// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /*************************************************************************** schedule.c Core device execution and scheduling engine. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "debugger.h" //************************************************************************** // DEBUGGING //************************************************************************** #define VERBOSE 0 #define LOG(x) do { if (VERBOSE) logerror x; } while (0) //************************************************************************** // CONSTANTS //************************************************************************** // internal trigger IDs enum { TRIGGER_INT = -2000, TRIGGER_YIELDTIME = -3000, TRIGGER_SUSPENDTIME = -4000 }; //************************************************************************** // EMU TIMER //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // emu_timer - constructor //------------------------------------------------- emu_timer::emu_timer() : m_machine(NULL), m_next(NULL), m_prev(NULL), m_param(0), m_ptr(NULL), m_enabled(false), m_temporary(false), m_period(attotime::zero), m_start(attotime::zero), m_expire(attotime::never), m_device(NULL), m_id(0) { } //------------------------------------------------- // ~emu_timer - destructor //------------------------------------------------- emu_timer::~emu_timer() { } //------------------------------------------------- // init - completely initialize the state when // re-allocated as a non-device timer //------------------------------------------------- emu_timer &emu_timer::init(running_machine &machine, timer_expired_delegate callback, void *ptr, bool temporary) { // ensure the entire timer state is clean m_machine = &machine; m_next = NULL; m_prev = NULL; m_callback = callback; m_param = 0; m_ptr = ptr; m_enabled = false; m_temporary = temporary; m_period = attotime::never; m_start = machine.time(); m_expire = attotime::never; m_device = NULL; m_id = 0; // if we're not temporary, register ourselves with the save state system if (!m_temporary) register_save(); // insert into the list machine.scheduler().timer_list_insert(*this); return *this; } //------------------------------------------------- // init - completely initialize the state when // re-allocated as a device timer //------------------------------------------------- emu_timer &emu_timer::init(device_t &device, device_timer_id id, void *ptr, bool temporary) { // ensure the entire timer state is clean m_machine = &device.machine(); m_next = NULL; m_prev = NULL; m_callback = timer_expired_delegate(); m_param = 0; m_ptr = ptr; m_enabled = false; m_temporary = temporary; m_period = attotime::never; m_start = machine().time(); m_expire = attotime::never; m_device = &device; m_id = id; // if we're not temporary, register ourselves with the save state system if (!m_temporary) register_save(); // insert into the list machine().scheduler().timer_list_insert(*this); return *this; } //------------------------------------------------- // release - release us from the global list // management when deallocating //------------------------------------------------- emu_timer &emu_timer::release() { // unhook us from the global list machine().scheduler().timer_list_remove(*this); return *this; } //------------------------------------------------- // enable - enable/disable a timer //------------------------------------------------- bool emu_timer::enable(bool enable) { // reschedule only if the state has changed bool old = m_enabled; if (old != enable) { // set the enable flag m_enabled = enable; // remove the timer and insert back into the list machine().scheduler().timer_list_remove(*this); machine().scheduler().timer_list_insert(*this); } return old; } //------------------------------------------------- // adjust - adjust the time when this timer will // fire and specify a period for subsequent // firings //------------------------------------------------- void emu_timer::adjust(attotime start_delay, INT32 param, attotime period) { // if this is the callback timer, mark it modified device_scheduler &scheduler = machine().scheduler(); if (scheduler.m_callback_timer == this) scheduler.m_callback_timer_modified = true; // compute the time of the next firing and insert into the list m_param = param; m_enabled = true; // clamp negative times to 0 if (start_delay.seconds < 0) start_delay = attotime::zero; // set the start and expire times m_start = scheduler.time(); m_expire = m_start + start_delay; m_period = period; // remove and re-insert the timer in its new order scheduler.timer_list_remove(*this); scheduler.timer_list_insert(*this); // if this was inserted as the head, abort the current timeslice and resync if (this == scheduler.first_timer()) scheduler.abort_timeslice(); } //------------------------------------------------- // elapsed - return the amount of time since the // timer was started //------------------------------------------------- attotime emu_timer::elapsed() const { return machine().time() - m_start; } //------------------------------------------------- // remaining - return the amount of time // remaining until the timer expires //------------------------------------------------- attotime emu_timer::remaining() const { attotime curtime = machine().time(); if (curtime >= m_expire) return attotime::zero; return m_expire - curtime; } //------------------------------------------------- // register_save - register ourself with the save // state system //------------------------------------------------- void emu_timer::register_save() { // determine our instance number and name int index = 0; astring name; // for non-device timers, it is an index based on the callback function name if (m_device == NULL) { name = m_callback.name(); for (emu_timer *curtimer = machine().scheduler().first_timer(); curtimer != NULL; curtimer = curtimer->next()) if (!curtimer->m_temporary && curtimer->m_device == NULL && strcmp(curtimer->m_callback.name(), m_callback.name()) == 0) index++; } // for device timers, it is an index based on the device and timer ID else { name.printf("%s/%d", m_device->tag(), m_id); for (emu_timer *curtimer = machine().scheduler().first_timer(); curtimer != NULL; curtimer = curtimer->next()) if (!curtimer->m_temporary && curtimer->m_device != NULL && curtimer->m_device == m_device && curtimer->m_id == m_id) index++; } // save the bits machine().save().save_item("timer", name, index, NAME(m_param)); machine().save().save_item("timer", name, index, NAME(m_enabled)); machine().save().save_item("timer", name, index, NAME(m_period)); machine().save().save_item("timer", name, index, NAME(m_start)); machine().save().save_item("timer", name, index, NAME(m_expire)); } //------------------------------------------------- // schedule_next_period - schedule the next // period //------------------------------------------------- inline void emu_timer::schedule_next_period() { // advance by one period m_start = m_expire; m_expire += m_period; // remove and re-insert us device_scheduler &scheduler = machine().scheduler(); scheduler.timer_list_remove(*this); scheduler.timer_list_insert(*this); } //------------------------------------------------- // dump - dump internal state to a single output // line in the error log //------------------------------------------------- void emu_timer::dump() const { logerror("%p: en=%d temp=%d exp=%15s start=%15s per=%15s param=%d ptr=%p", this, m_enabled, m_temporary, m_expire.as_string(), m_start.as_string(), m_period.as_string(), m_param, m_ptr); if (m_device == NULL) logerror(" cb=%s\n", m_callback.name()); else logerror(" dev=%s id=%d\n", m_device->tag(), m_id); } //************************************************************************** // DEVICE SCHEDULER //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // device_scheduler - constructor //------------------------------------------------- device_scheduler::device_scheduler(running_machine &machine) : m_machine(machine), m_executing_device(NULL), m_execute_list(NULL), m_basetime(attotime::zero), m_timer_list(NULL), m_callback_timer(NULL), m_callback_timer_modified(false), m_callback_timer_expire_time(attotime::zero), m_suspend_changes_pending(true), m_quantum_minimum(ATTOSECONDS_IN_NSEC(1) / 1000) { // append a single never-expiring timer so there is always one in the list m_timer_list = &m_timer_allocator.alloc()->init(machine, timer_expired_delegate(), NULL, true); m_timer_list->adjust(attotime::never); // register global states machine.save().save_item(NAME(m_basetime)); machine.save().register_presave(save_prepost_delegate(FUNC(device_scheduler::presave), this)); machine.save().register_postload(save_prepost_delegate(FUNC(device_scheduler::postload), this)); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_scheduler - destructor //------------------------------------------------- device_scheduler::~device_scheduler() { // remove all timers while (m_timer_list != NULL) m_timer_allocator.reclaim(m_timer_list->release()); } //------------------------------------------------- // time - return the current time //------------------------------------------------- attotime device_scheduler::time() const { // if we're currently in a callback, use the timer's expiration time as a base if (m_callback_timer != NULL) return m_callback_timer_expire_time; // if we're executing as a particular CPU, use its local time as a base // otherwise, return the global base time return (m_executing_device != NULL) ? m_executing_device->local_time() : m_basetime; } //------------------------------------------------- // can_save - return true if it's safe to save // (i.e., no temporary timers outstanding) //------------------------------------------------- bool device_scheduler::can_save() const { // if any live temporary timers exit, fail for (emu_timer *timer = m_timer_list; timer != NULL; timer = timer->next()) if (timer->m_temporary && !timer->expire().is_never()) { logerror("Failed save state attempt due to anonymous timers:\n"); dump_timers(); return false; } // otherwise, we're good return true; } //------------------------------------------------- // apply_suspend_changes - applies suspend/resume // changes to all device_execute_interfaces //------------------------------------------------- inline void device_scheduler::apply_suspend_changes() { UINT32 suspendchanged = 0; for (device_execute_interface *exec = m_execute_list; exec != NULL; exec = exec->m_nextexec) { suspendchanged |= exec->m_suspend ^ exec->m_nextsuspend; exec->m_suspend = exec->m_nextsuspend; exec->m_nextsuspend &= ~SUSPEND_REASON_TIMESLICE; exec->m_eatcycles = exec->m_nexteatcycles; } // recompute the execute list if any CPUs changed their suspension state if (suspendchanged != 0) rebuild_execute_list(); else m_suspend_changes_pending = false; } //------------------------------------------------- // timeslice - execute all devices for a single // timeslice //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::timeslice() { bool call_debugger = ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0); // build the execution list if we don't have one yet if (m_execute_list == NULL) rebuild_execute_list(); // if the current quantum has expired, find a new one while (m_basetime >= m_quantum_list.first()->m_expire) m_quantum_allocator.reclaim(m_quantum_list.detach_head()); // loop until we hit the next timer while (m_basetime < m_timer_list->m_expire) { // by default, assume our target is the end of the next quantum attotime target = m_basetime + attotime(0, m_quantum_list.first()->m_actual); // however, if the next timer is going to fire before then, override if (m_timer_list->m_expire < target) target = m_timer_list->m_expire; LOG(("------------------\n")); LOG(("cpu_timeslice: target = %s\n", target.as_string())); // do we have pending suspension changes? if (m_suspend_changes_pending) apply_suspend_changes(); // loop over non-suspended CPUs for (device_execute_interface *exec = m_execute_list; exec != NULL; exec = exec->m_nextexec) { // only process if our target is later than the CPU's current time (coarse check) if (target.seconds >= exec->m_localtime.seconds) { // compute how many attoseconds to execute this CPU attoseconds_t delta = target.attoseconds - exec->m_localtime.attoseconds; if (delta < 0 && target.seconds > exec->m_localtime.seconds) delta += ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND; #ifndef MAME_DEBUG_FAST assert(delta == (target - exec->m_localtime).as_attoseconds()); #endif // if we have enough for at least 1 cycle, do the math if (delta >= exec->m_attoseconds_per_cycle) { // compute how many cycles we want to execute int ran = exec->m_cycles_running = divu_64x32((UINT64)delta >> exec->m_divshift, exec->m_divisor); LOG((" cpu '%s': %d cycles\n", exec->device().tag(), exec->m_cycles_running)); // if we're not suspended, actually execute if (exec->m_suspend == 0) { g_profiler.start(exec->m_profiler); // note that this global variable cycles_stolen can be modified // via the call to cpu_execute exec->m_cycles_stolen = 0; m_executing_device = exec; *exec->m_icountptr = exec->m_cycles_running; if (!call_debugger) exec->run(); else { debugger_start_cpu_hook(&exec->device(), target); exec->run(); debugger_stop_cpu_hook(&exec->device()); } // adjust for any cycles we took back assert(ran >= *exec->m_icountptr); ran -= *exec->m_icountptr; assert(ran >= exec->m_cycles_stolen); ran -= exec->m_cycles_stolen; g_profiler.stop(); } // account for these cycles exec->m_totalcycles += ran; // update the local time for this CPU attotime delta = attotime(0, exec->m_attoseconds_per_cycle * ran); assert(delta >= attotime::zero); exec->m_localtime += delta; LOG((" %d ran, %d total, time = %s\n", ran, (INT32)exec->m_totalcycles, exec->m_localtime.as_string())); // if the new local CPU time is less than our target, move the target up, but not before the base if (exec->m_localtime < target) { assert(exec->m_localtime < target); target = max(exec->m_localtime, m_basetime); LOG((" (new target)\n")); } } } } m_executing_device = NULL; // update the base time m_basetime = target; } // execute timers execute_timers(); } //------------------------------------------------- // abort_timeslice - abort execution for the // current timeslice //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::abort_timeslice() { if (m_executing_device != NULL) m_executing_device->abort_timeslice(); } //------------------------------------------------- // trigger - generate a global trigger //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::trigger(int trigid, attotime after) { // ensure we have a list of executing devices if (m_execute_list == NULL) rebuild_execute_list(); // if we have a non-zero time, schedule a timer if (after != attotime::zero) timer_set(after, timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(device_scheduler::timed_trigger), this), trigid); // send the trigger to everyone who cares else for (device_execute_interface *exec = m_execute_list; exec != NULL; exec = exec->m_nextexec) exec->trigger(trigid); } //------------------------------------------------- // boost_interleave - temporarily boosts the // interleave factor //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::boost_interleave(attotime timeslice_time, attotime boost_duration) { // ignore timeslices > 1 second if (timeslice_time.seconds > 0) return; add_scheduling_quantum(timeslice_time, boost_duration); } //------------------------------------------------- // timer_alloc - allocate a global non-device // timer and return a pointer //------------------------------------------------- emu_timer *device_scheduler::timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate callback, void *ptr) { return &m_timer_allocator.alloc()->init(machine(), callback, ptr, false); } //------------------------------------------------- // timer_set - allocate an anonymous non-device // timer and set it to go off after the given // amount of time //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::timer_set(attotime duration, timer_expired_delegate callback, int param, void *ptr) { m_timer_allocator.alloc()->init(machine(), callback, ptr, true).adjust(duration, param); } //------------------------------------------------- // timer_pulse - allocate an anonymous non-device // timer and set it to go off at the given // frequency //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::timer_pulse(attotime period, timer_expired_delegate callback, int param, void *ptr) { m_timer_allocator.alloc()->init(machine(), callback, ptr, false).adjust(period, param, period); } //------------------------------------------------- // timer_alloc - allocate a global device timer // and return a pointer //------------------------------------------------- emu_timer *device_scheduler::timer_alloc(device_t &device, device_timer_id id, void *ptr) { return &m_timer_allocator.alloc()->init(device, id, ptr, false); } //------------------------------------------------- // timer_set - allocate an anonymous device timer // and set it to go off after the given amount of // time //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::timer_set(attotime duration, device_t &device, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) { m_timer_allocator.alloc()->init(device, id, ptr, true).adjust(duration, param); } //------------------------------------------------- // eat_all_cycles - eat a ton of cycles on all // CPUs to force a quick exit //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::eat_all_cycles() { for (device_execute_interface *exec = m_execute_list; exec != NULL; exec = exec->m_nextexec) exec->eat_cycles(1000000000); } //------------------------------------------------- // timed_trigger - generate a trigger after a // given amount of time //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::timed_trigger(void *ptr, INT32 param) { trigger(param); } //------------------------------------------------- // presave - before creating a save state //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::presave() { // report the timer state after a log logerror("Prior to saving state:\n"); dump_timers(); } //------------------------------------------------- // postload - after loading a save state //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::postload() { // remove all timers and make a private list of permanent ones simple_list private_list; while (m_timer_list != NULL) { emu_timer &timer = *m_timer_list; // temporary timers go away entirely (except our special never-expiring one) if (timer.m_temporary && !timer.expire().is_never()) m_timer_allocator.reclaim(timer.release()); // permanent ones get added to our private list else private_list.append(timer_list_remove(timer)); } // now re-insert them; this effectively re-sorts them by time emu_timer *timer; while ((timer = private_list.detach_head()) != NULL) timer_list_insert(*timer); m_suspend_changes_pending = true; // report the timer state after a log logerror("After resetting/reordering timers:\n"); dump_timers(); } //------------------------------------------------- // compute_perfect_interleave - compute the // "perfect" interleave interval //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::compute_perfect_interleave() { // ensure we have a list of executing devices if (m_execute_list == NULL) rebuild_execute_list(); // start with the first one device_execute_interface *first = m_execute_list; if (first != NULL) { // start with a huge time factor and find the 2nd smallest cycle time attoseconds_t smallest = first->minimum_quantum(); attoseconds_t perfect = ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND - 1; for (device_execute_interface *exec = first->m_nextexec; exec != NULL; exec = exec->m_nextexec) { // find the 2nd smallest cycle interval attoseconds_t curquantum = exec->minimum_quantum(); if (curquantum < smallest) { perfect = smallest; smallest = curquantum; } else if (curquantum < perfect) perfect = curquantum; } // if this is a new minimum quantum, apply it if (m_quantum_minimum != perfect) { // adjust all the actuals; this doesn't affect the current m_quantum_minimum = perfect; for (quantum_slot *quant = m_quantum_list.first(); quant != NULL; quant = quant->next()) quant->m_actual = MAX(quant->m_requested, m_quantum_minimum); } } } //------------------------------------------------- // rebuild_execute_list - rebuild the list of // executing CPUs, moving suspended CPUs to the // end //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::rebuild_execute_list() { // if we haven't yet set a scheduling quantum, do it now if (m_quantum_list.first() == NULL) { // set the core scheduling quantum attotime min_quantum = machine().config().m_minimum_quantum; // if none specified default to 60Hz if (min_quantum.is_zero()) min_quantum = attotime::from_hz(60); // if the configuration specifies a device to make perfect, pick that as the minimum if (machine().config().m_perfect_cpu_quantum) { device_t *device = machine().device(machine().config().m_perfect_cpu_quantum); if (device == NULL) fatalerror("Device '%s' specified for perfect interleave is not present!\n", machine().config().m_perfect_cpu_quantum.cstr()); device_execute_interface *exec; if (!device->interface(exec)) fatalerror("Device '%s' specified for perfect interleave is not an executing device!\n", machine().config().m_perfect_cpu_quantum.cstr()); min_quantum = min(attotime(0, exec->minimum_quantum()), min_quantum); } // make sure it's no higher than 60Hz min_quantum = min(min_quantum, attotime::from_hz(60)); // inform the timer system of our decision add_scheduling_quantum(min_quantum, attotime::never); } // start with an empty list device_execute_interface **active_tailptr = &m_execute_list; *active_tailptr = NULL; // also make an empty list of suspended devices device_execute_interface *suspend_list = NULL; device_execute_interface **suspend_tailptr = &suspend_list; // iterate over all devices execute_interface_iterator iter(machine().root_device()); for (device_execute_interface *exec = iter.first(); exec != NULL; exec = iter.next()) { // append to the appropriate list exec->m_nextexec = NULL; if (exec->m_suspend == 0) { *active_tailptr = exec; active_tailptr = &exec->m_nextexec; } else { *suspend_tailptr = exec; suspend_tailptr = &exec->m_nextexec; } } // append the suspend list to the end of the active list *active_tailptr = suspend_list; } //------------------------------------------------- // timer_list_insert - insert a new timer into // the list at the appropriate location //------------------------------------------------- emu_timer &device_scheduler::timer_list_insert(emu_timer &timer) { // disabled timers sort to the end attotime expire = timer.m_enabled ? timer.m_expire : attotime::never; // loop over the timer list emu_timer *prevtimer = NULL; for (emu_timer *curtimer = m_timer_list; curtimer != NULL; prevtimer = curtimer, curtimer = curtimer->next()) { // if the current list entry expires after us, we should be inserted before it if (curtimer->m_expire > expire) { // link the new guy in before the current list entry timer.m_prev = curtimer->m_prev; timer.m_next = curtimer; if (curtimer->m_prev != NULL) curtimer->m_prev->m_next = &timer; else m_timer_list = &timer; curtimer->m_prev = &timer; return timer; } } // need to insert after the last one if (prevtimer != NULL) prevtimer->m_next = &timer; else m_timer_list = &timer; timer.m_prev = prevtimer; timer.m_next = NULL; return timer; } //------------------------------------------------- // timer_list_remove - remove a timer from the // linked list //------------------------------------------------- emu_timer &device_scheduler::timer_list_remove(emu_timer &timer) { // remove it from the list if (timer.m_prev != NULL) timer.m_prev->m_next = timer.m_next; else m_timer_list = timer.m_next; if (timer.m_next != NULL) timer.m_next->m_prev = timer.m_prev; return timer; } //------------------------------------------------- // execute_timers - execute timers that are due //------------------------------------------------- inline void device_scheduler::execute_timers() { LOG(("execute_timers: new=%s head->expire=%s\n", m_basetime.as_string(), m_timer_list->m_expire.as_string())); // now process any timers that are overdue while (m_timer_list->m_expire <= m_basetime) { // if this is a one-shot timer, disable it now emu_timer &timer = *m_timer_list; bool was_enabled = timer.m_enabled; if (timer.m_period.is_zero() || timer.m_period.is_never()) timer.m_enabled = false; // set the global state of which callback we're in m_callback_timer_modified = false; m_callback_timer = &timer; m_callback_timer_expire_time = timer.m_expire; // call the callback if (was_enabled) { g_profiler.start(PROFILER_TIMER_CALLBACK); if (timer.m_device != NULL) { LOG(("execute_timers: timer device %s timer %d\n", timer.m_device->name(), timer.m_id)); timer.m_device->timer_expired(timer, timer.m_id, timer.m_param, timer.m_ptr); } else if (!timer.m_callback.isnull()) { LOG(("execute_timers: timer callback %s\n", timer.m_callback.name())); timer.m_callback(timer.m_ptr, timer.m_param); } g_profiler.stop(); } // clear the callback timer global m_callback_timer = NULL; // reset or remove the timer, but only if it wasn't modified during the callback if (!m_callback_timer_modified) { // if the timer is temporary, remove it now if (timer.m_temporary) m_timer_allocator.reclaim(timer.release()); // otherwise, reschedule it else timer.schedule_next_period(); } } } //------------------------------------------------- // add_scheduling_quantum - add a scheduling // quantum; the smallest active one is the one // that is in use //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::add_scheduling_quantum(attotime quantum, attotime duration) { assert(quantum.seconds == 0); attotime curtime = time(); attotime expire = curtime + duration; // figure out where to insert ourselves, expiring any quanta that are out-of-date quantum_slot *insert_after = NULL; quantum_slot *next; for (quantum_slot *quant = m_quantum_list.first(); quant != NULL; quant = next) { // if this quantum is expired, nuke it next = quant->next(); if (curtime >= quant->m_expire) m_quantum_allocator.reclaim(m_quantum_list.detach(*quant)); // if this quantum is shorter than us, we need to be inserted afterwards else if (quant->m_requested <= quantum.attoseconds) insert_after = quant; } // if we found an exact match, just take the maximum expiry time if (insert_after != NULL && insert_after->m_requested == quantum.attoseconds) insert_after->m_expire = max(insert_after->m_expire, expire); // otherwise, allocate a new quantum and insert it after the one we picked else { quantum_slot &quant = *m_quantum_allocator.alloc(); quant.m_requested = quantum.attoseconds; quant.m_actual = MAX(quantum.attoseconds, m_quantum_minimum); quant.m_expire = expire; m_quantum_list.insert_after(quant, insert_after); } } //------------------------------------------------- // dump_timers - dump the current timer state //------------------------------------------------- void device_scheduler::dump_timers() const { logerror("=============================================\n"); logerror("Timer Dump: Time = %15s\n", time().as_string()); for (emu_timer *timer = first_timer(); timer != NULL; timer = timer->next()) timer->dump(); logerror("=============================================\n"); }