// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /*************************************************************************** screen.cpp Core MAME screen device. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "screen.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "main.h" #include "render.h" #include "rendutil.h" #include "nanosvg.h" #include "png.h" #include //************************************************************************** // DEBUGGING //************************************************************************** #define VERBOSE (0) #define LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(x) do { if (VERBOSE) logerror x; } while (0) //************************************************************************** // GLOBAL VARIABLES //************************************************************************** // device type definition DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(SCREEN, screen_device, "screen", "Video Screen") const attotime screen_device::DEFAULT_FRAME_PERIOD(attotime::from_hz(DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE)); u32 screen_device::m_id_counter = 0; class screen_device::svg_renderer { public: svg_renderer(memory_region *region); int width() const; int height() const; int render(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); static void output_notifier(const char *outname, s32 value, void *param); private: struct paired_entry { int key; int cache_entry; paired_entry(int k, int c) { key = k; cache_entry = c; } }; struct cached_bitmap { int x, y, sx, sy; std::vector image; std::vector pairs; }; struct bbox { int x0, y0, x1, y1; }; util::nsvg_image_ptr m_image; util::nsvg_rasterizer_ptr m_rasterizer; std::vector m_key_state; std::vector> m_keyed_shapes; std::unordered_map m_key_ids; int m_key_count; int m_sx, m_sy; double m_scale; std::vector m_background; std::vector m_cache; void output_change(const char *outname, s32 value); void render_state(std::vector &dest, const std::vector &state); void compute_initial_bboxes(std::vector &bboxes); bool compute_mask_intersection_bbox(int key1, int key2, bbox &bb) const; void compute_diff_image(const std::vector &rend, const bbox &bb, cached_bitmap &dest) const; void compute_dual_diff_image(const std::vector &rend, const bbox &bb, const cached_bitmap &src1, const cached_bitmap &src2, cached_bitmap &dest) const; void rebuild_cache(); void blit(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const cached_bitmap &src) const; }; screen_device::svg_renderer::svg_renderer(memory_region *region) { const std::unique_ptr s(new char[region->bytes() + 1]); memcpy(s.get(), region->base(), region->bytes()); s[region->bytes()] = 0; m_image.reset(nsvgParse(s.get(), "px", 72)); m_rasterizer.reset(nsvgCreateRasterizer()); m_key_count = 0; for (NSVGshape *shape = m_image->shapes; shape; shape = shape->next) if(shape->title[0]) { const auto it = m_key_ids.find(shape->title); if(it != m_key_ids.end()) m_keyed_shapes[it->second].push_back(shape); else { const int id = m_key_count++; m_keyed_shapes.resize(m_key_count); m_keyed_shapes[id].push_back(shape); m_key_ids[shape->title] = id; } } m_key_state.resize(m_key_count); std::fill(m_key_state.begin(),m_key_state.end(),false); m_sx = m_sy = 0; m_scale = 1.0; osd_printf_verbose("Parsed SVG '%s', aspect ratio %f\n", region->name(), (m_image->height == 0.0f) ? 0 : m_image->width / m_image->height); } int screen_device::svg_renderer::width() const { return int(m_image->width + 0.5); } int screen_device::svg_renderer::height() const { return int(m_image->height + 0.5); } void screen_device::svg_renderer::render_state(std::vector &dest, const std::vector &state) { for(int key = 0; key != m_key_count; key++) { if (state[key]) for(auto s : m_keyed_shapes[key]) s->flags |= NSVG_FLAGS_VISIBLE; else for(auto s : m_keyed_shapes[key]) s->flags &= ~NSVG_FLAGS_VISIBLE; } nsvgRasterize(m_rasterizer.get(), m_image.get(), 0, 0, m_scale, (unsigned char *)&dest[0], m_sx, m_sy, m_sx*4); // Nanosvg generates non-premultiplied alpha, so remultiply by // alpha to "blend" against a black background. Plus align the // channel order to what we do. u8 *image = (u8 *)&dest[0]; for(unsigned int pixel=0; pixel != m_sy*m_sx; pixel++) { u8 r = image[0]; u8 g = image[1]; u8 b = image[2]; u8 a = image[3]; if(a != 0xff) { r = r*a/255; g = g*a/255; b = b*a/255; } u32 color = 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0); *(u32 *)image = color; image += 4; } } void screen_device::svg_renderer::blit(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const cached_bitmap &src) const { if(src.sy) { const u32 *s = &src.image[0]; for(int y=0; ywidth; double sy = double(m_sy)/m_image->height; m_scale = sx > sy ? sy : sx; m_background.resize(m_sx * m_sy); rebuild_cache(); } for(unsigned int y = 0; y < m_sy; y++) memcpy(bitmap.raw_pixptr(y, 0), &m_background[y * m_sx], m_sx * 4); std::list to_draw; for(int key = 0; key != m_key_count; key++) if(m_key_state[key]) to_draw.push_back(key); while(!to_draw.empty()) { int key = to_draw.front(); to_draw.pop_front(); blit(bitmap, m_cache[key]); for(auto p : m_cache[key].pairs) { if(m_key_state[p.key]) to_draw.push_back(p.cache_entry); } } return 0; } void screen_device::svg_renderer::output_notifier(const char *outname, s32 value, void *param) { static_cast(param)->output_change(outname, value); } void screen_device::svg_renderer::output_change(const char *outname, s32 value) { auto l = m_key_ids.find(outname); if (l == m_key_ids.end()) return; m_key_state[l->second] = value; } void screen_device::svg_renderer::compute_initial_bboxes(std::vector &bboxes) { bboxes.resize(m_key_count); for(int key = 0; key != m_key_count; key++) { int x0, y0, x1, y1; x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = -1; for(auto s : m_keyed_shapes[key]) { int xx0 = int(floor(s->bounds[0]*m_scale)); int yy0 = int(floor(s->bounds[1]*m_scale)); int xx1 = int(ceil (s->bounds[2]*m_scale)) + 1; int yy1 = int(ceil (s->bounds[3]*m_scale)) + 1; if(xx0 < 0) xx0 = 0; if(xx0 >= m_sx) xx0 = m_sx - 1; if(xx1 < 0) xx1 = 0; if(xx1 >= m_sx) xx1 = m_sx - 1; if(yy0 < 0) yy0 = 0; if(yy0 >= m_sy) yy0 = m_sy - 1; if(yy1 < 0) yy1 = 0; if(yy1 >= m_sy) yy1 = m_sy - 1; if(x0 == -1) { x0 = xx0; y0 = yy0; x1 = xx1; y1 = yy1; } else { if(xx0 < x0) x0 = xx0; if(yy0 < y0) y0 = yy0; if(xx1 > x1) x1 = xx1; if(yy1 > y1) y1 = yy1; } } bboxes[key].x0 = x0; bboxes[key].y0 = y0; bboxes[key].x1 = x1; bboxes[key].y1 = y1; } } void screen_device::svg_renderer::compute_diff_image(const std::vector &rend, const bbox &bb, cached_bitmap &dest) const { int x0, y0, x1, y1; x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = -1; for(int y = bb.y0; y != bb.y1; y++) { const u32 *src1 = &m_background[bb.x0 + y * m_sx]; const u32 *src2 = &rend[bb.x0 + y * m_sx]; for(int x = bb.x0; x != bb.x1; x++) { if(*src1 != *src2) { if(x0 == -1) { x0 = x1 = x; y0 = y1 = y; } else { if(x < x0) x0 = x; if(y < y0) y0 = y; if(x > x1) x1 = x; if(y > y1) y1 = y; } } src1++; src2++; } } if(x0 == -1) { dest.x = dest.y = dest.sx = dest.sy = 0; return; } dest.x = x0; dest.y = y0; dest.sx = x1+1-x0; dest.sy = y1+1-y0; dest.image.resize(dest.sx * dest.sy); u32 *dst = &dest.image[0]; for(int y = 0; y != dest.sy; y++) { const u32 *src1 = &m_background[dest.x + (y + dest.y) * m_sx]; const u32 *src2 = &rend[dest.x + (y + dest.y) * m_sx]; for(int x = 0; x != dest.sx; x++) { if(*src1 != *src2) *dst = *src2; else *dst = 0x00000000; src1++; src2++; dst++; } } } bool screen_device::svg_renderer::compute_mask_intersection_bbox(int key1, int key2, bbox &bb) const { const cached_bitmap &c1 = m_cache[key1]; const cached_bitmap &c2 = m_cache[key2]; if(c1.x >= c2.x + c2.sx || c1.x + c1.sx <= c2.x || c1.y >= c2.y + c2.sy || c1.y + c1.sy <= c2.y) return false; int cx0 = c1.x > c2.x ? c1.x : c2.x; int cy0 = c1.y > c2.y ? c1.y : c2.y; int cx1 = c1.x + c1.sx < c2.x + c2.sx ? c1.x + c1.sx : c2.x + c2.sx; int cy1 = c1.y + c1.sy < c2.y + c2.sy ? c1.y + c1.sy : c2.y + c2.sy; int x0, y0, x1, y1; x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = -1; for(int y = cy0; y < cy1; y++) { const u32 *src1 = &c1.image[(cx0 - c1.x) + c1.sx * (y - c1.y)]; const u32 *src2 = &c2.image[(cx0 - c2.x) + c2.sx * (y - c2.y)]; for(int x = cx0; x < cx1; x++) { if(*src1 && *src2 && *src1 != *src2) { if(x0 == -1) { x0 = x1 = x; y0 = y1 = y; } else { if(x < x0) x0 = x; if(y < y0) y0 = y; if(x > x1) x1 = x; if(y > y1) y1 = y; } } src1++; src2++; } } if(x0 == -1) return false; bb.x0 = x0; bb.x1 = x1; bb.y0 = y0; bb.y1 = y1; return true; } void screen_device::svg_renderer::compute_dual_diff_image(const std::vector &rend, const bbox &bb, const cached_bitmap &src1, const cached_bitmap &src2, cached_bitmap &dest) const { dest.x = bb.x0; dest.y = bb.y0; dest.sx = bb.x1 - bb.x0 + 1; dest.sy = bb.y1 - bb.y0 + 1; dest.image.resize(dest.sx*dest.sy); for(int y = 0; y != dest.sy; y++) { const u32 *psrc1 = &src1.image[(dest.x - src1.x) + src1.sx * (y + dest.y - src1.y)]; const u32 *psrc2 = &src2.image[(dest.x - src2.x) + src2.sx * (y + dest.y - src2.y)]; const u32 *psrcr = &rend [ dest.x + m_sx * (y + dest.y )]; u32 *pdest = &dest.image[ dest.sx * y ]; for(int x = 0; x != dest.sx; x++) { if(*psrc1 && *psrc2 && *psrc1 != *psrc2) *pdest = *psrcr; psrc1++; psrc2++; psrcr++; pdest++; } } } void screen_device::svg_renderer::rebuild_cache() { m_cache.clear(); std::vector rend(m_sx*m_sy); // Render the background, e.g. with everything off std::vector state(m_key_count); for(int key=0; key != m_key_count; key++) state[key] = false; render_state(m_background, state); // Render each individual element independently. Try to reduce // the actual number of render passes with a greedy algorithm // using the element bounding boxes. std::vector bboxes; compute_initial_bboxes(bboxes); m_cache.resize(m_key_count); std::set to_do; for(int key=0; key != m_key_count; key++) to_do.insert(key); while(!to_do.empty()) { std::list doing; for(int key : to_do) { for(int okey : doing) { // The bounding boxes include x1/y1, so the comparisons must be strict if(!(bboxes[key].x0 > bboxes[okey].x1 || bboxes[key].x1 < bboxes[okey].x0 || bboxes[key].y0 > bboxes[okey].y1 || bboxes[key].y1 < bboxes[okey].y0)) goto conflict; } doing.push_back(key); conflict: ; } for(int key : doing) state[key] = true; render_state(rend, state); for(int key : doing) { state[key] = false; to_do.erase(key); } for(int key : doing) compute_diff_image(rend, bboxes[key], m_cache[key]); } // Then it's time to pick up the interactions. int spos = 0; int epos = m_key_count; std::vector > keys(m_key_count); std::vector previous; for(int key = 0; key != m_key_count; key++) keys[key].push_back(key); int ckey = m_key_count; while(spos != epos) { for(int key = spos; key < epos-1; key++) { for(int key2 = keys[key].back()+1; key2 < m_key_count; key2++) { bbox bb; if(compute_mask_intersection_bbox(key, key2, bb)) { previous.resize(ckey+1); previous[ckey] = key; m_cache[key].pairs.push_back(paired_entry(key2, ckey)); keys.push_back(keys[key]); keys.back().push_back(key2); bboxes.push_back(bb); ckey++; } } } m_cache.resize(ckey); std::set to_do; for(int key = epos; key != ckey; key++) to_do.insert(key); while(!to_do.empty()) { std::list doing; for(int key : to_do) { for(int okey : doing) { // The bounding boxes include x1/y1, so the comparisons must be strict if(!(bboxes[key].x0 > bboxes[okey].x1 || bboxes[key].x1 < bboxes[okey].x0 || bboxes[key].y0 > bboxes[okey].y1 || bboxes[key].y1 < bboxes[okey].y0)) goto conflict2; } doing.push_back(key); conflict2: ; } for(int key : doing) for(int akey : keys[key]) state[akey] = true; render_state(rend, state); for(int key : doing) { for(int akey : keys[key]) state[akey] = false; to_do.erase(key); } for(int key : doing) compute_dual_diff_image(rend, bboxes[key], m_cache[previous[key]], m_cache[keys[key].back()], m_cache[key]); } spos = epos; epos = ckey; } } //************************************************************************** // SCREEN DEVICE //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // screen_device - constructor //------------------------------------------------- screen_device::screen_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, u32 clock) : device_t(mconfig, SCREEN, tag, owner, clock) , m_type(SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER) , m_orientation(ROT0) , m_phys_aspect(0U, 0U) , m_oldstyle_vblank_supplied(false) , m_refresh(0) , m_vblank(0) , m_xoffset(0.0f) , m_yoffset(0.0f) , m_xscale(1.0f) , m_yscale(1.0f) , m_screen_update_ind16(*this) , m_screen_update_rgb32(*this) , m_screen_vblank(*this) , m_scanline_cb(*this) , m_palette(*this, finder_base::DUMMY_TAG) , m_video_attributes(0) , m_svg_region(*this, DEVICE_SELF) , m_container(nullptr) , m_max_width(100) , m_width(100) , m_height(100) , m_visarea(0, 99, 0, 99) , m_texformat() , m_curbitmap(0) , m_curtexture(0) , m_changed(true) , m_last_partial_scan(0) , m_partial_scan_hpos(0) , m_color(rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)) , m_brightness(0xff) , m_frame_period(DEFAULT_FRAME_PERIOD.as_attoseconds()) , m_scantime(1) , m_pixeltime(1) , m_vblank_period(0) , m_vblank_start_time(attotime::zero) , m_vblank_end_time(attotime::zero) , m_vblank_begin_timer(nullptr) , m_vblank_end_timer(nullptr) , m_scanline0_timer(nullptr) , m_scanline_timer(nullptr) , m_frame_number(0) , m_partial_updates_this_frame(0) { m_unique_id = m_id_counter; m_id_counter++; memset(m_texture, 0, sizeof(m_texture)); } //------------------------------------------------- // ~screen_device - destructor //------------------------------------------------- screen_device::~screen_device() { destroy_scan_bitmaps(); } //------------------------------------------------- // destroy_scan_bitmaps - destroy per-scanline // bitmaps if applicable //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::destroy_scan_bitmaps() { if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH) { const bool screen16 = !m_screen_update_ind16.isnull(); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { for (bitmap_t* bitmap : m_scan_bitmaps[j]) { if (screen16) delete (bitmap_ind16*)bitmap; else delete (bitmap_rgb32*)bitmap; } m_scan_bitmaps[j].clear(); } } } //------------------------------------------------- // allocate_scan_bitmaps - allocate per-scanline // bitmaps if applicable //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::allocate_scan_bitmaps() { if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH) { const bool screen16 = !m_screen_update_ind16.isnull(); s32 effwidth = std::max(m_max_width, m_visarea.right() + 1); const s32 old_height = (s32)m_scan_widths.size(); s32 effheight = std::max(m_height, m_visarea.bottom() + 1); if (old_height < effheight) { for (int i = old_height; i < effheight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (screen16) m_scan_bitmaps[j].push_back(new bitmap_ind16(effwidth, 1)); else m_scan_bitmaps[j].push_back(new bitmap_rgb32(effwidth, 1)); } m_scan_widths.push_back(effwidth); } } else { for (int i = old_height - 1; i >= effheight; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (screen16) delete (bitmap_ind16 *)m_scan_bitmaps[j][i]; else delete (bitmap_rgb32 *)m_scan_bitmaps[j][i]; m_scan_bitmaps[j].erase(m_scan_bitmaps[j].begin() + i); } m_scan_widths.erase(m_scan_widths.begin() + i); } } } } //------------------------------------------------- // device_validity_check - verify device // configuration //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::device_validity_check(validity_checker &valid) const { // sanity check dimensions if (m_width <= 0 || m_height <= 0) osd_printf_error("Invalid display dimensions\n"); // sanity check display area if (m_type != SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR && m_type != SCREEN_TYPE_SVG) { if (m_visarea.empty() || m_visarea.right() >= m_width || m_visarea.bottom() >= m_height) osd_printf_error("Invalid display area\n"); // sanity check screen formats if (m_screen_update_ind16.isnull() && m_screen_update_rgb32.isnull()) osd_printf_error("Missing SCREEN_UPDATE function\n"); } else { if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH) osd_printf_error("Non-raster display cannot have a variable width\n"); } // check for invalid frame rate if (m_refresh == 0 || m_refresh > ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND) osd_printf_error("Invalid (under 1Hz) refresh rate\n"); texture_format texformat = !m_screen_update_ind16.isnull() ? TEXFORMAT_PALETTE16 : TEXFORMAT_RGB32; if (m_palette.finder_tag() != finder_base::DUMMY_TAG) { if (!m_palette) osd_printf_error("Screen references non-existent palette tag %s\n", m_palette.finder_tag()); if (texformat == TEXFORMAT_RGB32) osd_printf_warning("Screen does not need palette defined\n"); } else if (texformat == TEXFORMAT_PALETTE16) { osd_printf_error("Screen does not have palette defined\n"); } } //------------------------------------------------- // device_config_complete - finalise static // configuration //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::device_config_complete() { // combine orientation with machine orientation m_orientation = orientation_add(m_orientation, mconfig().gamedrv().flags & machine_flags::MASK_ORIENTATION); } //------------------------------------------------- // physical_aspect - determine the physical // aspect ratio to be used for rendering //------------------------------------------------- std::pair screen_device::physical_aspect() const { assert(configured()); std::pair phys_aspect = m_phys_aspect; // physical aspect ratio unconfigured if (!phys_aspect.first || !phys_aspect.second) { switch (m_type) { case SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER: case SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR: phys_aspect = std::make_pair(4, 3); // assume standard CRT break; case SCREEN_TYPE_LCD: case SCREEN_TYPE_SVG: phys_aspect = std::make_pair(~0U, ~0U); // assume square pixels break; case SCREEN_TYPE_INVALID: default: throw emu_fatalerror("%s: invalid screen type configured\n", tag()); } } // square pixels? if ((~0U == phys_aspect.first) && (~0U == phys_aspect.second)) { phys_aspect.first = visible_area().width(); phys_aspect.second = visible_area().height(); } // always keep this in reduced form util::reduce_fraction(phys_aspect.first, phys_aspect.second); return phys_aspect; } //------------------------------------------------- // device_resolve_objects - resolve objects that // may be needed for other devices to set // initial conditions at start time //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::device_resolve_objects() { // bind our handlers m_screen_update_ind16.resolve(); m_screen_update_rgb32.resolve(); // assign our format to the palette before it starts if (m_palette) m_palette->m_format = format(); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_start - device-specific startup //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::device_start() { // if we have a palette and it's not started, wait for it if (m_palette && !m_palette->device().started()) throw device_missing_dependencies(); if (m_type == SCREEN_TYPE_SVG) { if (!m_svg_region) fatalerror("%s: SVG region \"%s\" does not exist\n", tag(), m_svg_region.finder_tag()); m_svg = std::make_unique(m_svg_region); machine().output().set_global_notifier(svg_renderer::output_notifier, m_svg.get()); // don't do this - SVG units are arbitrary and interpreting them as pixels causes bad things to happen // just render at the size/aspect ratio supplied by the driver if (false) { // The OSD picks up the size before start is called, so this only affect the info display if it's called up in-game m_width = m_svg->width(); m_height = m_svg->height(); m_visarea.set(0, m_width - 1, 0, m_height - 1); } } // configure bitmap formats and allocate screen bitmaps // svg is RGB32 too, and doesn't have any update method const bool screen16 = !m_screen_update_ind16.isnull(); texture_format texformat = screen16 ? TEXFORMAT_PALETTE16 : TEXFORMAT_RGB32; for (auto & elem : m_bitmap) { elem.set_format(format(), texformat); register_screen_bitmap(elem); } register_screen_bitmap(m_priority); // allocate raw textures m_texture[0] = machine().render().texture_alloc(); m_texture[0]->set_id(u64(m_unique_id) << 57); m_texture[1] = machine().render().texture_alloc(); m_texture[1]->set_id((u64(m_unique_id) << 57) | 1); // configure the default cliparea render_container::user_settings settings = m_container->get_user_settings(); settings.m_xoffset = m_xoffset; settings.m_yoffset = m_yoffset; settings.m_xscale = m_xscale; settings.m_yscale = m_yscale; m_container->set_user_settings(settings); // allocate the VBLANK timers m_vblank_begin_timer = timer_alloc(FUNC(screen_device::vblank_begin), this); m_vblank_end_timer = timer_alloc(FUNC(screen_device::vblank_end), this); // allocate a timer to reset partial updates m_scanline0_timer = timer_alloc(FUNC(screen_device::first_scanline_tick), this); // allocate a timer to generate per-scanline updates if ((m_video_attributes & VIDEO_UPDATE_SCANLINE) != 0 || !m_scanline_cb.isunset()) m_scanline_timer = timer_alloc(FUNC(screen_device::scanline_tick), this); // configure the screen with the default parameters configure(m_width, m_height, m_visarea, m_refresh); // reset VBLANK timing m_vblank_start_time = attotime::zero; m_vblank_end_time = attotime(0, m_vblank_period); // start the timer to generate per-scanline updates if ((m_video_attributes & VIDEO_UPDATE_SCANLINE) != 0 || !m_scanline_cb.isunset()) m_scanline_timer->adjust(time_until_pos(0)); // create burn-in bitmap if (machine().options().burnin()) { int width, height; if (sscanf(machine().options().snap_size(), "%dx%d", &width, &height) != 2 || width == 0 || height == 0) width = height = 300; m_burnin.allocate(width, height); m_burnin.fill(0); } // load the effect overlay const char *overname = machine().options().effect(); if (overname != nullptr && strcmp(overname, "none") != 0) load_effect_overlay(overname); // register items for saving save_item(NAME(m_width)); save_item(NAME(m_height)); save_item(NAME(m_visarea.min_x)); save_item(NAME(m_visarea.min_y)); save_item(NAME(m_visarea.max_x)); save_item(NAME(m_visarea.max_y)); save_item(NAME(m_last_partial_scan)); save_item(NAME(m_frame_period)); save_item(NAME(m_brightness)); save_item(NAME(m_scantime)); save_item(NAME(m_pixeltime)); save_item(NAME(m_vblank_period)); save_item(NAME(m_vblank_start_time)); save_item(NAME(m_vblank_end_time)); save_item(NAME(m_frame_number)); if (m_oldstyle_vblank_supplied) logerror("%s: Deprecated legacy Old Style screen configured (set_vblank_time), please use set_raw instead.\n",this->tag()); m_is_primary_screen = (this == screen_device_enumerator(machine().root_device()).first()); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_start - device-specific startup //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::device_reset() { // reset brightness to default m_brightness = 0xff; } //------------------------------------------------- // device_stop - clean up before the machine goes // away //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::device_stop() { machine().render().texture_free(m_texture[0]); machine().render().texture_free(m_texture[1]); if (m_burnin.valid()) finalize_burnin(); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_post_load - device-specific update // after a save state is loaded //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::device_post_load() { realloc_screen_bitmaps(); } //------------------------------------------------- // timer events //------------------------------------------------- TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(screen_device::first_scanline_tick) { // first scanline reset_partial_updates(); if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH) { pre_update_scanline(0); } } TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(screen_device::scanline_tick) { // subsequent scanlines when scanline updates are enabled if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH) { pre_update_scanline(param); } if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_UPDATE_SCANLINE) { // force a partial update to the current scanline update_partial(param); } if (!m_scanline_cb.isunset()) m_scanline_cb(param); // compute the next visible scanline param++; if (param > m_visarea.bottom()) param = m_visarea.top(); m_scanline_timer->adjust(time_until_pos(param), param); } //------------------------------------------------- // configure - configure screen parameters //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::configure(int width, int height, const rectangle &visarea, attoseconds_t frame_period) { // validate arguments assert(width > 0); assert(height > 0); assert(visarea.left() >= 0); assert(visarea.top() >= 0); // assert(visarea.right() < width); // assert(visarea.bottom() < height); assert(m_type == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR || m_type == SCREEN_TYPE_SVG || visarea.left() < width); assert(m_type == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR || m_type == SCREEN_TYPE_SVG || visarea.top() < height); assert(frame_period > 0); // fill in the new parameters m_max_width = std::max(m_max_width, width); m_width = width; m_height = height; m_visarea = visarea; // reallocate bitmap(s) if necessary realloc_screen_bitmaps(); // compute timing parameters m_frame_period = frame_period; m_scantime = frame_period / height; m_pixeltime = frame_period / (height * width); // if an old style VBLANK_TIME was specified in the MACHINE_CONFIG, // use it; otherwise calculate the VBLANK period from the visible area if (m_oldstyle_vblank_supplied) m_vblank_period = m_vblank; else m_vblank_period = m_scantime * (height - visarea.height()); // we are now fully configured with the new parameters // and can safely call time_until_pos(), etc. // if the frame period was reduced so that we are now past the end of the frame, // call the VBLANK start timer now; otherwise, adjust it for the future attoseconds_t delta = (machine().time() - m_vblank_start_time).as_attoseconds(); if (delta >= m_frame_period) vblank_begin(0); else m_vblank_begin_timer->adjust(time_until_vblank_start()); // if we are on scanline 0 already, call the scanline 0 timer // by hand now; otherwise, adjust it for the future if (vpos() == 0) reset_partial_updates(); else m_scanline0_timer->adjust(time_until_pos(0)); // adjust speed if necessary machine().video().update_refresh_speed(); } //------------------------------------------------- // reset_origin - reset the timing such that the // given (x,y) occurs at the current time //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::reset_origin(int beamy, int beamx) { // compute the effective VBLANK start/end times attotime curtime = machine().time(); m_vblank_end_time = curtime - attotime(0, beamy * m_scantime + beamx * m_pixeltime); m_vblank_start_time = m_vblank_end_time - attotime(0, m_vblank_period); // if we are resetting relative to (0,0) == VBLANK end, call the // scanline 0 timer by hand now; otherwise, adjust it for the future if (beamy == 0 && beamx == 0) reset_partial_updates(); else m_scanline0_timer->adjust(time_until_pos(0)); // if we are resetting relative to (visarea.bottom() + 1, 0) == VBLANK start, // call the VBLANK start timer now; otherwise, adjust it for the future if (beamy == ((m_visarea.bottom() + 1) % m_height) && beamx == 0) vblank_begin(0); else m_vblank_begin_timer->adjust(time_until_vblank_start()); } //------------------------------------------------- // update_scan_bitmap_size - reallocate the // bitmap for a specific scanline //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::update_scan_bitmap_size(int y) { // don't update this line if it exceeds the allocated size, which can happen on initial configuration if (y >= m_scan_widths.size()) return; // determine effective size to allocate s32 effwidth = std::max(m_max_width, m_visarea.right() + 1); if (m_scan_widths[y] == effwidth) return; m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y]->resize(effwidth, 1); m_scan_widths[y] = effwidth; } //------------------------------------------------- // realloc_screen_bitmaps - reallocate bitmaps // and textures as necessary //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::realloc_screen_bitmaps() { // doesn't apply for vector games if (m_type == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR) return; // determine effective size to allocate const bool per_scanline = (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH); s32 effwidth = std::max(per_scanline ? m_max_width : m_width, m_visarea.right() + 1); s32 effheight = std::max(m_height, m_visarea.bottom() + 1); // resize all registered screen bitmaps for (auto &item : m_auto_bitmap_list) item->m_bitmap.resize(effwidth, effheight); // re-set up textures if (m_palette) { m_bitmap[0].set_palette(m_palette->palette()); m_bitmap[1].set_palette(m_palette->palette()); } m_texture[0]->set_bitmap(m_bitmap[0], m_visarea, m_bitmap[0].texformat()); m_texture[1]->set_bitmap(m_bitmap[1], m_visarea, m_bitmap[1].texformat()); allocate_scan_bitmaps(); } //------------------------------------------------- // pre_update_scanline - check if the bitmap for // a specific scanline needs its size updated //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::pre_update_scanline(int y) { update_scan_bitmap_size(y); } //------------------------------------------------- // set_visible_area - just set the visible area //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::set_visible_area(int min_x, int max_x, int min_y, int max_y) { rectangle visarea(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y); assert(!visarea.empty()); configure(m_width, m_height, visarea, m_frame_period); } //------------------------------------------------- // update_partial - perform a partial update from // the last scanline up to and including the // specified scanline //-----------------------------------------------*/ bool screen_device::update_partial(int scanline) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("Partial: update_partial(%s, %d): ", tag(), scanline)); // these two checks only apply if we're allowed to skip frames if (!(m_video_attributes & VIDEO_ALWAYS_UPDATE)) { // if skipping this frame, bail if (machine().video().skip_this_frame()) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped due to frameskipping\n")); return false; } // skip if this screen is not visible anywhere if (!machine().render().is_live(*this)) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped because screen not live\n")); return false; } } // skip if we already rendered this line if (scanline < m_last_partial_scan) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped because line was already rendered\n")); return false; } // set the range of scanlines to render rectangle clip(m_visarea); clip.sety((std::max)(clip.top(), m_last_partial_scan), (std::min)(clip.bottom(), scanline)); // skip if entirely outside of visible area if (clip.top() > clip.bottom()) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped because outside of visible area\n")); return false; } // otherwise, render LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("updating %d-%d\n", clip.top(), clip.bottom())); u32 flags = 0; { auto profile = g_profiler.start(PROFILER_VIDEO); if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH) { rectangle scan_clip(clip); for (int y = clip.top(); y <= clip.bottom(); y++) { scan_clip.sety(y, y); pre_update_scanline(y); screen_bitmap &curbitmap = m_bitmap[m_curbitmap]; switch (curbitmap.format()) { default: case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: flags |= m_screen_update_ind16(*this, *(bitmap_ind16 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y], scan_clip); break; case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: flags |= m_screen_update_rgb32(*this, *(bitmap_rgb32 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y], scan_clip); break; } m_partial_updates_this_frame++; } } else { if (m_type != SCREEN_TYPE_SVG) { screen_bitmap &curbitmap = m_bitmap[m_curbitmap]; switch (curbitmap.format()) { default: case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: flags = m_screen_update_ind16(*this, curbitmap.as_ind16(), clip); break; case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: flags = m_screen_update_rgb32(*this, curbitmap.as_rgb32(), clip); break; } } else { flags = m_svg->render(*this, m_bitmap[m_curbitmap].as_rgb32(), clip); } m_partial_updates_this_frame++; } // stop profiling } // if we modified the bitmap, we have to commit m_changed |= ~flags & UPDATE_HAS_NOT_CHANGED; // remember where we left off m_last_partial_scan = scanline + 1; m_partial_scan_hpos = 0; return true; } //------------------------------------------------- // update_now - perform an update from the last // beam position up to the current beam position //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::update_now() { // these two checks only apply if we're allowed to skip frames if (!(m_video_attributes & VIDEO_ALWAYS_UPDATE)) { // if skipping this frame, bail if (machine().video().skip_this_frame()) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped due to frameskipping\n")); return; } // skip if this screen is not visible anywhere if (!machine().render().is_live(*this)) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped because screen not live\n")); return; } } int current_vpos = vpos(); int current_hpos = hpos(); rectangle clip = m_visarea; // skip if we already rendered this line if (current_vpos < m_last_partial_scan) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped because line was already rendered\n")); return; } // if beam position is the same, there's nothing to update if (current_vpos == m_last_partial_scan && current_hpos == m_partial_scan_hpos) { LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("skipped because beam position is unchanged\n")); return; } LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("update_now(): Y=%d, X=%d, last partial %d, partial hpos %d (vis %d %d)\n", current_vpos, current_hpos, m_last_partial_scan, m_partial_scan_hpos, m_visarea.right(), m_visarea.bottom())); // start off by doing a partial update up to the line before us, in case that was necessary if (current_vpos > m_last_partial_scan) { // if the line before us was incomplete, we must do it in two pieces if (m_partial_scan_hpos > 0) { // now finish the previous partial scanline clip.set((std::max)(clip.left(), m_partial_scan_hpos), clip.right(), (std::max)(clip.top(), m_last_partial_scan), (std::min)(clip.bottom(), m_last_partial_scan)); // if there's something to draw, do it if (!clip.empty()) { auto profile = g_profiler.start(PROFILER_VIDEO); u32 flags = 0; screen_bitmap &curbitmap = m_bitmap[m_curbitmap]; if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH) { pre_update_scanline(m_last_partial_scan); switch (curbitmap.format()) { default: case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: flags = m_screen_update_ind16(*this, *(bitmap_ind16 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][m_last_partial_scan], clip); break; case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: flags = m_screen_update_rgb32(*this, *(bitmap_rgb32 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][m_last_partial_scan], clip); break; } } else { switch (curbitmap.format()) { default: case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: flags = m_screen_update_ind16(*this, curbitmap.as_ind16(), clip); break; case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: flags = m_screen_update_rgb32(*this, curbitmap.as_rgb32(), clip); break; } } m_partial_updates_this_frame++; // if we modified the bitmap, we have to commit m_changed |= ~flags & UPDATE_HAS_NOT_CHANGED; } m_partial_scan_hpos = 0; m_last_partial_scan++; } if (current_vpos > m_last_partial_scan) { update_partial(current_vpos - 1); } } // now draw this partial scanline if (current_hpos > 0) { clip = m_visarea; clip.set((std::max)(clip.left(), m_partial_scan_hpos), (std::min)(clip.right(), current_hpos - 1), (std::max)(clip.top(), current_vpos), (std::min)(clip.bottom(), current_vpos)); // and if there's something to draw, do it if (!clip.empty()) { auto profile = g_profiler.start(PROFILER_VIDEO); LOG_PARTIAL_UPDATES(("doing scanline partial draw: Y %d X %d-%d\n", clip.bottom(), clip.left(), clip.right())); u32 flags = 0; screen_bitmap &curbitmap = m_bitmap[m_curbitmap]; if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH) { pre_update_scanline(current_vpos); switch (curbitmap.format()) { default: case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: flags = m_screen_update_ind16(*this, *(bitmap_ind16 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][current_vpos], clip); break; case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: flags = m_screen_update_rgb32(*this, *(bitmap_rgb32 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][current_vpos], clip); break; } } else { switch (curbitmap.format()) { default: case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: flags = m_screen_update_ind16(*this, curbitmap.as_ind16(), clip); break; case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: flags = m_screen_update_rgb32(*this, curbitmap.as_rgb32(), clip); break; } } m_partial_updates_this_frame++; // if we modified the bitmap, we have to commit m_changed |= ~flags & UPDATE_HAS_NOT_CHANGED; } } // remember where we left off m_partial_scan_hpos = current_hpos; m_last_partial_scan = current_vpos; } //------------------------------------------------- // reset_partial_updates - reset the partial // updating state //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::reset_partial_updates() { m_last_partial_scan = 0; m_partial_scan_hpos = 0; m_partial_updates_this_frame = 0; m_scanline0_timer->adjust(time_until_pos(0)); } //------------------------------------------------- // pixel - returns the RGB value of the specified // pixel location //------------------------------------------------- u32 screen_device::pixel(s32 x, s32 y) { screen_bitmap &curbitmap = m_bitmap[m_curbitmap]; if (!curbitmap.valid()) return 0; const int srcwidth = curbitmap.width(); const int srcheight = curbitmap.height(); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= srcwidth || y >= srcheight) return 0; const bool per_scanline = (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH); switch (curbitmap.format()) { case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: { bitmap_ind16 &srcbitmap = per_scanline ? *(bitmap_ind16 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y] : curbitmap.as_ind16(); const u16 src = per_scanline ? srcbitmap.pix(0, x) : srcbitmap.pix(y, x); const rgb_t *palette = m_palette->palette()->entry_list_adjusted(); return (u32)palette[src]; } case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: { if (per_scanline) { return (u32)(*(bitmap_rgb32 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y]).pix(0, x); } else { return (u32)curbitmap.as_rgb32().pix(y, x); } } default: return 0; } } //------------------------------------------------- // pixels - fills the specified buffer with the // RGB values of each pixel in the screen. //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::pixels(u32 *buffer) { screen_bitmap &curbitmap = m_bitmap[m_curbitmap]; if (!curbitmap.valid()) return; const rectangle &visarea = visible_area(); const bool per_scanline = (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH); switch (curbitmap.format()) { case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: { const rgb_t *palette = m_palette->palette()->entry_list_adjusted(); for (int y = visarea.min_y; y <= visarea.max_y; y++) { bitmap_ind16 &srcbitmap = per_scanline ? *(bitmap_ind16 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y] : curbitmap.as_ind16(); const u16 *src = &srcbitmap.pix(per_scanline ? 0 : y, visarea.min_x); for (int x = visarea.min_x; x <= visarea.max_x; x++) { *buffer++ = palette[*src++]; } } break; } case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: { for (int y = visarea.min_y; y <= visarea.max_y; y++) { bitmap_rgb32 &srcbitmap = per_scanline ? *(bitmap_rgb32 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y] : curbitmap.as_rgb32(); const u32 *src = &srcbitmap.pix(per_scanline ? 0 : y, visarea.min_x); for (int x = visarea.min_x; x <= visarea.max_x; x++) { *buffer++ = *src++; } } break; } default: break; } } //------------------------------------------------- // vpos - returns the current vertical position // of the beam //------------------------------------------------- int screen_device::vpos() const { attoseconds_t delta = (machine().time() - m_vblank_start_time).as_attoseconds(); int vpos; // round to the nearest pixel delta += m_pixeltime / 2; // compute the v position relative to the start of VBLANK vpos = delta / m_scantime; // adjust for the fact that VBLANK starts at the bottom of the visible area return (m_visarea.bottom() + 1 + vpos) % m_height; } //------------------------------------------------- // hpos - returns the current horizontal position // of the beam //------------------------------------------------- int screen_device::hpos() const { attoseconds_t delta = (machine().time() - m_vblank_start_time).as_attoseconds(); // round to the nearest pixel delta += m_pixeltime / 2; // compute the v position relative to the start of VBLANK int vpos = delta / m_scantime; // subtract that from the total time delta -= vpos * m_scantime; // return the pixel offset from the start of this scanline return delta / m_pixeltime; } //------------------------------------------------- // time_until_pos - returns the amount of time // remaining until the beam is at the given // hpos,vpos //------------------------------------------------- attotime screen_device::time_until_pos(int vpos, int hpos) const { // validate arguments assert(vpos >= 0); assert(hpos >= 0); // since we measure time relative to VBLANK, compute the scanline offset from VBLANK vpos += m_height - (m_visarea.bottom() + 1); vpos %= m_height; // compute the delta for the given X,Y position attoseconds_t targetdelta = (attoseconds_t)vpos * m_scantime + (attoseconds_t)hpos * m_pixeltime; // if we're past that time (within 1/2 of a pixel), head to the next frame attoseconds_t curdelta = (machine().time() - m_vblank_start_time).as_attoseconds(); if (targetdelta <= curdelta + m_pixeltime / 2) targetdelta += m_frame_period; while (targetdelta <= curdelta) targetdelta += m_frame_period; // return the difference return attotime(0, targetdelta - curdelta); } //------------------------------------------------- // time_until_vblank_end - returns the amount of // time remaining until the end of the current // VBLANK (if in progress) or the end of the next // VBLANK //------------------------------------------------- attotime screen_device::time_until_vblank_end() const { // if we are in the VBLANK region, compute the time until the end of the current VBLANK period attotime target_time = m_vblank_end_time; if (!vblank()) target_time += attotime(0, m_frame_period); return target_time - machine().time(); } //------------------------------------------------- // register_vblank_callback - registers a VBLANK // callback //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::register_vblank_callback(vblank_state_delegate vblank_callback) { // validate arguments assert(!vblank_callback.isnull()); // do nothing if we already have this callback registered for (auto &item : m_callback_list) if (item->m_callback == vblank_callback) return; // if not found, register m_callback_list.push_back(std::make_unique(vblank_callback)); } //------------------------------------------------- // register_screen_bitmap - registers a bitmap // that should track the screen size //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::register_screen_bitmap(bitmap_t &bitmap) { // append to the list m_auto_bitmap_list.push_back(std::make_unique(bitmap)); // if allocating now, just do it bitmap.allocate(width(), height()); if (m_palette) bitmap.set_palette(m_palette->palette()); } //------------------------------------------------- // vblank_begin - call any external callbacks to // signal the VBLANK period has begun //------------------------------------------------- TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(screen_device::vblank_begin) { // reset the starting VBLANK time m_vblank_start_time = machine().time(); m_vblank_end_time = m_vblank_start_time + attotime(0, m_vblank_period); // if this is the primary screen and we need to update now if (m_is_primary_screen && !(m_video_attributes & VIDEO_UPDATE_AFTER_VBLANK)) machine().video().frame_update(); // call the screen specific callbacks for (auto &item : m_callback_list) item->m_callback(*this, true); m_screen_vblank(1); // reset the VBLANK start timer for the next frame m_vblank_begin_timer->adjust(time_until_vblank_start()); // if no VBLANK period, call the VBLANK end callback immediately, otherwise reset the timer if (m_vblank_period == 0) vblank_end(0); else m_vblank_end_timer->adjust(time_until_vblank_end()); } //------------------------------------------------- // vblank_end - call any external callbacks to // signal the VBLANK period has ended //------------------------------------------------- TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(screen_device::vblank_end) { // call the screen specific callbacks for (auto &item : m_callback_list) item->m_callback(*this, false); m_screen_vblank(0); // if this is the primary screen and we need to update now if (m_is_primary_screen && (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_UPDATE_AFTER_VBLANK)) machine().video().frame_update(); // increment the frame number counter m_frame_number++; } //------------------------------------------------- // create_composited_bitmap - composite scanline // bitmaps into the output bitmap //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::create_composited_bitmap() { screen_bitmap &curbitmap = m_bitmap[m_curtexture]; if (!curbitmap.valid()) return; s32 dstwidth = std::max(m_max_width, m_visarea.right() + 1); int dstheight = curbitmap.height(); switch (curbitmap.format()) { default: case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: { for (int y = 0; y < dstheight; y++) { const bitmap_ind16 &srcbitmap = *(bitmap_ind16 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y]; u16 *dst = &curbitmap.as_ind16().pix(y); const u16 *src = &srcbitmap.pix(0); const int dx = (m_scan_widths[y] << 15) / dstwidth; for (int x = 0; x < m_scan_widths[y]; x += dx) { *dst++ = src[x >> 15]; } } break; } case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: { for (int y = 0; y < dstheight; y++) { const bitmap_rgb32 &srcbitmap = *(bitmap_rgb32 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y]; u32 *dst = &curbitmap.as_rgb32().pix(y); const u32 *src = &srcbitmap.pix(0); const int dx = (m_scan_widths[y] << 15) / dstwidth; for (int x = 0; x < dstwidth << 15; x += dx) { *dst++ = src[x >> 15]; } } break; } } } //------------------------------------------------- // update_quads - set up the quads for this // screen //------------------------------------------------- bool screen_device::update_quads() { // only update if live if (machine().render().is_live(*this)) { // only update if empty and not a vector game; otherwise assume the driver did it directly if (m_type != SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR && (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_SELF_RENDER) == 0) { // if we're not skipping the frame and if the screen actually changed, then update the texture if (!machine().video().skip_this_frame() && m_changed) { if (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH) { create_composited_bitmap(); } m_texture[m_curbitmap]->set_bitmap(m_bitmap[m_curbitmap], m_visarea, m_bitmap[m_curbitmap].texformat()); m_curtexture = m_curbitmap; m_curbitmap = 1 - m_curbitmap; } // brightness adjusted render color rgb_t color = m_color - rgb_t(0, 0xff - m_brightness, 0xff - m_brightness, 0xff - m_brightness); // create an empty container with a single quad m_container->empty(); m_container->add_quad(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, color, m_texture[m_curtexture], PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_NONE) | PRIMFLAG_SCREENTEX(1)); } } // reset the screen changed flags bool result = m_changed; m_changed = false; return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // update_burnin - update the burnin bitmap //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::update_burnin() { // TODO: other than being unnecessary, this is a simplification of how analog signals really works! // It's important not to use machine().rand() here, it can cause machine().rand() used in emulation to desync. #undef rand if (!m_burnin.valid()) return; screen_bitmap &curbitmap = m_bitmap[m_curtexture]; if (!curbitmap.valid()) return; int srcwidth = curbitmap.width(); int srcheight = curbitmap.height(); int dstwidth = m_burnin.width(); int dstheight = m_burnin.height(); int xstep = (srcwidth << 16) / dstwidth; int ystep = (srcheight << 16) / dstheight; int xstart = (u32(rand()) % 32767) * xstep / 32767; int ystart = (u32(rand()) % 32767) * ystep / 32767; bool per_scanline = (m_video_attributes & VIDEO_VARIABLE_WIDTH); switch (curbitmap.format()) { default: case BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16: { // iterate over rows in the destination for (int y = 0, srcy = ystart; y < dstheight; y++, srcy += ystep) { const bitmap_ind16 &srcbitmap = per_scanline ? *(bitmap_ind16 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y] : curbitmap.as_ind16(); u64 *const dst = &m_burnin.pix(y); u16 const *const src = &srcbitmap.pix(per_scanline ? 0 : (srcy >> 16)); rgb_t const *const palette = m_palette->palette()->entry_list_adjusted(); for (int x = 0, srcx = xstart; x < dstwidth; x++, srcx += xstep) { rgb_t pixel = palette[src[srcx >> 16]]; dst[x] += pixel.g() + pixel.r() + pixel.b(); } } break; } case BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32: { // iterate over rows in the destination for (int y = 0, srcy = ystart; y < dstheight; y++, srcy += ystep) { const bitmap_rgb32 &srcbitmap = per_scanline ? *(bitmap_rgb32 *)m_scan_bitmaps[m_curbitmap][y] : curbitmap.as_rgb32(); u64 *const dst = &m_burnin.pix(y); u32 const *const src = &srcbitmap.pix(per_scanline ? 0 : (srcy >> 16)); for (int x = 0, srcx = xstart; x < dstwidth; x++, srcx += xstep) { rgb_t pixel = src[srcx >> 16]; dst[x] += pixel.g() + pixel.r() + pixel.b(); } } break; } } } //------------------------------------------------- // finalize_burnin - finalize the burnin bitmap //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::finalize_burnin() { if (!m_burnin.valid()) return; // compute the scaled visible region rectangle scaledvis( m_visarea.left() * m_burnin.width() / m_width, m_visarea.right() * m_burnin.width() / m_width, m_visarea.top() * m_burnin.height() / m_height, m_visarea.bottom() * m_burnin.height() / m_height); // wrap a bitmap around the subregion we care about bitmap_argb32 finalmap(scaledvis.width(), scaledvis.height()); int srcwidth = m_burnin.width(); int srcheight = m_burnin.height(); int dstwidth = finalmap.width(); int dstheight = finalmap.height(); int xstep = (srcwidth << 16) / dstwidth; int ystep = (srcheight << 16) / dstheight; // find the maximum value u64 minval = ~u64(0); u64 maxval = 0; for (int y = 0; y < srcheight; y++) { u64 const *const src = &m_burnin.pix(y); for (int x = 0; x < srcwidth; x++) { minval = std::min(minval, src[x]); maxval = std::max(maxval, src[x]); } } if (minval == maxval) return; // now normalize and convert to RGB for (int y = 0, srcy = 0; y < dstheight; y++, srcy += ystep) { u64 const *const src = &m_burnin.pix(srcy >> 16); u32 *const dst = &finalmap.pix(y); for (int x = 0, srcx = 0; x < dstwidth; x++, srcx += xstep) { int brightness = u64(maxval - src[srcx >> 16]) * 255 / (maxval - minval); dst[x] = rgb_t(0xff, brightness, brightness, brightness); } } // write the final PNG // compute the name and create the file emu_file file(machine().options().snapshot_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS); std::error_condition const filerr = file.open(util::string_format("%s" PATH_SEPARATOR "burnin-%s.png", machine().basename(), tag() + 1)); if (!filerr) { util::png_info pnginfo; // add two text entries describing the image pnginfo.add_text("Software", util::string_format("%s %s", emulator_info::get_appname(), emulator_info::get_build_version())); pnginfo.add_text("System", util::string_format("%s %s", machine().system().manufacturer, machine().system().type.fullname())); // now do the actual work util::png_write_bitmap(file, &pnginfo, finalmap, 0, nullptr); } } //------------------------------------------------- // finalize_burnin - finalize the burnin bitmap //------------------------------------------------- void screen_device::load_effect_overlay(const char *filename) { // ensure that there is a .png extension std::string fullname(filename); int extension = fullname.find_last_of('.'); if (extension != -1) fullname.erase(extension, -1); fullname.append(".png"); // load the file m_screen_overlay_bitmap.reset(); emu_file file(machine().options().art_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ); if (!file.open(fullname)) { render_load_png(m_screen_overlay_bitmap, file); file.close(); } if (m_screen_overlay_bitmap.valid()) m_container->set_overlay(&m_screen_overlay_bitmap); else osd_printf_warning("Unable to load effect PNG file '%s'\n", fullname); }