/*************************************************************************** okim9810.h OKI MSM9810 ADCPM(2) sound chip. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "okim9810.h" //************************************************************************** // GLOBAL VARIABLES //************************************************************************** // device type definition const device_type OKIM9810 = &device_creator; // volume lookup table. The manual lists a full 16 steps, 2dB per step. // Given the dB values, that seems to map to a 7-bit volume control. const UINT8 okim9810_device::okim_voice::s_volume_table[16] = { 0x80, // 0 dB 0x65, // -2 dB 0x50, // -4 dB 0x40, // -6 dB 0x32, // -8.0 dB 0x28, // -10.5 dB 0x20, // -12.0 dB 0x19, // -14.5 dB 0x14, // -16.0 dB 0x10, // -18.0 dB 0x0c, // -20.0 dB 0x0a, // -22.0 dB 0x08, // -24.0 dB 0x06, // -26.0 dB 0x05, // -28.0 dB 0x04, // -30.0 dB }; // sampling frequency lookup table. const UINT32 okim9810_device::s_sampling_freq_table[16] = { 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 0, 6400, 12800, 25600, 0, 5300, 10600, 21200, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // default address map static ADDRESS_MAP_START( okim9810, AS_0, 8, okim9810_device ) AM_RANGE(0x000000, 0xffffff) AM_ROM ADDRESS_MAP_END //************************************************************************** // LIVE DEVICE //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // okim9810_device - constructor //------------------------------------------------- okim9810_device::okim9810_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : device_t(mconfig, OKIM9810, "OKI9810", tag, owner, clock), device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), device_memory_interface(mconfig, *this), m_space_config("samples", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, 24, 0, NULL, *ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(okim9810)), m_stream(NULL), m_TMP_register(0x00), m_global_volume(0x00), m_filter_type(OKIM9810_SECONDARY_FILTER), m_output_level(OKIM9810_OUTPUT_TO_DIRECT_DAC) { } //------------------------------------------------- // device_start - device-specific startup //------------------------------------------------- void okim9810_device::device_start() { // find our direct access m_direct = &space().direct(); // create the stream //int divisor = m_pin7 ? 132 : 165; m_stream = machine().sound().stream_alloc(*this, 0, 2, clock()); // save state stuff // m_TMP_register // m_voice } //------------------------------------------------- // device_reset - device-specific reset //------------------------------------------------- void okim9810_device::device_reset() { m_stream->update(); for (int voicenum = 0; voicenum < OKIM9810_VOICES; voicenum++) m_voice[voicenum].m_playing = false; } //------------------------------------------------- // device_post_load - device-specific post-load //------------------------------------------------- void okim9810_device::device_post_load() { } //------------------------------------------------- // device_clock_changed - called if the clock // changes //------------------------------------------------- void okim9810_device::device_clock_changed() { } //------------------------------------------------- // memory_space_config - return a description of // any address spaces owned by this device //------------------------------------------------- const address_space_config *okim9810_device::memory_space_config(address_spacenum spacenum) const { return (spacenum == 0) ? &m_space_config : NULL; } //------------------------------------------------- // stream_generate - handle update requests for // our sound stream //------------------------------------------------- void okim9810_device::sound_stream_update(sound_stream &stream, stream_sample_t **inputs, stream_sample_t **outputs, int samples) { // reset the output streams memset(outputs[0], 0, samples * sizeof(*outputs[0])); memset(outputs[1], 0, samples * sizeof(*outputs[1])); // iterate over voices and accumulate sample data for (int voicenum = 0; voicenum < OKIM9810_VOICES; voicenum++) m_voice[voicenum].generate_audio(*m_direct, outputs, samples, m_global_volume, clock(), m_filter_type); } //------------------------------------------------- // read_status - read the status register //------------------------------------------------- UINT8 okim9810_device::read_status() { UINT8 result = 0x00; UINT8 channelMask = 0x01; for (int i = 0; i < OKIM9810_VOICES; i++, channelMask <<= 1) { if (!m_voice[i].m_playing) result |= channelMask; } return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // read - memory interface for reading the active status //------------------------------------------------- READ8_MEMBER( okim9810_device::read ) { return read_status(); } //------------------------------------------------- // write - memory interface for write //------------------------------------------------- // The command is written when the CMD pin is low void okim9810_device::write_command(UINT8 data) { const UINT8 cmd = (data & 0xf8) >> 3; const UINT8 channel = (data & 0x07); switch(cmd) { case 0x00: // START { mame_printf_debug("START channel mask %02x\n", m_TMP_register); UINT8 channelMask = 0x01; for (int i = 0; i < OKIM9810_VOICES; i++, channelMask <<= 1) { if (channelMask & m_TMP_register) { m_voice[i].m_playing = true; mame_printf_debug("\t\tPlaying channel %d: encoder type %d @ %dhz (volume = %d %d). From %08x for %d samples (looping=%d).\n", i, m_voice[i].m_playbackAlgo, m_voice[i].m_samplingFreq, m_voice[i].volume_scale(m_global_volume, m_voice[i].m_channel_volume, m_voice[i].m_pan_volume_left), m_voice[i].volume_scale(m_global_volume, m_voice[i].m_channel_volume, m_voice[i].m_pan_volume_right), m_voice[i].m_base_offset, m_voice[i].m_count, m_voice[i].m_looping); } } break; } case 0x01: // STOP { mame_printf_debug("STOP channel mask %02x\n", m_TMP_register); UINT8 channelMask = 0x01; for (int i = 0; i < OKIM9810_VOICES; i++, channelMask <<= 1) { if (channelMask & m_TMP_register) { m_voice[i].m_playing = false; mame_printf_debug("\tChannel %d stopping.\n", i); } } break; } case 0x02: // LOOP { mame_printf_debug("LOOP channel mask %02x\n", m_TMP_register); UINT8 channelMask = 0x01; for (int i = 0; i < OKIM9810_VOICES; i++, channelMask <<= 1) { if (channelMask & m_TMP_register) { m_voice[i].m_looping = true; mame_printf_debug("\tChannel %d looping.\n", i); } else { m_voice[i].m_looping = false; mame_printf_debug("\tChannel %d done looping.\n", i); } } break; } case 0x03: // OPT (options) { mame_printf_debug("OPT complex data %02x\n", m_TMP_register); m_global_volume = (m_TMP_register & 0x18) >> 3; m_filter_type = (m_TMP_register & 0x06) >> 1; m_output_level = (m_TMP_register & 0x01); mame_printf_debug("\tOPT setting main volume scale to Vdd/%d\n", m_global_volume+1); mame_printf_debug("\tOPT setting output filter type to %d\n", m_filter_type); mame_printf_debug("\tOPT setting output amp level to %d\n", m_output_level); break; } case 0x04: // MUON (silence) { mame_printf_warning("MUON channel %d length %02x\n", channel, m_TMP_register); mame_printf_warning("MSM9810: UNIMPLEMENTED COMMAND!\n"); break; } case 0x05: // FADR (phrase address) { const offs_t base = m_TMP_register * 8; offs_t startAddr; UINT8 startFlags = m_direct->read_raw_byte(base + 0); startAddr = m_direct->read_raw_byte(base + 1) << 16; startAddr |= m_direct->read_raw_byte(base + 2) << 8; startAddr |= m_direct->read_raw_byte(base + 3) << 0; offs_t endAddr; UINT8 endFlags = m_direct->read_raw_byte(base + 4); endAddr = m_direct->read_raw_byte(base + 5) << 16; endAddr |= m_direct->read_raw_byte(base + 6) << 8; endAddr |= m_direct->read_raw_byte(base + 7) << 0; // Sub-table if (startFlags & 0x80) { offs_t subTable = startAddr; // TODO: New startFlags &= 0x80. Are there further subtables? startFlags = m_direct->read_raw_byte(subTable + 0); startAddr = m_direct->read_raw_byte(subTable + 1) << 16; startAddr |= m_direct->read_raw_byte(subTable + 2) << 8; startAddr |= m_direct->read_raw_byte(subTable + 3) << 0; // TODO: What does byte (subTable + 4) refer to? endAddr = m_direct->read_raw_byte(subTable + 5) << 16; endAddr |= m_direct->read_raw_byte(subTable + 6) << 8; endAddr |= m_direct->read_raw_byte(subTable + 7) << 0; } m_voice[channel].m_sample = 0; m_voice[channel].m_interpSampleNum = 0; m_voice[channel].m_startFlags = startFlags; m_voice[channel].m_base_offset = startAddr; m_voice[channel].m_endFlags = endFlags; m_voice[channel].m_count = (endAddr-startAddr) + 1; // Is there yet another extra byte at the end? m_voice[channel].m_playbackAlgo = (startFlags & 0x30) >> 4; m_voice[channel].m_samplingFreq = s_sampling_freq_table[startFlags & 0x0f]; if (m_voice[channel].m_playbackAlgo == OKIM9810_ADPCM_PLAYBACK || m_voice[channel].m_playbackAlgo == OKIM9810_ADPCM2_PLAYBACK) m_voice[channel].m_count *= 2; else mame_printf_warning("MSM9810: UNIMPLEMENTED PLAYBACK METHOD %d\n", m_voice[channel].m_playbackAlgo); mame_printf_debug("FADR channel %d phrase offset %02x => ", channel, m_TMP_register); mame_printf_debug("startFlags(%02x) startAddr(%06x) endFlags(%02x) endAddr(%06x) bytes(%d)\n", startFlags, startAddr, endFlags, endAddr, endAddr-startAddr); break; } case 0x06: // DADR (direct address playback) { mame_printf_warning("DADR channel %d complex data %02x\n", channel, m_TMP_register); mame_printf_warning("MSM9810: UNIMPLEMENTED COMMAND!\n"); break; } case 0x07: // CVOL (channel volume) { mame_printf_debug("CVOL channel %d data %02x\n", channel, m_TMP_register); mame_printf_debug("\tChannel %d -> volume index %d.\n", channel, m_TMP_register & 0x0f); m_voice[channel].m_channel_volume = m_TMP_register & 0x0f; break; } case 0x08: // PAN { const UINT8 leftVolIndex = (m_TMP_register & 0xf0) >> 4; const UINT8 rightVolIndex = m_TMP_register & 0x0f; mame_printf_debug("PAN channel %d left index: %02x right index: %02x (%02x)\n", channel, leftVolIndex, rightVolIndex, m_TMP_register); mame_printf_debug("\tChannel %d left -> %d right -> %d\n", channel, leftVolIndex, rightVolIndex); m_voice[channel].m_pan_volume_left = leftVolIndex; m_voice[channel].m_pan_volume_right = rightVolIndex; break; } default: { mame_printf_warning("MSM9810: UNKNOWN COMMAND!\n"); break; } } } WRITE8_MEMBER( okim9810_device::write ) { write_command(data); } //----------------------------------------------------------- // writeTMP - memory interface for writing the TMP register //----------------------------------------------------------- // TMP is written when the CMD pin is high void okim9810_device::write_TMP_register(UINT8 data) { m_TMP_register = data; } WRITE8_MEMBER( okim9810_device::write_TMP_register ) { write_TMP_register(data); } //************************************************************************** // OKIM VOICE //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // okim_voice - constructor //------------------------------------------------- okim9810_device::okim_voice::okim_voice() : m_playbackAlgo(OKIM9810_ADPCM2_PLAYBACK), m_looping(false), m_startFlags(0), m_endFlags(0), m_base_offset(0), m_count(0), m_samplingFreq(s_sampling_freq_table[2]), m_playing(false), m_sample(0), m_channel_volume(0x00), m_pan_volume_left(0x00), m_pan_volume_right(0x00), m_startSample(0), m_endSample(0), m_interpSampleNum(0) { } //------------------------------------------------- // generate_audio - generate audio samples and // add them to an output stream //------------------------------------------------- void okim9810_device::okim_voice::generate_audio(direct_read_data &direct, stream_sample_t **buffers, int samples, const UINT8 global_volume, const UINT32 clock, const UINT8 filter_type) { // skip if not active if (!m_playing) return; // separate out left and right channels stream_sample_t *outL = buffers[0]; stream_sample_t *outR = buffers[1]; // get left and right volumes UINT8 volume_scale_left = volume_scale(global_volume, m_channel_volume, m_pan_volume_left); UINT8 volume_scale_right = volume_scale(global_volume, m_channel_volume, m_pan_volume_right); // total samples per byte UINT32 totalInterpSamples = clock / m_samplingFreq; // loop while we still have samples to generate while (samples-- != 0) { // If interpSampleNum == 0, we are at the beginning of a new interp chunk, gather data if (m_interpSampleNum == 0) { // If m_sample == 0, we have begun to play a new voice. Get both the first nibble & the second. if (m_sample == 0) { // fetch the first sample nibble int nibble0 = direct.read_raw_byte(m_base_offset + m_sample / 2) >> (((m_sample & 1) << 2) ^ 4); switch (m_playbackAlgo) { case OKIM9810_ADPCM_PLAYBACK: { m_adpcm.reset(); m_startSample = (INT32)m_adpcm.clock(nibble0); break; } case OKIM9810_ADPCM2_PLAYBACK: { m_adpcm2.reset(); m_startSample = (INT32)m_adpcm2.clock(nibble0); break; } default: break; } } else { // Otherwise just move the second nibble back to the first spot. m_startSample = m_endSample; } // And fetch the second sample nibble int nibble1 = direct.read_raw_byte(m_base_offset + (m_sample+1) / 2) >> ((((m_sample+1) & 1) << 2) ^ 4); switch (m_playbackAlgo) { case OKIM9810_ADPCM_PLAYBACK: { m_endSample = (INT32)m_adpcm.clock(nibble1); break; } case OKIM9810_ADPCM2_PLAYBACK: { m_endSample = (INT32)m_adpcm2.clock(nibble1); break; } default: break; } } // TODO: Interpolate using proper numeric types. float progress = (float)m_interpSampleNum / (float)totalInterpSamples; INT32 interpValue = (INT32)((float)m_startSample + (((float)m_endSample-(float)m_startSample) * progress)); // if filtering is unwanted if (filter_type != OKIM9810_SECONDARY_FILTER && filter_type != OKIM9810_PRIMARY_FILTER) interpValue = m_startSample; // output to the stereo buffers, scaling by the volume // signal in range -2048..2047, volume in range 2..128 => signal * volume / 8 in range -32768..32767 INT32 interpValueL = (interpValue * (INT32)volume_scale_left) / 8; *outL++ += interpValueL; INT32 interpValueR = (interpValue * (INT32)volume_scale_right) / 8; *outR++ += interpValueR; // if the interpsample has reached its end, move on to the next sample m_interpSampleNum++; if (m_interpSampleNum >= totalInterpSamples) { m_interpSampleNum = 0; m_sample++; } // the end of the stream has been reached if (m_sample >= m_count) { if (!m_looping) { m_playing = false; break; } else { m_sample = 0; } } } } //------------------------------------------------- // volume_scale - computes the volume equation as // seen on page 29 of the docs. // Returns a value from the volume lookup table. //------------------------------------------------- UINT8 okim9810_device::okim_voice::volume_scale(const UINT8 global_volume_index, const UINT8 channel_volume_index, const UINT8 pan_volume_index) const { const UINT8& V = channel_volume_index; const UINT8& L = pan_volume_index; const UINT8& O = global_volume_index; UINT32 index = (V+L) + (O*3); if (index > 15) index = 15; return s_volume_table[index]; }