/*************************************************************************** streams.c Handle general purpose audio streams Copyright (c) 1996-2007, Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team. Visit http://mamedev.org for licensing and usage restrictions. **************************************************************************** Streaming works as follows: Each stream can have 'n' inputs and 'm' outputs. The inputs for a stream are the outputs from another stream. Note that for tracking purposes, each stream tracks its input streams directly, but does not explicitly track its output streams. Instead, each output simply tracks the number of dependent input streams. Each stream has a sample rate. This rate controls the sample rate of the outputs. All outputs on a stream output at the same sample rate. Each stream also has a callback function. This function is called with an array of input sample streams, and an array out output sample streams. The input sample streams are automatically resampled by the streaming engine to match the stream's current sample rate. The output sample streams are expected to be generated at the stream's current sample rate. Before the callback can be invoked, all the inputs that flow into it must be updated as well. However, each stream can have an independent sample rate, so this isn't as easy as it sounds. To update a stream, the engine must iterate over all the inputs. For each input, it requests that input to update to the current time. Then it resamples the input data into a local resample buffer at the stream's sample rate. Once all inputs are up-to-date, it calls the callback with the array of resampled input sample buffers. The callback is expected to fill in the array of output sample buffers. These sample buffers can then be further resampled and passed to other streams, or output as desired. ***************************************************************************/ #include "driver.h" #include "streams.h" #include /*************************************************************************** DEBUGGING ***************************************************************************/ #define VERBOSE (0) #define VPRINTF(x) do { if (VERBOSE) mame_printf_debug x; } while (0) /*************************************************************************** CONSTANTS ***************************************************************************/ #define OUTPUT_BUFFER_UPDATES (5) #define FRAC_BITS 22 #define FRAC_ONE (1 << FRAC_BITS) #define FRAC_MASK (FRAC_ONE - 1) /*************************************************************************** TYPE DEFINITIONS ***************************************************************************/ typedef struct _stream_input stream_input; typedef struct _stream_output stream_output; struct _stream_input { /* linking information */ sound_stream * owner; /* pointer to the owning stream */ stream_output * source; /* pointer to the sound_output for this source */ /* resample buffer */ stream_sample_t * resample; /* buffer for resampling to the stream's sample rate */ UINT32 bufsize; /* size of output buffer, in samples */ UINT32 bufalloc; /* allocated size of output buffer, in samples */ /* resampling information */ attoseconds_t latency_attoseconds; /* latency between this stream and the input stream */ INT16 gain; /* gain to apply to this input */ }; struct _stream_output { /* linking information */ sound_stream * owner; /* pointer to the owning stream */ /* output buffer */ stream_sample_t * buffer; /* output buffer */ /* output buffer position */ int dependents; /* number of dependents */ INT16 gain; /* gain to apply to the output */ }; struct _sound_stream { /* linking information */ sound_stream * next; /* next stream in the chain */ void * tag; /* tag (used for identification) */ int index; /* index for save states */ /* general information */ UINT32 sample_rate; /* sample rate of this stream */ UINT32 new_sample_rate; /* newly-set sample rate for the stream */ /* timing information */ attoseconds_t attoseconds_per_sample; /* number of attoseconds per sample */ INT32 max_samples_per_update; /* maximum samples per update */ /* input information */ int inputs; /* number of inputs */ stream_input * input; /* list of streams we directly depend upon */ stream_sample_t ** input_array; /* array of inputs for passing to the callback */ /* resample buffer information */ UINT32 resample_bufalloc; /* allocated size of each resample buffer */ /* output information */ int outputs; /* number of outputs */ stream_output * output; /* list of streams which directly depend upon us */ stream_sample_t ** output_array; /* array of outputs for passing to the callback */ /* output buffer information */ UINT32 output_bufalloc; /* allocated size of each output buffer */ INT32 output_sampindex; /* current position within each output buffer */ INT32 output_update_sampindex;/* position at time of last global update */ INT32 output_base_sampindex; /* sample at base of buffer, relative to the current emulated second */ /* callback information */ stream_callback callback; /* callback function */ void * param; /* callback function parameter */ }; struct _streams_private { sound_stream * stream_head; /* pointer to first stream */ sound_stream ** stream_tailptr; /* pointer to pointer to last stream */ void * current_tag; /* current tag to assign to new streams */ int stream_index; /* index of the current stream */ attoseconds_t update_attoseconds; /* attoseconds between global updates */ attotime last_update; /* last update time */ }; /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ***************************************************************************/ static void stream_postload(void *param); static void allocate_resample_buffers(streams_private *strdata, sound_stream *stream); static void allocate_output_buffers(streams_private *strdata, sound_stream *stream); static void recompute_sample_rate_data(streams_private *strdata, sound_stream *stream); static void generate_samples(sound_stream *stream, int samples); static stream_sample_t *generate_resampled_data(stream_input *input, UINT32 numsamples); /*************************************************************************** INLINE FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- time_to_sampindex - convert an absolute time to a sample index in a given stream -------------------------------------------------*/ INLINE INT32 time_to_sampindex(const streams_private *strdata, const sound_stream *stream, attotime time) { /* determine the number of samples since the start of this second */ INT32 sample = (INT32)(time.attoseconds / stream->attoseconds_per_sample); /* if we're ahead of the last update, then adjust upwards */ if (time.seconds > strdata->last_update.seconds) { assert(time.seconds == strdata->last_update.seconds + 1); sample += stream->sample_rate; } /* if we're behind the last update, then adjust downwards */ if (time.seconds < strdata->last_update.seconds) { assert(time.seconds == strdata->last_update.seconds - 1); sample -= stream->sample_rate; } return sample; } /*************************************************************************** CORE IMPLEMENTATION ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- streams_init - initialize the streams engine -------------------------------------------------*/ void streams_init(running_machine *machine, attoseconds_t update_attoseconds) { streams_private *strdata; /* allocate memory for our private data */ strdata = auto_malloc(sizeof(*strdata)); memset(strdata, 0, sizeof(*strdata)); /* reset globals */ strdata->stream_tailptr = &strdata->stream_head; strdata->update_attoseconds = update_attoseconds; /* set the global pointer */ machine->streams_data = strdata; /* register global states */ state_save_register_global(strdata->last_update.seconds); state_save_register_global(strdata->last_update.attoseconds); } /*------------------------------------------------- streams_update - update all the streams periodically -------------------------------------------------*/ void streams_update(running_machine *machine) { streams_private *strdata = machine->streams_data; attotime curtime = timer_get_time(); int second_tick = FALSE; sound_stream *stream; VPRINTF(("streams_update\n")); /* see if we ticked over to the next second */ if (curtime.seconds != strdata->last_update.seconds) { assert(curtime.seconds == strdata->last_update.seconds + 1); second_tick = TRUE; } /* iterate over all the streams */ for (stream = strdata->stream_head; stream != NULL; stream = stream->next) { INT32 output_bufindex = stream->output_sampindex - stream->output_base_sampindex; int outputnum; /* make sure this stream is up-to-date */ stream_update(stream); /* if we've ticked over another second, adjust all the counters that are relative to the current second */ if (second_tick) { stream->output_sampindex -= stream->sample_rate; stream->output_base_sampindex -= stream->sample_rate; } /* note our current output sample */ stream->output_update_sampindex = stream->output_sampindex; /* if we don't have enough output buffer space to hold two updates' worth of samples, we need to shuffle things down */ if (stream->output_bufalloc - output_bufindex < 2 * stream->max_samples_per_update) { INT32 samples_to_lose = output_bufindex - stream->max_samples_per_update; if (samples_to_lose > 0) { /* if we have samples to move, do so for each output */ if (output_bufindex > 0) for (outputnum = 0; outputnum < stream->outputs; outputnum++) { stream_output *output = &stream->output[outputnum]; memmove(&output->buffer[0], &output->buffer[samples_to_lose], sizeof(output->buffer[0]) * (output_bufindex - samples_to_lose)); } /* update the base position */ stream->output_base_sampindex += samples_to_lose; } } } /* remember the update time */ strdata->last_update = curtime; /* update sample rates if they have changed */ for (stream = strdata->stream_head; stream != NULL; stream = stream->next) if (stream->new_sample_rate != 0) { UINT32 old_rate = stream->sample_rate; int outputnum; /* update to the new rate and remember the old rate */ stream->sample_rate = stream->new_sample_rate; stream->new_sample_rate = 0; /* recompute all the data */ recompute_sample_rate_data(strdata, stream); /* reset our sample indexes to the current time */ stream->output_sampindex = (INT64)stream->output_sampindex * (INT64)stream->sample_rate / old_rate; stream->output_update_sampindex = (INT64)stream->output_update_sampindex * (INT64)stream->sample_rate / old_rate; stream->output_base_sampindex = stream->output_sampindex - stream->max_samples_per_update; /* clear out the buffer */ for (outputnum = 0; outputnum < stream->outputs; outputnum++) memset(stream->output[outputnum].buffer, 0, stream->max_samples_per_update * sizeof(stream->output[outputnum].buffer[0])); } } /*------------------------------------------------- streams_set_tag - set the tag to be associated with all streams allocated from now on -------------------------------------------------*/ void streams_set_tag(running_machine *machine, void *streamtag) { streams_private *strdata = machine->streams_data; strdata->current_tag = streamtag; } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_create - create a new stream -------------------------------------------------*/ sound_stream *stream_create(int inputs, int outputs, int sample_rate, void *param, stream_callback callback) { streams_private *strdata = Machine->streams_data; int inputnum, outputnum; sound_stream *stream; char statetag[30]; /* allocate memory */ stream = auto_malloc(sizeof(*stream)); memset(stream, 0, sizeof(*stream)); VPRINTF(("stream_create(%d, %d, %d) => %p\n", inputs, outputs, sample_rate, stream)); /* fill in the data */ stream->tag = strdata->current_tag; stream->index = strdata->stream_index++; stream->sample_rate = sample_rate; stream->inputs = inputs; stream->outputs = outputs; stream->callback = callback; stream->param = param; /* create a unique tag for saving */ sprintf(statetag, "stream.%d", stream->index); state_save_register_item(statetag, 0, stream->sample_rate); state_save_register_func_postload_ptr(stream_postload, stream); /* allocate space for the inputs */ if (inputs > 0) { stream->input = auto_malloc(inputs * sizeof(*stream->input)); memset(stream->input, 0, inputs * sizeof(*stream->input)); stream->input_array = auto_malloc(inputs * sizeof(*stream->input_array)); memset(stream->input_array, 0, inputs * sizeof(*stream->input_array)); } /* initialize the state of each input */ for (inputnum = 0; inputnum < inputs; inputnum++) { stream->input[inputnum].owner = stream; stream->input[inputnum].gain = 0x100; state_save_register_item(statetag, inputnum, stream->input[inputnum].gain); } /* allocate space for the outputs */ if (outputs > 0) { stream->output = auto_malloc(outputs * sizeof(*stream->output)); memset(stream->output, 0, outputs * sizeof(*stream->output)); stream->output_array = auto_malloc(outputs * sizeof(*stream->output_array)); memset(stream->output_array, 0, outputs * sizeof(*stream->output_array)); } /* initialize the state of each output */ for (outputnum = 0; outputnum < outputs; outputnum++) { stream->output[outputnum].owner = stream; stream->output[outputnum].gain = 0x100; state_save_register_item(statetag, outputnum, stream->output[outputnum].gain); } /* hook us into the master stream list */ *strdata->stream_tailptr = stream; strdata->stream_tailptr = &stream->next; /* force an update to the sample rates; this will cause everything to be recomputed and will generate the initial resample buffers for our inputs */ recompute_sample_rate_data(strdata, stream); /* set up the initial output buffer positions now that we have data */ stream->output_base_sampindex = -stream->max_samples_per_update; return stream; } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_set_input - configure a stream's input -------------------------------------------------*/ void stream_set_input(sound_stream *stream, int index, sound_stream *input_stream, int output_index, float gain) { stream_input *input; VPRINTF(("stream_set_input(%p, %d, %p, %d, %f)\n", stream, index, input_stream, output_index, gain)); /* make sure it's a valid input */ if (index >= stream->inputs) fatalerror("Fatal error: stream_set_input attempted to configure non-existant input %d (%d max)", index, stream->inputs); /* make sure it's a valid output */ if (input_stream != NULL && output_index >= input_stream->outputs) fatalerror("Fatal error: stream_set_input attempted to use a non-existant output %d (%d max)", output_index, input_stream->outputs); /* if this input is already wired, update the dependent info */ input = &stream->input[index]; if (input->source != NULL) input->source->dependents--; /* wire it up */ input->source = (input_stream != NULL) ? &input_stream->output[output_index] : NULL; input->gain = (int)(0x100 * gain); /* update the dependent info */ if (input->source != NULL) input->source->dependents++; /* update sample rates now that we know the input */ recompute_sample_rate_data(Machine->streams_data, stream); } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_update - force a stream to update to the current emulated time -------------------------------------------------*/ void stream_update(sound_stream *stream) { streams_private *strdata = Machine->streams_data; INT32 update_sampindex = time_to_sampindex(strdata, stream, timer_get_time()); /* generate samples to get us up to the appropriate time */ assert(stream->output_sampindex - stream->output_base_sampindex >= 0); assert(update_sampindex - stream->output_base_sampindex <= stream->output_bufalloc); generate_samples(stream, update_sampindex - stream->output_sampindex); /* remember this info for next time */ stream->output_sampindex = update_sampindex; } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_find_by_tag - find a stream using a tag and index -------------------------------------------------*/ sound_stream *stream_find_by_tag(void *streamtag, int streamindex) { streams_private *strdata = Machine->streams_data; sound_stream *stream; /* scan the list looking for the nth stream that matches the tag */ for (stream = strdata->stream_head; stream; stream = stream->next) if (stream->tag == streamtag && streamindex-- == 0) return stream; return NULL; } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_get_inputs - return the number of inputs for a given stream -------------------------------------------------*/ int stream_get_inputs(sound_stream *stream) { return stream->inputs; } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_get_outputs - return the number of outputs for a given stream -------------------------------------------------*/ int stream_get_outputs(sound_stream *stream) { return stream->outputs; } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_set_input_gain - set the input gain on a given stream -------------------------------------------------*/ void stream_set_input_gain(sound_stream *stream, int input, float gain) { stream_update(stream); stream->input[input].gain = (int)(0x100 * gain); } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_set_output_gain - set the output gain on a given stream -------------------------------------------------*/ void stream_set_output_gain(sound_stream *stream, int output, float gain) { stream_update(stream); stream->output[output].gain = (int)(0x100 * gain); } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_set_sample_rate - set the sample rate on a given stream -------------------------------------------------*/ void stream_set_sample_rate(sound_stream *stream, int sample_rate) { /* we will update this on the next global update */ if ((stream->new_sample_rate == 0 && sample_rate != stream->sample_rate) || (stream->new_sample_rate != 0 && sample_rate != stream->new_sample_rate)) stream->new_sample_rate = sample_rate; } /*------------------------------------------------- stream_get_output_since_last_update - return a pointer to the output buffer and the number of samples since the last global update -------------------------------------------------*/ const stream_sample_t *stream_get_output_since_last_update(sound_stream *stream, int outputnum, int *numsamples) { stream_output *output = &stream->output[outputnum]; /* force an update on the stream */ stream_update(stream); /* compute the number of samples and a pointer to the output buffer */ *numsamples = stream->output_sampindex - stream->output_update_sampindex; return output->buffer + (stream->output_update_sampindex - stream->output_base_sampindex); } /*************************************************************************** STREAM BUFFER MAINTENANCE ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- stream_postload - save/restore callback -------------------------------------------------*/ static void stream_postload(void *param) { streams_private *strdata = Machine->streams_data; sound_stream *stream = param; int outputnum; /* recompute the same rate information */ recompute_sample_rate_data(strdata, stream); /* make sure our output buffers are fully cleared */ for (outputnum = 0; outputnum < stream->outputs; outputnum++) memset(stream->output[outputnum].buffer, 0, stream->output_bufalloc * sizeof(stream->output[outputnum].buffer[0])); /* recompute the sample indexes to make sense */ stream->output_sampindex = strdata->last_update.attoseconds / stream->attoseconds_per_sample; stream->output_update_sampindex = stream->output_sampindex; stream->output_base_sampindex = stream->output_sampindex - stream->max_samples_per_update; } /*------------------------------------------------- allocate_resample_buffers - recompute the resample buffer sizes and expand if necessary -------------------------------------------------*/ static void allocate_resample_buffers(streams_private *strdata, sound_stream *stream) { /* compute the target number of samples */ INT32 bufsize = 2 * stream->max_samples_per_update; /* if we don't have enough room, allocate more */ if (stream->resample_bufalloc < bufsize) { int inputnum; /* this becomes the new allocation size */ stream->resample_bufalloc = bufsize; /* iterate over outputs and realloc their buffers */ for (inputnum = 0; inputnum < stream->inputs; inputnum++) { stream_input *input = &stream->input[inputnum]; input->resample = auto_realloc(input->resample, stream->resample_bufalloc * sizeof(input->resample[0])); } } } /*------------------------------------------------- allocate_output_buffers - recompute the output buffer sizes and expand if necessary -------------------------------------------------*/ static void allocate_output_buffers(streams_private *strdata, sound_stream *stream) { /* compute the target number of samples */ INT32 bufsize = OUTPUT_BUFFER_UPDATES * stream->max_samples_per_update; /* if we don't have enough room, allocate more */ if (stream->output_bufalloc < bufsize) { int outputnum; int oldsize; /* this becomes the new allocation size */ oldsize = stream->output_bufalloc; stream->output_bufalloc = bufsize; /* iterate over outputs and realloc their buffers */ for (outputnum = 0; outputnum < stream->outputs; outputnum++) { stream_output *output = &stream->output[outputnum]; output->buffer = auto_realloc(output->buffer, stream->output_bufalloc * sizeof(output->buffer[0])); memset(&output->buffer[oldsize], 0, (stream->output_bufalloc - oldsize) * sizeof(output->buffer[0])); } } } /*------------------------------------------------- recompute_sample_rate_data - recompute sample rate data, and all streams that are affected by this stream -------------------------------------------------*/ static void recompute_sample_rate_data(streams_private *strdata, sound_stream *stream) { int inputnum; /* recompute the timing parameters */ stream->attoseconds_per_sample = ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND / stream->sample_rate; stream->max_samples_per_update = (strdata->update_attoseconds + stream->attoseconds_per_sample - 1) / stream->attoseconds_per_sample; /* update resample and output buffer sizes */ allocate_resample_buffers(strdata, stream); allocate_output_buffers(strdata, stream); /* iterate over each input */ for (inputnum = 0; inputnum < stream->inputs; inputnum++) { stream_input *input = &stream->input[inputnum]; /* if we have a source, see if its sample rate changed */ if (input->source != NULL) { sound_stream *input_stream = input->source->owner; attoseconds_t new_attosecs_per_sample = ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND / input_stream->sample_rate; attoseconds_t latency; /* okay, we have a new sample rate; recompute the latency to be the maximum sample period between us and our input */ latency = MAX(new_attosecs_per_sample, stream->attoseconds_per_sample); /* if the input stream's sample rate is lower, we will use linear interpolation */ /* this requires an extra sample from the source */ if (input_stream->sample_rate < stream->sample_rate) latency += new_attosecs_per_sample; /* if our sample rates match exactly, we don't need any latency */ else if (input_stream->sample_rate == stream->sample_rate) latency = 0; /* we generally don't want to tweak the latency, so we just keep the greatest one we've computed thus far */ input->latency_attoseconds = MAX(input->latency_attoseconds, latency); assert(input->latency_attoseconds < strdata->update_attoseconds); } } } /*************************************************************************** SOUND GENERATION ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- generate_samples - generate the requested number of samples for a stream, making sure all inputs have the appropriate number of samples generated -------------------------------------------------*/ static void generate_samples(sound_stream *stream, int samples) { int inputnum, outputnum; /* if we're already there, skip it */ if (samples <= 0) return; VPRINTF(("generate_samples(%p, %d)\n", stream, samples)); /* ensure all inputs are up to date and generate resampled data */ for (inputnum = 0; inputnum < stream->inputs; inputnum++) { stream_input *input = &stream->input[inputnum]; /* update the stream to the current time */ if (input->source != NULL) stream_update(input->source->owner); /* generate the resampled data */ stream->input_array[inputnum] = generate_resampled_data(input, samples); } /* loop over all outputs and compute the output pointer */ for (outputnum = 0; outputnum < stream->outputs; outputnum++) { stream_output *output = &stream->output[outputnum]; stream->output_array[outputnum] = output->buffer + (stream->output_sampindex - stream->output_base_sampindex); } /* run the callback */ VPRINTF((" callback(%p, %d)\n", stream, samples)); (*stream->callback)(stream->param, stream->input_array, stream->output_array, samples); VPRINTF((" callback done\n")); } /*------------------------------------------------- generate_resampled_data - generate the resample buffer for a given input -------------------------------------------------*/ static stream_sample_t *generate_resampled_data(stream_input *input, UINT32 numsamples) { stream_sample_t *dest = input->resample; stream_output *output = input->source; sound_stream *stream = input->owner; sound_stream *input_stream; stream_sample_t *source; stream_sample_t sample; attoseconds_t basetime; INT32 basesample; UINT32 basefrac; UINT32 step; int gain; /* if we don't have an output to pull data from, generate silence */ if (output == NULL) { memset(dest, 0, numsamples * sizeof(*dest)); return input->resample; } /* grab data from the output */ input_stream = output->owner; gain = (input->gain * output->gain) >> 8; /* determine the time at which the current sample begins, accounting for the latency we calculated between the input and output streams */ basetime = stream->output_sampindex * stream->attoseconds_per_sample - input->latency_attoseconds; /* now convert that time into a sample in the input stream */ if (basetime >= 0) basesample = basetime / input_stream->attoseconds_per_sample; else basesample = -(-basetime / input_stream->attoseconds_per_sample) - 1; /* compute a source pointer to the first sample */ assert(basesample >= input_stream->output_base_sampindex); source = output->buffer + (basesample - input_stream->output_base_sampindex); /* determine the current fraction of a sample */ basefrac = (basetime - basesample * input_stream->attoseconds_per_sample) / (ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND >> FRAC_BITS); assert(basefrac >= 0); assert(basefrac < FRAC_ONE); /* compute the stepping fraction */ step = ((UINT64)input_stream->sample_rate << FRAC_BITS) / stream->sample_rate; /* if we have equal sample rates, we just need to copy */ if (step == FRAC_ONE) { while (numsamples--) { /* compute the sample */ sample = *source++; *dest++ = (sample * gain) >> 8; } } /* input is undersampled: use linear interpolation */ else if (step < FRAC_ONE) { while (numsamples--) { int interp_frac = basefrac >> (FRAC_BITS - 12); /* compute the sample */ sample = (source[0] * (0x1000 - interp_frac) + source[1] * interp_frac) >> 12; *dest++ = (sample * gain) >> 8; /* advance */ basefrac += step; source += basefrac >> FRAC_BITS; basefrac &= FRAC_MASK; } } /* input is oversampled: sum the energy */ else { /* use 8 bits to allow some extra headroom */ int smallstep = step >> (FRAC_BITS - 8); while (numsamples--) { int remainder = smallstep; int tpos = 0; int scale; /* compute the sample */ scale = (FRAC_ONE - basefrac) >> (FRAC_BITS - 8); sample = source[tpos++] * scale; remainder -= scale; while (remainder > 0x100) { sample += source[tpos++] * 0x100; remainder -= 0x100; } sample += source[tpos] * remainder; sample /= smallstep; *dest++ = (sample * gain) >> 8; /* advance */ basefrac += step; source += basefrac >> FRAC_BITS; basefrac &= FRAC_MASK; } } return input->resample; }