// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Nicola Salmoria, Aaron Giles, Nathan Woods, Maurizio Petrarota /********************************************************************* ui/miscmenu.cpp Internal MAME menus for the user interface. *********************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "mame.h" #include "osdnet.h" #include "mameopts.h" #include "pluginopts.h" #include "drivenum.h" #include "uiinput.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/menu.h" #include "ui/miscmenu.h" #include "../info.h" #include "ui/inifile.h" #include "ui/submenu.h" /*************************************************************************** MENU HANDLERS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- ui_menu_keyboard_mode - menu that -------------------------------------------------*/ ui_menu_keyboard_mode::ui_menu_keyboard_mode(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container) : ui_menu(mui, container) { } void ui_menu_keyboard_mode::populate() { bool natural = ui().use_natural_keyboard(); item_append(_("Keyboard Mode:"), natural ? _("Natural") : _("Emulated"), natural ? MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW : MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW, nullptr); } ui_menu_keyboard_mode::~ui_menu_keyboard_mode() { } void ui_menu_keyboard_mode::handle() { bool natural = ui().use_natural_keyboard(); /* process the menu */ const ui_menu_event *menu_event = process(0); if (menu_event != nullptr) { if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT || menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_RIGHT) { ui().set_use_natural_keyboard(natural ^ true); reset(UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_REF); } } } /*------------------------------------------------- ui_menu_bios_selection - populates the main bios selection menu -------------------------------------------------*/ ui_menu_bios_selection::ui_menu_bios_selection(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container) : ui_menu(mui, container) { } void ui_menu_bios_selection::populate() { /* cycle through all devices for this system */ for (device_t &device : device_iterator(machine().root_device())) { if (device.rom_region()) { const char *val = "default"; for (const rom_entry *rom = device.rom_region(); !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); rom++) { if (ROMENTRY_ISSYSTEM_BIOS(rom) && ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(rom) == device.system_bios()) { val = ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom); } } item_append(device.owner() == nullptr ? "driver" : device.tag()+1, val, MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW | MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW, (void *)&device); } } item_append(ui_menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); item_append(_("Reset"), nullptr, 0, (void *)1); } ui_menu_bios_selection::~ui_menu_bios_selection() { } /*------------------------------------------------- ui_menu_bios_selection - menu that -------------------------------------------------*/ void ui_menu_bios_selection::handle() { /* process the menu */ const ui_menu_event *menu_event = process(0); if (menu_event != nullptr && menu_event->itemref != nullptr) { if ((FPTR)menu_event->itemref == 1 && menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) machine().schedule_hard_reset(); else if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT || menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_RIGHT) { device_t *dev = (device_t *)menu_event->itemref; int cnt = 0; for (const rom_entry *rom = dev->rom_region(); !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); rom++) { if (ROMENTRY_ISSYSTEM_BIOS(rom)) cnt ++; } int val = dev->system_bios() + ((menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT) ? -1 : +1); if (val<1) val=cnt; if (val>cnt) val=1; dev->set_system_bios(val); if (strcmp(dev->tag(),":")==0) { std::string error; machine().options().set_value("bios", val-1, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error); assert(error.empty()); } else { std::string error; std::string value = string_format("%s,bios=%d", machine().options().main_value(dev->owner()->tag()+1), val-1); machine().options().set_value(dev->owner()->tag()+1, value.c_str(), OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error); assert(error.empty()); } reset(UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_REF); } } } ui_menu_network_devices::ui_menu_network_devices(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container) : ui_menu(mui, container) { } ui_menu_network_devices::~ui_menu_network_devices() { } /*------------------------------------------------- menu_network_devices_populate - populates the main network device menu -------------------------------------------------*/ void ui_menu_network_devices::populate() { /* cycle through all devices for this system */ for (device_network_interface &network : network_interface_iterator(machine().root_device())) { int curr = network.get_interface(); const char *title = nullptr; const osd_netdev::entry_t *entry = netdev_first(); while(entry) { if(entry->id==curr) { title = entry->description; break; } entry = entry->m_next; } item_append(network.device().tag(), (title) ? title : "------", MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW | MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW, (void *)network); } } /*------------------------------------------------- ui_menu_network_devices - menu that -------------------------------------------------*/ void ui_menu_network_devices::handle() { /* process the menu */ const ui_menu_event *menu_event = process(0); if (menu_event != nullptr && menu_event->itemref != nullptr) { if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT || menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_RIGHT) { device_network_interface *network = (device_network_interface *)menu_event->itemref; int curr = network->get_interface(); if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT) curr--; else curr++; if (curr==-2) curr = netdev_count() - 1; network->set_interface(curr); reset(UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_REF); } } } /*------------------------------------------------- menu_bookkeeping - handle the bookkeeping information menu -------------------------------------------------*/ void ui_menu_bookkeeping::handle() { attotime curtime; /* if the time has rolled over another second, regenerate */ curtime = machine().time(); if (prevtime.seconds() != curtime.seconds()) { reset(UI_MENU_RESET_SELECT_FIRST); prevtime = curtime; populate(); } /* process the menu */ process(0); } /*------------------------------------------------- menu_bookkeeping - handle the bookkeeping information menu -------------------------------------------------*/ ui_menu_bookkeeping::ui_menu_bookkeeping(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container) : ui_menu(mui, container) { } ui_menu_bookkeeping::~ui_menu_bookkeeping() { } void ui_menu_bookkeeping::populate() { int tickets = machine().bookkeeping().get_dispensed_tickets(); std::ostringstream tempstring; int ctrnum; /* show total time first */ if (prevtime.seconds() >= (60 * 60)) util::stream_format(tempstring, _("Uptime: %1$d:%2$02d:%3$02d\n\n"), prevtime.seconds() / (60 * 60), (prevtime.seconds() / 60) % 60, prevtime.seconds() % 60); else util::stream_format(tempstring, _("Uptime: %1$d:%2$02d\n\n"), (prevtime.seconds() / 60) % 60, prevtime.seconds() % 60); /* show tickets at the top */ if (tickets > 0) util::stream_format(tempstring, _("Tickets dispensed: %1$d\n\n"), tickets); /* loop over coin counters */ for (ctrnum = 0; ctrnum < COIN_COUNTERS; ctrnum++) { int count = machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_get_count(ctrnum); /* display the coin counter number */ /* display how many coins */ /* display whether or not we are locked out */ util::stream_format(tempstring, (count == 0) ? _("Coin %1$c: NA%3$s\n") : _("Coin %1$c: %2$d%3$s\n"), ctrnum + 'A', count, machine().bookkeeping().coin_lockout_get_state(ctrnum) ? _(" (locked)") : ""); } /* append the single item */ item_append(tempstring.str().c_str(), nullptr, MENU_FLAG_MULTILINE, nullptr); } /*------------------------------------------------- menu_crosshair - handle the crosshair settings menu -------------------------------------------------*/ void ui_menu_crosshair::handle() { /* process the menu */ const ui_menu_event *menu_event = process(UI_MENU_PROCESS_LR_REPEAT); /* handle events */ if (menu_event != nullptr && menu_event->itemref != nullptr) { crosshair_user_settings settings; crosshair_item_data *data = (crosshair_item_data *)menu_event->itemref; bool changed = false; //int set_def = false; int newval = data->cur; /* retreive the user settings */ machine().crosshair().get_user_settings(data->player, &settings); switch (menu_event->iptkey) { /* if selected, reset to default value */ case IPT_UI_SELECT: newval = data->defvalue; //set_def = true; break; /* left decrements */ case IPT_UI_LEFT: newval -= machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_LSHIFT) ? 10 : 1; break; /* right increments */ case IPT_UI_RIGHT: newval += machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_LSHIFT) ? 10 : 1; break; } /* clamp to range */ if (newval < data->min) newval = data->min; if (newval > data->max) newval = data->max; /* if things changed, update */ if (newval != data->cur) { switch (data->type) { /* visibility state */ case CROSSHAIR_ITEM_VIS: settings.mode = newval; changed = true; break; /* auto time */ case CROSSHAIR_ITEM_AUTO_TIME: settings.auto_time = newval; changed = true; break; } } /* crosshair graphic name */ if (data->type == CROSSHAIR_ITEM_PIC) { switch (menu_event->iptkey) { case IPT_UI_SELECT: /* clear the name string to reset to default crosshair */ settings.name[0] = 0; changed = true; break; case IPT_UI_LEFT: strcpy(settings.name, data->last_name); changed = true; break; case IPT_UI_RIGHT: strcpy(settings.name, data->next_name); changed = true; break; } } if (changed) { /* save the user settings */ machine().crosshair().set_user_settings(data->player, &settings); /* rebuild the menu */ reset(UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_POSITION); } } } /*------------------------------------------------- menu_crosshair_populate - populate the crosshair settings menu -------------------------------------------------*/ ui_menu_crosshair::ui_menu_crosshair(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container) : ui_menu(mui, container) { } void ui_menu_crosshair::populate() { crosshair_user_settings settings; crosshair_item_data *data; char temp_text[16]; int player; UINT8 use_auto = false; UINT32 flags = 0; /* loop over player and add the manual items */ for (player = 0; player < MAX_PLAYERS; player++) { /* get the user settings */ machine().crosshair().get_user_settings(player, &settings); /* add menu items for usable crosshairs */ if (settings.used) { /* Make sure to keep these matched to the CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_xxx types */ static const char *const vis_text[] = { "Off", "On", "Auto" }; /* track if we need the auto time menu */ if (settings.mode == CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_AUTO) use_auto = true; /* CROSSHAIR_ITEM_VIS - allocate a data item and fill it */ data = (crosshair_item_data *)m_pool_alloc(sizeof(*data)); data->type = CROSSHAIR_ITEM_VIS; data->player = player; data->min = CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_OFF; data->max = CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_AUTO; data->defvalue = CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT; data->cur = settings.mode; /* put on arrows */ if (data->cur > data->min) flags |= MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW; if (data->cur < data->max) flags |= MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW; /* add CROSSHAIR_ITEM_VIS menu */ sprintf(temp_text, "P%d Visibility", player + 1); item_append(temp_text, vis_text[settings.mode], flags, data); /* CROSSHAIR_ITEM_PIC - allocate a data item and fill it */ data = (crosshair_item_data *)m_pool_alloc(sizeof(*data)); data->type = CROSSHAIR_ITEM_PIC; data->player = player; data->last_name[0] = 0; /* other data item not used by this menu */ /* search for crosshair graphics */ /* open a path to the crosshairs */ file_enumerator path(machine().options().crosshair_path()); const osd_directory_entry *dir; /* reset search flags */ bool using_default = false; bool finished = false; bool found = false; /* if we are using the default, then we just need to find the first in the list */ if (*(settings.name) == 0) using_default = true; /* look for the current name, then remember the name before */ /* and find the next name */ while (((dir = path.next()) != nullptr) && !finished) { int length = strlen(dir->name); /* look for files ending in .png with a name not larger then 9 chars*/ if ((length > 4) && (length <= CROSSHAIR_PIC_NAME_LENGTH + 4) && dir->name[length - 4] == '.' && tolower((UINT8)dir->name[length - 3]) == 'p' && tolower((UINT8)dir->name[length - 2]) == 'n' && tolower((UINT8)dir->name[length - 1]) == 'g') { /* remove .png from length */ length -= 4; if (found || using_default) { /* get the next name */ strncpy(data->next_name, dir->name, length); data->next_name[length] = 0; finished = true; } else if (!strncmp(dir->name, settings.name, length)) { /* we found the current name */ /* so loop once more to find the next name */ found = true; } else /* remember last name */ /* we will do it here in case files get added to the directory */ { strncpy(data->last_name, dir->name, length); data->last_name[length] = 0; } } } /* if name not found then next item is DEFAULT */ if (!found && !using_default) { data->next_name[0] = 0; finished = true; } /* setup the selection flags */ flags = 0; if (finished) flags |= MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW; if (found) flags |= MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW; /* add CROSSHAIR_ITEM_PIC menu */ sprintf(temp_text, "P%d Crosshair", player + 1); item_append(temp_text, using_default ? "DEFAULT" : settings.name, flags, data); } } if (use_auto) { /* any player can be used to get the autotime */ machine().crosshair().get_user_settings(0, &settings); /* CROSSHAIR_ITEM_AUTO_TIME - allocate a data item and fill it */ data = (crosshair_item_data *)m_pool_alloc(sizeof(*data)); data->type = CROSSHAIR_ITEM_AUTO_TIME; data->min = CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_AUTOTIME_MIN; data->max = CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_AUTOTIME_MAX; data->defvalue = CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_AUTOTIME_DEFAULT; data->cur = settings.auto_time; /* put on arrows in visible menu */ if (data->cur > data->min) flags |= MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW; if (data->cur < data->max) flags |= MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW; /* add CROSSHAIR_ITEM_AUTO_TIME menu */ sprintf(temp_text, "%d", settings.auto_time); item_append(_("Visible Delay"), temp_text, flags, data); } // else // /* leave a blank filler line when not in auto time so size does not rescale */ // item_append("", "", nullptr, nullptr); } ui_menu_crosshair::~ui_menu_crosshair() { } /*------------------------------------------------- menu_quit_game - handle the "menu" for quitting the game -------------------------------------------------*/ ui_menu_quit_game::ui_menu_quit_game(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container) : ui_menu(mui, container) { } ui_menu_quit_game::~ui_menu_quit_game() { } void ui_menu_quit_game::populate() { } void ui_menu_quit_game::handle() { /* request a reset */ machine().schedule_exit(); /* reset the menu stack */ ui_menu::stack_reset(machine()); } //------------------------------------------------- // ctor / dtor //------------------------------------------------- ui_menu_export::ui_menu_export(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container, std::vector drvlist) : ui_menu(mui, container), m_list(drvlist) { } ui_menu_export::~ui_menu_export() { } //------------------------------------------------- // handlethe options menu //------------------------------------------------- void ui_menu_export::handle() { // process the menu ui_menu::menu_stack->parent->process(UI_MENU_PROCESS_NOINPUT); const ui_menu_event *m_event = process(UI_MENU_PROCESS_NOIMAGE); if (m_event != nullptr && m_event->itemref != nullptr) { switch ((FPTR)m_event->itemref) { case 1: case 3: { if (m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) { std::string filename("exported"); emu_file infile(ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ); if (infile.open(filename.c_str(), ".xml") == osd_file::error::NONE) for (int seq = 0; ; ++seq) { std::string seqtext = string_format("%s_%04d", filename, seq); if (infile.open(seqtext.c_str(), ".xml") != osd_file::error::NONE) { filename = seqtext; break; } } // attempt to open the output file emu_file file(ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS); if (file.open(filename.c_str(), ".xml") == osd_file::error::NONE) { FILE *pfile; std::string fullpath(file.fullpath()); file.close(); pfile = fopen(fullpath.c_str(), "w"); // create the XML and save to file driver_enumerator drvlist(machine().options()); drvlist.exclude_all(); for (auto & elem : m_list) drvlist.include(driver_list::find(*elem)); info_xml_creator creator(drvlist); creator.output(pfile, ((FPTR)m_event->itemref == 1) ? false : true); fclose(pfile); machine().popmessage(_("%s.xml saved under ui folder."), filename.c_str()); } } break; } case 2: { if (m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) { std::string filename("exported"); emu_file infile(ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ); if (infile.open(filename.c_str(), ".txt") == osd_file::error::NONE) for (int seq = 0; ; ++seq) { std::string seqtext = string_format("%s_%04d", filename, seq); if (infile.open(seqtext.c_str(), ".txt") != osd_file::error::NONE) { filename = seqtext; break; } } // attempt to open the output file emu_file file(ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS); if (file.open(filename.c_str(), ".txt") == osd_file::error::NONE) { // print the header std::ostringstream buffer; buffer << _("Name: Description:\n"); driver_enumerator drvlist(machine().options()); drvlist.exclude_all(); for (auto & elem : m_list) drvlist.include(driver_list::find(*elem)); // iterate through drivers and output the info while (drvlist.next()) if ((drvlist.driver().flags & MACHINE_NO_STANDALONE) == 0) util::stream_format(buffer, "%-18s\"%s\"\n", drvlist.driver().name, drvlist.driver().description); file.puts(buffer.str().c_str()); file.close(); machine().popmessage(_("%s.txt saved under ui folder."), filename.c_str()); } } break; } default: break; } } } //------------------------------------------------- // populate //------------------------------------------------- void ui_menu_export::populate() { // add options items item_append(_("Export list in XML format (like -listxml)"), nullptr, 0, (void *)(FPTR)1); item_append(_("Export list in XML format (like -listxml, but exclude devices)"), nullptr, 0, (void *)(FPTR)3); item_append(_("Export list in TXT format (like -listfull)"), nullptr, 0, (void *)(FPTR)2); item_append(ui_menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); } //------------------------------------------------- // ctor / dtor //------------------------------------------------- ui_menu_machine_configure::ui_menu_machine_configure(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container, const game_driver *prev, float _x0, float _y0) : ui_menu(mui, container) , m_drv(prev) , m_opts(mui.machine().options()) , x0(_x0) , y0(_y0) , m_curbios(0) { // parse the INI file std::string error; mame_options::parse_standard_inis(m_opts,error, m_drv); setup_bios(); } ui_menu_machine_configure::~ui_menu_machine_configure() { } //------------------------------------------------- // handlethe options menu //------------------------------------------------- void ui_menu_machine_configure::handle() { // process the menu ui_menu::menu_stack->parent->process(UI_MENU_PROCESS_NOINPUT); const ui_menu_event *m_event = process(UI_MENU_PROCESS_NOIMAGE, x0, y0); if (m_event != nullptr && m_event->itemref != nullptr) { if (m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) { switch ((FPTR)m_event->itemref) { case SAVE: { std::string filename(m_drv->name); emu_file file(machine().options().ini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE); osd_file::error filerr = file.open(filename.c_str(), ".ini"); if (filerr == osd_file::error::NONE) { std::string inistring = m_opts.output_ini(); file.puts(inistring.c_str()); ui().popup_time(2, "%s", _("\n Configuration saved \n\n")); } break; } case ADDFAV: mame_machine_manager::instance()->favorite().add_favorite_game(m_drv); reset(UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_POSITION); break; case DELFAV: mame_machine_manager::instance()->favorite().remove_favorite_game(); reset(UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_POSITION); break; case CONTROLLER: if (m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) ui_menu::stack_push(global_alloc_clear(ui(), container, control_submenu_options, m_drv, &m_opts)); break; case VIDEO: if (m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) ui_menu::stack_push(global_alloc_clear(ui(), container, video_submenu_options, m_drv, &m_opts)); break; case ADVANCED: if (m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) ui_menu::stack_push(global_alloc_clear(ui(), container, advanced_submenu_options, m_drv, &m_opts)); break; default: break; } } else if (m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT || m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_RIGHT) { (m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT) ? --m_curbios : ++m_curbios; std::string error; m_opts.set_value(OPTION_BIOS, m_bios[m_curbios].second, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error); m_opts.mark_changed(OPTION_BIOS); reset(UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_POSITION); } } } //------------------------------------------------- // populate //------------------------------------------------- void ui_menu_machine_configure::populate() { // add options items item_append(_("Bios"), nullptr, MENU_FLAG_DISABLE | MENU_FLAG_UI_HEADING, nullptr); if (!m_bios.empty()) { UINT32 arrows = get_arrow_flags(0, m_bios.size() - 1, m_curbios); item_append(_("Driver"), m_bios[m_curbios].first.c_str(), arrows, (void *)(FPTR)BIOS); } else item_append(_("This machine has no bios."), nullptr, MENU_FLAG_DISABLE, nullptr); item_append(ui_menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); item_append(_(advanced_submenu_options[0].description), nullptr, 0, (void *)(FPTR)ADVANCED); item_append(_(video_submenu_options[0].description), nullptr, 0, (void *)(FPTR)VIDEO); item_append(_(control_submenu_options[0].description), nullptr, 0, (void *)(FPTR)CONTROLLER); item_append(ui_menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); if (!mame_machine_manager::instance()->favorite().isgame_favorite(m_drv)) item_append(_("Add To Favorites"), nullptr, 0, (void *)ADDFAV); else item_append(_("Remove From Favorites"), nullptr, 0, (void *)DELFAV); item_append(ui_menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); item_append(_("Save machine configuration"), nullptr, 0, (void *)(FPTR)SAVE); item_append(ui_menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); customtop = 2.0f * ui().get_line_height() + 3.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; } //------------------------------------------------- // perform our special rendering //------------------------------------------------- void ui_menu_machine_configure::custom_render(void *selectedref, float top, float bottom, float origx1, float origy1, float origx2, float origy2) { float width; std::string text[2]; float maxwidth = origx2 - origx1; text[0] = _("Configure machine:"); text[1] = m_drv->description; for (auto & elem : text) { ui().draw_text_full(container, elem.c_str(), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, JUSTIFY_CENTER, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NONE, rgb_t::white, rgb_t::black, &width, nullptr); width += 2 * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; maxwidth = MAX(maxwidth, width); } // compute our bounds float x1 = 0.5f - 0.5f * maxwidth; // float x1 = origx1; float x2 = x1 + maxwidth; float y1 = origy1 - top; float y2 = origy1 - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; // draw a box ui().draw_outlined_box(container, x1, y1, x2, y2, UI_GREEN_COLOR); // take off the borders x1 += UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; x2 -= UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; y1 += UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; // draw the text within it for (auto & elem : text) { ui().draw_text_full(container, elem.c_str(), x1, y1, x2 - x1, JUSTIFY_CENTER, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NORMAL, UI_TEXT_COLOR, UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR, nullptr, nullptr); y1 += ui().get_line_height(); } } void ui_menu_machine_configure::setup_bios() { if (m_drv->rom == nullptr) return; std::string specbios(m_opts.bios()); std::string default_name; for (const rom_entry *rom = m_drv->rom; !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); ++rom) if (ROMENTRY_ISDEFAULT_BIOS(rom)) default_name = ROM_GETNAME(rom); int bios_count = 0; for (const rom_entry *rom = m_drv->rom; !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); ++rom) { if (ROMENTRY_ISSYSTEM_BIOS(rom)) { std::string name(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom)); std::string biosname(ROM_GETNAME(rom)); int bios_flags = ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(rom); std::string bios_number = std::to_string(bios_flags - 1); // check biosnumber and name if (bios_number == specbios || biosname == specbios) m_curbios = bios_count; if (biosname == default_name) { name.append(_(" (default)")); if (specbios == "default") m_curbios = bios_count; } m_bios.emplace_back(name, bios_flags - 1); bios_count++; } } } //------------------------------------------------- // ctor / dtor //------------------------------------------------- ui_menu_plugins_configure::ui_menu_plugins_configure(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container) : ui_menu(mui, container) { } ui_menu_plugins_configure::~ui_menu_plugins_configure() { emu_file file_plugin(OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS); if (file_plugin.open("plugin.ini") != osd_file::error::NONE) throw emu_fatalerror("Unable to create file plugin.ini\n"); // generate the updated INI file_plugin.puts(mame_machine_manager::instance()->plugins().output_ini().c_str()); } //------------------------------------------------- // handlethe options menu //------------------------------------------------- void ui_menu_plugins_configure::handle() { // process the menu bool changed = false; plugin_options& plugins = mame_machine_manager::instance()->plugins(); ui_menu::menu_stack->parent->process(UI_MENU_PROCESS_NOINPUT); const ui_menu_event *m_event = process(UI_MENU_PROCESS_NOIMAGE); if (m_event != nullptr && m_event->itemref != nullptr) { if (m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT || m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_RIGHT || m_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) { int oldval = plugins.int_value((const char*)m_event->itemref); std::string error_string; plugins.set_value((const char*)m_event->itemref, oldval == 1 ? 0 : 1, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); changed = true; } } if (changed) reset(UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_REF); } //------------------------------------------------- // populate //------------------------------------------------- void ui_menu_plugins_configure::populate() { plugin_options& plugins = mame_machine_manager::instance()->plugins(); for (auto &curentry : plugins) { if (!curentry.is_header()) { auto enabled = std::string(curentry.value()) == "1"; item_append(curentry.description(), enabled ? _("On") : _("Off"), enabled ? MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW : MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW, (void *)(FPTR)curentry.name()); } } item_append(ui_menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); customtop = ui().get_line_height() + (3.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER); } //------------------------------------------------- // perform our special rendering //------------------------------------------------- void ui_menu_plugins_configure::custom_render(void *selectedref, float top, float bottom, float origx1, float origy1, float origx2, float origy2) { float width; ui().draw_text_full(container, _("Plugins"), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, JUSTIFY_CENTER, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NONE, rgb_t::white, rgb_t::black, &width, nullptr); width += 2 * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; float maxwidth = MAX(origx2 - origx1, width); // compute our bounds float x1 = 0.5f - 0.5f * maxwidth; float x2 = x1 + maxwidth; float y1 = origy1 - top; float y2 = origy1 - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; // draw a box ui().draw_outlined_box(container, x1, y1, x2, y2, UI_GREEN_COLOR); // take off the borders x1 += UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; x2 -= UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; y1 += UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; // draw the text within it ui().draw_text_full(container, _("Plugins"), x1, y1, x2 - x1, JUSTIFY_CENTER, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NORMAL, UI_TEXT_COLOR, UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR, nullptr, nullptr); }