/*************************************************************************** rendfont.c Rendering system font management. **************************************************************************** Copyright Aaron Giles All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name 'MAME' nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AARON GILES ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AARON GILES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "rendfont.h" #include "rendutil.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "zlib.h" #include "uismall.fh" //************************************************************************** // INLINE FUNCTIONS //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // next_line - return a pointer to the start of // the next line //------------------------------------------------- inline const char *next_line(const char *ptr) { // scan forward until we hit the end or a carriage return while (*ptr != 13 && *ptr != 10 && *ptr != 0) ptr++; // if we hit the end, return NULL if (*ptr == 0) return NULL; // eat the trailing linefeed if present if (*++ptr == 10) ptr++; return ptr; } //------------------------------------------------- // get_char - return a pointer to a character // in a font, expanding if necessary //------------------------------------------------- inline render_font::glyph &render_font::get_char(unicode_char chnum) { static glyph dummy_glyph; // grab the table; if none, return the dummy character glyph *glyphtable = m_glyphs[chnum / 256]; if (glyphtable == NULL && m_format == FF_OSD) glyphtable = m_glyphs[chnum / 256] = auto_alloc_array_clear(m_manager.machine(), glyph, 256); if (glyphtable == NULL) return dummy_glyph; // if the character isn't generated yet, do it now glyph &gl = glyphtable[chnum % 256]; if (!gl.bitmap.valid()) char_expand(chnum, gl); // return the resulting character return gl; } //************************************************************************** // RENDER FONT //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // render_font - constructor //------------------------------------------------- render_font::render_font(render_manager &manager, const char *filename) : m_manager(manager), m_format(FF_UNKNOWN), m_height(0), m_yoffs(0), m_scale(1.0f), m_rawdata(NULL), m_rawsize(0), m_osdfont(NULL) { memset(m_glyphs, 0, sizeof(m_glyphs)); // if this is an OSD font, we're done if (filename != NULL) { m_osdfont = manager.machine().osd().font_open(filename, m_height); if (m_osdfont != NULL) { m_scale = 1.0f / (float)m_height; m_format = FF_OSD; return; } } // if the filename is 'default' default to 'ui.bdf' for backwards compatibility if (filename != NULL && mame_stricmp(filename, "default") == 0) filename = "ui.bdf"; // attempt to load the cached version of the font first if (filename != NULL && load_cached_bdf(filename)) return; // load the raw data instead emu_file ramfile(OPEN_FLAG_READ); file_error filerr = ramfile.open_ram(font_uismall, sizeof(font_uismall)); if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) load_cached(ramfile, 0); } //------------------------------------------------- // ~render_font - destructor //------------------------------------------------- render_font::~render_font() { // free all the subtables for (int tablenum = 0; tablenum < 256; tablenum++) if (m_glyphs[tablenum] != NULL) { // loop over characters for (int charnum = 0; charnum < 256; charnum++) { glyph &gl = m_glyphs[tablenum][charnum]; m_manager.texture_free(gl.texture); } // free the subtable itself auto_free(m_manager.machine(), m_glyphs[tablenum]); } // free the raw data and the size itself auto_free(m_manager.machine(), m_rawdata); // release the OSD font if (m_osdfont != NULL) m_manager.machine().osd().font_close(m_osdfont); } //------------------------------------------------- // char_expand - expand the raw data for a // character into a bitmap //------------------------------------------------- void render_font::char_expand(unicode_char chnum, glyph &gl) { // if we're an OSD font, query the info if (m_format == FF_OSD) { // we set bmwidth to -1 if we've previously queried and failed if (gl.bmwidth == -1) return; // attempt to get the font bitmap; if we fail, set bmwidth to -1 if (!m_manager.machine().osd().font_get_bitmap(m_osdfont, chnum, gl.bitmap, gl.width, gl.xoffs, gl.yoffs)) { gl.bitmap.reset(); gl.bmwidth = -1; return; } // populate the bmwidth/bmheight fields gl.bmwidth = gl.bitmap.width(); gl.bmheight = gl.bitmap.height(); } // other formats need to parse their data else { // punt if nothing there if (gl.bmwidth == 0 || gl.bmheight == 0 || gl.rawdata == NULL) return; // allocate a new bitmap of the size we need gl.bitmap.allocate(gl.bmwidth, m_height); gl.bitmap.fill(0); // extract the data const char *ptr = gl.rawdata; UINT8 accum = 0, accumbit = 7; for (int y = 0; y < gl.bmheight; y++) { int desty = y + m_height + m_yoffs - gl.yoffs - gl.bmheight; UINT32 *dest = (desty >= 0 && desty < m_height) ? &gl.bitmap.pix32(desty) : NULL; // text format if (m_format == FF_TEXT) { // loop over bytes for (int x = 0; x < gl.bmwidth; x += 4) { // scan for the next hex digit int bits = -1; while (*ptr != 13 && bits == -1) { if (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9') bits = *ptr++ - '0'; else if (*ptr >= 'A' && *ptr <= 'F') bits = *ptr++ - 'A' + 10; else if (*ptr >= 'a' && *ptr <= 'f') bits = *ptr++ - 'a' + 10; else ptr++; } // expand the four bits if (dest != NULL) { *dest++ = (bits & 8) ? MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff) : MAKE_ARGB(0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff); *dest++ = (bits & 4) ? MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff) : MAKE_ARGB(0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff); *dest++ = (bits & 2) ? MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff) : MAKE_ARGB(0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff); *dest++ = (bits & 1) ? MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff) : MAKE_ARGB(0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff); } } // advance to the next line ptr = next_line(ptr); } // cached format else if (m_format == FF_CACHED) { for (int x = 0; x < gl.bmwidth; x++) { if (accumbit == 7) accum = *ptr++; if (dest != NULL) *dest++ = (accum & (1 << accumbit)) ? MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff) : MAKE_ARGB(0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff); accumbit = (accumbit - 1) & 7; } } } } // wrap a texture around the bitmap gl.texture = m_manager.texture_alloc(render_texture::hq_scale); gl.texture->set_bitmap(gl.bitmap, gl.bitmap.cliprect(), TEXFORMAT_ARGB32); } //------------------------------------------------- // get_char_texture_and_bounds - return the // texture for a character and compute the // bounds of the final bitmap //------------------------------------------------- render_texture *render_font::get_char_texture_and_bounds(float height, float aspect, unicode_char chnum, render_bounds &bounds) { glyph &gl = get_char(chnum); // on entry, assume x0,y0 are the top,left coordinate of the cell and add // the character bounding box to that position float scale = m_scale * height; bounds.x0 += float(gl.xoffs) * scale * aspect; // compute x1,y1 from there based on the bitmap size bounds.x1 = bounds.x0 + float(gl.bmwidth) * scale * aspect; bounds.y1 = bounds.y0 + float(m_height) * scale; // return the texture return gl.texture; } //------------------------------------------------- // get_scaled_bitmap_and_bounds - return a // scaled bitmap and bounding rect for a char //------------------------------------------------- void render_font::get_scaled_bitmap_and_bounds(bitmap_argb32 &dest, float height, float aspect, unicode_char chnum, rectangle &bounds) { glyph &gl = get_char(chnum); // on entry, assume x0,y0 are the top,left coordinate of the cell and add // the character bounding box to that position float scale = m_scale * height; bounds.min_x = float(gl.xoffs) * scale * aspect; bounds.min_y = 0; // compute x1,y1 from there based on the bitmap size bounds.set_width(float(gl.bmwidth) * scale * aspect); bounds.set_height(float(m_height) * scale); // if the bitmap isn't big enough, bail if (dest.width() < bounds.width() || dest.height() < bounds.height()) return; // if no texture, fill the target if (gl.texture == NULL) { dest.fill(0); return; } // scale the font bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(&dest.pix(0), bounds.width(), bounds.height(), dest.rowpixels()); render_texture::hq_scale(tempbitmap, gl.bitmap, gl.bitmap.cliprect(), NULL); } //------------------------------------------------- // char_width - return the width of a character // at the given height //------------------------------------------------- float render_font::char_width(float height, float aspect, unicode_char ch) { return float(get_char(ch).width) * m_scale * height * aspect; } //------------------------------------------------- // string_width - return the width of a string // at the given height //------------------------------------------------- float render_font::string_width(float height, float aspect, const char *string) { // loop over the string and accumulate widths int totwidth = 0; for (const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *)string; *ptr != 0; ptr++) totwidth += get_char(*ptr).width; // scale the final result based on height return float(totwidth) * m_scale * height * aspect; } //------------------------------------------------- // utf8string_width - return the width of a // UTF8-encoded string at the given height //------------------------------------------------- float render_font::utf8string_width(float height, float aspect, const char *utf8string) { int length = strlen(utf8string); // loop over the string and accumulate widths int count; int totwidth = 0; for (int offset = 0; offset < length; offset += count) { unicode_char uchar; count = uchar_from_utf8(&uchar, utf8string + offset, length - offset); if (count == -1) break; if (uchar < 0x10000) totwidth += get_char(uchar).width; } // scale the final result based on height return float(totwidth) * m_scale * height * aspect; } //------------------------------------------------- // load_cached_bdf - attempt to load a cached // version of the BDF font 'filename'; if that // fails, fall back on the regular BDF loader // and create a new cached version //------------------------------------------------- bool render_font::load_cached_bdf(const char *filename) { // first try to open the BDF itself emu_file file(manager().machine().options().font_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ); file_error filerr = file.open(filename); if (filerr != FILERR_NONE) return false; // determine the file size and allocate memory m_rawsize = file.size(); char *data = auto_alloc_array_clear(m_manager.machine(), char, m_rawsize + 1); // read the first chunk UINT32 bytes = file.read(data, MIN(CACHED_BDF_HASH_SIZE, m_rawsize)); if (bytes != MIN(CACHED_BDF_HASH_SIZE, m_rawsize)) return false; // has the chunk UINT32 hash = crc32(0, (const UINT8 *)data, bytes) ^ (UINT32)m_rawsize; // create the cached filename, changing the 'F' to a 'C' on the extension astring cachedname(filename); cachedname.del(cachedname.len() - 3, 3).cat("bdc"); // attempt to open the cached version of the font { emu_file cachefile(manager().machine().options().font_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ); filerr = cachefile.open(cachedname); if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { // if we have a cached version, load it bool result = load_cached(cachefile, hash); // if that worked, we're done if (result) { auto_free(m_manager.machine(), data); return true; } } } // read in the rest of the font if (bytes < m_rawsize) { UINT32 read = file.read(data + bytes, m_rawsize - bytes); if (read != m_rawsize - bytes) { auto_free(m_manager.machine(), data); return false; } } // NULL-terminate the data and attach it to the font data[m_rawsize] = 0; m_rawdata = data; // load the BDF bool result = load_bdf(); // if we loaded okay, create a cached one if (result) save_cached(cachedname, hash); // close the file return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // load_bdf - parse and load a BDF font //------------------------------------------------- bool render_font::load_bdf() { // set the format to text m_format = FF_TEXT; // first find the FONTBOUNDINGBOX tag const char *ptr; for (ptr = m_rawdata; ptr != NULL; ptr = next_line(ptr)) { // we only care about a tiny few fields if (strncmp(ptr, "FONTBOUNDINGBOX ", 16) == 0) { int dummy1, dummy2; if (sscanf(ptr + 16, "%d %d %d %d", &dummy1, &m_height, &dummy2, &m_yoffs) != 4) return false; break; } } // compute the scale factor m_scale = 1.0f / (float)m_height; // now scan for characters int charcount = 0; for ( ; ptr != NULL; ptr = next_line(ptr)) { // stop at ENDFONT if (strncmp(ptr, "ENDFONT", 7) == 0) break; // once we hit a STARTCHAR, parse until the end if (strncmp(ptr, "STARTCHAR ", 10) == 0) { int bmwidth = -1, bmheight = -1, xoffs = -1, yoffs = -1; const char *rawdata = NULL; int charnum = -1; int width = -1; // scan for interesting per-character tags for ( ; ptr != NULL; ptr = next_line(ptr)) { // ENCODING tells us which character if (strncmp(ptr, "ENCODING ", 9) == 0) { if (sscanf(ptr + 9, "%d", &charnum) != 1) return 1; } // DWIDTH tells us the width to the next character else if (strncmp(ptr, "DWIDTH ", 7) == 0) { int dummy1; if (sscanf(ptr + 7, "%d %d", &width, &dummy1) != 2) return 1; } // BBX tells us the height/width of the bitmap and the offsets else if (strncmp(ptr, "BBX ", 4) == 0) { if (sscanf(ptr + 4, "%d %d %d %d", &bmwidth, &bmheight, &xoffs, &yoffs) != 4) return 1; } // BITMAP is the start of the data else if (strncmp(ptr, "BITMAP", 6) == 0) { // stash the raw pointer and scan for the end of the character for (rawdata = ptr = next_line(ptr); ptr != NULL && strncmp(ptr, "ENDCHAR", 7) != 0; ptr = next_line(ptr)) ; break; } } // if we have everything, allocate a new character if (charnum >= 0 && charnum < 65536 && rawdata != NULL && bmwidth >= 0 && bmheight >= 0) { // if we don't have a subtable yet, make one if (m_glyphs[charnum / 256] == NULL) m_glyphs[charnum / 256] = auto_alloc_array_clear(m_manager.machine(), glyph, 256); // fill in the entry glyph &gl = m_glyphs[charnum / 256][charnum % 256]; gl.width = width; gl.bmwidth = bmwidth; gl.bmheight = bmheight; gl.xoffs = xoffs; gl.yoffs = yoffs; gl.rawdata = rawdata; } // some progress for big fonts if (++charcount % 256 == 0) mame_printf_warning("Loading BDF font... (%d characters loaded)\n", charcount); } } // make sure all the numbers are the same width if (m_glyphs[0] != NULL) { int maxwidth = 0; for (int ch = '0'; ch <= '9'; ch++) if (m_glyphs[0][ch].bmwidth > maxwidth) maxwidth = m_glyphs[0][ch].width; for (int ch = '0'; ch <= '9'; ch++) m_glyphs[0][ch].width = maxwidth; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------- // load_cached - load a font in cached format //------------------------------------------------- bool render_font::load_cached(emu_file &file, UINT32 hash) { // get the file size UINT64 filesize = file.size(); // first read the header UINT8 header[CACHED_HEADER_SIZE]; UINT32 bytes_read = file.read(header, CACHED_HEADER_SIZE); if (bytes_read != CACHED_HEADER_SIZE) return false; // validate the header if (header[0] != 'f' || header[1] != 'o' || header[2] != 'n' || header[3] != 't') return false; if (header[4] != (UINT8)(hash >> 24) || header[5] != (UINT8)(hash >> 16) || header[6] != (UINT8)(hash >> 8) || header[7] != (UINT8)hash) return false; m_height = (header[8] << 8) | header[9]; m_scale = 1.0f / (float)m_height; m_yoffs = (INT16)((header[10] << 8) | header[11]); int numchars = (header[12] << 24) | (header[13] << 16) | (header[14] << 8) | header[15]; if (filesize - CACHED_HEADER_SIZE < numchars * CACHED_CHAR_SIZE) return false; // now read the rest of the data UINT8 *data = auto_alloc_array(m_manager.machine(), UINT8, filesize - CACHED_HEADER_SIZE); bytes_read = file.read(data, filesize - CACHED_HEADER_SIZE); if (bytes_read != filesize - CACHED_HEADER_SIZE) { auto_free(m_manager.machine(), data); return false; } // extract the data from the data UINT64 offset = numchars * CACHED_CHAR_SIZE; for (int chindex = 0; chindex < numchars; chindex++) { const UINT8 *info = &data[chindex * CACHED_CHAR_SIZE]; int chnum = (info[0] << 8) | info[1]; // if we don't have a subtable yet, make one if (m_glyphs[chnum / 256] == NULL) m_glyphs[chnum / 256] = auto_alloc_array_clear(m_manager.machine(), glyph, 256); // fill in the entry glyph &gl = m_glyphs[chnum / 256][chnum % 256]; gl.width = (info[2] << 8) | info[3]; gl.xoffs = (INT16)((info[4] << 8) | info[5]); gl.yoffs = (INT16)((info[6] << 8) | info[7]); gl.bmwidth = (info[8] << 8) | info[9]; gl.bmheight = (info[10] << 8) | info[11]; gl.rawdata = (char *)data + offset; // advance the offset past the character offset += (gl.bmwidth * gl.bmheight + 7) / 8; if (offset > filesize - CACHED_HEADER_SIZE) { auto_free(m_manager.machine(), data); return false; } } // reuse the chartable as a temporary buffer m_format = FF_CACHED; m_rawdata = (char *)data; return true; } //------------------------------------------------- // save_cached - save a font in cached format //------------------------------------------------- bool render_font::save_cached(const char *filename, UINT32 hash) { mame_printf_warning("Generating cached BDF font...\n"); // attempt to open the file emu_file file(manager().machine().options().font_path(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE); file_error filerr = file.open(filename); if (filerr != FILERR_NONE) return false; // determine the number of characters int numchars = 0; for (int chnum = 0; chnum < 65536; chnum++) { glyph *chtable = m_glyphs[chnum / 256]; if (chtable != NULL) { glyph &gl = chtable[chnum % 256]; if (gl.width > 0) numchars++; } } UINT8 *chartable = NULL; UINT8 *tempbuffer = NULL; try { // allocate an array to hold the character data chartable = auto_alloc_array_clear(m_manager.machine(), UINT8, numchars * CACHED_CHAR_SIZE); // allocate a temp buffer to compress into tempbuffer = auto_alloc_array(m_manager.machine(), UINT8, 65536); // write the header UINT8 *dest = tempbuffer; *dest++ = 'f'; *dest++ = 'o'; *dest++ = 'n'; *dest++ = 't'; *dest++ = hash >> 24; *dest++ = hash >> 16; *dest++ = hash >> 8; *dest++ = hash & 0xff; *dest++ = m_height >> 8; *dest++ = m_height & 0xff; *dest++ = m_yoffs >> 8; *dest++ = m_yoffs & 0xff; *dest++ = numchars >> 24; *dest++ = numchars >> 16; *dest++ = numchars >> 8; *dest++ = numchars & 0xff; assert(dest - tempbuffer == CACHED_HEADER_SIZE); UINT32 bytes_written = file.write(tempbuffer, dest - tempbuffer); if (bytes_written != dest - tempbuffer) throw emu_fatalerror("Error writing cached file"); // write the empty table to the beginning of the file bytes_written = file.write(chartable, numchars * CACHED_CHAR_SIZE); if (bytes_written != numchars * CACHED_CHAR_SIZE) throw emu_fatalerror("Error writing cached file"); // loop over all characters int tableindex = 0; for (int chnum = 0; chnum < 65536; chnum++) { glyph &gl = get_char(chnum); if (gl.width > 0) { // write out a bit-compressed bitmap if we have one if (gl.bitmap.valid()) { // write the data to the tempbuffer dest = tempbuffer; UINT8 accum = 0; UINT8 accbit = 7; // bit-encode the character data for (int y = 0; y < gl.bmheight; y++) { int desty = y + m_height + m_yoffs - gl.yoffs - gl.bmheight; const UINT32 *src = (desty >= 0 && desty < m_height) ? &gl.bitmap.pix32(desty) : NULL; for (int x = 0; x < gl.bmwidth; x++) { if (src != NULL && RGB_ALPHA(src[x]) != 0) accum |= 1 << accbit; if (accbit-- == 0) { *dest++ = accum; accum = 0; accbit = 7; } } } // flush any extra if (accbit != 7) *dest++ = accum; // write the data bytes_written = file.write(tempbuffer, dest - tempbuffer); if (bytes_written != dest - tempbuffer) throw emu_fatalerror("Error writing cached file"); // free the bitmap and texture m_manager.texture_free(gl.texture); gl.bitmap.reset(); gl.texture = NULL; } // compute the table entry dest = &chartable[tableindex++ * CACHED_CHAR_SIZE]; *dest++ = chnum >> 8; *dest++ = chnum & 0xff; *dest++ = gl.width >> 8; *dest++ = gl.width & 0xff; *dest++ = gl.xoffs >> 8; *dest++ = gl.xoffs & 0xff; *dest++ = gl.yoffs >> 8; *dest++ = gl.yoffs & 0xff; *dest++ = gl.bmwidth >> 8; *dest++ = gl.bmwidth & 0xff; *dest++ = gl.bmheight >> 8; *dest++ = gl.bmheight & 0xff; } } // seek back to the beginning and rewrite the table file.seek(CACHED_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET); bytes_written = file.write(chartable, numchars * CACHED_CHAR_SIZE); if (bytes_written != numchars * CACHED_CHAR_SIZE) throw emu_fatalerror("Error writing cached file"); // all done auto_free(m_manager.machine(), tempbuffer); auto_free(m_manager.machine(), chartable); return true; } catch (...) { file.remove_on_close(); auto_free(m_manager.machine(), tempbuffer); auto_free(m_manager.machine(), chartable); return false; } }