/*************************************************************************** Last Bank (c) 1994 Excellent System driver by Angelo Salese Uses a TC0091LVC, a variant of the one used on Taito L HW TODO: - sound; ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "cpu/z80/z80.h" #include "sound/2203intf.h" #include "machine/tc009xlvc.h" #define MASTER_CLOCK XTAL_14_31818MHz class lastbank_state : public driver_device { public: lastbank_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag) : driver_device(mconfig, type, tag), m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"), m_vdp(*this, "tc0091lvc") { } required_device m_maincpu; required_device m_vdp; virtual void video_start(); UINT32 screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); void screen_eof(screen_device &screen, bool state); UINT8 m_ram_bank[4]; UINT8 m_rom_bank; UINT8 m_irq_vector[3]; UINT8 m_irq_enable; UINT8 m_mux_data; DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_rom_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_0_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_1_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_2_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_3_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_0_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_1_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_2_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_3_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(mux_0_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(mux_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_rom_bank_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_rom_bank_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_bank_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_ram_bank_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_irq_vector_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_irq_vector_w); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_irq_enable_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_irq_enable_w); UINT8 ram_bank_r(UINT16 offset, UINT8 bank_num); void ram_bank_w(UINT16 offset, UINT8 data, UINT8 bank_num); TIMER_DEVICE_CALLBACK_MEMBER(lastbank_irq_scanline); }; void lastbank_state::video_start() { } UINT32 lastbank_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { bitmap.fill(0, cliprect); m_vdp->screen_update(screen, bitmap, cliprect); return 0; } void lastbank_state::screen_eof(screen_device &screen, bool state) { if (state) { m_vdp->screen_eof(); } } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_rom_r) { UINT8 *ROM = memregion("maincpu")->base(); return ROM[offset + m_rom_bank * 0x2000]; } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_rom_bank_r) { return m_rom_bank; } WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_rom_bank_w) { m_rom_bank = data; } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_irq_vector_r) { return m_irq_vector[offset]; } WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_irq_vector_w) { m_irq_vector[offset] = data; } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_irq_enable_r) { return m_irq_enable; } WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_irq_enable_w) { m_irq_enable = data; } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_bank_r) { return m_ram_bank[offset]; } WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_bank_w) { m_ram_bank[offset] = data; } UINT8 lastbank_state::ram_bank_r(UINT16 offset, UINT8 bank_num) { address_space &vdp_space = machine().device("tc0091lvc")->space(); return vdp_space.read_byte(offset + (m_ram_bank[bank_num]) * 0x1000);; } void lastbank_state::ram_bank_w(UINT16 offset, UINT8 data, UINT8 bank_num) { address_space &vdp_space = machine().device("tc0091lvc")->space(); vdp_space.write_byte(offset + (m_ram_bank[bank_num]) * 0x1000,data);; } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_0_r) { return ram_bank_r(offset, 0); } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_1_r) { return ram_bank_r(offset, 1); } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_2_r) { return ram_bank_r(offset, 2); } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_3_r) { return ram_bank_r(offset, 3); } WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_0_w) { ram_bank_w(offset, data, 0); } WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_1_w) { ram_bank_w(offset, data, 1); } WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_2_w) { ram_bank_w(offset, data, 2); } WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_ram_3_w) { ram_bank_w(offset, data, 3); } READ8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::mux_0_r) { const char *const keynames[2][5] = { {"P1_KEY0", "P1_KEY1", "P1_KEY2", "P1_KEY3", "P1_KEY4"}, {"P2_KEY0", "P2_KEY1", "P2_KEY2", "P2_KEY3", "P2_KEY4"} }; UINT8 res; int i; res = 0xff; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { if(m_mux_data & 1 << i) res = ioport(keynames[0][i])->read(); } return res; } WRITE8_MEMBER(lastbank_state::mux_w) { m_mux_data = data; } static ADDRESS_MAP_START( tc0091lvc_map, AS_PROGRAM, 8, lastbank_state ) AM_RANGE(0x0000, 0x5fff) AM_ROM AM_RANGE(0x6000, 0x7fff) AM_READ(lastbank_rom_r) AM_RANGE(0x8000, 0x9fff) AM_RAM AM_RANGE(0xc000, 0xcfff) AM_READWRITE(lastbank_ram_0_r,lastbank_ram_0_w) AM_RANGE(0xd000, 0xdfff) AM_READWRITE(lastbank_ram_1_r,lastbank_ram_1_w) AM_RANGE(0xe000, 0xefff) AM_READWRITE(lastbank_ram_2_r,lastbank_ram_2_w) AM_RANGE(0xf000, 0xfdff) AM_READWRITE(lastbank_ram_3_r,lastbank_ram_3_w) AM_RANGE(0xfe00, 0xfeff) AM_DEVREADWRITE("tc0091lvc", tc0091lvc_device, vregs_r, vregs_w) AM_RANGE(0xff00, 0xff02) AM_READWRITE(lastbank_irq_vector_r, lastbank_irq_vector_w) AM_RANGE(0xff03, 0xff03) AM_READWRITE(lastbank_irq_enable_r, lastbank_irq_enable_w) AM_RANGE(0xff04, 0xff07) AM_READWRITE(lastbank_ram_bank_r, lastbank_ram_bank_w) AM_RANGE(0xff08, 0xff08) AM_READWRITE(lastbank_rom_bank_r, lastbank_rom_bank_w) ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( lastbank_map, AS_PROGRAM, 8, lastbank_state ) AM_IMPORT_FROM( tc0091lvc_map ) AM_RANGE(0xa000, 0xa7ff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("share1") AM_RANGE(0xa800, 0xa800) AM_READ_PORT("COINS") AM_WRITENOP AM_RANGE(0xa801, 0xa801) AM_WRITENOP AM_RANGE(0xa802, 0xa802) AM_WRITENOP AM_RANGE(0xa803, 0xa803) AM_WRITE(mux_w) // mux for $a808 / $a80c AM_RANGE(0xa804, 0xa804) AM_READ_PORT("VBLANK") AM_RANGE(0xa805, 0xa805) AM_WRITENOP AM_RANGE(0xa806, 0xa806) AM_WRITENOP AM_RANGE(0xa807, 0xa807) AM_WRITENOP AM_RANGE(0xa808, 0xa808) AM_READ(mux_0_r) AM_RANGE(0xa80c, 0xa80c) AM_READ(mux_0_r) AM_RANGE(0xa81c, 0xa81c) AM_READ_PORT("DSW0") AM_RANGE(0xa81d, 0xa81d) AM_READ_PORT("DSW1") AM_RANGE(0xa81e, 0xa81e) AM_READ_PORT("DSW2") AM_RANGE(0xa81f, 0xa81f) AM_READ_PORT("DSW3") ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( lastbank_audio_map, AS_PROGRAM, 8, lastbank_state ) AM_RANGE(0x0000, 0xbfff) AM_ROM AM_RANGE(0xc000, 0xdfff) AM_RAM AM_RANGE(0xe000, 0xe7ff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("share1") ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( lastbank_audio_io, AS_IO, 8, lastbank_state ) ADDRESS_MAP_GLOBAL_MASK(0xff) ADDRESS_MAP_END static INPUT_PORTS_START( lastbank ) PORT_START("COINS") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_GAMBLE_KEYOUT ) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_M) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_GAMBLE_PAYOUT ) PORT_SERVICE_NO_TOGGLE( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW ) PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_SERVICE1 ) PORT_NAME("Bookkeeping") PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN3 ) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN2 ) PORT_BIT( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_GAMBLE_KEYIN ) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_N) PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN1 ) PORT_START("VBLANK") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_SERVICE2 ) PORT_NAME("Reset") PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_SERVICE3 ) PORT_NAME("Service") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, "Hopper Count" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, "Hopper Empty" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_BIT( 0x70, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) // bit 6 is a status of some sort PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_CUSTOM ) PORT_VBLANK("screen") PORT_START("P1_KEY0") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON15 ) PORT_NAME("1P 5-6") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_V) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON10 ) PORT_NAME("1P 3-4") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_G) PORT_BIT( 0x0c, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON14 ) PORT_NAME("1P 4-6") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_C) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON13 ) PORT_NAME("1P 4-5") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_X) PORT_BIT( 0xc0, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_START("P1_KEY1") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_GAMBLE_LOW ) PORT_NAME("1P Small") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_Y) PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON3 ) PORT_NAME("1P 1-4") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_E) PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_OTHER ) PORT_NAME("1P FF") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_0_PAD) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON7 ) PORT_NAME("1P 2-4") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_S) PORT_BIT( 0xc0, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_START("P1_KEY2") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_GAMBLE_HIGH ) PORT_NAME("1P Big") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_U) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON16 ) PORT_NAME("1P Cancel") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_I) PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_NAME("1P 1-2") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_Q) PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON11 ) PORT_NAME("1P 3-5") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_H) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON9 ) PORT_NAME("1P 2-6") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON5 ) PORT_NAME("1P 1-6") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_T) PORT_BIT( 0xc0, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_START("P1_KEY3") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_GAMBLE_D_UP ) PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON4 ) PORT_NAME("1P 1-5") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_R) PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_OTHER ) PORT_NAME("1P Payout") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_O) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON8 ) PORT_NAME("1P 2-5") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_D) PORT_BIT( 0xc0, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_START("P1_KEY4") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_GAMBLE_TAKE ) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_GAMBLE_BET ) PORT_NAME("1P Autobet") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_2) PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_NAME("1P 1-3") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_W) PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON12 ) PORT_NAME("1P 3-6") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_Z) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON6 ) PORT_NAME("1P 2-3") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_A) PORT_BIT( 0xc0, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_START("DSW0") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "DSWA" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x02, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x20, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_START("DSW1") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "DSWA" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x02, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x20, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_START("DSW2") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "DSWA" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x02, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x20, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_START("DSW3") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "DSWA" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x02, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x20, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) INPUT_PORTS_END static const gfx_layout bg2_layout = { 8, 8, RGN_FRAC(1,1), 4, { 8, 12, 0, 4 }, { 3, 2, 1, 0, 19, 18, 17, 16 }, { 0*32, 1*32, 2*32, 3*32, 4*32, 5*32, 6*32, 7*32 }, 8*8*4 }; #define O 8*8*4 #define O2 2*O static const gfx_layout sp2_layout = { 16, 16, RGN_FRAC(1,1), 4, { 8, 12, 0, 4 }, { 3, 2, 1, 0, 19, 18, 17, 16, O+3, O+2, O+1, O+0, O+19, O+18, O+17, O+16 }, { 0*32, 1*32, 2*32, 3*32, 4*32, 5*32, 6*32, 7*32, O2+0*32, O2+1*32, O2+2*32, O2+3*32, O2+4*32, O2+5*32, O2+6*32, O2+7*32 }, 8*8*4*4 }; #undef O #undef O2 static GFXDECODE_START( lastbank ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx1", 0, bg2_layout, 0, 16 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx1", 0, sp2_layout, 0, 16 ) GFXDECODE_END TIMER_DEVICE_CALLBACK_MEMBER(lastbank_state::lastbank_irq_scanline) { int scanline = param; if (scanline == 240 && (m_irq_enable & 4)) { m_maincpu->set_input_line_and_vector(0, HOLD_LINE, m_irq_vector[2]); } if (scanline == 0 && (m_irq_enable & 2)) { m_maincpu->set_input_line_and_vector(0, HOLD_LINE, m_irq_vector[1]); } } static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( lastbank, lastbank_state ) /* basic machine hardware */ MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu",Z80,MASTER_CLOCK/4) //!!! TC0091LVC !!! MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(lastbank_map) MCFG_TIMER_DRIVER_ADD_SCANLINE("scantimer", lastbank_state, lastbank_irq_scanline, "screen", 0, 1) MCFG_CPU_ADD("audiocpu",Z80,MASTER_CLOCK/4) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(lastbank_audio_map) MCFG_CPU_IO_MAP(lastbank_audio_io) MCFG_CPU_PERIODIC_INT_DRIVER(lastbank_state, nmi_line_pulse, 60) MCFG_QUANTUM_PERFECT_CPU("maincpu") //MCFG_MACHINE_START_OVERRIDE(lastbank_state,lastbank) //MCFG_MACHINE_RESET_OVERRIDE(lastbank_state,lastbank) /* video hardware */ MCFG_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) MCFG_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(60) MCFG_SCREEN_VBLANK_TIME(ATTOSECONDS_IN_USEC(2500)) MCFG_SCREEN_SIZE(64*8, 32*8) MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0*8, 40*8-1, 2*8, 30*8-1) MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DRIVER(lastbank_state, screen_update) MCFG_SCREEN_VBLANK_DRIVER(lastbank_state, screen_eof) MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("tc0091lvc", TC0091LVC, 0) MCFG_GFXDECODE( lastbank ) MCFG_PALETTE_LENGTH(0x100) // MCFG_VIDEO_START_OVERRIDE(lastbank_state,lastbank) /* sound hardware */ MCFG_SPEAKER_STANDARD_MONO("mono") // es8712 MACHINE_CONFIG_END /*************************************************************************** Game driver(s) ***************************************************************************/ ROM_START( lastbank ) ROM_REGION( 0x40000, "maincpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "3.u9", 0x00000, 0x40000, CRC(f430e1f0) SHA1(dd5b697f5c2250d98911f4c7d3e7d4cc16b0b40f) ) ROM_REGION( 0x40000, "audiocpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "8.u48", 0x00000, 0x10000, CRC(3a7bfe10) SHA1(7dc543e11d3c0b9872fcc622339ade25383a1eb3) ) ROM_REGION( 0x120000, "gfx1", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "u11", 0x000000, 0x100000, CRC(2588d82d) SHA1(426f6821862d54123e53410e2776586ddf6b21e7) ) ROM_LOAD( "5.u10", 0x100000, 0x020000, CRC(51f3c5a7) SHA1(73d4c8817fe96d75be32c43e816e93c52b5d2b27) ) ROM_REGION( 0x200000, "essnd", 0 ) /* Samples */ ROM_LOAD( "6.u55", 0x00000, 0x40000, CRC(9e78e234) SHA1(031f93e4bc338d0257fa673da7ce656bb1cda5fb) ) ROM_LOAD( "7.u60", 0x40000, 0x80000, CRC(41be7146) SHA1(00f1c0d5809efccf888e27518a2a5876c4b633d8) ) ROM_END GAME( 1994, lastbank, 0, lastbank, lastbank, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Excellent System", "Last Bank (v1.16)", GAME_NO_SOUND )