/*************************************************************************** Simutrek Cube Quest driver by Phil Bennett TODO: * Accurate video timings - Derive from PROMs * More accurate line fill circuitry emulation - Use PROMs Known bugs: * The graphics tend go screwy when you add the first credit on the 'Cubic History' screen. * The guardians' pincer thingies shouldn't distort when they rotate ****************************************************************************/ #include "driver.h" #include "cpu/cubeqcpu/cubeqcpu.h" #include "deprecat.h" #include "sound/custom.h" #include "streams.h" #include "machine/laserdsc.h" /************************************* * * Constants * *************************************/ /* TODO */ #define CUBEQST_HBLANK 320 #define CUBEQST_VCOUNT 280 #define ALPHA_PEN 8192 enum cpu_indices { MAIN_CPU = 0, ROTATE_CPU = 1, LINE_CPU = 2, SOUND_CPU = 3, }; /************************************* * * Statics * *************************************/ static UINT16 *palette_ram; static UINT8 *depth_buffer; static int video_field; static UINT8 io_latch; static UINT8 reset_latch; static int disk_on; static const device_config *laserdisc; /************************************* * * Video (move to separate file) * *************************************/ static const rectangle overlay_clip = { 0, 320-1, 0, 256-8 }; /* Get a pen number from a palette RAM entry */ INLINE int get_output_color(UINT16 a) { return ((a & 0xf000) >> 3) | ((a & 0x700) >> 2) | ((a & 0x70) >> 1) | (a & 0x7); } static VIDEO_START( cubeqst ) { video_field = 0; depth_buffer = auto_malloc(512); render_container_set_palette_alpha(render_container_get_screen(machine->primary_screen), ALPHA_PEN, 0); } /* TODO: Use resistor values */ static PALETTE_INIT( cubeqst ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 8192; ++i) { UINT8 r, g, b, y; b = i & 7; g = (i >> 3) & 7; r = (i >> 6) & 7; y = ((i >> 9) & 0xf) * 2; palette_set_color_rgb(machine, i, y*r, y*g, y*b); } } /* TODO: This is a simplified version of what actually happens */ static VIDEO_UPDATE( cubeqst ) { int y; int palentry = palette_ram[255]; /* * Clear the display with palette RAM entry 0xff * This will be either transparent or an actual colour */ /* Bit 3 selects LD/#GRAPHICS */ if ((palentry & (1 << 3)) && disk_on) fillbitmap(bitmap, ALPHA_PEN, cliprect); else fillbitmap(bitmap, screen->machine->pens[get_output_color(palentry)], cliprect); cpuintrf_push_context(LINE_CPU); /* TODO: Add 1 for linebuffering? */ for (y = cliprect->min_y; y <= cliprect->max_y; ++y) { int i; int num_entries = get_ptr_ram_val(y); UINT32 *stk_ram = get_stack_ram(); UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y, 0); /* Zap the depth buffer */ memset(depth_buffer, 0xff, 512); /* Process all the spans on this scanline */ for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i += 2) { int color = 0, depth = 0; int h1 = 0, h2 = 0; int x; int entry1 = stk_ram[(y << 7) | ((i + 0) & 0x7f)]; int entry2 = stk_ram[(y << 7) | ((i + 1) & 0x7f)]; UINT16 palram; UINT16 pen; /* Determine which entry is the start point and which is the stop */ if ( entry1 & (1 << 19) ) { h1 = (entry2 >> 8) & 0x1ff; depth = entry2 & 0xff; h2 = (entry1 >> 8) & 0x1ff; color = entry1 & 0xff; } else if ( entry2 & (1 << 19) ) { h1 = (entry1 >> 8) & 0x1ff; depth = entry1 & 0xff; h2 = (entry2 >> 8) & 0x1ff; color = entry2 & 0xff; } else { // Shouldn't happen... } /* Get the 16-bit palette RAM entry */ palram = palette_ram[color]; if (palram & (1 << 3)) /* If transparent, draw using our special alpha pen */ pen = ALPHA_PEN; else /* Otherwise map the entry to a MAME pen */ pen = screen->machine->pens[get_output_color(palram)]; /* Draw the span, testing for depth */ for (x = h1; x <= h2; ++x) { if (!(depth_buffer[x] < depth)) { dest[x] = pen; depth_buffer[x] = depth; } } } } cpuintrf_pop_context(); return 0; } static READ16_HANDLER( line_r ) { /* I think this is unusued */ return video_screen_get_vpos(machine->primary_screen); } static INTERRUPT_GEN( vblank ) { int int_level = video_field == 0 ? 5 : 6; cpunum_set_input_line(machine, MAIN_CPU, int_level, HOLD_LINE); /* Update the laserdisc */ video_field ^= 1; } /************************************* * * Laserdisc Interface * *************************************/ static WRITE16_HANDLER( laserdisc_w ) { laserdisc_data_w(laserdisc, data & 0xff); } /* D0: Command acknowledge D1: Seek status (0 = searching, 1 = ready) */ static READ16_HANDLER( laserdisc_r ) { int ldp_command_flag = (laserdisc_line_r(laserdisc, LASERDISC_LINE_READY) == ASSERT_LINE) ? 0 : 1; int ldp_seek_status = (laserdisc_line_r(laserdisc, LASERDISC_LINE_STATUS) == ASSERT_LINE) ? 1 : 0; return (ldp_seek_status << 1) | ldp_command_flag; } /* LDP audio squelch control */ static WRITE16_HANDLER( ldaud_w ) { simutrek_set_audio_squelch(laserdisc, data & 1 ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE); } /* Control Register ================ D0: Disk on D1: H Genlock D3: V Genlock Note: Can only be written during VBLANK (as with palette RAM) */ static WRITE16_HANDLER( control_w ) { disk_on = data & 1; } /************************************* * * General Machine Stuff * *************************************/ static TIMER_CALLBACK( delayed_bank_swap ) { cpuintrf_push_context(LINE_CPU); cubeqcpu_swap_line_banks(); /* TODO: This is a little dubious */ clear_stack(); cpuintrf_pop_context(); } static void swap_linecpu_banks(void) { /* Best sync up before we switch banks around */ timer_call_after_resynch(NULL, 0, delayed_bank_swap); } /* Reset Control ============= D0: /Display (includes rotate and line processors) D1: /Sound D2: /Disk */ static WRITE16_HANDLER( reset_w ) { cpunum_set_input_line(machine, ROTATE_CPU, INPUT_LINE_RESET, data & 1 ? CLEAR_LINE : ASSERT_LINE); cpunum_set_input_line(machine, LINE_CPU, INPUT_LINE_RESET, data & 1 ? CLEAR_LINE : ASSERT_LINE); cpunum_set_input_line(machine, SOUND_CPU, INPUT_LINE_RESET, data & 2 ? CLEAR_LINE : ASSERT_LINE); /* Swap stack and pointer RAM banks on rising edge of display reset */ if (!BIT(reset_latch, 0) && BIT(data, 0)) swap_linecpu_banks(); if (!BIT(data, 2)) device_reset(laserdisc); reset_latch = data & 0xff; } /************************************* * * I/O * *************************************/ static WRITE16_HANDLER( io_w ) { /* 0: Spare lamp 1: Spare driver 2: Coin counter 3: Left-front lamp 4: Right-front lamp 5: Righ back lamp 6: Spare lamp 7: LED latch clock */ /* TODO: On rising edge of Q7, status LED latch is written */ if ( !BIT(io_latch, 7) && BIT(data, 7) ) { /* 0: Battery failure 1: Bad coin 2: No laser unit */ } io_latch = data; } static READ16_HANDLER( io_r ) { UINT16 port_data = input_port_read(machine, "IO"); /* Certain bits depend on Q7 of the IO latch: 5: Cube / Trackball H clock 6: R-Fire / Trackball H data 7: L-Fire / Trackball V clock 10: Spare / Trackball V data */ if ( !BIT(io_latch, 7) ) return port_data; else /* Return zeroes for the trackball signals for now */ return port_data & ~0x4e0; } /* Trackball ('CHOP') */ static READ16_HANDLER( chop_r ) { return (input_port_read(machine, "TRACK_X") << 8) | input_port_read(machine, "TRACK_Y"); } /************************************* * * Input definitions * *************************************/ static INPUT_PORTS_START( cubeqst ) PORT_START("IO") PORT_BIT( 0x0001, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT( 0x0002, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT( 0x0004, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_TILT ) PORT_BIT( 0x0008, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN1 ) PORT_BIT( 0x0010, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN2 ) PORT_BIT( 0x0020, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON3 ) PORT_NAME( "Cube" ) PORT_BIT( 0x0040, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_NAME( "Right Fire" ) PORT_BIT( 0x0080, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_NAME( "Left Fire" ) PORT_BIT( 0x0100, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_SERVICE ) PORT_BIT( 0x0200, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN3 ) PORT_NAME( "Free Game" ) PORT_BIT( 0x0400, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT( 0xf800, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START("TRACK_X") PORT_BIT( 0xff, 0x00, IPT_TRACKBALL_X ) PORT_SENSITIVITY(100) PORT_KEYDELTA(10) PORT_START("TRACK_Y") PORT_BIT( 0xff, 0x00, IPT_TRACKBALL_Y ) PORT_SENSITIVITY(100) PORT_KEYDELTA(10) INPUT_PORTS_END /************************************* * * CPU memory handlers * *************************************/ static ADDRESS_MAP_START( m68k_program_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 16 ) AM_RANGE(0x000000, 0x01ffff) AM_ROM AM_RANGE(0x020000, 0x027fff) AM_READWRITE(read_rotram, write_rotram) AM_RANGE(0x028000, 0x028fff) AM_READWRITE(read_sndram, write_sndram) AM_RANGE(0x038000, 0x038001) AM_READWRITE(io_r, io_w) AM_RANGE(0x038002, 0x038003) AM_READWRITE(chop_r, ldaud_w) AM_RANGE(0x038008, 0x038009) AM_READWRITE(line_r, reset_w) AM_RANGE(0x03800e, 0x03800f) AM_READWRITE(laserdisc_r, laserdisc_w) AM_RANGE(0x03c800, 0x03c9ff) AM_RAM AM_BASE(&palette_ram) AM_RANGE(0x03cc00, 0x03cc01) AM_WRITE(control_w) AM_RANGE(0x03e000, 0x03efff) AM_RAM AM_MIRROR(0xfc0000) AM_BASE(&generic_nvram16) AM_SIZE(&generic_nvram_size) AM_RANGE(0x03f000, 0x03ffff) AM_RAM AM_MIRROR(0xfc0000) ADDRESS_MAP_END /* For the bit-sliced CPUs */ static ADDRESS_MAP_START( rotate_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 64 ) AM_RANGE(0x000, 0x1ff) AM_ROM ADDRESS_MAP_END static ADDRESS_MAP_START( line_sound_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 64 ) AM_RANGE(0x000, 0x0ff) AM_ROM ADDRESS_MAP_END /************************************* * * Initialisation * *************************************/ static MACHINE_START( cubeqst ) { laserdisc = device_list_find_by_tag(machine->config->devicelist, LASERDISC, "laserdisc"); } static MACHINE_RESET( cubeqst ) { reset_latch = 0; /* Auxillary CPUs are held in reset */ cpunum_set_input_line(machine, SOUND_CPU, INPUT_LINE_RESET, ASSERT_LINE); cpunum_set_input_line(machine, ROTATE_CPU, INPUT_LINE_RESET, ASSERT_LINE); cpunum_set_input_line(machine, LINE_CPU, INPUT_LINE_RESET, ASSERT_LINE); } /************************************* * * Sound definitions * *************************************/ static sound_stream *cquest_stream; /* * The sound CPU outputs to a 12-bit 7521 DAC * The DAC output is multiplexed between * 16 channels (8 per side). */ static struct { INT16 sample[2][8]; } cquest_sound; /* Called by the sound CPU emulation */ static void sound_dac_w(UINT16 data) { int side = data & 1; int chan = (data >> 1) & 7; int value = ((data >> 4) & 0xfff); /* Sign extend 12-bit to 16-bit */ int finalvalue = (value & 0x7ff) - (value & 0x800); if (cquest_sound.sample[side][chan] != finalvalue) { stream_update(cquest_stream); cquest_sound.sample[side][chan] = finalvalue; } } static void cquest_stream_update(void *param, stream_sample_t **inputs, stream_sample_t **buffer, int length) { int side; /* Clear the buffers */ memset(buffer[0], 0, length * sizeof(*buffer[0])); memset(buffer[1], 0, length * sizeof(*buffer[1])); for (side = 0; side < 2; ++side) { int chan; for (chan = 0; chan < 8; ++chan) { int samp; for (samp = 0; samp < length; ++samp) buffer[side][samp] += (cquest_sound.sample[side][chan]) * 4; } } } static void *cquest_sh_start(int clock, const custom_sound_interface *config) { /* Allocate the stream */ cquest_stream = stream_create(0, 2, Machine->sample_rate, NULL, cquest_stream_update); return auto_malloc(1); } static const custom_sound_interface custom_interface = { cquest_sh_start }; static const cubeqst_snd_config snd_config = { sound_dac_w, "soundproms" }; /************************************* * * Machine driver * *************************************/ static MACHINE_DRIVER_START( cubeqst ) MDRV_CPU_ADD("main_cpu", M68000, XTAL_16MHz / 2) MDRV_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(m68k_program_map, 0) MDRV_CPU_VBLANK_INT("main", vblank) MDRV_CPU_ADD("rotate_cpu", CQUESTROT, XTAL_10MHz / 2) MDRV_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(rotate_map, 0) MDRV_CPU_ADD("line_cpu", CQUESTLIN, XTAL_10MHz / 2) MDRV_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(line_sound_map, 0) MDRV_CPU_ADD("sound_cpu", CQUESTSND, XTAL_10MHz / 2) MDRV_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(line_sound_map, 0) MDRV_CPU_CONFIG(snd_config) MDRV_INTERLEAVE(700) MDRV_MACHINE_START(cubeqst) MDRV_MACHINE_RESET(cubeqst) MDRV_NVRAM_HANDLER(generic_0fill) MDRV_LASERDISC_SCREEN_ADD_NTSC("main", BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16) MDRV_VIDEO_START(cubeqst) MDRV_PALETTE_LENGTH(8192 + 1) MDRV_PALETTE_INIT(cubeqst) MDRV_LASERDISC_ADD("laserdisc", SIMUTREK_SPECIAL, "main", "ldsound") MDRV_LASERDISC_OVERLAY(cubeqst, CUBEQST_HBLANK, CUBEQST_VCOUNT, BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16) MDRV_LASERDISC_OVERLAY_CLIP(0, 320-1, 0, 256-8) MDRV_LASERDISC_OVERLAY_POSITION(0.002, -0.018) MDRV_LASERDISC_OVERLAY_SCALE(1.0, 1.030) MDRV_SPEAKER_STANDARD_STEREO("left", "right") MDRV_SOUND_ADD("ldsound", CUSTOM, 0) MDRV_SOUND_CONFIG(laserdisc_custom_interface) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(0, "left", 1.0) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(1, "right", 1.0) MDRV_SOUND_ADD("cubeqst", CUSTOM, 1) MDRV_SOUND_CONFIG(custom_interface) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(1, "left", 1.0) MDRV_SOUND_ROUTE(0, "right", 1.0) MACHINE_DRIVER_END /************************************* * * ROM definition(s) * *************************************/ ROM_START( cubeqst ) ROM_REGION( 0x200000, "main_cpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.1a", 0x000000, 0x02000, CRC(870a28f5) SHA1(6db2020fa10d03bfaf7bd2892ba7266e744567e9) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.1b", 0x000001, 0x02000, CRC(0c29b2d2) SHA1(1c67dbfaeb6ae1e6ccd870a815bd51ebc520a34c) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.2a", 0x004000, 0x02000, CRC(f03a76be) SHA1(794a9e5a4fddc16950836468157ea252a82c0771) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.2b", 0x004001, 0x02000, CRC(c995b786) SHA1(0370e0be81ceea647ea9e27eac22b6c2354e695b) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.3a", 0x008000, 0x02000, CRC(dedeabf3) SHA1(d06138336bdbd5ebee44188e92e5721ae63715ad) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.3b", 0x008001, 0x02000, CRC(7353e970) SHA1(9566335868352d3c652621809b812ede309ebded) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.4a", 0x00c000, 0x02000, CRC(3f8ae830) SHA1(13411f7bee31ae13a2e139ad576e48130838c472) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.4b", 0x00c001, 0x02000, CRC(6d4fc7cf) SHA1(8f95e2f9e313413ea6b9bcd1ec5d8c11962584db) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.5a", 0x010000, 0x02000, CRC(ea1a92d0) SHA1(71a6820c67aad951d05571cd29f52c2cebe78c3c) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.5b", 0x010001, 0x02000, CRC(d12ed62f) SHA1(3e897ef88f51d6b2010944b50f1b5387801d92ce) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.6a", 0x014000, 0x02000, CRC(6d31f22b) SHA1(36ecfb1c88be9a100a272564d8ff8df02a501f88) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.6b", 0x014001, 0x02000, CRC(2110f613) SHA1(e12e3b902e9d755fc55ff67851c905e40482a98f) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.7a", 0x018000, 0x02000, CRC(8b624074) SHA1(592891b384bdab3f851799e50f51b5f04c880490) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.7b", 0x018001, 0x02000, CRC(f31f2e81) SHA1(b4ae0726ac849662fb1878094a956aa3a9fe94a2) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.8a", 0x01c000, 0x02000, CRC(8ac5ab0c) SHA1(0cf6593c53184686d7020acd27e2c26aab29137c) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "eprom_bd_2764.8b", 0x01c001, 0x02000, CRC(39804640) SHA1(0f09cf6ef73a9199318278df15983a0cc01ece0d) ) ROM_REGION64_BE( 0x1000, "rotate_cpu", 0) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.8h", 0x0, 0x200, CRC(1dd1cc65) SHA1(3c83d48f90ba70e81c0d85fb182527afe1f1f68d), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.9h", 0x0, 0x200, CRC(2bbf0aa1) SHA1(1a4ef24a8dc27ac3b01f176aac9b1c1c194bd67b), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.10f", 0x1, 0x200, CRC(89b234eb) SHA1(23d84873b4a5088130fff960b3caded329ea70b5), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.10h", 0x1, 0x200, CRC(d86561b2) SHA1(ebc5374568d9b598237d98f0fb95b68b36a3ddff), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.7h", 0x2, 0x200, CRC(4e0909e2) SHA1(e97dcbd23e0d9eccc138e62334e016b1b333dec3), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.12k", 0x2, 0x200, CRC(84db792f) SHA1(03858d92f4ad5aae39ad1925738df958cc4dd020), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.12j", 0x3, 0x200, CRC(661350ba) SHA1(f1ccc31c7ce1d71f6128c575d508aa04a4a5e15f), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.12d", 0x3, 0x200, CRC(c60762ec) SHA1(d113eb1ce0db4d10a55057332fb17852b312396c), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.12e", 0x4, 0x200, CRC(605b924c) SHA1(899103f20ccec68e432c4abf11f554b0600f8b3c), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.12c", 0x4, 0x200, CRC(fbb881b7) SHA1(b8c1592cfa082fa7dc4abd5392816ba923760cbf), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.12h", 0x5, 0x200, CRC(6fb1d6f0) SHA1(5a0bf681aedde073f0164264620085e9f40eca9e), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s131.12f", 0x5, 0x200, CRC(5c00d30e) SHA1(ad7bbcce9eff348f78cb6e0782faa175ca928c11), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROM_REGION64_BE( 0x800, "line_cpu", 0) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u27.6b", 0x0, 0x100, CRC(a9777c19) SHA1(dcb83cc5fce3ff9760dfdfce078895ef71558f67), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u28.3b", 0x0, 0x100, CRC(2248790c) SHA1(8473276bcc154a440745b714a31c89c459fef411), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u29.3c", 0x1, 0x100, CRC(6accc743) SHA1(a5263a021c594117c14a3d4fbc207a4043001172), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u30.3f", 0x1, 0x100, CRC(ba02ac36) SHA1(89473146f04f60bbed6644603ddc646b3d4e04eb), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u31.2j", 0x2, 0x100, CRC(bbf50d89) SHA1(f49d4322123c3d4a7d6f664b7164dfe24ddd6eed), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u5.3g", 0x2, 0x100, CRC(fa5c239b) SHA1(bbf526362af263aefea87341538157f4ecad686f), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u6.2g", 0x3, 0x100, CRC(59874b50) SHA1(d304b4546c187b8c73aaf8887f0037426e60dd5f), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u7.3h", 0x3, 0x100, CRC(886956d6) SHA1(ee150a9f99f3177fcc94be5af3f87433f39b311f), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u8.3j", 0x4, 0x100, CRC(8d2b17ad) SHA1(f7408104f75e292539aaec688e220c143f762f67), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "line_drawer_82s129_u9.3k", 0x4, 0x100, CRC(0a678253) SHA1(06d7a8f9556eb156ae03184772e76c84ab8d75ea), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROM_REGION64_BE( 0x800, "sound_cpu", 0) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.7e", 0x0, 0x100, CRC(cf89ad06) SHA1(2f04ca6d57a8c425f51a288f553841db680f5a7e), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.7f", 0x0, 0x100, CRC(5208036d) SHA1(ec29af4c10a098fb25424d1a5187a7bd2ec9fb92), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.11f", 0x1, 0x100, CRC(af327360) SHA1(2b45358a39daaf5721b5a94c4fd55bd3d0d90ec3), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.11e", 0x1, 0x100, CRC(b50d3e43) SHA1(9f2c071c6940767d20a563f6f2c9224e1896a5bf), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.9f", 0x2, 0x100, CRC(cd93e3c9) SHA1(f0c11db65ddf2096f6df424b7747242d9e3155da), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.10f", 0x2, 0x100, CRC(0e8b8df7) SHA1(37426ffdaf2d21273ac7e88789206fdafb14bc83), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.8f", 0x3, 0x100, CRC(07deae27) SHA1(c6a2d7cbf4ea4120f43ae088a3de90bb7a42d4a4), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.10e", 0x3, 0x100, CRC(2aaf765e) SHA1(fafe96834f5323fca71b8ab0c013f45c5c47182d), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.9e", 0x4, 0x100, CRC(598687e7) SHA1(c5045ddaab7123ff0a4c8f4c2489f9d70b63fc76), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s129.8e", 0x4, 0x100, CRC(68de17ed) SHA1(efefcb4ccdd012b767c4765304c6022b0c091066), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(7)) ROM_REGION16_BE( 0x1000, "soundproms", 0) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s185.17f", 0x0, 0x800, CRC(0f49d40e) SHA1(40340833ab27ccb5b60baf44ad01930f204f5318), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(1) ) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s185.19f", 0x0, 0x800, CRC(a041ce92) SHA1(9bc92992de22b830e479933c50650c7dc23f5713), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(1) ) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s185.16f", 0x1, 0x800, CRC(75b1749f) SHA1(71da8224e72fb5250e2097666a47314d0a818ee9), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_LO | ROM_SKIP(1) ) ROMX_LOAD( "mother_sounds_82s185.18f", 0x1, 0x800, CRC(ae4c78ae) SHA1(76fdb8eab372065882caaa5b93ce9e21efe54da5), ROM_NIBBLE | ROM_SHIFT_NIBBLE_HI | ROM_SKIP(1) ) ROM_REGION( 0x1000, "videoproms", 0 ) /* Horizontal and vertical video timing PROMs */ ROM_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s129.4h", 0x000, 0x100, CRC(6ed1b8d3) SHA1(c392855e1ff8637e551891aefd6c6a3bbcf273a5) ) ROM_LOAD( "rotate_video_board_82s129.5h", 0x100, 0x100, CRC(32d839d4) SHA1(7b82e5c1ea5a351eba60c19560a10e4702ae2c22) ) /* Four sets of (identical) fill circuit state PROMs */ ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.2p", 0x200, 0x100, CRC(c525b091) SHA1(bd172ed3d15f410d09017207ec68faf1d1cb4512) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.3p", 0x300, 0x100, CRC(7ed6c192) SHA1(b02bbcd0e04d3a6c54bec755df55fe6f97d9513f) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.4p", 0x400, 0x100, CRC(6b572b73) SHA1(4a065cb05c12ce34e5598341e0de0cc571b2d387) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.5p", 0x200, 0x100, CRC(c525b091) SHA1(bd172ed3d15f410d09017207ec68faf1d1cb4512) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.6p", 0x300, 0x100, CRC(7ed6c192) SHA1(b02bbcd0e04d3a6c54bec755df55fe6f97d9513f) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.7p", 0x400, 0x100, CRC(6b572b73) SHA1(4a065cb05c12ce34e5598341e0de0cc571b2d387) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.9p", 0x200, 0x100, CRC(c525b091) SHA1(bd172ed3d15f410d09017207ec68faf1d1cb4512) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.10p", 0x300, 0x100, CRC(7ed6c192) SHA1(b02bbcd0e04d3a6c54bec755df55fe6f97d9513f) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.11p", 0x400, 0x100, CRC(6b572b73) SHA1(4a065cb05c12ce34e5598341e0de0cc571b2d387) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.12p", 0x200, 0x100, CRC(c525b091) SHA1(bd172ed3d15f410d09017207ec68faf1d1cb4512) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.13p", 0x300, 0x100, CRC(7ed6c192) SHA1(b02bbcd0e04d3a6c54bec755df55fe6f97d9513f) ) ROM_LOAD( "fill_board_82s129.14p", 0x400, 0x100, CRC(6b572b73) SHA1(4a065cb05c12ce34e5598341e0de0cc571b2d387) ) DISK_REGION( "laserdisc" ) DISK_IMAGE_READONLY_OPTIONAL( "cubeqst", 0, SHA1(5266a0a43963628464fac1719e1cefec627042a4) MD5(d2e6010f9b9d36ba50664096ec331f8d) ) ROM_END /************************************* * * Game driver(s) * *************************************/ GAME( 1983, cubeqst, 0, cubeqst, cubeqst, 0, ROT0, "Simutrek", "Cube Quest", 0 )