// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Vas Crabb #ifndef MAME_FRONTEND_UI_TOOLBAR_IPP #define MAME_FRONTEND_UI_TOOLBAR_IPP #pragma once namespace ui { namespace { // TODO: move this to external image files and zlib compress them into a source file as part of the build process char const *const toolbar_icons_svg[] = { // favourites star u8"" "" "" "", // save diskette u8"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "", // audit magnifying glass u8"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "", // info u8"" "" "" "" "" "", // previous menu u8"" "" "" "" "" "", // exit u8"" "" "" "" "" "" }; enum { TOOLBAR_BITMAP_FAVORITE, TOOLBAR_BITMAP_SAVE, TOOLBAR_BITMAP_AUDIT, TOOLBAR_BITMAP_INFO, TOOLBAR_BITMAP_PREVMENU, TOOLBAR_BITMAP_EXIT }; constexpr size_t UI_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS = std::size(toolbar_icons_svg); } // anonymous namespace } // namespace ui #endif // MAME_FRONTEND_UI_TOOLBAR_IPP