// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Nathan Woods /*************************************************************************** ui/filesel.cpp MESS's clunky built-in file manager TODO - Support image creation arguments - Restrict empty slot if image required ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "ui/filesel.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "imagedev/floppy.h" #include "zippath.h" #include namespace ui { /*************************************************************************** CONSTANTS ***************************************************************************/ // conditional compilation to enable chosing of image formats - this is not // yet fully implemented #define ENABLE_FORMATS 0 // time (in seconds) to display errors #define ERROR_MESSAGE_TIME 5 // itemrefs for key menu items #define ITEMREF_NEW_IMAGE_NAME ((void *) 0x0001) #define ITEMREF_CREATE ((void *) 0x0002) #define ITEMREF_FORMAT ((void *) 0x0003) #define ITEMREF_NO ((void *) 0x0004) #define ITEMREF_YES ((void *) 0x0005) /*************************************************************************** MENU HELPERS ***************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------- // input_character - inputs a typed character // into a buffer //------------------------------------------------- template static void input_character(char (&buffer)[N], unicode_char unichar, F &&filter) { auto buflen = std::strlen(buffer); if ((unichar == 8) || (unichar == 0x7f)) { if (0 < buflen) *const_cast(utf8_previous_char(&buffer[buflen])) = 0; } else if ((unichar >= ' ') && (!filter || filter(unichar))) { auto const chlen = utf8_from_uchar(&buffer[buflen], N - buflen - 1, unichar); if (0 <= chlen) { buflen += chlen; buffer[buflen] = 0; } } } /*************************************************************************** CONFIRM SAVE AS MENU ***************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------- // ctor //------------------------------------------------- menu_confirm_save_as::menu_confirm_save_as(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container, bool *yes) : menu(mui, container) { m_yes = yes; *m_yes = false; } //------------------------------------------------- // dtor //------------------------------------------------- menu_confirm_save_as::~menu_confirm_save_as() { } //------------------------------------------------- // populate //------------------------------------------------- void menu_confirm_save_as::populate() { item_append(_("File Already Exists - Override?"), nullptr, FLAG_DISABLE, nullptr); item_append(menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); item_append(_("No"), nullptr, 0, ITEMREF_NO); item_append(_("Yes"), nullptr, 0, ITEMREF_YES); } //------------------------------------------------- // handle - confirm save as menu //------------------------------------------------- void menu_confirm_save_as::handle() { // process the menu const event *event = process(0); // process the event if ((event != nullptr) && (event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT)) { if (event->itemref == ITEMREF_YES) *m_yes = true; // no matter what, pop out menu::stack_pop(machine()); } } /*************************************************************************** FILE CREATE MENU ***************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------- // is_valid_filename_char - tests to see if a // character is valid in a filename //------------------------------------------------- static int is_valid_filename_char(unicode_char unichar) { // this should really be in the OSD layer, and it shouldn't be 7-bit bullshit static const char valid_filename_char[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 00-0f 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 10-1f 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, // !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0123456789:;<=>? 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, // PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // `abcdefghijklmno 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, // pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ }; return (unichar < ARRAY_LENGTH(valid_filename_char)) && valid_filename_char[unichar]; } //------------------------------------------------- // ctor //------------------------------------------------- menu_file_create::menu_file_create(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container, device_image_interface *image, std::string ¤t_directory, std::string ¤t_file, bool *ok) : menu(mui, container) , m_current_directory(current_directory) , m_current_file(current_file) , m_current_format(nullptr) { m_image = image; m_ok = ok; *m_ok = true; auto const sep = current_file.rfind(PATH_SEPARATOR); std::strncpy(m_filename_buffer, current_file.c_str() + ((std::string::npos == sep) ? 0 : (sep + 1)), sizeof(m_filename_buffer)); } //------------------------------------------------- // dtor //------------------------------------------------- menu_file_create::~menu_file_create() { } //------------------------------------------------- // custom_render - perform our special rendering //------------------------------------------------- void menu_file_create::custom_render(void *selectedref, float top, float bottom, float origx1, float origy1, float origx2, float origy2) { extra_text_render(top, bottom, origx1, origy1, origx2, origy2, m_current_directory.c_str(), nullptr); } //------------------------------------------------- // populate - populates the file creator menu //------------------------------------------------- void menu_file_create::populate() { std::string buffer; const image_device_format *format; const char *new_image_name; // append the "New Image Name" item if (get_selection() == ITEMREF_NEW_IMAGE_NAME) { buffer.append(m_filename_buffer).append("_"); new_image_name = buffer.c_str(); } else { new_image_name = m_filename_buffer; } item_append(_("New Image Name:"), new_image_name, 0, ITEMREF_NEW_IMAGE_NAME); // do we support multiple formats? if (ENABLE_FORMATS) format = m_image->formatlist().front().get(); if (ENABLE_FORMATS && (format != nullptr)) { item_append(_("Image Format:"), m_current_format->description(), 0, ITEMREF_FORMAT); m_current_format = format; } // finish up the menu item_append(menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); item_append(_("Create"), nullptr, 0, ITEMREF_CREATE); customtop = ui().get_line_height() + 3.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; } //------------------------------------------------- // handle - file creator menu //------------------------------------------------- void menu_file_create::handle() { // process the menu const event *event = process(0); // process the event if (event) { // handle selections switch (event->iptkey) { case IPT_UI_SELECT: if ((event->itemref == ITEMREF_CREATE) || (event->itemref == ITEMREF_NEW_IMAGE_NAME)) { std::string tmp_file(m_filename_buffer); if (tmp_file.find(".") != -1 && tmp_file.find(".") < tmp_file.length() - 1) { m_current_file = m_filename_buffer; menu::stack_pop(machine()); } else ui().popup_time(1, "%s", _("Please enter a file extension too")); } break; case IPT_SPECIAL: if (get_selection() == ITEMREF_NEW_IMAGE_NAME) { input_character(m_filename_buffer,event->unichar, &is_valid_filename_char); reset(reset_options::REMEMBER_POSITION); } break; case IPT_UI_CANCEL: *m_ok = false; break; } } } /*************************************************************************** FILE SELECTOR MENU ***************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------- // ctor //------------------------------------------------- menu_file_selector::menu_file_selector(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container, device_image_interface *image, std::string ¤t_directory, std::string ¤t_file, bool has_empty, bool has_softlist, bool has_create, int *result) : menu(mui, container) , m_current_directory(current_directory) , m_current_file(current_file) , m_entrylist(nullptr) { m_image = image; m_has_empty = has_empty; m_has_softlist = has_softlist; m_has_create = has_create; m_result = result; } //------------------------------------------------- // dtor //------------------------------------------------- menu_file_selector::~menu_file_selector() { } //------------------------------------------------- // custom_render - perform our special rendering //------------------------------------------------- void menu_file_selector::custom_render(void *selectedref, float top, float bottom, float origx1, float origy1, float origx2, float origy2) { // lay out extra text auto layout = ui().create_layout(container); layout.add_text(m_current_directory.c_str()); // position this extra text float x1, y1, x2, y2; extra_text_position(origx1, origx2, origy1, top, layout, -1, x1, y1, x2, y2); // draw a box ui().draw_outlined_box(container, x1, y1, x2, y2, UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR); // take off the borders x1 += UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; y1 += UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; size_t hit_start = 0, hit_span = 0; if (mouse_hit && layout.hit_test(mouse_x - x1, mouse_y - y1, hit_start, hit_span) && m_current_directory.substr(hit_start, hit_span) != PATH_SEPARATOR) { // we're hovering over a directory! highlight it auto target_dir_start = m_current_directory.rfind(PATH_SEPARATOR, hit_start) + 1; auto target_dir_end = m_current_directory.find(PATH_SEPARATOR, hit_start + hit_span); m_hover_directory = m_current_directory.substr(0, target_dir_end); // highlight the text in question rgb_t fgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR; rgb_t bgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_BG_COLOR; layout.restyle(target_dir_start, target_dir_end - target_dir_start, &fgcolor, &bgcolor); } else { // we are not hovering over anything m_hover_directory.clear(); } // draw the text within it layout.emit(container, x1, y1); } //------------------------------------------------- // custom_mouse_down - perform our special mouse down //------------------------------------------------- bool menu_file_selector::custom_mouse_down() { if (m_hover_directory.length() > 0) { m_current_directory = m_hover_directory; reset(reset_options::SELECT_FIRST); return true; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------- // compare_file_selector_entries - sorting proc // for file selector entries //------------------------------------------------- int menu_file_selector::compare_entries(const file_selector_entry *e1, const file_selector_entry *e2) { int result; const char *e1_basename = (e1->basename != nullptr) ? e1->basename : ""; const char *e2_basename = (e2->basename != nullptr) ? e2->basename : ""; if (e1->type < e2->type) { result = -1; } else if (e1->type > e2->type) { result = 1; } else { result = core_stricmp(e1_basename, e2_basename); if (result == 0) { result = strcmp(e1_basename, e2_basename); if (result == 0) { if (e1 < e2) result = -1; else if (e1 > e2) result = 1; } } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // append_entry - appends a new // file selector entry to an entry list //------------------------------------------------- menu_file_selector::file_selector_entry *menu_file_selector::append_entry( file_selector_entry_type entry_type, const char *entry_basename, const char *entry_fullpath) { file_selector_entry *entry; file_selector_entry **entryptr; // allocate a new entry entry = (file_selector_entry *) m_pool_alloc(sizeof(*entry)); memset(entry, 0, sizeof(*entry)); entry->type = entry_type; entry->basename = (entry_basename != nullptr) ? pool_strdup(entry_basename) : entry_basename; entry->fullpath = (entry_fullpath != nullptr) ? pool_strdup(entry_fullpath) : entry_fullpath; // find the end of the list entryptr = &m_entrylist; while ((*entryptr != nullptr) && (compare_entries(entry, *entryptr) >= 0)) entryptr = &(*entryptr)->next; // insert the entry entry->next = *entryptr; *entryptr = entry; return entry; } //------------------------------------------------- // append_entry_menu_item - appends // a menu item for a file selector entry //------------------------------------------------- menu_file_selector::file_selector_entry *menu_file_selector::append_dirent_entry(const osd::directory::entry *dirent) { std::string buffer; file_selector_entry_type entry_type; file_selector_entry *entry; switch(dirent->type) { case osd::directory::entry::entry_type::FILE: entry_type = SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_FILE; break; case osd::directory::entry::entry_type::DIR: entry_type = SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY; break; default: // exceptional case; do not add a menu item return nullptr; } // determine the full path util::zippath_combine(buffer, m_current_directory.c_str(), dirent->name); // create the file selector entry entry = append_entry( entry_type, dirent->name, buffer.c_str()); return entry; } //------------------------------------------------- // append_entry_menu_item - appends // a menu item for a file selector entry //------------------------------------------------- void menu_file_selector::append_entry_menu_item(const file_selector_entry *entry) { const char *text = nullptr; const char *subtext = nullptr; switch(entry->type) { case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_EMPTY: text = _("[empty slot]"); break; case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_CREATE: text = _("[create]"); break; case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LIST: text = _("[software list]"); break; case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_DRIVE: text = entry->basename; subtext = "[DRIVE]"; break; case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY: text = entry->basename; subtext = "[DIR]"; break; case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_FILE: text = entry->basename; subtext = "[FILE]"; break; } item_append(text, subtext, 0, (void *) entry); } //------------------------------------------------- // populate //------------------------------------------------- void menu_file_selector::populate() { util::zippath_directory *directory = nullptr; osd_file::error err; const osd::directory::entry *dirent; const file_selector_entry *entry; const file_selector_entry *selected_entry = nullptr; int i; const char *volume_name; const char *path = m_current_directory.c_str(); // open the directory err = util::zippath_opendir(path, &directory); // clear out the menu entries m_entrylist = nullptr; if (m_has_empty) { // add the "[empty slot]" entry append_entry(SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_EMPTY, nullptr, nullptr); } if (m_has_create) { // add the "[create]" entry append_entry(SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_CREATE, nullptr, nullptr); } if (m_has_softlist) { // add the "[software list]" entry entry = append_entry(SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LIST, nullptr, nullptr); selected_entry = entry; } // add the drives i = 0; while((volume_name = osd_get_volume_name(i))!=nullptr) { append_entry(SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_DRIVE, volume_name, volume_name); i++; } // build the menu for each item if (err == osd_file::error::NONE) { while((dirent = util::zippath_readdir(directory)) != nullptr) { // append a dirent entry entry = append_dirent_entry(dirent); if (entry != nullptr) { // set the selected item to be the first non-parent directory or file if ((selected_entry == nullptr) && strcmp(dirent->name, "..")) selected_entry = entry; // do we have to select this file? if (!core_stricmp(m_current_file.c_str(), dirent->name)) selected_entry = entry; } } } // append all of the menu entries for (entry = m_entrylist; entry != nullptr; entry = entry->next) append_entry_menu_item(entry); // set the selection (if we have one) if (selected_entry != nullptr) set_selection((void *) selected_entry); // set up custom render proc customtop = ui().get_line_height() + 3.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; if (directory != nullptr) util::zippath_closedir(directory); } //------------------------------------------------- // handle //------------------------------------------------- void menu_file_selector::handle() { osd_file::error err; const file_selector_entry *entry; const file_selector_entry *selected_entry = nullptr; int bestmatch = 0; // process the menu const event *event = process(0); if (event != nullptr && event->itemref != nullptr) { // handle selections if (event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) { entry = (const file_selector_entry *) event->itemref; switch (entry->type) { case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_EMPTY: // empty slot - unload *m_result = R_EMPTY; menu::stack_pop(machine()); break; case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_CREATE: // create *m_result = R_CREATE; menu::stack_pop(machine()); break; case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LIST: *m_result = R_SOFTLIST; menu::stack_pop(machine()); break; case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_DRIVE: case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY: // drive/directory - first check the path err = util::zippath_opendir(entry->fullpath, nullptr); if (err != osd_file::error::NONE) { // this path is problematic; present the user with an error and bail ui().popup_time(1, "Error accessing %s", entry->fullpath); break; } m_current_directory.assign(entry->fullpath); reset(reset_options::SELECT_FIRST); break; case SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_FILE: // file m_current_file.assign(entry->fullpath); *m_result = R_FILE; menu::stack_pop(machine()); break; } // reset the char buffer when pressing IPT_UI_SELECT if (m_filename_buffer[0] != '\0') memset(m_filename_buffer, '\0', ARRAY_LENGTH(m_filename_buffer)); } else if (event->iptkey == IPT_SPECIAL) { auto const buflen = std::strlen(m_filename_buffer); bool update_selected = FALSE; if ((event->unichar == 8) || (event->unichar == 0x7f)) { // if it's a backspace and we can handle it, do so if (0 < buflen) { *const_cast(utf8_previous_char(&m_filename_buffer[buflen])) = 0; update_selected = TRUE; ui().popup_time(ERROR_MESSAGE_TIME, "%s", m_filename_buffer); } } else if (event->is_char_printable()) { // if it's any other key and we're not maxed out, update if (event->append_char(m_filename_buffer, buflen)) { update_selected = TRUE; ui().popup_time(ERROR_MESSAGE_TIME, "%s", m_filename_buffer); } } if (update_selected) { const file_selector_entry *cur_selected = (const file_selector_entry *)get_selection(); // check for entries which matches our m_filename_buffer: // from current entry to the end for (entry = cur_selected; entry != nullptr; entry = entry->next) { if (entry->basename != nullptr && m_filename_buffer[0] != '\0') { int match = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_filename_buffer); i++) { if (core_strnicmp(entry->basename, m_filename_buffer, i) == 0) match = i; } if (match > bestmatch) { bestmatch = match; selected_entry = entry; } } } // and from the first entry to current one for (entry = m_entrylist; entry != cur_selected; entry = entry->next) { if (entry->basename != nullptr && m_filename_buffer[0] != '\0') { int match = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_filename_buffer); i++) { if (core_strnicmp(entry->basename, m_filename_buffer, i) == 0) match = i; } if (match > bestmatch) { bestmatch = match; selected_entry = entry; } } } if (selected_entry != nullptr && selected_entry != cur_selected) { set_selection((void *)selected_entry); top_line = selected - (visible_lines / 2); } } } else if (event->iptkey == IPT_UI_CANCEL) { // reset the char buffer also in this case if (m_filename_buffer[0] != '\0') memset(m_filename_buffer, '\0', ARRAY_LENGTH(m_filename_buffer)); } } } /*************************************************************************** SELECT FORMAT MENU ***************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------- // ctor //------------------------------------------------- menu_select_format::menu_select_format(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container, floppy_image_format_t **formats, int ext_match, int total_usable, int *result) : menu(mui, container) { m_formats = formats; m_ext_match = ext_match; m_total_usable = total_usable; m_result = result; } //------------------------------------------------- // dtor //------------------------------------------------- menu_select_format::~menu_select_format() { } //------------------------------------------------- // populate //------------------------------------------------- void menu_select_format::populate() { item_append(_("Select image format"), nullptr, FLAG_DISABLE, nullptr); for (int i = 0; i < m_total_usable; i++) { const floppy_image_format_t *fmt = m_formats[i]; if (i && i == m_ext_match) item_append(menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); item_append(fmt->description(), fmt->name(), 0, (void *)(FPTR)i); } } //------------------------------------------------- // handle //------------------------------------------------- void menu_select_format::handle() { // process the menu const event *event = process(0); if (event != nullptr && event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) { *m_result = int(FPTR(event->itemref)); menu::stack_pop(machine()); } } /*************************************************************************** SELECT RW ***************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------- // ctor //------------------------------------------------- menu_select_rw::menu_select_rw(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container *container, bool can_in_place, int *result) : menu(mui, container) { m_can_in_place = can_in_place; m_result = result; } //------------------------------------------------- // dtor //------------------------------------------------- menu_select_rw::~menu_select_rw() { } //------------------------------------------------- // populate //------------------------------------------------- void menu_select_rw::populate() { item_append(_("Select access mode"), nullptr, FLAG_DISABLE, nullptr); item_append(_("Read-only"), nullptr, 0, (void *)READONLY); if (m_can_in_place) item_append(_("Read-write"), nullptr, 0, (void *)READWRITE); item_append(_("Read this image, write to another image"), nullptr, 0, (void *)WRITE_OTHER); item_append(_("Read this image, write to diff"), nullptr, 0, (void *)WRITE_DIFF); } //------------------------------------------------- // handle //------------------------------------------------- void menu_select_rw::handle() { // process the menu const event *event = process(0); if (event != nullptr && event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) { *m_result = int(FPTR(event->itemref)); menu::stack_pop(machine()); } } } // namespace ui