// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /*************************************************************************** mameopts.cpp Options file and command line management. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "mameopts.h" #include "drivenum.h" #include "screen.h" #include "softlist_dev.h" #include "zippath.h" #include "hashfile.h" #include "clifront.h" #include #include //------------------------------------------------- // parse_standard_inis - parse the standard set // of INI files //------------------------------------------------- void mame_options::parse_standard_inis(emu_options &options, std::ostream &error_stream, const game_driver *driver) { // parse the INI file defined by the platform (e.g., "mame.ini") // we do this twice so that the first file can change the INI path parse_one_ini(options, emulator_info::get_configname(), OPTION_PRIORITY_MAME_INI); parse_one_ini(options, emulator_info::get_configname(), OPTION_PRIORITY_MAME_INI, &error_stream); // debug mode: parse "debug.ini" as well if (options.debug()) parse_one_ini(options, "debug", OPTION_PRIORITY_DEBUG_INI, &error_stream); // if we have a valid system driver, parse system-specific INI files game_driver const *const cursystem = !driver ? system(options) : driver; if (!cursystem) return; // parse "vertical.ini" or "horizont.ini" if (cursystem->flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) parse_one_ini(options, "vertical", OPTION_PRIORITY_ORIENTATION_INI, &error_stream); else parse_one_ini(options, "horizont", OPTION_PRIORITY_ORIENTATION_INI, &error_stream); switch (cursystem->flags & machine_flags::MASK_TYPE) { case machine_flags::TYPE_ARCADE: parse_one_ini(options, "arcade", OPTION_PRIORITY_SYSTYPE_INI, &error_stream); break; case machine_flags::TYPE_CONSOLE: parse_one_ini(options ,"console", OPTION_PRIORITY_SYSTYPE_INI, &error_stream); break; case machine_flags::TYPE_COMPUTER: parse_one_ini(options, "computer", OPTION_PRIORITY_SYSTYPE_INI, &error_stream); break; case machine_flags::TYPE_OTHER: parse_one_ini(options, "othersys", OPTION_PRIORITY_SYSTYPE_INI, &error_stream); break; default: break; } machine_config config(*cursystem, options); for (const screen_device &device : screen_device_iterator(config.root_device())) { // parse "raster.ini" for raster games if (device.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER) { parse_one_ini(options, "raster", OPTION_PRIORITY_SCREEN_INI, &error_stream); break; } // parse "vector.ini" for vector games if (device.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR) { parse_one_ini(options, "vector", OPTION_PRIORITY_SCREEN_INI, &error_stream); break; } // parse "lcd.ini" for lcd games if (device.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_LCD) { parse_one_ini(options, "lcd", OPTION_PRIORITY_SCREEN_INI, &error_stream); break; } } // next parse "source/.ini" std::string sourcename = core_filename_extract_base(cursystem->type.source(), true).insert(0, "source" PATH_SEPARATOR); parse_one_ini(options, sourcename.c_str(), OPTION_PRIORITY_SOURCE_INI, &error_stream); // then parse the grandparent, parent, and system-specific INIs int parent = driver_list::clone(*cursystem); int gparent = (parent != -1) ? driver_list::clone(parent) : -1; if (gparent != -1) parse_one_ini(options, driver_list::driver(gparent).name, OPTION_PRIORITY_GPARENT_INI, &error_stream); if (parent != -1) parse_one_ini(options, driver_list::driver(parent).name, OPTION_PRIORITY_PARENT_INI, &error_stream); parse_one_ini(options, cursystem->name, OPTION_PRIORITY_DRIVER_INI, &error_stream); } //------------------------------------------------- // system - return a pointer to the specified // system driver, or nullptr if no match //------------------------------------------------- const game_driver *mame_options::system(const emu_options &options) { int index = driver_list::find(core_filename_extract_base(options.system_name(), true).c_str()); return (index != -1) ? &driver_list::driver(index) : nullptr; } //------------------------------------------------- // parse_one_ini - parse a single INI file //------------------------------------------------- void mame_options::parse_one_ini(emu_options &options, const char *basename, int priority, std::ostream *error_stream) { // don't parse if it has been disabled if (!options.read_config()) return; // open the file; if we fail, that's ok emu_file file(options.ini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ); osd_printf_verbose("Attempting load of %s.ini\n", basename); osd_file::error filerr = file.open(std::string(basename) + ".ini"); if (filerr != osd_file::error::NONE) return; // parse the file osd_printf_verbose("Parsing %s.ini\n", basename); try { options.parse_ini_file((util::core_file&)file, priority, priority < OPTION_PRIORITY_DRIVER_INI, false); } catch (options_exception &ex) { if (error_stream) util::stream_format(*error_stream, "While parsing %s:\n%s\n", file.fullpath(), ex.message()); return; } } //------------------------------------------------- // populate_hashpath_from_args_and_inis //------------------------------------------------- void mame_options::populate_hashpath_from_args_and_inis(emu_options &options, const std::vector &args) { // The existence of this function comes from the fact that for softlist options to be properly // evaluated, we need to have the hashpath variable set. The problem is that the hashpath may // be set anywhere on the command line, but also in any of the myriad INI files that we parse, some // of which may be system specific (e.g. - nes.ini) or otherwise influenced by the system (e.g. - vector.ini) // // I think that it is terrible that we have to do a completely independent pass on the command line and every // argument simply because any one of these things might be setting - hashpath.Unless we invest the effort in // building some sort of "late binding" apparatus for options(e.g. - delay evaluation of softlist options until // we've scoured all INIs for hashpath) that can completely straddle the command line and the INI worlds, doing // this is the best that we can do IMO. // parse the command line emu_options temp_options(emu_options::option_support::GENERAL_AND_SYSTEM); // pick up whatever changes the osd did to the default inipath temp_options.set_default_value(OPTION_INIPATH, options.ini_path()); try { temp_options.parse_command_line(args, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, true); } catch (options_exception &) { // Something is very long; we have bigger problems than -hashpath possibly // being in never-never land. Punt and let the main code fail return; } // if we have an auxillary verb, hashpath is irrelevant if (!temp_options.command().empty()) return; // read INI files if (temp_options.read_config()) { std::ostringstream error_stream; parse_standard_inis(temp_options, error_stream); } // and fish out hashpath const auto entry = temp_options.get_entry(OPTION_HASHPATH); if (entry) { try { options.set_value(OPTION_HASHPATH, entry->value(), entry->priority()); } catch (options_exception &) { } } }