/*************************************************************************** video.c Core MAME video routines. **************************************************************************** Copyright Aaron Giles All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name 'MAME' nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AARON GILES ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AARON GILES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "png.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "debugint/debugint.h" #include "rendutil.h" #include "ui.h" #include "aviio.h" #include "crsshair.h" #include "snap.lh" /*************************************************************************** DEBUGGING ***************************************************************************/ #define LOG_THROTTLE (0) #define VERBOSE (0) #define LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(x) do { if (VERBOSE) logerror x; } while (0) /*************************************************************************** CONSTANTS ***************************************************************************/ #define SUBSECONDS_PER_SPEED_UPDATE (ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND / 4) #define PAUSED_REFRESH_RATE (30) /*************************************************************************** DEVICE DEFINITIONS ***************************************************************************/ const device_type SCREEN = screen_device_config::static_alloc_device_config; /*************************************************************************** TYPE DEFINITIONS ***************************************************************************/ typedef struct _video_global video_global; struct _video_global { /* screenless systems */ emu_timer * screenless_frame_timer; /* timer to signal VBLANK start */ /* throttling calculations */ osd_ticks_t throttle_last_ticks; /* osd_ticks the last call to throttle */ attotime throttle_realtime; /* real time the last call to throttle */ attotime throttle_emutime; /* emulated time the last call to throttle */ UINT32 throttle_history; /* history of frames where we were fast enough */ /* dynamic speed computation */ osd_ticks_t speed_last_realtime; /* real time at the last speed calculation */ attotime speed_last_emutime; /* emulated time at the last speed calculation */ double speed_percent; /* most recent speed percentage */ UINT32 partial_updates_this_frame;/* partial update counter this frame */ /* overall speed computation */ UINT32 overall_real_seconds; /* accumulated real seconds at normal speed */ osd_ticks_t overall_real_ticks; /* accumulated real ticks at normal speed */ attotime overall_emutime; /* accumulated emulated time at normal speed */ UINT32 overall_valid_counter; /* number of consecutive valid time periods */ /* configuration */ UINT8 throttle; /* flag: TRUE if we're currently throttled */ UINT8 fastforward; /* flag: TRUE if we're currently fast-forwarding */ UINT32 seconds_to_run; /* number of seconds to run before quitting */ UINT8 auto_frameskip; /* flag: TRUE if we're automatically frameskipping */ UINT32 speed; /* overall speed (*100) */ /* frameskipping */ UINT8 empty_skip_count; /* number of empty frames we have skipped */ UINT8 frameskip_level; /* current frameskip level */ UINT8 frameskip_counter; /* counter that counts through the frameskip steps */ INT8 frameskip_adjust; UINT8 skipping_this_frame; /* flag: TRUE if we are skipping the current frame */ osd_ticks_t average_oversleep; /* average number of ticks the OSD oversleeps */ /* snapshot stuff */ render_target * snap_target; /* screen shapshot target */ bitmap_t * snap_bitmap; /* screen snapshot bitmap */ UINT8 snap_native; /* are we using native per-screen layouts? */ INT32 snap_width; /* width of snapshots (0 == auto) */ INT32 snap_height; /* height of snapshots (0 == auto) */ /* movie recording */ mame_file * mngfile; /* handle to the open movie file */ avi_file * avifile; /* handle to the open movie file */ attotime movie_frame_period; /* period of a single movie frame */ attotime movie_next_frame_time; /* time of next frame */ UINT32 movie_frame; /* current movie frame number */ }; /*************************************************************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES ***************************************************************************/ /* global state */ static video_global global; /* frameskipping tables */ static const UINT8 skiptable[FRAMESKIP_LEVELS][FRAMESKIP_LEVELS] = { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 }, { 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1 }, { 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1 }, { 0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1 }, { 0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1 }, { 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1 }, { 0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1 }, { 0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1 }, { 0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1 }, { 0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1 }, { 0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 } }; /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ***************************************************************************/ /* core implementation */ static void video_exit(running_machine &machine); static void init_buffered_spriteram(running_machine *machine); /* global rendering */ static int finish_screen_updates(running_machine *machine); static TIMER_CALLBACK( screenless_update_callback ); /* throttling/frameskipping/performance */ static void update_throttle(running_machine *machine, attotime emutime); static osd_ticks_t throttle_until_ticks(running_machine *machine, osd_ticks_t target_ticks); static void update_frameskip(running_machine *machine); static void recompute_speed(running_machine *machine, attotime emutime); static void update_refresh_speed(running_machine *machine); /* screen snapshots */ static void create_snapshot_bitmap(device_t *screen); static file_error mame_fopen_next(running_machine *machine, const char *pathoption, const char *extension, mame_file **file); /* movie recording */ static void video_mng_record_frame(running_machine *machine); static void video_avi_record_frame(running_machine *machine); /* software rendering */ static void rgb888_draw_primitives(const render_primitive_list &primlist, void *dstdata, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, UINT32 pitch); /*************************************************************************** INLINE FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- effective_autoframeskip - return the effective autoframeskip value, accounting for fast forward -------------------------------------------------*/ INLINE int effective_autoframeskip(running_machine *machine) { /* if we're fast forwarding or paused, autoframeskip is disabled */ if (global.fastforward || machine->paused()) return FALSE; /* otherwise, it's up to the user */ return global.auto_frameskip; } /*------------------------------------------------- effective_frameskip - return the effective frameskip value, accounting for fast forward -------------------------------------------------*/ INLINE int effective_frameskip(void) { /* if we're fast forwarding, use the maximum frameskip */ if (global.fastforward) return FRAMESKIP_LEVELS - 1; /* otherwise, it's up to the user */ return global.frameskip_level; } /*------------------------------------------------- effective_throttle - return the effective throttle value, accounting for fast forward and user interface -------------------------------------------------*/ INLINE int effective_throttle(running_machine *machine) { /* if we're paused, or if the UI is active, we always throttle */ if (machine->paused() || ui_is_menu_active()) return TRUE; /* if we're fast forwarding, we don't throttle */ if (global.fastforward) return FALSE; /* otherwise, it's up to the user */ return global.throttle; } /*------------------------------------------------- original_speed_setting - return the original speed setting -------------------------------------------------*/ INLINE int original_speed_setting(void) { return options_get_float(mame_options(), OPTION_SPEED) * 100.0 + 0.5; } /*************************************************************************** CORE IMPLEMENTATION ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- video_init - start up the video system -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_init(running_machine *machine) { const char *filename; const char *viewname; /* validate */ assert(machine != NULL); assert(machine->config != NULL); /* request a callback upon exiting */ machine->add_notifier(MACHINE_NOTIFY_EXIT, video_exit); /* reset our global state */ memset(&global, 0, sizeof(global)); global.speed_percent = 1.0; /* extract initial execution state from global configuration settings */ global.speed = original_speed_setting(); update_refresh_speed(machine); global.throttle = options_get_bool(machine->options(), OPTION_THROTTLE); global.auto_frameskip = options_get_bool(machine->options(), OPTION_AUTOFRAMESKIP); global.frameskip_level = options_get_int(machine->options(), OPTION_FRAMESKIP); global.seconds_to_run = options_get_int(machine->options(), OPTION_SECONDS_TO_RUN); /* create spriteram buffers if necessary */ if (machine->config->m_video_attributes & VIDEO_BUFFERS_SPRITERAM) init_buffered_spriteram(machine); /* create a render target for snapshots */ viewname = options_get_string(machine->options(), OPTION_SNAPVIEW); global.snap_native = (machine->primary_screen != NULL && (viewname[0] == 0 || strcmp(viewname, "native") == 0)); /* the native target is hard-coded to our internal layout and has all options disabled */ if (global.snap_native) { global.snap_target = machine->render().target_alloc(layout_snap, RENDER_CREATE_SINGLE_FILE | RENDER_CREATE_HIDDEN); global.snap_target->set_backdrops_enabled(false); global.snap_target->set_overlays_enabled(false); global.snap_target->set_bezels_enabled(false); global.snap_target->set_screen_overlay_enabled(false); global.snap_target->set_zoom_to_screen(false); } /* other targets select the specified view and turn off effects */ else { global.snap_target = machine->render().target_alloc(NULL, RENDER_CREATE_HIDDEN); global.snap_target->set_view(video_get_view_for_target(machine, global.snap_target, viewname, 0, 1)); global.snap_target->set_screen_overlay_enabled(false); } /* extract snap resolution if present */ if (sscanf(options_get_string(machine->options(), OPTION_SNAPSIZE), "%dx%d", &global.snap_width, &global.snap_height) != 2) global.snap_width = global.snap_height = 0; /* start recording movie if specified */ filename = options_get_string(machine->options(), OPTION_MNGWRITE); if (filename[0] != 0) video_mng_begin_recording(machine, filename); filename = options_get_string(machine->options(), OPTION_AVIWRITE); if (filename[0] != 0) video_avi_begin_recording(machine, filename); /* if no screens, create a periodic timer to drive updates */ if (machine->primary_screen == NULL) { global.screenless_frame_timer = timer_alloc(machine, screenless_update_callback, NULL); timer_adjust_periodic(global.screenless_frame_timer, screen_device::k_default_frame_period, 0, screen_device::k_default_frame_period); } } /*------------------------------------------------- video_exit - close down the video system -------------------------------------------------*/ static void video_exit(running_machine &machine) { int i; /* stop recording any movie */ video_mng_end_recording(&machine); video_avi_end_recording(&machine); /* free all the graphics elements */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_GFX_ELEMENTS; i++) gfx_element_free(machine.gfx[i]); /* free the snapshot target */ machine.render().target_free(global.snap_target); if (global.snap_bitmap != NULL) global_free(global.snap_bitmap); /* print a final result if we have at least 5 seconds' worth of data */ if (global.overall_emutime.seconds >= 5) { osd_ticks_t tps = osd_ticks_per_second(); double final_real_time = (double)global.overall_real_seconds + (double)global.overall_real_ticks / (double)tps; double final_emu_time = attotime_to_double(global.overall_emutime); mame_printf_info("Average speed: %.2f%% (%d seconds)\n", 100 * final_emu_time / final_real_time, attotime_add_attoseconds(global.overall_emutime, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND / 2).seconds); } } /*------------------------------------------------- init_buffered_spriteram - initialize the double-buffered spriteram -------------------------------------------------*/ static void init_buffered_spriteram(running_machine *machine) { assert_always(machine->generic.spriteram_size != 0, "Video buffers spriteram but spriteram size is 0"); /* allocate memory for the back buffer */ machine->generic.buffered_spriteram.u8 = auto_alloc_array(machine, UINT8, machine->generic.spriteram_size); /* register for saving it */ state_save_register_global_pointer(machine, machine->generic.buffered_spriteram.u8, machine->generic.spriteram_size); /* do the same for the second back buffer, if present */ if (machine->generic.spriteram2_size) { /* allocate memory */ machine->generic.buffered_spriteram2.u8 = auto_alloc_array(machine, UINT8, machine->generic.spriteram2_size); /* register for saving it */ state_save_register_global_pointer(machine, machine->generic.buffered_spriteram2.u8, machine->generic.spriteram2_size); } } /*************************************************************************** SCREEN MANAGEMENT ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- screenless_update_callback - update generator when there are no screens to drive it -------------------------------------------------*/ static TIMER_CALLBACK( screenless_update_callback ) { /* force an update */ video_frame_update(machine, false); } /*------------------------------------------------- video_frame_update - handle frameskipping and UI, plus updating the screen during normal operations -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_frame_update(running_machine *machine, int debug) { attotime current_time = timer_get_time(machine); int skipped_it = global.skipping_this_frame; int phase = machine->phase(); /* validate */ assert(machine != NULL); assert(machine->config != NULL); /* only render sound and video if we're in the running phase */ if (phase == MACHINE_PHASE_RUNNING && (!machine->paused() || options_get_bool(machine->options(), OPTION_UPDATEINPAUSE))) { int anything_changed = finish_screen_updates(machine); /* if none of the screens changed and we haven't skipped too many frames in a row, mark this frame as skipped to prevent throttling; this helps for games that don't update their screen at the monitor refresh rate */ if (!anything_changed && !global.auto_frameskip && global.frameskip_level == 0 && global.empty_skip_count++ < 3) skipped_it = TRUE; else global.empty_skip_count = 0; } /* draw the user interface */ ui_update_and_render(machine, &machine->render().ui_container()); /* update the internal render debugger */ debugint_update_during_game(machine); /* if we're throttling, synchronize before rendering */ if (!debug && !skipped_it && effective_throttle(machine)) update_throttle(machine, current_time); /* ask the OSD to update */ g_profiler.start(PROFILER_BLIT); osd_update(machine, !debug && skipped_it); g_profiler.stop(); /* perform tasks for this frame */ if (!debug) machine->call_notifiers(MACHINE_NOTIFY_FRAME); /* update frameskipping */ if (!debug) update_frameskip(machine); /* update speed computations */ if (!debug && !skipped_it) recompute_speed(machine, current_time); /* call the end-of-frame callback */ if (phase == MACHINE_PHASE_RUNNING) { /* reset partial updates if we're paused or if the debugger is active */ if (machine->primary_screen != NULL && (machine->paused() || debug || debugger_within_instruction_hook(machine))) machine->primary_screen->scanline0_callback(); /* otherwise, call the video EOF callback */ else { g_profiler.start(PROFILER_VIDEO); machine->driver_data()->video_eof(); g_profiler.stop(); } } } /*------------------------------------------------- finish_screen_updates - finish updating all the screens -------------------------------------------------*/ static int finish_screen_updates(running_machine *machine) { bool anything_changed = false; /* finish updating the screens */ for (screen_device *screen = screen_first(*machine); screen != NULL; screen = screen_next(screen)) screen->update_partial(screen->visible_area().max_y); /* now add the quads for all the screens */ for (screen_device *screen = screen_first(*machine); screen != NULL; screen = screen_next(screen)) if (screen->update_quads()) anything_changed = true; /* update our movie recording and burn-in state */ if (!machine->paused()) { video_mng_record_frame(machine); video_avi_record_frame(machine); /* iterate over screens and update the burnin for the ones that care */ for (screen_device *screen = screen_first(*machine); screen != NULL; screen = screen_next(screen)) screen->update_burnin(); } /* draw any crosshairs */ for (screen_device *screen = screen_first(*machine); screen != NULL; screen = screen_next(screen)) crosshair_render(*screen); return anything_changed; } /*************************************************************************** THROTTLING/FRAMESKIPPING/PERFORMANCE ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- video_skip_this_frame - accessor to determine if this frame is being skipped -------------------------------------------------*/ int video_skip_this_frame(void) { return global.skipping_this_frame; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_get_speed_factor - return the speed factor as an integer * 100 -------------------------------------------------*/ int video_get_speed_factor(void) { return global.speed; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_set_speed_factor - sets the speed factor as an integer * 100 -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_set_speed_factor(int speed) { global.speed = speed; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_get_speed_text - print the text to be displayed in the upper-right corner -------------------------------------------------*/ const char *video_get_speed_text(running_machine *machine) { bool paused = machine->paused(); static char buffer[1024]; char *dest = buffer; /* validate */ assert(machine != NULL); /* if we're paused, just display Paused */ if (paused) dest += sprintf(dest, "paused"); /* if we're fast forwarding, just display Fast-forward */ else if (global.fastforward) dest += sprintf(dest, "fast "); /* if we're auto frameskipping, display that plus the level */ else if (effective_autoframeskip(machine)) dest += sprintf(dest, "auto%2d/%d", effective_frameskip(), MAX_FRAMESKIP); /* otherwise, just display the frameskip plus the level */ else dest += sprintf(dest, "skip %d/%d", effective_frameskip(), MAX_FRAMESKIP); /* append the speed for all cases except paused */ if (!paused) dest += sprintf(dest, "%4d%%", (int)(100 * global.speed_percent + 0.5)); /* display the number of partial updates as well */ if (global.partial_updates_this_frame > 1) dest += sprintf(dest, "\n%d partial updates", global.partial_updates_this_frame); /* return a pointer to the static buffer */ return buffer; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_get_speed_percent - return the current effective speed percentage -------------------------------------------------*/ double video_get_speed_percent(running_machine *machine) { return global.speed_percent; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_get_frameskip - return the current actual frameskip (-1 means autoframeskip) -------------------------------------------------*/ int video_get_frameskip(void) { /* if autoframeskip is on, return -1 */ if (global.auto_frameskip) return -1; /* otherwise, return the direct level */ else return global.frameskip_level; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_set_frameskip - set the current actual frameskip (-1 means autoframeskip) -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_set_frameskip(int frameskip) { /* -1 means autoframeskip */ if (frameskip == -1) { global.auto_frameskip = TRUE; global.frameskip_level = 0; } /* any other level is a direct control */ else if (frameskip >= 0 && frameskip <= MAX_FRAMESKIP) { global.auto_frameskip = FALSE; global.frameskip_level = frameskip; } } /*------------------------------------------------- video_get_throttle - return the current actual throttle -------------------------------------------------*/ int video_get_throttle(void) { return global.throttle; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_set_throttle - set the current actual throttle -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_set_throttle(int throttle) { global.throttle = throttle; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_get_fastforward - return the current fastforward value -------------------------------------------------*/ int video_get_fastforward(void) { return global.fastforward; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_set_fastforward - set the current fastforward value -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_set_fastforward(int _fastforward) { global.fastforward = _fastforward; } /*------------------------------------------------- update_throttle - throttle to the game's natural speed -------------------------------------------------*/ static void update_throttle(running_machine *machine, attotime emutime) { /* Throttling theory: This routine is called periodically with an up-to-date emulated time. The idea is to synchronize real time with emulated time. We do this by "throttling", or waiting for real time to catch up with emulated time. In an ideal world, it will take less real time to emulate and render each frame than the emulated time, so we need to slow things down to get both times in sync. There are many complications to this model: * some games run too slow, so each frame we get further and further behind real time; our only choice here is to not throttle * some games have very uneven frame rates; one frame will take a long time to emulate, and the next frame may be very fast * we run on top of multitasking OSes; sometimes execution time is taken away from us, and this means we may not get enough time to emulate one frame * we may be paused, and emulated time may not be marching forward * emulated time could jump due to resetting the machine or restoring from a saved state */ static const UINT8 popcount[256] = { 0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3, 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4, 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, 4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, 5,6,6,7,6,7,7,8 }; attoseconds_t real_delta_attoseconds; attoseconds_t emu_delta_attoseconds; attoseconds_t real_is_ahead_attoseconds; attoseconds_t attoseconds_per_tick; osd_ticks_t ticks_per_second; osd_ticks_t target_ticks; osd_ticks_t diff_ticks; /* apply speed factor to emu time */ if (global.speed != 0 && global.speed != 100) { /* multiply emutime by 100, then divide by the global speed factor */ emutime = attotime_div(attotime_mul(emutime, 100), global.speed); } /* compute conversion factors up front */ ticks_per_second = osd_ticks_per_second(); attoseconds_per_tick = ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND / ticks_per_second; /* if we're paused, emutime will not advance; instead, we subtract a fixed amount of time (1/60th of a second) from the emulated time that was passed in, and explicitly reset our tracked real and emulated timers to that value ... this means we pretend that the last update was exactly 1/60th of a second ago, and was in sync in both real and emulated time */ if (machine->paused()) { global.throttle_emutime = attotime_sub_attoseconds(emutime, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND / PAUSED_REFRESH_RATE); global.throttle_realtime = global.throttle_emutime; } /* attempt to detect anomalies in the emulated time by subtracting the previously reported value from our current value; this should be a small value somewhere between 0 and 1/10th of a second ... anything outside of this range is obviously wrong and requires a resync */ emu_delta_attoseconds = attotime_to_attoseconds(attotime_sub(emutime, global.throttle_emutime)); if (emu_delta_attoseconds < 0 || emu_delta_attoseconds > ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND / 10) { if (LOG_THROTTLE) logerror("Resync due to weird emutime delta: %s\n", attotime_string(attotime_make(0, emu_delta_attoseconds), 18)); goto resync; } /* now determine the current real time in OSD-specified ticks; we have to be careful here because counters can wrap, so we only use the difference between the last read value and the current value in our computations */ diff_ticks = osd_ticks() - global.throttle_last_ticks; global.throttle_last_ticks += diff_ticks; /* if it has been more than a full second of real time since the last call to this function, we just need to resynchronize */ if (diff_ticks >= ticks_per_second) { if (LOG_THROTTLE) logerror("Resync due to real time advancing by more than 1 second\n"); goto resync; } /* convert this value into attoseconds for easier comparison */ real_delta_attoseconds = diff_ticks * attoseconds_per_tick; /* now update our real and emulated timers with the current values */ global.throttle_emutime = emutime; global.throttle_realtime = attotime_add_attoseconds(global.throttle_realtime, real_delta_attoseconds); /* keep a history of whether or not emulated time beat real time over the last few updates; this can be used for future heuristics */ global.throttle_history = (global.throttle_history << 1) | (emu_delta_attoseconds > real_delta_attoseconds); /* determine how far ahead real time is versus emulated time; note that we use the accumulated times for this instead of the deltas for the current update because we want to track time over a longer duration than a single update */ real_is_ahead_attoseconds = attotime_to_attoseconds(attotime_sub(global.throttle_emutime, global.throttle_realtime)); /* if we're more than 1/10th of a second out, or if we are behind at all and emulation is taking longer than the real frame, we just need to resync */ if (real_is_ahead_attoseconds < -ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND / 10 || (real_is_ahead_attoseconds < 0 && popcount[global.throttle_history & 0xff] < 6)) { if (LOG_THROTTLE) logerror("Resync due to being behind: %s (history=%08X)\n", attotime_string(attotime_make(0, -real_is_ahead_attoseconds), 18), global.throttle_history); goto resync; } /* if we're behind, it's time to just get out */ if (real_is_ahead_attoseconds < 0) return; /* compute the target real time, in ticks, where we want to be */ target_ticks = global.throttle_last_ticks + real_is_ahead_attoseconds / attoseconds_per_tick; /* throttle until we read the target, and update real time to match the final time */ diff_ticks = throttle_until_ticks(machine, target_ticks) - global.throttle_last_ticks; global.throttle_last_ticks += diff_ticks; global.throttle_realtime = attotime_add_attoseconds(global.throttle_realtime, diff_ticks * attoseconds_per_tick); return; resync: /* reset realtime and emutime to the same value */ global.throttle_realtime = global.throttle_emutime = emutime; } /*------------------------------------------------- throttle_until_ticks - spin until the specified target time, calling the OSD code to sleep if possible -------------------------------------------------*/ static osd_ticks_t throttle_until_ticks(running_machine *machine, osd_ticks_t target_ticks) { osd_ticks_t minimum_sleep = osd_ticks_per_second() / 1000; osd_ticks_t current_ticks = osd_ticks(); osd_ticks_t new_ticks; int allowed_to_sleep = FALSE; /* we're allowed to sleep via the OSD code only if we're configured to do so and we're not frameskipping due to autoframeskip, or if we're paused */ if (options_get_bool(machine->options(), OPTION_SLEEP) && (!effective_autoframeskip(machine) || effective_frameskip() == 0)) allowed_to_sleep = TRUE; if (machine->paused()) allowed_to_sleep = TRUE; /* loop until we reach our target */ g_profiler.start(PROFILER_IDLE); while (current_ticks < target_ticks) { osd_ticks_t delta; int slept = FALSE; /* compute how much time to sleep for, taking into account the average oversleep */ delta = (target_ticks - current_ticks) * 1000 / (1000 + global.average_oversleep); /* see if we can sleep */ if (allowed_to_sleep && delta >= minimum_sleep) { osd_sleep(delta); slept = TRUE; } /* read the new value */ new_ticks = osd_ticks(); /* keep some metrics on the sleeping patterns of the OSD layer */ if (slept) { osd_ticks_t actual_ticks = new_ticks - current_ticks; /* if we overslept, keep an average of the amount */ if (actual_ticks > delta) { osd_ticks_t oversleep_milliticks = 1000 * (actual_ticks - delta) / delta; /* take 90% of the previous average plus 10% of the new value */ global.average_oversleep = (global.average_oversleep * 99 + oversleep_milliticks) / 100; if (LOG_THROTTLE) logerror("Slept for %d ticks, got %d ticks, avgover = %d\n", (int)delta, (int)actual_ticks, (int)global.average_oversleep); } } current_ticks = new_ticks; } g_profiler.stop(); return current_ticks; } /*------------------------------------------------- update_frameskip - update frameskipping counters and periodically update autoframeskip -------------------------------------------------*/ static void update_frameskip(running_machine *machine) { /* if we're throttling and autoframeskip is on, adjust */ if (effective_throttle(machine) && effective_autoframeskip(machine) && global.frameskip_counter == 0) { double speed = global.speed * 0.01; /* if we're too fast, attempt to increase the frameskip */ if (global.speed_percent >= 0.995 * speed) { /* but only after 3 consecutive frames where we are too fast */ if (++global.frameskip_adjust >= 3) { global.frameskip_adjust = 0; if (global.frameskip_level > 0) global.frameskip_level--; } } /* if we're too slow, attempt to increase the frameskip */ else { /* if below 80% speed, be more aggressive */ if (global.speed_percent < 0.80 * speed) global.frameskip_adjust -= (0.90 * speed - global.speed_percent) / 0.05; /* if we're close, only force it up to frameskip 8 */ else if (global.frameskip_level < 8) global.frameskip_adjust--; /* perform the adjustment */ while (global.frameskip_adjust <= -2) { global.frameskip_adjust += 2; if (global.frameskip_level < MAX_FRAMESKIP) global.frameskip_level++; } } } /* increment the frameskip counter and determine if we will skip the next frame */ global.frameskip_counter = (global.frameskip_counter + 1) % FRAMESKIP_LEVELS; global.skipping_this_frame = skiptable[effective_frameskip()][global.frameskip_counter]; } /*------------------------------------------------- update_refresh_speed - update the global.speed based on the maximum refresh rate supported -------------------------------------------------*/ static void update_refresh_speed(running_machine *machine) { /* only do this if the refreshspeed option is used */ if (options_get_bool(machine->options(), OPTION_REFRESHSPEED)) { float minrefresh = machine->render().max_update_rate(); if (minrefresh != 0) { attoseconds_t min_frame_period = ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND; UINT32 original_speed = original_speed_setting(); UINT32 target_speed; /* find the screen with the shortest frame period (max refresh rate) */ /* note that we first check the token since this can get called before all screens are created */ for (screen_device *screen = screen_first(*machine); screen != NULL; screen = screen_next(screen)) { attoseconds_t period = screen->frame_period().attoseconds; if (period != 0) min_frame_period = MIN(min_frame_period, period); } /* compute a target speed as an integral percentage */ /* note that we lop 0.25Hz off of the minrefresh when doing the computation to allow for the fact that most refresh rates are not accurate to 10 digits... */ target_speed = floor((minrefresh - 0.25f) * 100.0 / ATTOSECONDS_TO_HZ(min_frame_period)); target_speed = MIN(target_speed, original_speed); /* if we changed, log that verbosely */ if (target_speed != global.speed) { mame_printf_verbose("Adjusting target speed to %d%% (hw=%.2fHz, game=%.2fHz, adjusted=%.2fHz)\n", target_speed, minrefresh, ATTOSECONDS_TO_HZ(min_frame_period), ATTOSECONDS_TO_HZ(min_frame_period * 100 / target_speed)); global.speed = target_speed; } } } } /*------------------------------------------------- recompute_speed - recompute the current overall speed; we assume this is called only if we did not skip a frame -------------------------------------------------*/ static void recompute_speed(running_machine *machine, attotime emutime) { attoseconds_t delta_emutime; /* if we don't have a starting time yet, or if we're paused, reset our starting point */ if (global.speed_last_realtime == 0 || machine->paused()) { global.speed_last_realtime = osd_ticks(); global.speed_last_emutime = emutime; } /* if it has been more than the update interval, update the time */ delta_emutime = attotime_to_attoseconds(attotime_sub(emutime, global.speed_last_emutime)); if (delta_emutime > SUBSECONDS_PER_SPEED_UPDATE) { osd_ticks_t realtime = osd_ticks(); osd_ticks_t delta_realtime = realtime - global.speed_last_realtime; osd_ticks_t tps = osd_ticks_per_second(); /* convert from ticks to attoseconds */ global.speed_percent = (double)delta_emutime * (double)tps / ((double)delta_realtime * (double)ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND); /* remember the last times */ global.speed_last_realtime = realtime; global.speed_last_emutime = emutime; /* if we're throttled, this time period counts for overall speed; otherwise, we reset the counter */ if (!global.fastforward) global.overall_valid_counter++; else global.overall_valid_counter = 0; /* if we've had at least 4 consecutive valid periods, accumulate stats */ if (global.overall_valid_counter >= 4) { global.overall_real_ticks += delta_realtime; while (global.overall_real_ticks >= tps) { global.overall_real_ticks -= tps; global.overall_real_seconds++; } global.overall_emutime = attotime_add_attoseconds(global.overall_emutime, delta_emutime); } } /* if we're past the "time-to-execute" requested, signal an exit */ if (global.seconds_to_run != 0 && emutime.seconds >= global.seconds_to_run) { if (machine->primary_screen != NULL) { astring fname(machine->basename(), PATH_SEPARATOR "final.png"); file_error filerr; mame_file *file; /* create a final screenshot */ filerr = mame_fopen(SEARCHPATH_SCREENSHOT, fname, OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS, &file); if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { screen_save_snapshot(machine, machine->primary_screen, file); mame_fclose(file); } } /* schedule our demise */ machine->schedule_exit(); } } /*************************************************************************** SCREEN SNAPSHOTS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- screen_save_snapshot - save a snapshot to the given file handle -------------------------------------------------*/ void screen_save_snapshot(running_machine *machine, device_t *screen, mame_file *fp) { png_info pnginfo = { 0 }; const rgb_t *palette; png_error error; char text[256]; /* validate */ assert(!global.snap_native || screen != NULL); assert(fp != NULL); /* create the bitmap to pass in */ create_snapshot_bitmap(screen); /* add two text entries describing the image */ sprintf(text, APPNAME " %s", build_version); png_add_text(&pnginfo, "Software", text); sprintf(text, "%s %s", machine->gamedrv->manufacturer, machine->gamedrv->description); png_add_text(&pnginfo, "System", text); /* now do the actual work */ palette = (machine->palette != NULL) ? palette_entry_list_adjusted(machine->palette) : NULL; error = png_write_bitmap(mame_core_file(fp), &pnginfo, global.snap_bitmap, machine->total_colors(), palette); /* free any data allocated */ png_free(&pnginfo); } /*------------------------------------------------- video_save_active_screen_snapshots - save a snapshot of all active screens -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_save_active_screen_snapshots(running_machine *machine) { mame_file *fp; /* validate */ assert(machine != NULL); assert(machine->config != NULL); /* if we're native, then write one snapshot per visible screen */ if (global.snap_native) { /* write one snapshot per visible screen */ for (screen_device *screen = screen_first(*machine); screen != NULL; screen = screen_next(screen)) if (machine->render().is_live(*screen)) { file_error filerr = mame_fopen_next(machine, SEARCHPATH_SCREENSHOT, "png", &fp); if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { screen_save_snapshot(machine, screen, fp); mame_fclose(fp); } } } /* otherwise, just write a single snapshot */ else { file_error filerr = mame_fopen_next(machine, SEARCHPATH_SCREENSHOT, "png", &fp); if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { screen_save_snapshot(machine, NULL, fp); mame_fclose(fp); } } } /*------------------------------------------------- creare_snapshot_bitmap - creates a bitmap containing the screenshot for the given screen -------------------------------------------------*/ static void create_snapshot_bitmap(device_t *screen) { INT32 width, height; int view_index; /* select the appropriate view in our dummy target */ if (global.snap_native && screen != NULL) { view_index = screen->machine->m_devicelist.index(SCREEN, screen->tag()); assert(view_index != -1); global.snap_target->set_view(view_index); } /* get the minimum width/height and set it on the target */ width = global.snap_width; height = global.snap_height; if (width == 0 || height == 0) global.snap_target->compute_minimum_size(width, height); global.snap_target->set_bounds(width, height); /* if we don't have a bitmap, or if it's not the right size, allocate a new one */ if (global.snap_bitmap == NULL || width != global.snap_bitmap->width || height != global.snap_bitmap->height) { if (global.snap_bitmap != NULL) global_free(global.snap_bitmap); global.snap_bitmap = global_alloc(bitmap_t(width, height, BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32)); assert(global.snap_bitmap != NULL); } /* render the screen there */ render_primitive_list &primlist = global.snap_target->get_primitives(); primlist.acquire_lock(); rgb888_draw_primitives(primlist, global.snap_bitmap->base, width, height, global.snap_bitmap->rowpixels); primlist.release_lock(); } /*------------------------------------------------- mame_fopen_next - open the next non-existing file of type filetype according to our numbering scheme -------------------------------------------------*/ static file_error mame_fopen_next(running_machine *machine, const char *pathoption, const char *extension, mame_file **file) { const char *snapname = options_get_string(machine->options(), OPTION_SNAPNAME); file_error filerr; astring snapstr; astring fname; int index; /* handle defaults */ if (snapname == NULL || snapname[0] == 0) snapname = "%g/%i"; snapstr.cpy(snapname); /* strip any extension in the provided name and add our own */ index = snapstr.rchr(0, '.'); if (index != -1) snapstr.substr(0, index); snapstr.cat(".").cat(extension); /* substitute path and gamename up front */ snapstr.replace(0, "/", PATH_SEPARATOR); snapstr.replace(0, "%g", machine->basename()); /* determine if the template has an index; if not, we always use the same name */ if (snapstr.find(0, "%i") == -1) fname.cpy(snapstr); /* otherwise, we scan for the next available filename */ else { int seq; /* try until we succeed */ for (seq = 0; ; seq++) { char seqtext[10]; /* make text for the sequence number */ sprintf(seqtext, "%04d", seq); /* build up the filename */ fname.cpy(snapstr).replace(0, "%i", seqtext); /* try to open the file; stop when we fail */ filerr = mame_fopen(pathoption, fname, OPEN_FLAG_READ, file); if (filerr != FILERR_NONE) break; mame_fclose(*file); } } /* create the final file */ return mame_fopen(pathoption, fname, OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS, file); } /*************************************************************************** MNG MOVIE RECORDING ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- video_mng_is_movie_active - return true if a MNG movie is currently being recorded -------------------------------------------------*/ int video_mng_is_movie_active(running_machine *machine) { return (global.mngfile != NULL); } /*------------------------------------------------- video_mng_begin_recording - begin recording of a MNG movie -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_mng_begin_recording(running_machine *machine, const char *name) { file_error filerr; png_error pngerr; int rate; /* close any existing movie file */ if (global.mngfile != NULL) video_mng_end_recording(machine); /* create a snapshot bitmap so we know what the target size is */ create_snapshot_bitmap(NULL); /* create a new movie file and start recording */ if (name != NULL) filerr = mame_fopen(SEARCHPATH_MOVIE, name, OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS, &global.mngfile); else filerr = mame_fopen_next(machine, SEARCHPATH_MOVIE, "mng", &global.mngfile); /* start the capture */ rate = (machine->primary_screen != NULL) ? ATTOSECONDS_TO_HZ(machine->primary_screen->frame_period().attoseconds) : screen_device::k_default_frame_rate; pngerr = mng_capture_start(mame_core_file(global.mngfile), global.snap_bitmap, rate); if (pngerr != PNGERR_NONE) { video_mng_end_recording(machine); return; } /* compute the frame time */ global.movie_next_frame_time = timer_get_time(machine); global.movie_frame_period = ATTOTIME_IN_HZ(rate); global.movie_frame = 0; } /*------------------------------------------------- video_mng_end_recording - stop recording of a MNG movie -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_mng_end_recording(running_machine *machine) { /* close the file if it exists */ if (global.mngfile != NULL) { mng_capture_stop(mame_core_file(global.mngfile)); mame_fclose(global.mngfile); global.mngfile = NULL; global.movie_frame = 0; } } /*------------------------------------------------- video_mng_record_frame - record a frame of a movie -------------------------------------------------*/ static void video_mng_record_frame(running_machine *machine) { /* only record if we have a file */ if (global.mngfile != NULL) { attotime curtime = timer_get_time(machine); png_info pnginfo = { 0 }; png_error error; g_profiler.start(PROFILER_MOVIE_REC); /* create the bitmap */ create_snapshot_bitmap(NULL); /* loop until we hit the right time */ while (attotime_compare(global.movie_next_frame_time, curtime) <= 0) { const rgb_t *palette; /* set up the text fields in the movie info */ if (global.movie_frame == 0) { char text[256]; sprintf(text, APPNAME " %s", build_version); png_add_text(&pnginfo, "Software", text); sprintf(text, "%s %s", machine->gamedrv->manufacturer, machine->gamedrv->description); png_add_text(&pnginfo, "System", text); } /* write the next frame */ palette = (machine->palette != NULL) ? palette_entry_list_adjusted(machine->palette) : NULL; error = mng_capture_frame(mame_core_file(global.mngfile), &pnginfo, global.snap_bitmap, machine->total_colors(), palette); png_free(&pnginfo); if (error != PNGERR_NONE) { video_mng_end_recording(machine); break; } /* advance time */ global.movie_next_frame_time = attotime_add(global.movie_next_frame_time, global.movie_frame_period); global.movie_frame++; } g_profiler.stop(); } } /*************************************************************************** AVI MOVIE RECORDING ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- video_avi_begin_recording - begin recording of an AVI movie -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_avi_begin_recording(running_machine *machine, const char *name) { avi_movie_info info; mame_file *tempfile; file_error filerr; avi_error avierr; /* close any existing movie file */ if (global.avifile != NULL) video_avi_end_recording(machine); /* create a snapshot bitmap so we know what the target size is */ create_snapshot_bitmap(NULL); /* build up information about this new movie */ info.video_format = 0; info.video_timescale = 1000 * ((machine->primary_screen != NULL) ? ATTOSECONDS_TO_HZ(machine->primary_screen->frame_period().attoseconds) : screen_device::k_default_frame_rate); info.video_sampletime = 1000; info.video_numsamples = 0; info.video_width = global.snap_bitmap->width; info.video_height = global.snap_bitmap->height; info.video_depth = 24; info.audio_format = 0; info.audio_timescale = machine->sample_rate; info.audio_sampletime = 1; info.audio_numsamples = 0; info.audio_channels = 2; info.audio_samplebits = 16; info.audio_samplerate = machine->sample_rate; /* create a new temporary movie file */ if (name != NULL) filerr = mame_fopen(SEARCHPATH_MOVIE, name, OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS, &tempfile); else filerr = mame_fopen_next(machine, SEARCHPATH_MOVIE, "avi", &tempfile); /* reset our tracking */ global.movie_frame = 0; global.movie_next_frame_time = timer_get_time(machine); global.movie_frame_period = attotime_div(ATTOTIME_IN_SEC(1000), info.video_timescale); /* if we succeeded, make a copy of the name and create the real file over top */ if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { astring fullname(mame_file_full_name(tempfile)); mame_fclose(tempfile); /* create the file and free the string */ avierr = avi_create(fullname, &info, &global.avifile); } } /*------------------------------------------------- video_avi_end_recording - stop recording of a avi movie -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_avi_end_recording(running_machine *machine) { /* close the file if it exists */ if (global.avifile != NULL) { avi_close(global.avifile); global.avifile = NULL; global.movie_frame = 0; } } /*------------------------------------------------- video_avi_record_frame - record a frame of a movie -------------------------------------------------*/ static void video_avi_record_frame(running_machine *machine) { /* only record if we have a file */ if (global.avifile != NULL) { attotime curtime = timer_get_time(machine); avi_error avierr; g_profiler.start(PROFILER_MOVIE_REC); /* create the bitmap */ create_snapshot_bitmap(NULL); /* loop until we hit the right time */ while (attotime_compare(global.movie_next_frame_time, curtime) <= 0) { /* write the next frame */ avierr = avi_append_video_frame_rgb32(global.avifile, global.snap_bitmap); if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE) { video_avi_end_recording(machine); break; } /* advance time */ global.movie_next_frame_time = attotime_add(global.movie_next_frame_time, global.movie_frame_period); global.movie_frame++; } g_profiler.stop(); } } /*------------------------------------------------- video_avi_add_sound - add sound to an AVI recording -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_avi_add_sound(running_machine *machine, const INT16 *sound, int numsamples) { /* only record if we have a file */ if (global.avifile != NULL) { avi_error avierr; g_profiler.start(PROFILER_MOVIE_REC); /* write the next frame */ avierr = avi_append_sound_samples(global.avifile, 0, sound + 0, numsamples, 1); if (avierr == AVIERR_NONE) avierr = avi_append_sound_samples(global.avifile, 1, sound + 1, numsamples, 1); if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE) video_avi_end_recording(machine); g_profiler.stop(); } } /*************************************************************************** BURN-IN GENERATION ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** CONFIGURATION HELPERS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- video_get_view_for_target - select a view for a given target -------------------------------------------------*/ int video_get_view_for_target(running_machine *machine, render_target *target, const char *viewname, int targetindex, int numtargets) { int viewindex = -1; /* auto view just selects the nth view */ if (strcmp(viewname, "auto") != 0) { /* scan for a matching view name */ for (viewindex = 0; ; viewindex++) { const char *name = target->view_name(viewindex); /* stop scanning when we hit NULL */ if (name == NULL) { viewindex = -1; break; } if (mame_strnicmp(name, viewname, strlen(viewname)) == 0) break; } } /* if we don't have a match, default to the nth view */ int scrcount = screen_count(*machine->config); if (viewindex == -1 && scrcount > 0) { /* if we have enough targets to be one per screen, assign in order */ if (numtargets >= scrcount) { int index = target->index() % scrcount; screen_device *screen; for (screen = screen_first(*machine); screen != NULL; screen = screen_next(screen)) if (index-- == 0) break; /* find the first view with this screen and this screen only */ for (viewindex = 0; ; viewindex++) { const render_screen_list &viewscreens = target->view_screens(viewindex); if (viewscreens.count() == 1 && viewscreens.contains(*screen)) break; if (viewscreens.count() == 0) { viewindex = -1; break; } } } /* otherwise, find the first view that has all the screens */ if (viewindex == -1) { for (viewindex = 0; ; viewindex++) { const render_screen_list &viewscreens = target->view_screens(viewindex); if (viewscreens.count() == 0) break; if (viewscreens.count() >= scrcount) { screen_device *screen; for (screen = screen_first(*machine); screen != NULL; screen = screen_next(screen)) if (!viewscreens.contains(*screen)) break; if (screen == NULL) break; } } } } /* make sure it's a valid view */ if (target->view_name(viewindex) == NULL) viewindex = 0; return viewindex; } /*************************************************************************** DEBUGGING HELPERS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- video_assert_out_of_range_pixels - assert if any pixels in the given bitmap contain an invalid palette index -------------------------------------------------*/ void video_assert_out_of_range_pixels(running_machine *machine, bitmap_t *bitmap) { #ifdef MAME_DEBUG int maxindex = palette_get_max_index(machine->palette); int x, y; /* this only applies to indexed16 bitmaps */ if (bitmap->format != BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16) return; /* iterate over rows */ for (y = 0; y < bitmap->height; y++) { UINT16 *rowbase = BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y, 0); for (x = 0; x < bitmap->width; x++) assert(rowbase[x] < maxindex); } #endif } //************************************************************************** // VIDEO SCREEN DEVICE CONFIGURATION //************************************************************************** const attotime screen_device::k_default_frame_period = STATIC_ATTOTIME_IN_HZ(k_default_frame_rate); //------------------------------------------------- // screen_device_config - constructor //------------------------------------------------- screen_device_config::screen_device_config(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, const device_config *owner, UINT32 clock) : device_config(mconfig, static_alloc_device_config, "Video Screen", tag, owner, clock), m_type(SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER), m_width(0), m_height(0), m_oldstyle_vblank_supplied(false), m_refresh(0), m_vblank(0), m_format(BITMAP_FORMAT_INVALID), m_xoffset(0.0f), m_yoffset(0.0f), m_xscale(1.0f), m_yscale(1.0f) { } //------------------------------------------------- // static_alloc_device_config - allocate a new // configuration object //------------------------------------------------- device_config *screen_device_config::static_alloc_device_config(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, const device_config *owner, UINT32 clock) { return global_alloc(screen_device_config(mconfig, tag, owner, clock)); } //------------------------------------------------- // alloc_device - allocate a new device object //------------------------------------------------- device_t *screen_device_config::alloc_device(running_machine &machine) const { return auto_alloc(&machine, screen_device(machine, *this)); } //------------------------------------------------- // static_set_format - configuration helper // to set the bitmap format //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device_config::static_set_format(device_config *device, bitmap_format format) { screen_device_config *screen = downcast(device); screen->m_format = format; } //------------------------------------------------- // static_set_type - configuration helper // to set the screen type //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device_config::static_set_type(device_config *device, screen_type_enum type) { screen_device_config *screen = downcast(device); screen->m_type = type; } //------------------------------------------------- // static_set_raw - configuration helper // to set the raw screen parameters //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device_config::static_set_raw(device_config *device, UINT32 pixclock, UINT16 htotal, UINT16 hbend, UINT16 hbstart, UINT16 vtotal, UINT16 vbend, UINT16 vbstart) { screen_device_config *screen = downcast(device); screen->m_refresh = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(pixclock) * htotal * vtotal; screen->m_vblank = screen->m_refresh / vtotal * (vtotal - (vbstart - vbend)); screen->m_width = htotal; screen->m_height = vtotal; screen->m_visarea.min_x = hbend; screen->m_visarea.max_x = hbstart - 1; screen->m_visarea.min_y = vbend; screen->m_visarea.max_y = vbstart - 1; } //------------------------------------------------- // static_set_refresh - configuration helper // to set the refresh rate //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device_config::static_set_refresh(device_config *device, attoseconds_t rate) { screen_device_config *screen = downcast(device); screen->m_refresh = rate; } //------------------------------------------------- // static_set_vblank_time - configuration helper // to set the VBLANK duration //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device_config::static_set_vblank_time(device_config *device, attoseconds_t time) { screen_device_config *screen = downcast(device); screen->m_vblank = time; screen->m_oldstyle_vblank_supplied = true; } //------------------------------------------------- // static_set_size - configuration helper to set // the width/height of the screen //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device_config::static_set_size(device_config *device, UINT16 width, UINT16 height) { screen_device_config *screen = downcast(device); screen->m_width = width; screen->m_height = height; } //------------------------------------------------- // static_set_visarea - configuration helper to // set the visible area of the screen //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device_config::static_set_visarea(device_config *device, INT16 minx, INT16 maxx, INT16 miny, INT16 maxy) { screen_device_config *screen = downcast(device); screen->m_visarea.min_x = minx; screen->m_visarea.max_x = maxx; screen->m_visarea.min_y = miny; screen->m_visarea.max_y = maxy; } //------------------------------------------------- // static_set_default_position - configuration // helper to set the default position and scale // factors for the screen //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device_config::static_set_default_position(device_config *device, double xscale, double xoffs, double yscale, double yoffs) { screen_device_config *screen = downcast(device); screen->m_xscale = xscale; screen->m_xoffset = xoffs; screen->m_yscale = yscale; screen->m_yoffset = yoffs; } //------------------------------------------------- // device_validity_check - verify device // configuration //------------------------------------------------- bool screen_device_config::device_validity_check(const game_driver &driver) const { bool error = false; // sanity check dimensions if (m_width <= 0 || m_height <= 0) { mame_printf_error("%s: %s screen '%s' has invalid display dimensions\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, tag()); error = true; } // sanity check display area if (m_type != SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR) { if ((m_visarea.max_x < m_visarea.min_x) || (m_visarea.max_y < m_visarea.min_y) || (m_visarea.max_x >= m_width) || (m_visarea.max_y >= m_height)) { mame_printf_error("%s: %s screen '%s' has an invalid display area\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, tag()); error = true; } // sanity check screen formats if (m_format != BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16 && m_format != BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB15 && m_format != BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32) { mame_printf_error("%s: %s screen '%s' has unsupported format\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, tag()); error = true; } } // check for zero frame rate if (m_refresh == 0) { mame_printf_error("%s: %s screen '%s' has a zero refresh rate\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, tag()); error = true; } return error; } //************************************************************************** // LIVE VIDEO SCREEN DEVICE //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // screen_device - constructor //------------------------------------------------- screen_device::screen_device(running_machine &_machine, const screen_device_config &config) : device_t(_machine, config), m_config(config), m_container(NULL), m_width(m_config.m_width), m_height(m_config.m_height), m_visarea(m_config.m_visarea), m_burnin(NULL), m_curbitmap(0), m_curtexture(0), m_texture_format(0), m_changed(true), m_last_partial_scan(0), m_screen_overlay_bitmap(NULL), m_frame_period(m_config.m_refresh), m_scantime(1), m_pixeltime(1), m_vblank_period(0), m_vblank_start_time(attotime_zero), m_vblank_end_time(attotime_zero), m_vblank_begin_timer(NULL), m_vblank_end_timer(NULL), m_scanline0_timer(NULL), m_scanline_timer(NULL), m_frame_number(0), m_callback_list(NULL) { memset(m_texture, 0, sizeof(m_texture)); memset(m_bitmap, 0, sizeof(m_bitmap)); } //------------------------------------------------- // ~screen_device - destructor //------------------------------------------------- screen_device::~screen_device() { m_machine.render().texture_free(m_texture[0]); m_machine.render().texture_free(m_texture[1]); if (m_burnin != NULL) finalize_burnin(); global_free(m_screen_overlay_bitmap); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_start - device-specific startup //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::device_start() { // configure the default cliparea render_container::user_settings settings; m_container->get_user_settings(settings); settings.m_xoffset = m_config.m_xoffset; settings.m_yoffset = m_config.m_yoffset; settings.m_xscale = m_config.m_xscale; settings.m_yscale = m_config.m_yscale; m_container->set_user_settings(settings); // allocate the VBLANK timers m_vblank_begin_timer = timer_alloc(machine, static_vblank_begin_callback, (void *)this); m_vblank_end_timer = timer_alloc(machine, static_vblank_end_callback, (void *)this); // allocate a timer to reset partial updates m_scanline0_timer = timer_alloc(machine, static_scanline0_callback, (void *)this); // allocate a timer to generate per-scanline updates if ((machine->config->m_video_attributes & VIDEO_UPDATE_SCANLINE) != 0) m_scanline_timer = timer_alloc(machine, static_scanline_update_callback, (void *)this); // configure the screen with the default parameters configure(m_config.m_width, m_config.m_height, m_config.m_visarea, m_config.m_refresh); // reset VBLANK timing */ m_vblank_start_time = attotime_zero; m_vblank_end_time = attotime_make(0, m_vblank_period); // start the timer to generate per-scanline updates if ((machine->config->m_video_attributes & VIDEO_UPDATE_SCANLINE) != 0) timer_adjust_oneshot(m_scanline_timer, time_until_pos(0), 0); // create burn-in bitmap if (options_get_int(machine->options(), OPTION_BURNIN) > 0) { int width, height; if (sscanf(options_get_string(machine->options(), OPTION_SNAPSIZE), "%dx%d", &width, &height) != 2 || width == 0 || height == 0) width = height = 300; m_burnin = auto_alloc(machine, bitmap_t(width, height, BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED64)); if (m_burnin == NULL) fatalerror("Error allocating burn-in bitmap for screen at (%dx%d)\n", width, height); bitmap_fill(m_burnin, NULL, 0); } // load the effect overlay const char *overname = options_get_string(machine->options(), OPTION_EFFECT); if (overname != NULL && strcmp(overname, "none") != 0) load_effect_overlay(overname); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_width); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_height); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_visarea.min_x); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_visarea.min_y); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_visarea.max_x); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_visarea.max_y); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_last_partial_scan); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_frame_period); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_scantime); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_pixeltime); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_vblank_period); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_vblank_start_time.seconds); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_vblank_start_time.attoseconds); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_vblank_end_time.seconds); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_vblank_end_time.attoseconds); state_save_register_device_item(this, 0, m_frame_number); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_post_load - device-specific update // after a save state is loaded //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::device_post_load() { realloc_screen_bitmaps(); global.movie_next_frame_time = timer_get_time(machine); } //------------------------------------------------- // configure - configure screen parameters //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::configure(int width, int height, const rectangle &visarea, attoseconds_t frame_period) { // validate arguments assert(width > 0); assert(height > 0); assert(visarea.min_x >= 0); assert(visarea.min_y >= 0); assert(m_config.m_type == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR || visarea.min_x < width); assert(m_config.m_type == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR || visarea.min_y < height); assert(frame_period > 0); // fill in the new parameters m_width = width; m_height = height; m_visarea = visarea; // reallocate bitmap if necessary realloc_screen_bitmaps(); // compute timing parameters m_frame_period = frame_period; m_scantime = frame_period / height; m_pixeltime = frame_period / (height * width); // if there has been no VBLANK time specified in the MACHINE_DRIVER, compute it now // from the visible area, otherwise just used the supplied value if (m_config.m_vblank == 0 && !m_config.m_oldstyle_vblank_supplied) m_vblank_period = m_scantime * (height - (visarea.max_y + 1 - visarea.min_y)); else m_vblank_period = m_config.m_vblank; // if we are on scanline 0 already, reset the update timer immediately // otherwise, defer until the next scanline 0 if (vpos() == 0) timer_adjust_oneshot(m_scanline0_timer, attotime_zero, 0); else timer_adjust_oneshot(m_scanline0_timer, time_until_pos(0), 0); // start the VBLANK timer timer_adjust_oneshot(m_vblank_begin_timer, time_until_vblank_start(), 0); // adjust speed if necessary update_refresh_speed(machine); } //------------------------------------------------- // reset_origin - reset the timing such that the // given (x,y) occurs at the current time //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::reset_origin(int beamy, int beamx) { // compute the effective VBLANK start/end times attotime curtime = timer_get_time(machine); m_vblank_end_time = attotime_sub_attoseconds(curtime, beamy * m_scantime + beamx * m_pixeltime); m_vblank_start_time = attotime_sub_attoseconds(m_vblank_end_time, m_vblank_period); // if we are resetting relative to (0,0) == VBLANK end, call the // scanline 0 timer by hand now; otherwise, adjust it for the future if (beamy == 0 && beamx == 0) scanline0_callback(); else timer_adjust_oneshot(m_scanline0_timer, time_until_pos(0), 0); // if we are resetting relative to (visarea.max_y + 1, 0) == VBLANK start, // call the VBLANK start timer now; otherwise, adjust it for the future if (beamy == m_visarea.max_y + 1 && beamx == 0) vblank_begin_callback(); else timer_adjust_oneshot(m_vblank_begin_timer, time_until_vblank_start(), 0); } //------------------------------------------------- // realloc_screen_bitmaps - reallocate bitmaps // and textures as necessary //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::realloc_screen_bitmaps() { if (m_config.m_type == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR) return; int curwidth = 0, curheight = 0; // extract the current width/height from the bitmap if (m_bitmap[0] != NULL) { curwidth = m_bitmap[0]->width; curheight = m_bitmap[0]->height; } // if we're too small to contain this width/height, reallocate our bitmaps and textures if (m_width > curwidth || m_height > curheight) { // free what we have currently m_machine.render().texture_free(m_texture[0]); m_machine.render().texture_free(m_texture[1]); auto_free(machine, m_bitmap[0]); auto_free(machine, m_bitmap[1]); // compute new width/height curwidth = MAX(m_width, curwidth); curheight = MAX(m_height, curheight); // choose the texture format - convert the screen format to a texture format palette_t *palette = NULL; switch (m_config.m_format) { case BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16: m_texture_format = TEXFORMAT_PALETTE16; palette = machine->palette; break; case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB15: m_texture_format = TEXFORMAT_RGB15; palette = NULL; break; case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: m_texture_format = TEXFORMAT_RGB32; palette = NULL; break; default: fatalerror("Invalid bitmap format!"); break; } // allocate bitmaps m_bitmap[0] = auto_alloc(machine, bitmap_t(curwidth, curheight, m_config.m_format)); bitmap_set_palette(m_bitmap[0], machine->palette); m_bitmap[1] = auto_alloc(machine, bitmap_t(curwidth, curheight, m_config.m_format)); bitmap_set_palette(m_bitmap[1], machine->palette); // allocate textures m_texture[0] = m_machine.render().texture_alloc(); m_texture[0]->set_bitmap(m_bitmap[0], &m_visarea, m_texture_format, palette); m_texture[1] = m_machine.render().texture_alloc(); m_texture[1]->set_bitmap(m_bitmap[1], &m_visarea, m_texture_format, palette); } } //------------------------------------------------- // set_visible_area - just set the visible area //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::set_visible_area(int min_x, int max_x, int min_y, int max_y) { // validate arguments assert(min_x >= 0); assert(min_y >= 0); assert(min_x < max_x); assert(min_y < max_y); rectangle visarea; visarea.min_x = min_x; visarea.max_x = max_x; visarea.min_y = min_y; visarea.max_y = max_y; configure(m_width, m_height, visarea, m_frame_period); } //------------------------------------------------- // update_partial - perform a partial update from // the last scanline up to and including the // specified scanline //-----------------------------------------------*/ bool screen_device::update_partial(int scanline) { // validate arguments assert(scanline >= 0); LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("Partial: update_partial(%s, %d): ", tag(), scanline)); // these two checks only apply if we're allowed to skip frames if (!(machine->config->m_video_attributes & VIDEO_ALWAYS_UPDATE)) { // if skipping this frame, bail if (global.skipping_this_frame) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped due to frameskipping\n")); return FALSE; } // skip if this screen is not visible anywhere if (!m_machine.render().is_live(*this)) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped because screen not live\n")); return FALSE; } } // skip if less than the lowest so far if (scanline < m_last_partial_scan) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped because less than previous\n")); return FALSE; } // set the start/end scanlines rectangle clip = m_visarea; if (m_last_partial_scan > clip.min_y) clip.min_y = m_last_partial_scan; if (scanline < clip.max_y) clip.max_y = scanline; // render if necessary bool result = false; if (clip.min_y <= clip.max_y) { UINT32 flags = UPDATE_HAS_NOT_CHANGED; g_profiler.start(PROFILER_VIDEO); LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("updating %d-%d\n", clip.min_y, clip.max_y)); flags = machine->driver_data()->video_update(*this, *m_bitmap[m_curbitmap], clip); global.partial_updates_this_frame++; g_profiler.stop(); // if we modified the bitmap, we have to commit m_changed |= ~flags & UPDATE_HAS_NOT_CHANGED; result = true; } // remember where we left off m_last_partial_scan = scanline + 1; return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // update_now - perform an update from the last // beam position up to the current beam position //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::update_now() { int current_vpos = vpos(); int current_hpos = hpos(); // since we can currently update only at the scanline // level, we are trying to do the right thing by // updating including the current scanline, only if the // beam is past the halfway point horizontally. // If the beam is in the first half of the scanline, // we only update up to the previous scanline. // This minimizes the number of pixels that might be drawn // incorrectly until we support a pixel level granularity if (current_hpos < (m_width / 2) && current_vpos > 0) current_vpos = current_vpos - 1; update_partial(current_vpos); } //------------------------------------------------- // vpos - returns the current vertical position // of the beam //------------------------------------------------- int screen_device::vpos() const { attoseconds_t delta = attotime_to_attoseconds(attotime_sub(timer_get_time(machine), m_vblank_start_time)); int vpos; // round to the nearest pixel delta += m_pixeltime / 2; // compute the v position relative to the start of VBLANK vpos = delta / m_scantime; // adjust for the fact that VBLANK starts at the bottom of the visible area return (m_visarea.max_y + 1 + vpos) % m_height; } //------------------------------------------------- // hpos - returns the current horizontal position // of the beam //------------------------------------------------- int screen_device::hpos() const { attoseconds_t delta = attotime_to_attoseconds(attotime_sub(timer_get_time(machine), m_vblank_start_time)); // round to the nearest pixel delta += m_pixeltime / 2; // compute the v position relative to the start of VBLANK int vpos = delta / m_scantime; // subtract that from the total time delta -= vpos * m_scantime; // return the pixel offset from the start of this scanline return delta / m_pixeltime; } //------------------------------------------------- // time_until_pos - returns the amount of time // remaining until the beam is at the given // hpos,vpos //------------------------------------------------- attotime screen_device::time_until_pos(int vpos, int hpos) const { // validate arguments assert(vpos >= 0); assert(hpos >= 0); // since we measure time relative to VBLANK, compute the scanline offset from VBLANK vpos += m_height - (m_visarea.max_y + 1); vpos %= m_height; // compute the delta for the given X,Y position attoseconds_t targetdelta = (attoseconds_t)vpos * m_scantime + (attoseconds_t)hpos * m_pixeltime; // if we're past that time (within 1/2 of a pixel), head to the next frame attoseconds_t curdelta = attotime_to_attoseconds(attotime_sub(timer_get_time(machine), m_vblank_start_time)); if (targetdelta <= curdelta + m_pixeltime / 2) targetdelta += m_frame_period; while (targetdelta <= curdelta) targetdelta += m_frame_period; // return the difference return attotime_make(0, targetdelta - curdelta); } //------------------------------------------------- // time_until_vblank_end - returns the amount of // time remaining until the end of the current // VBLANK (if in progress) or the end of the next // VBLANK //------------------------------------------------- attotime screen_device::time_until_vblank_end() const { // if we are in the VBLANK region, compute the time until the end of the current VBLANK period attotime target_time = m_vblank_end_time; if (!vblank()) target_time = attotime_add_attoseconds(target_time, m_frame_period); return attotime_sub(target_time, timer_get_time(machine)); } //------------------------------------------------- // register_vblank_callback - registers a VBLANK // callback //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::register_vblank_callback(vblank_state_changed_func vblank_callback, void *param) { // validate arguments assert(vblank_callback != NULL); // check if we already have this callback registered callback_item **itemptr; for (itemptr = &m_callback_list; *itemptr != NULL; itemptr = &(*itemptr)->m_next) if ((*itemptr)->m_callback == vblank_callback) break; // if not found, register if (*itemptr == NULL) { *itemptr = auto_alloc(machine, callback_item); (*itemptr)->m_next = NULL; (*itemptr)->m_callback = vblank_callback; (*itemptr)->m_param = param; } } //------------------------------------------------- // vblank_begin_callback - call any external // callbacks to signal the VBLANK period has begun //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::vblank_begin_callback() { // reset the starting VBLANK time m_vblank_start_time = timer_get_time(machine); m_vblank_end_time = attotime_add_attoseconds(m_vblank_start_time, m_vblank_period); // call the screen specific callbacks for (callback_item *item = m_callback_list; item != NULL; item = item->m_next) (*item->m_callback)(*this, item->m_param, true); // if this is the primary screen and we need to update now if (this == machine->primary_screen && !(machine->config->m_video_attributes & VIDEO_UPDATE_AFTER_VBLANK)) video_frame_update(machine, FALSE); // reset the VBLANK start timer for the next frame timer_adjust_oneshot(m_vblank_begin_timer, time_until_vblank_start(), 0); // if no VBLANK period, call the VBLANK end callback immedietely, otherwise reset the timer if (m_vblank_period == 0) vblank_end_callback(); else timer_adjust_oneshot(m_vblank_end_timer, time_until_vblank_end(), 0); } //------------------------------------------------- // vblank_end_callback - call any external // callbacks to signal the VBLANK period has ended //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::vblank_end_callback() { // call the screen specific callbacks for (callback_item *item = m_callback_list; item != NULL; item = item->m_next) (*item->m_callback)(*this, item->m_param, false); // if this is the primary screen and we need to update now if (this == machine->primary_screen && (machine->config->m_video_attributes & VIDEO_UPDATE_AFTER_VBLANK)) video_frame_update(machine, FALSE); // increment the frame number counter m_frame_number++; } //------------------------------------------------- // scanline0_callback - reset partial updates // for a screen //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::scanline0_callback() { // reset partial updates m_last_partial_scan = 0; global.partial_updates_this_frame = 0; timer_adjust_oneshot(m_scanline0_timer, time_until_pos(0), 0); } //------------------------------------------------- // scanline_update_callback - perform partial // updates on each scanline //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::scanline_update_callback(int scanline) { // force a partial update to the current scanline update_partial(scanline); // compute the next visible scanline scanline++; if (scanline > m_visarea.max_y) scanline = m_visarea.min_y; timer_adjust_oneshot(m_scanline_timer, time_until_pos(scanline), scanline); } //------------------------------------------------- // update_quads - set up the quads for this // screen //------------------------------------------------- bool screen_device::update_quads() { // only update if live if (m_machine.render().is_live(*this)) { // only update if empty and not a vector game; otherwise assume the driver did it directly if (m_config.m_type != SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR && (machine->config->m_video_attributes & VIDEO_SELF_RENDER) == 0) { // if we're not skipping the frame and if the screen actually changed, then update the texture if (!global.skipping_this_frame && m_changed) { rectangle fixedvis = m_visarea; fixedvis.max_x++; fixedvis.max_y++; palette_t *palette = (m_texture_format == TEXFORMAT_PALETTE16) ? machine->palette : NULL; m_texture[m_curbitmap]->set_bitmap(m_bitmap[m_curbitmap], &fixedvis, m_texture_format, palette); m_curtexture = m_curbitmap; m_curbitmap = 1 - m_curbitmap; } // create an empty container with a single quad m_container->empty(); m_container->add_quad(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff), m_texture[m_curtexture], PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_NONE) | PRIMFLAG_SCREENTEX(1)); } } // reset the screen changed flags bool result = m_changed; m_changed = false; return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // update_burnin - update the burnin bitmap //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::update_burnin() { #undef rand if (m_burnin == NULL) return; bitmap_t *srcbitmap = m_bitmap[m_curtexture]; if (srcbitmap == NULL) return; int srcwidth = srcbitmap->width; int srcheight = srcbitmap->height; int dstwidth = m_burnin->width; int dstheight = m_burnin->height; int xstep = (srcwidth << 16) / dstwidth; int ystep = (srcheight << 16) / dstheight; int xstart = ((UINT32)rand() % 32767) * xstep / 32767; int ystart = ((UINT32)rand() % 32767) * ystep / 32767; int srcx, srcy; int x, y; // iterate over rows in the destination for (y = 0, srcy = ystart; y < dstheight; y++, srcy += ystep) { UINT64 *dst = BITMAP_ADDR64(m_burnin, y, 0); // handle the 16-bit palettized case if (srcbitmap->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16) { const UINT16 *src = BITMAP_ADDR16(srcbitmap, srcy >> 16, 0); const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_adjusted(machine->palette); for (x = 0, srcx = xstart; x < dstwidth; x++, srcx += xstep) { rgb_t pixel = palette[src[srcx >> 16]]; dst[x] += RGB_GREEN(pixel) + RGB_RED(pixel) + RGB_BLUE(pixel); } } // handle the 15-bit RGB case else if (srcbitmap->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB15) { const UINT16 *src = BITMAP_ADDR16(srcbitmap, srcy >> 16, 0); for (x = 0, srcx = xstart; x < dstwidth; x++, srcx += xstep) { rgb15_t pixel = src[srcx >> 16]; dst[x] += ((pixel >> 10) & 0x1f) + ((pixel >> 5) & 0x1f) + ((pixel >> 0) & 0x1f); } } // handle the 32-bit RGB case else if (srcbitmap->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32) { const UINT32 *src = BITMAP_ADDR32(srcbitmap, srcy >> 16, 0); for (x = 0, srcx = xstart; x < dstwidth; x++, srcx += xstep) { rgb_t pixel = src[srcx >> 16]; dst[x] += RGB_GREEN(pixel) + RGB_RED(pixel) + RGB_BLUE(pixel); } } } } //------------------------------------------------- // finalize_burnin - finalize the burnin bitmap //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::finalize_burnin() { if (m_burnin == NULL) return; // compute the scaled visible region rectangle scaledvis; scaledvis.min_x = m_visarea.min_x * m_burnin->width / m_width; scaledvis.max_x = m_visarea.max_x * m_burnin->width / m_width; scaledvis.min_y = m_visarea.min_y * m_burnin->height / m_height; scaledvis.max_y = m_visarea.max_y * m_burnin->height / m_height; // wrap a bitmap around the subregion we care about bitmap_t *finalmap = auto_alloc(machine, bitmap_t(scaledvis.max_x + 1 - scaledvis.min_x, scaledvis.max_y + 1 - scaledvis.min_y, BITMAP_FORMAT_ARGB32)); int srcwidth = m_burnin->width; int srcheight = m_burnin->height; int dstwidth = finalmap->width; int dstheight = finalmap->height; int xstep = (srcwidth << 16) / dstwidth; int ystep = (srcheight << 16) / dstheight; // find the maximum value UINT64 minval = ~(UINT64)0; UINT64 maxval = 0; for (int y = 0; y < srcheight; y++) { UINT64 *src = BITMAP_ADDR64(m_burnin, y, 0); for (int x = 0; x < srcwidth; x++) { minval = MIN(minval, src[x]); maxval = MAX(maxval, src[x]); } } if (minval == maxval) return; // now normalize and convert to RGB for (int y = 0, srcy = 0; y < dstheight; y++, srcy += ystep) { UINT64 *src = BITMAP_ADDR64(m_burnin, srcy >> 16, 0); UINT32 *dst = BITMAP_ADDR32(finalmap, y, 0); for (int x = 0, srcx = 0; x < dstwidth; x++, srcx += xstep) { int brightness = (UINT64)(maxval - src[srcx >> 16]) * 255 / (maxval - minval); dst[x] = MAKE_ARGB(0xff, brightness, brightness, brightness); } } // write the final PNG // compute the name and create the file astring fname; fname.printf("%s" PATH_SEPARATOR "burnin-%s.png", machine->basename(), tag()); mame_file *file; file_error filerr = mame_fopen(SEARCHPATH_SCREENSHOT, fname, OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS, &file); if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { png_info pnginfo = { 0 }; png_error pngerr; char text[256]; // add two text entries describing the image sprintf(text, APPNAME " %s", build_version); png_add_text(&pnginfo, "Software", text); sprintf(text, "%s %s", machine->gamedrv->manufacturer, machine->gamedrv->description); png_add_text(&pnginfo, "System", text); // now do the actual work pngerr = png_write_bitmap(mame_core_file(file), &pnginfo, finalmap, 0, NULL); // free any data allocated png_free(&pnginfo); mame_fclose(file); } } //------------------------------------------------- // finalize_burnin - finalize the burnin bitmap //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::load_effect_overlay(const char *filename) { // ensure that there is a .png extension astring fullname(filename); int extension = fullname.rchr(0, '.'); if (extension != -1) fullname.del(extension, -1); fullname.cat(".png"); // load the file m_screen_overlay_bitmap = render_load_png(OPTION_ARTPATH, NULL, fullname, NULL, NULL); if (m_screen_overlay_bitmap != NULL) m_container->set_overlay(m_screen_overlay_bitmap); else mame_printf_warning("Unable to load effect PNG file '%s'\n", fullname.cstr()); } //************************************************************************** // SOFTWARE RENDERING //************************************************************************** #define FUNC_PREFIX(x) rgb888_##x #define PIXEL_TYPE UINT32 #define SRCSHIFT_R 0 #define SRCSHIFT_G 0 #define SRCSHIFT_B 0 #define DSTSHIFT_R 16 #define DSTSHIFT_G 8 #define DSTSHIFT_B 0 #define BILINEAR_FILTER 1 #include "rendersw.c"