// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /*************************************************************************** save.h Save state management functions. ***************************************************************************/ #pragma once #ifndef __EMU_H__ #error Dont include this file directly; include emu.h instead. #endif #ifndef MAME_EMU_SAVE_H #define MAME_EMU_SAVE_H //************************************************************************** // CONSTANTS //************************************************************************** enum save_error { STATERR_NONE, STATERR_NOT_FOUND, STATERR_ILLEGAL_REGISTRATIONS, STATERR_INVALID_HEADER, STATERR_READ_ERROR, STATERR_WRITE_ERROR, STATERR_DISABLED }; //************************************************************************** // MACROS //************************************************************************** // callback delegate for presave/postload typedef named_delegate save_prepost_delegate; // use this to declare a given type is a simple, non-pointer type that can be // saved; in general, this is intended only to be used for specific enum types // defined by your device #define ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE(TYPE) \ template<> struct save_manager::type_checker { static const bool is_atom = true; static const bool is_pointer = false; } // use this as above, but also to declare that std::vector is safe as well #define ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(TYPE) \ ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE(TYPE); \ template<> inline void save_manager::save_item(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, std::vector &value, const char *name) { save_memory(device, module, tag, index, name, &value[0], sizeof(TYPE), value.size()); } //************************************************************************** // TYPE DEFINITIONS //************************************************************************** class state_entry { public: // construction/destruction state_entry(void *data, const char *name, device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, u8 size, u32 count); // helpers void flip_data(); // state void * m_data; // pointer to the memory to save/restore std::string m_name; // full name device_t * m_device; // associated device, nullptr if none std::string m_module; // module name std::string m_tag; // tag name int m_index; // index u8 m_typesize; // size of the raw data type u32 m_typecount; // number of items u32 m_offset; // offset within the final structure }; class ram_state; class rewinder; class save_manager { // type_checker is a set of templates to identify valid save types template struct type_checker { static const bool is_atom = false; static const bool is_pointer = false; }; template struct type_checker { static const bool is_atom = false; static const bool is_pointer = true; }; friend class ram_state; friend class rewinder; public: // construction/destruction save_manager(running_machine &machine); // getters running_machine &machine() const { return m_machine; } rewinder *rewind() { return m_rewind.get(); } int registration_count() const { return m_entry_list.size(); } bool registration_allowed() const { return m_reg_allowed; } // registration control void allow_registration(bool allowed = true); const char *indexed_item(int index, void *&base, u32 &valsize, u32 &valcount) const; // function registration void register_presave(save_prepost_delegate func); void register_postload(save_prepost_delegate func); // callback dispatching void dispatch_presave(); void dispatch_postload(); // generic memory registration void save_memory(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, u32 index, const char *name, void *val, u32 valsize, u32 valcount = 1); // templatized wrapper for general objects template void save_item(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, ItemType &value, const char *valname) { if (type_checker::is_pointer) throw emu_fatalerror("Called save_item on a pointer with no count!"); if (!type_checker::is_atom) throw emu_fatalerror("Called save_item on a non-fundamental type!"); save_memory(device, module, tag, index, valname, &value, sizeof(ItemType)); } // templatized wrapper for 1-dimensional arrays template void save_item(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, ItemType (&value)[N], const char *valname) { if (!type_checker::is_atom) throw emu_fatalerror("Called save_item on a non-fundamental type!"); save_memory(device, module, tag, index, valname, &value[0], sizeof(ItemType), N); } // templatized wrapper for 2-dimensional arrays template void save_item(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, ItemType (&value)[M][N], const char *valname) { if (!type_checker::is_atom) throw emu_fatalerror("Called save_item on a non-fundamental type!"); save_memory(device, module, tag, index, valname, &value[0][0], sizeof(ItemType), M * N); } // templatized wrapper for pointers template void save_pointer(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, ItemType *value, const char *valname, u32 count) { if (!type_checker::is_atom) throw emu_fatalerror("Called save_item on a non-fundamental type!"); save_memory(device, module, tag, index, valname, value, sizeof(ItemType), count); } // templatized wrapper for std::unique_ptr template void save_pointer(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, std::unique_ptr &value, const char *valname, u32 count) { if (!type_checker::is_atom) throw emu_fatalerror("Called save_item on a non-fundamental type!"); save_memory(device, module, tag, index, valname, value.get(), sizeof(ItemType), count); } // global memory registration template void save_item(ItemType &value, const char *valname, int index = 0) { save_item(nullptr, "global", nullptr, index, value, valname); } template void save_pointer(ItemType *value, const char *valname, u32 count, int index = 0) { save_pointer(nullptr, "global", nullptr, index, value, valname, count); } // file processing static save_error check_file(running_machine &machine, emu_file &file, const char *gamename, void (CLIB_DECL *errormsg)(const char *fmt, ...)); save_error write_file(emu_file &file); save_error read_file(emu_file &file); private: // internal helpers u32 signature() const; void dump_registry() const; static save_error validate_header(const u8 *header, const char *gamename, u32 signature, void (CLIB_DECL *errormsg)(const char *fmt, ...), const char *error_prefix); // state callback item class state_callback { public: // construction/destruction state_callback(save_prepost_delegate callback); save_prepost_delegate m_func; // delegate }; // internal state running_machine & m_machine; // reference to our machine std::unique_ptr m_rewind; // rewinder bool m_reg_allowed; // are registrations allowed? s32 m_illegal_regs; // number of illegal registrations std::vector> m_entry_list; // list of registered entries std::vector> m_ramstate_list; // list of ram states std::vector> m_presave_list; // list of pre-save functions std::vector> m_postload_list; // list of post-load functions }; class ram_state { save_manager & m_save; // reference to save_manager util::vectorstream m_data; // save data buffer public: bool m_valid; // can we load this state? attotime m_time; // machine timestamp ram_state(save_manager &save); static size_t get_size(save_manager &save); save_error save(); save_error load(); }; class rewinder { save_manager & m_save; // reference to save_manager bool m_enabled; // enable rewind savestates size_t m_capacity; // total memory rewind states can occupy (MB, limited to 1-2048 in options) s32 m_current_index; // where we are in time s32 m_first_invalid_index; // all states before this one are guarateed to be valid bool m_first_time_warning; // keep track of warnings we report bool m_first_time_note; // keep track of notes std::vector> m_state_list; // rewinder's own ram states // load/save management enum class rewind_operation { SAVE, LOAD }; enum { REWIND_INDEX_NONE = -1, REWIND_INDEX_FIRST }; bool check_size(); bool current_index_is_last() { return m_current_index == m_state_list.size() - 1; } void report_error(save_error type, rewind_operation operation); public: rewinder(save_manager &save); bool enabled() { return m_enabled; } void clamp_capacity(); void invalidate(); bool capture(); bool step(); }; // template specializations to enumerate the fundamental atomic types you are allowed to save ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(char) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE (bool); // std::vector may be packed internally ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(s8) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(u8) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(s16) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(u16) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(s32) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(u32) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(s64) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(u64) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(PAIR) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(PAIR64) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(float) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(double) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(endianness_t) ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE_AND_ARRAY(rgb_t) //************************************************************************** // INLINE FUNCTIONS //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // save_item - specialized save_item for bitmaps //------------------------------------------------- template<> inline void save_manager::save_item(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, bitmap_ind8 &value, const char *name) { save_memory(device, module, tag, index, name, &value.pix(0), value.bpp() / 8, value.rowpixels() * value.height()); } template<> inline void save_manager::save_item(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, bitmap_ind16 &value, const char *name) { save_memory(device, module, tag, index, name, &value.pix(0), value.bpp() / 8, value.rowpixels() * value.height()); } template<> inline void save_manager::save_item(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, bitmap_ind32 &value, const char *name) { save_memory(device, module, tag, index, name, &value.pix(0), value.bpp() / 8, value.rowpixels() * value.height()); } template<> inline void save_manager::save_item(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, bitmap_rgb32 &value, const char *name) { save_memory(device, module, tag, index, name, &value.pix(0), value.bpp() / 8, value.rowpixels() * value.height()); } //------------------------------------------------- // save_item - specialized save_item for attotimes //------------------------------------------------- template<> inline void save_manager::save_item(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, attotime &value, const char *name) { std::string tempstr = std::string(name).append(".attoseconds"); save_memory(device, module, tag, index, tempstr.c_str(), &value.m_attoseconds, sizeof(value.m_attoseconds)); tempstr.assign(name).append(".seconds"); save_memory(device, module, tag, index, tempstr.c_str(), &value.m_seconds, sizeof(value.m_seconds)); } #endif /* MAME_EMU_SAVE_H */