) { if (flags & 0x04) // flipx { row[(x + (sizex - 1 - xx)) & 0xff] = (pix + ((colour & 0x70) << 1)) & 0xff; } else { row[(x + xx) & 0xff] = (pix + ((colour & 0x70) << 1)) & 0xff; } } } } } } double hue2rgb(double p, double q, double t) { if (t < 0) t += 1; if (t > 1) t -= 1; if (t < 1 / 6.0f) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; if (t < 1 / 2.0f) return q; if (t < 2 / 3.0f) return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3.0f - t) * 6; return p; } // a hacky mess for now bool radica_eu3a05_state::get_tile_data(int base, int drawpri, int& tile, int &attr, int &unk2) { tile = m_vram[base * 4] + (m_vram[(base * 4) + 1] << 8); // these seem to be the basically the same as attr/unk2 in the sprites, which also make // very little sense. attr = m_vram[(base * 4) + 2]; unk2 = m_vram[(base * 4) + 3]; /* hack for phoenix title screens.. the have attr set to 0x3f which change the colour bank in ways we don't want and also by our interpretation of 0x0f bits sets the tiles to priority over sprites (although in this case that might tbe ok, because it looks like the sprites also have that set */ if (unk2 == 0x07) attr = 0; int priority = attr & 0x0f; // likely wrong if ((drawpri == 0 && priority == 0x0f) || (drawpri == 1 && priority != 0x0f)) return false; return true; } void radica_eu3a05_state::draw_tilemaps(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int drawpri) { /* this doesn't handle 8x8 4bpp, haven't seen it used nor is there support for horizontal scrolling etc. for the same reasons */ int scroll = (m_bg_scroll[1] << 8) | m_bg_scroll[0]; address_space& fullbankspace = m_bank->space(AS_PROGRAM); if (m_vidctrl & 0x40) // 16x16 tiles { int startrow = (scroll >> 4) & 0x1f; for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { int realstartrow = (startrow + y); if (realstartrow >= 28) realstartrow -= 28; int base = (((realstartrow + y) & 0x1f) * 8) + x; int tile,attr,unk2; if (!get_tile_data(base, drawpri, tile,attr,unk2)) continue; int colour = attr & 0xf0; if (m_vidctrl & 0x20) // 4bpp mode { tile = (tile & 0xf) + ((tile & ~0xf) * 16); tile += ((m_tile_gfxbase_lo_data | m_tile_gfxbase_hi_data << 8) << 5); } else { tile = (tile & 0xf) + ((tile & ~0xf) * 16); tile <<= 1; tile += ((m_tile_gfxbase_lo_data | m_tile_gfxbase_hi_data << 8) << 5); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int drawline = (y * 16) + i; drawline -= scroll & 0xf; if ((drawline >= 0) && (drawline < 256)) { uint16_t* row = &bitmap.pix16(drawline); if (m_vidctrl & 0x20) // 4bpp { for (int xx = 0; xx < 16; xx += 2) { int realaddr = ((tile + i * 16) << 3) + (xx >> 1); uint8_t pix = fullbankspace.read_byte(realaddr); row[x * 16 + xx + 0] = ((pix & 0xf0) >> 4) + colour; row[x * 16 + xx + 1] = ((pix & 0x0f) >> 0) + colour; } } else // 8bpp { for (int xx = 0; xx < 16; xx++) { int realaddr = ((tile + i * 32) << 3) + xx; uint8_t pix = fullbankspace.read_byte(realaddr); row[x * 16 + xx] = (pix + ((colour & 0x70) << 1)) & 0xff; } } } } } } } else // 8x8 tiles { // Phoenix scrolling actually skips a pixel, jumping from 0x001 to 0x1bf, scroll 0x000 isn't used, maybe it has other meanings? int startrow = (scroll >> 3) & 0x3f; for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) { int realstartrow = (startrow + y); if (realstartrow >= 56) realstartrow -= 56; int base = (((realstartrow) & 0x3f) * 32) + x; int tile,attr,unk2; if (!get_tile_data(base, drawpri, tile,attr,unk2)) continue; int colour = attr & 0xf0; tile = (tile & 0x1f) + ((tile & ~0x1f) * 8); tile += ((m_tile_gfxbase_lo_data | m_tile_gfxbase_hi_data << 8) << 5); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int drawline = (y * 8) + i; drawline -= scroll & 0x7; if ((drawline >= 0) && (drawline < 256)) { uint16_t* row = &bitmap.pix16(drawline); for (int xx = 0; xx < 8; xx++) { int realaddr = ((tile + i * 32) << 3) + xx; uint8_t pix = fullbankspace.read_byte(realaddr); row[x * 8 + xx] = (pix + ((colour & 0x70) << 1)) & 0xff; } } } } } } } uint32_t radica_eu3a05_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { bitmap.fill(0, cliprect); // Palette int offs = 0; for (int index = 0;index < 256; index++) { uint16_t dat = m_palram[offs++] << 8; dat |= m_palram[offs++]; // llll lsss ---h hhhh int l_raw = (dat & 0xf800) >> 11; int sl_raw = (dat & 0x0700) >> 8; int h_raw = (dat & 0x001f) >> 0; double l = (double)l_raw / 31.0f; double s = (double)sl_raw / 7.0f; double h = (double)h_raw / 24.0f; double r, g, b; if (s == 0) { r = g = b = l; // greyscale } else { double q = l < 0.5f ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; double p = 2 * l - q; r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3.0f); g = hue2rgb(p, q, h); b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3.0f); } int r_real = r * 255.0f; int g_real = g * 255.0f; int b_real = b * 255.0f; m_palette->set_pen_color(index, r_real, g_real, b_real); } draw_tilemaps(screen,bitmap,cliprect,0); draw_sprites(screen,bitmap,cliprect); draw_tilemaps(screen,bitmap,cliprect,1); return 0; } // System control WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_rombank_hi_w) { // written with the banking? //logerror("%s: radicasi_rombank_hi_w (set ROM bank) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_rombank_hi = data; m_bank->set_bank(m_rombank_lo | (m_rombank_hi << 8)); } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_rombank_lo_w) { //logerror("%s: radicasi_rombank_lo_w (select ROM bank) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_rombank_lo = data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_rombank_lo_r) { return m_rombank_lo; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_pal_ntsc_r) { // how best to handle this, we probably need to run the PAL machine at 50hz // the text under the radica logo differs between regions logerror("%s: radicasi_pal_ntsc_r (region + more?)\n", machine().describe_context()); return 0xff; // NTSC //return 0x00; // PAL } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_5003_r) { /* masked with 0x0f, 0x01 or 0x03 depending on situation.. I think it might just be an RNG because if you return 0x00 your shots can never hit the stage 3 enemies in Phoenix and if you return 0xff they always hit. On the real hardware it seems to be random. Could also just be a crude frame counter used for the same purpose. */ logerror("%s: radicasi_5003_r (RNG?)\n", machine().describe_context()); return machine().rand(); } // Video device // Tile bases WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_tile_gfxbase_lo_w) { //logerror("%s: radicasi_tile_gfxbase_lo_w (select GFX base lower) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_tile_gfxbase_lo_data = data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_tile_gfxbase_hi_w) { //logerror("%s: radicasi_tile_gfxbase_hi_w (select GFX base upper) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_tile_gfxbase_hi_data = data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_tile_gfxbase_lo_r) { //logerror("%s: radicasi_tile_gfxbase_lo_r (GFX base lower)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_tile_gfxbase_lo_data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_tile_gfxbase_hi_r) { //logerror("%s: radicasi_tile_gfxbase_hi_r (GFX base upper)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_tile_gfxbase_hi_data; } // Sprite Tile bases WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_lo_w) { //logerror("%s: radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_lo_w (select Sprite GFX base lower) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_sprite_gfxbase_lo_data = data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_hi_w) { //logerror("%s: radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_hi_w (select Sprite GFX base upper) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_sprite_gfxbase_hi_data = data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_lo_r) { //logerror("%s: radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_lo_r (Sprite GFX base lower)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_sprite_gfxbase_lo_data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_hi_r) { //logerror("%s: radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_hi_r (Sprite GFX base upper)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_sprite_gfxbase_hi_data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_bg_scroll_r) { return m_bg_scroll[offset]; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_bg_scroll_w) { m_bg_scroll[offset] = data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_vidctrl_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_vidctrl_w %02x (video control?)\n", machine().describe_context(), data); /* c3 8bpp 16x16 1100 0011 e3 4bpp 16x16 1110 0011 83 8bpp 8x8 1000 0011 02 8bpp 8x8 (phoenix) 0000 0010 */ m_vidctrl = data; } // DMA device WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_lo_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasrc_lo_w (select DMA source low) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_dmasrc_lo_data = data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_md_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasrc_md_w (select DMA source middle) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_dmasrc_md_data = data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_hi_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasrc_hi_w (select DMA source upper) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_dmasrc_hi_data = data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_lo_r) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasrc_lo_r (DMA source low)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_dmasrc_lo_data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_md_r) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasrc_md_r (DMA source middle)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_dmasrc_md_data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_hi_r) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasrc_hi_r (DMA source upper)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_dmasrc_hi_data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmadst_lo_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmadst_lo_w (select DMA Dest lower) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_dmadst_lo_data = data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmadst_hi_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmadst_hi_w (select DMA Dest upper) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_dmadst_hi_data = data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmadst_lo_r) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmadst_lo_r (DMA Dest lower)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_dmadst_lo_data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmadst_hi_r) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmadst_hi_r (DMA Dest upper)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_dmadst_hi_data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasize_lo_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasize_lo_w (select DMA Size lower) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_dmasize_lo_data = data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasize_hi_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasize_hi_w (select DMA Size upper) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_dmasize_hi_data = data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasize_lo_r) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasize_lo_r (DMA Size lower)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_dmasize_lo_data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasize_hi_r) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmasize_hi_r (DMA Size upper)\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_dmasize_hi_data; } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmatrg_r) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmatrg_r (DMA operation state?)\n", machine().describe_context()); return 0x00;//m_dmatrg_data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmatrg_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_dmatrg_w (trigger DMA operation) %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); //m_dmatrg_data = data; address_space& fullbankspace = m_bank->space(AS_PROGRAM); address_space& destspace = m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM); if (data) { int src = (m_dmasrc_lo_data << 0) | (m_dmasrc_md_data << 8) | (m_dmasrc_hi_data << 16); uint16_t dest = (m_dmadst_lo_data | (m_dmadst_hi_data << 8)); uint16_t size = (m_dmasize_lo_data | (m_dmasize_hi_data << 8)); logerror(" Doing DMA %06x to %04x size %04x\n", src, dest, size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { uint8_t dat = fullbankspace.read_byte(src + i); destspace.write_byte(dest + i, dat); } } } // probably also sound device, maybe for forcing channels to stop? READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_50a9_r) { logerror("%s: radicasi_50a9_r\n", machine().describe_context()); return m_50a9_data; } WRITE8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_50a9_w) { logerror("%s: radicasi_50a9_w %02x\n", machine().describe_context(), data); m_50a9_data = data; } // sound callback READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::read_full_space) { address_space& fullbankspace = m_bank->space(AS_PROGRAM); return fullbankspace.read_byte(offset); } void radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_map(address_map &map) { // can the addresses move around? map(0x0000, 0x05ff).ram().share("ram"); map(0x0600, 0x3dff).ram().share("vram"); map(0x3e00, 0x3fff).ram().share("spriteram"); map(0x4800, 0x49ff).ram().share("palram"); // 500x system regs? map(0x5003, 0x5003).r(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_5003_r)); map(0x500b, 0x500b).r(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_pal_ntsc_r)); // PAL / NTSC flag at least map(0x500c, 0x500c).w(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_rombank_hi_w)); map(0x500d, 0x500d).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_rombank_lo_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_rombank_lo_w)); // 501x DMA controller map(0x500F, 0x500F).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_lo_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_lo_w)); map(0x5010, 0x5010).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_md_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_md_w)); map(0x5011, 0x5011).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_hi_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasrc_hi_w)); map(0x5012, 0x5012).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmadst_lo_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmadst_lo_w)); map(0x5013, 0x5013).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmadst_hi_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmadst_hi_w)); map(0x5014, 0x5014).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasize_lo_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasize_lo_w)); map(0x5015, 0x5015).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasize_hi_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmasize_hi_w)); map(0x5016, 0x5016).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmatrg_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_dmatrg_w)); // 502x - 503x video regs area? map(0x5020, 0x5026).ram(); // unknown, space invaders sets these to fixed values, tetris has them as 00 map(0x5027, 0x5027).w(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_vidctrl_w)); map(0x5029, 0x5029).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_tile_gfxbase_lo_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_tile_gfxbase_lo_w)); // tilebase map(0x502a, 0x502a).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_tile_gfxbase_hi_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_tile_gfxbase_hi_w)); // tilebase map(0x502b, 0x502b).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_lo_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_lo_w)); // tilebase (spr?) map(0x502c, 0x502c).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_hi_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_gfxbase_hi_w)); // tilebase (spr?) map(0x5031, 0x5032).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_bg_scroll_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_sprite_bg_scroll_w)); // 504x GPIO area? map(0x5040, 0x5046).rw("gpio", FUNC(radica6502_gpio_device::gpio_r), FUNC(radica6502_gpio_device::gpio_w)); map(0x5048, 0x504a).w("gpio", FUNC(radica6502_gpio_device::gpio_unk_w)); // 506x unknown map(0x5060, 0x506d).ram(); // read/written by tetris // 508x sound map(0x5080, 0x5091).rw("6ch_sound", FUNC(radica6502_sound_device::radicasi_sound_addr_r), FUNC(radica6502_sound_device::radicasi_sound_addr_w)); map(0x5092, 0x50a3).rw("6ch_sound", FUNC(radica6502_sound_device::radicasi_sound_size_r), FUNC(radica6502_sound_device::radicasi_sound_size_w)); map(0x50a4, 0x50a4).rw("6ch_sound", FUNC(radica6502_sound_device::radicasi_sound_unk_r), FUNC(radica6502_sound_device::radicasi_sound_unk_w)); map(0x50a5, 0x50a5).rw("6ch_sound", FUNC(radica6502_sound_device::radicasi_sound_trigger_r), FUNC(radica6502_sound_device::radicasi_sound_trigger_w)); map(0x50a8, 0x50a8).r("6ch_sound", FUNC(radica6502_sound_device::radicasi_50a8_r)); // possible 'stopped' status of above channels, waits for it to be 0x3f in places map(0x50a9, 0x50a9).rw(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_50a9_r), FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_50a9_w)); //AM_RANGE(0x5000, 0x50ff) AM_RAM map(0x6000, 0xdfff).m(m_bank, FUNC(address_map_bank_device::amap8)); map(0xe000, 0xffff).rom().region("maincpu", 0x3f8000); // not sure how these work, might be a modified 6502 core instead. map(0xfffa, 0xfffb).r(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_nmi_vector_r)); map(0xfffe, 0xffff).r(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_irq_vector_r)); } void radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_bank_map(address_map &map) { map(0x000000, 0xffffff).noprw(); // shut up any logging when video params are invalid map(0x000000, 0x3fffff).rom().region("maincpu", 0); map(0x400000, 0x40ffff).ram(); // ?? only ever cleared maybe a mirror of below? map(0x800000, 0x80ffff).ram().share("pixram"); // Qix writes here and sets the tile base here instead of ROM so it can have a pixel layer } static INPUT_PORTS_START( rad_sinv ) PORT_START("IN0") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_BIT( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON3 ) // MENU PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) INPUT_PORTS_END static INPUT_PORTS_START( rad_tetr ) PORT_START("IN0") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) // Anticlockwise PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) // Clockwise PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) // and Select PORT_BIT( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) /* Player 2 inputs must be read via serial or similar the game doesn't read them directly, or even let you select player 2 mode by default */ INPUT_PORTS_END /* both NMI and IRQ vectors just point to RTI there is a table of jumps just before that, those appear to be the real interrupt functions? patch the main IRQ to be the one that decreases an address the code is waiting for the others look like they might be timer service routines */ READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_nmi_vector_r) { if (m_custom_nmi) { return m_custom_nmi_vector >> (offset*8); } else { uint8_t *rom = memregion("maincpu")->base(); return rom[0x3f9ffa + offset]; } } READ8_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_irq_vector_r) { if (m_custom_irq) { return m_custom_irq_vector >> (offset*8); } else { uint8_t *rom = memregion("maincpu")->base(); return rom[0x3f9ffe + offset]; } } void radica_eu3a05_state::machine_start() { m_custom_irq = 0; m_custom_irq_vector = 0x0000; m_custom_nmi = 0; m_custom_nmi_vector = 0x0000; m_bank->set_bank(0x7f); } void radica_eu3a05_state::machine_reset() { /* the 6502 core sets the default stack value to 0x01bd and Tetris does not initialize it to anything else Tetris stores the playfield data at 0x100 - 0x1c7 and has a clear routine that will erase that range and trash the stack It seems likely this 6502 sets it to 0x1ff by default at least. According to http://mametesters.org/view.php?id=6486 this isn't right for known 6502 types either */ m_maincpu->set_state_int(M6502_S, 0x1ff); } static const gfx_layout helper_4bpp_8_layout = { 8,1, RGN_FRAC(1,1), 4, { 0,1,2,3 }, { STEP8(0,4) }, { 0 }, 8 * 4 }; static const gfx_layout helper_8bpp_8_layout = { 8,1, RGN_FRAC(1,1), 8, { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 }, { STEP8(0,8) }, { 0 }, 8 * 8 }; // these are fake just to make looking at the texture pages easier static const uint32_t texlayout_xoffset_8bpp[256] = { STEP256(0,8) }; static const uint32_t texlayout_yoffset_8bpp[256] = { STEP256(0,256*8) }; static const gfx_layout texture_helper_8bpp_layout = { 256, 256, RGN_FRAC(1,1), 8, { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 }, EXTENDED_XOFFS, EXTENDED_YOFFS, 256*256*8, texlayout_xoffset_8bpp, texlayout_yoffset_8bpp }; static const uint32_t texlayout_xoffset_4bpp[256] = { STEP256(0,4) }; static const uint32_t texlayout_yoffset_4bpp[256] = { STEP256(0,256*4) }; static const gfx_layout texture_helper_4bpp_layout = { 256, 256, RGN_FRAC(1,1), 4, { 0,1,2,3 }, EXTENDED_XOFFS, EXTENDED_YOFFS, 256*256*4, texlayout_xoffset_4bpp, texlayout_yoffset_4bpp }; static GFXDECODE_START( gfx_radicasi_fake ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "maincpu", 0, helper_4bpp_8_layout, 0x0, 1 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "maincpu", 0, texture_helper_4bpp_layout, 0x0, 1 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "maincpu", 0, helper_8bpp_8_layout, 0x0, 1 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "maincpu", 0, texture_helper_8bpp_layout, 0x0, 1 ) GFXDECODE_END INTERRUPT_GEN_MEMBER(radica_eu3a05_state::interrupt) { m_custom_irq = 1; m_custom_irq_vector = 0xffd4; m_maincpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_IRQ0,HOLD_LINE); /* m_custom_nmi = 1; m_custom_nmi_vector = 0xffd4; m_maincpu->pulse_input_line(INPUT_LINE_NMI, attotime::zero); */ } MACHINE_CONFIG_START(radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi) /* basic machine hardware */ MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("maincpu",M6502,XTAL(21'281'370)/2) // Tetris has a XTAL(21'281'370), not confirmed on Space Invaders, actual CPU clock unknown. MCFG_DEVICE_PROGRAM_MAP(radicasi_map) MCFG_DEVICE_VBLANK_INT_DRIVER("screen", radica_eu3a05_state, interrupt) ADDRESS_MAP_BANK(config, "bank").set_map(&radica_eu3a05_state::radicasi_bank_map).set_options(ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 24, 0x8000); /* video hardware */ MCFG_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) MCFG_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(60) MCFG_SCREEN_VBLANK_TIME(ATTOSECONDS_IN_USEC(2500)) MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DRIVER(radica_eu3a05_state, screen_update) MCFG_SCREEN_SIZE(32*8, 32*8) MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0*8, 32*8-1, 0*8, 28*8-1) MCFG_SCREEN_PALETTE("palette") MCFG_PALETTE_ADD("palette", 256) MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("gfxdecode", GFXDECODE, "palette", gfx_radicasi_fake) radica6502_gpio_device &gpio(RADICA6502_GPIO(config, "gpio", 0)); gpio.read_0_callback().set_ioport("IN0"); /* sound hardware */ SPEAKER(config, "mono").front_center(); radica6502_sound_device &sound(RADICA6502_SOUND(config, "6ch_sound", 8000)); sound.space_read_callback().set(FUNC(radica_eu3a05_state::read_full_space)); sound.add_route(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0); MACHINE_CONFIG_END ROM_START( rad_tetr ) ROM_REGION( 0x400000, "maincpu", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) ROM_LOAD( "tetrisrom.bin", 0x000000, 0x100000, CRC(40538e08) SHA1(1aef9a2c678e39243eab8d910bb7f9f47bae0aee) ) ROM_RELOAD(0x100000, 0x100000) ROM_RELOAD(0x200000, 0x100000) ROM_RELOAD(0x300000, 0x100000) ROM_END ROM_START( rad_sinv ) ROM_REGION( 0x400000, "maincpu", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) ROM_LOAD( "spaceinvadersrom.bin", 0x000000, 0x100000, CRC(5ffb2c8f) SHA1(9bde42ec5c65d9584a802de7d7c8b842ebf8cbd8) ) ROM_RELOAD(0x100000, 0x100000) ROM_RELOAD(0x200000, 0x100000) ROM_RELOAD(0x300000, 0x100000) ROM_END CONS( 2004, rad_sinv, 0, 0, radicasi, rad_sinv, radica_eu3a05_state, empty_init, "Radica (licensed from Taito)", "Space Invaders [Lunar Rescue, Colony 7, Qix, Phoenix] (Radica, Arcade Legends TV Game)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND ) // "5 Taito games in 1" CONS( 2004, rad_tetr, 0, 0, radicasi, rad_tetr, radica_eu3a05_state, empty_init, "Radica (licensed from Elorg / The Tetris Company)", "Tetris (Radica, Arcade Legends TV Game)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) // "5 Tetris games in 1"