/*************************************************************************** Universal 8106-A2 + 8106-B PCB set driver by Nicola Salmoria Confirmed to use the 8106-A2/8106-B PCB: Lady Bug Snap Jack Cosmic Avenger Simular or bootleg PCB: Dorodon (by Falcon) Space Raider Memory map (preliminary) 0000-5fff ROM 6000-6fff RAM d000-d3ff video RAM d000-d007/d020-d027/d040-d047/d060-d067 contain the column scroll registers (not used by Lady Bug) d400-d7ff color RAM (4 bits wide) memory mapped ports: read: 9000 IN0 9001 IN1 9002 DSW0 9003 DSW1 e000 IN2 (not used by Lady Bug) 8000 interrupt enable? (toggle)? see the input_ports definition below for details on the input bits write: 7000-73ff sprites a000 flip screen b000 sound port 1 c000 sound port 2 interrupts: There is no vblank interrupt. The vblank status is read from IN1. Coin insertion in left slot generates a NMI, in right slot an IRQ. TODO: - Coin lockouts are missing. The game only accepts 9 coins, so there has to be a lockout call somewhere. ***************************************************************************/ /* * Space Raider todo list: * * decode cpu#2 writes to port 0x30 and 0x38 - resistors for sound * decode cpu#2 writes to port 0x28-0x2f - ??? * examine other bits from cpu#2 write to 0xe800 * one unknown dip */ #include "driver.h" #include "cpu/z80/z80.h" #include "sound/sn76496.h" extern UINT8 *sraider_grid_data; WRITE8_HANDLER( ladybug_videoram_w ); WRITE8_HANDLER( ladybug_colorram_w ); WRITE8_HANDLER( ladybug_flipscreen_w ); PALETTE_INIT( ladybug ); VIDEO_START( ladybug ); VIDEO_UPDATE( ladybug ); PALETTE_INIT( sraider ); VIDEO_START( sraider ); VIDEO_UPDATE( sraider ); VIDEO_EOF( sraider ); WRITE8_HANDLER( sraider_grid_color_w ); WRITE8_HANDLER( sraider_grid_data_w ); READ8_HANDLER( sraider_8005_r ); WRITE8_HANDLER( sraider_sound_low_w ); WRITE8_HANDLER( sraider_sound_high_w ); READ8_HANDLER( sraider_sound_low_r ); READ8_HANDLER( sraider_sound_high_r ); WRITE8_HANDLER( sraider_io_w ); WRITE8_HANDLER( sraider_misc_w ); static ADDRESS_MAP_START( ladybug_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 8 ) AM_RANGE(0x0000, 0x5fff) AM_ROM AM_RANGE(0x6000, 0x6fff) AM_RAM AM_RANGE(0x7000, 0x73ff) AM_WRITE(SMH_RAM) AM_BASE(&spriteram) AM_SIZE(&spriteram_size) AM_RANGE(0x8000, 0x8fff) AM_READ(SMH_NOP) AM_RANGE(0x9000, 0x9000) AM_READ_PORT("IN0") AM_RANGE(0x9001, 0x9001) AM_READ_PORT("IN1") AM_RANGE(0x9002, 0x9002) AM_READ_PORT("DSW0") AM_RANGE(0x9003, 0x9003) AM_READ_PORT("DSW1") AM_RANGE(0xa000, 0xa000) AM_WRITE(ladybug_flipscreen_w) AM_RANGE(0xb000, 0xbfff) AM_DEVWRITE("sn1", sn76496_w) AM_RANGE(0xc000, 0xcfff) AM_DEVWRITE("sn2", sn76496_w) AM_RANGE(0xd000, 0xd3ff) AM_RAM_WRITE(ladybug_videoram_w) AM_BASE(&videoram) AM_RANGE(0xd400, 0xd7ff) AM_RAM_WRITE(ladybug_colorram_w) AM_BASE(&colorram) AM_RANGE(0xe000, 0xe000) AM_READ_PORT("IN2") ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( sraider_cpu1_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 8 ) AM_RANGE(0x0000, 0x5fff) AM_ROM AM_RANGE(0x6000, 0x6fff) AM_RAM AM_RANGE(0x7000, 0x73ff) AM_WRITE(SMH_RAM) AM_BASE(&spriteram) AM_SIZE(&spriteram_size) AM_RANGE(0x8005, 0x8005) AM_READ(sraider_8005_r) // protection check? AM_RANGE(0x8006, 0x8006) AM_WRITE(sraider_sound_low_w) AM_RANGE(0x8007, 0x8007) AM_WRITE(sraider_sound_high_w) AM_RANGE(0x9000, 0x9000) AM_READ_PORT("IN0") AM_RANGE(0x9001, 0x9001) AM_READ_PORT("IN1") AM_RANGE(0x9002, 0x9002) AM_READ_PORT("DSW0") AM_RANGE(0x9003, 0x9003) AM_READ_PORT("DSW1") AM_RANGE(0xd000, 0xd3ff) AM_WRITE(ladybug_videoram_w) AM_BASE(&videoram) AM_RANGE(0xd400, 0xd7ff) AM_WRITE(ladybug_colorram_w) AM_BASE(&colorram) AM_RANGE(0xe000, 0xe000) AM_WRITE(SMH_NOP) //unknown 0x10 when in attract, 0x20 when coined/playing ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( sraider_cpu2_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 8 ) AM_RANGE(0x0000, 0x5fff) AM_ROM AM_RANGE(0x6000, 0x63ff) AM_RAM AM_RANGE(0x8000, 0x8000) AM_READ(sraider_sound_low_r) AM_RANGE(0xa000, 0xa000) AM_READ(sraider_sound_high_r) AM_RANGE(0xc000, 0xc000) AM_READ(SMH_NOP) //some kind of sync AM_RANGE(0xe000, 0xe0ff) AM_WRITE(SMH_RAM) AM_BASE(&sraider_grid_data) AM_RANGE(0xe800, 0xe800) AM_WRITE(sraider_io_w) ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( sraider_cpu2_io_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, 8 ) ADDRESS_MAP_GLOBAL_MASK(0xff) AM_RANGE(0x00, 0x00) AM_DEVWRITE("sn1", sn76496_w) AM_RANGE(0x08, 0x08) AM_DEVWRITE("sn2", sn76496_w) AM_RANGE(0x10, 0x10) AM_DEVWRITE("sn3", sn76496_w) AM_RANGE(0x18, 0x18) AM_DEVWRITE("sn4", sn76496_w) AM_RANGE(0x20, 0x20) AM_DEVWRITE("sn5", sn76496_w) AM_RANGE(0x28, 0x3f) AM_WRITE(sraider_misc_w) // lots unknown ADDRESS_MAP_END static INPUT_CHANGED( coin1_inserted ) { /* left coin insertion causes an NMI */ cpu_set_input_line(field->port->machine->cpu[0], INPUT_LINE_NMI, newval ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE); } static INPUT_CHANGED( coin2_inserted ) { /* right coin insertion causes an IRQ */ if (newval) cpu_set_input_line(field->port->machine->cpu[0], 0, HOLD_LINE); } #define LADYBUG_P1_CONTROL_PORT_TAG ("CONTP1") #define LADYBUG_P2_CONTROL_PORT_TAG ("CONTP2") static CUSTOM_INPUT( ladybug_p1_control_r ) { return input_port_read(field->port->machine, LADYBUG_P1_CONTROL_PORT_TAG); } static CUSTOM_INPUT( ladybug_p2_control_r ) { UINT32 ret; /* upright cabinet only uses a single set of controls */ if (input_port_read(field->port->machine, "DSW0") & 0x20) ret = input_port_read(field->port->machine, LADYBUG_P2_CONTROL_PORT_TAG); else ret = input_port_read(field->port->machine, LADYBUG_P1_CONTROL_PORT_TAG); return ret; } static INPUT_PORTS_START( ladybug ) PORT_START("IN0") PORT_BIT( 0x1f, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_SPECIAL ) PORT_CUSTOM(ladybug_p1_control_r, NULL) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START2 ) PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_TILT ) PORT_START("IN1") PORT_BIT( 0x1f, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_SPECIAL ) PORT_CUSTOM(ladybug_p2_control_r, NULL) /* This should be connected to the 4V clock. I don't think the game uses it. */ PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) /* Note that there are TWO VBlank inputs, one is active low, the other active */ /* high. There are probably other differencies in the hardware, but emulating */ /* them this way is enough to get the game running. */ PORT_BIT( 0xc0, 0x40, IPT_VBLANK ) PORT_START("IN2") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_UNUSED PORT_BIT( 0x0e, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0xe0, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START("DSW0") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x03, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, DEF_STR( Easy ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Medium ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Hard ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Hardest ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, "High Score Names" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "3 Letters" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, "10 Letters" ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, "Rack Test (Cheat)" ) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F1) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, "Freeze" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x00, DEF_STR( Cabinet ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Upright ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Cocktail ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Free_Play ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( No ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Yes ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, DEF_STR( Lives ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, "3" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "5" ) PORT_START("DSW1") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0f, 0x0f, DEF_STR( Coin_B ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x06, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0a, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x07, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0f, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x09, DEF_STR( 2C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0e, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0d, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0c, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0b, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x05 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_DIPNAME( 0xf0, 0xf0, DEF_STR( Coin_A ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x60, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xa0, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x70, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xf0, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x90, DEF_STR( 2C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xe0, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xd0, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xb0, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x50 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_START("COIN") /* FAKE */ PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_COIN1 ) PORT_CHANGED(coin1_inserted, 0) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_COIN2 ) PORT_CHANGED(coin2_inserted, 0) PORT_START(LADYBUG_P1_CONTROL_PORT_TAG) PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_UNUSED PORT_START(LADYBUG_P2_CONTROL_PORT_TAG) PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_UNUSED PORT_COCKTAIL INPUT_PORTS_END static INPUT_PORTS_START( snapjack ) PORT_START("IN0") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_8WAY PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_8WAY PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_8WAY PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_8WAY PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_UNUSED PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START2 ) PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_TILT ) PORT_START("IN1") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_8WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_8WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_8WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_8WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_COCKTAIL /* This should be connected to the 4V clock. I don't think the game uses it. */ PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) /* Note that there are TWO VBlank inputs, one is active low, the other active */ /* high. There are probably other differencies in the hardware, but emulating */ /* them this way is enough to get the game running. */ PORT_BIT( 0xc0, 0x40, IPT_VBLANK ) PORT_START("IN2") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_UNUSED PORT_BIT( 0x0e, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0xe0, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START("DSW0") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x03, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, DEF_STR( Easy ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Medium ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Hard ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Hardest ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, "High Score Names" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "3 Letters" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, "10 Letters" ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x00, DEF_STR( Cabinet ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Upright ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Cocktail ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x00, "unused1?" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x00, "unused2?" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0xc0, 0xc0, DEF_STR( Lives ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "2" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, "3" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, "4" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, "5" ) PORT_START("DSW1") /* coinage is slightly different from Lady Bug and Cosmic Avenger */ PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0f, 0x0f, DEF_STR( Coin_B ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x05, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x07, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0a, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x06, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x09, DEF_STR( 2C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0f, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( 2C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0e, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0d, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0c, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0b, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x04 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_DIPNAME( 0xf0, 0xf0, DEF_STR( Coin_A ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x50, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x70, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xa0, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x60, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x90, DEF_STR( 2C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xf0, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( 2C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xe0, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xd0, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xb0, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x04 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_START("COIN") /* FAKE */ PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_COIN1 ) PORT_CHANGED(coin1_inserted, 0) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_COIN2 ) PORT_CHANGED(coin2_inserted, 0) INPUT_PORTS_END static INPUT_PORTS_START( cavenger ) PORT_START("IN0") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_8WAY PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_8WAY PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_8WAY PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_8WAY PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START2 ) PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_TILT ) PORT_START("IN1") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_8WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_8WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_8WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_8WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_COCKTAIL /* This should be connected to the 4V clock. I don't think the game uses it. */ PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) /* Note that there are TWO VBlank inputs, one is active low, the other active */ /* high. There are probably other differencies in the hardware, but emulating */ /* them this way is enough to get the game running. */ PORT_BIT( 0xc0, 0x40, IPT_VBLANK ) PORT_START("IN2") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_BIT( 0x0e, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0xe0, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START("DSW0") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x03, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, DEF_STR( Easy ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Medium ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Hard ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Hardest ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, "High Score Names" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "3 Letters" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, "10 Letters" ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x00, DEF_STR( Cabinet ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Upright ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Cocktail ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x30, 0x00, "Initial High Score" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "0" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x30, "5000" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, "8000" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, "10000" ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0xc0, 0xc0, DEF_STR( Lives ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "2" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, "3" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, "4" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, "5" ) PORT_START("DSW1") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0f, 0x0f, DEF_STR( Coin_B ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x06, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0a, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x07, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0f, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x09, DEF_STR( 2C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0e, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0d, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0c, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0b, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x05 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_DIPNAME( 0xf0, 0xf0, DEF_STR( Coin_A ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x60, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xa0, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x70, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xf0, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x90, DEF_STR( 2C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xe0, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xd0, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xb0, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x50 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_START("COIN") /* FAKE */ PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_COIN1 ) PORT_CHANGED(coin1_inserted, 0) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_COIN2 ) PORT_CHANGED(coin2_inserted, 0) INPUT_PORTS_END static INPUT_PORTS_START( dorodon ) PORT_START("IN0") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_UNUSED PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START2 ) PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_TILT ) PORT_START("IN1") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_COCKTAIL /* This should be connected to the 4V clock. I don't think the game uses it. */ PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) /* Note that there are TWO VBlank inputs, one is active low, the other active */ /* high. There are probably other differencies in the hardware, but emulating */ /* them this way is enough to get the game running. */ PORT_BIT( 0xc0, 0x40, IPT_VBLANK ) PORT_START("IN2") PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) /* unused */ PORT_BIT( 0x0e, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0xe0, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START("DSW0") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x03, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, DEF_STR( Easy ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Medium ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Hard ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Hardest ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, DEF_STR( Bonus_Life ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, "20000" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "30000" ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, "Rack Test (Cheat)" ) PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_F1) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, "Freeze" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x00, DEF_STR( Cabinet ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Upright ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Cocktail ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Free_Play ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( No ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Yes ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, DEF_STR( Lives ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, "3" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "5" ) PORT_START("DSW1") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0f, 0x0f, DEF_STR( Coin_B ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x06, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0a, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x07, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0f, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x09, DEF_STR( 2C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0e, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0d, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0c, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0b, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x05 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_DIPNAME( 0xf0, 0xf0, DEF_STR( Coin_A ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x60, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xa0, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x70, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xf0, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x90, DEF_STR( 2C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xe0, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xd0, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xb0, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x50 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_START("COIN") /* FAKE */ PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_COIN1 ) PORT_CHANGED(coin1_inserted, 0) PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_COIN2 ) PORT_CHANGED(coin2_inserted, 0) INPUT_PORTS_END static INPUT_PORTS_START( sraider ) PORT_START("IN0") /* IN0 */ PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_4WAY PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START2 ) PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_START("IN1") /* IN1 */ PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) PORT_4WAY PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_COCKTAIL PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) PORT_BIT( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN2 ) PORT_START("DSW0") /* DSW0 */ PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x03, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, DEF_STR( Easy ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Medium ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Hard ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Hardest ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, "High Score Names" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "3 Letters" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, "10 Letters" ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Allow_Continue ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( No ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Yes ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x00, DEF_STR( Cabinet ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Upright ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Cocktail ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0xc0, 0xc0, DEF_STR( Lives ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "2" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, "3" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, "4" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, "5" ) /* Free Play setting works when it's set for both */ PORT_START("DSW1") /* DSW1 */ PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0f, 0x0f, DEF_STR( Coin_A ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x05 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x06, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0a, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x07, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x09, DEF_STR( 2C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0f, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0e, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0d, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0c, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0b, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Free_Play ) ) PORT_DIPNAME( 0xf0, 0xf0, DEF_STR( Coin_B ) ) /* settings 0x00 thru 0x50 all give 1 Coin/1 Credit */ PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x60, DEF_STR( 4C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xa0, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x70, DEF_STR( 3C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x90, DEF_STR( 2C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xf0, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xe0, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xd0, DEF_STR( 1C_3C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, DEF_STR( 1C_4C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xb0, DEF_STR( 1C_5C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Free_Play ) ) INPUT_PORTS_END static const gfx_layout charlayout = { 8,8, /* 8*8 characters */ 512, /* 512 characters */ 2, /* 2 bits per pixel */ { 0, 512*8*8 }, /* the two bitplanes are separated */ { 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }, { 0*8, 1*8, 2*8, 3*8, 4*8, 5*8, 6*8, 7*8 }, 8*8 /* every char takes 8 consecutive bytes */ }; static const gfx_layout spritelayout = { 16,16, /* 16*16 sprites */ 128, /* 128 sprites */ 2, /* 2 bits per pixel */ { 1, 0 }, /* the two bitplanes are packed in two consecutive bits */ { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 8*16+0, 8*16+2, 8*16+4, 8*16+6, 8*16+8, 8*16+10, 8*16+12, 8*16+14 }, { 23*16, 22*16, 21*16, 20*16, 19*16, 18*16, 17*16, 16*16, 7*16, 6*16, 5*16, 4*16, 3*16, 2*16, 1*16, 0*16 }, 64*8 /* every sprite takes 64 consecutive bytes */ }; static const gfx_layout spritelayout2 = { 8,8, /* 8*8 sprites */ 512, /* 512 sprites */ 2, /* 2 bits per pixel */ { 1, 0 }, /* the two bitplanes are packed in two consecutive bits */ { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 }, { 7*16, 6*16, 5*16, 4*16, 3*16, 2*16, 1*16, 0*16 }, 16*8 /* every sprite takes 16 consecutive bytes */ }; static const gfx_layout gridlayout = { 8,8, /* 8*8 characters */ 512, /* 512 characters */ 1, /* 1 bit per pixel */ { 0 }, { 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }, { 0*8, 1*8, 2*8, 3*8, 4*8, 5*8, 6*8, 7*8}, 8*8 /* every char takes 8 consecutive bytes */ }; static const gfx_layout gridlayout2 = { 8,8, /* 8*8 characters */ 512, /* 512 characters */ 1, /* 1 bit per pixel */ { 0 }, { 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }, { 7*8, 6*8, 5*8, 4*8, 3*8, 2*8, 1*8, 0*8 }, 8*8 /* every char takes 8 consecutive bytes */ }; static GFXDECODE_START( ladybug ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx1", 0, charlayout, 0, 8 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx2", 0, spritelayout, 4*8, 16 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx2", 0, spritelayout2, 4*8, 16 ) GFXDECODE_END static GFXDECODE_START( sraider ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx1", 0, charlayout, 0, 8 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx2", 0, spritelayout, 4*8, 16 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx2", 0, spritelayout2, 4*8, 16 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx3", 0, gridlayout, 4*8+4*16+32, 1 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx3", 0, gridlayout2, 4*8+4*16+32, 1 ) GFXDECODE_END static MACHINE_DRIVER_START( ladybug ) /* basic machine hardware */ MDRV_CPU_ADD("maincpu", Z80, 4000000) /* 4 MHz */ MDRV_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(ladybug_map,0) /* video hardware */ MDRV_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) MDRV_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(60) MDRV_SCREEN_VBLANK_TIME(ATTOSECONDS_IN_USEC(2500) /* not accurate */) MDRV_SCREEN_FORMAT(BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16) MDRV_SCREEN_SIZE(32*8, 32*8) MDRV_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(1*8, 31*8-1, 4*8, 28*8-1) MDRV_GFXDECODE(ladybug) MDRV_PALETTE_LENGTH(4*8+4*16) MDRV_PALETTE_INIT(ladybug) MDRV_VIDEO_START(ladybug) MDRV_VIDEO_UPDATE(ladybug) /* sound hardware */ MDRV_SPEAKER_STANDARD_MONO("mono") MDRV_SOUND_ADD("sn1", SN76489, 4000000) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0) MDRV_SOUND_ADD("sn2", SN76489, 4000000) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0) MACHINE_DRIVER_END static MACHINE_DRIVER_START( sraider ) /* basic machine hardware */ MDRV_CPU_ADD("maincpu", Z80, 4000000) /* 4 MHz */ MDRV_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(sraider_cpu1_map,0) MDRV_CPU_VBLANK_INT("screen", irq0_line_hold) MDRV_CPU_ADD("sub", Z80, 4000000) /* 4 MHz */ MDRV_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(sraider_cpu2_map,0) MDRV_CPU_IO_MAP(sraider_cpu2_io_map,0) MDRV_CPU_VBLANK_INT("screen", irq0_line_hold) /* video hardware */ MDRV_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) MDRV_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(60) MDRV_SCREEN_VBLANK_TIME(ATTOSECONDS_IN_USEC(2500) /* not accurate */) MDRV_SCREEN_FORMAT(BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16) MDRV_SCREEN_SIZE(32*8, 32*8) MDRV_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(1*8, 31*8-1, 4*8, 28*8-1) MDRV_GFXDECODE(sraider) MDRV_PALETTE_LENGTH(4*8+4*16+32+2) MDRV_PALETTE_INIT(sraider) MDRV_VIDEO_START(sraider) MDRV_VIDEO_UPDATE(sraider) MDRV_VIDEO_EOF(sraider) /* sound hardware */ MDRV_SPEAKER_STANDARD_MONO("mono") MDRV_SOUND_ADD("sn1", SN76489, 4000000) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0) MDRV_SOUND_ADD("sn2", SN76489, 4000000) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0) MDRV_SOUND_ADD("sn3", SN76489, 4000000) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0) MDRV_SOUND_ADD("sn4", SN76489, 4000000) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0) MDRV_SOUND_ADD("sn5", SN76489, 4000000) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0) MACHINE_DRIVER_END /*************************************************************************** Game driver(s) ***************************************************************************/ ROM_START( ladybug ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-A2 CPU PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "l1.c4", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(d09e0adb) SHA1(ddc1f849cbcefb64b70a26c2a4c993f0516af814) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM1 */ ROM_LOAD( "l2.d4", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(88bc4a0a) SHA1(193c9f90b7550020c0923cb158dff7d5faa53bc6) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM2 */ ROM_LOAD( "l3.e4", 0x2000, 0x1000, CRC(53e9efce) SHA1(1960e9cd896b6a65197aefc3f10348103552b598) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM3 */ ROM_LOAD( "l4.h4", 0x3000, 0x1000, CRC(ffc424d7) SHA1(2a4b9533e61e265bdd38c126add8c26d5bc048d5) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM4 */ ROM_LOAD( "l5.j4", 0x4000, 0x1000, CRC(ad6af809) SHA1(276275d56c725b9d90eeb44c317ceb06bac27ae7) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM5 */ ROM_LOAD( "l6.k4", 0x5000, 0x1000, CRC(cf1acca4) SHA1(c05de7de4bd05d5c2af6aa752e057a9286f3effc) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM6 */ ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-B video PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "l9.f7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(77b1da1e) SHA1(58cb82417396a3d96acfc864f091b1a5988f228d) ) ROM_LOAD( "l0.h7", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(aa82e00b) SHA1(83a5b745e58844b6dd7d05dfe9dbb5959aaf5c40) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx2", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-A2 CPU PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "l8.l7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(8b99910b) SHA1(0bc812cf872f04eacedb50feed53f1aa8a1f24b9) ) ROM_LOAD( "l7.m7", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(86a5b448) SHA1(f8585a6fcf921e3e21f112dd2de474cb53cef290) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0060, "proms", 0 ) /* BPROMs are 82s123 & located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-B video PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "10-2.k1", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(df091e52) SHA1(4d7fea6d9ab31e5f280b1dc198a325f00c3826ef) ) /* palette */ ROM_LOAD( "10-1.f4", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(40640d8f) SHA1(85d13a9b78c47174cff7c869f52b30263bae575e) ) /* sprite color lookup table */ ROM_LOAD( "10-3.c4", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(27fa3a50) SHA1(7cf59b7a37c156640d6ea91554d1c4276c1780e0) ) /* ?? */ ROM_END ROM_START( ladybugb ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "lb1a.cpu", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(ec135e54) SHA1(69fc6db04b28c25eda329fc88c235267ca93a09f) ) ROM_LOAD( "lb2a.cpu", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(3049c5c6) SHA1(51ceb70fa4789ff91c9bb1e157be5b6c09ff3c8e) ) ROM_LOAD( "lb3a.cpu", 0x2000, 0x1000, CRC(b0fef837) SHA1(37e9d8d157c3af12cd97534a42dd21f621ac501b) ) ROM_LOAD( "l4.h4", 0x3000, 0x1000, CRC(ffc424d7) SHA1(2a4b9533e61e265bdd38c126add8c26d5bc048d5) ) ROM_LOAD( "l5.j4", 0x4000, 0x1000, CRC(ad6af809) SHA1(276275d56c725b9d90eeb44c317ceb06bac27ae7) ) ROM_LOAD( "lb6a.cpu", 0x5000, 0x1000, CRC(88c8002a) SHA1(ffff1b8d4c1521710c988eee12081d28ed491ccf) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD( "l9.f7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(77b1da1e) SHA1(58cb82417396a3d96acfc864f091b1a5988f228d) ) ROM_LOAD( "l0.h7", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(aa82e00b) SHA1(83a5b745e58844b6dd7d05dfe9dbb5959aaf5c40) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx2", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-A2 CPU PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "l8.l7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(8b99910b) SHA1(0bc812cf872f04eacedb50feed53f1aa8a1f24b9) ) ROM_LOAD( "l7.m7", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(86a5b448) SHA1(f8585a6fcf921e3e21f112dd2de474cb53cef290) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0060, "proms", 0 ) /* BPROMs are 82s123 or compatible */ ROM_LOAD( "10-2.k1", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(df091e52) SHA1(4d7fea6d9ab31e5f280b1dc198a325f00c3826ef) ) /* palette */ ROM_LOAD( "10-1.f4", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(40640d8f) SHA1(85d13a9b78c47174cff7c869f52b30263bae575e) ) /* sprite color lookup table */ ROM_LOAD( "10-3.c4", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(27fa3a50) SHA1(7cf59b7a37c156640d6ea91554d1c4276c1780e0) ) /* ?? */ ROM_END ROM_START( ladybgb2 ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "lb1b.cpu", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(35d61e65) SHA1(43b797f1882e0acbf6685deea82de77e78d2c917) ) ROM_LOAD( "lb2b.cpu", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(a13e0fe4) SHA1(9e2876d8390d2b072d064b197057089a25c13a4a) ) ROM_LOAD( "lb3b.cpu", 0x2000, 0x1000, CRC(ee8ac716) SHA1(ead222d2cd022ea3a4559e3cff08cabf2486eb68) ) ROM_LOAD( "l4.h4", 0x3000, 0x1000, CRC(ffc424d7) SHA1(2a4b9533e61e265bdd38c126add8c26d5bc048d5) ) ROM_LOAD( "l5.j4", 0x4000, 0x1000, CRC(ad6af809) SHA1(276275d56c725b9d90eeb44c317ceb06bac27ae7) ) ROM_LOAD( "lb6b.cpu", 0x5000, 0x1000, CRC(dc906e89) SHA1(ffa5c3fc9d438e85cbe4fb33343dec664406fda7) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD( "l9.f7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(77b1da1e) SHA1(58cb82417396a3d96acfc864f091b1a5988f228d) ) ROM_LOAD( "l0.h7", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(aa82e00b) SHA1(83a5b745e58844b6dd7d05dfe9dbb5959aaf5c40) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx2", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-A2 CPU PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "l8.l7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(8b99910b) SHA1(0bc812cf872f04eacedb50feed53f1aa8a1f24b9) ) ROM_LOAD( "l7.m7", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(86a5b448) SHA1(f8585a6fcf921e3e21f112dd2de474cb53cef290) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0060, "proms", 0 ) /* BPROMs are 82s123 or compatible */ ROM_LOAD( "10-2.k1", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(df091e52) SHA1(4d7fea6d9ab31e5f280b1dc198a325f00c3826ef) ) /* palette */ ROM_LOAD( "10-1.f4", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(40640d8f) SHA1(85d13a9b78c47174cff7c869f52b30263bae575e) ) /* sprite color lookup table */ ROM_LOAD( "10-3.c4", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(27fa3a50) SHA1(7cf59b7a37c156640d6ea91554d1c4276c1780e0) ) /* ?? */ ROM_END ROM_START( snapjack ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-A2 CPU PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "sj1.c4", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(6b30fcda) SHA1(85e4ebbbe8e8d6c79a14387d7a6818abc9430037) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM1 */ ROM_LOAD( "sj2.d4", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(1f1088d1) SHA1(0fd5204ea27e9bdd811e9ea21e9bbab84b916f4a) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM2 */ ROM_LOAD( "sj3.e4", 0x2000, 0x1000, CRC(edd65f3a) SHA1(763d588f0755a22c0f24269e6f38979fd516693f) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM3 */ ROM_LOAD( "sj4.h4", 0x3000, 0x1000, CRC(f4481192) SHA1(514bb124a1d75a622e2ca4c2175d819092d4638d) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM4 */ ROM_LOAD( "sj5.j4", 0x4000, 0x1000, CRC(1bff7d05) SHA1(47246095313ebba30f42d715a9fb5fc1abb68ea6) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM5 */ ROM_LOAD( "sj6.k4", 0x5000, 0x1000, CRC(21793edf) SHA1(11e259161bab3a32a8b52f7baa4fec17be6d4302) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM6 */ ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-B video PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "sj9.f7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(ff2011c7) SHA1(38409e2318dee3cc0678d4ee9e93d9b895883df6) ) ROM_LOAD( "sj0.h7", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(f097babb) SHA1(461662719bc7f1cf21c41759f4832a92b0fdb4f2) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx2", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-A2 CPU PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "sj8.l7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(b7f105b6) SHA1(1135c3188b41cb0ccb24079c613188209b624683) ) ROM_LOAD( "sj7.m7", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(1cdb03a8) SHA1(5f390a672f3adf6392f8060bf7f0bcabc2eba139) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0060, "proms", 0 ) /* BPROMs are 82s123 & located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-B video PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "10-2.k1", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(cbbd9dd1) SHA1(e267726ba59e9a42ac89dd22eb1508ad21fd32ac) ) /* palette */ ROM_LOAD( "10-1.f4", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(5b16fbd2) SHA1(0a776aeca3947a6f29d527018f5182e758b50c5d) ) /* sprite color lookup table */ ROM_LOAD( "10-3.c4", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(27fa3a50) SHA1(7cf59b7a37c156640d6ea91554d1c4276c1780e0) ) /* ?? */ ROM_END ROM_START( cavenger ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-A2 CPU PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "1.c4", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(9e0cc781) SHA1(f23bd6b9f427c26ac996a5c8ba29f356cf45c78a) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM1 */ ROM_LOAD( "2.d4", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(5ce5b950) SHA1(170e3f8be592dcccb8868474f40f8f2223e8a8b5) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM2 */ ROM_LOAD( "3.e4", 0x2000, 0x1000, CRC(bc28218d) SHA1(4b0f1b38a5837b7ffc9aec6c28c6eb72cfa46226) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM3 */ ROM_LOAD( "4.h4", 0x3000, 0x1000, CRC(2b32e9f5) SHA1(f8a7ea799d8ff9b4f830d064bb2f34a76729c336) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM4 */ ROM_LOAD( "5.j4", 0x4000, 0x1000, CRC(d117153e) SHA1(622c90a6c3f0adc24fe8a1d4969075cbd55add4e) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM5 */ ROM_LOAD( "6.k4", 0x5000, 0x1000, CRC(c7d366cb) SHA1(ec4981fe34abf992acbd6325b2c756c58ff80b04) ) /* PCB silkscreened ROM6 */ ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-B video PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "9.f7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(63357785) SHA1(20eaa866b7700535312fd415edaea94408ff3e3d) ) ROM_LOAD( "0.h7", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(52ad1133) SHA1(bc8c52c6ba919287773ff6a4ec793ebd95176130) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx2", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) /* Located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-A2 CPU PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "8.l7", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(b022bf2d) SHA1(85f78d5a1e5782587bb66ad101a94fd0d62fb790) ) /* 1000-1fff empty */ ROM_REGION( 0x0060, "proms", 0 ) /* BPROMs are 82s123 & located on the UNIVERSAL 8106-B video PCB */ ROM_LOAD( "10-2.k1", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(42a24dd5) SHA1(03175ee7f8e11896a89d7cc0d614a78a49923627) ) /* palette */ ROM_LOAD( "10-1.f4", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(d736b8de) SHA1(4c9c76826f3a2a631d01fd2531d55318172b0c12) ) /* sprite color lookup table */ ROM_LOAD( "10-3.c4", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(27fa3a50) SHA1(7cf59b7a37c156640d6ea91554d1c4276c1780e0) ) /* ?? */ ROM_END ROM_START( dorodon ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.0", 0x0000, 0x2000, CRC(460aaf26) SHA1(c4ea41cba4ac2d93fedec3c117a4470fee2a910f) ) ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.1", 0x2000, 0x2000, CRC(d2451eb6) SHA1(4154bfe50b7f75444d3f0c9be6bd2475fdba1938) ) ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.2", 0x4000, 0x2000, CRC(d3c6ee6c) SHA1(6971ecdc968810c19f8601efc3d389450156bb22) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.5", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(5eee2b85) SHA1(55ac9566e805d103b6916f51c764e2601cc1f715) ) ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.6", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(395ac25a) SHA1(d8a55e42b8c5d957c2e6a3181d7ac10c6a448f46) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx2", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.4", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(d70bb50a) SHA1(b9d46862f288c49bb8b660da87b63bd4ecb36379) ) ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.3", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(e44e59e6) SHA1(ff730152804d75ddb9fb19e8ec33cc764d8a50e8) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0100, "user1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_HIGH( "dorodon.bp4", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(f865c135) SHA1(1202f83bfa50afa5a5d24401efa8bf058e7e30b5) ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_LOW( "dorodon.bp3", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(47b2f0bb) SHA1(640720aa5c1119080c6da928f6d1b0e76b989742) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0060, "proms", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.bp0", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(8fcf0bc8) SHA1(392d22731b3e4bc663d6e4385f6069ee2b4ee029) ) /* palette */ ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.bp1", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(3f209be4) SHA1(f924494eed357a15ffc11331c163af24585d4ab9) ) /* sprite color lookup table */ ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.bp2", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(27fa3a50) SHA1(7cf59b7a37c156640d6ea91554d1c4276c1780e0) ) /* timing?? */ ROM_END ROM_START( dorodon2 ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "1.3fg", 0x0000, 0x2000, CRC(4d05d6f8) SHA1(db12ad04295f0ce112b6e90fde94a53ed1d6c3b9) ) ROM_LOAD( "2.3h", 0x2000, 0x2000, CRC(27b43b09) SHA1(12a8a6b8665bb9d1967ec631a794aab564a50570) ) ROM_LOAD( "3.3k", 0x4000, 0x2000, CRC(38d2f295) SHA1(b4d2cfd6e9f03c3ef18dcf67326f4106749b62b1) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD( "6.6a", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(2a2d8b9c) SHA1(ba3ce8ed6cafa711bf4c6ed260dd15b38adbd6cc) ) ROM_LOAD( "7.6bc", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(d14f95fa) SHA1(e9ba87602d779d833b8152c077c692e67ef696cc) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx2", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD( "5.3t", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(54c04f58) SHA1(342ef914e6f8bf37472d146bb5e9fb67056d7fc5) ) ROM_LOAD( "4.3r", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(1ebb6493) SHA1(30367d7594118e0fa8620e5d20c66a650ca82c86) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0100, "user1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_HIGH( "dorodon.bp4", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(f865c135) SHA1(1202f83bfa50afa5a5d24401efa8bf058e7e30b5) ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_LOW( "dorodon.bp3", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(47b2f0bb) SHA1(640720aa5c1119080c6da928f6d1b0e76b989742) ) /* (from other romset - I think these are correct, they match the Starcade video) */ ROM_REGION( 0x0060, "proms", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.bp0", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(8fcf0bc8) SHA1(392d22731b3e4bc663d6e4385f6069ee2b4ee029) ) /* palette */ ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.bp1", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(3f209be4) SHA1(f924494eed357a15ffc11331c163af24585d4ab9) ) /* sprite color lookup table */ ROM_LOAD( "dorodon.bp2", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(27fa3a50) SHA1(7cf59b7a37c156640d6ea91554d1c4276c1780e0) ) /* timing?? */ ROM_END ROM_START( sraider ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "sraid3.r4", 0x0000, 0x2000, CRC(0f389774) SHA1(c67596e6bf00175ff0a241506cd2f88114d05933) ) ROM_LOAD( "sraid2.n4", 0x2000, 0x2000, CRC(38a48db0) SHA1(6f4f384d702fb8ee4bb2ef579638239d57e32ddd) ) ROM_LOAD( "sraid1.m4", 0x4000, 0x2000, CRC(2f302a4e) SHA1(3a902ce6858f38df88b60830bef4b1d45b09b2df) ) ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "sub", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "sraid-s4.h6", 0x0000, 0x2000, CRC(57173a12) SHA1(6cb8fd4826e499f9a4e63621d58bc4b596cc261e) ) ROM_LOAD( "sraid-s5.j6", 0x2000, 0x2000, CRC(5a459179) SHA1(a261c8f3c7c4cd4587c003bbbe815d2c4e01ffbc) ) ROM_LOAD( "sraid-s6.l6", 0x4000, 0x2000, CRC(ea3aa25d) SHA1(353c0d075d5e0a3bc25a65e2748f5eb5212a844d) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx1", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD( "sraid-s0.k6", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(a0373909) SHA1(00e3bd5dd90769d670fc3c51edd1cd4b69e6132d) ) ROM_LOAD( "sraids11.l6", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(ba22d949) SHA1(83762ced1df92ff594887e44d5b783826bbfb0c9) ) ROM_REGION( 0x2000, "gfx2", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) ROM_LOAD( "sraid-s7.m2", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(299f8e07) SHA1(1de71f251286088487da7285d6f8070147002af5) ) ROM_LOAD( "sraid-s8.n2", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(57ba8888) SHA1(2aa1a5f682d146a55a96e471bb78e5c60da02bf9) ) ROM_REGION( 0x1000, "gfx3", ROMREGION_DISPOSE ) /* fixed portion of the grid */ ROM_LOAD( "sraid-s9.f6", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(2380b90f) SHA1(0310554e3f2ec973c2bb6e816d04e5c0c1e0a0b9) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0060, "proms", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "srpr10-1.a2", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(121fdb99) SHA1(3bc092da40beb129a4df3db2f55d22bbbcf7bad8) ) ROM_LOAD( "srpr10-2.l3", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(88b67e70) SHA1(e21ee2939e96dffee101bd92c62ed975b6b64001) ) ROM_LOAD( "srpr10-3.c1", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(27fa3a50) SHA1(7cf59b7a37c156640d6ea91554d1c4276c1780e0) ) /* ?? */ ROM_END static DRIVER_INIT( dorodon ) { /* decode the opcodes */ offs_t i; const address_space *space = cputag_get_address_space(machine, "maincpu", ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM); UINT8 *decrypted = auto_malloc(0x6000); UINT8 *rom = memory_region(machine, "maincpu"); UINT8 *table = memory_region(machine, "user1"); memory_set_decrypted_region(space, 0x0000, 0x5fff, decrypted); for (i = 0; i < 0x6000; i++) decrypted[i] = table[rom[i]]; } GAME( 1981, cavenger, 0, ladybug, cavenger, 0, ROT0, "Universal", "Cosmic Avenger", 0 ) GAME( 1981, ladybug, 0, ladybug, ladybug, 0, ROT270, "Universal", "Lady Bug", 0 ) GAME( 1981, ladybugb, ladybug, ladybug, ladybug, 0, ROT270, "bootleg", "Lady Bug (bootleg set 1)", 0 ) GAME( 1981, ladybgb2, ladybug, ladybug, ladybug, 0, ROT270, "bootleg", "Lady Bug (bootleg set 2)", 0 ) GAME( 1982, dorodon, 0, ladybug, dorodon, dorodon, ROT270, "Falcon", "Dorodon (set 1)", 0 ) GAME( 1982, dorodon2, dorodon, ladybug, dorodon, dorodon, ROT270, "Falcon", "Dorodon (set 2)", 0 ) GAME( 1982, snapjack, 0, ladybug, snapjack, 0, ROT0, "Universal", "Snap Jack", 0 ) GAME( 1982, sraider, 0, sraider, sraider, 0, ROT270, "Universal", "Space Raider", 0 )