// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Stefan Jokisch /*************************************************************************** Atari Boxer (prototype) driver AKA Boxing, both game titles appear in the schematics This game had some weird controls that don't work well in MAME. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "cpu/m6502/m6502.h" #include "machine/watchdog.h" #define MASTER_CLOCK XTAL_12_096MHz /************************************* * * Driver data * *************************************/ class boxer_state : public driver_device { public: enum { TIMER_POT_INTERRUPT, TIMER_PERIODIC }; boxer_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag) : driver_device(mconfig, type, tag), m_tile_ram(*this, "tile_ram"), m_sprite_ram(*this, "sprite_ram"), m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"), m_gfxdecode(*this, "gfxdecode"), m_screen(*this, "screen"), m_palette(*this, "palette"){ } /* memory pointers */ required_shared_ptr m_tile_ram; required_shared_ptr m_sprite_ram; /* misc */ UINT8 m_pot_state; UINT8 m_pot_latch; /* devices */ required_device m_maincpu; required_device m_gfxdecode; required_device m_screen; required_device m_palette; DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(boxer_input_r); DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(boxer_misc_r); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_bell_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_sound_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_pot_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_irq_reset_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_crowd_w); DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_led_w); virtual void machine_start() override; virtual void machine_reset() override; DECLARE_PALETTE_INIT(boxer); UINT32 screen_update_boxer(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(pot_interrupt); TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(periodic_callback); void draw_boxer( bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect ); protected: virtual void device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) override; }; /************************************* * * Interrupts / Timers * *************************************/ void boxer_state::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) { switch(id) { case TIMER_POT_INTERRUPT: pot_interrupt(ptr, param); break; case TIMER_PERIODIC: periodic_callback(ptr, param); break; default: assert_always(FALSE, "Unknown id in boxer_state::device_timer"); } } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(boxer_state::pot_interrupt) { int mask = param; if (m_pot_latch & mask) m_maincpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_NMI, ASSERT_LINE); m_pot_state |= mask; } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(boxer_state::periodic_callback) { int scanline = param; m_maincpu->set_input_line(0, ASSERT_LINE); if (scanline == 0) { UINT8 mask[256]; int i; memset(mask, 0, sizeof mask); mask[ioport("STICK0_X")->read()] |= 0x01; mask[ioport("STICK0_Y")->read()] |= 0x02; mask[ioport("PADDLE0")->read()] |= 0x04; mask[ioport("STICK1_X")->read()] |= 0x08; mask[ioport("STICK1_Y")->read()] |= 0x10; mask[ioport("PADDLE1")->read()] |= 0x20; for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) if (mask[i] != 0) timer_set(m_screen->time_until_pos(i), TIMER_POT_INTERRUPT, mask[i]); m_pot_state = 0; } scanline += 64; if (scanline >= 262) scanline = 0; timer_set(m_screen->time_until_pos(scanline), TIMER_PERIODIC, scanline); } /************************************* * * Video system * *************************************/ PALETTE_INIT_MEMBER(boxer_state, boxer) { palette.set_pen_color(0, rgb_t(0x00,0x00,0x00)); palette.set_pen_color(1, rgb_t(0xff,0xff,0xff)); palette.set_pen_color(2, rgb_t(0xff,0xff,0xff)); palette.set_pen_color(3, rgb_t(0x00,0x00,0x00)); } void boxer_state::draw_boxer( bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect ) { int n; for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) { const UINT8* p = memregion(n == 0 ? "user1" : "user2")->base(); int i, j; int x = 196 - m_sprite_ram[0 + 2 * n]; int y = 192 - m_sprite_ram[1 + 2 * n]; int l = m_sprite_ram[4 + 2 * n] & 15; int r = m_sprite_ram[5 + 2 * n] & 15; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { UINT8 code; code = p[32 * l + 4 * i + j]; m_gfxdecode->gfx(n)->transpen(bitmap,cliprect, code, 0, code & 0x80, 0, x + 8 * j, y + 8 * i, 1); code = p[32 * r + 4 * i - j + 3]; m_gfxdecode->gfx(n)->transpen(bitmap,cliprect, code, 0, !(code & 0x80), 0, x + 8 * j + 32, y + 8 * i, 1); } } } } UINT32 boxer_state::screen_update_boxer(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { int i, j; bitmap.fill(1, cliprect); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { UINT8 code = m_tile_ram[32 * i + j]; m_gfxdecode->gfx(2)->transpen(bitmap,cliprect, code, 0, code & 0x40, code & 0x40, 8 * j + 4, 8 * (i % 2) + 32 * (i / 2), 0); } } draw_boxer(bitmap, cliprect); return 0; } /************************************* * * Memory handlers * *************************************/ READ8_MEMBER(boxer_state::boxer_input_r) { UINT8 val = ioport("IN0")->read(); if (ioport("IN3")->read() < m_screen->vpos()) val |= 0x02; return (val << ((offset & 7) ^ 7)) & 0x80; } READ8_MEMBER(boxer_state::boxer_misc_r) { UINT8 val = 0; switch (offset & 3) { case 0: val = m_pot_state & m_pot_latch; break; case 1: val = m_screen->vpos(); break; case 2: val = ioport("IN1")->read(); break; case 3: val = ioport("IN2")->read(); break; } return val ^ 0x3f; } WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_state::boxer_bell_w) { } WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_state::boxer_sound_w) { } WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_state::boxer_pot_w) { /* BIT0 => HPOT1 */ /* BIT1 => VPOT1 */ /* BIT2 => RPOT1 */ /* BIT3 => HPOT2 */ /* BIT4 => VPOT2 */ /* BIT5 => RPOT2 */ m_pot_latch = data & 0x3f; m_maincpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_NMI, CLEAR_LINE); } WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_state::boxer_irq_reset_w) { m_maincpu->set_input_line(0, CLEAR_LINE); } WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_state::boxer_crowd_w) { /* BIT0 => ATTRACT */ /* BIT1 => CROWD-1 */ /* BIT2 => CROWD-2 */ /* BIT3 => CROWD-3 */ machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_global_w(data & 1); } WRITE8_MEMBER(boxer_state::boxer_led_w) { output().set_led_value(1, !(data & 1)); output().set_led_value(0, !(data & 2)); } /************************************* * * Address maps * *************************************/ static ADDRESS_MAP_START( boxer_map, AS_PROGRAM, 8, boxer_state ) ADDRESS_MAP_GLOBAL_MASK(0x3fff) AM_RANGE(0x0000, 0x01ff) AM_RAM AM_RANGE(0x0200, 0x03ff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("tile_ram") AM_RANGE(0x0800, 0x08ff) AM_READ(boxer_input_r) AM_RANGE(0x1000, 0x17ff) AM_READ(boxer_misc_r) AM_RANGE(0x1800, 0x1800) AM_WRITE(boxer_pot_w) AM_RANGE(0x1900, 0x19ff) AM_WRITE(boxer_led_w) AM_RANGE(0x1a00, 0x1aff) AM_WRITE(boxer_sound_w) AM_RANGE(0x1b00, 0x1bff) AM_WRITE(boxer_crowd_w) AM_RANGE(0x1c00, 0x1cff) AM_WRITE(boxer_irq_reset_w) AM_RANGE(0x1d00, 0x1dff) AM_WRITE(boxer_bell_w) AM_RANGE(0x1e00, 0x1eff) AM_WRITEONLY AM_SHARE("sprite_ram") AM_RANGE(0x1f00, 0x1fff) AM_DEVWRITE("watchdog", watchdog_timer_device, reset_w) AM_RANGE(0x3000, 0x3fff) AM_ROM ADDRESS_MAP_END /************************************* * * Input ports * *************************************/ static INPUT_PORTS_START( boxer ) PORT_START("IN0") PORT_BIT ( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_BIT ( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_UNUSED ) /* TIMER */ PORT_BIT ( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_TILT ) PORT_SERVICE( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH ) PORT_BIT ( 0x10, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_START1 ) PORT_BIT ( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_START2 ) PORT_BIT ( 0x40, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN1 ) PORT_BIT ( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN2 ) PORT_START("IN1") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x01, "Number of Rounds" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, "1" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, "2" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, "3" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "4" ) PORT_START("IN2") PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x01, DEF_STR( Coinage ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, DEF_STR( Free_Play ) ) PORT_START("STICK0_X") PORT_BIT ( 0xff, 0x80, IPT_AD_STICK_X ) PORT_MINMAX(0x20,0xe0) PORT_SENSITIVITY(30) PORT_KEYDELTA(16) PORT_REVERSE PORT_PLAYER(1) PORT_START("STICK0_Y") PORT_BIT ( 0xff, 0x80, IPT_AD_STICK_Y ) PORT_MINMAX(0x20,0xe0) PORT_SENSITIVITY(30) PORT_KEYDELTA(16) PORT_REVERSE PORT_PLAYER(1) PORT_START("PADDLE0") PORT_BIT( 0xff, 0x80, IPT_PADDLE ) PORT_MINMAX(0x20,0xe0) PORT_SENSITIVITY(30) PORT_KEYDELTA(16) PORT_CODE_DEC(KEYCODE_Z) PORT_CODE_INC(KEYCODE_X) PORT_CENTERDELTA(0) PORT_PLAYER(1) PORT_START("STICK1_X") PORT_BIT ( 0xff, 0x80, IPT_AD_STICK_X ) PORT_MINMAX(0x20,0xe0) PORT_SENSITIVITY(30) PORT_KEYDELTA(16) PORT_REVERSE PORT_PLAYER(2) PORT_START("STICK1_Y") PORT_BIT ( 0xff, 0x80, IPT_AD_STICK_Y ) PORT_MINMAX(0x20,0xe0) PORT_SENSITIVITY(30) PORT_KEYDELTA(16) PORT_REVERSE PORT_PLAYER(2) PORT_START("PADDLE1") PORT_BIT( 0xff, 0x80, IPT_PADDLE ) PORT_MINMAX(0x20,0xe0) PORT_SENSITIVITY(30) PORT_KEYDELTA(16) PORT_CODE_DEC(KEYCODE_Q) PORT_CODE_INC(KEYCODE_W) PORT_CENTERDELTA(0) PORT_PLAYER(2) PORT_START("IN3") PORT_DIPNAME( 0xff, 0x5c, "Round Time" ) /* actually a potentiometer */ PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x3c, "15 seconds" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x5c, "30 seconds" ) PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x7c, "45 seconds" ) INPUT_PORTS_END /************************************* * * Graphics definitions * *************************************/ static const gfx_layout tile_layout = { 8, 8, 64, 1, { 0 }, { 0x7, 0x6, 0x5, 0x4, 0xf, 0xe, 0xd, 0xc }, { 0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x70 }, 0x80 }; static const gfx_layout sprite_layout = { 8, 8, 64, 1, { 0 }, { 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf }, { 0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x70 }, 0x80 }; static GFXDECODE_START( boxer ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx1", 0, sprite_layout, 0, 1 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx2", 0, sprite_layout, 0, 1 ) GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx3", 0, tile_layout, 2, 1 ) GFXDECODE_END /************************************* * * Machine driver * *************************************/ void boxer_state::machine_start() { save_item(NAME(m_pot_state)); save_item(NAME(m_pot_latch)); } void boxer_state::machine_reset() { timer_set(m_screen->time_until_pos(0), TIMER_PERIODIC); m_pot_state = 0; m_pot_latch = 0; } static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( boxer, boxer_state ) /* basic machine hardware */ MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", M6502, MASTER_CLOCK / 16) MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(boxer_map) MCFG_WATCHDOG_ADD("watchdog") /* video hardware */ MCFG_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) MCFG_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(60) MCFG_SCREEN_SIZE(256, 262) MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(8, 247, 0, 239) MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DRIVER(boxer_state, screen_update_boxer) MCFG_SCREEN_PALETTE("palette") MCFG_GFXDECODE_ADD("gfxdecode", "palette", boxer) MCFG_PALETTE_ADD("palette", 4) MCFG_PALETTE_INIT_OWNER(boxer_state, boxer) /* sound hardware */ MACHINE_CONFIG_END /************************************* * * ROM definition * *************************************/ ROM_START( boxer ) ROM_REGION( 0x4000, "maincpu", 0 ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_LOW ( "3400l.e1", 0x3400, 0x0400, CRC(df85afa4) SHA1(5a74a08f1e0b0bbec02999d5e46513d8afd333ac) ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_HIGH( "3400m.a1", 0x3400, 0x0400, CRC(23fe06aa) SHA1(03a4eedbf60f07d1dd8d7af576828df5f032146e) ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_LOW ( "3800l.j1", 0x3800, 0x0400, CRC(087263fb) SHA1(cc3715a68bd05f23b4abf9f18ca14a8fe55163f7) ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_HIGH( "3800m.d1", 0x3800, 0x0400, CRC(3bbf605e) SHA1(be4ff1702eb837710421a7dafcdc60fe2d3259e8) ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_LOW ( "3c00l.h1", 0x3C00, 0x0400, CRC(09e204f2) SHA1(565d4c8865da7d96a45e909973d570101de61f63) ) ROM_LOAD_NIB_HIGH( "3c00m.c1", 0x3C00, 0x0400, CRC(2f8ebc85) SHA1(05a4e29ec7e49173200d5fe5344274fd6afd16d7) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0400, "gfx1", 0 ) /* lower boxer */ ROM_LOAD( "bx137l.c8", 0x0000, 0x0400, CRC(e91f2048) SHA1(64039d07557e210aa4f6663cd7e72814cb881310) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0400, "gfx2", 0 ) /* upper boxer */ ROM_LOAD( "bx137u.m8", 0x0000, 0x0400, CRC(e4fee386) SHA1(79b70aca4a92c56363689a363b643d46294d3e88) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0400, "gfx3", 0 ) /* tiles */ ROM_LOAD( "9417.k2", 0x0000, 0x0400, CRC(7e3d22cf) SHA1(92e6bbe049dc8fcd674f2ff96cde3786f714508d) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0200, "user1", 0 ) /* lower boxer map */ ROM_LOAD( "bx115l.b7", 0x0000, 0x0200, CRC(31f2234f) SHA1(d53f3a1d0db3cf3024de61ef64f76c6dfdf6861c) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0200, "user2", 0 ) /* upper boxer map */ ROM_LOAD( "bx115u.l7", 0x0000, 0x0200, CRC(124d3f24) SHA1(09fab2ae218b8584c0e3c8e02f5680ce083a33d6) ) ROM_REGION( 0x0100, "proms", 0 ) /* sync prom */ ROM_LOAD( "9402.m3", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(00e224a0) SHA1(1a384ef488791c62566c91b18d6a1fb4a5def2ba) ) ROM_END /************************************* * * Game driver * *************************************/ GAME( 1978, boxer, 0, boxer, boxer, driver_device, 0, 0, "Atari", "Boxer (prototype)", MACHINE_NO_SOUND )