// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles, Vas Crabb /*************************************************************************** corefile.h Core file I/O interface functions and definitions. ***************************************************************************/ #pragma once #ifndef MAME_LIB_UTIL_COREFILE_H #define MAME_LIB_UTIL_COREFILE_H #include "corestr.h" #include "coretmpl.h" #include "strformat.h" #include #include #include namespace util { /*************************************************************************** ADDITIONAL OPEN FLAGS ***************************************************************************/ #define OPEN_FLAG_NO_BOM 0x0100 /* don't output BOM */ #define FCOMPRESS_NONE 0 /* no compression */ #define FCOMPRESS_MIN 1 /* minimal compression */ #define FCOMPRESS_MEDIUM 6 /* standard compression */ #define FCOMPRESS_MAX 9 /* maximum compression */ /*************************************************************************** TYPE DEFINITIONS ***************************************************************************/ class core_file { public: typedef std::unique_ptr ptr; // ----- file open/close ----- // open a file with the specified filename static osd_file::error open(std::string const &filename, std::uint32_t openflags, ptr &file); // open a RAM-based "file" using the given data and length (read-only) static osd_file::error open_ram(const void *data, std::size_t length, std::uint32_t openflags, ptr &file); // open a RAM-based "file" using the given data and length (read-only), copying the data static osd_file::error open_ram_copy(const void *data, std::size_t length, std::uint32_t openflags, ptr &file); // open a proxy "file" that forwards requests to another file object static osd_file::error open_proxy(core_file &file, ptr &proxy); // close an open file virtual ~core_file(); // enable/disable streaming file compression via zlib; level is 0 to disable compression, or up to 9 for max compression virtual osd_file::error compress(int level) = 0; // ----- file positioning ----- // adjust the file pointer within the file virtual int seek(std::int64_t offset, int whence) = 0; // return the current file pointer virtual std::uint64_t tell() const = 0; // return true if we are at the EOF virtual bool eof() const = 0; // return the total size of the file virtual std::uint64_t size() const = 0; // ----- file read ----- // standard binary read from a file virtual std::uint32_t read(void *buffer, std::uint32_t length) = 0; // read one character from the file virtual int getc() = 0; // put back one character from the file virtual int ungetc(int c) = 0; // read a full line of text from the file virtual char *gets(char *s, int n) = 0; // get a pointer to a buffer that holds the full file data in RAM // this function may cause the full file data to be read virtual const void *buffer() = 0; // open a file with the specified filename, read it into memory, and return a pointer static osd_file::error load(std::string const &filename, void **data, std::uint32_t &length); static osd_file::error load(std::string const &filename, std::vector &data); // ----- file write ----- // standard binary write to a file virtual std::uint32_t write(const void *buffer, std::uint32_t length) = 0; // write a line of text to the file virtual int puts(const char *s) = 0; // printf-style text write to a file virtual int vprintf(util::format_argument_pack const &args) = 0; template int printf(Format &&fmt, Params &&...args) { return vprintf(util::make_format_argument_pack(std::forward(fmt), std::forward(args)...)); } // file truncation virtual osd_file::error truncate(std::uint64_t offset) = 0; // flush file buffers virtual osd_file::error flush() = 0; protected: core_file(); }; } // namespace util /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ***************************************************************************/ /* ----- filename utilities ----- */ // extract the base part of a filename (remove extensions and paths) std::string core_filename_extract_base(const std::string &name, bool strip_extension = false); // extracts the file extension from a filename std::string core_filename_extract_extension(const std::string &filename, bool strip_period = false); // true if the given filename ends with a particular extension bool core_filename_ends_with(const std::string &filename, const std::string &extension); #endif // MAME_LIB_UTIL_COREFILE_H