// license:GPL-2.0+ // copyright-holders:Couriersud // *************************************************************************** // // nltool.cpp // // Simple tool to debug netlists outside MAME. // // *************************************************************************** #include "plib/pdynlib.h" #include "core/setup.h" #include "devices/net_lib.h" #include "nl_errstr.h" #include "nl_parser.h" #include "nl_setup.h" #include "plib/pmain.h" #include "plib/pstrutil.h" #include "solver/nld_solver.h" #include "tools/nl_convert.h" #include "plib/ptests.h" #include // scanf #include // scanf #include #include // scanf #ifndef NL_DISABLE_DYNAMIC_LOAD #define NL_DISABLE_DYNAMIC_LOAD 0 #endif extern const plib::dynlib_static_sym nl_static_solver_syms[]; // Forward declarations class netlist_tool_t; class tool_app_t : public plib::app { public: tool_app_t() : plib::app(), m_warnings(0), m_errors(0), opt_grp1(*this, "General options", "The following options apply to all commands."), opt_cmd (*this, "c", "cmd", 0, std::vector({"run","validate","convert","listdevices","listmodels","static","header","docheader","tests"}), "run|validate|convert|listdevices|listmodels|static|header|docheader|tests"), opt_includes(*this, "I", "include", "Add the directory to the list of directories to be searched for header files. This option may be specified repeatedly."), opt_defines(*this, "D", "define", "predefine value as macro, e.g. -Dname=value. If '=value' is omitted predefine it as 1. This option may be specified repeatedly."), opt_rfolders(*this, "r", "rom", "where to look for data files"), opt_verb(*this, "v", "verbose", "be verbose - this produces lots of output"), opt_quiet(*this, "q", "quiet", "be quiet - no warnings"), opt_prepro(*this, "", "prepro", "output preprocessor output to stderr"), opt_progress(*this, "", "progress", "show progress bar on longer operations"), opt_files(*this, "files to process"), opt_version(*this, "", "version", "display version and exit"), opt_help(*this, "h", "help", "display help and exit"), opt_grp2(*this, "Options for run and static commands", "These options apply to run and static commands."), opt_name(*this, "n", "name", "", "the netlist in file specified by ""-f"" option to run; default is first one"), opt_grp3(*this, "Options for static command", "These options apply to static command."), opt_dir(*this, "d", "dir", "", "output directory for the generated files."), opt_out(*this, "o", "output", "", "single output file for the generated code.\nEither --dir or --output can be specified"), opt_split(*this, "s", "split", "split the generated output into files by source"), opt_grp4(*this, "Options for run command", "These options are only used by the run command."), opt_ttr (*this, "t", "time_to_run", 1, "time to run the emulation (seconds)"), opt_boostlib(*this, "", "boost_lib", "builtin", "generic: will use generic solvers.\nbuiltin: Use optimized solvers compiled in.\nsomelib.so: Use library with precompiled solvers."), opt_stats(*this, "s", "statistics", "gather runtime statistics"), opt_logs(*this, "l", "log" , "define terminal to log. This option may be specified repeatedly."), opt_inp(*this, "i", "input", "", "input file to process (default is none)"), opt_loadstate(*this,"", "loadstate", "", "load state from file and continue from there"), opt_savestate(*this,"", "savestate", "", "save state to file at end of run"), opt_fperr(*this, "", "fperr", "raise exception on floating point errors. This is intended to be used during debugging."), opt_grp5(*this, "Options for convert command", "These options are only used by the convert command."), opt_type(*this, "y", "type", 0, std::vector({"spice","eagle","rinf"}), "type of file to be converted: spice,eagle,rinf"), opt_grp6(*this, "Options for validate command", "These options are only used by the validate command."), opt_grp7(*this, "Options for header command", "These options are only used by the header command."), opt_tabwidth(*this, "", "tab-width", 4, "Tab width for output."), opt_linewidth(*this,"", "line-width", 72, "Line width for output."), opt_pattern(*this, "", "pattern", "Pattern to match against device names. If the device name contains pattern, the device will be included in the output. Multiple patterns can be specified, if none is given, all devices will be output."), opt_ex1(*this, "nltool -c run -t 3.5 -n cap_delay nl_examples/cdelay.c", "Run netlist \"cap_delay\" from file nl_examples/cdelay.c for 3.5 seconds"), opt_ex2(*this, "nltool --cmd=listdevices", "List all known devices."), opt_ex3(*this, "nltool --cmd=header --tab-width=8 --line-width=80", "Create the header file needed for including netlists as code."), opt_ex4(*this, "nltool --cmd static --output src/lib/netlist/generated/static_solvers.cpp src/mame/audio/nl_*.cpp src/mame/machine/nl_*.cpp", "Create static solvers for the MAME project."), opt_ex5(*this, "nltool --cmd tests", "Run unit tests. In case the unit tests are not linked in, this will do nothing.") {} int execute() override; pstring usage() override; template void poutprefix(const pstring &prefix, const pstring &fmt, ARGS&&... args) { pstring res = plib::pfmt(fmt)(std::forward(args)...); auto lines(plib::psplit(res, '\n', false)); if (lines.empty()) pout(prefix + "\n"); else for (auto &l : lines) pout(prefix + l + "\n"); } int m_warnings; int m_errors; private: plib::option_group opt_grp1; plib::option_str_limit opt_cmd; plib::option_vec opt_includes; plib::option_vec opt_defines; plib::option_vec opt_rfolders; plib::option_bool opt_verb; plib::option_bool opt_quiet; plib::option_bool opt_prepro; plib::option_bool opt_progress; plib::option_args opt_files; plib::option_bool opt_version; plib::option_bool opt_help; plib::option_group opt_grp2; plib::option_str opt_name; plib::option_group opt_grp3; plib::option_str opt_dir; plib::option_str opt_out; plib::option_bool opt_split; plib::option_group opt_grp4; plib::option_num opt_ttr; plib::option_str opt_boostlib; plib::option_bool opt_stats; plib::option_vec opt_logs; plib::option_str opt_inp; plib::option_str opt_loadstate; plib::option_str opt_savestate; plib::option_bool opt_fperr; plib::option_group opt_grp5; plib::option_str_limit opt_type; plib::option_group opt_grp6; plib::option_group opt_grp7; plib::option_num opt_tabwidth; plib::option_num opt_linewidth; plib::option_vec opt_pattern; plib::option_example opt_ex1; plib::option_example opt_ex2; plib::option_example opt_ex3; plib::option_example opt_ex4; plib::option_example opt_ex5; struct compile_map_entry { compile_map_entry(const pstring &mod, const pstring &code, const pstring &hash) : m_module(mod), m_code(code), m_hash(hash) { } pstring m_module; pstring m_code; pstring m_hash; }; using compile_map = std::map; void logger(plib::plog_level l, const pstring &ls); void run_with_progress(netlist_tool_t &nt, netlist::netlist_time_ext nlstart, netlist::netlist_time_ext ttr); void run(); void validate(); void convert(); void compile_one_and_add_to_map(const pstring &file, const pstring &name, netlist::solver::static_compile_target target, compile_map &map); void static_compile(); void mac_out(const pstring &s, bool cont = true); void header_entry(const netlist::factory::element_t *e); void mac(const netlist::factory::element_t *e); void create_header(); void create_docheader(); void listmodels(); void listdevices(); std::vector m_defines; }; static NETLIST_START(dummy) NETLIST_END() // ************************************************************************** // CORE IMPLEMENTATION // ************************************************************************** class netlist_data_folder_t : public netlist::source_data_t { public: explicit netlist_data_folder_t(const pstring &folder) : m_folder(folder) { } plib::istream_uptr stream(const pstring &file) override { pstring name = m_folder + "/" + file; plib::istream_uptr strm(std::make_unique(plib::filesystem::u8path(name)), plib::filesystem::u8path(name)); if (strm->fail()) return plib::istream_uptr(); strm->imbue(std::locale::classic()); return strm; } private: pstring m_folder; }; class netlist_tool_t : public netlist::netlist_state_t { public: netlist_tool_t(plib::plog_delegate logger, const pstring &name, const pstring &boostlib) : netlist::netlist_state_t(name, logger) { if (boostlib == "builtin") set_static_solver_lib(std::make_unique(nl_static_solver_syms)); else if (boostlib == "generic") set_static_solver_lib(std::make_unique(nullptr)); else if (NL_DISABLE_DYNAMIC_LOAD) throw netlist::nl_exception("Dynamic library loading not supported due to project security concerns."); else //pstring libpath = plib::util::environment("NL_BOOSTLIB", plib::util::buildpath({".", "nlboost.so"})); set_static_solver_lib(std::make_unique(boostlib)); } void read_netlist(const pstring &filename, const pstring &name, const std::vector &logs, const std::vector &defines, const std::vector &roms, const std::vector &includes) { // read the netlist ... for (const auto & d : defines) parser().add_define(d); for (const auto & r : roms) parser().register_source(r); for (const auto & i : includes) parser().add_include(i); parser().register_source(filename); parser().include(name); parser().register_dynamic_log_devices(logs); // start devices setup().prepare_to_run(); } std::vector save_state() { run_state_manager().pre_save(); std::size_t size = 0; for (auto const & s : run_state_manager().save_list()) size += s->dt().size() * s->count(); std::vector buf(size); char *p = buf.data(); for (auto const & s : run_state_manager().save_list()) { std::size_t sz = s->dt().size() * s->count(); if (s->dt().is_float() || s->dt().is_integral()) std::copy(static_cast(s->ptr()), static_cast(s->ptr()) + sz, p); else log().fatal("found unsupported save element {1}\n", s->name()); p += sz; } return buf; } void load_state(std::vector &buf) { std::size_t size = 0; for (auto const & s : run_state_manager().save_list()) size += s->dt().size() * s->count(); if (buf.size() != size) throw netlist::nl_exception("Size different during load state."); char *p = buf.data(); for (auto const & s : run_state_manager().save_list()) { std::size_t sz = s->dt().size() * s->count(); if (s->dt().is_float() || s->dt().is_integral()) std::copy(p, p + sz, static_cast(s->ptr())); else log().fatal("found unsupported save element {1}\n", s->name()); p += sz; } run_state_manager().post_load(); this->rebuild_lists(); } protected: private: }; struct input_t { input_t(const netlist::setup_t &setup, const putf8string &line) : m_value(netlist::nlconst::zero()) { std::array buf; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init) double t(0); double val(0); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg) int e = std::sscanf(line.c_str(), "%lf,%[^,],%lf", &t, buf.data(), &val); if (e != 3) throw netlist::nl_exception(plib::pfmt("error {1} scanning line {2}\n")(e)(line)); m_value = static_cast(val); m_time = netlist::netlist_time_ext::from_fp(t); m_param = setup.find_param(pstring(buf.data())); } void setparam() const { switch (m_param.param().param_type()) { case netlist::param_t::STRING: case netlist::param_t::POINTER: throw netlist::nl_exception(plib::pfmt("param {1} is not numeric\n")(m_param.param().name())); case netlist::param_t::DOUBLE: plib::downcast(m_param.param()).set(m_value); break; case netlist::param_t::INTEGER: plib::downcast(m_param.param()).set(static_cast(m_value)); break; case netlist::param_t::LOGIC: plib::downcast(m_param.param()).set(static_cast(m_value)); break; } } netlist::netlist_time_ext m_time; netlist::param_ref_t m_param; netlist::nl_fptype m_value; }; static std::vector read_input(const netlist::setup_t &setup, const pstring &fname) { std::vector ret; if (!fname.empty()) { plib::putf8_reader r = plib::putf8_reader(std::make_unique(plib::filesystem::u8path(fname))); if (r.stream().fail()) throw netlist::nl_exception(netlist::MF_FILE_OPEN_ERROR(fname)); r.stream().imbue(std::locale::classic()); putf8string l; while (r.readline(l)) { if (!l.empty()) { input_t inp(setup, l); ret.push_back(inp); } } } return ret; } void tool_app_t::run_with_progress(netlist_tool_t &nt, netlist::netlist_time_ext nlstart, netlist::netlist_time_ext ttr) { if (!opt_progress()) nt.exec().process_queue(ttr); else { auto now = nt.exec().time(); auto end = now + ttr; // run to next_sec while (now < end) { auto elapsed = now - nlstart; auto elapsed_sec = elapsed.in_sec() + 1; auto next_sec = nlstart + netlist::netlist_time_ext::from_sec(elapsed_sec); if (end < next_sec) { nt.exec().process_queue(end - now); } else { nt.exec().process_queue(next_sec - now); pout("progress {1:4}s : {2}\r", elapsed_sec, pstring(gsl::narrow_cast(elapsed_sec), '*')); pout.flush(); } now = nt.exec().time(); } } } void tool_app_t::logger(plib::plog_level l, const pstring &ls) { pstring err = plib::pfmt("{}: {}\n")(l.name())(ls.c_str()); if (l == plib::plog_level::WARNING) m_warnings++; if (l == plib::plog_level::ERROR) m_errors++; if (l == plib::plog_level::FATAL) m_errors++; pout("{}", err); } void tool_app_t::run() { plib::chrono::timer t; std::vector inps; netlist::netlist_time_ext ttr; if (opt_files().size() != 1) throw netlist::nl_exception("nltool: run needs exactly one file"); if (!plib::util::exists(opt_files()[0])) throw netlist::nl_exception("nltool: file doesn't exists: {}", opt_files()[0]); t.start(); netlist_tool_t nt(plib::plog_delegate(&tool_app_t::logger, this), "netlist", opt_boostlib()); nt.exec().enable_stats(opt_stats()); if (!opt_verb()) nt.log().verbose.set_enabled(false); if (opt_quiet()) nt.log().info.set_enabled(false); nt.read_netlist(opt_files()[0], opt_name(), opt_logs(), m_defines, opt_rfolders(), opt_includes()); // Inputs must be read before reset -> will clear setup and parser inps = read_input(nt.setup(), opt_inp()); nt.free_setup_resources(); nt.exec().reset(); ttr = netlist::netlist_time_ext::from_fp(opt_ttr()); t.stop(); pout("startup time ==> {1:5.3f}\n", t.as_seconds() ); // FIXME: error handling if (opt_loadstate.was_specified()) { plib::ifstream strm(plib::filesystem::u8path(opt_loadstate())); if (strm.fail()) throw netlist::nl_exception(netlist::MF_FILE_OPEN_ERROR(opt_loadstate())); strm.imbue(std::locale::classic()); plib::pbinary_reader reader(strm); std::vector loadstate; reader.read(loadstate); nt.load_state(loadstate); pout("Loaded state, run will continue at {1:.6f}\n", nt.exec().time().as_double()); } t.reset(); netlist::netlist_time_ext nlstart = nt.exec().time(); { pout("runnning ...\n"); unsigned pos = 0; netlist::netlist_time_ext nlt = nlstart; auto t_guard(t.guard()); while (pos < inps.size() && inps[pos].m_time < ttr && inps[pos].m_time >= nlt) { run_with_progress(nt, nlstart, inps[pos].m_time - nlt); inps[pos].setparam(); nlt = inps[pos].m_time; pos++; } if (ttr > nlt) run_with_progress(nt, nlstart, ttr - nlt); else { pout("end time {1:.6f} less than saved time {2:.6f}\n", ttr.as_double(), nlt.as_double()); ttr = nlt; } } if (opt_savestate.was_specified()) { auto savestate = nt.save_state(); plib::ofstream strm(plib::filesystem::u8path(opt_savestate()), std::ios_base::binary); if (strm.fail()) throw plib::file_open_e(opt_savestate()); strm.imbue(std::locale::classic()); plib::pbinary_writer writer(strm); writer.write(savestate); } nt.exec().stop(); if (opt_progress()) pout("\n"); auto emutime(t.as_seconds()); pout("{1:f} seconds emulation took {2:f} real time ==> {3:5.2f}%\n", (ttr - nlstart).as_fp(), emutime, (ttr - nlstart).as_fp() / emutime * netlist::nlconst::hundred()); } void tool_app_t::validate() { netlist_tool_t nt(plib::plog_delegate(&tool_app_t::logger, this), "netlist", opt_boostlib()); if (opt_files().size() != 1) throw netlist::nl_exception("nltool: validate needs exactly one file"); if (!opt_verb()) nt.log().verbose.set_enabled(false); if (opt_quiet()) nt.log().info.set_enabled(false); m_errors = 0; m_warnings = 0; try { nt.read_netlist(opt_files()[0], opt_name(), opt_logs(), m_defines, opt_rfolders(), opt_includes()); } catch (netlist::nl_exception &e) { pout("Netlist exception caught: {}\n", e.text()); } catch (plib::pexception &e) { pout("plib exception caught: {}\n", e.text()); } //pout("Validation warnings: {}\n", m_warnings); //pout("Validation errors: {}\n", m_errors); if (m_warnings + m_errors > 0) throw netlist::nl_exception("validation: {1} errors {2} warnings", m_errors, m_warnings); } void tool_app_t::compile_one_and_add_to_map(const pstring &file, const pstring &name, netlist::solver::static_compile_target target, compile_map &map) { try { netlist_tool_t nt(plib::plog_delegate(&tool_app_t::logger, this), "netlist", opt_boostlib()); nt.log().verbose.set_enabled(false); nt.log().info.set_enabled(false); nt.log().warning.set_enabled(false); nt.read_netlist(file, name, opt_logs(), m_defines, opt_rfolders(), opt_includes()); // need to reset ... nt.free_setup_resources(); nt.exec().reset(); auto mp(nt.exec().solver()->create_solver_code(target)); for (auto &e : mp) { auto it = map.find(e.first); if (it == map.end()) map.insert({e.first, compile_map_entry(name, e.second, e.first)}); else { if (it->second.m_code != e.second) { pstring msg = plib::pfmt("nltool: found hash conflict in {1}, netlist {2}")(file, name); throw netlist::nl_exception(msg); } } } nt.exec().stop(); } catch (netlist::nl_exception &e) { perr("{} : Netlist exception : {}\n", file, e.text()); } catch (plib::pexception &e) { perr("{} : Netlist exception : {}\n", file, e.text()); } } void tool_app_t::static_compile() { netlist::solver::static_compile_target target = netlist::solver::CXX_STATIC; if ((opt_dir.was_specified() ^ opt_out.was_specified()) == 0) throw netlist::nl_exception("either --dir or --output option needed"); if (opt_dir.was_specified()) { if (opt_files().size() != 1) throw netlist::nl_exception("nltool: static_compile needs exactly one file"); compile_map mp; compile_one_and_add_to_map(opt_files()[0], opt_name(), target, mp); for (auto &e : mp) { plib::ofstream sout(opt_dir() + "/" + e.first + ".c" ); sout << putf8string(e.second.m_code); } } else { compile_map map; for (const auto &f : opt_files()) { std::vector names; if (opt_name.was_specified()) names.push_back(opt_name()); else { plib::putf8_reader r = plib::putf8_reader(std::make_unique(plib::filesystem::u8path(f))); if (r.stream().fail()) throw netlist::nl_exception(netlist::MF_FILE_OPEN_ERROR(f)); r.stream().imbue(std::locale::classic()); putf8string line; while (r.readline(line)) { if (plib::startsWith(line, "//NL_CONTAINS ")) { auto sp = plib::psplit(pstring(plib::trim(line.substr(13))), ' ', true); for (auto &e : sp) names.push_back(e); } } if (names.empty()) { pstring name = plib::util::basename(f, ".cpp"); if (plib::startsWith(name, "nl_")) name = name.substr(3); names.push_back(name); } } for (auto &name : names) { if (!opt_quiet()) pout("Processing {}({}) ... \n", name, f); compile_one_and_add_to_map(f, name, target, map); } } std::vector sorted; for (auto &e : map) sorted.push_back(&e.second); std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [](compile_map_entry *a, compile_map_entry *b) -> bool { return (a->m_module < b->m_module) || (a->m_module == b->m_module && a->m_hash < b->m_hash); }); std::vector split_include_list; if (opt_split()) { // I'm sure the filename manipulation can be made better char dirsep = (opt_out().find('\\') != pstring::npos) ? '\\' : '/'; std::vector dirparts = plib::psplit(opt_out(), dirsep); pstring basedir; for (int i = 0; i < dirparts.size() - 1; i++) basedir += dirparts[i] + dirsep; std::vector nameparts = plib::psplit(dirparts[dirparts.size() - 1], '.'); pstring basename = nameparts[0]; plib::ofstream *curout = nullptr; pstring prev_module; for (auto e : sorted) { if (e->m_module != prev_module) { delete curout; pstring filename = basename + "_" + e->m_module + ".hpp"; split_include_list.push_back(filename); curout = new plib::ofstream(basedir + filename); if (curout->fail()) throw netlist::nl_exception(netlist::MF_FILE_OPEN_ERROR(basedir + filename)); prev_module = e->m_module; } *curout << putf8string(e->m_code); } delete curout; } plib::ofstream sout(opt_out()); if (sout.fail()) throw netlist::nl_exception(netlist::MF_FILE_OPEN_ERROR(opt_out())); sout << "#include \"plib/pdynlib.h\"\n\n"; sout << "#if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)\n\n"; pstring prev_module; if (opt_split()) { for (auto &e : split_include_list) sout << "#include \"" << e << "\"\n"; } else { for (auto e : sorted) { sout << "// " << putf8string(e->m_module) << "\n"; sout << putf8string(e->m_code); } } sout << "#endif\n\n"; sout << "extern const plib::dynlib_static_sym nl_static_solver_syms[];\n"; sout << "const plib::dynlib_static_sym nl_static_solver_syms[] = {\n"; sout << "#if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)\n\n"; for (auto e : sorted) { sout << "// " << putf8string(e->m_module) << "\n"; sout << "\t{\"" << putf8string(e->m_hash) << "\", reinterpret_cast(&" << putf8string(e->m_hash) << ")}, // NOLINT\n"; } sout << "#endif\n\n"; sout << "{\"\", nullptr}\n"; sout << "};\n"; } } // "Description: The Swiss army knife for timing purposes\n" // " which has a ton of applications.\n" // "DipAlias: GND,TRIG,OUT,RESET,VCC,DISCH,THRES,CONT\n" // "Package: DIP\n" // "NamingConvention: Naming conventions follow Texas Instruments datasheet\n" // "Limitations: Internal resistor network currently fixed to 5k\n" // " more limitations\n" // "FunctionTable:\n" // struct doc_ext { pstring id; pstring title; pstring description; std::vector pinalias; pstring package; std::vector> params; pstring namingconventions; pstring limitations; pstring functiontable; std::vector example; }; static doc_ext read_docsrc(const pstring &fname, const pstring &id) { plib::putf8_reader r = plib::putf8_reader(std::make_unique(plib::filesystem::u8path(fname))); if (r.stream().fail()) throw netlist::nl_exception(netlist::MF_FILE_OPEN_ERROR(fname)); r.stream().imbue(std::locale::classic()); doc_ext ret; putf8string l; if (!r.readline(l)) return ret; do { l = plib::trim(l); if (plib::startsWith(l, "//-")) { l = plib::trim(l.substr(3)); if (!l.empty()) { auto a(plib::psplit(pstring(l), ':', true)); if (a.empty() || (a.size() > 2)) throw netlist::nl_exception(pstring(l) + " size mismatch"); pstring n(plib::trim(a[0])); pstring v(a.size() < 2 ? "" : plib::trim(a[1])); pstring v2(v); if (n == "Identifier") { if (!r.readline(l) || ret.id == id) return (ret.id == id ? ret : doc_ext()); ret = doc_ext(); ret.id = v; } else { while (r.readline(l)) { l = plib::ltrim(l); if (!(plib::startsWith(l, "//- ") || plib::startsWith(l, "//-\t")) && !(plib::rtrim(l) == "//-")) break; v = v + "\n" + pstring(l.substr(3)); } if (n == "Title") ret.title = plib::trim(v); else if (n == "Pinalias") ret.pinalias = plib::psplit(plib::trim(v),',',true); else if (n == "Description") ret.description = v; else if (n == "Package") ret.package = plib::trim(v); else if (n == "NamingConvention") ret.namingconventions = v; else if (n == "Limitations") ret.limitations = v; else if (n == "FunctionTable") ret.functiontable = v; else if (n == "Param") ret.params.emplace_back(v2, plib::trim(v.substr(v2.length()))); else if (n == "Example") { ret.example = plib::psplit(plib::trim(v),',',true); if (ret.example.size() != 2 && !ret.example.empty()) throw netlist::nl_exception("Example requires 2 parameters, but found {1}", ret.example.size()); } else throw netlist::nl_exception(n); } } } else if (!r.readline(l)) return (ret.id == id ? ret : doc_ext()); } while (true); //return ret; } void tool_app_t::mac_out(const pstring &s, const bool cont) { if (cont) { unsigned pos = 0; pstring r; for (const auto &x : s) { if (x == '\t') { auto pos_mod_4 = pos % opt_tabwidth(); auto tab_adj = opt_tabwidth() - pos_mod_4; r += plib::rpad(pstring(""), pstring(" "), tab_adj); pos += tab_adj; } else { r += x; pos++; } } pout("{1}\\\n", plib::rpad(r, pstring(" "), opt_linewidth()-1)); } else pout("{1}\n", s); } void tool_app_t::header_entry(const netlist::factory::element_t *e) { auto v = plib::psplit(e->param_desc(), ','); pstring vs; pstring avs; for (const auto &s : v) if (!plib::startsWith(s, "@")) vs += ", p" + plib::replace_all(plib::replace_all(s, "+", ""), ".", "_"); else avs += ", " + s.substr(1); mac_out("// usage : " + e->name() + "(name" + vs + ")", false); if (!avs.empty()) mac_out("// auto connect: " + avs.substr(2), false); mac_out("#define " + e->name() + "(...)"); mac_out("\tNET_REGISTER_DEVEXT(" + e->name() +", __VA_ARGS__)", false); mac_out("", false); } void tool_app_t::mac(const netlist::factory::element_t *e) { auto v = plib::psplit(e->param_desc(), ','); pstring vs; for (const auto &s : v) if (!plib::startsWith(s, "@")) vs += ", " + plib::replace_all(plib::replace_all(s, "+", ""), ".", "_"); pout("{1}(name{2})\n", e->name(), vs); if (!v.empty()) { pout("/*\n"); for (const auto &s : v) { pstring r(plib::replace_all(plib::replace_all(plib::replace_all(s, "+", ""), ".", "_"), "@","")); if (plib::startsWith(s, "+")) pout("{1:10}: Terminal\n",r); else if (plib::startsWith(s, "@")) pout("{1:10}: Power terminal - automatically connected\n", r); else pout("{1:10}: Parameter\n", r); } pout("*/\n"); } } void tool_app_t::create_header() { if (!opt_files().empty()) throw netlist::nl_exception("Header doesn't support input files, but {1} where given", opt_files().size()); netlist_tool_t nt(plib::plog_delegate(&tool_app_t::logger, this), "netlist", opt_boostlib()); nt.log().verbose.set_enabled(false); nt.log().info.set_enabled(false); nt.parser().register_source("dummy", &netlist_dummy); nt.parser().include("dummy"); pout("// license:GPL-2.0+\n"); pout("// copyright-holders:Couriersud\n"); pout("#ifndef NLD_DEVINC_H\n"); pout("#define NLD_DEVINC_H\n"); pout("\n"); pout("#ifndef __PLIB_PREPROCESSOR__\n"); pout("\n"); pout("// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); pout("// Netlist Macros\n"); pout("// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); pout("\n"); pstring last_source(""); for (auto &e : nt.parser().factory()) { bool found(opt_pattern().empty()); for (const auto &p : opt_pattern()) found |= (e->name().find(p) != pstring::npos); if (found) { if (last_source != e->source().file_name()) { last_source = e->source().file_name(); pout("{1}\n", plib::rpad(pstring("// "), pstring("-"), opt_linewidth())); pout("{1}{2}\n", "// Source: ", plib::replace_all(e->source().file_name(), "../", "")); pout("{1}\n", plib::rpad(pstring("// "), pstring("-"), opt_linewidth())); } header_entry(e.get()); } } pout("#endif // __PLIB_PREPROCESSOR__\n"); pout("#endif\n"); nt.exec().stop(); } void tool_app_t::create_docheader() { netlist_tool_t nt(plib::plog_delegate(&tool_app_t::logger, this), "netlist", opt_boostlib()); nt.log().verbose.set_enabled(false); nt.log().info.set_enabled(false); nt.parser().register_source("dummy", &netlist_dummy); nt.parser().include("dummy"); std::vector devs; for (auto &e : nt.parser().factory()) devs.push_back(e->name()); std::sort(devs.begin(), devs.end(), [&](pstring &a, pstring &b) { return a < b; }); pout("// license:GPL-2.0+\n"); pout("// copyright-holders:Couriersud\n"); pout("\n"); pout("// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); pout("// Automatically created file. DO NOT MODIFY.\n"); pout("// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); pout("///\n"); pout("/// \\page devices Devices\n"); pout("///\n"); pout("/// Below is a list of all the devices currently known to the system ...\n"); pout("///\n"); for (auto &s : devs) pout("/// - @subpage {1}\n", s); pout("\n"); std::vector de_cache; for (auto &e : nt.parser().factory()) { auto d(read_docsrc(e->source().file_name(), e->name())); if (!d.id.empty()) { pout("//! [{1} csynopsis]\n", e->name()); header_entry(e.get()); pout("//! [{1} csynopsis]\n", e->name()); pout("//! [{1} synopsis]\n", e->name()); mac(e.get()); pout("//! [{1} synopsis]\n", e->name()); } de_cache.push_back(std::move(d)); } poutprefix("", ""); poutprefix("///", ""); //poutprefix("///", " @file "); poutprefix("///", " @page ''"); // FIXME: snippets and pages need to be separate files poutprefix("", ""); for (auto &d : de_cache) { //auto d(read_docsrc(e->source().file_name(), e->name())); if (!d.id.empty()) { poutprefix("///", ""); //poutprefix("///", " @file {}", e->sourcefile()); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @page {} {}", d.id, d.title); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " {}", d.description); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @section {}_1 Synopsis", d.id); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @snippet devsyn.dox.h {} synopsis", d.id); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @section {}_11 C Synopsis", d.id); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @snippet devsyn.dox.h {} csynopsis", d.id); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @section {}_2 Parameters", d.id); poutprefix("///", ""); if (!d.params.empty()) { poutprefix("///", " "); poutprefix("///", " "); for (auto &e : d.params) poutprefix("///", " ", e.first, e.second); poutprefix("///", "
"); } else poutprefix("///", " This device has no parameters."); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @section {}_3 Connection Diagram", d.id); poutprefix("///", ""); if (!d.pinalias.empty()) { poutprefix("///", "
				if (d.package == "DIP")
					auto & pins = d.pinalias;
					//const int w = 8;
					poutprefix("///", " {1:10} +--------+", " ");
					for (std::size_t i=0; i < pins.size() / 2; i++)
						poutprefix("///", " {1:10} |{2:-2}    {3:2}| {4:-10}",
							pins[i], i+1, pins.size()-i, pins[pins.size()-i-1]);
					poutprefix("///", " {1:10} +--------+", " ");
				else if (d.package == "SIL")
					auto & pins = d.pinalias;
					//const int w = 8;
					poutprefix("///", " {1:10} +--------+", " ");
					for (std::size_t i=0; i < pins.size(); i++)
						poutprefix("///", " {1:10} |{2:-2}      |",
							pins[i], i+1);
					poutprefix("///", " {1:10} +--------+", " ");
				poutprefix("///", "  
"); } poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " {}", d.namingconventions); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @section {}_4 Function Table", d.id); poutprefix("///", ""); if (d.functiontable.empty()) poutprefix("///", " Please refer to the datasheet."); else poutprefix("///", " {}", d.functiontable); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @section {}_5 Limitations", d.id); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " {}", d.limitations); if (!d.example.empty()) { poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("///", " @section {}_6 Example", d.id); poutprefix("///", " @snippet {1} {2}", d.example[0], d.example[1]); poutprefix("///", ""); poutprefix("", ""); } } } nt.exec().stop(); } // ------------------------------------------------- // listdevices - list all known devices // ------------------------------------------------- void tool_app_t::listdevices() { netlist_tool_t nt(plib::plog_delegate(&tool_app_t::logger, this), "netlist", opt_boostlib()); nt.log().verbose.set_enabled(false); nt.log().info.set_enabled(false); nt.log().warning.set_enabled(false); netlist::factory::list_t &list = nt.parser().factory(); nt.parser().register_source("dummy", &netlist_dummy); nt.parser().include("dummy"); nt.setup().prepare_to_run(); std::vector> devs; for (auto & fl : list) { pstring out = plib::pfmt("{1:-20} {2}(")(fl->name())(fl->name()); netlist::factory::element_t *f = nullptr; nt.parser().register_dev(fl->name(), fl->name() + "_lc", std::vector(), &f); auto d = f->make_device(nt.pool(), nt, f->name() + "_lc"); // get the list of terminals ... std::vector terms(nt.setup().get_terminals_for_device_name(d->name())); out += "," + f->param_desc(); for (const auto &p : plib::psplit(f->param_desc(),',') ) { if (plib::startsWith(p, "+")) { plib::container::remove(terms, p.substr(1)); } } out += ")"; pout("{}\n", out); if (!terms.empty()) { pstring t = ""; for (auto & j : terms) t += "," + j; pout("\tTerminals: {}\n", t.substr(1)); } devs.emplace_back(std::move(d)); } } void tool_app_t::listmodels() { netlist_tool_t nt(plib::plog_delegate(&tool_app_t::logger, this), "netlist", opt_boostlib()); nt.log().verbose.set_enabled(false); nt.log().info.set_enabled(false); nt.log().warning.set_enabled(false); nt.parser().register_source("dummy", &netlist_dummy); nt.parser().include("dummy"); nt.setup().prepare_to_run(); using epair = std::pair; struct comp_s { bool operator() (const epair &i, const epair &j) { if (i.first < j.first) return true; if (i.first == j.first) return (i.second < j.second); return false; } } comp; std::vector elems; for (auto & e : nt.setup().models().known_models()) { auto model = nt.setup().models().get_model(e); elems.emplace_back(model.type(), e); } std::sort(elems.begin(), elems.end(), comp); for (auto & e : elems) { pstring out = plib::pfmt("{1:-15} {2}")(e.first, e.second); pout("{}\n", out); } } // ------------------------------------------------- // convert - convert spice et al to netlist // ------------------------------------------------- void tool_app_t::convert() { std::stringstream ostrm; ostrm.imbue(std::locale::classic()); if (opt_files().size() > 1) throw netlist::nl_exception("nltool: convert needs exactly one file"); if (opt_files().empty() || opt_files()[0] == "-") { plib::copystream(ostrm, std::cin); } else { plib::ifstream strm(plib::filesystem::u8path(opt_files()[0])); if (strm.fail()) throw netlist::nl_exception(netlist::MF_FILE_OPEN_ERROR(opt_files()[0])); strm.imbue(std::locale::classic()); plib::copystream(ostrm, strm); } pstring contents(putf8string(ostrm.str())); pstring result; if (opt_type.as_string() == "spice") { netlist::convert::nl_convert_spice_t c; c.convert(contents); result = c.result(); } else if (opt_type.as_string() == "eagle") { netlist::convert::nl_convert_eagle_t c; c.convert(contents); result = c.result(); } else if (opt_type.as_string() == "rinf") { netlist::convert::nl_convert_rinf_t c; c.convert(contents); result = c.result(); } // present result pout.write(result); } // ------------------------------------------------- // main - primary entry point // ------------------------------------------------- #if 0 static const pstring pmf_verbose[] = { "NL_PMF_TYPE_VIRTUAL", "NL_PMF_TYPE_GNUC_PMF", "NL_PMF_TYPE_GNUC_PMF_CONV", "NL_PMF_TYPE_INTERNAL" }; #endif pstring tool_app_t::usage() { return help( "nltool serves as the Swiss Army knife to run, test and convert netlists.\n\n" "Commands may accept one or more files depending on the functionality.\n" "If no file is provided, standard input is used.", "nltool [option]... [files]..."); } int tool_app_t::execute() { tool_app_t opts; if (opt_help()) { pout(usage()); return 0; } if (opt_version()) { pout( "nltool (netlist) {1}\n" "Copyright (C) 2020 Couriersud\n" "License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later .\n" "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n" "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n\n" "Written by Couriersud.\n", netlist::netlist_state_t::version()); if (opt_verb()) { std::vector> defs; netlist::netlist_state_t::compile_defines(defs); pout("\nCompile defines:\n"); for (auto &x : defs) pout("{1:-30} = {2}\n", x.first, x.second); } return 0; } m_defines = opt_defines(); m_defines.emplace_back("NLTOOL_VERSION=" + netlist::netlist_state_t::version()); if (opt_prepro()) m_defines.emplace_back("__PREPROCESSOR_DEBUG__=1"); try { plib::fpsignalenabler::global_enable(opt_fperr()); plib::fpsignalenabler fpprotect(plib::FP_DIVBYZERO | plib::FP_UNDERFLOW | plib::FP_OVERFLOW | plib::FP_INVALID); pstring cmd = opt_cmd.as_string(); if (cmd == "listdevices") listdevices(); else if (cmd == "listmodels") listmodels(); else if (cmd == "run") run(); else if (cmd == "validate") validate(); else if (cmd == "static") static_compile(); else if (cmd == "header") create_header(); else if (cmd == "docheader") create_docheader(); else if (cmd == "convert") convert(); else if (cmd == "tests") { return PRUN_ALL_TESTS(); } else { perr("Unknown command {}\n", cmd.c_str()); //FIXME: usage_short perr(usage()); return 1; } } catch (plib::pexception &e) { perr("Exception caught: {}\n", e.text()); return 2; } #if 0 std::cout.imbue(std::locale("de_DE.utf8")); std::cout.imbue(std::locale("C.UTF-8")); std::cout << std::fixed << 20.003 << "\n"; std::cout << std::setw(20) << std::left << "01234567890" << "|" << "\n"; std::cout << std::setw(20) << "Общая ком" << "|" << "\n"; std::cout << "Общая ком" << pstring(20 - pstring("Общая ком").length(), ' ') << "|" << "\n"; std::cout << plib::pfmt("{:20}")("Общая ком") << "|" << "\n"; //char x = 'a'; //auto b= U'щ'; auto b= U'\U00000449'; std::cout << "b: <" << b << ">"; #endif return 0; } PMAIN(tool_app_t)