// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /*************************************************************************** audit.cpp ROM set auditing functions. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "audit.h" #include "chd.h" #include "drivenum.h" #include "sound/samples.h" #include "softlist_dev.h" //************************************************************************** // CORE FUNCTIONS //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // media_auditor - constructor //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::media_auditor(const driver_enumerator &enumerator) : m_enumerator(enumerator) , m_validation(AUDIT_VALIDATE_FULL) , m_searchpath(nullptr) { } //------------------------------------------------- // audit_media - audit the media described by the // currently-enumerated driver //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_media(const char *validation) { // start fresh m_record_list.clear(); // store validation for later m_validation = validation; // temporary hack until romload is update: get the driver path and support it for // all searches const char *driverpath = m_enumerator.config()->root_device().searchpath(); std::size_t found = 0; std::size_t required = 0; std::size_t shared_found = 0; std::size_t shared_required = 0; // iterate over devices and regions for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_enumerator.config()->root_device())) { // determine the search path for this source and iterate through the regions m_searchpath = device.searchpath(); // now iterate over regions and ROMs within for (const rom_entry *region = rom_first_region(device); region; region = rom_next_region(region)) { // temporary hack: add the driver path & region name std::string combinedpath = util::string_format("%s;%s", device.searchpath(), driverpath); if (device.shortname()) combinedpath.append(";").append(device.shortname()); m_searchpath = combinedpath.c_str(); for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { char const *const name(ROM_GETNAME(rom)); util::hash_collection const hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom)); device_t *const shared_device(find_shared_device(device, name, hashes, ROM_GETLENGTH(rom))); // count the number of files with hashes if (!hashes.flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP) && !ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom)) { required++; if (shared_device) shared_required++; } audit_record *record = nullptr; if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region)) record = &audit_one_rom(rom); else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region)) record = &audit_one_disk(rom, nullptr); if (record) { // count the number of files that are found. if ((record->status() == audit_status::GOOD) || ((record->status() == audit_status::FOUND_INVALID) && !find_shared_device(device, name, record->actual_hashes(), record->actual_length()))) { found++; if (shared_device) shared_found++; } record->set_shared_device(shared_device); } } } } // if we only find files that are in the parent & either the set has no unique files or the parent is not found, then assume we don't have the set at all if ((found == shared_found) && (required > 0) && ((required != shared_required) || (shared_found == 0))) { m_record_list.clear(); return NOTFOUND; } // return a summary return summarize(m_enumerator.driver().name); } //------------------------------------------------- // audit_device - audit the device //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_device(device_t &device, const char *validation) { // start fresh m_record_list.clear(); // store validation for later m_validation = validation; m_searchpath = device.shortname(); std::size_t found = 0; std::size_t required = 0; audit_regions(rom_first_region(device), nullptr, found, required); if ((found == 0) && (required > 0)) { m_record_list.clear(); return NOTFOUND; } // return a summary return summarize(device.shortname()); } //------------------------------------------------- // audit_software //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_software(const std::string &list_name, const software_info *swinfo, const char *validation) { // start fresh m_record_list.clear(); // store validation for later m_validation = validation; std::string combinedpath(util::string_format("%s;%s%s%s", swinfo->shortname(), list_name, PATH_SEPARATOR, swinfo->shortname())); std::string locationtag(util::string_format("%s%%%s%%", list_name, swinfo->shortname())); if (!swinfo->parentname().empty()) { locationtag.append(swinfo->parentname()); combinedpath.append(util::string_format(";%s;%s%s%s", swinfo->parentname(), list_name, PATH_SEPARATOR, swinfo->parentname())); } m_searchpath = combinedpath.c_str(); std::size_t found = 0; std::size_t required = 0; // now iterate over software parts for (const software_part &part : swinfo->parts()) audit_regions(part.romdata().data(), locationtag.c_str(), found, required); if ((found == 0) && (required > 0)) { m_record_list.clear(); return NOTFOUND; } // return a summary return summarize(list_name.c_str()); } //------------------------------------------------- // audit_samples - validate the samples for the // currently-enumerated driver //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_samples() { // start fresh m_record_list.clear(); std::size_t required = 0; std::size_t found = 0; // iterate over sample entries for (samples_device &device : samples_device_iterator(m_enumerator.config()->root_device())) { // by default we just search using the driver name std::string searchpath(m_enumerator.driver().name); // add the alternate path if present samples_iterator iter(device); if (iter.altbasename() != nullptr) searchpath.append(";").append(iter.altbasename()); // iterate over samples in this entry for (const char *samplename = iter.first(); samplename; samplename = iter.next()) { required++; // create a new record audit_record &record = *m_record_list.emplace(m_record_list.end(), samplename, media_type::SAMPLE); // look for the files emu_file file(m_enumerator.options().sample_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ | OPEN_FLAG_NO_PRELOAD); path_iterator path(searchpath.c_str()); std::string curpath; while (path.next(curpath, samplename)) { // attempt to access the file (.flac) or (.wav) osd_file::error filerr = file.open(curpath.c_str(), ".flac"); if (filerr != osd_file::error::NONE) filerr = file.open(curpath.c_str(), ".wav"); if (filerr == osd_file::error::NONE) { record.set_status(audit_status::GOOD, audit_substatus::GOOD); found++; } else { record.set_status(audit_status::NOT_FOUND, audit_substatus::NOT_FOUND); } } } } if ((found == 0) && (required > 0)) { m_record_list.clear(); return NOTFOUND; } // return a summary return summarize(m_enumerator.driver().name); } //------------------------------------------------- // summary - generate a summary, with an optional // string format //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::summary media_auditor::summarize(const char *name, std::ostream *output) const { if (m_record_list.empty()) return NONE_NEEDED; // loop over records summary overall_status = CORRECT; for (audit_record const &record : m_record_list) { // skip anything that's fine if (record.substatus() == audit_substatus::GOOD) continue; // output the game name, file name, and length (if applicable) if (output) { if (name) util::stream_format(*output, "%-12s: %s", name, record.name()); else util::stream_format(*output, "%s", record.name()); if (record.expected_length() > 0) util::stream_format(*output, " (%d bytes)", record.expected_length()); *output << " - "; } // use the substatus for finer details summary best_new_status = INCORRECT; switch (record.substatus()) { case audit_substatus::GOOD_NEEDS_REDUMP: if (output) *output << "NEEDS REDUMP\n"; best_new_status = BEST_AVAILABLE; break; case audit_substatus::FOUND_NODUMP: if (output) *output << "NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN\n"; best_new_status = BEST_AVAILABLE; break; case audit_substatus::FOUND_BAD_CHECKSUM: if (output) { util::stream_format(*output, "INCORRECT CHECKSUM:\n"); util::stream_format(*output, "EXPECTED: %s\n", record.expected_hashes().macro_string()); util::stream_format(*output, " FOUND: %s\n", record.actual_hashes().macro_string()); } break; case audit_substatus::FOUND_WRONG_LENGTH: if (output) util::stream_format(*output, "INCORRECT LENGTH: %d bytes\n", record.actual_length()); break; case audit_substatus::NOT_FOUND: if (output) { device_t *const shared_device = record.shared_device(); if (shared_device) util::stream_format(*output, "NOT FOUND (%s)\n", shared_device->shortname()); else util::stream_format(*output, "NOT FOUND\n"); } break; case audit_substatus::NOT_FOUND_NODUMP: if (output) *output << "NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN\n"; best_new_status = BEST_AVAILABLE; break; case audit_substatus::NOT_FOUND_OPTIONAL: if (output) *output << "NOT FOUND BUT OPTIONAL\n"; best_new_status = BEST_AVAILABLE; break; default: assert(false); } // downgrade the overall status if necessary overall_status = (std::max)(overall_status, best_new_status); } return overall_status; } //------------------------------------------------- // audit_regions - validate/count for regions //------------------------------------------------- void media_auditor::audit_regions(const rom_entry *region, const char *locationtag, std::size_t &found, std::size_t &required) { // now iterate over regions for ( ; region; region = rom_next_region(region)) { // now iterate over rom definitions for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { util::hash_collection const hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom)); // count the number of files with hashes if (!hashes.flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP) && !ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom)) required++; audit_record const *record = nullptr; if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region)) record = &audit_one_rom(rom); else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region)) record = &audit_one_disk(rom, locationtag); // count the number of files that are found. if (record && ((record->status() == audit_status::GOOD) || (record->status() == audit_status::FOUND_INVALID))) found++; } } } //------------------------------------------------- // audit_one_rom - validate a single ROM entry //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::audit_record &media_auditor::audit_one_rom(const rom_entry *rom) { // allocate and append a new record audit_record &record = *m_record_list.emplace(m_record_list.end(), *rom, media_type::ROM); // see if we have a CRC and extract it if so uint32_t crc = 0; bool const has_crc = record.expected_hashes().crc(crc); // find the file and checksum it, getting the file length along the way emu_file file(m_enumerator.options().media_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ | OPEN_FLAG_NO_PRELOAD); file.set_restrict_to_mediapath(true); path_iterator path(m_searchpath); std::string curpath; while (path.next(curpath, record.name())) { // open the file if we can osd_file::error filerr; if (has_crc) filerr = file.open(curpath.c_str(), crc); else filerr = file.open(curpath.c_str()); // if it worked, get the actual length and hashes, then stop if (filerr == osd_file::error::NONE) { record.set_actual(file.hashes(m_validation), file.size()); break; } } // compute the final status compute_status(record, rom, record.actual_length() != 0); return record; } //------------------------------------------------- // audit_one_disk - validate a single disk entry //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::audit_record &media_auditor::audit_one_disk(const rom_entry *rom, const char *locationtag) { // allocate and append a new record audit_record &record = *m_record_list.emplace(m_record_list.end(), *rom, media_type::DISK); // open the disk chd_file source; chd_error err = chd_error(open_disk_image(m_enumerator.options(), &m_enumerator.driver(), rom, source, locationtag)); // if we succeeded, get the hashes if (err == CHDERR_NONE) { util::hash_collection hashes; // if there's a SHA1 hash, add them to the output hash if (source.sha1() != util::sha1_t::null) hashes.add_sha1(source.sha1()); // update the actual values record.set_actual(hashes); } // compute the final status compute_status(record, rom, err == CHDERR_NONE); return record; } //------------------------------------------------- // compute_status - compute a detailed status // based on the information we have //------------------------------------------------- void media_auditor::compute_status(audit_record &record, const rom_entry *rom, bool found) { // if not found, provide more details if (!found) { if (record.expected_hashes().flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP)) record.set_status(audit_status::NOT_FOUND, audit_substatus::NOT_FOUND_NODUMP); else if (ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom)) record.set_status(audit_status::NOT_FOUND, audit_substatus::NOT_FOUND_OPTIONAL); else record.set_status(audit_status::NOT_FOUND, audit_substatus::NOT_FOUND); } else { if (record.expected_length() != record.actual_length()) record.set_status(audit_status::FOUND_INVALID, audit_substatus::FOUND_WRONG_LENGTH); else if (record.expected_hashes().flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP)) record.set_status(audit_status::GOOD, audit_substatus::FOUND_NODUMP); else if (record.expected_hashes() != record.actual_hashes()) record.set_status(audit_status::FOUND_INVALID, audit_substatus::FOUND_BAD_CHECKSUM); else if (record.expected_hashes().flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_BAD_DUMP)) record.set_status(audit_status::GOOD, audit_substatus::GOOD_NEEDS_REDUMP); else record.set_status(audit_status::GOOD, audit_substatus::GOOD); } } //------------------------------------------------- // find_shared_device - return the source that // shares a media entry with the same hashes //------------------------------------------------- device_t *media_auditor::find_shared_device(device_t &device, const char *name, const util::hash_collection &romhashes, uint64_t romlength) { bool const dumped = !romhashes.flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP); // special case for non-root devices device_t *highest_device = nullptr; if (device.owner()) { for (const rom_entry *region = rom_first_region(device); region; region = rom_next_region(region)) { for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { if (ROM_GETLENGTH(rom) == romlength) { util::hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom)); if ((dumped && hashes == romhashes) || (!dumped && ROM_GETNAME(rom) == name)) highest_device = &device; } } } } else { // iterate up the parent chain for (auto drvindex = m_enumerator.find(m_enumerator.driver().parent); drvindex >= 0; drvindex = m_enumerator.find(m_enumerator.driver(drvindex).parent)) { for (device_t &scandevice : device_iterator(m_enumerator.config(drvindex)->root_device())) { for (const rom_entry *region = rom_first_region(scandevice); region; region = rom_next_region(region)) { for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { if (ROM_GETLENGTH(rom) == romlength) { util::hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom)); if ((dumped && hashes == romhashes) || (!dumped && ROM_GETNAME(rom) == name)) highest_device = &scandevice; } } } } } } return highest_device; } //------------------------------------------------- // audit_record - constructor //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::audit_record::audit_record(const rom_entry &media, media_type type) : m_type(type) , m_status(audit_status::UNVERIFIED) , m_substatus(audit_substatus::UNVERIFIED) , m_name(ROM_GETNAME(&media)) , m_explength(rom_file_size(&media)) , m_length(0) , m_exphashes() , m_hashes() , m_shared_device(nullptr) { m_exphashes.from_internal_string(ROM_GETHASHDATA(&media)); } media_auditor::audit_record::audit_record(const char *name, media_type type) : m_type(type) , m_status(audit_status::UNVERIFIED) , m_substatus(audit_substatus::UNVERIFIED) , m_name(name) , m_explength(0) , m_length(0) , m_exphashes() , m_hashes() , m_shared_device(nullptr) { }