// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /*************************************************************************** save.c Save state management functions. **************************************************************************** Save state file format: 00..07 'MAMESAVE' 08 Format version (this is format 2) 09 Flags 0A..1B Game name padded with \0 1C..1F Signature 20..end Save game data (compressed) Data is always written as native-endian. Data is converted from the endiannness it was written upon load. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "coreutil.h" //************************************************************************** // DEBUGGING //************************************************************************** #define VERBOSE 0 #define LOG(x) do { if (VERBOSE) machine().logerror x; } while (0) //************************************************************************** // CONSTANTS //************************************************************************** const int SAVE_VERSION = 2; const int HEADER_SIZE = 32; // Available flags enum { SS_MSB_FIRST = 0x02 }; #define STATE_MAGIC_NUM "MAMESAVE" //************************************************************************** // INITIALIZATION //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // save_manager - constructor //------------------------------------------------- save_manager::save_manager(running_machine &machine) : m_machine(machine) , m_reg_allowed(true) , m_illegal_regs(0) { m_rewind = std::make_unique(*this); } //------------------------------------------------- // allow_registration - allow/disallow // registrations to happen //------------------------------------------------- void save_manager::allow_registration(bool allowed) { // allow/deny registration m_reg_allowed = allowed; if (!allowed) { // look for duplicates std::sort(m_entry_list.begin(), m_entry_list.end(), [] (std::unique_ptr const& a, std::unique_ptr const& b) { return a->m_name < b->m_name; }); int dupes_found = 0; for (int i = 1; i < m_entry_list.size(); i++) { if (m_entry_list[i - 1]->m_name == m_entry_list[i]->m_name) { osd_printf_error("Duplicate save state registration entry (%s)\n", m_entry_list[i]->m_name); dupes_found++; } } if (dupes_found) fatalerror("%d duplicate save state entries found.\n", dupes_found); dump_registry(); // everything is registered by now, evaluate the savestate size m_rewind->clamp_capacity(); } } //------------------------------------------------- // indexed_item - return an item with the given // index //------------------------------------------------- const char *save_manager::indexed_item(int index, void *&base, u32 &valsize, u32 &valcount, u32 &blockcount, u32 &stride) const { if (index >= m_entry_list.size() || index < 0) return nullptr; state_entry *entry = m_entry_list.at(index).get(); base = entry->m_data; valsize = entry->m_typesize; valcount = entry->m_typecount; blockcount = entry->m_blockcount; stride = entry->m_stride; return entry->m_name.c_str(); } //------------------------------------------------- // register_presave - register a pre-save // function callback //------------------------------------------------- void save_manager::register_presave(save_prepost_delegate func) { // check for invalid timing if (!m_reg_allowed) fatalerror("Attempt to register callback function after state registration is closed!\n"); // scan for duplicates and push through to the end for (auto &cb : m_presave_list) if (cb->m_func == func) fatalerror("Duplicate save state function (%s/%s)\n", cb->m_func.name(), func.name()); // allocate a new entry m_presave_list.push_back(std::make_unique(func)); } //------------------------------------------------- // state_save_register_postload - // register a post-load function callback //------------------------------------------------- void save_manager::register_postload(save_prepost_delegate func) { // check for invalid timing if (!m_reg_allowed) fatalerror("Attempt to register callback function after state registration is closed!\n"); // scan for duplicates and push through to the end for (auto &cb : m_postload_list) if (cb->m_func == func) fatalerror("Duplicate save state function (%s/%s)\n", cb->m_func.name(), func.name()); // allocate a new entry m_postload_list.push_back(std::make_unique(func)); } //------------------------------------------------- // save_memory - register an array of data in // memory //------------------------------------------------- void save_manager::save_memory(device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, u32 index, const char *name, void *val, u32 valsize, u32 valcount, u32 blockcount, u32 stride) { assert(valsize == 1 || valsize == 2 || valsize == 4 || valsize == 8); assert(((blockcount <= 1) && (stride == 0)) || (stride >= valcount)); // check for invalid timing if (!m_reg_allowed) { machine().logerror("Attempt to register save state entry after state registration is closed!\nModule %s tag %s name %s\n", module, tag, name); if (machine().system().flags & machine_flags::SUPPORTS_SAVE) fatalerror("Attempt to register save state entry after state registration is closed!\nModule %s tag %s name %s\n", module, tag, name); m_illegal_regs++; return; } // create the full name std::string totalname; if (tag != nullptr) totalname = string_format("%s/%s/%X/%s", module, tag, index, name); else totalname = string_format("%s/%X/%s", module, index, name); // insert us into the list m_entry_list.emplace_back(std::make_unique(val, totalname.c_str(), device, module, tag ? tag : "", index, valsize, valcount, blockcount, stride)); } //------------------------------------------------- // check_file - check if a file is a valid save // state //------------------------------------------------- save_error save_manager::check_file(running_machine &machine, emu_file &file, const char *gamename, void (CLIB_DECL *errormsg)(const char *fmt, ...)) { // if we want to validate the signature, compute it u32 sig; sig = machine.save().signature(); // seek to the beginning and read the header file.compress(FCOMPRESS_NONE); file.seek(0, SEEK_SET); u8 header[HEADER_SIZE]; if (file.read(header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) { if (errormsg != nullptr) (*errormsg)("Could not read %s save file header",emulator_info::get_appname()); return STATERR_READ_ERROR; } // let the generic header check work out the rest return validate_header(header, gamename, sig, errormsg, ""); } //------------------------------------------------- // dispatch_postload - invoke all registered // postload callbacks for updates //------------------------------------------------- void save_manager::dispatch_postload() { for (auto &func : m_postload_list) func->m_func(); } //------------------------------------------------- // read_file - read the data from a file //------------------------------------------------- save_error save_manager::read_file(emu_file &file) { // if we have illegal registrations, return an error if (m_illegal_regs > 0) return STATERR_ILLEGAL_REGISTRATIONS; // read the header and turn on compression for the rest of the file file.compress(FCOMPRESS_NONE); file.seek(0, SEEK_SET); u8 header[HEADER_SIZE]; if (file.read(header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) return STATERR_READ_ERROR; file.compress(FCOMPRESS_MEDIUM); // verify the header and report an error if it doesn't match u32 sig = signature(); if (validate_header(header, machine().system().name, sig, nullptr, "Error: ") != STATERR_NONE) return STATERR_INVALID_HEADER; // determine whether or not to flip the data when done bool flip = NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE((header[9] & SS_MSB_FIRST) != 0, (header[9] & SS_MSB_FIRST) == 0); // read all the data, flipping if necessary for (auto &entry : m_entry_list) { const u32 blocksize = entry->m_typesize * entry->m_typecount; u8 *data = reinterpret_cast(entry->m_data); for (u32 b = 0; entry->m_blockcount > b; ++b, data += (entry->m_typesize * entry->m_stride)) if (file.read(data, blocksize) != blocksize) return STATERR_READ_ERROR; // handle flipping if (flip) entry->flip_data(); } // call the post-load functions dispatch_postload(); return STATERR_NONE; } //------------------------------------------------- // dispatch_presave - invoke all registered // presave callbacks for updates //------------------------------------------------- void save_manager::dispatch_presave() { for (auto &func : m_presave_list) func->m_func(); } //------------------------------------------------- // write_file - writes the data to a file //------------------------------------------------- save_error save_manager::write_file(emu_file &file) { // if we have illegal registrations, return an error if (m_illegal_regs > 0) return STATERR_ILLEGAL_REGISTRATIONS; // generate the header u8 header[HEADER_SIZE]; memcpy(&header[0], STATE_MAGIC_NUM, 8); header[8] = SAVE_VERSION; header[9] = NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(0, SS_MSB_FIRST); strncpy((char *)&header[0x0a], machine().system().name, 0x1c - 0x0a); u32 sig = signature(); *(u32 *)&header[0x1c] = little_endianize_int32(sig); // write the header and turn on compression for the rest of the file file.compress(FCOMPRESS_NONE); file.seek(0, SEEK_SET); if (file.write(header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) return STATERR_WRITE_ERROR; file.compress(FCOMPRESS_MEDIUM); // call the pre-save functions dispatch_presave(); // then write all the data for (auto &entry : m_entry_list) { const u32 blocksize = entry->m_typesize * entry->m_typecount; const u8 *data = reinterpret_cast(entry->m_data); for (u32 b = 0; entry->m_blockcount > b; ++b, data += (entry->m_typesize * entry->m_stride)) if (file.write(data, blocksize) != blocksize) return STATERR_WRITE_ERROR; } return STATERR_NONE; } //------------------------------------------------- // save - write the current machine state to the // allocated stream //------------------------------------------------- save_error save_manager::write_buffer(u8 *data, size_t size) { // if we have illegal registrations, return an error if (m_illegal_regs > 0) return STATERR_ILLEGAL_REGISTRATIONS; // verify the buffer length if (size != ram_state::get_size(*this)) return STATERR_WRITE_ERROR; // generate the header u8 header[HEADER_SIZE]; memcpy(&header[0], STATE_MAGIC_NUM, 8); header[8] = SAVE_VERSION; header[9] = NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(0, SS_MSB_FIRST); strncpy((char *)&header[0x0a], machine().system().name, 0x1c - 0x0a); u32 sig = signature(); *(u32 *)&header[0x1c] = little_endianize_int32(sig); // write the header memcpy(data, header, sizeof(header)); // advance the pointer u8 *byte_ptr = data + sizeof(header); // call the pre-save functions dispatch_presave(); // then write all the data for (auto &entry : m_entry_list) { u32 totalsize = entry->m_typesize * entry->m_typecount; // check bounds before writing if (byte_ptr + totalsize > data + size) return STATERR_WRITE_ERROR; memcpy(byte_ptr, entry->m_data, totalsize); byte_ptr += totalsize; } return STATERR_NONE; } //------------------------------------------------- // load - restore the machine state from the // stream //------------------------------------------------- save_error save_manager::read_buffer(u8 *data, size_t size) { // if we have illegal registrations, return an error if (m_illegal_regs > 0) return STATERR_ILLEGAL_REGISTRATIONS; // verify the buffer length if (size != ram_state::get_size(*this)) return STATERR_WRITE_ERROR; // read the header u8 header[HEADER_SIZE]; memcpy(header, data, sizeof(header)); // advance the pointer u8 *byte_ptr = data + sizeof(header); // verify the header and report an error if it doesn't match u32 sig = signature(); if (validate_header(header, machine().system().name, sig, nullptr, "Error: ") != STATERR_NONE) return STATERR_INVALID_HEADER; // determine whether or not to flip the data when done bool flip = NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE((header[9] & SS_MSB_FIRST) != 0, (header[9] & SS_MSB_FIRST) == 0); // read all the data, flipping if necessary for (auto &entry : m_entry_list) { u32 totalsize = entry->m_typesize * entry->m_typecount; // check bounds before reading if (byte_ptr + totalsize > data + size) return STATERR_READ_ERROR; memcpy(entry->m_data, byte_ptr, totalsize); byte_ptr += totalsize; // handle flipping if (flip) entry->flip_data(); } // call the post-load functions dispatch_postload(); return STATERR_NONE; } //------------------------------------------------- // signature - compute the signature, which // is a CRC over the structure of the data //------------------------------------------------- u32 save_manager::signature() const { // iterate over entries u32 crc = 0; for (auto &entry : m_entry_list) { // add the entry name to the CRC crc = core_crc32(crc, (u8 *)entry->m_name.c_str(), entry->m_name.length()); // add the type and size to the CRC u32 temp[4]; temp[0] = little_endianize_int32(entry->m_typesize); temp[1] = little_endianize_int32(entry->m_typecount); temp[2] = little_endianize_int32(entry->m_blockcount); temp[3] = little_endianize_int32(entry->m_stride); crc = core_crc32(crc, (u8 *)&temp[0], sizeof(temp)); } return crc; } //------------------------------------------------- // dump_registry - dump the registry to the // logfile //------------------------------------------------- void save_manager::dump_registry() const { for (auto &entry : m_entry_list) LOG(("%s: %u x %u x %u (%u)\n", entry->m_name.c_str(), entry->m_typesize, entry->m_typecount, entry->m_blockcount, entry->m_stride)); } //------------------------------------------------- // validate_header - validate the data in the // header //------------------------------------------------- save_error save_manager::validate_header(const u8 *header, const char *gamename, u32 signature, void (CLIB_DECL *errormsg)(const char *fmt, ...), const char *error_prefix) { // check magic number if (memcmp(header, STATE_MAGIC_NUM, 8)) { if (errormsg != nullptr) (*errormsg)("%sThis is not a %s save file", error_prefix,emulator_info::get_appname()); return STATERR_INVALID_HEADER; } // check save state version if (header[8] != SAVE_VERSION) { if (errormsg != nullptr) (*errormsg)("%sWrong version in save file (version %d, expected %d)", error_prefix, header[8], SAVE_VERSION); return STATERR_INVALID_HEADER; } // check gamename, if we were asked to if (gamename != nullptr && strncmp(gamename, (const char *)&header[0x0a], 0x1c - 0x0a)) { if (errormsg != nullptr) (*errormsg)("%s'File is not a valid savestate file for game '%s'.", error_prefix, gamename); return STATERR_INVALID_HEADER; } // check signature, if we were asked to if (signature != 0) { u32 rawsig = *(u32 *)&header[0x1c]; if (signature != little_endianize_int32(rawsig)) { if (errormsg != nullptr) (*errormsg)("%sIncompatible save file (signature %08x, expected %08x)", error_prefix, little_endianize_int32(rawsig), signature); return STATERR_INVALID_HEADER; } } return STATERR_NONE; } //------------------------------------------------- // state_callback - constructor //------------------------------------------------- save_manager::state_callback::state_callback(save_prepost_delegate callback) : m_func(std::move(callback)) { } //------------------------------------------------- // ram_state - constructor //------------------------------------------------- ram_state::ram_state(save_manager &save) : m_save(save) , m_data() , m_valid(false) , m_time(m_save.machine().time()) { m_data.reserve(get_size(save)); m_data.clear(); m_data.rdbuf()->clear(); m_data.seekp(0); m_data.seekg(0); } //------------------------------------------------- // get_size - utility function to get the // uncompressed size of a state //------------------------------------------------- size_t ram_state::get_size(save_manager &save) { size_t totalsize = 0; for (auto &entry : save.m_entry_list) totalsize += entry->m_typesize * entry->m_typecount * entry->m_blockcount; return totalsize + HEADER_SIZE; } //------------------------------------------------- // save - write the current machine state to the // allocated stream //------------------------------------------------- save_error ram_state::save() { // initialize m_valid = false; m_data.seekp(0); // if we have illegal registrations, return an error if (m_save.m_illegal_regs > 0) return STATERR_ILLEGAL_REGISTRATIONS; // generate the header u8 header[HEADER_SIZE]; memcpy(&header[0], STATE_MAGIC_NUM, 8); header[8] = SAVE_VERSION; header[9] = NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(0, SS_MSB_FIRST); strncpy((char *)&header[0x0a], m_save.machine().system().name, 0x1c - 0x0a); u32 sig = m_save.signature(); *(u32 *)&header[0x1c] = little_endianize_int32(sig); // write the header m_data.write((char *)header, sizeof(header)); // check for any errors if (!m_data) return STATERR_WRITE_ERROR; // call the pre-save functions m_save.dispatch_presave(); // write all the data for (auto &entry : m_save.m_entry_list) { const u32 blocksize = entry->m_typesize * entry->m_typecount; const char *data = reinterpret_cast(entry->m_data); for (u32 b = 0; entry->m_blockcount > b; ++b, data += (entry->m_typesize * entry->m_stride)) m_data.write(data, blocksize); // check for any errors if (!m_data) return STATERR_WRITE_ERROR; } // final confirmation m_valid = true; m_time = m_save.machine().time(); return STATERR_NONE; } //------------------------------------------------- // load - restore the machine state from the // stream //------------------------------------------------- save_error ram_state::load() { // initialize m_data.seekg(0); // if we have illegal registrations, return an error if (m_save.m_illegal_regs > 0) return STATERR_ILLEGAL_REGISTRATIONS; // read the header u8 header[HEADER_SIZE]; m_data.read((char *)header, sizeof(header)); // check for any errors if (!m_data) return STATERR_READ_ERROR; // verify the header and report an error if it doesn't match u32 sig = m_save.signature(); if (m_save.validate_header(header, m_save.machine().system().name, sig, nullptr, "Error: ") != STATERR_NONE) return STATERR_INVALID_HEADER; // determine whether or not to flip the data when done bool flip = NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE((header[9] & SS_MSB_FIRST) != 0, (header[9] & SS_MSB_FIRST) == 0); // read all the data, flipping if necessary for (auto &entry : m_save.m_entry_list) { const u32 blocksize = entry->m_typesize * entry->m_typecount; char *data = reinterpret_cast(entry->m_data); for (u32 b = 0; entry->m_blockcount > b; ++b, data += (entry->m_typesize * entry->m_stride)) m_data.read(data, blocksize); // check for any errors if (!m_data) return STATERR_READ_ERROR; // handle flipping if (flip) entry->flip_data(); } // call the post-load functions m_save.dispatch_postload(); return STATERR_NONE; } //------------------------------------------------- // rewinder - constuctor //------------------------------------------------- rewinder::rewinder(save_manager &save) : m_save(save) , m_enabled(save.machine().options().rewind()) , m_capacity(save.machine().options().rewind_capacity()) , m_current_index(REWIND_INDEX_NONE) , m_first_invalid_index(REWIND_INDEX_NONE) , m_first_time_warning(true) , m_first_time_note(true) { } //------------------------------------------------- // clamp_capacity - safety checks for commandline // override //------------------------------------------------- void rewinder::clamp_capacity() { if (!m_enabled) return; const size_t total = m_capacity * 1024 * 1024; const size_t single = ram_state::get_size(m_save); // can't set below zero, but allow commandline to override options' upper limit if (total < 0) m_capacity = 0; // if capacity is below savestate size, can't save anything if (total < single) { m_enabled = false; m_save.machine().logerror("Rewind has been disabled, because rewind capacity is smaller than savestate size.\n"); m_save.machine().logerror("Rewind buffer size: %d bytes. Savestate size: %d bytes.\n", total, single); m_save.machine().popmessage("Rewind has been disabled. See error.log for details"); } } //------------------------------------------------- // invalidate - mark all the future states as // invalid to prevent loading them, as the // current input might have changed //------------------------------------------------- void rewinder::invalidate() { if (!m_enabled) return; // is there anything to invalidate? if (!current_index_is_last()) { // all states starting from the current one will be invalid m_first_invalid_index = m_current_index; // actually invalidate for (auto it = m_state_list.begin() + m_first_invalid_index; it < m_state_list.end(); ++it) it->get()->m_valid = false; } } //------------------------------------------------- // capture - record a single state, returns true // on success //------------------------------------------------- bool rewinder::capture() { if (!m_enabled) { report_error(STATERR_DISABLED, rewind_operation::SAVE); return false; } if (current_index_is_last()) { // we need to create a new state std::unique_ptr state = std::make_unique(m_save); const save_error error = state->save(); // validate the state if (error == STATERR_NONE) // it's safe to append m_state_list.push_back(std::move(state)); else { // internal error, complain and evacuate report_error(error, rewind_operation::SAVE); return false; } } else { // invalidate the future states invalidate(); // update the existing state ram_state *state = m_state_list.at(m_current_index).get(); const save_error error = state->save(); // validate the state if (error != STATERR_NONE) { // internal error, complain and evacuate report_error(error, rewind_operation::SAVE); return false; } } // make sure we will fit in if (!check_size()) // the list keeps growing m_current_index++; // update first invalid index if (current_index_is_last()) m_first_invalid_index = REWIND_INDEX_NONE; else m_first_invalid_index = m_current_index + 1; // success report_error(STATERR_NONE, rewind_operation::SAVE); return true; } //------------------------------------------------- // step - single step back in time, returns true // on success //------------------------------------------------- bool rewinder::step() { if (!m_enabled) { report_error(STATERR_DISABLED, rewind_operation::LOAD); return false; } // do we have states to load? if (m_current_index <= REWIND_INDEX_FIRST || m_first_invalid_index == REWIND_INDEX_FIRST) { // no valid states, complain and evacuate report_error(STATERR_NOT_FOUND, rewind_operation::LOAD); return false; } // prepare to load the last valid index if we're too far ahead if (m_first_invalid_index > REWIND_INDEX_NONE && m_current_index > m_first_invalid_index) m_current_index = m_first_invalid_index; // step back and obtain the state pointer ram_state *state = m_state_list.at(--m_current_index).get(); // try to load and report the result const save_error error = state->load(); report_error(error, rewind_operation::LOAD); if (error == save_error::STATERR_NONE) return true; return false; } //------------------------------------------------- // check_size - shrink the state list if it is // about to hit the capacity. returns true if // the list got shrank //------------------------------------------------- bool rewinder::check_size() { if (!m_enabled) return false; // state sizes in bytes const size_t singlesize = ram_state::get_size(m_save); size_t totalsize = m_state_list.size() * singlesize; // convert our limit from megabytes const size_t capsize = m_capacity * 1024 * 1024; // safety check that shouldn't be allowed to trigger if (totalsize > capsize) { // states to remove const u32 count = (totalsize - capsize) / singlesize; // drop everything that's beyond capacity m_state_list.erase(m_state_list.begin(), m_state_list.begin() + count); } // update before new check totalsize = m_state_list.size() * singlesize; // check if capacity will be hit by the newly captured state if (totalsize + singlesize >= capsize) { // check if we have spare states ahead if (!current_index_is_last()) // no need to move states around return false; // we can now get the first state and invalidate it std::unique_ptr first(std::move(m_state_list.front())); first->m_valid = false; // move it to the end for future use m_state_list.push_back(std::move(first)); m_state_list.erase(m_state_list.begin()); if (m_first_time_note) { m_save.machine().logerror("Rewind note: Capacity has been reached. Old savestates will be erased.\n"); m_save.machine().logerror("Capacity: %d bytes. Savestate size: %d bytes. Savestate count: %d.\n", totalsize, singlesize, m_state_list.size()); m_first_time_note = false; } return true; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------- // report_error - report rewind results //------------------------------------------------- void rewinder::report_error(save_error error, rewind_operation operation) { const char *const opname = (operation == rewind_operation::LOAD) ? "load" : "save"; switch (error) { // internal saveload failures case STATERR_ILLEGAL_REGISTRATIONS: m_save.machine().logerror("Rewind error: Unable to %s state due to illegal registrations.", opname); m_save.machine().popmessage("Rewind error occured. See error.log for details."); break; case STATERR_INVALID_HEADER: m_save.machine().logerror("Rewind error: Unable to %s state due to an invalid header. " "Make sure the save state is correct for this machine.\n", opname); m_save.machine().popmessage("Rewind error occured. See error.log for details."); break; case STATERR_READ_ERROR: m_save.machine().logerror("Rewind error: Unable to %s state due to a read error.\n", opname); m_save.machine().popmessage("Rewind error occured. See error.log for details."); break; case STATERR_WRITE_ERROR: m_save.machine().logerror("Rewind error: Unable to %s state due to a write error.\n", opname); m_save.machine().popmessage("Rewind error occured. See error.log for details."); break; // external saveload failures case STATERR_NOT_FOUND: if (operation == rewind_operation::LOAD) { m_save.machine().logerror("Rewind error: No rewind state to load.\n"); m_save.machine().popmessage("Rewind error occured. See error.log for details."); } break; case STATERR_DISABLED: if (operation == rewind_operation::LOAD) { m_save.machine().logerror("Rewind error: Rewind is disabled.\n"); m_save.machine().popmessage("Rewind error occured. See error.log for details."); } break; // success case STATERR_NONE: { const u64 supported = m_save.machine().system().flags & MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE; const char *const warning = supported || !m_first_time_warning ? "" : "Rewind warning: Save states are not officially supported for this machine.\n"; const char *const opnamed = (operation == rewind_operation::LOAD) ? "loaded" : "captured"; // for rewinding outside of debugger, give some indication that rewind has worked, as screen doesn't update m_save.machine().popmessage("Rewind state %i %s.\n%s", m_current_index + 1, opnamed, warning); if (m_first_time_warning && operation == rewind_operation::LOAD && !supported) { m_save.machine().logerror(warning); m_first_time_warning = false; } } break; // something that shouldn't be allowed to happen default: m_save.machine().logerror("Error: Unknown error during state %s.\n", opname); m_save.machine().popmessage("Rewind error occured. See error.log for details."); break; } } //------------------------------------------------- // state_entry - constructor //------------------------------------------------- save_manager::state_entry::state_entry(void *data, const char *name, device_t *device, const char *module, const char *tag, int index, u8 size, u32 valcount, u32 blockcount, u32 stride) : m_data(data) , m_name(name) , m_device(device) , m_module(module) , m_tag(tag) , m_index(index) , m_typesize(size) , m_typecount(valcount) , m_blockcount(blockcount) , m_stride(stride) { } //------------------------------------------------- // flip_data - reverse the endianness of a // block of data //------------------------------------------------- void save_manager::state_entry::flip_data() { u8 *data = reinterpret_cast(m_data); for (u32 b = 0; m_blockcount > b; ++b, data += (m_typesize * m_stride)) { u16 *data16; u32 *data32; u64 *data64; switch (m_typesize) { case 2: data16 = reinterpret_cast(data); for (u32 count = 0; count < m_typecount; count++) data16[count] = swapendian_int16(data16[count]); break; case 4: data32 = reinterpret_cast(data); for (u32 count = 0; count < m_typecount; count++) data32[count] = swapendian_int32(data32[count]); break; case 8: data64 = reinterpret_cast(data); for (u32 count = 0; count < m_typecount; count++) data64[count] = swapendian_int64(data64[count]); break; } } }